Coreano verbos

November 5, 2017 | Author: NARUHODO | Category: N/A
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하다: To do

선물을 ~

밥을 ~

길을 ~ 글씨를 ~ 약을 ~

이름을 ~ 굶어 ~ 눈이 ~

버스에 ~

문을 ~ 길을 ~ 옷을 ~ 얼굴을 ~

그림을 ~

있다: To be 않다: To not be, to not do 보다: To try 가다: To go 말하다: Speak 오다: To come 알다: To know 받다: Receive 나오다: Come out 살다: To live 못하다: Be impossible 생각하다: To think 모르다: To not know 만들다: To make 먹다: Eat, chow down on 가지다: To have or take or hold 나다: To be born 시작하다: To start,begin 만나다: Meet 내다: to produce something 쓰다: To write 쓰다: Take (medicine) 앉다: To sit down 찾다: seek,look for 나가다: To go out 사다: To buy, purchase 잡다: seize,catch 서다: To stand 읽다: To read 일어나다: To rise, get up 넣다: Put in, set in 부르다: To call 죽다: die,pass away 내리다: Descend 생기다: arise,occur,happen 사용하다: To use, to use for a specific purpose 타다: Ride (bus) 보내다: Send 다니다: Go to and from a aplace 열다: Open 묻다: to Ask 웃다: To laugh, smile 입다: To wear 마시다: To drink 치다: to attack, assault 끝나다: To draw to a close or to end 오르다: Go up, climb, ascend 놀다: Play, amuse oneself 바꾸다: change,exchange 좋아하다: To like, be fond of 그리다: Picture or draw a picture 배우다: To learn 잘하다: To do well 이해하다: To understand 이야기하다: To talk 자다: To sleep


느릿느릿 ~ 그만두다

울음을 ~

옷을 ~

편안히 ~

서류에 도장을 ~ 바람이 ~ 답을 ~

모자를 ~

걷다: To walk 시작되다: To begin,start 말다: Cease 설명하다: To explain 놀라다: Be surprised 울다: To cry, weep 지내다: To pass, spend time 팔다: To sell 일하다: To work, labor 올라가다: To go up, ascend 태어나다: To be born, see the light of day 가르치다: To teach 걸다: Hang up or suspend 얘기하다: To tell a story 잃다: To lose, to miss, to be deprived 사랑하다: To love 공부하다: To study 닦다: Wipe clean, polish 내려오다: Come down 안다: To hold, embrace 잊다: To forget 씻다: To wash,cleanse 쉬다: to relax, take a break 싸우다: To fight 내려가다: To go down 가져오다: To bring or get 대답하다: To answer, reply 벗다: Take off, remove 준비하다: To prepare 결혼하다: Get married 계시다: (someone esteemed) to stay or be located 찍다: Stamp with a dojang 피우다: To make, build, kindle ; to perform (as an actor) 불다: to blow (e.g. the wind blows) 도착하다: To arrive 적다: Write down 말씀하다: Speak 소개하다: To introduce, present 끝내다: To end, to put an end to, to finish 물어보다: Ask 쓰다: To wear (a hat) 다녀오다: Drop in for a short visit 닫다: To close

걸어가다: To go on foot or walk

춤을 ~ 성냥을 ~

불을 ~

출발하다: To depart, shove off, have started on a trip 졸업하다: To graduate 도와주다: To help 날다: To fly 추다: To dance 켜다: To light, turn on, kindle 깎다: Cut or trim 걱정하다: To worry or be anxious 끄다: Put out or extinguish 잃어버리다: To lose 싫어하다: To dislike, be reluctant (to do) 약속하다: To make a promise


낙서를 ~ 공부가 ~ 집까지 ~

신다: Put on, wear 크다: To be big, large 지우다: To erase 잊어버리다: To forget 안되다: Must not, should not 노래하다: To sing 걸어오다: Come on foot or walk 인사하다: To greet, say hello 전화하다: To call on the phone, to make a phone call 잠자다: Fall asleep 축하하다: To Congratulate sb 운동하다: To do exercise 청소하다: To clean 감사하다: To thank 춤추다: To dance 초대하다: To invide 연습하다: To practice,exercise 식사하다: To eat a meal 여행하다: To travel 잡수시다: eat,drink 질문하다: Ask a person a question 운전하다: To drive 선물하다: Give a gift 요리하다: To cook (food) 실례하다: To be impolite 기다리다: To wait

위하다: To do for the sake of '보다'의 피동사

'보다'의 사동사 가지다 추위를 ~


답이 ~ '걸다'의 피동사

문이 ~

통하다: Run, lead; flow; go through ; because, as a result of 보이다: see,catch sight of 지나다: pass,elapse,go on 의하다: To be due to, owing to 나타나다: Come out, appear 보이다: show,let see 갖다: To hold 느끼다: To feel 밝히다: To light up 짓다: To make, build ; to form a line (a group) 남다: Remain, be left over 관하다: Refer to or be about 나누다: To divide 이용하다: To use, make use of 이르다: To reach, arrive, get at 이루다: Accomplish, complete 얻다: Get, obtain 이루어지다: Get accomplished, achieved 맞다: Be right, correct; to match, be fitting for 걸리다: To be hung up or suspended 지키다: Protect, maintain 바라보다: Look at, watch ; to look forward to, hope for 세우다: Stand up, erect 향하다: To face, look out on 믿다: Believe 낳다: To give birth 열리다: Open, be opened, be unlocked 나서다: Come out, come forth


