Corazón Valiente

December 28, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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 This crochet  pattern was designed  by Chiara Cremon Cremon aka  @chiacrafts, who hopes you’ll enjoy it a lot!

Paid crochet pattern by Chiara Cremon 


chi cr fts

A message for you Hell He llo o de dear ar fel ello low w cr croc oche hete ters rs!! My na name me is Chia Chiara ra (pro (prono noun uncced “Kia “Kiara ra””, as I’ I’m m Ital Italia ian) n) and and I’ I’m m not not only only the the girl in the picture down there but, most importantly, the person behind the Instagram account  @chiacrafts! In th the e very begi begin nnin ning cro croche chet was, for me, noth thin ing g more th tha an a Sunda unday y hobby bby, usef seful to keep my mi min nd bus usy y and fa farr away fr fro om disa isaste terr fan anta tasi sies es.. Whe When I fir first st open pened my Insta stagra gram account, unt, I’d ha have ve never imagined achieving such success, but it quickly grew and many people expressed interest in reproducing my creations :D !  Therefore,, I started typing down and sharing my patterns, mainly as a way of thanking all my followers  Therefore followers for their enthusiasm. However, writing ing a pattern doesn’t come with tho out its own challenges and quite an effort: rt: while ile th the e de desi sign gn time time re rema main ins s unva unvari ried ed,, phys physic ical ally ly writ writin ing g it down down in digi digita tall form format at,, re rema maki king ng the the piec pieces es to mak make su sure re they they’r ’re e corre orrect ct,, an and d prep prepar arin ing g al alll co comm mmen ents ts an and d pict pictur ures es,, tak takes ab abou outt mo more re than than a thir third d of the the time time I spend on a project. I’m an ind independent art rtiist: I’m not sponsored, not affiliated to any magazine ine or company, and I don’t  receive ive any retr trib ibut utio ion n for my work oth the er th tha an what I gain ain fro rom m my sma small Rav Ravelr lry y shop shop.. I woul uld d love to sh shar are e all all my pa patt tter erns ns for fr free ee but, but, se seei eing ng the the amou amount nt of time time an and d en ener ergy gy I sp spen end d on them them,, that that would ouldn' n't  t  be possible. If you like my work and wish for me to keep writ itin ing g crochet  patt pa tter erns ns,, pl plea ease se su supp ppor ortt me me:: do don' n'tt re redi dist stri ribu bute te th this is pa patt tter ern n and don't make use of pirated copies. Not sure if yours is a pirated copy? Read the next page :)

Let me thank you once again for your love and support. You’re all a source of great motivation for me!

Cheers, Chiara 


Paid crochet pattern by Chiara Cremon 


chi cr fts

Licence Hell llo o, and th than ank k you for bein ing g about bout to tr try y out out th this is pat patte tern rn!! It was made with ith a lot of love and per person sonal effort :) Here are a few rules and advice you’d REALLY better read and keep in mind!  This is a pattern for sale, available available via my Ravelry shop exclusively exclusively (link in the header of this docu do cume ment) nt).. If yo you’ u’ve ve found ound it in an any y othe otherr lo loca cati tion on,, you’ you’re re re read adin ing g a stol stolen en copy opy, an and d yo you u sh shou ould ldn n’t use use it. Also, this doesn’t allow you to redistribute it in turn. DO NOT copy or redistribute this pattern in ANY form. Unauthorized translations are also prohibited. DO NOT reuse my pictures.  This pattern is intended for personal personal use only. only. Please give me credits when posting online by always adding “Pattern ern by @chi @chiac acrrafts afts”” and #chiacraftspatterns.. If you don’t post online, I would very much like to receive a picture of your work #chiacraftspatterns anyway :D thiis Please respect my copyright, my wishes and my hard work. Support me and help me carry on th activity. Thank you for listening :) For any doubt, you can contact me via PM on Instagram or by email. I DO NOT answer questions via private message on Ravelry, but you have all the information to contact me otherwise. I always answer :)


