
February 11, 2017 | Author: danarasmussen | Category: N/A
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 The Best Copy Wr Writer iter Books in One One Place

What are the best copywriter books?

If you are an aspiring copywriter, or you are a business owner who wants to increase sales, or if you are an online business owner who wants to write persuasive web copy...these seinal books on copywriting are for you.

Choosing the best copywriting books is an invi!ious task"one that is boun! to !ivi!e opinion an! provoke !ebate.

But the copywriting books that are referre! to below are recoen!e! by soe of the #nest copywriters who plie! their tra!e writing powerfully persuasive !irect response copy.

$n! they have stoo! the test of tie as they contain the universal principles that have been successful in selling billions of !ollars worth of goo!s an! services since they have been publishe!.

People like %ugene &chwart', Clau!e (opkins, )avi! Oglivy, )an *enne!y, +ary (albert, +ary Bencivenga, Clayton akepeace have at one tie or another recoen!e! certain copywriting books for bu!!ing copywriters" books that they !escribe! as essential.

It is these books that will be the priary focus of this page.

I have rea! alost all of the an! have y personal favorites which I will share with you.

But it is iportant to let you know about what you can e-pect in each book as your nee!s an! knowle!ge an! personal style will be !ierent fro ine.

I !on/t neglect o!ern copywriting copywriting books either but the ephasis will be on the classics, the copywriting books that have stoo! the test of tie an! which have been recoen!e! again an! again by the asters.

Because in y opinion, ost of what followe! fro the classic copywriters was siply a !ierent take on the universal principles of persuasion set out in the pages of the classics. Copywriting Books 0ecoen!e! by %ugene &chwart'

1Breakthrough $!vertising1 by %ugne &chwart' is one of the best copywriting books ever written.

It is !etaile!, coprehensive, an! is the copywriting book that shoul! be in every copywriter/s library.

It is not a book to be rea! at one sitting. It is a book that you will #n! yourself  !rawn to again an! again if you are serious about your copywriting tra!e.

I have !one an e-haustive review of this book which you can check out by clicking on the link below.

%ugene &chwart' recoen!e! the following books at the back of his seinal work2

3. an anthology of great a!vertiseents "The 344 +reatest $!vertiseents by  5ulian Watkins, Watkins, 3676 8. y 9ife in $!vertising by Clau!e (opkins, 368: ;. Intensive $!vertising by 5ohn %. *enne!y 7. The 0obert Collier 9etter Book by 0obert Collier

I !on/t neglect o!ern copywriting copywriting books either but the ephasis will be on the classics, the copywriting books that have stoo! the test of tie an! which have been recoen!e! again an! again by the asters.

Because in y opinion, ost of what followe! fro the classic copywriters was siply a !ierent take on the universal principles of persuasion set out in the pages of the classics. Copywriting Books 0ecoen!e! by %ugene &chwart'

1Breakthrough $!vertising1 by %ugne &chwart' is one of the best copywriting books ever written.

It is !etaile!, coprehensive, an! is the copywriting book that shoul! be in every copywriter/s library.

It is not a book to be rea! at one sitting. It is a book that you will #n! yourself  !rawn to again an! again if you are serious about your copywriting tra!e.

I have !one an e-haustive review of this book which you can check out by clicking on the link below.

%ugene &chwart' recoen!e! the following books at the back of his seinal work2

3. an anthology of great a!vertiseents "The 344 +reatest $!vertiseents by  5ulian Watkins, Watkins, 3676 8. y 9ife in $!vertising by Clau!e (opkins, 368: ;. Intensive $!vertising by 5ohn %. *enne!y 7. The 0obert Collier 9etter Book by 0obert Collier

"!eal sheet


7. (ea!line"bene#t an! news. 9ook at your !eal sheetoer an! a!apt it to a hea!line. Oer or!inary? &weeten it until you have soething to say..

ouE! get the au!io transcripts an! e-ecutive suaries, which have live links. IE! help you buil! your business.

If you cae up with a website, I proote! you to others in the entoring progra. any coaches !onEt !o that. Through y prootion, you coul!

generate Doint venture opportunities.

Part Three2 @nuestionable Proof 

 The urgent proble I use! when prooting y #rst pro!uct, a postcar! arketing course, was that we are in an over"arkete! society M an! the only thing that woul! get through is a postcar!.

 The uniue proise was2 KPostcar!s are the fastest, easiest, ost econoical way to increase your sales an! pro#ts without spen!ing an e-tra !ie on a!vertising or arketing costs.L

 Then I starte! provi!ing unuestionable proof. I wrote, KThatEs why arketing With Postcar!s is the ost uniue an! cutting e!ge a!vertising course of its kin!. Want proof? Take a sneak peek at the postcar! arketing secrets youEll !iscover.L

Gollowing that, I rattle! o a bunch of bullet points, like Kou know, you canEt bore people into buying your pro!uct. >ou can only interest the in buying it.L

&o how !o you ake your copy ore interesting an! fascinating?

ake it scannable an! visually appealing

@se your !istinct personality or uniue selling proposition

ake it entertaining Ras long as the huor furthers your goalS

Incorporate controversy


Tell stories

;. InDect personality.

%very writer an! every bran! has their own uniue voice, style, an! uniue selling proposition R@&PS. Ogilvy knew that buil!ing a Ksharply !e#ne! personalityL is the best way Ran! soeties the only wayS to !ierentiate yourself fro the copetition an! gain a larger arket share. Before publishing anything, ake sure it clearly !eonstrates your bran! personality " inclu!ing voice, style, wor! choice, values, an! @&P Q as well as atches your target au!ienceEs nee!s an! !esires. 7. 0e#ne your hea!line.

