Corporate Inbound Web Service

July 20, 2016 | Author: sudeepghag | Category: N/A
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Short Description

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Corporate Inbound Web Service WF = HW Query SR Inbound Parent

WF = HW Query SR Inbound Child

Register Inbound Web Service

(Binding = RPC)

Inbound Web Service Namespace ctivity Service Ports Name Type Business Service/Business Process Name Transport Address Binding Operations Operation Name HWQuerySROper ation

Name HWQuery SR

Stat us Activ e

HW Service Request Query Workflow Process HW Query SR Inbound Parent HTTP SWEExtSource=SecureWebService&SWEExtCmd=Execute SOAP_RPC_LITERAL Method Display Name RunProcess

Authentication Type Username/Password clear text

Import WSDL in Siebel Tools. This creates IO and Business Service. Compile Objects. When UsernameToken needs to be part of Siebel soap request i.e. when Siebel is expected to pass username and password as part of header to target system, modify proxy business service as follows. Add properties called Username and Password to method of Proxy Business Service. BS Name = HW Service Request Query Method Name = HWQuerySROperation Arguments= Data Type

CustomHeaderContext HWQuerySROperation_Input:Error Code HWQuerySROperation_Input:Error Message HWQuerySROperation_Input:Object Id HWQuerySROperation_Input:Process Instance Id HWQuerySROperation_Input:Siebel Operation Object Id HWQuerySROperation_Output:Error Code HWQuerySROperation_Output:Error Message HWQuerySROperation_Output:Object Id HWQuerySROperation_Output:Process Instance Id HWQuerySROperation_Output:Siebel Operation Object Id HWQuerySROperation_Output:ppServiceReque stIO XMLHierarchyOutput faultactor faultcode faultstring

Hierarchy String String String

Type Input / Output Input Input Input




String String String String

Input Output Output Output

Property Property Property Property






Output Output Output Output Output

Hierarchy Hierarchy Property Property Property

String Integration Object Hierarchy String String String

Integration Object

Storage Type


ListOfWc_Service_Request_IoT opElmt

Hierarchy Property Property Property


E465163 WELC0M3 2-VUNSE

Siebel-Soap-Reply 2-VUNSE 2-YC20N 2-VUNSE test me 1:00 pm Inbound Email test me 1:00 pm E465163 2-High 2-53498606 3-Medium Open Inbound Email Not Started

Enterprise Level Changes - NA

Enterprise Level Changes


[/eai_enu] ConnectString = siebel.TCPIP.None.None:// EnableExtServiceOnly = TRUE WebPublicRootDir = /webapp/siebel_crm_dev/ SiebEntSecToken = PtbkUMFMXK0VMAktJ3P9DgEAAE/X [/eai_anon_enu] ConnectString = siebel.TCPIP.None.None:// EnableExtServiceOnly = TRUE UseAnonPool = TRUE AnonUserPool = 10 WebPublicRootDir = /webapp/siebel_crm_dev/ SiebEntSecToken = o72iRvfkUqBf8+wdcAq0BQEAAFHM

Database Authentication

LDAP Authentication



Application User Application Password Base Dn CRC

ApplicationUser ApplicationPassword BaseDn CRC CredentialsAttributeTyp e SecAdptDllName HashAlgorithm HashDBPwd HashUserPwd Port PropagateChange PasswordExpireWarnDa ys PasswordAttributeType RolesAttributeType

Credentials Attribute Type Security Adapter Dll Name User Password Hash Algorithm Hash DB Cred Hash User Password Port Propagate Change Password Expire Warn Days (ADSI only) Password Attribute Type Roles Attribute Type

Data Type String String String String String String String Boolean Boolean Integer Boolean Integer String String

Value cn=SiebelQA,ou=ApplicationUsers,o =company ******** o=company ******** physicalDeliveryOfficeName sscfldap RSASHA1 FALSE FALSE 389 FALSE


Server Name



Shared Credentials DN Shared DB Password Shared DB Username Siebel Username Attribute Type SSL Database Single Sign On Trust Token Username Attribute Type Use SSL (ADSI only, Obsolete) Use Adapter Defined Username

SharedCredentialsDN SharedDBPassword SharedDBUsername SiebelUsernameAttribut eType SslDatabase SingleSignOn TrustToken UsernameAttributeType UseSsl UseAdapterUsername

String String String

Various Data Sources

String String Boolean String String Boolean Boolean cn=SiebelQA,ou=ApplicationUsers,o =company ********

FALSE ******** uid FALSE FALSE

Authentication at Object Manager Level

Authentication at EAI Object Manager Level

Understanding WSDL (HWQuerySR)

. . . .

Web Service: Binding DOC_LITERAL Style = Document Use = Literal

  

Generate WSDL on server Import this WSDL on local New BS and IOs would get created in local BS Name = HWServiceRequestQueryDLPort Method Name = HWQuerySROperationDL Arguments =


Data Type

Integration Object

CustomHeaderContext HWQuerySROperationDL_Input:HWQuerySROperati onDL_Input HWQuerySROperationDL_Output:HWQuerySROperat ionDL_Output

Hierarchy Integration Object Integration Object

HWQuerySROperationDL _Input HWQuerySROperationDL _Output




Storage Type Hierarch y Hierarch y Hierarch y Hierarch y













Type Input / Output Input Output



Port & Messages

Schema .

