Copy of Filipino Wedding Reception Script

May 12, 2018 | Author: Joseph Prieto Malapajo | Category: Groomsman, Wedding, Bride, Fashion Related Occasions, Organized Events
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COPYOFFI LI PI NO WEDDI NG RECEPTI ON SCRI PT  JUNE 10,2014LEZ639@YAHOO. COM OM 131COMM MMENTS I fyouareaskedt ohostaFi l i pi nowe weddi ng,youmayfindt hi scopyusef ulasgui det o ho s t i ngt her ec e p t i o n.Ic o ns o l i da t e dt hei nf o r ma ma t i o ng a the r e df r o mt hei nt e r ne ta nd o t he r s ’ ho s t sno t e sandi nc or p or at e di tt omy myf r i e nd’ swe ddi ng .Ic anat t e s tt hatt he eventwentwel l ,andIam hopi ngt hatt hi shel psyououthost i ngaswel l .You maycopy andpas t ei tandal t e ral i t t l et ofity oura t t e nde e s. I NTROD ODUCTI ON Hie v e r y o ne !I s n’ tt hi sav e r ye nc hant i nge v e ni ng ?Ev e r y bo dy ’ sl o oki ngv e r ybe aut i f ul andhandsome me.Eve ry body’ sl ooki ngv er yhappy.Andweal lknow why…  We  Wear eext r emel ydel i ght e dt hatal lofy ouar eher e .Fr i endsandf ami l y–l ahatnandi t o t oc e l e br at et hi si mpo r t a ntmi l e s t o nei n( Gr o om) and( Br i de ) ’ sl i v e s .Iam Le z l e e ,y o ur ho s tf o rt hee v e ni ngandIs a ynawa gnana t i npa t a g a l i nt o .Le t ’ sg e tt hepa r t y s t ar t e d! ! ! Fi r s to ff,Iwo ul dl i ket oi nt r o duc et hef ami l yandf r i e ndswh whopl a y e ds i g ni fic a ntpa r t s i nt hi saf t e r noo n’ swe ddi ngr i t e s . PRI NCI PALSPONSOR ORS MayIi nt r oducet oyou t hepeopl ewhost oodwi t nessest ot hecoupl east heyt ookt hei r  v ows.Mam,Si rasIcal ly ournamepl eas es t andupandwav et ot hecr owd.( Youmay us ei nt r o duc t o r yphr as e sl i ke‘ Gi v ei tupf o r , ’and‘ Weal s ol i ket oac kno wl e dg et he pr esenceof ’–asyousayt hei rname mes) PARENTSOFTHECOU OUPLE Ofc o ur s ei twi l lbemy mypl e as ur et oi nt r o duc et oal lo fy o ut hel o v i ngpar e nt so ft he coupl e.  THEENTOURAGE  Andnow,Iwoul dal s ol i ket oac knowl edget hef ol l owi ngpe opl ewhohav eal s opl ay ed s i g ni fic a ntr o l e sdur i ngt hec e r em mo o ni e s .Thel i t t l eha ndst ha ts ha r e dt he i rpr e c i o us t i mewi t ht hec oupl e :RI NG BEARER,BI BLEBEARER,COI N BEARER,FLOWER GI RLS  Thepai rt hatl i tt hepat hsoft heGr oom andBr i de :CANDLE  Thepai rt hatcl ot he d( Gr oom)and( Br i de )asone :CORD  Thehandsomebes tmanandt hebeaut i f ulmai dofhonotwhoassi s t e dt hecoupl ei n t hei rnee ds:BESTMA MAN,MAI D OFHONOR.  THECOUPLE  Andnow… t hemomentwe’ v ebee nwai t i ngf or …I ’ l lhav et oas kev er ybodyt os t andup, uponyourf eetanddi r ectyoureyest ot hehal l way… Ladi esandgent l eme meni ti smy my honorandpr i vi l eget oi nt r oducet oyou f ort hefir stt i measHu HusbandandWi f e,our l ov el ynewl ywe ds–MRAND MRS( GROOM)AND ( BRI DE)( LASTNAME) ! Mabuhayangbago ngkas al ! PRAYER OFTHANKSGI GI VI NG  Andnow Iwoul dl i ket ocal li n( NAMEOFTHEPERSON)t ol eadt hepr ay e rof t ha nks g i v i ng .( As ke v e r y o net os i tdo wna f t e r ) CROWD ACTI VI TY:HAPPYMA MARRI AGE AND BESTWI WI SHES

