Cool Kids Livro de Testes

January 31, 2017 | Author: betamatos | Category: N/A
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PLACEMENT TEST ............................................................................... Personal identification Verb to be Verb to have got Personal pronouns and possessive adjectives Nationalities


TASK A AND B TEST 1............................................................... Family and description Possessive case Verbs: to be / to have got Possessive pronouns


TASK A AND B TEST 2 .............................................................. Family and description Possessive case Verbs: to be / to have got Possessive pronouns


TASK C TEST 1........................................................................ Daily routine Present Simple Personal pronouns (subject/object) Adverbs of frequency


TASK C TEST 2 ....................................................................... Daily routine Present Simple Personal pronouns (subject /object) Adverbs of frequency


LISTENING TEST.......................................................................


SET 1 TASK A AND B TEST 1 ............................................................... School facilities Weekend activities Prepositions of place Present Simple/Present Continuous There + to be (Present Simple) Question tags


TASK A AND B TEST 2 .............................................................. School facilities Weekend activities Prepositions of place Present Simple/Present Continuous There + to be (Present Simple) Question tags


LISTENING TEST .......................................................................




TASK A AND B TEST 1............................................................... City centre; food and drink Verb to be (Past Simple) There + to be (Past Simple) Prepositions of place and direction Asking and giving directions


TASK A AND B TEST 2 .............................................................. City centre; food and drink Verb to be (Past Simple) There + to be (Past Simple) Prepositions of place and direction Asking and giving directions


LISTENING TEST.......................................................................


SET 3 TASK A TEST 1........................................................................ A school trip Past Simple: regular verbs Adverbs


TASK A TEST 2 ....................................................................... A school trip Past Simple: regular verbs Adverbs


TASK B TEST 1........................................................................ Past events Past Simple: irregular verbs Question tags


TASK B TEST 2 ....................................................................... Past events Past Simple: irregular verbs Question tags


LISTENING TEST.......................................................................


TASK A AND B TEST 1............................................................... Holidays Imperative Be going to


TASK A AND B TEST 2 .............................................................. Holidays Imperative Be going to


LISTENING TEST.......................................................................


KEYS ......................................................................................



PLACEMENT TEST NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________

Topic: Personal identification • Verb to be • Verb to have got

• Personal pronouns and possessive adjectives • Nationalities

I. A. Read the text

Hello my friends! My name is Pierre Gomes and I’m French but my father is Portuguese. He is from Coimbra. My address is 105, ChampsElysées, Paris and my phone number is 08 00 0931 54. I’m 12 years old and my birthday is on 23rd January. I’m short and thin and I’ve got straight brown hair and brown eyes. My favourite food is crêpes and my favourite drink is milkshake. I’ve got a small pet. It’s a dog. Its name is Puffy. I like swimming and skateboarding but I don’t like playing football.

B. Circle the correct option. 1. Pierre is

a) Portuguese.

b) French.

c) English.

2. Pierre’s father is from

a) Cambridge.

b) Lisbon.

c) Coimbra.

3. Pierre has got

a) green eyes.

b) straight hair.

c) long hair.

4. His favourite food is

a) crêpes.

b) milkshake.

c) soup.

5. He likes

a) playing football.

b) watching TV.

c) swimming.

C. Answer the questions about the text. 1. What’s his name? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What nationality is Pierre? __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Where is his father from? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Is his address 105, Champs-Elysées, Paris? ____________________________________________________________________ 5. Has he got a cat? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3

II. A. Complete the questions with the question words in the box. Then match them with the correct answer. How


What (x3)



1. ____________________’s your first name?

a. She has got long straight hair.

2. ____________________old are you?

b. I’m fine thanks.

3. ____________________is their birthday?

c. His favourite food is pizza.

4. ____________________is he?

d. They’re from London.

5. ____________________are you?

e. My first name is Margaret.

6. ____________________is she like?

f. Their birthday is on 10th October.

7. ____________________is his favourite food?

g. I am 11 years old.

8. ____________________are they from?

h. He is my brother.

B. Complete with the correct form of the verb to be. 1. Jenny’s birthday ____________________________ on 5th February. a) are

b) has got

c) is

2. The children ____________________________ big blue eyes. a) have got

b) are

c) has got

3. You ____________________________ 12 years old. a) am not

b) aren’t

c) hasn’t got

4. I ____________________________ from Newcastle. a) have got

b) am

c) are

5. She ____________________________ a brother and two sisters. a) is

b) are

c) has got

6. What colour ____________________________ his hair? a) are



b) has got

c) is

C. Fill in with the correct personal pronoun. 1. _______________is a boy.

4. _______________are students.

2. Hello! _______________am Elvira.

5. How old is Julia? _______________is 12.

3. Daniel and Victor, how old are _______________? D. Choose the correct possessive adjective to complete the sentences. 1. Larry: What’s _________________________name? my

Felicia: _________________________name is Felicia.

2. Felicia and Larry: _________________________teacher is very good.


3. This is the new student.


_________________________name is Paul.


4. They are eleven today.


_________________________birthday party is on Saturday.

5. This is Monica. _________________________surname is Taylor


E. Find the names of the nationalities and write them in the columns. Austral-ish






III. Write a short text about yourself. Don’t forget to mention first name, surname, age, birthday, nationality, address, phone number, favourite food, favourite drink, likes and dislikes.

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________





NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________

Topics: Family and description • Possessive case • Possessive pronouns

• Verbs: to be / to have got

I. A. Read the text about Lucas Benson.

My full name is Lucas Benson. I’m eleven years old and I live in Manchester. It’s a big city in England. I go to Parrs Wood High School. It’s a very modern school. I’m very tall and very thin. I’ve got curly brown hair and brown eyes. I’m a nice boy and I’ve got lots of friends. I’m very active because I play football after school and basketball on Saturdays. I live with my mother, Laura, and my grandparents. I haven’t got any brothers or sisters and my father is in Canada. My mother is a veterinary assistant. She likes animals very much. We’ve got two dogs at home. My grandmother stays at home but my grandfather is a police officer. He’s got a dangerous job. I like helping my mother with the animals and my dogs. I also like sports and going to the cinema on Sundays.

B. Match the columns.


1. Benson

a) football after school.

2. He isn’t

b) friendly.

3. He is

c) hasn’t got a job.

4. His father

d) short.

5. He plays

e) is his surname.

6. His grandmother

f) doesn’t live with him.

C. Answer the questions about the text. 1. How old is Lucas? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Where is Manchester? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. What’s Lucas like? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. What’s his mother’s job? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Has Lucas got any pets? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. What are his favourite hobbies? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

II. A. Answer the questions. Write complete sentences. 1. Whose ball is this? (Lucas) It’s __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Whose house is this? (Mr Forester) It’s __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Whose dogs are these? (Laura) They are __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Whose school is this? (the children) It’s __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive pronoun: mine, his, hers, theirs. 1. This is Lucas’s school. It’s _________________________________________________________________________. 2. Sandy: “Are these your dogs, Laura?” Laura: “Yes, they are ________________________________________________________________________________.”

3. Look, it’s Mr and Mrs Forester’s house! It’s ___________________________________________________. 4. This is Laura’s car. It’s ______________________________________________________________________________.


C. Choose the correct form of to have got and to be. Hi! I ___________________ (am / is / are) Peter, Lucas’s cousin. We ___________________ (am / is / are) at the same school. We _______________________ (have got / has got) lots of friends. I ___________________ (am / is / are) eleven too. I _______________________(haven’t got / hasn’t got) brown hair and brown eyes like Lucas. I ________________________ (have got / has got) blonde hair and blue eyes. I ___________________ (have got / has got) a sister. She ___________________ (am / is / are) thirteen. She __________________________ (have got / has got) blonde hair too but she __________________________ (haven’t got / hasn’t got) blue eyes.