On the average, #ve ties as any people rea! the hea!line as rea! the bo!y copy. When you have written your hea!line, you have spent eighty cents out of your !ollar.  )avi! Ogilvy 

In their books on copywriting an! a!vertising, legen!s like Ogilvy an! 5ohn Caples wrote whole chapters on crafting powerful hea!lines. (ere are a few

of the best tips on copywriting eective hea!lines an! subDect lines to get you starte!2

CopybloggerEs agnetic (ea!lines training

Write the copy #rst, then pull out the strongest phrases to use as hea!lines an! subhea!ings. This ensures your hea!lines atch your copy.

Opt for straightforwar!, siple hea!lines over tricky or clever ones.

0eeber the 7 @Es2 @rgent, @niue, @seful, @ltra"speci#c.

+ive rea!ers a bene#t Q then ake sure you !eliver in the bo!y copy.

Paint a vivi! picture or stiulate an intense eotion. These grab attention an! a!! interest, an! they can instantly convey the ost iportant bene#t.

@se )avi! +ar#nkelEs &hortcut Test2 If you poste! the hea!line an! a phone nuber as a classi#e! a!, woul! it generate inuiries?

Copywriting (all"of"Gaer 5ohn Caples !ivi!e! successful hea!lines into three classes. In his e-perience, the thir! best hea!lines use! curiosity, the secon!" best use! news, an! the best of all use! the rea!erEs self"interest. (e suggeste! that writers Ktry to get self"interest into every hea!lineL an! Kavoi! hea!lines that erely provoke curiosity curiosity by itself is sel!o enough.L ou get a call to action, copany i!enti#cation, an! a visual !escription of the bene#t.L

 The iagery of the !rain instantly conveys the bene#t. ItEs also eorable, always a plus in great content.

iage source 86. 9ea! with your strongest point.

&o any writers save their ost potent points for last, when it shoul! be the other way aroun!. ore prospects will rea! the beginning than the en!, so putting your best i!ea #rst is ore persuasive. The strongest point can often grab attention better than weaker points, aking it i!eal for the beginning. ;4. Buil! cre!ibility.

$nother very successful copywriter, &teve &launwhite, sai!2

KIn y e-perience, the nuber one key to persuasion is this2 counicate trust. If you !o this well, you at least have a chance at engaging an! persua!ing the rea!er. If you !onEt !o this well, however, no aount of fancy copywriting techniues will save you.L

 >ou can buil! cre!ibility an! trust by entioning cre!entials like2

strong guarantee, return, an! privacy policies

testionials an! !ata about your track recor!

years in business

innovations an! awar!s


ebership an! participation in professional societies

seals of approval

agency ratings

in!epen!ent survey results

e!ia coverage

;3. ention the ost iportant point at least three ties.

 This is Winston ChurchillEs Ktreen!ous whackL theory, which says to not be subtle or clever about your iportant point. 0ichar! Perry says, K@se a pile !river. (it the point once. Then coe back an! hit it again. Then hit it a thir!

tieMa treen!ous whack.L

&uccessful writers an! arketers use the power of three all the tie.

)erek (alpern a!vises putting an opt"in for in three places on your $bout Page.

9ots of eail arketers inclu!e three links in an eail to !rive clicks RDust look at a few of the eail newsletters you getS.

9ong"for lan!ing pages often have three CT$ areas.

If soethingEs iportant, say it at the beginning, again in the i!!le, an! again at the en!. ;8. &tress value.

$ericaEs top copywriter Bob Bly says, KItEs not enough to convince prospects you have a great pro!uct or a superior service. >ou ust also show the that the value of your oer far e-cee!s the price you are asking for it.L

&howing the overall value is also known as the K!rop"in"the"bucketL techniue, where the cost of purchase is a tiny thing copare! to the bene#ts your oer !elivers. This works for eail subscriptions an! blog coents as well as pro!uct sales, since rea!ers give up soething they valueQtheir tie, eail a!!ress, privacyQto get soething of value in return.

 This fun!aental copywriting tip works really well in conDunction with tip X3:, provi!ing instantaneous grati#cation. If they alrea!y get value fro your content, the value of your oer is alost certainly worth the cost. ;;. Inclu!e a strong call to action.

If you !onEt speci#cally ask people to !o soething, chances are they wonEt !o it. %verything you write, fro blog posts to eails to social up!ates to lan!ing pages, shoul! close with a call to action RCT$S. To get the ost out of your CT$s, ake sure they2

atch the buyer persona an! stage of the buying cycle

oer soething of value

oer prospects soething they actually want

reiterate your ost iportant bene#t or eotional !river

;7. ake it personal.

Copywriter )avi! +ar#nkel says that successful content is personal, an! it !oesnEt use stilte! foral %nglish or KsticklerL language of a school assignent. (e recoen!s writing in a ore personal, rela-e! style, as if youEre having a one"on"one conversation with your prospect.

0esearch in!icates that personali'e! eails convert better than ass essages, an! ost internet arketers know that the ost successful blogs eploy the rela-e!, personal style. ;our Personality

Where are you ore likely to shop for basic groceries at M the Dolly, but sall"tie grocer !own the street youEve been frien!s with for !eca!es, or the big, new, e-pensive superarket !owntown? IE betting that ost of you vote! the forer.