담임을 ~

물에 ~


흐르다: Flow, stream 넘다: Cross or go across 움직이다: To move, stir 알려지다: To become known 주장하다: To assert,maintain 모으다: gather,get together 살펴보다: Watch closely 풀다: Untie, loosen ; to melt into ; to solve a problem 끌다: Pull 바라다: Wish, hope 나타내다: Show, display 담다: Put in a bottle 모이다: Meet, assemble 던지다: To throw 벌이다: (1) to plan to start a job/project (2) to play a table game 강조하다: Place empasis upon 맡다: Take charge of 요구하다: To demand,claim,request 즐기다: Enjoy oneself,take pleasure,delight 변하다: Change 맞추다: Adjust, adapt 막다: Stop, obstruct 버리다: Throw away 붙이다: affix,put on 마치다: Finish, complete 빠지다: To fall into 표현하다: To express, make known by saying 붙다: Stick, adhere to 발생하다: Originate, come from 어쩌다: By chance, accident 옮기다: Move, transfer (2)(sickness) communicate, transfer to 바뀌다: Be changed, to have changed into 자라다: To grow up 받아들이다: to accept as one`s own 꺼내다: To get out or draw out 전하다: To transmit,convey 정하다: To set,determine 늘어나다: Grow longer 발견하다: To discover 마련하다: To plan, arrange 발표하다: To announce 사라지다: To disappear 시키다: To make 기르다: Educate or train or cultivate (2) to grow long hair 조사하다: To examine,investigate 줄이다: reduce,decrease 달라지다: To change, vary 원하다: To want 확인하다: To confirm,corroborate 펴다: Spread out, unfold 노력하다: To try hard, strive 지나가다: To pass, elapse 키우다: To raise, bring up, rear 눕다: Lie down 발전하다: To develop, grow 어울리다: To be becoming, suiting 알리다: To inform, tell about, to make known


가시를 ~


돈을 ~ 적에게 ~

빼다: Pull out, extract 느껴지다: Feel 찾아오다: To go meet somebody, to go get sth 결정하다: To decide 없어지다: To lose, get lost 미치다: To reach 참다: Bear, endure 남기다: To leave behind 내놓다: Put out, take out 만들어지다: Make, create 계속되다: To continue 벌다: To earn (money) ; (2) to invite, to bring onto oneself 썰다: Chip, mince,dice 이기다: To win

찾아보다: To go meet somebody

굶겨 ~ 머리가 ~

'부르다'의 피동사

주먹을 ~

취하다: To adopt, assume, take ; to take, to have 구하다: 1) To buy or purchase or 2) look for or seek or want 포함하다: To include,contain 해결하다: To fix a problem, solve a question 계속하다: To continue 그치다: Stop or cease or halt 높이다: Raise, elevate, to make an amount bigger 자르다: cut,chop 데리다: Be accompanied by 쳐다보다: To look up at 정리하다: To adjust 죽이다: To kill 빠지다: To indulge in, be addicted to 흔들다: Shake, sway 뽑다: Pull out, draw 진행되다: To have progressed, be advanced 기록하다: To record and write down 다가오다: Approach 개발하다: Develop or exploit or open up to development 관련되다: Be connected or related to 기대하다: To expect or look forward to 흘리다: spill,shed (tears,blood) 빌리다: To lend 놓이다: Be put on sth else (2) to become peaceful 생각되다: To come to think sth 선택하다: To choose 심다: plant,sow (a tree) 견디다: Endure or bear 막히다: to be stopped up 뿌리다: sprinkle,scatter 가리키다: Point to or indicate 모시다: Attend on 불리다: To be called 차리다: Make ready,prepare 의미하다: To mean, signify 잘되다: To turn out well 쌓이다: Be piled/heaped up 쥐다: To hold,seize 끓이다: Boil or heat or make hot 멈추다: Stop


벽지를 ~ 싸움이 ~

매를 ~ '잡다'의 피동사 종이 ~ 힘을 가하다

소리를 ~

꽃이 ~ 등에 ~ 자리를 ~ 문에 종이 ~

답이 ~

사용되다: Be used, be employed 찾아가다: To go to a place to meet somebody 늘다: Increase, gain 닿다: To reach, get to 속하다: Belong to, be affiliated with 제공하다: offer,proffer 젖다: To be wet, soaked 관련하다: To be related to or connected to 밀다: to push,shove (passive is 밀리다) 고려하다: Regard or respect 올라오다: Come up 챙기다: gather,collect, assemble your stuff -- to amass (money, a collection) 고르다: Choose or select 바르다: Spread, apply 벌어지다: To get serious, enlarge 포기하다: To give up, to abandon 다하다: Finish, go through, be exhausted, run out of 비교하다: To compare 커지다: To become bigger 맡기다: Entrust sb with sth 싣다: To load,take (passengers) 쌓다: To pile up 잘못되다: To turn out wrong 내밀다: To Push out 맞다: Be struck,beaten 잡히다: To be caught, arrested, grabbed ; to extinguish a fire 분석하다: To analyze 울리다: To ring (a bell) ; to create an echo effect 연구하다: To research, investigate 누르다: Press or push down; muffle, quash, restrain, tame 끊다: Cut off or sever 넘어가다: Cross or go over 담기다: Be put food in a bottle or for pickling ; to be filled with, to include and comprise 서두르다: To hurry up 꾸미다: Decorate (2) to plan sth, to dream up a scheme 늘리다: Increase, multiply 발견되다: Be discovered 지르다: Holler, yell, scream 마르다: Become dry 높아지다: Become high 늙다: Grow old 넘어서다: Pass over 볶다: fry,roast 들려오다: To echo (sound) 풀리다: To come loose 활용하다: Utilize, make practical use of 가꾸다: 1) grow or cultivatea 2) dress oneself up 집다: Pick up 생겨나다: To begin, germinate 피다: To bloom ( a flower ~) 지다: Carry (on the back) 채우다: To fill up, complete, fulfill 달리다: Hang, be supsended 더하다: Get worse 달려가다: to run, rush, dash forward 틀리다: To be turned, warped 2) go wrong, be mistaken