III. Imagine you are Ryan Taylor. Write a letter to Lucas.

Ryan / Taylor Australia / Australian

Place / date 12 / Sydney High School ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello Hair: curly / brown ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ First___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ name, Eyes: brown surname, age, ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ school Body: tall, thin

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Personality: active, determined Physical ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Family: parents, 2 sisters description

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hobbies: rugby, football ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Personality ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Family ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hobbies ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Goodbye ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________





NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________

Topic: Family and description • Possessive case • Possessive pronouns

• Verbs: to be / to have got

I. A. Read the text about Lucas Benson.

My full name is Lucas Benson. I’m eleven years old and I live in Manchester. It’s a big city in England. I go to Parrs Wood High School. It’s a very modern school. I’m very tall and very thin. I’ve got curly brown hair and brown eyes. I’m a nice boy and I’ve got lots of friends. I’m very active because I play football after school and basketball on Saturdays. I live with my mother, Laura, and my grandparents. I haven’t got any brothers or sisters and my father is in Canada. My mother is a veterinary assistant. She likes animals very much. We’ve got two dogs at home. My grandmother stays at home but my grandfather is a police officer. He’s got a dangerous job. I like helping my mother with the animals and my dogs. I also like sports and going to the cinema on Sundays.

B. Tick () the correct option: True or False. Then correct the False ones. TRUE FALSE 1. Benson is his surname. _________________________________________________________________________________ 2. He’s friendly. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. He lives with his parents. ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. He hasn’t got any pets. _________________________________________________________________________________ 5. His grandmother has got a job.

_____________________________________________________________________ 9

C. Answer the questions about the text. 1. How old is Lucas? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Where is Manchester? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. What’s he like? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. What’s his mother’s job? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Has Lucas got any pets? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. What are his favourite hobbies? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

II. A. Answer the questions. Write complete sentences. 1. Whose ball is this? (Lucas) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Whose house is this? (Mr Forester) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Whose dogs are these? (Laura) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Whose school is this? (the children) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive pronoun. 1. This is Lucas’s school. It’s ______________________________________________________________________. 2. Sandy: “Are these your dogs, Laura?” Laura: “Yes, they are _____________________________________________________________________________.”

3. Look, it’s Mr and Mrs Forester’s house! It’s ________________________________________________. 4. This is Laura’s car. It’s ____________________________________________________________________________.


C. Choose the correct form of to have got and to be. Hi! I ___________________ (am / is / are) Peter, Lucas’s cousin. We ___________________ (am / is / are) at the same school. We _______________________ (have got / has got) lots of friends. I ___________________ (am / is / are) eleven too. I _______________________(haven’t got / hasn’t got) brown hair and brown eyes like Lucas. I ________________________ (have got / has got) blonde hair and blue eyes. I ___________________ (have got / has got) a sister. She ___________________ (am / is / are) thirteen. She __________________________ (have got / has got) blonde hair too but she __________________________ (haven’t got / hasn’t got) blue eyes.

III. Imagine you are Ryan Taylor. Write a letter to Lucas.

Ryan / Taylor Australia / Australian

Place / date 12 / Sydney High School ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello Hair: curly / brown ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ First___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ name, Eyes: brown surname, age, ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ school Body: tall, thin

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Personality: active, determined Physical ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Family: parents, 2 sisters description

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hobbies: rugby, football ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Personality ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Family ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hobbies ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Goodbye ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________





NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________

Topic: Daily routine • Present Simple • Adverbs of frequency

• Personal pronouns (subject/object)

I. A. Label these everyday actions. Choose from the box.

1 ______________________________ brush teeth

2 ______________________________ have lunch

3 ______________________________ have a shower

4 ______________________________ go to school

B. Read the text about Margie’s daily routine. My mother wakes me up at quarter to seven. Then I have a shower, get dressed, brush my teeth and go to the kitchen. My mother makes my breakfast: orange juice, toast and fruit. I love fruit. After breakfast I go to school with my best friend. We always take the bus. My lessons always start at eight o’clock. I have four lessons in the morning. At midday I have lunch in the canteen. After lunch I usually play with my friends. In the afternoon I have music lessons and sport activities. Basketball is my favourite sport. I play it on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. My mother always drives me home after school. I have a snack, do my homework and watch TV. My family and I always have dinner at half past seven. Then I surf the net or read a book. At half past nine I go to bed.

C. Are the sentences True or False? Correct the False ones.


1. Margie wakes up at 7.15.


2. She always makes her breakfast.


3. She goes to school with her best friend.


4. They never go to school by bus.


5. She has lunch at school.


D. Answer the following questions. 1. What time do Margie’s lessons start? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Does she play with her friends after lunch? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. When does she play basketball? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. How does she go back home? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. What does she do when she gets home? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

II. A. Complete the dialogue between Margie and her friend Sue. Order the words in the brackets to make questions. Margie: ____________________________________________________________________? (what time / do /get up / you) Sue: I get up at half past seven. Margie: ____________________________________________________________________? (does / your mother / to school / drive / you) Sue: No, she doesn’t. My mother doesn’t drive me to school. Margie: ____________________________________________________________________? (how / to school / do / you / go) Sue: I go to school on foot. Margie: ____________________________________________________________________? (when / your brother / does / football / play) Sue: My brother plays football on Mondays and Fridays. B. Choose the correct personal pronoun (subject or object) to replace the words in bold. 1. Margie and I meet our friends in the playground. _____________ (I / We / She) meet ____________ (they / them / us) in the playground.

2. Margie’s mother always takes Margie home. ______________ (He / Her / She) always takes ______________ (her / us / him) home.

3. The boys play football on Tuesdays and Thursdays. ____________ (We / He / They) play _____________ (him / it / he). 4. Kyle and Simon usually play football with Greg and me. ______________ (He / You / They) usually play football with ______________ (us / we / them).


C. Insert the adverb of frequency in the correct place. Write the sentence again. 1. He is late for school. (often)

3. We don’t have lunch in the school canteen. (usually)


2. Do they go to school by bus? (always)


4. My mother helps me with my homework. (sometimes)



D. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple. 1. Joe, Margie’s brother _______________________ (not / wake) up late on Sunday because he always _______________________ (play) tennis with his friends.

2. On Wednesdays the students _______________________(not / stay) at school in the afternoon. 3. _______________________ Margie’s mother _______________________ (drive) her to school? No, she ______________________________________ . 4. After dinner Margie _______________________(surf) the Net. 5. When _______________________ Margie _______________________ (do) her homework? III. Joe’s daily routine. Write a text about Joe’s daily routine. Use the information in the box. • every day / get up / 07:20 am

Then… • have a shower / brush teeth / get dressed

Next… • • • • • •

have breakfast / 07:50 am go to school / foot have lunch / canteen / 12:30 pm after lunch / music lessons 3 pm / go home / bus do homework

Then… • surf the net / listen to music • 8 o’clock / have dinner

After dinner… • watch TV • go to bed / 9:30 pm


Every day Joe _____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________




NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________

Topic: Daily routine • Present Simple • Adverbs of frequency

• Personal pronouns (subject/object)

I. A. Label these everyday actions.

1 ______________________________

2 ______________________________

3 ______________________________

4 ______________________________

B. Read the text about Margie’s daily routine. My mother wakes me up at quarter to seven. Then I have a shower, get dressed, brush my teeth and go to the kitchen. My mother makes my breakfast: orange juice, toast and fruit. I love fruit. After breakfast I go to school with my best friend. We always take the bus. My lessons always start at eight o’clock. I have four lessons in the morning. At midday I have lunch in the canteen. After lunch I usually play with my friends. In the afternoon I have music lessons and sport activities. Basketball is my favourite sport. I play it on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. My mother always drives me home after school. I have a snack, do my homework and watch TV. My family and I always have dinner at half past seven. Then I surf the net or read a book. At half past nine I go to bed.

C. Complete the sentences. 1. Margie always ____________________________________________________________________________at quarter to seven. 2. Margie always has _________________________________________________________________________________for breakfast. 3. She _________________________________________________to school with her ____________________________________________ . 4. Margie and her friend ______________________________________________________________________________________ by bus. 5. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________at eight o’clock. 15

D. Answer the following questions. 1. What time do Margie’s lessons start? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Does she play with her friends after lunch? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. When does she play basketball? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. How does she go back home? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. What does she do when she gets home? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

II. A. Ask questions for the following answers. Pay attention to the words in bold. The question words in the box may help you.

1. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? We play basketball on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays. What time

2. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? Her lessons start at eight o’clock.

3. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? She goes back home by car.

Where When How

4. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? She watches TV in her bedroom.