Why? Because you know the grocer. Personally. $n! the trouble with Internet selling is that itEs har! for you to get to know your custoers an! vice versa. By sharing your personality an! Dust being yourself in your copy, youEll help rectify that situation. ;. Iportant Info +oes Girst

In high school literature, I was always taught that the i!eal place for your ost factual, well"researche!, an! supporte! points was right at the en! of the essay, before the conclusion.

ot so in web copywriting. ost people !onEt have tie to rea! through your

entire copy, so they Du!ge you by your #rst few sentences. ThatEs where your iportant inforation, ost elouent copy, an! persuasive statistics shoul! go. 7. Talk 0esults

Cut right to the chase. &tart talking results in your copyU what your pro!uct will !o for your custoer.

$fter all, the only reason why people browse the Internet is because they want bene#ts. &olutions to probles. 0esults. +uarantee the results, an! youEll be able hol! their attention for longer an! be ore likely to persua!e the to buy. ou are the

e-pert. >ou know what youEre talking about, an! you have to let your rea!ers know that. :. &ocial Proof 

&ocial proof is one of the ost powerful tools aroun! in persuasive writing. If you want soeone to buy soething theyEve never bought before, show the that others Dust like the have alrea!y taken the leap an! are happy with their results.

Glattering testionials an! large social e!ia followings are two prie in!icators of social proof. . $bolish Inhibitions

%verybo!y has inhibitions before aking a purchase. We all have !oubts before we buy soething M will it be worth the oney? Will it hol! up for as long as I nee! it to? Will I in any way be en!angere!coproise! by it?

 These inhibitions are ba! enough in a superarket, but theyEre apli#e! on the Internet, since itEs uch easier for sha!y characters to get away with a sca on the worl! wi!e web than it is for the to !o so in Kreal lifeL.

 The uick #-? $!!ress an! abolish those inhibitions. Bring the up in your copy. )onEt waste tie broaching the subDect or beating aroun! the bush M  Dust get right to it an! say Kno, we wonEt sca youL or Kyes, our pro!uct is worth its price tagL Rin! you, youEll have to phrase it !ierently U"SS. 6. Be Clear $bout e-t &teps

$fter you hook your visitor in an! convince the that they nee! your pro!uct in your life, you canEt Dust sit back an! e-pect cash to start rolling in. >our Dob isnEt over yet.

 >ou nee! to be clear about the ne-t steps the visitor nee!s to take in or!er to

purchase the pro!uct. +ui!e the right through your sales funnel with proinent buttons an! call to actions.

Persuasive copywriting is har!ly an easy thing to learn, but learning it is well worth the tie an! eort youEll invest. With these 6 tips to gui!e you, youEll soon be well on your way to becoe a aster persua!er Ryes, itEs a wor!S. N Woul! you like to generate ore lea!s, sales, an! business? Want to iprove conversions an! eectively establish your bran!? Two wor!s2 content arketing.

aybe these stats will help convince you

4Z of $erican Internet users interact with blogs an! social e!ia. :4Z of people woul! rather learn about a copany through articles than through a!s. 64Z of consuers #n! custo content useful.

Oh, an! letEs not forget that arketing with content costs you about =8Z less than tra!itional arketing Ryou can see all the statistics hereS.

(ereEs the thing about content arketing, though you nee! a killer strategy (ere are nine steps to ceenting one that epowers both your custoers an! your bran!. 3. [oo in on the $u!ience >ou Want to $ttract

When arketing with content, the goal is usually to preserve your current custoer base an! reel in new consuers. *nowing how to connect with these inten!e! au!iences is the foun!ation of an eective content strategy.

 The best approach is to view your au!ience as people, rather than statistics.

What are they intereste! in learning? What are they speci#cally searching for online? What probles !o they have? $nswering these uestions is the #rst step to success. 8. I!entify the 0elationship Between What >ouEre Teaching an! &elling

 To e-pan! the reach of your pro!ucts or services, the content you !eploy ust be interesting an! relevant. The inforation shoul! strike a chor! with rea!ers eotionally, intellectually, an!or in ters of practicality.

Gor e-aple, if you sell a culinary pro!uct, the content coul! reFect the any eals that coul! be prepare! using it. >ou coul! inclu!e recipes for nostalgic cofort foo!s, engaging eotions an! intellect an! presenting the pro!uct as uniuely useful. ;. Gocus on Content Integrity

Consuers are sart an! can !ierentiate soli! inforation fro spa. The latter can hurt your business. Consuers will avoi! spay aterial, whereas they will hol! your copany in high estee if you prove to be authentic.

 >our best bet is to hire subDect atter e-perts who can shape your essage into one that reFects your bran! while e!ucating rea!ers. If you canEt aor! to outsource to professionals, ake the tie an! create high"uality content yourself. 7. )e#ne the Aoice of >our Content

 >our content arketing strategy shoul! be Dust one layer of your overall arketing capaign, which can inclu!e anything fro television coercials to a!s on social e!ia. %verything un!er the ubrella of your capaign shoul! be synchroni'e!.

 The content pieces you put out shoul! never contra!ict any other bran! essaging, or your ain obDective. 0ather, each prootional aspect shoul! strengthen the other by rearing your copanyEs overarching purpose.

our rea!ers, once engage!, will e-pect to receive inforation fro you on a stea!y basis. If this !oesnEt occur, they will !isengage.

Being consistent is the hallark of a successful business in general. %verything fro the uality of your pro!ucts to the pro!uction of your content shoul! be reliable. This will give you cre!ibility nee!e! to position your bran! as an in!ustry authority. =. @se the 0ight Channels

 The best channels channels to utili'e utili'e tie back to your your au!ience. If your services services are geare! towar! senior citi'ens, a har! copy newsletter ight be their preferre! e!iu. If you are focuse! on a younger crow!, social e!ia ay be best.