Paid crochet pattern by Chiara Cremon 


chi cr fts

HERstory: Boudicca, queen of Celti Boudic Boud icca ca was born born in Engl Englan and d ar arou ound nd 33 AD AD,, thou though gh this this is ju just st a con onte temp mpor orar ary y re rend nder erin ing g of he herr na name me,, made up by Tacitu itus. It com ome es fr fro om th the e Celti ticc word bouda, whic which h mean means s “v “vic icto tory ry”: ”: it’ it’s the the eq equi uiva vale lent nt of   the modern "Victoria". Most of what we know about her was passed down to us by the Roman historians Tacitus and Cassius Dio. Both depict her as beauti tifful, ye yett te terr rrif ifyi ying ng.. Here Here’s ’s how how Cass Cassiu ius s Di Dio o de desc scri ribe bes s her in his book "R "Ro oman hi hist stor ory” y”:: “S “Sh he was very  tall, the glance of her eye most fierce; her voice harsh. A great mass of the reddest hair fell down to her hips. Her appearance was  terrifying.””  terrifying. Betwe tween th the e yea years 14 BC and 68 AD Augu ugustus stus aner doh ei s v(T (Tib eriu Can al alig igul a, ire Cela laud udiu ius snagnd N ero ) is ru rullheeir dro eriber th the eius, Rs, om Eula mpir mp , brin br ingi gin it   to its territorial peak. Around the years of  Boud Bo udic icca ca’s ’s bi birth rth,, th the e empi empire re exte extend nded ed th thro roug ugh: h: France, Spain, Italy, North Africa, Egypt, Le Leba bano non, n, Is Isra rael el,, Jo Jord rdan an,, Si Siri ria, a, Ir Iraq aq,, Saud Saudii Ar Arab abia ia,,  Turkey  Turkey,, Greece, Romania, Hungary, Austria, Slovakia and Czech Republic (I might be missing some countries in the list but you got   the idea). In 43 AD, Emperor Claudius ordered the invasion of Britain. Accordin ing g to Cassius Dio,  the operation succeeded succeeded in just 16 days, after which Claudius ceremonio iou usly accepted th the e submission of the Britons and returned to Rome, where, in time, his victory was commemorated with the famous triumphal arch. Around 47 AD, Boudicca married ied Prasutagus, king of th the e Iceni, a populatio tion situated in what is now Norfolk, a rural county around Norwich, in East England. The couple had two daughters. Like ike th the e re res st of th the e nati tiv ve Bri riti tish sh nob obil ilit ity y at th the e ti time me,, he recogniz gnize ed th the e advant nta age of be bein ing g part of th the e Empire, and had therefore pledged allegiance and loyalty to the Romans. As the the ye year ars s pa pass ssed ed,, the the oppr oppres essi sion on of the the Roma Roman n prov provin inci cial al ad admi mini nist stra rati tion on be beca came me in into tole lera rabl ble. e. The The Roman Governor of Britain at that time was Suetonius Paulinus, who treated its inhabitants as a de defe feat ated ed en enem emy y. Tac acit itus us reco recoun unts ts the the compl omplai aint nts s of the the Ic Icen enii as the the gove govern rnor or tyra tyrann nniz ized ed thei theirr pe pers rson ons s and th the eir poss posse essio ssion ns: "T "Th heir gan gangs of centu turi rio ons or sla slaves, as th the e case may may be, be, min ing gle vio viole len nce and insult. Nothing is any longer safe from their greed and lust".



