Copper Silver INC by Marion Boykin

January 10, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Copper Silver INC.  INC.  by Marion Boykin  ! 2/2017 I love Copper Silver tricks, gaffed or un-gaffed. I have stayed mostly towards of hand but will out sometimes with gaffs thatsleight heighten the (SOH) magic. effects, Now, some of venture the tricky-tricky gaffed coin sets are nice and allow you to make some things seem just impossible, which is good. I’ve played a lot with some of the tricky-tricky stuff, but keep coming back to where the thinking for all that actually came from, a simple gimmick that goes back 100 years if not more so - The endearing Copper/ Silver Coin. This coin is cheap($), especially in comparison to the higherend gaffed stuff, and you can do a lot of good magic with it. I don’t claim much groundbreaking here, except maybe for some uniquely visual displays, but there’s been tons written and presented as to the use of this coin, perhaps too much to know of it all. So, with a little of me and bit of this & that from the journey …This is just one of my most favorite takes with it.



  The Effect  "   The Magi shows a silver half dollar and a copper English penny at his fingertips, one in each hand. The spectator is told and shown what will happen, and then given a choice as to which coin he likes. That coin is used and other coin is waved it, and instantly position the coins change places. It’sthe done immediately again over in a more impossible and again the coins change hands. To slow the action up a bit, one coin is taken from the left hand and just given a soft wave up & down and the coin changes, along with the coin in the left hand very magically changing too. Finally, the spec is allowed to play and see for himself, and so the silver coin is clearly handed to the spec. The magi (still holding the copper coin) and spec both bump hands, and again the coins change hands under the most impossible conditions, right in the spec’s hand. He is given both coins for examination.

Handling  #  

This routine happens in four phases and utilizes a half dollar, English penny and a C/S coin. The first two phases are simultaneous changes from hand to hand, the 3rd phase displays a one handed change, and the finale shows the impossible change happening in the spec’s hand. The magic occurs behind some clever switching of the gaff coin in & out while it looks completely like only two regular coins are in play. Here’s how you do it:  $   The Set-Up  %  

You could just simply start the effect with the three coins finger palmed in the right hand c/s coin (copper side down), silver coin, copper coin upper most, but I usually keep the coins in a little pouch with the c/s coin copper side down, then the half dollar, and then the copper English penny. When I take them out, I typically remove the stack and friction pass the top two coins (half dollar and English penny over to the left hand, while holding back the c/s coin in right finger palm copper (darker) side down (this helps a bit with any flashing possibilities from the back of the hand between the fingers). *If you don’t have a pouch, no worries…Just keep the copper silver coin in the right pocket and the half dollar and English penny in the left pocket. Reach for both pockets and secretly orient the proper side of



the c/s coin to the right hand (copper side down) as already mentioned here, and also pull out the two coins from the left pocket to the left hand, take the silver coin to the right fingertips and the English penny to the left fingertips. and you’re ready to go. 1st Phase  &  

Show the coins fairly at the fingertips, silver in the right hand, copper coin in the left. The C/S coin is hidden in right finger palm (silver side side up). Place the silver coin in the open left hand with the copper coin. Take the copper coin to the right fingertips and explain that you will simply wave a coin over the other. As you do this, Crimp Switch the coins so that the C/S coin is now at the fingertips and the real copper coin is in finger palm. Place the c/ s coin copper side up at the base of left fingertips and offer the spec a choice of "which coin they like.” *[Use Magician’s Choice (Equivoque) here to always take the silver coin to the right fingertips]. Now take the silver coin over (just the above) and opening leftthe hand. The right and handwave Crimpit Changes coin the fromclosing silver to copper, while c/s coin turns over when the left hand closes. The result is the first instant change of the coins. *Equivoque Example: If they say the copper coin, you say “OK, I’ll use that one," as you take the silver coin. If they say they like the silver coin, then you say, “OK, we’ll use that one," and you still take the silver coin. Whatever the choice, you’ll always take the silver coin from your hand to start. 2nd Phase  '  

 And so, you must do this again for the specs as perhaps you might’ve might’ve went a bit too fast…The copper coin is given a tap upon the silver coin now in the left hand, the hands are moved further apart and the copper coin is crimp changed to reveal the silver coin at the right fingertips, as simultaneously the left hand closes and turns the c/s coin there over to the copper side. The result is a change back of the coins at a more deliberate pace and view, and it’s stunning! *After this phase and before Phase could shuttle pass the silver coin over to the right hand to cleanly show the two regular coins there and to break up the focus on the left hand.  After showing, just shuttle pass the silver coin back over to the left hand



that secretly holds the c/s coin (copper side face up), and you’re ready to continue along here with the next phase. 3rd Phase  (  

The silver is nowcoin dropped uponthe thesilver copper coin the coin) hand is is taken semiclosed, as coin the silver (actually side of and the c/s out and you explain that you will try to do it one hand at a time, that maybe two hands is a bit confusing. You take the silver coin and softly just wave it up & down and simply turn it over to the copper side to show its change to copper. (I know this is quite bold, but it works like a charm, and the little turnover doesn’t register behind the wave). ;) Then (after a beat) follow that up to show the silver half dollar back in the closed fist, now opened for the third even more miraculous change. Final Phase  )  