물을 ~

단추를 ~ 익히다

정신에 이상이 생기다

담배를 ~


보자기에 ~ 눈을 ~

공을 ~

일에 ~

술이 ~ 옷에 흙이 ~ 시비를 ~

붓다: to pour (water, liquid) 잘못하다: To make a mistake 그만두다: Stop or discontinue

달다: to attach, fix 굽다: To roast or bake 쏟아지다: To pour out 기억하다: To recall or remember 미치다: Be crazy 밟다: (1) Step on (2) to go through the steps of a process 섞다: blend,mix 없애다: Remove, get rid of, do away with 이뤄지다: To make something for a specific purpose 방문하다: To visit 참석하다: To attend, take part in 변화하다: To change,vary 결정되다: To become decided 숨다: To be in hiding, to hide oneself 물다: bite,put in the mouth 반대하다: Be opposed to 먹이다: support,feed 무시하다: disregard,ignore ; to be defiant and fail to observe 생각나다: To remember 관찰하다: to observe or view or watch 끼다: To put on or wear, to wear (a ring) 성공하다: To succeed 머무르다: Stay overnight 싸다: Wrap in, bundle 틀다: To twist, wind 감다: Close 앓다: To be ill, sick with sth 포함되다: To be included in 펼쳐지다: Stretch, extend away 경험하다: To experience or go through 넘치다: Overflow 놓치다: Miss, let slip 덮다: To cover, veil 몰다: Drive ; to chase or urge on 앞서다: To go before, precede 끄덕이다: Nod 닮다: Resemble 연결되다: Connect, attach 차다: to kick 취하다: To be drunk 헤어지다: Part from, part company with 지치다: Be exhausted, fatigued 확대하다: To enlarge,magnify 출연하다: Appear on stage, act, sing 건너다: Go over or go across 깨다: Wake up from sleep 다가가다: To get near to 묻다: to Stain 전해지다: To be transmitted 가리다: Pile up or stack up or heap up


숨을 ~ 문지르다

입을 ~

해가 ~

찾아내다: To find out, discover 권하다: 1) advise or persuade 2) recommend 쏟다: To pour . 붓다 연결하다: Connect, attach 알아듣다: To listen and comprehend 날아가다: To fly away 많아지다: Become a lot 비판하다: To criticize 세워지다: To become erected 쉬다: to breathe 갈다: 1) sharpen (a blade) 2) rub or chafe 3) make juice in a mixer 섞이다: To be mixed,blended 쏘다: (1) To shoot (2) to sting, bite (an insect, animal) 위치하다: To be located 전달하다: To deliver 행동하다: To act, behave 마련되다: To be planned and arranged 시도하다: To try,attempt 적용하다: To apply (sth to sth else) 참가하다: To take part in, join 숙이다: Lower one’s head 담당하다: To take charge of 벗기다: Unclothe, undress 만지다: To touch 뻗다: Stretch out, extend beyond (2) to stretch for, reach for 생활하다: To live, make a living 젓다: To make a sign,gesticulate 축제: a festival 터뜨리다: Break, burst,explode 진행하다: Advance, proceed 달려오다: Come running 잠들다: Fall asleep 활동하다: To be active, lead an active life 당황하다: Be confused 벌리다: Open, wide (e.g. opening the knees and spreading the legs) 보관하다: Keep in one’s custody 부딪치다: Collide with, bump against 상하다: damage,injure ; food rots ; to be in pain 소리치다: To shout, yell 조심하다: To be careful 찌르다: to stab,thrust 확대되다: To be magnified 털다: To shake off, brush off (and make airborne) 달아나다: To escape, flee 묶다: to bind,tie 지다: Set (the sun) 근무하다: Work or labor 넓히다: Widen 얹다: Put on, place, lay, set 줍다: Pick up, gathe

건지다: Take or bring out of the water or 2) rescue a person from danger 깨어지다

깨지다: To break


소원을 ~ 쓰레기를 ~ 시야를 ~

감이 ~

꿈을 ~

전쟁에 ~ 병이 ~

그릇을 ~

이용되다: To be used 줄다: Diminish 합치다: combine,unite 맞서다: Stand opposite 모자라다: To be insufficient 상상하다: Imagine 끓다: Boil or simmer 날아오다: Come flying 의심하다: To be suspicious, to doubt 자랑하다: To be proud 허용하다: To permit, approve, grant, allow 그려지다: Draw 빌다: pray,wish,ask 썩다: Go bad, rot 태우다: Burn, commit to flames 가리다: Choose or select 계산하다: To calculate 담그다: Soak in water 부탁하다: Ask sb a favor 실패하다: To fail 정해지다: To be determined, settled 논의하다: Discussion 반하다: To be contrary to 씹다: To chew (2) to speak badly of 익다: Ripe, be ripe 제출하다: To submit, tender 흘러나오다: Flow out, run, effuse 삶다: boil,cook (eggs) 회복하다: To recover, get better, get well again 흘러가다: flow,run,drift along 꾸다: Borrow or loan 내려다보다: Overlook 오래되다: To last for a long time 판매하다: To sell 고생하다: To suffer or to have trials ; to do something you don\'t want to do, 하고 싶자 않은 것 꿈꾸다: To dream 고민하다: Be in anguish or worried 다치다: To hurt 올려놓다: Put a thing on a place 치우다: Straighten up, tidy, remove 당기다: to Pull ; to be attractive, to pull one`s attention 구경하다: To watch or enjoy watching 말씀드리다: Speak (honor.) 멀어지다: Become distant to 지다: To lose (at war, a game) 낫다: to get better (from an illness) 답하다: Answer, reply 웃기다: To be funny 팔리다: To be in demand, to be sold 귀국하다: To return to one’s home country 기뻐하다: Be pleased or delighted with 내려놓다: Set or put down 소개되다: To be introduced, presented 오가다: Come and go, keep going and coming 깨다: Break or crack 좋아지다: To become better