Prooting your content on social sites like Twitter can ake it go viral. If the content is what rea!ers are looking for, they wonEt hesitate to share. Yuick &proutEs gui!e to content arketing oers ore !etails. :. Plan Way $hea!

 To  To be consistent, consistent, you will will nee! a long"ter long"ter e!itorial e!itorial calen!ar calen!ar.. Once you establish the freuency of your eorts, !eterine the topics you want to tackle as far ahea! as possible. This gives your subDect atter e-perts tie to gather inforation.

One shoul! bear in in!, though, that it is ipossible to fully pre!ict the future. >ou ay have to change a topic at the last inute base! on a current event. Tren!s ight change in a way not forecaste!. Be prepare!, yet Fe-ible. . 9everage &%O

$ soli! content arketing strategy geare! towar! the right au!ience is pointless if it !oesnEt reach this au!ience. &earch %ngine Optii'ation R&%OS is one of the best free ways to get valuable prospects to your web pages.

&%O involves incorporating keywor!s that consuers search for into your aterial. This way, your content will show up in search engine results an! reach the coputertabletsartphone screens of your target au!ience. 6. ever &top Collecting )ata

Intelligence gathering !oesnEt stop when you i!entify your au!ience. The worl! keeps evolving, an! so shoul! your business. *eeping abreast of tren!s an! stats ensures that your content is relevant at all ties.

$!!itionally, itEs iportant to track what the copetition is !oing. $fter all, they coul! be roun!ing up your custoers. To easure content etrics, you can use progras like +oogle $nalytics. @se online tools to see what copetitors are up to. H Writing persuasive copy is the goal of every professional copywriter. Persua!ing rea!ers to agree with you can help convert the into paying custoers. While it can prove challenging at ties, persuasive copywriting can be learne! an! perfecte! by following soe basic techniues.

(ere are 3: persuasive writing techniues that are a cobination of psychological etho!s an! proven strategies to gain your rea!ersE trust an! get the to agree with you. 3. Gocus On >our Best $u!ience

Writers ten! to cast a wi!e net, hoping to inFuence everyone. (owever, focusing on the people who are ost likely to bene#t fro the content an! writing for the will bring better results. 8. Tell The Why

0ea!ers are constantly bobar!e! with essages on a !aily basis. If you want their attention, Dustify it with a goo! reason up front, preferably soething that will bene#t the. ;. 0ely on a Proven Copywriting Gorula

Copywriting forulas e-ist solely to help copywriters persua!e rea!ers. There are several e-cellent copywriting forulas that are both eective an! easy to reeber, an! itEs well worth your tie to learn a han!ful of the. 7. @se the 0ight Tone of Aoice

What you say is iportant, but how you say it is vital. Tone inFuences how your rea!er perceives your essage, so !eci!e which one will be ost eective then use it consistently. ou @n!erstan!

Before you can persua!e your rea!er, you ust establish that you are Dust

like the in soe way. Perhaps you share the sae proble or have siilar !esires. Gin! a utual connection an! state it early on. . Tell a &tory

Gro the tie we are ol! enough to un!erstan! language, huans are suckers for a goo! story that akes us feel. $nec!otes, especially when backe! by facts, are a great way to connect with your rea!ers on an eotional level. 6. Tell Both &i!es of the &tory

 There is always another si!e of the story. @nlike a!!ressing obDections, telling the other si!e of the story allows you to paint a copelling picture of what life woul! be like without your pro!uct or service. It woul! be awful. Tell the. 34. @se InFuential Wor!s

 To write persuasive copy, use persuasive KactionL wor!s like iracle, !iscovery, !iscount, an! bargain. @se uplifting wor!s like vitality, grace, wis!o, an! con#!ence. Ginally, ake sure your copy has VGreeE, E(owE, EewE an! V>ouE in abun!ance. 33. &iplify \ $plify

&iplify your core i!eas into har!"hitting in!ivi!ual thoughts, then aplify the with the help of things that are iportant to the rea!er. @se wor!s that help epower your rea!ers. +et 9earn 0esults ow 38. Be &peci#c

Place a laser focus on speci#c facts an! bene#ts. Gor e-aple2

64Z of custoers see results in 8 weeks or less 0esults can be seen in 8 weeks.

 The #rst line is ore speci#c, aking it ore persuasive. 3;. Be 0epetitive

If youEve sai! it once, you can say it again. 0epetition is a tie"honore! tactic for reebering anything. @se it to your a!vantage. 37. $!!ress ObDections

%ven the ost agreeable rea!ers will likely have obDections, an! you are uch better o a!!ressing the up front than waiting for your potential custoer to voice the. This is another eans of establishing authority, an! also tells your rea!er that you have thought the atter through. 3our hea!lines shoul! be catchy but concise. 3:. Be Consistent

&tate your position up front, then procee! to be unfailingly consistent in backing it up with facts, stats an! proof. %ssentially, you want your rea!ers to trust you. $ rea!er who trusts you will ten! to agree with you, an! nothing buil!s trust ore eectively than being consistent.

one of these techniues alone will win over your rea!ers, but cobine! strategically an! use! wisely, they can help you write persuasive copy that will turn rea!ers into custoers.