Paid crochet pattern by Chiara Cremon 

chi cr fts

Even ven th the e royal hou house of th the e Iceni was not imm immune. une. At hi his s dea death th,, Pra rasu suta tag gus dre drew up a wil illl in whi hicch he left his kingd ingdo om join ointl tly y to his two two daugh ughters ers and to th the e Roma oman empe mpero rorr, Ner Nero. He hoped ped, by th this is ploy,  to keep his kingdom and household free from any attack. Instead, when the king died, so did the client  re rela lati tion onsh ship ip of his his king kingdo dom m with with Rome. ome. On the the Empe Empero rorr Nero Nero's 's orde orders rs,, the the im impe peri rial al pr proc ocur urat ator or se seiz ized ed all of Prasutagus's estate and declared th tha at any resistance would be treated as an act of rebellion. Boudicca went publicly stripped and flogged and her daughters raped. In 61 AD, the Iceni rebelled, led by Boudicca: many members of other Celtic tribes joined them. Boudic udicca ca''s warr rrio iors rs suc successfu ssfullly defe efeat ate ed th the e Roma oman legio gions and destr stroyed th the e capi pita tall of Roman Britain, then at Colchester. Then they went on to destroy London and Verulamium (St Albans).  Thousands were killed. For a while, the rebellion continued but eventually eventually Paulinus, Paulinus, who had made a  tactical withdrawal withdrawal (fled) with his troops until then, decided to challenge Boudicca. The final battle was possibly fought at a place called Mancetter, in the Midlands of England.  The Celti Celti were slaughtered. Tacitus records that 80,000 Britons (men, women and children), were killed. It is said said th tha at, bef befor ore e th the e final bat battl tle e, Boudic udiccca and her daug daught hter ers s dro drove in her ch cha ario riot to all her trib tribes es,, exhort hortin ing g th the em to be bra brave. She crie cried d th that at she she was desc escende nded fro from migh ighty men en,, but but she she was fighti ghtin ng as an ordinary person for her lost freedom, her bruise ised body and outraged daughters. Perhaps as a  taunt to the men in her ranks, she added: “Win the battle or perish: that is what I, a woman, will do; you men can live on in slavery if that's what you want”. Accord Acco rdin ing g to Roma Roman n so sour urce ces, s, sh short ortly ly af afte terr th the e upri uprisin sing g fa fail iled ed,, Boud Boudic icca ca eith either er pois poison oned ed hers hersel elff (Tac (Tacit itus us)) or died of her wounds (Cassius Dio), although there is no actual evidence of her fate. Nowadays, she is considered a British folk hero. Have you ever been to London and noticed that  monu mo nume ment ntal al br bron onze ze st stat atue ue on the the emba embank nkme ment nt of the the Tham Thames es,, cl clos ose e to the the Bi Big g Ben Ben an and d Wes estm tmin inst ster er bridge? That’s Boudicca and her daughters in their chariot before the final battle!


Paid crochet pattern by Chiara Cremon 


chi cr fts

bel elo ow th the e ch cha ain in,, and you end ea eacch round und with ith a sl in the first st. You don’t proceed in a spira iral, but by stacking concentric layers. There aren’t parts rts worked in joined rounds in this t his pattern.

Read Me

When Wh en worki orking ng in row rows, in inst stea ead, d, at the the en end d of ea each ch

 Pay attention to the the details!

row you shou should ld tu turn rn your wor ork k and pro roccee eed d in th the e opposite direction: the first st of a row should,  therefore,, be worked in the last stitch of the  therefore previous row, thus proceeding zig-zag and creatin ting a 2D shape. Whe When working in rows, you sh shou ould ld al alw ways mak make a  turning chain at the end of  each row of sc to help you better turn your work.  This turning chain might not be always always explicitly reported in the pattern, but it’s visible in the diagrams.  The only case case where you should NOT make a  turning chain is when you make a decrease at the beginning of a row (you skip the first stitch sti tch and start working in the second).

 Take  Take a go good od look at at all the pictures pictures and don’t don’t be afraid to re-do some parts. Luckily, they’re so small it’s quite fast :) It's a good practice to read the whole document  before starting. Knowing what to expect will help you pay attention!

 Tips and Tutorials Tutorials You find quick video tutorials on how to work in

When Wh en work workin ing g in row rows, afte afterr a ch chai ain, n, alw alway ays s star start  t  secon ond d loop oop fr from om hook ook, if not specifie fr fro om th the e sec ified otherwise. Also, both when working ing in rows and working ing in rounds, work the stitches always through the entir entire e st stit itch ch,, not in the back loops or front loops only,, unless specified otherwise. only

rsotiutcnhdess, rio s yaY nout d hube ow cha to e xeel. c.utIead alvlisteheyobuastioc outube chann nnel nwm have a look in case you should be unsure about  how to work. Anywa yway, all the stitches are quite stand tanda ard rd,, so you migh ight as well jus ustt type type th the e na nam me of the stitch on google, and follow the first    tutorial popping popping out. You also find some useful tips related to my patterns in my In Inst stag agra ram m gu guid ides es.. I strongly recommend taking a look if this is the first time you’re following one of my patterns! This materi teria al is const sta antl tly y evol volving: ing: I keep imp improvin ving in ex expl plai aini ning ng myse myself lf an and d I ke keep ep en enri rich chin ing g it it.. That That's 's why I'm not linking any post to specific parts of  

For left-handed people everythi thing ng is mi mirr rror or-l -lik ike e for for If you you’re ’re le left ft-ha -hande nded, d, every you!! you

 the document. document.