To end the effect, the last change will be made impossibly to the spec’s hand. “Place" the copper coin (actually the c/s coin) again into the left hand at the base of the fingers and just slide the silver coin atop of it as you begin to turn your hand downward. While you could offer another choice of which coin again, along the lines of above in Phase 1, but I would recommend just pulling out the silver coin (actually the c/s coin) to finish with. Specs will be none the wiser and this is just simpler going. You have the spec hold out their hand palm down, show the silver coin (the silver side of the c/s coin) and as you reach under to place it up in her hand, crimp switch the regular copper coin and place that in her hand, and have her close it tight *(This is a very artful Al Schneider finesse). You now have the c/s coin in your right hand hidden in finger palm and right where you want it to end up - out of play. Now, point to your closed left hand and say (rather obviously) that you have the copper coin (As you say this, you slide the hidden coin into Tenkai Pinch) and as you roll your hand over to the right, declare that the spec has the silver coin that you just visibly put in his hand, all the while showing your open right hand to be matter-of-factly empty. As you roll your hand back down and begin to raise it, slide the coin back into the hand and up into classic palm as you grab the spec’s wrist to bump his closed fist to



your closed fist. Now as you remove your hand and drop it a beat, the coin falls to fingertip rest and behind the action to point to your opening left hand, the out of play c/s coin is again finger palmed away, as you show and magically say that you now have the silver coin and the spec (surprised and opening his hand) now has the copper coin. You drop your silver coin into her hand and invite any examination of the coins, which are the regular coins. When finished, simply take the coin with the right fingertips, showing them fairly before simply letting them drop back into the right hand, where they secretly mix with the c/s coin, you may freely toss them over all over to the left hand or not, and put them away. TADA!  *  

Final Thoughts  +  

Though this takes some time to explain here, it all happens within a minute or so. Once the SOH is smoothed out, then the effect flies as per your presentation. None of it is hard but it does take some practice to get the routine down solidly…So give it the practice it deserves and you’ll have some real magic on your hands. You will also see where you can leave out a phase or perhaps step a bit more quickly into the next phase as to the changes. Do what you like with it, but I usually do the 4 phases as I have described. A nice shorter alternative if you like, is to go from Phase 1 Phase 2 - Phase 4. It'll still play rather well for you and a bit shortened. *Also, you can be a bit flexible in how you show the reveals. For instance,



some times in the 1st phase, I will turn my left hand down as I wave the coin over it. So they see the coin at the right finger tips change first before turning up the left hand to show the coin changed there. It provides a little further variety as to the action and play. Try it!  As to using the Equivoque, don’t be afraid to use it, it actually flies right by and engages the spec building a false sense of security in their mind, but you always have control as you have forced the situation on them the way you want the magic to go. Practice the simple thinking as to doing this, and you will see that you can do this in a lot of effects unbeknownst to the spectator. *Also, in the last phase, you don’t have to use Magician’s Choice again necessarily, just remove the silver coin (actually the c/s coin) and simply offer that one to the spec, they will willingly accept it unaware of the switch made right under their hand. *Remember, you lead, they will follow. ;) Now, the first two phases of the routine work with the Crimp Change (and or the Crimp Change used as a switch). This is what makes the initial changes happen, basically both hands are moving, the right hand with a little wave and the left hand taking advantage of simply turning the c/s coin over from side to side. That the 2 movements happen simultaneously, causes the specs to not be able to focus completely as their eyes jump back & forth from hand to hand as the coins seem to change. You basically take advantage of this for the coins to change hands. A little patter keeps the routine moving along and by Phase 3, the simple turning over the copper coin behind the little motion up and down of the coin flies right by them…That is the smaller motion happening behind the larger motion, they can’t discern the smaller motion of simply turning the coin over to show an impossible change of an isolated coin in your left hand. This is immediately reinforced (proved) by the dramatic opening of the left hand to show the silver coin there.

 , What makes this little routine so powerful, is that you have set it up initially as just two coins being used. This makes mind see and experience the impossible, as one change tops the next change, and so on. The whole concept of a c/s coin is non-existent to them through the initial play to show the coins fairly. Behind the SOH I describe here, nothing should be rushed and just be confident as you present it and it will play BIG! It’s really one of those tricks that about the only coin trick you have to do to be well regarded forbecomes some finejust magic.



When you complete the routine, dropping the 2 regular coins from the spec back into your right hand works well before you put them away, as it allows all the coins (including the the hidden c/s co coin in in right finge fingerr palm) to make the the obligatory sound where all seems well and fair…and done! Enjoy!

 -   *Oh, and I have a little surprise for you, a sorta BONUS to the effect…shhhhhhh…Just follow the link.  .  .

Credits  / 0  

J.B. Bobo’s New Modern Coin Magic, Tenkai Ishida, H. DeManche, Jay copperr silver routines on my journey that Sankey… And all the hundreds of coppe inspired this work.  1  1  

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