H Writing great eail subDect lines for your arketing an! eail newsletters is a bree'e, you Dust have to stu!y copywriting for years, sales for !eca!es, psychology an! everything else that goes along with crafting a essage that gets opene! an! rea! Or you can have soething like a Kswipe #leL of great eail subDect lines you have collecte!, ones that ake you respon! an! want to click through to open. With that in in!, I have Kswipe!L soe of y very favorite eail subDect lines an! will continue to buil! upon this list as I go

 They are in no particular or!er an! if you have written or rea! a great eail subDect line yourself, please leave e a coent an! I will a!! it with a subitte! by. 5ust know they have to be +0%$T, copelling, striking or otherwise interesting to anageent ReS &oe ew Ones I 9ove

+reat teaser fro ]Deniiferscot" 38 Pinterest Boar!s >ou CanEt 9ive Without, X; is y bible Q sp If >ou 9ike @s, >ouEll 9ove This R+0%$T aliate partner verbiageS The Brain")ea! &iple but $stonishingly %ective Way to Becoe a Better Writer Q 5on orrow Q Boost Blog Trac

0eueste! Ites? Q ot always really reueste! but !e#nitely an eye grabber

I a not all that sure how I feel about soe of these eail subDect linesif soeone $CT@$99> reueste! info I a #ne, B@T the ones where they use the reply sign to !eceive is not so great for perission base! arketing

$s proise!, the scoop on the a!!itional aterial  Q >ou want to know soething Chris +arrett an!  Teaching &ells

0%2 3k &yste Q )i! >ou $pply?  The 0etire! illionaire

0%P9$> (ereEs that link as proise! Q (ey &orry for not getting this back to you sooner. IEve put the ick Peall. Webinar 0eplay Gree Oers

With all the talk of oving the free line, any of your eail newsletters an! oers @&T inclu!e a free coponent to opens. We are oving towar!s provi!ing @C( ore free content for our peeps

 Tube Gool upggra!e Q Check out this )%O vi!eo ark )ulisse

Check out these essential vi!eos Q (i Tara, We provi!e any Infusionsoft

(ow to )O@B9% your >ouTube Aiews Ran! a giveawayS  5aes We!ore

RAIP %arly oticeS %arly Warning $bout $a'ing obile Pro!uct RPlus Q Gree &oftware fro Brian $n!erson

y ew %ail arketing Course RfreeS Q %-citeent !oesnEt begin to !escribe how I feel to!ay 9eslie &auel

Ignite >our +rowth in 843; With *auan GastTrac2 G0%% Courtesy of >C Aentureneer Acourse

^Breaking ews_ +rab >our Gree +ui!e to PinterestEs Bran! ew Business $ccounts (ub&pot

^G0%% AI)%O_ 3 Week of Work )one in 7 (oursWatch this vi!eo to see how you can !o an %TI0% weekEs worth of work in as little as 7 ike Gilsaie

your free Tube Trac &ecrets Cheat &heets are rea!y ^P)G_ Q I shot over a youtube training vi!eo &atur!ay, but I Dust wante! to ake sure  To!! ^&pontent_

(ow to get unliite! custoers fro Twitter " 9ast nightEs webinar, K(ow to Instantly $ttract Custoers in $> iche $nywhere in the Worl! Bill Crosby

$a'ing free bun!le fro Web!esigner )epot

 Tara, check out this cool free tool I foun!2 Q Tara, check out this cool free tool I foun!2  5aes 5 5ones

)i! >ou iss >our Bonus Training ake `344k by +IAI+ stu away $aron R&pin 0ewriterS $$[I+9> interesting calls to action fro Bryan %llis

RI a not a huge investing kin! of ki!, but always open his eails to see how he is going to frae soe of his linksS

Col!, (ar! ubers2 (ousing arkets in how any? states now have T(I& in coon 9ies in 9en!ing2 Why T(I& bank will have to pay illions thanks to a :eah even a ewbie can use this new (owie &chwart'

 The %lectronic &ignature arket is Poise! to Take O  &ales \ arketing @p!ate

 The secrets behin! Black Gri!ay a! copy &pyGu

%ssential Touch"@p Tools for &tape! Concrete Concrete etwork

)ownloa!s that ake a `our &ites ore Aisible \ $ttractive &ocialonkee

&$9%& G@%9 $+IC create yours an! triple your sales in an hour Gire >our &elf arketing

If I ha! to start again, this is what I woul! !o. Q to what these current stu!ents are sayingBa!ly ee!e! $ &ource %! )ale

(ow to get $99 of your copy 0%$) Q !oes is check out the hea!line. They kin! of linger there for a few oents, thinking about it. T(%, if they stay on the page.. $n!y 5enkins

please !onEt call this a Kbonus packageL Rtie sensitive !etails enclose!S " freak you out but this is the largest an! ost coprehensive package weEve ever put together. +reg Cleent

Becoe $ Trac ogul With This K+ae ChangingL &oftware&yste WarriorPlus

BII 0%PO0T2 (ow To &olve obile $!vertisingEs Koneti'ation ProbleL &$I &elect

9isten to this R@0+%TS Q ItEs not often you get a chance to access a proven syste thatEs banking over `34k Grank )ang

arketing2 arketing Trups &pecial %ects on >ouTube  >ouTube ation ;3 9aura Ciapa

you have y perission to copy this ^A%0> P0OGIT$B9%_ Q >our about to see one of y ost pro#table business o!els IEve use! in y business ike Gilsaie

(ave Custoers Begging for >our (elp  That/s Cool Q )o you struggle getting new custoers? If so, then you canEt iss this webinar