 Whydon’ twes t ar toffbywi shi ng( Gr oom)and( Br i de)bes twi shesandahappy marr i age,Pagsi nabikongHappy,youal lshoul dsayMarr i age.AndwhenIsayBes t ,  y ousaywi shes.Ready?Happy( mar r i age) ,Bes t( wi s hes) ,Bes t( wi shes) ,Bes t( wi shes) , Happy( marr i age) . ( Gr oom)and( Br i de)… t hec r owdhasspoken.Mayy ourmar r i agebeashappyand  beaut i f ulasyourweddi ng. FI RSTSETOFWELLWI SHERS Now wewoul dl i ket opr oceedwi t hsomemess agesf r om f r i endsandf ami l yoft he coupl e.Thesear et hepeopl ewhol i t er al l ysaw t her omancebet ween( Gr oom)and ( Br i de )bl o s s om i nt oas e r i o usr e l a t i o ns hi p.Ma yIc a l lo n( o nes e to fNi no ngand Ni nang) .  Thanky oubot hf ory ourwonder f ulmessages.Fore v er y one,pl easedonotf or ge tt o si gnt heguestcardst hati sr oami ngaround.  TRADI TI ON:CAKE SLI CI NG MayIr equest( Gr oom)and( Bri de)at opr eparef ort hecakesl i ci ngcer emony .Thecake,  whi c hhasbeenapar tofweddi ngcel ebr at i onssi ncet heRomant i mes,i sasymbolof g oodl uc kandf e r t i l i t y .Thes har i ngoft hi sf o ods y mbol i z e st hec oupl e s ’wi l l i ng ne s st o f ul fil le ac ho t he r ’ sne e ds ,c r e at i ngabo nds os i mpl ey e ts os t r o ng .  TRADI TI ON:DOVERELEASI NG Do v e s ,t he ys ay ,ar eas y mbo lo ft r uel o v e .Thewhi t edo v ec ho os e si t smat ef o rl i f e .  The ysymbol i z efidel i t y ,t r uel ov e,ne w begi nni ngsandofcour se,peac handser eni t y ( COUNT1, 2, 3) .  TRADI TI ON:WI NETOASTI NG Iwo ul dl i k et oc al l( Na me ) ,t hebe s tma n.Hei st hey o ung e rbr o t he ro f( Gr o om)a ndi s  v er ycl oset ohi m.Wi net oas t i ngi sasymbolofuswi shi ngt hecoupl eofgoodf or t une andbe t t e rf ut ur eandt hebe s tl i f epo ss i bl ef o rt he m. DI NNER  Weal lknow t hatmuc hhasal r eadyhappenedandwes t i l lhav et heent i r ee v eni ng aheadofus.Butfir st ,wearegonnagi veev erybodyachancet ohavet hei rpi ct ur e t ake nwi t ht hec o upl e .Wear eg onnadoi tpe rt abl e .I fwec al li ny o urt abl e ,pl e as e pr o c e e dt ot hec o upl e ’ st a bl ea ndt he npr o c e e dt ot hebuffe tt a bl e .  AVPTO BESHOWN,SONG PERFORMANCES SECOND SETOFWELLWI SHERS Iwo ul dl i ket oc al li no urs e c o nds e to fwe l l wi s he r s .Ma yIc al lo n( s e to fNi no ngand Ni nang)t osayaf ew wordst ot hecoupl e. COUPLE’ SFI RSTDANCE ( Ski ppi ngt hef at her daught erdanceduet oavai l abi l i t yoft he f at he r )  Thanky ouf ort hemessagesandnow Iwoul dl i ket oaskt hecoupl et ocomeher e. Ever ybody ,putyourhandst oget heraswewi t nesst hecoupl e’ sfirstdance.  ATTHE MI DDLE OFTHESONE WHI LEDANCI NG… Iwoul dl i ket ocal lt heEnt our age t oj o i nt hec oupl ef o rpho t owhi l et he yar edanc i ng .Andal s ot hec oupl e ’ sf r i e ndsf o r pi ct ur et aki ngwi t ht hem danci ngatt hebackground.  Af t ert hephot o,r eques tt hesi ngl eonest os t ayputf ort heSI NGLESGAMES. SI NGLESGAMES