Right-handed people should work in the round clockwise, keeping the crochet hook between Left ft-h -han ande ded d peop people le shou should ld  them and the work. Le work wo rk in the the roun round d coun counte terc rclo lock ckwi wise se keep keepin ing g th the e work between them and the crochet hook. Right-handed should work in rows proceeding left-h -han ande ded d shou should ld wo work rk fr from om from right to left, left left eft to rig igh ht . The Therefor efore e, you ca can n easil sily foll llo ow th this is pattern keeping in mind to always swap in inst stru rucctio tions spe specul ula arly: for exa xam mple le,, if I say say th that  at   the stitch marker should be placed on the left side of the doll, that makes it the right side for you, and so on.

Rounds and Rows Rounds,, Par arts ts of this this pa patt tter ern n ha have ve been been worke orked d in Rounds others in Rows Rows.. When working in rounds, the first stitch of a round must be worked upon the first sti tittch of the previous one, thus proceeding in spiral and creating a 3D hollow shape. This technique is known as continuous rounds. rounds. Another way of working in rounds is the  joined rounds one: in this case, you start each round with a chain, work the first st in the stitch right  



Paid crochet pattern by Chiara Cremon 

chi cr fts

 Tip: measure your gauge

Stitch marker usage

Measure the dimensions of your stitches or compare them with those of the rest of the project   to understand understand if you’re proceeding proceeding well.

I place the stitch marker on the LAST st of the round.. I.E.: in my patterns, it marks the end of the round round.

If you’re working correctly and you’re right  handed, you should work clockwise keeping the crochet hook between you and the work (counterclockwise if you're left-handed). If you’re right handed and you’re working counterclockwise keeping the work between you and your crochet  hook, then you’re working inside out. You’ll have a hard time following this pattern if you do so, I’d

For example: the stitches of the wig are smaller  than those of of the head, despite the indications indications said to work it with the same tension? It will most  likely not fit :) If you’re planning on making more characters of   the same series, series, and you want to make them all alike, don’t forget to keep another doll close so you can compare the sts dimensions and adjust  your gauge.  Tiny variations in the the thickness of the yarn, your your mood, but also other factors such as lighting,  together with your your natural improvement improvement as a crafter, can play a role in impacting your gauge.  That’s perfectly perfectly normal! Just take your your time to

suggest you correct it.

adjust it if needed.

 Don’t work inside out!

 YU vs YO stitches Some parts in this pattern are worked YU (Yarn Under) i.e. using the “X” stitch. Others are worked YO (yarn over), over), i.e. using the “V” stitch. You find more info about the two in the dedicated post in my IG profile.  The choice of of stitch type is mainly mainly aesthetical aesthetical and doesn’t impact the result more than how a change in gauge would. Feel free to follow it all using only 1 kind of stitch, if that makes you more comfortable.

Gauge I used to work the body of my dolls extremely  tight. Since it’s it’s not easy easy to work as as tight as I do and I want to make my patterns as reproducible as possible, for this series I tried loosening up my  tension a bit. bit. Using the “x” stitch helped helped a lot! lot! The fact the stitch is “fuller” allows me to work a bit  more relaxed while still avoiding annoying holes in the still to be worked  The pattern worked tight, but don’t  don’t  go crazy or finger-breaking ;)


Paid crochet pattern by Chiara Cremon 


chi cr fts

Abbreviations * These are standard US standard abbreviations + something I’ve made up to ease the reading. ★ R = Round (continuous or joined) ★ Row = row ★ MR = Magic Ring ★ st  st = = stitch ★ sk = skip ★ sc = single crochet  ★ inc = sc inc increa ease se (in invi visi sib ble sc in inccre rea ase, se, i.e i.e. 1st sc in FL, 2nd through the entire st   when working in rounds, [2 sc] through  the entire st when when working working in rows) rows) ★ dec = sc decrease (invisible sc decrease when working in rounds, sc2tog when working in rows)