Bill Crosby

(ow to win the `8.8 trillion war for your living roo  The otley Gool

WhatEs your in!"bo!y type Ruick ui'S Q (ereEs a fun way to start your Chris an! 5anet $ttwoo!, The Passion Test

^OGG9I%_ 0eal %state $gents Will Write >ou our Gacebook Page With >our Gacebook Pro#le ichael &tel'ner Q &ocial e!ia %-ainer

Think Blue Blook &urvey2 (elp @s &tay X3 0akuten 9ink&hare

(ereEs %$CT9> how you $II[% your pro#ts using the 9%$&T eort N huge bonus reveale! Brian Tracy

Irish woan goes nuts Q Tracey eagher is a forer 5A partner of ine, we release!

artin Crulish

how any in !og beers? *evin 9arson

What a great pleasure to have a startup rock star like you 9inke!In +roup2 &tartup &pecialists

Invitation2 %-clusive Partner Progra fro 9ink&art *evin Weiss  9ink&art ro!uct &ales

I foun! that any of the eail subDect lines were relate! to sales, free shipping an! less about arketing. I !onEt think that Dust !iscounting your pro!uct is an eective long ter strategy. Will keep y peepers open for ore goo! ones

+la Chan!eliers @p to :;Z O &hip Gree Plus, Goyer Gurnishings, &all &pace )ecor,  _ Gighter pilot secrets for pro#t an! passion Q ItEs been less than 3 onth after the launch of.. ike *oenigs

y Ti Gerriss Interview R$n! ItEs GreshS " >ou can !ownloa! y latest po!cast, a bran! new  >aro

Connecting the !igital !ots before 843; starts Q free Inan webinar Inan ews

^9ive_ 0on )ouglas 0are Training Q )onEt know who 0on )ouglas is? (eEs a guy like you an! e. (a! a Dob Q Bill +uthrie M

 To!ay2 Ti Gerriss on book writing N prootion Q 5oin e for a free telephone seinar to!ay with one of the sharpest authors I know &teve (arrison

"@P)$T%)">ouEre invite! to an 9in!t Chocolate 0.&.A.P. Party %ily Patten

weEre going live in ;, 8, 3 ari &ith

Cra'y Invitation, I a +oing to Buy >ou 9unch Q IE not sure if you are checking your e"ail to!ay, but I thought I woul! try..  5aes alinchak, Big oney &peaker

y K+ift of ThanksL to you. $ coplientary K&eatL in y >our Corporate &uccess Progra Yuantu %n!eavors, Inc.  $nn Garrell (oli!ay %ails

Okay, this one WI99 get bigger as we surf the seasons but all 344 coul! have been about holi!ay eail subDect lines. I love a corny topic so these are right up y alley

What a Turkey astering ConFict Q oveberEs &all &tep X; for >our Corporate &uccess Yuantu %n!eavors, Inc.

Why )aily 9earning Beats +obble"+obble 9earning Psychotactics

+obble @p These +reat )eals Before They $re $ll +one Book ow &outhwest

d Aote for Working 9ess an! aking ore (%0% Q ItEs %lection )ay here in the @&. Whether you live in the @& or abroa! 0ich &chefren

Gearing the Turkey"pocolypse, Watch (ow to &urvive Thanksgiving on >ouTube

 >ouTube Broa!cast ewsletter $!!itional Characters

@sing sna''y htl characters can really set yourself apart. While aking this list I looke! at T(O@&$)& of eails an! the ones with a little soething" soething in the titles 0%$99> Dupe! o the page

G0%% WoenEs etworking %vent an! (oli!ay *ick"O  Colora!o Connector

+et your essage across now ^gift_ Brian Tracy

^O B.&. %"[I%_ 9ong Gor Copy vs. &hort Gor Copy " can ake these connections without the stress of uncofortable situations an! consuing all of your tie. ara +la'er

^ " (OT G&O " _ &teal Gro +oogle In < &tupi!ly &iple &teps? Q 5ust a few oents ago a new pro!uct launche! Bobby Walker

 `36N 9ast inute (otel )eals  Priceline

^ari/s TopT(I+ WarriorPlus &carcity an! @rgency

Okay, this was a stretch for e. I *OW that scarcity an! urgency work in eail subDect lines, Dust have gotten foole! too any ties yself B@T will be willing to try soe an! see if they work out

^@h Oh_ +one for goo! at i!night &tephen Pierce

(urry, 7 )ays Only2 $!! a &econ! 9arge Pi''a for `6.66 Or!er ow Papa 5ohns


With all the talk about using personali'ation in eails these !ays, har!ly anyone is !oing it. I think this will be an area I can ake a big !ierence

&uggeste! Travel 0esource Gor  Q y nae is 9aura an! IE a freelance writer 9aura Chapan Yuestions

$ uestion begs an answer. @sing a uestion in your eail subDect lines is a great way to get the opene!in alost every case I stoppe! rea!ing an! opene! these

K(ow long !o I have to wait until I can get a loan?L Brian P. Gorrester

(ow (ave >ou Progresse! &ince the Thir! +ra!e?  5errery +itoer

Want %ven ore Wiki 9inks for >our Press 0eleases? Bill \ 5ason  Opportunity arketers

KWhatEs the 8n! ost popular search engine?L " >ou know what the X3 search engine is, right? But !o you know what the &%CO) ost popular search engine %ben Pagen

^G0%%?_  giant step"by"step a!vance! training courses?