B. Replace the words in bold with the correct personal pronoun (subject or object). 1. Margie’s mother takes Margie to school. _____________________________takes _____________________________to school. 2. At the weekend Margie plays tennis with her brother. At the weekend _____________________________ plays tennis with _____________________________.

3. Margie and Kate study Maths with Mary and me. ____________________________ study Maths with __________________________ . 4. Margie and I play with my dog after school. ____________________________ play with ____________________________ after school.


C. Build sentences with the words given. 1. we / ride / bikes / not / during the week / often _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. they / late / never / be / for school _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. she / at / always / get up / 7 o’clock _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. he / lunch / usually / at school / have / ? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

D. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple. 1. Joe, Margie’s brother ________________________ (not / wake) up late on Sunday because he always _________________________ (play) tennis with his friends.

2. On Wednesdays the students _________________________ (not / stay) at school in the afternoon. 3. _________________________ Margie’s mother _________________________ (drive) her to school? No, she _________________________. 4. After dinner Margie _________________________ (surf) the Net. 5. When _________________________ Margie _________________________ (do) her homework? III. Joe’s daily routine. Write a text about Joe’s daily routine. Use your imagination. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________

Note: After doing exercises A, B, C and D, hand in the test. Then do exercise E.

A. Listen to the text about Carolyn.

track 1

B. Listen again and tick () the correct option. 1. Her name is Carolyn Leeds. She is Carolyn Watson.

2. She is 11 years old. She is 12 years old.

4. Pablo and Dolores are English. Pablo and Dolores are Spanish.

5. Their favourite food is paella. Their favourite drink is apple juice.

3. Her birthday is on 15th August. Her birthday is on 5th August.

C. Listen again and match part A and B to make correct sentences. A


1. Carolyn is

a) 23, Burncross Road, Leeds.

2. Her address is

b) are Carolyn’s friends.

3. Pablo and Dolores

c) from Leeds.

4. Pablo and Dolores aren’t

d) drink is orange juice.

5. Their favourite

e) English.

D. Now listen again and tick () True or False. True False 1. Her surname is Pablo. 2. Her birthday is on the 15th August. 3. Pablo and Dolores are twelve years old. 4. Pablo and Dolores are English. 5. Their favourite food is pizza. 18



NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________


E. Listen to the text again and fill in the blanks.

Hi! I’m Carolyn Watson. I’m _____________________________________ (1). My ____________________________________ (2) is on 15th August. __________________________________ (3) Leeds. I’m English. __________________________________ (4) 23, Burncross Road, Leeds. My ____________________________________________ (5) is 0113 540 1435. Pablo and Dolores are my friends. _______________________________________ (6) twelve years old. They aren’t English. They are ___________________________________ (7). Their favourite food is paella and their favourite drink is ____________________________________ (8).




NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________

Topics: School; Weekend activities • School facilities • Weekend activities

• Prepositions of place • Present Simple/Present Continuous • There + to be (Present Simple) • Question tags

I. A. Read the text. Natalie and Rachel are friends but they live in different cities. They are talking.

Rachel: Your school is really cool, isn’t it? Natalie: Yes, it is. It’s a big modern school with great facilities. Rachel: Are there any tennis courts*? Natalie: Yes, there are two. On Wednesday we usually play tennis in the afternoon. There’s a swimming pool too. The swimming team swims every morning before classes start.

Rachel: Is there a computer room? Natalie: Yes, there is. It has got 40 computers. Rachel: How many buildings are there? Natalie: There are two buildings: the main building and the gymnasium. In the main building there’s a library and an auditorium on the left of the entrance door. There are two labs opposite the library downstairs. The classrooms are upstairs.

Rachel: What do you usually do at weekends? Natalie: Well, I usually go to the shopping centre with my friends and we go to the cinema. We sometimes do cool things at the adventure camp. I’ve got a photo here. Look, here Sarah is jumping from tree to tree, Robert is climbing a rope and I am going on a roller coaster ride.

Rachel: Wow, really cool!

* tennis court = campo de ténis

B. Complete the sentences with information from the text. 1. Natalie and Rachel live in different cities but ________________________________________________________________________________________. 2. Every morning before the classes start __________________________________________________________________________________________________. 3. The computer room has got _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 4. In the main building _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 5. Natalie and her friends sometimes ___________________________________________________________________________________________________. 20

C. Answer the questions. 1. What is Natalie’s school like? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What do they do on Wednesday afternoon? _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Is there a computer room? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. How many buildings are there? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. What is Robert doing in the photo? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ II. A. Natalie and her friend Laurie are talking. Complete their dialogue with the help of the words in brackets. Laurie: __________________________________________________________ ? (why / be / your / school / cool) Natalie: My school is really cool because it is big and modern with great facilities. Laurie: __________________________________________________________ ? (there / be / two buildings / your / school) Natalie: Yes, there are. There are two buildings in my school. Laurie: __________________________________________________________ ? (what / be / your / favourite / subject) Natalie: My favourite subject is Maths. Laurie: __________________________________________________________ ? (what / you / do / at the weekend) Natalie: At the weekend I usually go to the shopping centre. B. Complete the sentences with: there is; there isn’t; Is there?; there are; there aren’t; Are there? 1. In Natalie’s school _________________________________ two labs opposite the library. 2. _________________________________ two buildings? 3. Yes, _________________________________ a swimming pool. 4. _________________________________ any students in the classrooms because it is Sunday. 5. _________________________________ a football field? No, _________________________________.


C. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or Present Continuous of the verbs in blue. 1. At the moment Rachel swims / is swimming. She usually is swimming / swims in the morning. 2. At the weekend Natalie and her friends aren’t staying / don’t stay at home. They always go / are going out. Now they are having / have fun at the adventure camp.

3. Does / is Maria ride / riding her bicycle every day? Yes, she does / is. 4. Are / Do the boys watching / watch a film now? No, they aren’t / don’t. They study / are studying. D. Complete the sentences with the correct question tag. Choose from the box. 1. Natalie and her sister are preparing a Pyjama party, ___________________________________

does he?

2. Thomas doesn’t go to school on Sunday, ___________________________________

don’t we?

3. Rachel is listening to music, ___________________________________ 4. They don’t like sports, ___________________________________

aren’t they? isn’t she?

5. Mr Wilson isn’t phoning his son, ___________________________________ 6. We study after school, ___________________________________

is he? do they?

III. Laurie is giving a Pyjama party. Describe what is happening.

Here's some help: • have a pillow fight • drink • eat biscuits

• watch • sing Laurie



Helen Rita




They are having a lot of fun. Gillian and Beatrice _____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________



NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________

Topics: School; Weekend activities • School facilities • Weekend activities

• Prepositions of place • Present Simple/Present Continuous • There + to be (Present Simple) • Question tags

I. A. Read the text Natalie and Rachel are friends but they live in different cities. They are talking.

Rachel: Your school is really cool, isn’t it?

Natalie: Yes, it is. It’s a big modern school with great facilities.

Rachel: Are there any tennis courts*?

Natalie: Yes, there are two. On Wednesday we usually play tennis in the afternoon. There’s a swimming pool too. The swimming team swims every morning before the classes start.

Rachel: Is there a computer room? Natalie: Yes, there is. It has got 40 computers. Rachel: How many buildings are there? Natalie: There are two buildings: the main building and the gymnasium. In the main building there’s a library and an auditorium on the left of the entrance door. There are two labs opposite the library downstairs. The classrooms are upstairs.

Rachel: What do you usually do at weekends? Natalie: Well, I usually go to the shopping centre with my friends and we go to the cinema. We sometimes do cool things at the adventure camp. I’ve got a photo here. Look, here Sarah is jumping from tree to tree, Robert is climbing a rope and I am going on a roller coaster ride.

Rachel: Wow, really cool! * tennis court = campo de ténis


B. Are the sentences True (T) or False (F)? Correct the False ones. 1. There are two tennis courts at Natalie’s school. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. The swimming team swims on Wednesday afternoon. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. There are two labs upstairs. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Natalie and her friends sometimes go to the adventure camp. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Sarah is watching a film at the cinema. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

C. Answer the questions. 1. What is Natalie’s school like? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What do they do on Wednesday afternoon? _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Is there a computer room? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. How many buildings are there? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. What is Robert doing in the photo? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ II. A. Natalie and her friend Laurie are talking. Complete their dialogue. Pay attention to the words in bold. Laurie: __________________________________________________________ ? Natalie: My school is really cool because it is big and modern with great facilities. Laurie: __________________________________________________________ ? Natalie: Yes, there are. There are two buildings in my school. Laurie: __________________________________________________________ ? Natalie: My favourite subject is Maths. Laurie: __________________________________________________________ ? Natalie: At the weekend I usually go to the shopping centre.


B. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or Present Continuous of the verbs in brackets. 1. At the moment Rachel ________________________(swim). She usually ________________________(swim) in the morning. 2. At the weekend Natalie and her friends ________________________(not / stay) at home. They always ________________________(go) out. Now they ________________________(have) fun at the adventure camp.

3. ________________________Maria ________________________(ride) her bicycle every day? Yes, she ________________________. 4. ________________________the boys ________________________(watch) a film now? No, they _______________________________. They ________________________(study).

C. Complete the sentences with the correct question tag. 1. Natalie and her sister are preparing a Pyjama party, ____________________________________________________________? 2. Thomas doesn’t go to school on Sunday, _____________________________________________________________________________? 3. Rachel is listening to music, ______________________________________________________________________________________________? 4. They don’t like sports, _______________________________________________________________________________________________________? 5. Mr Wilson isn’t phoning his son, _________________________________________________________________________________________? 6. We study after school, ______________________________________________________________________________________________________? III. Laurie is giving a Pyjama party. Describe what is happening.




Helen Rita



They are having a lot of fun. Gillian and Beatrice _____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________


SET 1 LISTENING TEST NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________

Note: After doing exercises A, B, C and D, hand in the test. Then do exercise E.

A. Listen to the text.

track 2

B. Listen again and tick () the words you hear and cross the ones you don’t hear. Gym

Students’ room

Headmaster’s office

Music room

School office


Computer room






C. Listen again and complete the school plan. 1. __________________________________

2. Students’ room


3. _________________________________ ___________________________________

4. _________________________________

SCHOOL PLAN 8. _________________________________

7. Art room


D. Listen again and order the sentences. 1. Music is Jennifer’s favourite subject. 2. The computer room is opposite the library. 3. Jennifer is a new student at school. 4. The students’ room is next to the canteen. 5. Beatrice is showing Jennifer the school.


6. _________________________________ ___________________________________


5. Lab

SET 1 LISTENING TEST NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________


E. Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Jennifer is a new student at school. Beatrice is her Tutor. She is showing her the school. Beatrice: Look, Jennifer, here is __________________________________________________ (1) and next to it is the __________________________________________________ (2). Jennifer: Is this the music room? Music is my __________________________________________________ (3). Beatrice: Yes, it is. There are lots of instruments. The Art room is _______________________________ (4) the music room and the computer room. And the toilet is opposite the computer room. Jennifer: __________________________________________________ (5) a library? I love reading. Beatrice: Yes, there is. It’s __________________________________________________ (6) next to the lab. Jennifer: And where is the gym? I like __________________________________________________ (7) a lot. Beatrice: It’s in the other building opposite the __________________________________________________ (8).





NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________

Topics: City centre; Food and drink • Verb to be (Past Simple) • There + to be (Past Simple)

• Asking and giving directions • Prepositions of place and directions

I. A. Read the text. Hello! I’m Philip Palmer and I belong to the Healthy Eating Club at school. Yesterday was a special day at school because there was a healthy dinner party. There were lots of students and their parents too. The tables were beautiful and the food was healthy and fantastic. There were some vegetarian dishes, grilled fish, grilled meat and salads. There weren’t any hamburgers or fizzy drinks. For dessert there were some baskets of fruit, fruit salad and yoghurt. There was a band too and the music was cool. Oh, and there was someone famous next to our table: it was Jamie Oliver. He was very happy because everything was very good and everyone was happy.

B. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences according to the text. 1. Philip Palmer belongs to the a) Healthy Dinner Party.

a) were healthy and fantastic.

b) Healthy Eating Club.

b) weren’t good.

c) Famous Vegetarian Club.

c) weren’t healthy.

2. Yesterday was a special day because


3. The food and drink

4. At the healthy dinner party

a) there were lots of students at school.

a) there weren’t any students.

b) there weren’t any parents at the party.

b) there was someone famous.

c) there was a healthy dinner party at school.

c) there was a famous actor.

C. Answer the questions. 1. Why was there a special day at school yesterday? ______________________________________________________________ 2. Were the tables beautiful? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Were there any hamburgers? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. What was there for dessert? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Why was Jamie Oliver very happy? ___________________________________________________________________________________ II. A. Circle the correct form of the verb to be in the Past Simple. 1. We wasn’t / weren’t at home yesterday evening. We were / was at the vegetarian restaurant with our parents. 2. Where were / was Philip yesterday at 5 o’clock? He was / were at the park but his brother wasn’t / weren’t. He were / was at the cinema with his friends.

B. Complete the sentences with: there was, there were, there wasn’t, there weren’t, was there?, were there?. 1. Last Saturday at the picnic __________________________________________ a bottle of juice but _________________________________________ a bottle of wine and __________________________________________ any fizzy drinks.

2. __________________________________________ any parents at the dinner party? Yes, __________________________________________. 3. __________________________________________ a famous person? C. Some friends are in the city centre. Help them find out the name of the shops or places. 1. Where can Philip buy some books? At the b_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

2. Where can they have a meal? At the r _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

3. Where can Laurie see famous paintings? At the m _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

4. Where can Ron post a letter? At the p _____ _____ _____ o _____ _____ _____ _____ _____


D. Gabrielle wants to go to a vegetarian restaurant but she doesn’t know the way. Gabrielle asks Philip. Complete the dialogue.

Gabrielle: Philip, do you know any vegetarian restaurants?

Philip: Yes, I do. There’s a very good one in the city centre.

Gabrielle: Can you tell me ________________ ____________________________ to that restaurant?

Philip: Yes, of course. Go __________________________________on and take the __________________________________on the __________________________________into __________________________________Street. The vegetarian restaurant is __________________________________the hospital, __________________________________the post office and the bookshop.

III. There was a school picnic last weekend. Write a text describing the picnic. The picture and the words in the box may help you.

• last weekend / be / school picnic • there to be / lots of students / there • Two teachers / be / there / too but Mr Willis, the Maths teacher, / not be / because / he / be / Bristol • the food / be / fantastic / there to be / sandwiches / grilled chicken / biscuits / fruit / apple pie • There to be / cold drinks too: coke / orange juice / water • everything / be / great


Last weekend’s school picnic Last weekend was the school picnic. ____________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________




NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________

Topics: City centre; Food and drink • Verb to be (Past Simple) • There + to be (Past Simple)

• Asking and giving directions • Prepositions of place and directions

I. A. Read the text. Hello! I’m Philip Palmer and I belong to the Healthy Eating Club at school. Yesterday was a special day at school because there was a healthy dinner party. There were lots of students and their parents too. The tables were beautiful and the food was healthy and fantastic. There were some vegetarian dishes, grilled fish, grilled meat and salads. There weren’t any hamburgers or fizzy drinks. For dessert there were some baskets of fruit, fruit salad and yoghurt. There was a band too and the music was cool. Oh, and there was someone famous next to our table: it was Jamie Oliver. He was very happy because everything was very good and everyone was happy.

B. Are these sentences True (T) or False (F)? Correct the False ones. 1. Philip Palmer belongs to the Famous Vegetarian Club. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

2. There were lots of students at the healthy dinner party at school. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

3. The food was unhealthy. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Jamie Oliver’s table was near Philip’s table. _____________________________________________________________________________________________


C. Answer the questions. 1. Why was there a special day at school yesterday? _________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Were the tables beautiful? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Were there any hamburgers? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. What was there for dessert? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Why was Jamie Oliver very happy? ___________________________________________________________________________________ II. A. Fill in the blanks with the verb to be in the Past Simple. 1. We ___________________________________ (neg) at home yesterday evening. We ___________________________________ at the vegetarian restaurant with our parents.

2. Where ___________________________________ Philip yesterday at 5 o’clock? He ___________________________________ at the park but his brother ___________________________________ (neg). He ___________________________________ at the cinema with his friends.