★ dc = double crochet  ★ hdc = half double crochet  ★ ch = chain ★ sl = slip stitch ★  tr = treble crochet  ★ BLO = back loop only (corr rre espon spond ds to th the e ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

inner loop when working in rounds) FLO = fr fron ontt loop only (cor orre resp spon ond ds to th the e outer loop when working in rounds) [ ] = means that the stitches are to be done in the same loop or stitch CY-P -PO O = cut the yarn and pull it out from  the stitch IJ = Invisible Join FO = fasten off (CY-PO + IJ) stsc = standing sc  tch = turning chain rc = rising chain


Paid crochet pattern by Chiara Cremon 


chi cr fts

 the body tight with a hook 1 size smaller smaller than indicated, and scale the other hooks accordingly. accordingly. Anyhow, my advice is to avoid picking a yarn much thicker than indicated, to avoid a sloppy result: maximum 1 size bigger!

Materials ★ 2.0 mm crochet hook ★  Tapestry  Tapestry needle


★ 8 mm black safety eyes ★ Stuffing (poly fiber fill or other) ★ Yarn all in the same size of the following

colors. I’ve used YarnArt Jeans: ○ Carrot (85): hair ○ Peach (73): skin ○ Mustard (84): tartan scarf  ○ Black (53): details ○ White (01): details ○ Khaki (82): tartan scarf  ○ Brown (40): details ○  Turquoise  Turquoise (33) (33):: tartan scarf  ○ Light gray (49): dress

Using the yarn and hook size indicated (and, most  importantly,, working tight!!!), the finished importantly amigurumi will be about 8x5 cm.

Dark gray (46): details Beige (07): details ★ Fabric glue ★ Copper wire 0.4mm (or thicker) ○ ○

 Note on the eyes eyes  The right safety safety eye size depends depends on the doll’s doll’s dimensions! Don’t purchase 8 mm eyes if you’re not sure the dimensions of your doll will be similar to mine. My advice is to purchase a box with many different sizes, and use the one which better suits your doll. Approximately, safety eyes should be 2.5 stitches wide.

 Note on the yarn yarn I used YarnArt Jeans, which is a yarn made to be worked with a 3 or 3.5 mm hook (it comes only in 1 size, so you can’t go wrong). As usual when working amigurumis, I’ve used a hook 1 size smaller than indicated to better work the body  tight, thus avoiding holes holes in the ccrochet rochet from which the stuffing would be visible or fall  through. You should get a good result with wit h this pattern as long as you stick to one yarn brand/size, brand/size, work


Paid crochet pattern by Chiara Cremon 


chi cr fts

Remember that left and right are always intended from the point of view of the doll, not of the observer. R7: work in the left leg: 1 stsc, 4 sc, ch 2, 2 , wor work k in sc, work in the back of the chain:  the right leg: 10 sc, 2 sc, sc, work in the left leg: 5 sc (24)

Legs x 2 Crochet hook: 2.0 mm Work tight. Make sure not to leave holes in the crochet work Work YU Start with brown. You’ll also need peach R1: 6 sc in MR (6) R2: 6 sc (6) Change to peach. R3: (2 sc, 1 inc) x 2 (8) R4: 8 sc (8) R5: (3 sc, 1 inc) x 2 (10) R6: 10 sc (10) End with 1 sl, 1 IJ in the next st (keeping the total count of sts in the last round = 10). Make 2. Stuff the legs.

R8-R10: 24 sc (24) Change color to brown. Don’t cut the gray yarn. As you’ll need it immediately next round, you can  just pick it up again. again. R11: Work BLO: BLO: (10 sc, 1 dec) dec ) x 2 (22) Change color to light gray. R12: 5 sc, 1 dec, 9 sc, 1 dec, 4 sc (20) R13: 20 sc (20) R14: (8 sc, 1 dec) x 2 (18) Pause to work on the skirt.

Body  Body Crochet hook: 2.0 mm Work tight  Work YU Start with light gray. You’ll also need brown  Join the legs keeping the color changes changes facing facing away from you (the side with the color changes will become the back of the doll). Start from what will be the left side of the left leg.



Paid crochet pattern by Chiara Cremon 

chi cr fts

Skirt Crochet hook: 2.0 mm Work a bit more loosely than the body Work YU Work with light gray  Join the light gray gray yarn on a loop of R10 on the front of the doll, slightly on the left (you can can use  the end extremity extremity of the same same skein). skein). Work Work keeping the body upside down.