&tephen Pierce (ealth an! Beauty

Because we are so focuse! on in!ustry base! arketing Rwe have a whole site !e!icate! to that Q www.an!S, I a cogni'ant of how !ierent in!ustries nee! to target speci#c niches. Will be #lling this out ore as we go along

 The Best o"%uipent Workout for Weight 9oss WoenEs (ealth aga'ine

Is Back Pain Preventing >our Business &uccess  5e Aacek egative Oers

I !onEt like scare tactics or putting people in hars way Rlike the $&PC$ showing pictures of !ying !ogsS, B@T there is a segent of eail arketing that !oes this very eectively

)OET buy &iple ain &treet Control RAi!eo insi!e shows (@+% +litch M Open owS  5aes 5 5ones

6 )isgusting Gacts about Thanksgiving %at This ot That

0isks, 0e! Glags, an! Things to Watch Gor When $ccepting Cre!it Car!s  Tra!ePub Ginance Publications 9ists %ails

 The lists have been overuse! an! are no longer iportant Rhehehehe Q this post is a list post an! I assure you it !oes very wellS. 9ists let people know how long the essage ight be If you say 344, you know you are going to be rea!ing for a while, if you say ; then you can probably blow through it.

&i- Ways to 0ank X3 in +oogle 0esults &ociale!ia!!

83 Inspiring %-aples of White &pace in Web )esign Web )esign 9e!ger

ou Write? an! the original )o  >ou ake These istakes in %nglish? are literally about the sae thingM graar. It was an absolute no brainer, because a-well &ackhei !i! the work for e over 4 years ago, an! his a! ran successfully for 74 years. But keep in in! that I an! plenty of others have successfully use! the Kthese istakesL teplate in any other conte-ts as well, because the speci#c proise containe! in the hea!line akes it irresistible if use! properly.

 That brings e to the other coplaint IE hearingMtoo any people are using the sae forulas over an! over, ba!ly. This is likely because people !i! not hee! the warning about hea!line teplates that youEll hear fro any copywriter, which is to un!erstan! why they work before trying to use the.

When you un!erstan! why the original hea!lines worke!, youEll be able to select an appropriate structure, an! youEll be a better hea!line writer in general. If you !onEt, you ight not only write a ba! hea!line, you ight coe o looking ba! in general.

&o, here are < ore hea!line teplates that work, but use the at your own risk. If you !onEt atch up an appropriate hea!line structure with your content, you ight crash an! burn worse than if you Dust cae up with a hea!line o the top of your hea!. 3. Warning2 ^blank_.

If youEve rea! this far, I guess it still works. &tarting a hea!line with the wor! warning will alost always catch attention, but itEs what you say ne-t that will !eterine how well it works for your particular content.

Warning2 If >ou )epen! on +oogle for Both Trac an! $!vertising, >ou Pretty uch Work for +oogle Warning2 Two Out of %very Three People in >our In!ustry Will be Out of Work in < >earsMWill >ou Be One of The? Warning2 )o >ou 0ecogni'e These : %arly Warning &igns of Blogger Burnout?

8. (ow ^blank_ a!e e ^blank_.

@se this structure when relating a personal story. The key to the ost eective use of this teplate is for the two blanks to !raatically contrast, so that the curiosity factor goes way up an! people feel copelle! to rea! ore.

(ow a KGool &tuntL a!e e a &tar &alesan (ow an Obvious I!ea a!e e `;.< illion (ow oving to Iowa Iprove! y &e- 9ife

;. $re >ou ^blank_?

$ nice use of the uestion hea!line, !esigne! to catch attention with curiosity or a challenge to the rea!er. )onEt be afrai! to be bol! with this one.

$re >ou $shae! of &ells in >our (ouse? $re >ou 0ea!y to 9earn Chinese for >our e-t 5ob? $re >ou a Courageous Blogger?

7. ^Blank_ Ways to ^blank_.

One of the best list structures, because itEs really a Khow toL hea!line enhance! by speci#city that either ipresses the prospective rea!er with how any tips youEve got, or at iniu letEs the know e-actly what to e-pect.

343 Ways to Cope With &tress 83 Ways to 9ive a Better 9ife With 9ess < Ways to Write *iller (ea!lines

ouEre ^blank_, >ou Can ^blank_.

$nother great use of speci#city, this hea!line a!!resses a particular type of person with the #rst blank, an! the bene#cial proise to that person in the content or bo!y copy with the secon!.

If >ouEre a on"&oker, >ou Can &ave ;;Z on 9ife Insurance. If >ouEre an $ccountant, Our Greuent Glyer Progra 0eally $!!s @p

If >ou 9ove &cuba, >ou Can )ive Beli'e This Week Only for a &ong

H"I know youEve been there before. >ou sit !own, grab a pen an! paper an! start to write those killer a!s for real estate that will bring you otivate! sellers right to your !oor. Or !o you?

Writing real estate a!s is not as easy as it soun!s, is it? >ou see that blank piece of paper, you stare at it an! get frustrate! because nothing goo! is pouring out on that piece of paper. >our brain Dust !oes not want to write a!s 2S

Well to!ay, in a true 0eal %state Black Book fashion, I have another free resource for you that will get those real estate classi#e! a!s written an! written in such a way that will grab your rea!erEs attention like Fies on shJt.

I have to tell you soething though. I see this a lot in newspapers, on the internet, in the snail ail, eails, an! everything in between. ost a!s, eails, ail pieces, newspaper a!s are written by non"arketers. They !onEt grab attention, Dup out at you, an! #ght for your attention.

