Copper Alloy Sand Castings For General Applications

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Designati Desi gnation: on: B 584 – 00

Standard Specification for

Copper Alloy Sand Castings for General Applications 1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation B 584; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of  original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript supersc ript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

B 369 Specification for Copper-Nickel Alloy Castings3 B 427 Speci Specificat fication ion for Gear Bronze Alloy Alloy Castings3 B 492 Speci Specificat fication ion for Cast Copper-Nicke Copper-Nickell Ship Tailshaft Tailshaft 4 Sleeves B 505 Specifi Specificat cation ion for Copper Copper-Ba -Base se Alloy Alloy Continu Continuous ous 3 Castings B 763 Spe Specifi cificat cation ion for Copper Copper Alloy San Sand d Castin Castings gs for 3 Valve Application B 770 Specification for Copper Copper-Beryllium -Beryllium Alloy Sand Cast3 ings for General Applications B 806 Spec Specific ificati ation on for Copper Copper Alloy Alloy Perman Permanent ent Mold Mold 3 Castings for General Applications B 824 Speci Specificat fication ion for General General Requireme Requirements nts for Copper Copper 3 Alloy Castings B 846 Termi erminolog nology y for Copper and Coppe Copperr Alloys3 E 527 Pract Practice ice for Numb Numbering ering Metal Metalss and Allo Alloys ys (UNS)5 2.2   ASME Code: ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code 6

1. Scope Scope * 1.1 This specificatio specification n covers covers requirements requirements for coppe copperr allo alloy y sand castings for general applications. Nominal compositions of the alloys defined by this specification are shown in Table 1.2 This is a comp composit ositee spec specificat ification ion repl replacing acing former documents as shown in Table 1. NOTE   1—Other 1—Other copper copper alloy cas casting tingss are included included in the fol followi lowing ng ASTM specifications: B 22, B 61, B 62, B 66, B 67, B 148, B 176, B 271, B 369, B 427, B 492, B 505, B 763, B 770, and B 806.

1.2 Component Component part castings produced produced to this specifi specificati cation on may be manufactured in advance and supplied from stock. In such cases the manufacturer shall maintain a general quality certification of all castings without specific record or date of  casting for a specific casting. 1.3 The values stated in inch-pound inch-pound units are to to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are provided for information purposes only. 2. Referenced Documents

3. Terminology

2.1   ASTM Standards: B 22 Specifi Specificat cation ion for Bronze Bronze Cas Castin tings gs for Bri Bridge dgess and Turntables 3 B 61 Speci Specificat fication ion for Steam Steam or Valve Valve Bronze Castings Castings3 B 62 Specification for Com Composition position Bronze or Ounce Metal Metal 3 Castings B 66 Speci Specificat fication ion for Bronze Castings Castings for Steam Locom Locomoo3 tive Wearing Parts B 67 Specificat Specification ion for Car and Tende enderr Journ Journal al Beari Bearings, ngs, 3 Lined

3.1 Definit Definition ionss of terms terms rel relati ating ng to copper copper alloys alloys can be found in Terminology B 846. 4. General Requirements Requirements 4.1 The following following sect sections ions of Speci Specificat fication ion B 824 form a part of this specification. In the event of a conflict between this specification and Specification B 824, the requirements of this specification shall take precedence. 4.1.1 Terminology Terminology,, 4.1.2 Other Requiremen Requirements, ts,


4.1.3 Dimensions, Mass, and Permissible Variations, Variations, 4.1.4 Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance, 4.1.5 Sampling, Sampling, 4.1.6 Number Number of Tests and Retests, Retests, 4.1.7 Specimen Preparation, 4.1.8 Test Method Methods, s, 4.1.9 Significanc Significancee of Numerical Numerical Limit Limits, s, 4.1.10 Insp Inspecti ection, on, 4.1.11 Rejection and Reh Rehearing, earing, 4.1.12 Certification, 4.1.13 Test Report,

B 148 Specification for Aluminum-Bronze Aluminum-Bronze Sand Castings B 176 Specificati Specification on for CopperCopper-Alloy Alloy Die Cast Castings ings3 B 208 208 Practice Practice for Prep Preparing aring Tens Tension ion Test Specimens Specimens for Copperr Alloy Coppe Alloy Sand, Permanent Mold, Centrifug Centrifugal, al, and Continuous Castings3 B 271 Specificat Specification ion for Copper Copper-Ba -Base se All Alloy oy Cent Centrif rifugal ugal Castings3 1

