The project aims to provide trainin! and livelihood in tailorin! and hi!h"speed se#in! throu!h throu!h purchase purchase of hi!h"speed se#in! machines and support support e$uipment e$uipment and providin! providin! initial #or%in! capital The machines #ill 'e used to train students( out"of"school outh and even even unempl unemploe oed d adults adults and learn learn tailor tailorin! in! and hi!h"s hi!h"spee peed d se#in! se#in! for !ainfu !ainfull emploment after learnin! the s%ills and ac$uirin! e)perience *ar%et of the project #ill 'e school uniforms for pu'lic schools students in Santia!o Cit 'e!innin! #ith the Santia!o South Central School +niforms #ill 'e produced in three children si,es( small( medium and lar!e These #ill 'e handed to the students upon enrol enrollm lmen entt #ith #ith prop proper er prom promis isso sor r note note stat statin in! ! term termss of pam pament ent -./ -./ mont months hs installment0 This project #ill solve the pro'lem of parents in providin! uniforms to their children durin! school openin!s in man cases a detriment to actual enrollment of their children Additional mar%et opportunities li%e out"sourcin! #or% for the revitali,ed local !arment industr is a stron! potential The machine #ill 'e installed in a schoolhouse for 'etter supervision and control of materials Schoolhouse to 'e financed from funds comin! from the Local 1overnment +nit of Santia!o Cit #ill 'e 'uilt inside the school compound A cuttin! cuttin! room #ill house the cutter from #here the se#ers #ill #ithdra# materials for se#in! Cutters and se#ers #ill 'e paid on a per piece 'asis
5 e g a P
2ncome from the project #ill 'e shared #ith the Federation of Parents & Teachers Associ Associati ation on of Santia Santia!o !o Cit Cit and the Studen Students ts and Parent Parentss Teacher eacherss Assoc Associat iation ion of Santia!o South Central School 3oth #ill act as partners of the project 2ncome #ill also assist assist the teache teachers4 rs4 variou variouss needs needs such such as attend attendin! in! semina seminars( rs( meeti meetin!s n!s(( and others others Federation of Parents & Teachers Association of Santia!o Cit5s share ma'e utili,ed to
lend to other association mem'ers of the Federation for their startup capital in small 'usiness or in case of emer!encies ' PROJECT O/JECT0ES
.To provide the trainees #ho are residents of Santia!o Cit a chance to ac$uire ne# s%ills in the art of tailorin! and se#in! in order to prepare them for !ainful emploment locall and a'road At least 6/ parents( out"of"school outh and even unemploed adults are the tar!et trainees annuall on a 6"month period per set of at least ten persons 7To set"up a livelihood project that #ill provide additional emploment to the communit and if successful( e)pand this project to other schools 6To provide funds for the 'eneficiaries and the Fedeartion to lend out to mem'ers of the communit to ena'le them to en!a!e in !ainful activities to help their families and send their children to school to at least finish hi!h scho ol or 'etter( !et a colle!e de!ree 8Project #ill 'e started after approval of !rant includin! the construction of the 'uildin! funded ' the Cit 1overnment to house the se#in! machines and accessories 9 E)perienced trainers #ill come from the parents and teachers provided ' TESA #ho #ill prepare the trainin! curriculum
The area of focus supported ' this project is 'asicall on Economic and Communit evelopment The Federation and L1+"Santia!o Cit #ill invest in people ' creatin! sustaina'le( measura'le and lon!"term economic improvements in Santia!o Cit ' developin! opportunities for productive #or% and reducin! povert This is also income !eneratin! for the poor 'eneficiaries and partners of the project Project involves vocational trainin! related to economic and communit development Project is also communit driven 'ased upon the needs the have identified 3asic Education and Literac as another area of focus is supported Providin! school uniforms( #hich is an impediment to enrollment of man children from poor families( is addressed ' ma%in! availa'le cheaper uniforms on credit #ith eas pament term Thus( school uniform promote enrollment( increase confidence of the students and preventin! inferiorit comple) Teachers are supported since income shared can 'e used to fund various needs such as attendin! seminars( meetin!s( and others The Federation is further fosterin! lon!er"term relationship #ith the school parents and teachers Students #ho cannot afford to !o to colle!e under!o vocational trainin! for !ainful emploment in tailorin! and hi!h"speed se#in! 5 e g a P
. ./// students #ill initiall avail of the offered uniforms out of the present population of 7/// students for first school Note: This is just initial mar%et @ther schools in Santia!o Cit #ill also 'e included 7 Each student #ill !et at least t#o uniforms per ear 6 +niforms #ill 'e sold at and avera!e cost of P.9/ each or P6// student 8 1ross income in sales P6//(/// -this is onl for first school0 9 Estimated net profit " 96B or P=/(/// -this is onl for first school0 istri'ution of estimated net profit: a0 Federation
Devolvin! Fund -to fund livelihood projects and emer!encies0 '0 School"'ased Parents Teachers Association
-to fund PTA activities( teachers4 activities0 c0 Deturn to project
for additional capital d0 *iscellaneous E)penses
5 e g a P
Project #ill provide lon!"term solutions to the communit needs since the 'enefitin! communit can maintain activities after !rant fundin! ends Project #ill displa the follo#in! characteristics on sustaina'ilit
. Co66unit* eed% and Strength%. Project is #ell planned Garious face"to"face consultations #ere conducted #ith sta%eholders especiall the communities and project partners Project is ali!ned #ith the interest and capa'ilities of the implementin! communities Federation conducted a thorou!h assessment of the communit4s needs 7 &aterial% and Technolog*. E$uipment to 'e procured and technolo! are availa'le locall Spare parts are readil availa'le from e$uipment supplier and other outlets A line and preventive maintenance pro!ram is in place !uided ' the e$uipment suppliers There is a #ide choice of materials( accepta'le to tar!eted mar%ets and read to use There are no environmental issues related to the project 6 #unding. Even after L1+ !rant is complete( there #ill 'e relia'le suppl source of fundin! since the project is desi!ned to !enerate income part of #hich #ill flo# 'ac% to the project as additional capital #hile maintainin! the #or%in! capital As for collection of sales( parents #ill act as co"!uarantors amon!st themselves to ensure that paments are collected *ar%et for the project( #hich #ill !enerate the revenue is assured The project partners as #ell as the trainees are appropriatel compensated to ensure continuit of services 8 7nowledge. This project is sustaina'le 'ecause this #ill increase capacit of adopted communities ' helpin! them ac$uire ne# s%ills( %no#led!e( and 'ehaviors PTA Federation ensures that trainin! Kno#led!e is availa'le Trainers are from our communit partners #ho #ill prepare trainin! curriculum 'ein! teachers themselves emand for trainin! is continuin! !iven earl suppl of fresh !raduates from secondar school and out"of"school outh as #ell 9 &oti8ation. 3eneficiaries have a #ell"defined role in carrin! out project !oals Teachers and parents #ill lead in desi!nin! and implementin! the trainin! curriculum PTA Federation #ill also 'e involved in campai!nin! the project to school parents 2ncome is shared #ith the project partners as incentives to 'eneficiaries and project participants to ensure on!oin! support Communities have o#nership o f the project 'ein! active implementors and 'eneficiaries = &onitoring and E8aluation. Project has clear and measura'le outcomes *ethods for collectin! project data are identified There is 'aseline data for evaluation capa'le of demonstratin! si!nificant chan!e for at least three ears
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