Gi r l sGame:Cat cht heFl ower .For7part i ci pant s,t hebri det hr owsonebyone6r oses.  Thegi r lwhocat c hesflowercansaf el yr e t ur nt oherseatwhi l et heonewi t houthavi ng t ocat chone,i st hewi nner .Thi sshoul dmaket hegi r l scat chever yflowert hr own. Bo y sGa me :Danc eMo v e :I fho s ts a y s ,ba na na( l e a nt ot hel e f t ) ,a ppl e( l e a nt ot he r i g ht ) ,s hake( l e ant ot hef r o nt )Whoe v e rmake st hefir s te r r o r ,i st hewi nne r . GROOM TO GETTHEGARTERFROM THEBRI DE GROOM TO GI VETHEGARTERTOTHE WI NNI NG BOY BRI DETO GI VETHETHROWI NG BOUQUETTO WI NNI NG GI RL  WI NNI NG BOYAND GI RLTO COPYWHATEVER THECOUPLEI SDOI NG ONSI TEVI DEO  Whe w,t hatwasf un.Thanky oue v er y onewhopar t i ci pat edi nt hegames.Weal l e nj o y edt hat .No wl e t ’ sque uei nt heons i t ev i de of o re ar l i e r ’ swe ddi ngr i t e s .  THI RD SETOFWELLWI SHERS( PARENTS)  Andnow Iwoul dl i ket ocal li nourt hi r dandfinalse tofwel l wi sher s.Noneot hert han, t hepar ent soft heBr i deandGr oom ( Cal lonebyone) COUPLES’SPEECH  Thanky out oourl ovi ngpar ent sandt hi st i me,t hecoupl ewoul dl i ket osayaf e w  wor ds. CLOSI NG  Andt hat ’ sabouti t .Thanky ouv er ymuc hev er y onef orcomi ngt oni ght .Iam sur e ( Gr o om)a nd( Br i de )wi l lne v e rf o r g e tt hi sda yandwi l lne v e rf or g e tt ha ty o u ha v ebe e n pa r to fi t .And( Gr o om)a nd( Br i de ) ,wej us ta l s owantt os a yt ha nky o uf o ri nv i t i ngus a l lt o oa ndwi t ne s st hi smi l e s t o nei ny o url i v e s .La di e sandg e nt l e me n,o nc eag a i n. .MR andMRS( Gr oom)and( Br i de)( LastName) !

 WEDDI NG SCRI PT5. 19. 12 MENDANOSABUCOHANNUPTI AL 5. 19. 2012 CALLTO ORDER Goodev eni ngLadi esandGent l emen.MayIhaveyourat t ent i onpl ease.Wear eabout t obegi nourDi nnerRecept i onsopl easel ocat eyourr espect i veseat sandmakeyour sel f c o mf o r t abl e .  WELCOMEADDRESS  Av er ygoode v eni ngt oe v er y oneandwel comet oJac ki eandRomul o’ sWeddi ng Recept i on.Wear edonewi t ht hesol emnpartoft hecel ebrat i onand.wet hankt hose peopl ewhower ewi t husear l i eratSanBart ol omeChur chf ort heweddi ngcer emony .  Andf ort hosewhoj us tj oi ni n,Wel comet ot her ecept i onf orourne wl ywedsi n c e l e br at i o no ft hebe g i nni ngoft he i rne wl i f et o ge t he r .Sos i tdo wn,r e l axande nj o yt he r e s to ft hee v e ni ng . Iam Ma r c o ,Ja c ki e ’ sf r i e nda ndI ’ l lbey o ure mc e ef o rt hi se v e nt .Wet ha nky o ua l lf o r g r a c i ngt hi sj o y f ulo c c as i o ne s pe c i al l yt ot ho s ewhoha v et r a v e l e dma nymi l e sj us tt obe  wi t hus.I nbehal fofMar coandTi naandt hei rpar ent s,Iwoul dl i ket oe xpr esst hei r he ar t f e l tg r a t i t udef o ry o urpr e s e nc eatt hi sme mo r a bl eoc c as i o n.I ti si nde e da pl e as ur et oha v ey oual lt o ni g ht . ENTRANCE OFTHE ENTOURAGE

