
June 27, 2018 | Author: Mica Baybay | Category: Shopping Mall, Disability, Business, Energy And Resource, Waste
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Natanauan, Micah Grace S. BSACT-4

SM Prime Holdings

SM Prime is uniquely positioned to sere its host communities throu!h arious ciic assistance, enironmental education and sustaina"ility pro!rams. #ts actiities are t$opron!ed% to care &or its customers $hile "ein! a ste$ard o& the enironment. enironment. Corporate Social 'esponsi"ility SM Cares, Cares, a diision o& SM (oundation (oundation #nc., is the !roup that handles the corporate social responsi"ility pro!rams o& SM Prime )oldin!s, #nc.  There are are pro!rams pro!rams that &ocus on the *nironment *nironment and on People People and Communities. Communities. Amon! Amon! the enironmental initiaties include% +. A$areness A$areness pro!rams pro!rams $ith the Green Green 'etail 'etail A!enda, A!enda, a &orum conducted conducted &or SM Primes Primes mall tenants, "usiness partners and staeholders in arious sectors . Top /eaders /eaders (orum, (orum, in partnership partnership $ith the the 0nited Nations Nations 12ce &or 3isaster 'is 'is 'eduction 0N#S3'5, $here Philippine "usiness leaders are inited to promote, inest and plan on disaster ris reduction 6. Greenhou Greenhouse se Gas *missions *missions Mana!eme Mana!ement nt 4. *ner *ner!y !y *2 *2ci cien ency cy77 8. Solid Solid 9aste aste Mana! Mana!eme ement nt :. 9ater Treatmen reatmentt and 'ecyc 'ecyclin!7 lin!7 ;. Air outh equips its malls $ith the latest child-proo& child-proo& technolo!y. These include !uardrails in escalators and step !uides throu!hout the "uildin!s.  There are are iddie si?es si?es &or &acilities &acilities - &rom &rom laatories, laatories, to emer!ency emer!ency "uttons and and pay phones. Mall sta@ as $ell as tenants also !o throu!h child mana!ement seminars and are capa"le o& dealin! $ith a child $ith special needs, or a &amily in distress. SM also cele"rates the National Childrens Boo 'eadin! 3ay in its malls in the Philippines and in China. Children &rom "oth pu"lic and priate schools are inited inited to the malls &or a day o& "oo readin! and storytellin!. The children also !et to "rin! home their o$n "oos donated "y SM (oundation (oundation and eent partners. .

1erseas 1erseas (ilipino (ilipino 9orers 9orers 1(9s5 and their their &amilies7 &amilies7

 To  To support &amilies &amilies o& 1erseas 1erseas (ilipino (ilipino 9orers 9orers 1(9s5, SM Cares Cares created created The Glo"al Glo"al Pinoy Center GPC5. As a one-stop serice hu", the GPC o@ers &ree telecommunication serices, B31 'emittance Pic-up serices and (orei!n *chan!e serices. (amilies are also tau!ht ho$ to use arious chat and oice application pro!rams, as $ell as social net$orin! sites to eep in touch $ith their relaties oerseas.

 To &urther improe their pli!ht, SM partnered $ith arious !oernment a!encies and priate institutions to "eneDt the 1(9s and their &amilies, includin! NG1s that !ie seminars on ho$ to mana!e their money and start a " usiness. 6. P93s Persons $ith 3isa"ility57  The SM Cares Pro!ram on 3isa"ility A@airs is a multi-a$arded corporate social responsi"ility pro!ram. Since its "e!innin!s, SM Supermalls hae championed the issues o& Persons $ith 3isa"ilities P93s5 "y !iin! them a enue to host their eents and spread their cause, $hile &osterin! a second home $here they can &eel $elcome and secure. SM Supermalls nation$ide are "uilt to "e P93-&riendly - $ith more than the required num"er o& ramps, accessi"le parin! lots, Braille si!na!es and utilities $ithin an accessi"le hei!ht, SM taes pride in creatin! a more com&orta"le enironment &or people $ith disa"ilities. SM Mall tenants and sta@ are also trained on ho$ to deal $ith P93s.

4. *lderly Care7  The SM Cares Pro!ram on 3isa"ility A@airs is a multi-a$arded corporate social responsi"ility pro!ram. Since its "e!innin!s, SM Supermalls hae championed the issues o& Persons $ith 3isa"ilities P93s5 "y !iin! them a enue to host their eents and spread their cause, $hile &osterin! a second home $here they can &eel $elcome and secure. SM Supermalls nation$ide are "uilt to "e P93-&riendly - $ith more than the required num"er o& ramps, accessi"le parin! lots, Braille si!na!es and utilities $ithin an accessi"le hei!ht, SM taes pride in creatin! a more com&orta"le enironment &or people $ith disa"ilities. SM Mall tenants and sta@ are also trained on ho$ to deal $ith P93s.

8. 9omen and Breast&eedin! Moms. SM Group o& Companies has "een a"le to help the less &ortunate in the communities it seres "y supportin! their needs in *30CAT#1N throu!h colle!e and technical-ocational scholarship pro!rams and donation o& pu"lic school "uildin!s, )*A/T) throu!h medical missions and construction o& $ellness and health centers7 C1MM0N#T> 3*E*/1PM*NT throu!h arious lielihood trainin!s, !reenin! proFects, spiritual deelopment and immediate disaster responseinitiaties7 and CA'* (1' T)* *NE#'1NM*NT AN3 (1' P*'S1NS 9#T) SP*C#A/ N**3S lie those $ith disa"ilities, children, nursin! mothers, the elderly, and the oerseas (ilipino $orers, amon! others.  Throu!h its pro!rams, the (oundation sees to improe the quality o& li&e and !ie opportunities &or positie chan!e in ur"an and rural communities nation$ide. No$, three decades later, SM (oundation continues to adhere to its philosophy o& P*1P/* )*/P#NG P*1P/*, serin! more as SM "uilds more malls around the country.

Natanauan, Micah Grace S. BSACT-4A

Ethical Issue of SM Prime Holding *thical #ssue in a company should "e aoided. The "i!!est place $here you can ram"le or "uy somethin! you $ant $hich is SM o$ned "y )enry Sy.  The company eperienced some ethical issue that they eceeded throu!h their policy and rules. Some pro"lems re!ards to ethical issues are conHict o&  interests, supplier selection and acceptance o& the !i&ts. #n conHict o& interest, it happens "ecause i& the directors and employees prohi"ited to en!a!e transaction such as loans &rom the company and in directors they $ere not a"le to attend or participate the "oard o& meetin!s $hich they should aoid that to disclose any Dnancial or personal interest or "eneDt in any transaction inolin! SMP) to ensure that potential conHicts o& interest are immediately "rou!ht to the attention o& Mana!ement. Then, supplier selection, sometimes they are con&used to their supplier and the Company adheres to the principles o& healthy competition, equal opportunity and &air treatment o& "usiness partners. /astly, acceptance o& the !i&ts they usually solicit some !i&ts &rom supplier $hich it should "e aoided so the company prohi"its the solicitation or acceptance o& !i&ts in any &orm &rom a "usiness partner, directly or indirectly, "y any director, o2cer or employee o& the Company.

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