This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee Committee B05 on Copper and Copper Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee B05.05 on Castings and Ingots for Remelting. Currentt edition Curren edition approved approved May 10, 2000. 2000. Published Published August 2000. Originally published as B 584 - 73. Last previous edition B 584 - 98a. 2 The UNS system for copper and copper alloys (see Practice E 527) is a simple expansion expans ion of the former standard standard designation system accomplished accomplished by the addition of a prefix prefix “C” and a suf suffi fix x “00 “00”. ”. The suf suffi fix x can be used to accommo accommodate date composition variations of the base alloy.


Discontinued— Annual Book of ASTM Standard Standards, s,   Vol 02.01.  Annual Book of ASTM Standar Standards, ds,   Vol 01.01. 6 Available from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, United Engi-



 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Standards,   Vol 02.01.

neering Center, Center, 345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard. Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

1 COPYRIGHT American COPYRIGHT merican Society Society for for Testing Testing and and Materials Materials

Licensed by Licensed by Information Information Handling Handling Services Services  

B 584 TABLE TAB LE 1 Nominal Compositions Classification

Leaded red brass

Copper Alloy UNS No.

Previous Designation


Comm Co mmer erci cial al De Desi sign gnat atio ion n

Copp Co pper er Tin Tin

Lead Le ad Zinc Zinc Ni Nick ckel el Ir Iron on

C83450 C83600 C83800 C84400

... B 145-4A B 145-4B B 145-5A

... 85-5-5-5 or No. 1 composition commercial red brass, 83-4-6-7 valve composition, 81-3-7-9

88 85 83 81

21 ⁄ 2   2 5 5 4 6 3 7

C848 C8 4800 00

B 14 1455-5B 5B

semi se mi-r -red ed br bras ass, s, 76 76-2 -21 ⁄ 2-61 ⁄ 2-15


21 ⁄ 2   61 ⁄ 2   1 5

C C8 85 52 40 00 0 C85700 C86200

B B1 14 46 6--6 6A B B 146-6C B 147-8B

h igm h-m ce op elr N ye co rcpia ol.lo1wyb erllaosws brass leaded naval brass high-strength manganese bronze

7 62 7 61 63

1 1 1 ...

3 3 1 ...

C86300 C86400 C864 C8 6400 00 C86500 C86700 C87300

B 147-8C B 147-7A B 13 1322-A A B 147-8A B 132-B B 198-12A

high-strength manganese bronze leaded manganese bronze

61 58

... 1

No. 1 manganese bronze leaded manganese bronze silicon bronze

58 58 95

... 1 ...

C87400 C87500 C87600 C87610 C89510A

B 198-13A B 198-13B B 198-13C B 198-12A ...

silicon brass silicon brass silicon bronze silicon bronze sebiloy I

82 82 91 92 87

... ... ... ... 5

C89520B  C89844

... ...

sebiloy II bismuth brass

86 51 ⁄ 2   . . . 841 ⁄ 2   4 ...

Tin bronze + leaded tin bronze


B 143-1B

modified “G” bronze, 88-8-0-4



High-lead tin bronze

C90500 C92200 C92210 C92300 C92600 C93200 C93500 C93700 C93800 C94300 C94700

B 143-1A B 143-2A ... B 143-2B ... B 144-3B B 144-3C B 144-3A B 144-3D B 144-3E B 292-A

“G” bronze, 88-10-0-2 steam or valve bronze-Navy “M” ... 87-5-1-4, Navy PC 87-10-1-2 83-7-7-3 85-5-9-1 80-10-10 78-7-15 71-5-24 nickel-tin bronze Grade “A”

88 88 88 87 87 83 85 80 78 71 88

10 6 5 8 10 7 5 10 7 5 5

C94800 C94900 C96800 C97300 C97600

B 292-B ... ... B 149-10A B 149-11A

leaded nickel-tin bronze Grade “B” leaded nickel-tin bronze Grade “C” ... 12 % leaded nickel silver 20 % leaded nickel silver

87 80 82 57 64

5 5 8 2 4

1 5 ... 9 4

2 5 ... 20 8


B 149-11B

25 % leaded nickel silver





Leaded semi-red brass Leaded yellow brass High-strength yellow brass

Silicon bronze + silicon brass

Bismuth selenium brass Bismuth semi-red brass

Nickel-tin bronze + leaded nickel-tin bronze

Spinodal alloy Leaded nickel bronze


Selenium 0.5. B  Selenium 0.9.