 Att hi spoi nt ,l e tusnow wi t nesst hepar adeoft heweddi nge nt our age.Exci t ednaba kayongmaki t aangbagongkasal ??Theyar eal r eadyl i nedupatt heent r ancebal l .Bur fir s t ,l e t ’ swe l c o mewi t hg r e a tde l i g htt heki dswhoma det hi swe ddi ngv e r ybl i s s f ul . FLOWER GI RLS( cut eandador abl e) · Pr i ncessJoanBel armi no–5year sol d,gr ade1pupi latAmadeoCavi t e · Be l l i c i aAnnLa c s on–7y e a r so l d,s mar tg i r l · Pr eci ousYanaMabansag–3year sol d,cut eandsmi l i ngf ace · Pi aZobelMabansag–7ye ar sol dGr ade2pupi latAmadeoCavi t e · Mar i anneRomi edel enPugos a RI NG BEARER · Pr i nceAndr eiBel armi no–4year sol d.Cut eandver yener get i c.SonofMeAnn Be l ar mi no ,Ro mul o ’ ss i s t e r . BI BLEBEARER · JohnHendr i ckDagui o–av er yr egi ment edboyandwel l manner ed. COI N BEARER · Sky eCo r pi n–v e r yg o odl o oki ng ,s mar tl i t t l ec ut i ene phe wo fJa c ki e ,s we e ta nd l ov i ngs ont ohi smom anddad.  Toal lt hi sKI DS:Imus tsayGOOD JOB! ! ! !Roundofappl ausepl ease! BRI DE’ SMAI DSAND GROOM’ SMEN  Thi st i me,l e t ’ sputourhandst oge t hert o: GROOMSMEN ( hands omeandc har mi ng) · Ar g e lVi c t o rT ambi s–s o no fAv e l i naGo z o na ndT o r i bi oT ambi s ,na ut i c a l gr aduat ef r om BMAorBal i wagMar i t i meAcademy . · Marvi nLaTorr e–2ndyearHi ghSchoolAtMacari oB.Asi st i oSr .Hi ghSchooland aver yr efined,ki ndandi ndust r i ouscousi nofRomul o. · Ger al dCorpi n –wor kedatAcce nt ur eandhasbeenatMal aysi aasasys t em anal ys tandan al umnaofFEU EastAsi a. BRI DESMAI D( beaut i f ulandl ove l y) · Bet hAur aSabocohan–ni eceofJacki e · Di anneRut hDi mat at ac–gi r l f r i endofMaur oMabansag · Or c hi dCo r pi n–1s tde g r e ec o us i no fJa c ki e SECONDARYSPONSOR Next ,l et ’ swel comet hef r eshandyoungsecondarysponsor s:

CANDLE SPONSORS( whos ymbol i cal l yl i ght edt hec oupl espat h) · Ronal dNuñez–aBSBAgr adorBusi nes sAdmi ni st r at i vegr adf r om RTU orRi z al  Tec hnol ogi calUni v er si t y · Fer r yl ouMacar anas–aBSBAgr aduat ef r om RTU orRi z alTec hnol ogi cal Uni v e r s i t y .  VEI LSPONSORS( whocl ot het henewl ywedasone) · Al me rCas t i l l o–af ami l yf r i e nd.Hei same di c alt e c hno l o gi s tg r a dandt aki nghi s Doct orofMedi ci nedegr eef r om Cent r oEscol arUni ver si t yandal i censedLaborat ory t e c hni c i a n. · Gi naCat andi j an–af r eshgr aduat eofBachel orofSecondaryEducat i onf r om Na v o t a sPo l y t e c hni cUni v e r s i t y . CHORD SPONSORS:( whosy mbol i c al l yboundt hepai rt og e t her ) · Al dr i nCast i l l o–hei sa“ dabarkads”oft hef ami l yandaComput erEngi neer i ng gr aduat ef r om AdamsonUni v er si t yandwor kedatTai wanf or3ye ar s. · Ka r e nCo r pi n–a nABPo l i t i c a lSc i e nc eg r a dua t ef r o m apr e s t i g i o uss c ho olo fSa n Se ba s t i a nCo l l e g e . BESTMAN AND MAI D OFHONOR BESTMAN ( gal l antandgoodl ooki ng) Maur oMabansag–anECEgr adf r om TI PorTec hnol ogi calI nst i t ut eofTec hnol ogy MAI D OFHONOR( s t unni ngandspl endi d)  Apr i lRoseMat ug as–Jac ki e’ soneoft hec l oses tc ousi n

 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTOFTHEPRI NCI PALSPONSORS  Wesaw t hef r eshandy oung,l e t ’ snow got ot hepeopl ewehav eher ei nf r ont :t he yar e t hey oungathear tandspi r i t ,t hev er ygr aci ousandge ner ousPRI NCI PALSPONSORS. Let ’ smei nt r oducet hem onebyone… s t art i ngoffwi t ht heni nang… · Dr .LuzP.Obong–ki nd,under st andi ng,t al ent ed,i tshowsever yt i meshedance.  Andmos tofal lshei sJac ki e ’ sv er yhar dwor ki ngHeadTeac herofFi l i pi noDepar t ment a tMa c ar i oB.As i s t i oSr .Hi g hSc ho ol . · Ms.FeMacar anas–Romul o’ saunt i e,shei sgoodi nbusi ness.Smi l i ngf ace, c he e r f ult ot a l kt o ,kno wsho wt ode a lwi t hpe o pl e . · Ms .Ai daI r i nc o–Shei sRo mul o ’ sf a mi l yf r i e nd,aba nkt e l l e ra ndv e r ys uc c e s s f ul ofhe rf ami l yl i f ees pe ci al l yt ohe rc hi l dr e n.

· Ms.Lot aI basco–Jacki e’ sYearLevelChai r man.Av er ygoodMat hemat i cs t e a c he r ,kno wsho wt ohe l po t he r s( he l pf ul ) ,s ha r e she rkno wl e dg e ,i de a sand e x pe r i e nc ea ndmo s to fal l ,ki nd. · He l e nPug o s a–i sav e r ydo wnt oe a r t hl a dy .Ja c ki e ’ sc l o s ef r i e nda nda l s oaY e a r Le v e lChai r ma no ft hi r dy e arl e v e l . · Ms.Annabel l eBacul po–Romul o’ sAunt i e,support i vewi f eandmot hert oher c hi l dr e n. · Ms .El i z a be t hSa l da ña–a c c or di ngt oJa c ki e ,s hei st hebe s tt e a c he r .Shei s i ndus t r i o us ,l e c t ur e r ,di s c i pl i ne danda n as s e to ft hes c ho ol .Shei sal s oahe adt e ac he r oft heSci enceDepar t ment . · Ms.RowenaGamboa–Shei sgoodi nhandl i ngpeopl e,t hebestpr oofi st he gr owi ngc ompanyofMags ays ayShi ppi ngCompanywher es hes er ve sast heCr ewi ng Manage r . · Mr s.Gl ori t aBayot–Romul o’ sel ement aryt eacher .Romul or eal l yl ookupt oher  becauseofhermot her l yl ov et owar dshers t udent s,andhe( Romul o)i st hel i vi ng t e s t i mo nyf o rhedi dno tf o r g e the r . Now l et ’ spr oceedwi t ht hegodf at her s:( al ami nsi noangmaypr oxy) · Capt .Gavi noP.Corpi n–Acapt ai noft heshi p,goodpr ovi derandaver ygood hus ba ndt ohi swi f e( Edi t aS.Co r pi n)whoha ppe nst obeJa c ki e ’ saunt i e( s i s t e ro f  Jac ki e ’ smot her ) . · EdgardoSacedor–Jacki e’ suncl e,anI nt er nat i onalmusi ci an.Hehasagr oup c al l e d‘ ‘ Mae s t o soTr i o ’ ’whe r eJ ac ki e ’ ss i s t e rJ e anCat andi j anwasonc epar to ft hes ai d group. · OscarI r i nco–ave rygoodper sonandRomul o’ scr ewi ngmanageratVent i s Mari t i meCorpor at i on. · Eng r .Al e xGa na l o n–Ro mul o ’ sf r i e nd,as uc c e s s f ulChi e fEng i ne e r ,as c ho l a ra t K–Li ne. · Mr .I si dr oHabi n–Assi st antCr ewi ngManager ,smi l i ngf aceandknowshow t o handl epeopl e. · Mr .Tori bi oTambi s–Jacki e’ suncl e.Hei saseaman,agoodpr ovi derandagood f at he rt ohi sc hi l dr e ne s pe c i al l yt ohi ss onAr g e lVi c t o rT ambi swhowi l lbehi s descendantbypr of essi on.