B. Complete the sentences with the verb there to be in the Past Simple. 1. Last Saturday at the picnic ___________________________________ a bottle of juice but ___________________________________ any wine and ___________________________________ any fizzy drinks.

2. ___________________________________ any parents at the dinner party? Yes, ___________________________________. 3. ___________________________________ a famous person? C. Some friends are in the city centre. Help them find out the name of the shops or places. 1. Where can Philip buy some books? At the _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Where can they have a meal? At the _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Where can Laurie see famous paintings? At the _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Where can Ron post a letter? At the _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


D. Gabrielle wants to go to a vegetarian restaurant but she doesn’t know the way. Gabrielle asks Philip. Complete the dialogue.

Gabrielle: Philip, do you know any vegetarian restaurants?

Philip: Yes, I do. There’s a very good one in the city centre.

Gabrielle: Can you tell me __________________ to the restaurant?

Philip: Yes, of course. ___________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

III. There was a school picnic last weekend. Write a text describing the picnic. The picture and the words in the box may help you. • last weekend / be / school picnic • there to be / lots of students / there • two teachers / be / there / too but Mr Willis, the Maths teacher, / not be / because / he / be / Bristol • the food / be / fantastic / there to be / sandwiches / grilled chicken / biscuits / fruit / apple pie • there to be / cold drinks too: coke / orange juice / water • everything / be / great

Last weekend’s school picnic Last weekend was the school picnic. ____________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________




NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________

Note: After doing exercises A, B, C and D, hand in the test. Then do exercise E.

A. Listen to part 1.

track 3

B. First read the words below. Then tick the ones you hear. a) bookshop

c) cinema

e) restaurant

g) pizza

b) shops

d) newsagent’s

f) cannelloni

h) spaghetti

C . Match both columns to form true sentences. 1. Yesterday Sue was 2. She was there

a) a restaurant at the shopping centre. b) pizzas. c) a new shop.

3. Sue’s uncle has got d) at the shopping centre. 4. Meg loves

e) delicious.

5. Sue likes

f) with her parents.

6. The pizzas were

g) spaghetti. h) with Meg.

D. Listen to part 2. Then decide where the Chinese restaurant, the museum and the shopping centre are. Write them on the map. track 4




NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________


E. Listen to part 2 again and complete.

Meg: Can you tell me ___________________________________________ (1) to the shopping centre? Sue: Sure. ______________________________________________________________ (2) Bond Street, take the second ________________________________________________________________________ (3) on the right, go straight on and _____________________________________________ (4) at the end of the _________________________________________ (5). The shopping centre is ___________________________________________________________ (6) the museum and _____________________________________________________ (7) a Chinese restaurant. Meg: Thanks Sue. _____________________________________________ (8) you __________________________________________ (9) to come with me? Sue: Good idea! Let’s have lunch at my ___________________________________________________________________ (10) restaurant.




NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________

Topic: A school trip • Past Simple: regular verbs • Adverbs

I. A. Read the text. Our school trip to London Jason and Violet are students at a secondary school in Cambridge. Their History teacher, Mr Sully, organised a school trip to London, the capital of England. Last Friday Jason and Violet arrived at Cambridge train station at seven o´clock and they waited for their school friends and teacher. They arrived on time to catch the train to London. In London they first visited Buckingham Palace. There were lots of people in front of the Palace. The tourists wanted to see the Queen of England. Then they visited the Tower of London near the River Thames. After the visit to the Tower the students waited for the sightseeing bus. They enjoyed the tour because the guide explained the history of London very well and he was very funny. After the visit Mr Sully asked the students to write a report. Jason and Violet enjoyed the school trip very much so they decided to write the report together.

B. Are the sentences True (T), False (F)? Correct the False ones.


1. Jason and Violet’s school is in London.


2. Mr Sully teaches History.


3. The students travelled to London by bus.


4. The Queen’s Palace is in London.


5. The Tower of London is next to the River Thames.


C. Answer the questions about the text. 1. Where do Jason and Violet go to school? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Were their school friends late for the train? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. What did they visit in London? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Where were the tourists? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Why did they like the sightseeing tour? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Did Jason and Violet like the school trip? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

II. A. Ask the questions. Pay attention to the words in bold and the verbs. 1. Who ______________________________________________________________________________? Mr Sully is the History teacher.

2. Did ________________________________________________________________________________? Yes, he did. He organised the school trip.

3. What _____________________________________________________________________________? They visited the Palace at nine o’clock.

4. When ____________________________________________________________________________? Mr Sully asked for the report yesterday.

B. Change the adjective in brackets into an adverb and then complete the sentences. 1. London is an _______________________ beautiful city! (extreme) 2. I listened to Mr Sully very _______________________. (attentive) 3. The school trip was _______________________ organised! (perfect) 4. I can _______________________ find the museum with this map of London. (easy) 37

C. Fill in the blanks with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets. The verbs are regular! Don’t forget the auxiliary when the sentences are negative or interrogative.

1. We _______________________________ (not stay) in a hotel when we were in London last week. 2. Yesterday he ______________________________ (travel) by train to Cambridge. 3. ______________________________ (you / listen) to the guide when you were in London? Yes, we ______________________________.

4. He _____________________________ (enjoy) London so much he ____________________________ (want) to visit all the museums! 5. I ______________________________ (talk) about the trip to London to my parents when I ______________________________ (arrive) home.

III. Imagine you visited a big city on a school trip. Now write your school report.

Don’t forget: • The text is in the Past Simple • The name of the city • Your activities in the city

• • • • • • •

Visit a city, a museum, a palace Admire monuments Enjoy the sightseeing tour, the visit Listen to the guide Travel by bus, by train… Take pictures of… Adjectives: beautiful, fantastic, great, interesting…

Last week my school friends and I visited… _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________

Topic: A school trip • Past Simple – Regular verbs • Adverbs

I. A. Read the text. Our school trip to London Jason and Violet are students at a secondary school in Cambridge. Their History teacher, Mr Sully, organised a school trip to London, the capital of England. Last Friday Jason and Violet arrived at Cambridge train station at seven o´clock and they waited for their school friends and teacher. They arrived on time to catch the train to London. In London they first visited Buckingham Palace. There were lots of people in front of the Palace. The tourists wanted to see the Queen of England. Then they visited the Tower of London near the River Thames. After the visit to the Tower the students waited for the sightseeing bus. They enjoyed the tour because the guide explained the history of London very well and he was very funny. After the visit Mr Sully asked the students to write a report. Jason and Violet enjoyed the school trip very much so they decided to write the report together.

B. Are the sentences True (T), False (F) or impossible to know (IK)? Correct the False ones. 1. Mr Sully is from London.


2. He teaches History.


3. The students travelled to London by bus.


4. The Queen was at home.


5. After the Palace they visited the River Thames.



C. Answer the questions about the text. 1. Where do Jason and Violet go to school? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Were their school friends late for the train? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. What did they visit in London? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Where were the tourists? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Why did they like the sightseeing tour? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Did Jason and Violet like the school trip? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

II. A. Ask the questions. 1. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? Mr Sully is the History teacher.

2. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? Yes, he did. He organised the school trip.

3. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? They visited the Palace at nine o’clock.

4. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? Mr Sully asked for the report yesterday.


B. Choose the correct adjective in the box. Change it into an adverb and complete the sentences. 1. London is an ____________________________________________ beautiful city!


2. I listened to Mr Sully very ____________________________________________.


3. The school trip was ____________________________________________ organised! 4. I can _____________________________________ find the museum with this map of London.

easy attentive

C. Fill in the blanks with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets. 1. We _______________________ (not stay) in a hotel when we were in London last week. 2. Yesterday he _______________________ (travel) by train to Cambridge. 3. _______________________ (you / listen) to the guide? When were you in London? Yes, we _______________________.

4. He _______________________ (enjoy) London so much he _______________________ (want) to visit all the museums! 5. I _______________________ (talk) about the trip to London to my parents when I _______________________ (arrive) home. III. Imagine you visited a big city on a school trip. Now write your school report.