불이 ~

끈을 ~

눈물이 ~

구름이 ~

차에 ~

편지를 ~

가져가다: To take or carry 결심하다: To resolve or be determined 치료하다: To cure, heal, treat a patient 꺼지다: To go or die out 끊어지다: To break off or expire or be done with 긴장하다: To become tense 수입하다: To import 식다: To get cold, cool off 매다: Tie 익숙해지다: To become accustomed to 갈아입다: Change one’s clothes 연락하다: To contact, get in touch with 어리다: one’s eyes dim with tears 건너가다: To cross or go over (river or street) 입학하다: To enter/be admitted into a school 켜지다: To become turned on 표시하다: To make a sign, display 감상하다: To show appreciation (for art) 끼다: To smoke 넘어지다: Fall down, collapse 반복하다: To repeat 태우다: To take in a car, give a ride to 닫히다: To shut, be closed 병들다: Get sick 얼다: Freeze, be frozen 뵙다: see,meet 부치다: to send, to post 외우다: Recite from memory 금지하다: To restrain or prohibit 넓어지다: Get wider 계획하다: Plan or make a project 뵈다: Contraction of 보이다 가까워지다: Get closer 안내하다: To lead the way 유행하다: To be in fashion, to be popular 데려가다: Take with 양보하다: To make a concession, recede 자라나다: To grow up 후회하다: To regret 심해지다: Become deep and serious 여쭈다: Tell a superior, inform 주문하다: To order, to request

출근하다: To go to work

옷을 ~

웃어른을 보다

총을 ~

취소하다: To cancel, calloff 준비되다: To be ready 부러워하다: envy,be envious of 가져다주다: Take something to someone 빨다: Wash the laundry 주무시다: To sleep (respectful word) 뵈다: See (polite) 비키다: Move aside 만족하다: To be content 메다: Put on one’s shoulder 구하다: Rescue a person 도망가다: Make a go for it, escape



글이 ~ 살이 ~

'읽다'의 피동사

열매가 ~

잘살다: To be affluent, well-off 나빠지다: To become worse 수출하다: To export 한잔하다: To drink a glass of liquor 절약하다: To economize 갈다: Renew or substitute ; same as 바꾸다 입원하다: To enter a hospital 수고하다: To work hard 염려하다: To worry, be anxious about 건너오다: To come across to this side of something 기억나다: To memorize, to remember 쓰이다: Be writted 짧아지다: To become short 찌다: To put on weight 다녀가다: Drop in for a short visit 슬퍼하다: sorrow,feel sad 졸다: doze,take a nap 대화하다: To converse 미워하다: Dislike 소문나다: A rumor starts 이사하다: To move house 작아지다: Become smaller 녹음하다: To record 먹히다: to be eaten,swallowed 복사하다: reproduce,copy 사과하다: To apologize 밝다: To be bright 우승하다: To take first place 적어지다: To become smaller 퇴근하다: To go home from work 화나다: Get angry 갈아타다: Transfer (bus or subway) 밤새다: To stay up all night 어두워지다: become/get dark 읽히다: To get a person to read, to get a person to learn 즐거워하다: To enjoy it 데려오다: Go with 실수하다: To make a mistake 외출하다: To go out (of doors) 싫어지다: To become distasteful 열리다: To bear fruit 이혼하다: To get divorced 걱정되다: To become worried, to be worried 발음하다: Pronounce 복습하다: To review 주차하다: To park 예매하다: to make an advance purchase 발달하다: To advance

알아보다: To investigate,


examine, search; to find something out

친구로 ~ 귀에 ~

가득 ~

농사에 기계가 ~

비하다: Compare to 올리다: Raise, lift up 지니다: Carry with, hold, possess 당하다: Have, encounter 삼다: Make a person into your person (2) to make straw sandals/sth out of string 대다: Put, place up to (대다 also means speak in slang, or to repeat an action) 인하다: To be due to, caused by 잇다: Join, connect 갖추다: Make or get ready or prepare 존재하다: To exist 유지하다: To preserve, maintain 피하다: avoid,keep away 거치다: Pass or go through 나아가다: Advance, go forward 걸치다: 1) put a thing over or across 2) to range from A to B 겪다: Experience or undergo or suffer; (2) to entertain guests (3) to spend time with a person 비롯하다: begin,start 인정하다: To acknowledge,authorize; to realize (become aware of sth) 불구하다: Deformity, malformation 비다: To be empty, vacant 살아가다: Lead a life, get along 제시하다: To present 파악하다: Grasp, seize, understand 이어지다: Get joined, be connected 차다: To be full, to be filled with (PASSIVE) 여기다: Think, consider as; to think, consider/estimate sth as sth else 터지다: Break, be torn, get away from 다루다: Treat, deal with 깨닫다: to realize sth 참여하다: To participate in, take part in 이끌다: To guide,lead 기울이다: Tip or slant or incline 더불다: Join in, do together 극복하다: To overcome or surmount 쓰이다: To be used, to be utilized/employed 다지다: Make sure, to harden oneself, firm up one\`s will 치르다: Pay off, pay one’s bill 구성되다: To be organized 추진하다: To propel, drive forward 증가하다: to increase,rise,grow 외치다: To shout,scream 넘기다: Pass over, send across 제외하다: To exclude 주어지다: To offer, proffer (conditions) 소재: a raw material (mfg), the subject matter (writing) 형성되다: To be formed, made up 작용하다: To apply , use


