COPAR exam Finale.docx

March 23, 2019 | Author: JoloGalabay | Category: Community Organizing, Preventive Healthcare, Empowerment, Health Care, Public Health
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CO-PAR provides Social Change to the society; it acts as a subjective advocacy for the cause of transformative social order. . !t is the dynami dynamic c and and cyclic cyclic process process used by healthcare professionals in the community and its uni"ueness #ill depend on the best application of public health s$ills to individuals% families and communities. a. Commun Community ity org organi ani&in &ing g and and Participatory Action Research b. Commun Community ity Org Organi ani&in &ing g and Participatory Acting Research c. Commun Community ity organ organi&i i&ing ng and Participatory Action Response d. Commun Community ity org organi ani&in &ing g and Participatory Action Respondent

5. (he (he legen legendar dary y commun community ity orga organi& ni&er er #ho inspire people to 6ght injustice% and de6ned de6ned CO-PAR CO-PAR is a proce process ss by #hich #hich a commu ommuni nity ty iden identi ti6e 6es s its needs eds and objective objectives% s% develops develops con6dence con6dence to ta$e ta$e action in respect to them and in doing so% e3ten e3tends ds and develo develops ps cooper cooperati ative ve and collabor collaborativ ative e attitude attitudes s and practices practices in the community a. b. c. d.

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8. !t is during during this this period period #hen all of of the organi&ation and formation of group #as banned9 a. b. c. d.

:orld orld #ar #ar ! :orld orld #ar #ar !! !! 4ar 4artia tial a a# 4ari 4arita tall a# a# !! !!

'. (he follo#in follo#ing g social social change change )Soci )Social al development* pertains to EXCEPT:

over >overnme nment nt Organ Organi&a i&atio tions ns =on urban urban missio missionar naries ies =on =on org organ ani& i&at atio ion n =on of your your bus busine iness ss

?. 0e is generally generally consider considered ed to be the the founder of modern community organi&ing. a. b. c. d.

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@.On ?8'% this #as the 6rst net#or$ =>O1s in the Philippines% Philippines% that involves capacity building and institutional to strengthen strengthen community foundations. a. b. c. d.

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.(he follo#ing association sho#ed that although initially poor and po#erless% orga organi ni&e &ed d peop people le coul could d over overco come me traditional barriers barriers to participation and gain access to resources and po#er. a. b. c. d.

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'. All  All but one of one of the follo#ing are types of Community organi&ing a. >ras >rassr sroo oots ts


b. 7aith based community organi&ing c. Coalition d. Commoner +.(he 7ollo#ing are correct statement on importance of CO-PAR except: a. COPAR is an important tool for community development and people empo#erment as this helps the community #or$ers to generate community participation in development activities. b. COPAR prepares people,clients to eventually ta$e over the management of a development programs in the future. c. People% especially the most oppressed% e3ploited and deprived sectors are open to change% have the capacity to change and are able to bring about change. d. COPAR ma3imi&es community participation and involvement; community resources are mobili&ed for community services. . (he follo#ing are principles of COPAR e3cept a. COPAR should be based on the interest of the riches sectors of society b. COPAR should be based on the interest of the poorest sectors of society c. COPAR should be based on the need of  the poorest sectors of society d. COPAR should be based on the #ants of the poorest sectors of society /. (he follo#ing are strength of community organi&ing except: a. Culture silence b. Approach of empo#erment c. Self reliance d. 4aintains harmonious relationship 5. (he follo#ing are methods used in COPAR except: a. Conscious raising b. Participatory and mass-based c. !ndividual oriented


d. Cycle of action reBection 8. One of the primary tas$s of the Community organi&er during the pre-entry phase is the selection of the arangay to become the initial site for their organi&ing e2orts. (he follo#ing are the steps in the selection of the project site by the team% except: a. Developing criteria for site selection b. !dentifying potential arangay and choosing the 6nal project village c. !denti6cation of potential,core leaders d. !denti6cation of the host family round #or$ 4emorandum of agreement

'+. (he actual e3perience of the people in confronting the po#erful and actual e3ercise of people po#er. a. b. c. d.

!ntegration Social !nvestigation >round #or$ 4obili&ation of action

'. !t is a #ay of training the people to participate #hat #ill happen and prepare themselves or such eventuality. a. b. c. d.

role play integration ground #or$ Social investigation

'/. (he #ay of motivating the people on one on one basis to do something on the issue that has been chosen. a. b. c. d.

role play integration ground #or$ Social investigation

'5. (he follo#ing process of selecting one issue to #or$ #ith in order to begin organi&ing people. a. role play b. integration c. ground #or$ d. (entative Program Planning '8. A systematic process of collecting% collating% analy&ing data to dra# a clear picture of the community a. b. c. d.

role play integration ground #or$ Social investigation

'O1s c. Partnership #ith the people d. Electing good people in government /8. Primary 0ealth Care permeates as core strategy% the thrusts of government health programs. :hat do you e3pect from the people of the community9 a. Active involvement and participation b. Donation of money and materials c. Preparation of teaching materials d. Koluntary time #ithout cost $. )pon entry to the co%%"nity the least thing  a health #or/er %"st i%%ediately do is to( a.  b. c. d.

Deepening the social inestigation Co%%"nity integration %allgro"p for%ation ocial preparation

d. Organi,ation8"ilding phase 73. *n indicator of s"ccess in co%%"nity organi,ing is #hen people are able to( a. Participate in co%%"nity actiities for the sol"tion of a co%%"nity proble%  b. 5%ple%ent actiities for the sol"tion of the co%%"nity proble% c. Plan actiities for the sol"tion of the co%%"nity  proble% d. 5dentify the health proble% as a co%%on concern 74. *ling charing as/ yo" for co"nselling. :o" are an effectie co"nsellor if yo"( a. ;ie good adice to *ling Charing  b. 5dentify *ling Charings proble% c. Conince *ling Charing to follo# yo"r adice d. Help *ling Charing 5dentify her proble%s 7$. obili,ation c. Core ;ro"p 6or%ation d. 5ntegration 77. id#ife +hiana /no#s that the  p"rpose of co%%"nity organi,ing are( 1. >oe the co%%"nity to act to their o#n proble%s 2. >a/e people a#are of their o#n proble%s 3. &nable the %id#ife to sole their o#n proble%s


a.  b. c. d.

Pri%ary health care >"ltidisciplinary approach Co%%"nity deelop%ent Co%%"nity organi,ing

ATr"st in the BO+D #ith all yo"r heart and lean not on yo"r o#n "nderstanding in all yo"r #ays ac/no#ledge Hi% and He #ill direct yo"r path straight Proerbs 3($7 ;OD 8B& 6)T)+& +>s ;rab yo"r Bicense

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