Don’t forget:

Some words to help you:

• • • •

• Nouns: monument, museum, palace, tourist, souvenir shop, postcard, sightseeing tour, guide; (by) bus, train… • Verbs: visit, admire, travel, listen to, like… • Adjectives: beautiful, fantastic, great, nice, interesting…

The text is in the Past Simple The name of the city Your activities in the city Your opinion about the city

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________

Topic: Past events • Past Simple: irregular verbs • Question tags

I. A. Read the text Fred’s weekend Last weekend was fantastic. My parents and I decided to go to Madrid to visit Aunt Sophie, Uncle Dennis and my cousins Robert and Theresa. We travelled by plane on Friday afternoon and arrived at the airport at 7 o’clock in the evening. A taxi drove us from the airport to my uncle and aunt’s house. We had a delicious dinner when we arrived and went to bed because we were tired. On Saturday morning we visited the city, saw beautiful places and incredible monuments. In the afternoon we bought some souvenirs and ate ice creams. Then my cousins and I went to the cinema and we had a great time. After dinner I wrote an e-mail to my friends in England and read before going to sleep. On Sunday we got back to England. It was a really cool weekend.

B. Choose the correct option. 1. Last weekend they

a) stayed home.

b) went to Madrid.

c) visited some friends.

2. They travelled by

a) car.

b) bus.

c) plane.

3. They bought

a) postcards.

b) magazines.

c) souvenirs.

4. After dinner he

a) wrote emails.

b) went to bed.

c) ate ice cream.

5. They got back

a) on Sunday.

b) on Friday.

c) after dinner.

C. Answer the questions about the text. 1. How did Fred and his parents travel to Madrid? __________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Did they arrive at 7 o’clock? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Why did they go to bed after dinner? _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 42

4. What did they do on Saturday morning? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Was it a boring weekend? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ II. A. Ask the questions to complete the dialogue. Look carefully at the words in bold. Robert: ____________________________________________________________________________________________? Daniel: Yesterday I got up at half past seven. Robert: ____________________________________________________________________________________________? Daniel: Yes, I did. I went to the cinema on Saturday. Robert: ____________________________________________________________________________________________? Daniel: On Sunday I had dinner at a restaurant. Robert: ____________________________________________________________________________________________? Daniel: I wrote an email yesterday after dinner. B. What did these people do yesterday? Choose the correct verb form to write the sentences.

ride / rode

drink / drank

She ________________________________

swim / swam

They _______________________________

take / took

drive /drove He ___________________________________

sing / sang 43

He ___________________________________

She ________________________________

They _______________________________

C. Insert the correct question tag. Choose from the box. 1. Fred swam in the afternoon ________________________________________________________

didn’t she?

2. Theresa and Celina didn’t go shopping, ______________________________________

did you?

3. She lay in the sun, _____________________________________________________________________

did they?

4. You didn’t drink tea, ___________________________________________________________________

didn’t he?

D. Write the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple. 1. Fred ________________________ (meet) his friends after school. 2. She ________________________ (not go) to a restaurant last weekend. She ________________________ (have) dinner at home. 3. They ________________________ (not drink) orange juice yesterday morning. They ________________________ (drink) milk. 4. Fred and his cousins ____________________ (go) to an Adventure Park on Sunday morning and they _____________________ (have) a great time.

5. ________________________ you ________________________ (read) a magazine yesterday? 6. Alice ________________________ (not buy) a T-shirt. She ________________________(buy) a skirt. III. Write about what Alice, Theresa’s friend, did last weekend. Use the words in the box.

• On Saturday / she / get up / very early and she / eat / cereal. • Then / her father / drive her / to / stadium. She / run / for / 1 hour. • In / afternoon / she / not stay home. She / go / to / adventure park / where / she / meet / her / friends. • On Sunday morning / she / ride / her bike. • In / afternoon / she not go / to / Shopping Centre. She / go / to / cinema. • After dinner / she / read / magazine.


_________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________



NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________

Topic: Past events • Past Simple: irregular verbs • Question tags

I. A. Read the text. Fred’s weekend Last weekend was fantastic. My parents and I decided to go to Madrid to visit Aunt Sophie, Uncle Dennis and my cousins Robert and Theresa. We travelled by plane on Friday afternoon and arrived at the airport at 7 o’clock in the evening. A taxi drove us from the airport to my uncle and aunt’s house. We had a delicious dinner when we arrived and went to bed because we were tired. On Saturday morning we visited the city, saw beautiful places and incredible monuments. In the afternoon we bought some souvenirs and ate ice creams. Then my cousins and I went to the cinema and we had a great time. After dinner I wrote an e-mail to my friends in England and read before going to sleep. On Sunday we got back to England. It was a really cool weekend.

B. Are the sentences True (T) or False (F)? Correct the False ones. 1. Last weekend they visited some friends.


2. They travelled by plane on Friday afternoon.


3. In the afternoon they bought some postcards.


4. In the afternoon they went to the cinema.


5. They got back to England on Friday.


C. Answer the questions about the text. 1. How did Fred and his parents travel to Madrid?


2. Did they arrive at 7 o’clock? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Why did they go to bed after dinner? _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 45

4. What did they do on Saturday morning? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Was it a boring weekend? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ II. A. Ask the questions to complete the dialogue. Robert: ____________________________________________________________________________________________? Daniel: Yesterday I got up at half past seven. Robert: ____________________________________________________________________________________________? Daniel: Yes, I did. I went to the cinema on Saturday. Robert: ____________________________________________________________________________________________? Daniel: On Sunday I had dinner at a restaurant. Robert: ____________________________________________________________________________________________? Daniel: I wrote an email yesterday after dinner. B. What did these people do yesterday? Write the sentences.


She ________________________________

They _______________________________

He ___________________________________

He ___________________________________

She ________________________________

They _______________________________

C. Insert the correct question tag. 1. Fred swam in the afternoon, _________________________________________________ 2. Theresa and Alice didn’t go shopping, ________________________________ 3. She lay in the sun, _____________________________________________________________ 4. You didn’t drink tea, ____________________________________________________________ D. Write the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple. 1. Robert _________________________________ (meet) his friends after school. 2. She _____________________________________ (not go) to a restaurant last weekend. She ____________________________________ (have) dinner at home.

3. They _______________________________ (not drink) orange juice yesterday morning. They ______________________________ (drink) milk.

4. Fred and his cousins _________________________________ (go) to an Adventure Park on Sunday morning and they _________________________________ (have) a great time.

5. _________________________________ you _________________________________ (read) a magazine yesterday? 6. Alice _________________________________ (not buy) a T-shirt. She _________________________________ (buy) a skirt. III. Write about what Alice, Theresa’s friend, did last weekend. Use the words in the box. • On Saturday / she / get up / very early and she / eat/cereal. • Then / her father / drive her / to / stadium. She / run / for / 1 hour. • In / afternoon / she / not stay home. She / go / to / adventure park / where / she / meet / her / friends. • On Sunday morning / she / ride / her bike. • In / afternoon / she not go / to / Shopping Centre. She / go / to / cinema. • After dinner / she / read / magazine.

_________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________


SET 3 LISTENING TEST NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________

Note: After doing exercises A, B, C and D, hand in the test. Then do exercise E.

A. Listen to the text.

track 5

B. Listen again and decide if the pictures are correct () or incorrect ().

C. Tick () the verbs you hear. a) wrote

e) arrived

i) didn’t go

b) drank

f) went

j) ran

c) was

g) ate

k) didn’t see

d) read

h) swam

l) bought

D. Listen again and correct the wrong information in each sentence. 1. Donna Cork was in London last month. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. She wrote a letter to her best friend Lyn. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. There were lots of students in the city. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. She didn’t go on the London Eye. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Donna saw the Queen. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 48

SET 3 LISTENING TEST NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________


E. Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Narrator: Donna Cork was in London last week. When she ___________________________________ (1) back she ___________________________________(2) to her best friend Lyn. Donna: Everything was fantastic. ___________________________________ (3) lots of tourists in the city. First I _________________________________________________________ (4) the British Museum and then I went on the ______________________________________________________ (5). On the second day I went to Madame Tussauds Wax Museum but I __________________________________________________________________ (6) to London Zoo. I really loved the ___________________________________ (7) and Buckingham Palace, but I didn’t see the Queen. I ___________________________________(8) some cool souvenirs but I didn’t see a musical.





NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________

Topic: Holidays • Imperative • Be going to

I. A. Read the text. My summer holiday I’m Tony Flynn and I’m going to tell you about my last summer holiday. I had a great time. My grandparents bought the plane tickets and my brother and I went to New York with them. It was our first holiday abroad… My parents stayed in London because my father is an architect and he had to finish a big project. They only went to the seaside at the weekend. We stayed in New York for three weeks. We didn’t stay in a hotel because my grandparents’ best friend, Sylvia, has got a house in New York so we stayed there. New York is a great city! We admired very high buildings like the Empire State Building, famous monuments like the Statue of Liberty and we took pictures in Central Park! We also saw a very popular musical: Mamma Mia ! It was absolutely fantastic! The weather in New York was better than in England. It was sunny and hot. My brother and I are going to organise our pictures and then we’re going to show them to my parents.

B. Are the sentences True (T) or False (F)? Correct the False ones.


1. Tony’s parents bought the tickets.


2. Tony’s brother went to New York.


3. Tony’s mother is an architect.


4. The Empire State is a park in New York.


C. Answer the questions about the text. 1. Where did the children go last summer holiday? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Did they go by car? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Where did they stay? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. What did they do there? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. What was the weather like? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. What are they going to do? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

II. A. Ask the questions. Look carefully at the words in blue. 1. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? Tony lives in England.

2. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? Yes, he has. He’s got a brother.

3. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? Tony’s parents went to the beach.

4. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? He’s going to buy a souvenir for his parents.

B. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the imperative. 1. Listen Tony! ___________________________________________ (not / forget) to buy a souvenir for your parents! 2. Look! ___________________________________________ (take) a picture! It’s the Statue of Liberty! 3. ___________________________________________ (come) quickly! The museum is open! 4. It’s not raining. ___________________________________________ (not take) your umbrella! 51

C. What are they going to do? Look at the pictures and write a sentence with be going to. Use the words in brackets.

2. _____________________________________________ ______________________________________________ _________________________ (they / swim)

1. ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ _______________ (he / write / a letter)

3. _____________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________

_____________________________________________ ____________________________ (she / have)

_____________________________________________ __________________________ (they / take)

III. A holiday postcard You went on holiday last week. Write a postcard to a friend to tell him / her about it.

Don’t forget to mention: • the place: where did you go? • the means of transport: by… • the accommodation: camping car, hotel… • the weather: cold, sunny, warm… • the food: delicious, good… • the activities: sunbathing, swimming, taking pictures…


Last week I… _______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________




NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________

Topic: Holidays • Imperative • Be going to

I. A. Read the text. My summer holiday I’m Tony Flynn and I’m going to tell you about my last summer holiday. I had a great time. My grandparents bought the plane tickets and my brother and I went to New York with them. It was our first holiday abroad… My parents stayed in London because my father is an architect and he had to finish a big project. They only went to the seaside at the weekend. We stayed in New York for three weeks. We didn’t stay in a hotel because my grandparents’ best friend, Sylvia, has got a house in New York so we stayed there. New York is a great city! We admired very high buildings like the Empire State Building, famous monuments like the Statue of Liberty and we took pictures in Central Park! We also saw a very popular musical: Mamma Mia! It was absolutely fantastic! The weather in New York was better than in England. It was sunny and hot. My brother and I are going to organise our pictures and then we’re going to show them to my parents.

B. Complete the sentences. 1. The children went to ________________________________by ________________________________. 2. Sylvia is ________________________________and she has got a ________________________________in________________________________. 3. Tony and his _____________________________ took ____________________________ and they’re going to show them to their parents.


C. Answer the questions about the text. 1. Where did the children go last summer holiday? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Did they go by car? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Where did they stay? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. What did they do there? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. What was the weather like? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. What are they going to do? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

II. A. Ask the questions. 1. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? Tony lives in England.

2. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? Yes, he has. He’s got a brother.

3. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? Tony’s parents went to the beach.

4. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? He’s going to buy a souvenir for his parents.

B. Look for the correct verb in the box and then complete the sentences in the imperative. 1. Listen Tony! _________________________ to buy a souvenir for your parents! 2. Look! _________________________ a picture! It’s the Statue of Liberty!


come not forget

3. _________________________ quickly! The museum is open!


4. It’s not raining. _________________________ your umbrella!

not take

C. What are they going to do? Look at the pictures and write a sentence with be going to.

2. _____________________________________________ ______________________________________________ _____________________________________________

1. ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

III. A holiday postcard You went on holiday last week. Write a postcard to a friend to tell him / her about it.

Don’t forget to mention: • • • • • •

the place the means of transport the accommodation the weather the food the activities

Last week I… _______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________




NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________

Note: After doing exercises A, B, C and D, hand in the test. Then do exercise E.

A. Listen to the text about Katie.

track 6 and 7

B. Listen to part A and tick () the correct pictures and cross () the wrong ones.

C. Listen to Part A and B and fill in the table in note form. Country (Where are they going?) Accommodation (Where are they going to stay?) Katie’s favourite activities on holidays (What are her favourite holiday activities?)

D. Now listen again and tick () True or False. TRUE FALSE 1. It’s Katie’s last week at school. 2. She’s going on holiday with her parents and brother. 3. She’s going to the countryside. 4. She didn’t pack her sunscreen. 5. Her father and her mother are going to visit the city. 6. Her mother really likes water sports. 56



NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ FORM: ______________ CLASS: ______________ No: ________


E. Listen again and fill in the blanks.

track 6 and 7

This is Katie. Today is _____________________________________________ (1) June and it’s her last day at school because the summer holidays start tomorrow. She packed her _____________________________________________ (2) yesterday because she’s going _____________________________________________ (3) on holiday tomorrow. Katie and her parents are going to the seaside in Spain. They’re going by car and they’re going to stay in a hotel opposite the beach. She packed her ______________________________________________________ (4), sunglasses, T-shirts, jeans, trainers and of course the sunscreen. It’s going to be wonderful because she likes going to the beach and she really likes swimming in the sea. Swimming and _____________________________________________ (5) are her favourite activities in the summer. Her mother also likes going to the seaside and doing water sports so it’s the perfect place! Her parents are also going to visit the city on a _____________________________________________ (6) tour and her father is going to take lots of pictures with his new digital camera.






6 x 2 = 12


6 x 4 = 24


4 x 3 = 12


B. 1. b); 2. c) 3. b); 4. a); 5. c). C. 1. His name is Pierre Gomes; 2. He is French; 3. His father is from Coimbra; 4. Yes, it is; 5. No, he hasn’t. He has got a dog.


4 x 3 = 12


10 x 2 = 20




II. A. 1. What; 2. How; 3. When; 4. Who; 5. How; 6. What; 7. What; 8. Where.



1. e); 2. g); 3. f); 4. h); 5. b); 6. a); 7. c); 8. d). B. 1. is; 2. have got; 3. aren’t; 4. am; 5. has got; 6. is. C. 1. He; 2. I; 3. you; 4. They; 5. She.


D. 1. your; My; 2. Our; 3. His; 4. Their; 5. Her.


E. -ish: Spanish; Swedish; Irish -an: German -ian: Australian -ese: Japanese

B. 1. T. 2. T. 3. F. – He lives with his mother and his grandparents. 4.F. – He’s got two dogs. 5. F. – His grandfather has got a job.


5 x 3 = 15


5 x 4 = 20


8 x 1,5 = 12 8 x 1,5 = 12



A. 1. It’s Lucas’s ball. 2. It’s Mr Forester’s house. 3. They are Laura’s dogs. 4. It’s the children’s school.



B. 1. his; 2. mine; 3. theirs; 4. hers.







C. 1. He is eleven years old. 2. Manchester is in England. 3. He’s very tall and thin. He’s got curly brown hair and brown eyes. He’s nice, friendly and active. 4. She’s a veterinary assistant. 5. Yes, he has. He’s got two dogs. 6. He likes playing football and basketball and going to the cinema.