기술을 ~

장작이 ~

거두다: Collect or gather up 퍼지다: Spread out, get broader 앞두다: Have a distance ahead 보호하다: protect,shelter,guard 애쓰다: Make efforts/pains to do sth 인식하다: recognition,cognizance 맺다: form,tie 구성하다: To organize or makeup 생산하다: To produce,make 저지르다: do,commit,spoil 줄어들다: Dwindle away; to reduce 살아오다: To come out alive 지켜보다: Watch, stare at ( wait on some situation) 무너지다: Collapse 이러다: do/say think this way 일어서다: To rise to one’s feet, stand up 의식하다: Be conscious of, be aware of 살피다: to watch closely 거부하다: Deny or reject or disapprove 아끼다: grudge,spare 판단하다: To make a conclusion 실천하다: To practice, put in theory 익히다: Habituate oneself to, to make used to 지배하다: Control, direct 매달리다: Be suspended, to be hanging down (from) ; to stick to a job, to persevere with just one thing 빠져나가다: Get/go out of here, to find a way out 빛나다: to shine,glitter; to give off light somehow 예상되다: To expect, anticipate 발휘하다: Display, exhibit 보도하다: To report,inform 운영하다: to manage,administer 평가하다: To evaluate, estimate, judge 감추다: Hide or conceal 비우다: empty,vacate 설치하다: To install,establish,create 형성하다: To form, make, take shape 덧붙이다: Add a thing, append 타다: Burn, blaze (firewood) 비치다: To shine, to reflect light 실시되다: To be enforced 강화하다: Strengthen 미루다: Postpone ; (2) to guess, infer and make an educated guess 해당하다: To be applied/applicable under 비추다: (1) Shed, throw light on (2) to reflect in the mirror 반영하다: Reflect, be reflected 성장하다: To grow,be brought up 구입하다: Purchase or buying 의존하다: To depend on, rely on 건설하다: To construct or erect 비롯되다: To be begun, to have started 여겨지다: To look, appear, think of sth as 수행하다: Accomplishment


셈을 맞추다

살짝 닿다

물에 ~

물건을 ~


땅에 ~

치다: to count, reckon, calculate 흔들리다: Shake, swing,rock,tremble 접근하다: approach,get near 흩어지다: Scatter about 대응하다: Cope or correspond to 이룩하다: Erect, build (achieve) 머물다: Stay overnight 지원하다: To desire, aspire, hence to apply for [e.g. a job] or volunteer for sth 버티다: Endure, tolerate 분포하다: Distribution 다투다: Quarrel 앞장서다: To be in the lead/ at the head 요청하다: To ask for, to request 일치하다: Agree with, to be in accord with 개발되다: To be developed or exploited 대비하다: Provide for, prepare onself for 쓰러지다: Fall, collapse 적용되다: To be applied 스치다: Graze past 트이다: to get cleared out, to open up 깔리다: To be spread or overspread 잠기다: Sink in water 주고받다: Give and receive, exchange 공개하다: Open to the public 전개되다: To be unfolded,spread out 훔치다: To steal 구분하다: To divide or to classify 굽히다: Bend or stoop 내다보다: Look out for 바로잡다: Straighten 박히다: Be nailed in 제거하다: exclusion,removal 박다: Drive,hammer in 이르다: to Inform, report, tell 살아남다: Survive 잇따르다: Follow one after another 지시하다: To direct, instruct 설치되다: To be installed 짚다: Feel, examine 바치다: Give, offer 발표되다: Be announced 부정하다: Be uncertain,irregular 불러일으키다: to rouse,stir up, to create 짐작하다: To guess, infer 택하다: Choose, select 기여하다: to contribute or add to. 이바지하다 숨지다: Breathe one’s last breath 주저앉다: Sit down, plump down 대신하다: Relieve, replace another 꺾다: Break off or snap off 묻히다: Get buried, to be buried (passive of 묻다) 접하다: adjoin,be adjacent to 쫓다: Drive away, chase off 확인되다: To be confirmed 가하다: To add 외면하다: to neglect, to disregard 개선하다: To renovate or to improve


관을 ~

빨래를 ~

가슴에 ~

시체를 ~

'날다'의 사동사

땀이 ~ 비가 ~

망하다: Go to ruin 성립되다: To be concluded, formed 집중되다: To concentrate 파다: To dig 해결되다: To be settled, resolved 감싸다: 1) wrap up or tuck in 2) to protect or defend 깔다: to pave (a road), lay down a floor, spread a blanket etc. 다짐하다: Pledge, vow, swear 생산되다: To be produced 숨기다: To hide 짜다: Form, organize 헤아리다: Consider, weigh, ponder, consider 기초하다: Make the basis for sth, to use as a basis 말리다: Dry sth 보장하다: To secure,guarantee 사귀다: Make friends with 솟다: rise,soar,tower above ; gush up 예상하다: To expect, anticipate 제작하다: To produce,manufacture 품다: To hold, embrace 굳어지다: Become hard 굶다: To starve or go hungry 도달하다: Arrival 맛보다: Taste 묻다: to Bury 증명하다: To prove,show,bear 지적되다: To be pointed out to 해석하다: To intrepret, construe 힘쓰다: To try really hard 날리다: To send flying 덜다: Save, lighten 맞이하다: Go to greet, to welcome as a member of the family 신고하다: To state, declare 집어넣다: to put in, to cram into the inside of 구속되다: To be arrested 배다: Soak into 빠져나오다: Come out of somewhere 새다: leak,escape from 요구되다: To be requested, claimed 전개하다: To unfold,evolve,spread out 한정되다: To be limiited, qualified 해내다: To accomplish, achieve, carry through 갚다: Pay back a loan