Product ct Marking, Marking, 4.1.14 Produ 4.1.15 Packa Packaging ging and Package Marking, Marking, and 4.1.16 Supplementary Requirements. Requirements.

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2 24 9 37 27

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1.9 3





... ...



2 ...   41 ⁄ 2   . . . 4 1 4 ... 2 ... 3 ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 5

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... ... 11 ⁄ 2 2 1 1 7 9 10 15 24 ...


Nio- Bisbium muth


6  ⁄ 2





5.1.6 When material material is purchased purchased for agencies of the U.S. Governmen Gover nment, t, the Suppl Supplemen ementary tary Requi Requireme rements nts of Speci Specificafication B 824 may be specified. 5.2 The fol follow lowing ing opt option ionss are ava availa ilable ble and sho should uld be specified in the purchase order when required: 5.2.1 Chemi Chemical cal analysis of resid residual ual elements elements (7.3) (7.3),, 5.2.2 Pressure test or soundness soundness requirements (Specification (Specification B 824), 5.2.3 5.2 .3 App Approv roval al of wel weld d rep repair air or imp impreg regnat nation ion,, or bot both h (Section 9), 5.2.4 Certification (Specification (Specification B 824), 824), 5.2.5 Found Foundry ry test report (Specificati (Specification on B 824), 5.2.6 Wi Witnes tnesss inspe inspectio ction n (Spec (Specifica ification tion B 824), and 5.2.7 Produ Product ct marking (Specificatio (Specification n B 824).

5. Orde Ordering ring Information Information 5.1 Orders Orders for cas castin tings gs und under er thi thiss spe specifi cificat cation ion sho should uld include the following information: 5.1.1 Spec Specificat ification ion title, number, number, and year of issue, 5.1.2 Quant Quantity ity of cast castings, ings, 5.1.3 5.1 .3 Copper Copper all alloy oy UNS Num Number ber (T (Tabl ablee 1) and tem temper per (as-cast, heat treated, and so forth), 5.1.4 Pattern or drawi drawing ng numbe number, r, and condi condition tion (as-cast, (as-cast, machined, etc.), 5.1.5  ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code—compliance (Section 10), 2 COPYRIGHT American COPYRIGHT merican Society Society for for Testing Testing and and Materials Materials


61 ⁄ 2 5 7 9

  Alum- Man- Siliinum ganese con

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B 584 TABLE TAB LE 3 Suggested Heat Treatments Treatments

6. Manuf Manufactur acturee 6.1 Cop Copper per alloy alloy UNS Nos. C94 C94700 700 and C96 C96800 800 may be suppli sup plied ed in the hea heatt tre treate ated d con condit dition ion to obt obtain ain the hig higher her mechan mec hanica icall pro proper pertie tiess sho shown wn in Tabl ablee 2. Sug Sugges gested ted hea heatt treatments for these alloys are given in Table 3. Actual practice may vary by manufacturer. 6.2 Separ Separatel ately y cast test bar coupo coupons ns repre representi senting ng cast castings ings made in copper alloy UNS Nos. C94700HT and C96800HT shall be heat treated with the castings.

Copper Alloy UNS No. C96800


Solution Treatment (not less than 1 h followed by water quench) 1500°F (815°C) Solution treatment (not less than 2 h followed by water quench) 1425–1475°F (775–800°C)

Annealing Treatment (not less than 2 h followed by air cool) (Age to develop properties) 660°F (350°C) Precipitation hardening (5 h)

580–620°F (305–325°C)

7. Chemical Composition 7.1 The castings shall conform conform to the compositional compositional requirerequirements for named elements as shown in Table 4 for the copper alloy UNS numbers specified in the purchase order. 7.2 These specificati specification on limits do not preclude preclude the presence presence of oth other er ele elemen ments. ts. Lim Limits its ma may y be est establ ablish ished ed and ana analys lysis is required for unnamed elements agreed upon between manufacturer or supplier and purchaser. Copper or zinc, when zinc

is 20 % or greater, may be given as remainder and may be take ta ken n as th thee di difffe fere renc ncee be betw twee een n th thee su sum m of al alll el elem emen ents ts analyzed and 100 %. When all named elements in Table 4 are analyzed, their sum shall be as specified in Table 5. 7.3 It is recognized that residual residual elements may be present present in cast copper alloys. Analysis Analysis shall be made for resi residual dual elements only when specified in the purchase order. 8. Mechanical Properties Properties

TABLE TAB LE 2 Mechanical Requirements Copper Alloy UNS No.