 Think about it. What will happen when you go hoe to!ay an! get your ail in the ailbo-? >ou take your ail, stan! right ne-t to your trash can, an! glance at the envelope to see if its anything iportant, an! then you autoatically throw it away.:ouEve hear! e talk about it before an! IEll keep talking about fro tie to tie. But, IE not going to go into how you can write a powerful hea!line since thatEs a whole new subDect of its own.

If you want a uick lesson on grabbing your rea!er by the eyeballs then you shoul! rea! the post that, as luck ay have it, was written to!ay by one of the best copywriters in the worl!, Clayton akepeace.

But thatEs not what this post is about. This post is about a free resource that will give you the necessary ao you nee! to write powerful an! copelling arketing pieces.

%very successful arketer has a secret swipe #le that he keeps on his !esk which he can refer to whenever he writes soething an! nee!s i!eas to get his creative Duices Fowing.

 >ou, as an internet real estate investor, nee! those swipe #les to refer to so you can counicate with your custoers in the best possible way.

 The swipe #le IE recoen!ing to!ay was put together by one of the best copywriters in the worl!. ItEs a :3 page #le that contains soe of the best swipe #le inforation IEve seen but y 8 favorite ges I got out of this free report are2

boat loa! of stunningly eective wor!s an! phrases you can use in your arketing to better arket your real estate investing service  RI think there are like over 3our Blog With &tickiness. ;. &ocial Proof 

&ocial proof was a powerful phenoenon when Cial!ini perfore! his groun!breaking research in the early 364Es. If anything, it atters even ore to!ay. >ou probably rely on social proof ore than you reali'e to !eterine the cre!ibility of bran!s. $ thought lea!er is partially value! by the si'e of their following, an! you probably check out +oogle local reviews before hea!ing to a restaurant.

(ereEs one e-aple of social proof you see on a !aily basis2

Iage source

)isplay your custoersE fee!back or blog subscribers with pri!e Q itEs only going to enhance your copy 7. 9ikability

ItEs a well"establishe! fact that people buy fro people or bran!s they like.  >our copany !oesnEt nee! to be everything to everyone, but you shoul! have a very strong appeal to your i!eal custoers. One organi'ation that !oes this e-treely well is actually Taco Bell, whose social e!ia content is well"known for being incre!ibly huorous, irreverent an! on"point2

Iage source ouEll love going into Plyouth, to watch the bustle at the harbor, to walk its neat, narrow streets line! with balconie! houses, to say hello to everyone aroun! you, to shop. >ou can buy virtually anything you nee! in Plyouth"fro newspapers to fro'en foo!s"an! youEll pick up bargains along the way2 goo! beef at acht Club an! arina site an! gil! the lily by giving your buyers a 8 year free ebership in the golf courseU an!, if they own boats an! are invite! to Doin, pay their ebership fees in the propose! private >acht Club, also for 8 years. $n! then set your architects to work to custo those 38< acres into Dust 347 villa sites. each with an estate privacy, each with a superb view. Then #nally" with ountains, sea, an! golf course foring unencroachable bor!ers" guarantee your property buyers that KIsles BayL of Puerto 0ico or of $ntigua or of any islan! will be set o in perpetual privacy fro any other counity.

If you coul! #n! such lan! on these islan!s an! iprove it as weEve written" because all of these iproveents will he yours at I&9%& B$> OG OT&%00$T"the prices you woul! have to charge your site"buyers woul! be frightening. In 5aaica. where elevate! sites with a view are a consi!erable !istance fro the ocean R!ue to a wi!e ban! of fronting Fat lan!S, prices for uality lots are =4C a s. ft. an! higherU an acre R74.444 s. ft.S woul! cost at least `87.444. In Barba!os, with no soaring views to speak of, prie lots are being uote! at 4 cents to OG OT&%00$T woul! cost ` OG OT&%00$T the average price per s. ft. is about ;8 cents. &ince the average lot easures about one acre R74,444 s. ft.S the average price is `38,44. $n! yet pay only ;Z !own an! 3Z a onth Perhaps youEll say that swift transportation is the chief reason for the sky"clibing prices elsewhere. $n! youEll probably be right. Puerto 0ico. 5aaica. Barba!os. $ntigua "theyEre all Det"strip islan!s, uickly reache!. &o  here is reote ontserrat, light years fro the Dangle an! arti#ciality of these popular resorts, yet only 8: iles fro $ntigua. >on reach $ntigua in ; hours an! ork to $ntigua is `3=3, every onth of the year. Please rea! the hea!line of this a!vertiseent once again2 VT(%0% $0% P0%CI&%9> 347 AI99$ &IT%& L ThatEs all there are"347 precious lots. We coul!nEt a!! any ore if we wante! toU ature has seen to that. $n! because there are only 347, an! because they are all in!escribably lovely. they will all soon be gone. >ou ay count on it. $t this oent, as you rea! this, thousan!s of others are !oing the sae. We have release! our a!vertising siultaneously in the @nite! &tates, Cana!a an! +reat Britain to give an eual opportunity to wi!e au!iences. $n! we have chosen the ail etho! because we know that ost of you canEt pick up right o an! Fy to ontserrat. (ere is what we urgently a!vise that you !o2 #ll out the coupon an! rush it to us. WeEll ie!iately ail you"free an! with utterly no obligation"a thick an! inforative portfolio which will contain a large color brochure of I&9%& B$> OG OT&%00$T an! a color booklet of the Belha 0iver Aalley +olf Course2 a Yuestion an! $nswer fact"book covering in !epth virtually every point which ay occur to you Re.g. !oestic help is copetent an! plentiful"salaries about `< a weekS2 even architectsE plans in color an! a list of buil!ers Rthe cost of a house
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