Ca pt .Be nGe nc i a ne o–Ja c ki e ’ sf ami l yf r i e nd.Hei sa l s oas hi pc a pt ai n.

· Mr .I g l i sI s a g ani–Ro mul o ’ sf r i e nd,a l s oas e ama natKLi neMar i t i mea sa2nd mat e. · Mr .Just i neFeder i co–Romul o’ sel ement aryt eacherwhohel pedRomul ot ot ake hi sPEPTex am.

 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTOFPARENTS Oneoft heparent s’ dr eamsi st oseet heweddi ngoft hei rchi l dr en.Iam sur eour c o upl e ’ spa r e nt sar ee q ua l l ye x c i t e da st he m.Le tusno wr e c o g ni z et he s ev e r ys pe c i a l peopl ei nt heheart soft henewl ywed. Romul o’ spar ent s:MrandMr s.Mari oandMi l agr osMabansag( cav i t e)  Jac ki e ’ smot her :Mr s.Li l i aSabucohan( f ami l yhasbecomecl oset omebecausej ac ki e’ s  br ot heri nl aw i smyni nong. .t hanky oupof ort hegi f t s) ENTRANCE OFTHE COUPLE  Andnow t hebi gmoment ,Ladi esandGent l eman,ourbr i deandgr oom Ti naand Marco!Doesn’ tshel ookbeaut i f ul ?She’ sbeenpr act i ci ngherbouquet t hr owi ngand hopest ogi veagoodaccountofher sel fwhent hemomentcomes.Asf ort hegr oom, l ookathi m!Machongmachoasal way s.Ladi esandGent l eman,abi ghandf orRomul o andJacki e.( wi deappl ause)  Thanky ouv er ymuc h…l e t ’ sal lbeseat ednow.Tr ul y ,t hi sev entwi l lbeacel ebr at i onof l ove… af eastoft wohear t swhovowedt ost ayf or ev ernomat t erwhat … Thi s af t e r no on’ spr o gr a m wi l lbequi t ee xc i t i ngf orwewi l lhe arJ ac ki e ’ sr e l at i v epl a yi ngt he  bandal lt hr oughout .Andmaybes omeVi say anweddi ngt r adi t i onse xer ci sed… aswel l asnotyourusualbouquetandgart ercer emoni es . .whi chwoul dbemor ef unand memorabl e.Pl ust hesumpt uousmealofPescadore sr est aur anti sal r eadyset .Ar en’ t  y oual le xci t ed? OPENI NG PRAYER  Tooffic i al l ys t ar t ,l e tusal ls t andf ort heopeni ngpr ay ert obel edbyMr s.Vi r gi ni aLa  Tor r e,TLEt eac herf r om Macar i oB.Asi s t i oNat i onalHi ghSc hool . Fat her ,youhavemadet hebondofmarr i ageahol ymyst er y , as y mbo lo fChr i s t ' sl o v ef o rhi sChur c h. Hearourpr ayer sf or__ __and___ _.  Wi t hf ai t hi ny ouandi neac hot hert he ypl edget hei rl ov et oday . Ma yt he i rl i v e sal wa ysbe arwi t ne s st ot her e a l i t yoft hatl o v e.  Weaskt hi st hr oughourLor dJesusChr i s t ,y ourSon,  whol i v esandr ei gnswi t hy ouandt heHol ySpi r i t ,