Tensile Strength,   min

Yield Strength,A min




C83450 C83600 C83800 C84400 C84800 C85200 C85400 C85700 C86200 C86300 C86400 C86500 C86700 C87300 C87400 C87500 C87600 C87610 C89510 C89520 C89844

30 30 30 29 28 35 30 40 90 110 60 65 80 45 50 60 60 45 26 25 28

207 207 207 200 193 241 207 276 621 758 414 448 552 310 345 414 414 310 184 176 193

14 14 13 13 12 12 11 14 45 60 20 25 32 18 21 24 30 18 17 17 13

C90300 C90500 C92200 C92210 C92300 C92600 C93200 C93500 C93700 C93800 C94300 C94700 C94700 (HT) C94800 C94900 C96800 C96800 (HT) C97300 C97600 C97800

40 40 34 32 36 40 30 28 30 26 24 45 75 40 38 125 135 30 40 50

276 276 234 225 248 276 207 193 207 179 165 310 517 276 262 862 931 207 276 345

18 18 16 15 16 18 14 12 12 14 ... 20 50 20 15 100D  120D  15 17 22


8.1 Mech Mechanica anicall prope propertie rtiess shal shalll be determine determined d from separately cast test bar castings, and shall meet the requirements shown in Table 2.

Elongation in 2 in. or 50 mm, min, %

97 97 90 90 83 83 76 97 310 414 138 172 221 124 145 165 207 124 120 120 90

25 20 20 18 16 25 20 15 18 12 15 20 15 20 18 16 16 20 8 6 15

124 124 110 103 110 124 97 83 83 97 ... 138 345 138 103 689D  821D  103 117 152

20 20 22 20 18 20 15 15 15 12 10 25 5 20 15 3 .. . 8 10 10

9. Casting Casting Repair Repair 9.1 The castings shall shall not be weld repaired repaired without approval of the purchaser (5.2.3). 9.2 The castings shall not be impregnated impregnated without approval approval of the purchaser (5.2.3). 10. ASME Requirements Requirements 10.1 When specified specified in the purchase purchase order to meet ASME ASME Boiler and Press Boiler Pressure ure Vessel Code requi requireme rements, nts, cast castings ings in copper alloy UNS Nos. C92200, C93700, and C97600 shall comply with the following: 10.1.1 Certification requirements requirements of Specification B 824. 10.1.2 Foundry Foundry test repo report rt requ requirem irements ents of Speci Specificat fication ion B 824. 10.1.3 Castings Castings shal shalll be mark marked ed with the manuf manufactur acturer’s er’s name, the copper alloy UNS number, and the casting quality factor fact or.. In addition, addition, heat numbers numbers or seri serial al numbers that are tracea tra ceable ble to hea heatt num number berss sha shall ll be mar marked ked on all pre pressu ssurerecontaining castings individually weighing 50 lbs (22.7 kg) or more. Pressure-containing castings weighing less than 50 lbs (22.7 kg) shall be marked with either the heat number or a serial number that will identify the casting as to the month in which it was poured. Marking shall be in such a position as to not impair the usefulness of the casting. 10.2 The castings shall not be repaired, repaired, plugged, welded, or “burned “burn ed in” unless perm permissi ission on from the purch purchaser aser has been previously secured. This will be given only when the defects are suc such h tha thatt aft after er the app approv roved ed rep repair air the use useful fulnes nesss and strength of the castings has not been impaired. 10.3 10. 3 All Alloys oys in thi thiss spe specifi cificat cation ion are gen genera erally lly wel weldab dable. le.


Preparati Prepar ation on for rep repair air wel weldin ding g sha shall ll inc includ ludee ins inspec pectio tion n to ensure complete removal of the defect. Repairs shall be made utiliz uti lizing ing wel weldin ding g pro proced cedure uress qua qualifi lified ed in acc accord ordanc ancee wit with h Section IX if the ASME code and repair welding shall be done

Yield strength shall be determined as the stress producing an elongation under load of 0.5 %, that is, 0.01 in. (0.254 mm) in a gage length of 2 in. or 50 mm. B  ksi = 1000 psi. C  See Appendix X1. D  Yield strength 0.2 %, offset.