 Then, work a small buckle using mustard yarn: yarn: 6 sc in MR, IJ in 1st sc and secure the buckle on top of the brown belt.

Note that this part is worked in rows. At the end of each row, you should make a tch and turn the work, as usual. You should then skip the first  stitch: by doing this, you can imagine i magine the tch ends up lying onto the skipped stitch, thus taking the place of the first st of the row. In this way, the tch you work in between two rows plays the role of   the first st of of the second second row, row, and you’re you’re going to work in it the following row. This gives to your crochet work a smoother outline. Row1: 1 stsc, 23 sc (24), tch Row1: (24), tch,, turn Row2:: sk 1, 23 sc (24), tch, turn Row2 In the next two rows, we don’t make the tch and we skip the first st. As there’s no tch which plays  the role of of first st of the row, row, this creates a decrease. Row3 Row3:: sk 1, 23 sc (24), NO tch, turn Row4:: sk 1, 23 sc (23), NO tch, turn Row4 Row5:: sk 1, 22 sc (22), NO tch, turn Row5 Row6 Row6:: sk 1, 21 sc (21) CY-PO,, weave in the tails left. CY-PO

Shoulders, neck and head Crochet hook: 2.0 mm Work tight. Make sure not to leave holes in the crochet work Work YU Continue working in light gray from where you left off @ R14. You’ll also need peach R15: (1 sc, 1 dec) x 6 (12) R16: 12 sc (12)



Paid crochet pattern by Chiara Cremon 

chi cr fts

Change to peach. R17: 6 dec (6) Make sure the body is stuffed firmly, stuff the last  rounds well.  The next 2 rounds rounds of 6 sc are the neck. neck. Working Working  tight, my neck is firm firm enough to support the head.

 The previous picture picture was ta taken ken at the end of R23.  The stitch marker marker pointed to to by the red red arrow marks the end of the round. The other 2 stitch markers indicate the points where the last of the 9 sc and the first of the 7 sc of R24 will end up being. By marking these spots on your work, you

If you prefer, you can insert a q-tip or a metallic skeleton to help keep it up. R18-R19: 6 sc (6)

can make sure that the increases in R24 will fall on the front of the doll. Adapt otherwise. Remember that the only correct way of adapting is distributing the stitches differently, differently, by making more/less sc before/after the (1 inc, 4 sc) x 4 so  that the incs will will be situated symmetricall symmetrically y on the front. You should never add or take off stitches from any round (unless explicitly suggested by  the pattern). pattern). R24: 9 sc, (1 inc, 4 sc) x 4, 7 sc (40) Example of adaptation: R24: R2 4: 9 5 sc, (1 inc, 4 sc) x 4, 7 11 sc (40) R25: 40 sc (40) Find 6 sc on the front of the doll (symmetrical), and mark the first and last one with a stitch marker.

From now on, you can decrease your tension compared to the body. The pattern is more regular, so you won’t risk creating holes. In this way, the head will also come out a bit bigger (which looks cuter IMO) and will bend more easily, which will make the eyes’ indentation more effective. Work YU Work with peach R20: 6 inc (12) R21: 12 inc (24) R22: 24 sc (24) R23: (1 sc, 1 inc) x 12 (36) Your stitch marker should now be in this position, on the back of the head (red arrow in the picture).

R26: 40 sc in total, worked as follows. Work peach sc until you have 1 st left before the stitch marker, then change to turquoise, work 1  turquoise sc, sc, change back to peach (see following picture).



Paid crochet pattern by Chiara Cremon 

chi cr fts

R31: work peach sc until the 1st turquoise sc,  then 2 turquoise sc, sc, change back to peach and end the round with peach sc (38) R32: work peach sc until the 1st turquoise sc, sc, change back to peach and  then 1 turquoise sc, end the round with peach sc (38)

Keep working the rest of the round in peach. Don’t remove the stitch markers, keep them in place. Note remember that the color change should always be done Yarning Over with the new color  on the second step of the previous st.  Tip from now on, cut the yarn each time you change color, and tie the new and old color extremities. It’s time consuming, but you’ll end up with a better result than working tapestry or dragging the yarn inside the work. work.