끼우다: To put between or insert 다듬다: to trim, to shave 오염되다: To be polluted, contaminated 의지하다: To look to, depend on, rely on 제한하다: To restrict,limit 존중하다: appreciate,esteem,value 책임지다: To take responsibility for, accept responsibility for 표현되다: To have been expressed 헤매다: Wander about, roam about 꽂다: Be stuck in or insert 망설이다: to hesitate




목을 ~ 물에 ~

문신을 ~ 돈을 ~

뽑히다: Be taken out, pulled out 앞세우다: to be in front, place in front 작성하다: To edit or compose, write up ; to fill out a form 창조하다: Create 펴내다: Publish, bring out in print 면하다: escape,avoid 모색하다: to feel for sth as if in the dark, using the hands 붙잡다: seize,catch 파괴하다: Destruction, demolition 해당되다: To be applied/applicable under 강요하다: Insist on 낮추다: Lower, make low 내주다: Take out and give away 물러나다: Fall back, to pull back, to pull back your position 적히다: To be recorded,written down 제한되다: To be restricted,limited 지속되다: Be lasting a long time, be continous 쫓기다: To be chased, be driven 평가되다: To be appraised 갇히다: Be confined or shut up 닥치다: (1) to approach (2) Shut the mouth! 부담하다: bear,shoulder a responsibility 빼앗다: Snach, take away from 삼키다: Swallow 접다: Fold up 제시되다: To be presented 진출하다: Penetrate into, advance (2) to make one\'s appearance in a new circle or direction 통과하다: to pass through 확산되다: To get diffused, to become diffused 기대다: 1) To rely upon or lean upon 2) lean against 깨어나다: Return to consciousness 꼽히다: To be elected 상징하다: Symbolize 실현하다: To realize,bring to fruition 안정되다: To be stable 엎드리다: Prostrate oneself, lie on the ground 전달되다: To be delivered 거절하다: Refuse or reject 구별하다: To distinguish between A and B 마주치다: Collide with 묘사하다: To describe (via a picture or words) 베다: Cut, chop 보장되다: to be secured 불리다: soak,steep 완성하다: To accomplish, to end successfully 청하다: ask,request 개방하다: To open or to throw open 관계되다: Be affected or influenced by 분리되다: To be segregated 새기다: To sculpt,engrave 선정하다: to select, to choose 세다: to count 예측하다: To predict, forecast 이동하다: To move,migrate,travel 자극하다: To stimulate 조절하다: To regulate,tune


금을 ~

시계를 ~

싸움을 ~

바위가 ~

'안다'의 사동사

실을 ~

중얼거리다: Mutter to oneself 지급하다: To pay,allow,furnish sth 긋다: 1) draw or mark 2) strike 논하다: Argue, discuss,debate 보고하다: Report to a person 선언하다: declare,proclaim,announce 엿보다: Wait for an opportunity 완성되다: To be accomplished 입히다: Clothe, dress 잡아먹다: Slaughter and eat 차다: Put on, fasten,wear 탄생하다: To be born 건드리다: 1) touch or jog 2) irritate or vex 관리하다: To manage or control or supervise or manage 근거하다: To base sth on sth 달래다: to calm down 말리다: Make stop 밝혀내다: To find out 부서지다: Break, be broken 성립하다: To exist, to come into being 업다: To carry on one’s back, to shoulder sth 주의하다: Pay attention to 튀다: Spring, bound, jump 고집하다: To be stubborn or persistent 구르다: Roll over 대처하다: Disposal, treatment 발길: A kick; walking pace, steps 빼앗기다: A thing be taken away 신청하다: To apply (for) 안기다: to be embraced by sb (in their arms) 제안하다: To propose,make a suggestion 튀어나오다: Jump out, spring out 감다: Wind u

같이하다: To do together or to share 비비다: to rub,chafe (2) to mix together (esp. food) 살아나다: revive,be brought back to life 속이다: deceive,cheat 지불하다: To pay 건네주다: To pass over or to put on the other side (of a river) 내려지다: To become lower 녹다: To melt 수집하다: To collect 가르다: 1) split or divide 2) distribute or share 3) distinguish or separate 공격하다: To attack 기록되다: To be recorded or written down 끼어들다: Interrupt 도망치다: To make an escape 적응하다: to be suited to, adapted to 지나치다: Go too far, to go to extremes (2) to let sth by 반복되다: To be repeated 어찌하다: Be subject to an attack of vertigo (figuratively), to not know what the hell is going on or what to do. 예정되다: Make a program, set a schedule