3 COPYRIGHT American COPYRIGHT merican Society Society for for Testing Testing and and Materials Materials

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B 584 TABLE TA BLE 5 Sum of All Name Named d Elements Analyzed Analyzed Copper Alloy UNS Number


Copper Plus Major Elements, % Minimum

C83450 C83600 C83800 C84400 C84800 C85200 C85400 C85700

99.3 99.3 99.3 99.3 99.3 99.1 98.9 98.7

C C8 86 62 30 00 0 C86400 C86500 C86700 C87300 C87400 C87500 C87600 C87610 C89510 C89520 C89844 C90300 C90500 C92200 C92210 C92300 C92600 C93200 C93500 C93700 C93800 C94300 C94700 C94800 C94900 C96800 C97300 C97600 C97800

9 99 9..0 0 99.0 99.0 99.0 99.5 99.2 99.5 99.5 99.5 99.3 99.3 99.3 99.4 99.7 99.3 99.3 99.3 99.3 99.2 99.4 99.0 98.9 99.0 99.3 99.3 99.2 99.5 99.0 99.7 99.6

by wel welder derss or wel weldin ding g ope operat rators ors mee meetin ting g the qua qualifi lificat cation ion requirements of ASME Section IX. The following records shall be maintained: 10.3.1 A sketch or drawing showing showing the dime dimension nsions, s, depth, and location of excavations, 10.3.2 10.3.3 10.3.4 10.3.5 10.3.6 10.3.7

shall be cast to the form and dimensions shown in Figs. 2, 3, or 4 of Practice B 208. 11.2 11. 2 When castings castings are speci specified fied to meet the requirement requirementss of the ASME Boi Boiler ler and Pre Pressu ssure re Vess essel el Cod Code, e, for sma small ll remelt rem eltss the lot siz sizee sha shall ll not exc exceed eed 1000 lbs (45 (455 5 kg) of 

Postweld heat treat Postweld treatment ment,, when applicable, applicable, Weld repair inspection results, results, Casting identification identification number, Weld procedure identification number, number, Welder identification, identification, and Name of inspector. inspector.

castings castin gs and shall consist consist of all of the metal metal fr from om a sin single gle master heat poured from an individual melting unit or group of  melting units operating during the course of one-half shift, not to exceed 5 h. 12. Test Methods 12.1 Analytical chemical chemical methods are given given in Specification B 824.

11. Sampling 11.1 Test bar cast 11.1 castings ings for copper alloy UNS Nos. C86200, C86300, C86400, C86500, and C86700 shall be cast to the form and dimensions shown in Figs. 1 or 2 of Practice B 208. Test bar castings for all other alloys listed in this specification

13. Keyw Keywords ords 13.1 copper alloy castings; copper-base copper-base alloy castings; sand castings

5 COPYRIGHT American COPYRIGHT merican Society Society for for Testing Testing and and Materials Materials

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X1.1 The SI unit for strengt X1.1 strength h propert properties ies now shown shown is in accordance with the International System of Units (SI). The derived SI unit for force is the newton (N), which is defined as

stress is the newton per square metre (N/m2), which has been named the pascal (Pa) by the General Conference on Weights and Measures. Since 1 ksi = 6 894 757 Pa, the metric equiva-

that force that when applied to a body having a mass of one kilogr kil ogram am giv gives es it an acc accele elerat ration ion of one met metre re per sec second ond squared (N = kg · m/s2). The derived SI unit for pressure or

lents are expressed as megapascal (MPa), which is the same as MN/m2 and N/mm2.

SUMMARY OF CHANGES Committee B05 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (B 584 - 98) that may impact the use of this standard. (1) Tab able le 1 re revi vise sed d to in incl clud udee Bi Bism smut uth h Se Sele leni nium um Br Bras asss C89510. (2) Table 4 revised to include C89510.

(3) Table 5 revised to include C89510. (4) Table 2 revised to include C89510.

The American Society for Testing Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection  with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such  patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility. This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and  if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards  and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible  technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your  views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below. This standard is copyrighted by ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at  610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website (

6 COPYRIGHT American COPYRIGHT merican Society Society for for Testing Testing and and Materials Materials

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