R33: 38 peach sc (38) From now on, work all in peach. R34: 10 sc, 1 dec, 17 sc, 1 dec, 7 sc (36) Here’s the color change scheme from R26 to R33:

In the next picture you find a top view of your work at the end of R26.

R27: work peach sc, sc, stop when you have 2 sts left before the stitch marker, change to blue and make 1 turquoise dec (working together the  turquoise sc and and the peach peach sc which comes comes before before it, see the scheme), scheme), 1 turquoise sc, sc, then change  to peach, work other other 5 sc (you’ll find yourself on  the second stitch marker), marker), then work 1 dec, dec, and end the round with peach sc (38) You can remove the stitch markers now. R28: work peach sc and stop when you have 1 st  left before the first turquoise stitch. Then T hen work 4  turquoise sc, sc, change back to peach, end the round with peach sc (38) R29=R28,, work same color stitches over the R29=R28 stitches of R28. R30: work peach sc until the 1st turquoise sc (you work3a turquoise peach sc over the 1st back turquoise stitch),  then sc, change to peach and end the round with peach sc (38)

Stop and work on the eyes.



Paid crochet pattern by Chiara Cremon 

chi cr fts

Position the eyes between R28 and R29, 6 stitches apart. I place them directly above the decs made in R27.

 Then insert the eyes eyes and fix them with the washer. And complete the embroidery. Cut two long threads, a peach one and a  turquoise one. one. Widen the hole for the eye and pass the threads as in the following picture (the turquoise one on  the turquoise side, side, the peach one on the peach side, the crochet hook is holding the hole for the eye).

Do the same on both sides, and embroider the eyebrows using carrot yarn.

 Then add the threads for for the eye embroidery embroidery (you can find a generic video tutorial on how to make  the embroidery embroidery in my Instagram Instagram profile). profile).

 The peach and and turquoise threads threads will be used to indent the eyes. For the time being, pull them t hem out   the back of of the doll.



Paid crochet pattern by Chiara Cremon 

chi cr fts

and I stuff the rest while closing up the t he head. T he he top of the head should be stuffed firmly: don’t neglect the last rounds.  The lower part of the head ends up being slightly lighter stuffed than the upper one, since it’s stu tufffed as jus ustt sho shown whe herreas, whil ile e cl clo osing sing th the e  top, I keep pushing the stuffing in with my scissors until the surface sur face is well stretched. Proper stuffing can increase the height of the forehead of your doll up to 1 cm! Keep on working the head: R35: (4 sc, 1 dec) x 6 (30) R36: (3 sc, 1 dec) x 6 (24) Stuff while closing the head! It must be stuffed firmly, don’t neglect the last rounds. R37: (2 sc, 1 dec) x 6 (18) R38: (1 sc, 1 dec) x 6 (12) R39: 6 dec CY-PO leav(6) ing a long tail for sewing. Using a  tapestry needle, pass the tail through all the FLs of the last round, and pull. Make a knot and hide  the yarn inside inside the doll’s doll’s body. body. Last, pull the th thrreads to indent the eyes, fix them with a knot behind the head and hide the tails inside ide th the e head (th the ere’s a vide ideo in my Instagram profile).

Stuff below the indentation threads. I first pull out the threads, and I stuff the lower part of the head:

 Then I pull the threads back in (from the back of   the doll),


Paid crochet pattern by Chiara Cremon 


chi cr fts


Tartan scarf

Crochet hook: 2.0 mm

Crochet hook: 2.0 mm

Work tight  Work YU Start with the peach. You’ll You’ll also need light gray R1: 5 sc in MR (5) R2: 5 sc (5) Change to light gray R3-R7: 5 sc (5) End with: 1 sl, turn skip the sl, 2 sc, sl You just created a curvature for the shoulder. CY-PO leaving a long tail for sewing (if you plan on sewing).  The arms don’t don’t need stuffing. stuffing. Make 2.

Work tight  Work YO Work with mustard, khaki and turquoise Start by working 2 mustard sc over the khaky  thread. You You don’t have have to make make any any chain: you use  the khaki yarn yarn as a base base and you you work the mustard sc around it. Leave long starting tails to braid them later on.

Sew or glue them to the body in correspondence with the color change line.  Then change color to khaki (twist the two ends to change color), and work 2 khaki sc over the mustard thread.