흉을 보다

냄새를 ~ 방세가 ~ 마당을 ~

틈이 ~

인정받다: To receive recognition 행하다: To do, act, behave 마음먹다: Be determined to 반성하다: Examine oneself 불어오다: Call to come 소유하다: To possess,hold 알아내다: To find out (e.g. the answer) 용서하다: To pardon, to forgive 의논하다: To consult,confer with, talk over a matter 타고나다: Be born, gifted/endowed with 허용되다: To be permitted, approved 나르다: to move a long or semi-long distance (not just within a room); Carry, convey, transport 놀리다: Banter, tease (2) to move (3) to manipulate, handle 늘어놓다: (1) Scatter about haphazardly ; (2) 으로 늘어놓다 to arrange, place in order 대표하다: Represent 맡다: Smell 밀리다: to be left undone, to be late in making a payment (to fall into arrears) 부러지다: Break, get broken 쓸다: brush, sweep perhaps lightly (2) a disease/disaster spreads far and wide 예방하다: To protect, prevent, fend off 유의하다: To bear in mind, be heedful of 이해되다: To be understood 잘리다: Be snapped,broken,cut off 전환하다: To exchange, to convert, to change over 토하다: To vomit 감소하다: To reduce or diminish 괴롭히다: to Afflict or torment sb else 깨우다: To wake up or awaken 끊기다: To be cut off or severed 보도되다: To be reported 성숙하다: to ripen, to mature 손질하다: to handle with care 인정되다: To be recognized 중단하다: To interrupt, to stop 가로막다: Interrupt or obstruct 교환하다: To exchange 내버리다: Throw away 보호되다: To be protected 설명되다: To be explained 위로하다: To console, soothe somebody 찢어지다: To be torn, rent 흘러내리다: Run (stream,pour) down 나아지다: Become better, be improved 넘어오다: Fall, come down 버려지다: Take away, throw away to somewhere 설득하다: Persuasion 전망하다: to have a view of, observe 개선되다: To be renovated or to get improved 건네다: Speak to a person or address 구속하다: To arrest or restrain 긁다: Scratch or scrape 내쉬다: Exhale 늘어지다: Be lengthened 몰려들다: Be driven into as a group 뱉다: Spit 벌어지다: Widen, get wider


'안다'의 피동사

도장이 ~

옷에 흙을 ~

빨래를 ~ 그늘이 ~

젖을 ~

소매를 ~

안기다: (1) To fix on a person, lay the blame on a person (2) to throw onto sb, to pass onto sb, to pawn off onto sb, to hand over to sb 어기다: Run counter to, go against 요약하다: summary,condense,abridge 제외되다: To be excluded 찍히다: Get sealed, stamped 나뉘다: Divide 늘어서다: Stand in a row 달려들다: Run, rush, jump at 묶이다: Be fastened together 방해하다: Interrupt, interfere 선호하다: To prefer 실현되다: To realize,bring to fruition 오르내리다: Go up and down, rise and fall 전공하다: To major in something 금하다: 1) suppress or restraint 2) abstain from or restrain from 기대되다: To be expected 넘어뜨리다: Throw down 농사짓다: To do farming 망치다: Ruin 묻히다: Have smeared,be covered with 발전되다: Be advanced, prospering 방지하다: To prevent, check 삼가다: Be discreet,take care of ; to abstain (refrain) o.s. from doing 앉히다: To place a person in a seat (causative of 앉다) 않게 하다 종합하다: synthesize,integrate

짜다: Squeeze, press out 기다: Crawl or creep 지다: To fade away, come off 가입하다: Join 구분되다: To be put into sections 꾸리다: Pack up or bundle up (2) to make a living, make money 덮이다: Be covered, to be covered 보살피다: Take care of 보완하다: to compensate for (a defect) and make complete, to complement sth 보존하다: to preserve, conserve 빨다: sip,suck 빼놓다: to exclude,leave out 설립하다: found,establish 쓰다듬다: to stroke one’s beard 알아주다: acknowledge,recognize, appreciate 유발하다: To induce, bring about, cause 유지되다: To be maintained, preserved 잡아당기다: Pull 존경하다: Respect 체험하다: To experience, to undergo 칭찬하다: To praise somebody 통일하다: To unify, consolidate 걷다: 1) Roll back /up one’s sleeves 2)fold or furl up 3) finish work 나누어지다: To become divided 넘겨주다: Hand over 다가서다: Step up, go near to, come closer 대기하다: Be ready for the opportunity 분리하다: To separate, break away from 붙들다: catch,seize,grasp 사들이다: buy,purchase



重要視월급을 ~

아이에게 모자를 ~

아기를 ~

실망하다: To disappoint 약해지다: To become weak 연출하다: Produce, present (a play) 열중하다: to have enthusiasm, zeal 조르다: To tease, urge sb 쫓겨나다: Chase away ; to fire from your job 찢다: Tear, rend, split 칠하다: Paint, coat 타오르다: Blaze, light up 한하다: Limit, restrict 해소하다: To be dissolved, disorganized 허락하다: Consent, agree to 확립하다: to establish,settle,fix 확신하다: To be confident of 흥분하다: be/grow excited 거들다: Help or assist or lend 급증하다: Surge or sudden rapid increase 낮아지다: Become lower 먹고살다: Make one’s living 멎다: Stop 발달되다: Be developed 부딪히다: Be bumped into 뿌리치다: Shake off, refuse 중단되다: To be suspended,stopped 중요시하다: Attach great importance to 진단하다: To diagnose 타다: Get, receive, take your share of the money (회사에서 월급을 타다) 금지되다: To be forbidden or prohibited 기도하다: To pray 깨뜨리다: To break or crush 변화되다: To be changed 소요되다: Be needed 소화하다: To digest 시집가다: To take a husband 씌우다: Put a hat on somebody 엇갈리다: Cross, miss eachother 제의하다: Make a suggestion, to suggest a plan 조화되다: in harmony,agreement ; concordant, harmonious, matching, symmetrical 착각하다: To misunderstand, to deceive oneself, to be having illucinations 개방되다: To be opened 경고하다: To warn 구별되다: To be separated andistinguished 굳히다: Harden or make hard 기울다: (1) To tilt or lean (2) the sun sets 끌리다: To be drawn or pulled or dragged 내보내다: Let out, let go out 미끄러지다: Slippery 붙잡히다: Be caught 울리다: To make (a baby) cry 초청하다: To invite 출현하다: Appearance, turning out 탈출하다: To escape, get away from 건설되다: To become constructed 기술하다: To describe or give an account of 납득하다: To convince, persuade oneself 모여들다: gather,flock