Schema…Continued . . .

SOAP - Request E465163 WELC0M3 2-VUNSE

SOAP – Reply 2-VUNSE 2-YC98X 2-VUNSE 5 test me 1:00 pm USA 1-2M8Y Inbound Email 3-Medium Open Inbound Email Not Started

Calling Web Service using BS Simulator BS Name = HWServiceRequestQueryDLPort Method = HWQuerySROperationDL Input Arguments: Property1  Username = E465163 Property2  Password = ******** Child1  HWQuerySROperationDL_Input:HWQuerySROperationDL_Input + ListOfHWQuerySROperationDL_Input + HWQuerySROperationDL_Input - Property  Object_spcId = 2-VUNSE

Output Arguments: Child1  HWQuerySROperationDL_Output:HWQuerySROperationDL_Output + ListOfHWQuerySROperationDL_Output - MessageId - MessageType = Integration Object - IntObjectName = HWQuerySROperationDL_Output - IntObjectFormat = Siebel Hierarchical + HWQuerySROperationDL_Output + ListOfListOfWc_Service_Request_Io - Error_spcMessage - Error_spcCode - Object_spcId = 2-VUNSE - Process_spcInstance_spcId = 2-YC98X - Siebel_spcOperation_spcObject_spcId + ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io + ListOfServiceRequest + ServiceRequest SRNumber = 2-53498606 Id = 2-VUNSE Abstract = test me 1:00 pm Area = Inbound Email Sub-Area = Inbound Email

RPC Literal

DOC Literal

Supports transport type HTTP, MQ, MSMQ and JMS There can be multiple child under BODY tag of the SOAP request

Only supports HTTP There can be only one child under BODY tag

HPS: Outbound Web Service Authentication BS Name = EAI HTTP Transport

function Service_PreInvokeMethod (MethodName, Inputs, Outputs) { if( MethodName == "SendReceive"){ var Auth = TheApplication().InvokeMethod("LookupValue","HW_SAP_AUTHENTICATION","Username:Password"); Inputs.SetProperty("HDR.Authorization", "Basic " + Auth); } }

return (ContinueOperation);

How to create a totally anonymous web service in Siebel? [ID 601681.1] How to create a totally anonymous web service in Siebel so that no credential is needed to call the web service?


Please note it is only possible to create anonymous web services on Siebel 7.8 and above.


Make sure the eapps.cfg entry for the OM you will use has the following entries:

UseAnonPool = TRUE AnnonUserPool = If you want, you can use the [/eai_anon_enu] as it should already contain all the parameters required. Just check it to make sure. You may also create another entry on the eapps.cfg with the information required. Just make sure you create the corresponding entry on the web server too.

1.1 Make sure you have the below parameters set either on the eai_anon_enu section or on the [defaults] section of the eapps.cfg. If you set it on the eai_anon_enu section it will override the defaults section values.

AnonUserName = SADMIN AnonPassword = bHQAOzFCFHoBm4r3VQ== The user set as AnnonUserName will be the one used for the web service so if you want only the eai_anon_enu anonymous user to be different then you need to set it up on the eai_anon_enu section.


You need to have a named subsystem with the following parameters:

AllowAnonymous = TRUE Impersonate = FALSE You can copy the WebService or SecureWebService named subsystems and give it a name like AnonWebService and set the above parameters.


Locate the Siebel server\bin\enu\\eai.cfg file, open the eai.cfg file and review the 'AnonWebService' service to the eai.cfg file as follows:

[HTTP Services] section. Add the

[HTTP Services] .... WebService = WebService SecureWebService = SecureWebService .... AnonWebService = AnonWebService

4. On your web service you need to change the address from for example: http://MyWebServer/eai_enu/start.swe?SWEExtSource=WebService&SWEExtCmd=Execute&Username=SADMIN&Password=SADMIN to http://MyWebServer/eai_anon_enu/start.swe?SWEExtSource=AnonWebService&SweExtCmd=Execute Note the change on the address to point to the eai_anon_enu (or the one you created) and change the SWEExtSource to point to AnonWebService (assuming this was the name you gave to the named subsystem). Along with that, make sure the operations have the Authentication Type set to None. After the changes are made, restart the Siebel Server, Gateway and web server so that all the changes take effect. Please note that using the Anonymous Session Pool for web services has a side effect that any web service that needs to use it MUST use the same named subsystem, that is, there should be no other call to any web service using the Anonymous Session Pool with a named subsystem different from the original one. If more than one named subsystem is used, the Siebel response after the second named subsystem is used will be just an 'OK' encoded in UTF16 for any other anonymous web service call. This behavior is reported on the Change Request 12-1V7F8WH which is planned to be fixed on a future version.

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