Paid crochet pattern by Chiara Cremon 

chi cr fts

Proceed this way, alternating 2 khaki sc over the mustard yarn and 2 mustard sc over the khaki yarn for 11 times, until you end up having a stripe 22 sc long.

Work one last row similarly to this last one, this  time alternating alternating 2 mustard sc worked over the khaki ones and 2 khaki sc worked over the  turquoise yarn. yarn. Cut the yarn at the end, and braid the end extremities.

Cut the yarn at the end, leave a long tail to braid.  Join the khaki khaki yarn on the first sc made made (at the beginning of the first row) with a 1 stsc. stsc.  Then sew it or glue it around around her shoulders. shoulders.

  sc, then change to Work another 1 khaki sc,  turquoise and and work 2 turquoise sc over the 2 khaki ones. Proceed in this way until the end of the row, alternating 2 khaki sc worked over the mustard ones and 2 turquoise sc worked over the  turquoise ones. ones. Cut the yarn at the end.


Paid crochet pattern by Chiara Cremon 


chi cr fts

Hair Crochet hook: 2.0 mm Work loosely loos ely Work YO Work with carrot  Start with working a long chain. The length of the chain can vary based on your gauge, but should be long enough to reach the waist of your doll when pinned on top of her head, or longer if  needed.

Without cutting the yarn, work a second strand exactly the same way, first work a long chain (same length as before) and then work sc across it   to go back to the beginning beginning of the chain. chain.

 Then, starting from the second loop loop from hook, hook, work sc until the beginning of the chain. In this way, you’ll get a hair strand. The strand should naturally curl up. If it doesn’t, you can force it by working 2 sc in each loop of the chain rather  than 1.



Paid crochet pattern by Chiara Cremon 

chi cr fts

Cut the carrot yarn leaving a long tail for sewing. Using a tapestry needle, weave this tail through  the base of each strand strand (as shown shown in the picture, picture, pick a small loop per strand, don’t pass through  the strands).

Proceed working strands this way, until you’ll have enough of them to cover the back of the head from side to side.  Tip when you think you’ve got enough, add 1 or  two more, more, just to be sure. sure. The more, the merrier!

Leave a small loop at the end, and pass the  tapestry needle back in to close close the wig and pull it together.

 This is how the wig wig should look look like so far: far:




Paid crochet pattern by Chiara Cremon 

chi cr fts

 Then pin the hair hair strand down, down, to give shape to  the hairstyle. I alternated alternated stripes I flattened flattened down down so they'd cover the scalp to strands I let fall soft   to give the hairstyle hairstyle a messy messy look. If you notice you’ve got too few strands, you can always crochet some stand alone ones and add in between the others to fill up the space.

And here’s the result!

Using the tail left, sew the center of the wig to the  top of the head.

 Then sew or glue the strands strands in position.


Paid crochet pattern by Chiara Cremon 


chi cr fts


Prepare some extensions braiding 6 carrot  strands. You can also decor them with turquoise yarn as you see in the following picture.

Crochet hook: 2.0 mm Work tight  Work YO Start with brown. You’ll also need dark gray Using brown yarn, work 14 sc over the copper  turn. wire, turn. wire,

Sew or glue these braids to the scalp, passing under the other strands. Note I glued the wig, but sewn these braid extensions. And here's the final result!

 Then work 14 sc NOT in the stitches you just  worked, but on their base. You should insert your hook under the copper wire. Carry the loose copper wire inside the work (overall (overall these sts will be worked across 2 copper wires).



Paid crochet pattern by Chiara Cremon 

chi cr fts

Glue it to the handle. You can then decor it using some beige yarn as shown in the following pictures:

FO, weave in the brown tails left and hide the FO, copper wire start and end extremities on the wrong side of the work.

 Then work the the tip using dark gray gray yarn.  This part is worked in rows, don’t forget forget the  turning chain! Row1: ch 2 (1) Row2: [2 sc] (2) Row3: 2 sc (2) Row4: [2 sc] x 2 (4) Row5: 4 sc (4) FO.. FO


Paid crochet pattern by Chiara Cremon 


chi cr fts

Congratulations  Your Boudicca is ready! Don’t forget to send me a picture or tag me if you post on Instagram (more info in the license page!)


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