오래된 상태

고기를 ~

묵다: Get old 비웃다: Laugh at, ridicule 속삭이다: Whisper 예고하다: Warn, give advance notice 위반하다: To violate (the law) 익히다: cook,boil 조정하다: To regulate,adjust,coordinate 활발해지다: To become lively 회복되다: To be recovered 희생하다: To sacrifice 가능해지다: To become possible 끌어당기다: To draw near 몰려오다: Come in crowds 믿어지다: Become believable

빠뜨리다: Throw into (a river); entice, entrap

주문을 ~ 저울로 ~


물에 ~

서랍을 ~ 물방울을 ~ 물을 ~

승리하다: To win 얻어먹다: Go about begging 연상하다: An association of ideas 올려다보다: Look up 외다: To repeat back (an order) 재다: measure,guage 지도하다: To lead, instruct 찾아다니다: To go around to meet somebody or see places 푸다: Dip out, bail out 놔두다: Leave as it is, let it be 늦어지다: To become late 사망하다: To decease,pass away 잊혀지다: To become forgotten 정리되다: To be adjusted 토론하다: To debate, discuss 합하다: (1) to join together; (2) harmonize with, be in accord with 길어지다: To become long 놓아두다: Leave as it is, let it be 대접하다: Treatment 입력하다: To input (data into the computer) 타다: Put in, mix, dissolve 함께하다: To do it together, with somebody 합격하다: To pass an exam 공통되다: To be common 녹이다: Melt, dissolve 어려워지다: To become difficult 올라서다: Stand up 저러다: Like that 환영하다: To welcome 경영하다: To manage or adminster 기념하다: Commemorate 독립하다: To become independent 방송하다: Broadcast 보충하다: to replenish,replace,fillup 붐비다: Be congested,crowded ; to be full of 임신하다: To be pregnant 잠그다: To lock 튀기다: To fry; splash, splatter 흐리다: Be muddy, cloudy ; with a tint of 문제되다: Become a problem


밤을 ~ 폭풍우가 ~

떡을 ~


빨래를 ~

날이 ~

얼굴이 ~

비에 ~

새우다: Sit up all night 서명하다: To sign 치다: (a storm, strong wind, rain, lightning) to strike, hit 가만있다: Remain still or motionless 귀가하다: To return home 날아다니다: Fly about 반짝이다: Shine, glitter 뺏다: to take sth away from sb 찌다: chop,hack 그리워하다: Yearn or be attached to 봉사하다: serve,render service 전시하다: To display 묵다: Stay overnight s.w. 보내오다: 받다 receive 제대하다: Be discharged from the military; ex-service, to be past the military service 걷다: Walk on or tread on 겁나다: Be frightened or scared 눈감다: Close the eyes 눈뜨다: Open one’s eyes 모집하다: Call/appeal for 수입되다: To be imported 좁히다: Make narrow,restrict 지워지다: To be erased 찬성하다: To approve, support (a plan) 친해지다: To get close, to get friendly 개다: To clear up or become clear (weather) 깨어지다: To waken 되돌아보다: To look back on 반기다: Rejoice, be glad of 붓다: to be swollen 연기하다: To be put off, postponed 응답하다: An answer, a reply 참고하다: To refer, consult 추천하다: To recommend, say a good word for 판매되다: To be sold 한정하다: To limit, restrict 향상되다: To be impoved, advanced 떠나오다: 미국으로부터 to come back from the US 시들다: To wither,die,fade 표시하다: To make a sign, display 효도하다: To be a good son/daughter to one’s parents 긴장되다: Be under tension 깨끗해지다: Become clean 더러워지다: Get dirty 데우다: to warm, to heat up 밝아지다: Become bright 분명해지다: To become clear 심각해지다: To become serious 씻기다: To be carried away, washed away 안심하다: security,assuredness,relief 연기되다: To be put off, postponed 올라타다: Board (a plane), get into 잡수다: eat,drink 집중하다: To concentrate 충돌하다: Collide, clash with 감소되다: To be reduced or diminished


돈을 ~

짐을 ~

마늘을 ~ 무게를 ~ 귀를 ~

아이를 ~ 물을 ~ 고기를 양념에 ~ 자고 싶다

공연되다: To give a public performance 괴로워하다: To distress or trouble 까먹다: Crack or peel and eat 꾸다: Dream or have a dream 다양해지다: To be various 반짝거리다: Twinkle-twinkle (stars) 밤새우다: Sit up all night 손잡다: Take a person by the hand 욕하다: To insult, to say bad words 자살하다: Commit suicide 지우다: Put a thing on a person’s back 혼나다: Get frightened, scared 기억되다: To be remembered 까다: Peel or husk 달다: To hang 먹다: Go deaf 번역하다: To translate 비기다: End in a tie, to be even-even. Same as 무승부를 기록하다 소비하다: Consumption 수리하다: repair,mending 식히다: To cool, let cool. 차게 하다 씻기다: wash,be washed 얼리다: Freeze, make ice 입사하다: To join/enter a company 재우다: Put to sleep 전시되다: To be exhibited,ddisplayed 졸리다: Feel sleepy,drowsy 쩔쩔매다: To be at a loss, be confused 추가되다: To be added 풀어지다: To get loose; to turn soft (noodles) 흐려지다: Get cloudy, overcast 희망하다: Hope 힘들어하다: To be exacting, tolling 강의하다: To give a lecture 공연하다: Offer a performance 추가하다: To add sth, to supplement 퇴원하다: To leave the hospital 예약하다: To book in advance, pledge 결석하다: To be absent 예습하다: To prepare lessons, rehearse 출석하다: attendance,presence 지적하다: To indicate, point out ; to indicate as a cause, to give special mention to


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