oneGod,f orev erandev er .Amen. Pi ct ori al/BuffetDi nner  Wel lIgue sst hef oodi snow r eadyanddi nnerwi l lc ommenceshor t l y .Att hi spoi ntt o mai nt ai no r de r ,I ’ l lbec al l i ngy o urt abl enumbe ra ndt hepe o pl ef r o mt hatt abl ewi l lbe g oi ngt ot hel o cat i o no ft hec oupl ef o rpi c t o r i al .Ri g htaf t e rt hatt he ycanno w pr o c ee d a ndl i neupa tt hebuffe tc o unt e rt og e tt he i rdi nne r . ( g e tt hepe r s o nal i t i e si ne ac ht abl e )  Wewoul dl i ket ot hankt heOper at i onManagerofPescador esRes t aur ant ,Si rRamon f ort hewonder f ulaccommodat i onandserv i cet hatt heyar eprovi di ngusher e.The ne wl y we dswo ul da l s ol i ket os ayas pe c i a lt ha nky o ut o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _f o r s upe r v i s i ngi nt hephy s i c a la r r a ng e me nto fo urr e c e p t i o n. Habangnasasat i sf yangat i ngt ast ebudssamasasar apnapagkai nngPescador es . Mer ongi ni handangsl i deshow pr esent at i ondi t owher ewecanseet heev ol ut i onof  Jac ki eandRomul o’ sl ov eaffai r .( c hi kaaboutt hel ov es t or yofJac ki eandRomul o) · AVP–SLI DESHOW · BAND PLAY–Comi ngf r om af ami l yofmusi ci an,l et ’ s de l i g hto ure a r swi t ht heba ndac o us t i c sofJac ki e ’ sr e l at i v e s . · SONG NUMBEROFJOHN HENDRI CK DAGUI O –BI BLE BEARER:Tal entrunsi nt hef ami l y ,l et ’ shearasampl ef r om t heki dwhobearst he  bi bl eawhi l eagoi nt hec hur c h.Roundofappl auset o… CAKE CUTTI NG  Att hi spoi nt ,Ihopeev er yonesat t ent i oni si nt hecoupl east he ydot hecakecut t i ng t r adi t i on.Baki t ,maygani t ongeksenapagmaykasal ?Wel l ,ayonsaaki ngr esear ch, t hec akec ut t i ngs ymbo l i z e st hec oupl e ' suni t y ,t he i rs har e df ut ur e ,andt he i rl i f e t oget herasone. DOVE KI SSI NG TRADI TI ON  Thi st i mel e t ’ sseet hem hol dt hoset wodov es;pl easet aket hem outoft hecage.Then, t he ywi l lmak et ho s el o v e l ydo v eki s se a c ho t he r .PI CTURE! ! !  Whi t edov esar easymbolofj oy ,andsi nceaweddi ngi saj oy ousocc asi on,openi ngt he  bi r d' scagesot hatt he ycanflyf r eel y ,orusi ngphot osofdov esi nt heday' sdecori s de fini t e l yappr o pr i a t e .Supe r s t i t i o na l s os ug g e s t st ha tc o upl e swhos e eapai ro fdo v e s ont hei rweddi ngdaywi l lhaveabl essedmarr i age,whi chi sawonder f ulsent i mentf or t henew coupl et okeepi nmi ndwhenst art i nganew l i f et oget her .  WI NETOAST

 Thi st i me,l e t ’ sfil lourgl asseswi t hanydr i nkt hatwec oul dge tandj oi nt hebes tman, Maur oMabansagf ort hesy mbol i cwi net oast . Par as amahabangpag sas amapunonangpag mamahal an,paguunawaanat pagbi bi gayan,Jacki eatRomul omal i gayangbat iatKAMPAY! ! !Cheer sev er yone!

BOUQUETCEREMONY Now al lt hesi ngl el adi espl easecomeondown.Let ’ sdot hebouquetgame!Sabikosa i nyokani na,hi ndii t oyungsi mpl engflowert oss,kayamasexci t i ng.Ngayungnandi t o nakayongl ahat ,kukuhakayongflowerst emsf r om t hebri de.Si gepumi l ikayo.Ang hi ndikumuhauupodi yansahot se at !Hehe  Att hi spoi nt ,af t ery ouc hosey ourflowers t ems,l i s t encar ef ul l y ,her e ’ st hecat c h.The l adywi t ht hel onges tst em i st hec hosenone!Si noangmaswer t engbabae? GARTERGAME Le t ’ sc a l lo nt hi st i mea l lt heg e nt l e me n!Si g ep opunt aka y os auna ha n.No w,Iha v e her e,bot t l esofbeer .Masusubukankungs i noangmal akasumi nom.Hehe,i nt wo mi nut est i me,paunahankay ongmaubosomaco nsumey angmgabee rni nyo.One, t wo,t hr ee.Ok,si nongunangnaubos.Pal akpakan.Si noangkont il angang nac onsume?I kaw,angmaswer t enggo odboy! Be f o r eweg oo nwi t ht heGar t e rT o s s ,t heg r o o mi st or e t r i e v et heg ar t e rf r o m hi sbr i de . Somaywer eques tRomul oandJacki et opl easec omece nt ers t ageanddot hegar t er r e t r i e v alr i t ual .Thanksg uy s . ( Ac ha i ri sbr o ug hto ns t a g ef o rt hebr i det os i t .whi l eg r o o m kne e l sdo wna tt hebr i de ' s f e e tr e adyt or e t r i e v et hegar t e r ) Ladi esandgent l emant hegr oom wi l lnow r et ri evet hegart erf r om t hebri de. ( Gr o om r e t r i e v e st heg ar t e rf r o mt hebr i de . )  Ther ey ouhav ei tl adi esandgent l emen;t hegr oom wasfinal l yabl et or e t r i ev et he g a r t e r .Le tusg i v ehi m abi gha nd. PUTTI NG THE GARTERONTHELADY’ SLEG.  Al r i ght ,l e t ’ shav et hepai rher e.Lady ,ki ndl yt akey ourseat .Gent l eman,y ouar enow g o i ngt oputt heg ar t e ro nhe rl e g s . (Hi g he r ,hi g he r -t he nki s si sr e q ue s t e d) (Pi c t or i alwi t hCoupl e)


Now,bef oreweend.Let ’ shearsomewel l wi sher sgi vet hei rmessaget onewl ywed.  A. NI NANG HELEN PUGOSA B. MRS.AI DAI RI NCO C. ASK ANYFROM THEFRI ENDSOFBRI DE AND GROOM WHO WOULD WANTTO GI VEAMESSAGETOTHENEWLYWED D. NANAYOFJACKI E( LI LI ASABUCOHAN) E. NANAYOFROMULO ( MI LAGROSMABANSAG)  THANKYOU MESSAGEOFTHECOUPLE  Theni ghtandt hi sr ecept i onhav eal mos tc omet oanendbutf orourne wl ywedsi ti s  j us tas t ar toft hei rne wl i f et oge t her .Asweeac hgohome,mayt hi sdaybememor abl e f ora l lofusasi ti tt ot he m.T ope r s o nal l yco nv e yt he i rhe ar t f e l tg r at i t udel e tusno w l endaneart oMar coandTi na ( Ma r c oandTi nade l i v e r st he i rme s s ag eofg r a t i t ude . ) Cl osi ngRemar ks  Wel lIgue sst hat ’ saboutev er yt hi ngl adi esandgent l emenwehav efinal l ycomet ot he endofourpr ogram.I thasbeenagreatdayandawonder f uleveni ngwi t hyoual l .  Ag ai nt hanky oual lf ory ourpr esence.Godbl essandGoodni ghtt oeac hand e v e r y o ne .


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