18 Total



C. am / are / have got / am / haven’t got / have got / have got / is / has got / hasn’t got III. Resposta livre. COTAÇÕES


1. (T) 1 x 1 = 1 2. (T) 1 x 1 = 1 3. (F) 1 x 3 (1 + 2) = 3 4. (F) 1 x 3 (1 + 2) = 3 5. (F) 1 x 3 (1 + 2) = 3


6 x 4 = 24


4 x 3 = 12


4 x 3 = 12


10 x 2 = 20


B. 1. e); 2. d); 3. b); 4. f); 5. a); 6. c). C. 1. He is eleven years old. 2. Manchester is in England. 3. He’s very tall and thin. He’s got curly brown hair and brown eyes. He’s nice, friendly and active. 4. She’s a veterinary assistant. 5. Yes, he has. He’s got two dogs. 6. His favourite hobbies are: playing football and basketball and going to the cinema.




20 Total

A. 1. It’s Lucas’s ball. 2. It’s Mr Forester’s house. 3. They are Laura’s dogs. 4. It’s the children’s school.


B. 1. his; 2. mine; 3. theirs; 4. hers. C. am / are / have got / am / haven’t got / have got / have got / is / has got / hasn’t got




A. 1. Go to school; 2. Have a shower; 3. Have lunch; 4. Brush teeth.

Resposta livre.

C. 1. F. … at quarter to seven. 2. F. Her mother makes her breakfast. 3. T. 4. F. They always take the bus. 5. T.

D. 1. They start at 8 o’clock. 2. Yes, she does. 3. She plays basketball on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. 4. She goes back home by car. 5. She has a snack, does her homework and watches TV.



5 x 2 = 10


5 x 4 = 20 4x2=8


8 x 2 = 16




7 x 2 = 14




B. 1. We / them; 2. She / her; 3. They / it; 4. They / us. III

C. 1. He is often late… 2. Do they always go… 3. We don’t usually have… 4. My mother sometimes helps… D. 1. doesn’t wake / plays; 2. don’t stay; 3. Does / drive / doesn’t; 4. surfs; 5. does / do.




II. A. 1. What time do you get up? / Does your mother drive you to school? / How do you go to school? / When does your brother play football?



SET 0 – LISTENING TEST B. 1. She is Carolyn Watson. 2. She is 11 years old. 3. Her birthday is on the 15th August. 4. Pablo and Dolores are Spanish. 5. Their favourite food is paella.

III. Resposta livre.

C. 1. c); 2. a); 3. b); 4. e); 5. d).





D. 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F.


5 x 2 = 10


5 x 4 = 20

E. (1.) 11 years old; (2.) birthday; (3.) I’m from; (4.) My address is; (5.) phone number; (6.) They are; (7.) Spanish; (8.) orange juice.




8 x 2 = 16




7 x 2 = 14




20 Total



5 x 4 = 20


5 x 4 = 20


5 x 4 = 20


8 x 5 = 40





A. 1. Go to school. 2. Have a shower. 3. Have lunch. 4. Brush teeth.


C. 1. wakes up; 2. orange juice, toast and fruit; 3. goes / best friend; 4. go to school; 5. Her lessons start.

B. 1. … they are friends. 2. … the swimming team swims. 3. … 40 computers. 4. … there’s a library and an auditorium on the left of the entrance door. 5. … do cool things at the adventure camp.

D. 1. They start at 8 o’clock. 2. Yes, she does. 3. She plays basketball on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. 4. She goes back home by car. 5. She has a snack, does her homework and watches TV.

C. 1. It’s a big modern school with great facilities. 2. On Wednesday afternoon they usually play tennis. 3. Yes, there is. 4. There are two buildings. 5. Robert is climbing a rope.



A. 1. When do you play basketball? 2. What time do her lessons start? 3. How does she go back home? 4. Where does she watch TV?

A. 1. Why is your school cool? 2. Are there two buildings in your school? 3. What’s your favourite subject? 4. What do you do at the weekend?

B. 1. She / her; 2. she / him; 3. They / us; 4. We / it.

B. 1. there are; 2. Are there; 3. there is; 4. There aren’t; 5. Is there / there isn’t.

C. 1. We don’t often ride our bikes during the week. 2. They are never late for school. 3. She always gets up at 7 o’clock. 4. Does he usually have lunch at school? D. 1. doesn’t wake / plays; 2. don’t stay; 3. Does / drive / doesn’t; 4. surfs; 5. does / do.

C. 1. is swimming/swims; 2. don’t stay/go/are having; 3. Does...ride/does; 4. Are/watching/aren’t/are studying. D. 1. aren’t they?; 2. does he?; 3. isn’t she?; 4. do they?; 5. is he? 6. don’t we?


KEYS III. Sugestão: Gillian and Beatrice are having a pillow fight. Rita and Sally are sitting on the floor. They are drinking hot chocolate and eating biscuits. Alice is watching TV. Laurie and Helen are singing and dancing. COTAÇÕES

C. 1. Canteen; 3. Toilet; 4. Library; 6. Computer room; 8. Music room. D. 4; 5; 1; 3; 2. E. (1) the canteen; (2) students’ room; (3) favourite subject; (4) between; (5) Is there; (6) on the right; (7) Physical Education; (8) main building.


5 x 3 = 15


5 x 5 = 25


8 x 2,5 = 20


4 x 3 = 12


5 x 5 = 15


6 x 2 = 12


5 x 5 = 25


12 x 1 = 12


8 x 5 = 40









18 Total




B. 1. b); 2. c); 3. a); 4. b).

I. B. 1. T. 2. F. – The swimming team swims every morning before the classes start. 3. F. – There are two labs opposite the library. 4. T. 5. F. – Sarah is jumping from tree to tree. C. 1. It’s a big modern school with great facilities. 2. On Wednesday afternoon they usually play tennis. 3. Yes, there is. 4. There are two buildings. 5. Robert is climbing a rope.

C. 1. There was a special day at school yesterday because there was a healthy dinner party. 2. Yes, they were. 3. No, there weren’t. 4. For dessert there were some baskets of fruit, fruit salad and yoghurt. 5. Jamie Oliver was very happy because everything was very good and everyone was happy. II. A. 1. weren’t/were; 2. was/was/wasn’t.

II. A. 1. Why is your school cool? 2. Are there two buildings in your school? 3. What’s your favourite subject? 4. What do you do at the weekend?

B. 1. there was/there wasn’t/there weren’t; 2. Were there/there were; 3. Was there. C. 1. bookshop; 2. restaurant; 3. museum; 4. post office.

B. 1. is swimming/swims; 2. don’t stay/go/are having; 3. Does...ride/does; 3. Are/watching/aren’t/are studying.

D. the way / straight / second turning / left / Hospital / opposite / between.

C. 1. aren’t they 2. does he 3. isn’t she 4. do they 5. is he 6. don’t we?


III. Sugestão: Gillian and Beatrice are having a pillow fight. Rita and Sally are sitting on the floor. They are drinking hot chocolate and eating biscuits. Alice is watching TV. Laurie and Helen are singing and dancing. COTAÇÕES B

5 x 3 = 15


5 x 5 = 25


4 x 3 = 12


12 x 1 = 12


6 x 3 = 18

Last weekend was the school picnic. There were lots of students there. Two teachers were there too but Mr Willis, the Maths teacher, wasn’t because he was in Bristol. The food was fantastic. There were sandwiches, grilled chicken, biscuits, fruit and apple pie. There were fresh drinks too: coke, orange juice and water. Everything was great. COTAÇÕES




18 Total




SET 1 – LISTENING TEST B. : Gym; Library, Students’ room; Canteen; School; Computers room; Music room; Lab. : School office; Headmaster’s office; Staffroom; Auditorium.


4 x 4 = 16


5 x 5 = 25


6 x 2 = 12


6 x 2 = 12














B. 1. F. – Philip Palmer belongs to the Healthy Eating Club; 2. T.; 3. F. – The food was healthy and fantastic; 4. T

B. 1. F. – It’s in Cambridge. 2. T. 3. F. – They travelled by train. 4. T. 5. T.

C. 1. There was a special day at school yesterday because there was a healthy dinner party. 2. Yes, they were. 3. No, there weren’t. 4. For dessert there were some baskets of fruit, fruit salad and yoghurt. 5. Jamie Oliver was very happy because everything was very good and everyone was happy. II.

C. 1. They go to school in Cambridge. 2. No, they weren’t. They were on time to catch the train. 3. They visited Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London. 4. The tourists were in front of the Palace. 5. They liked it because the guide explained the history of London very well and he was funny. 6. Yes, they did. They liked it very much.

A. 1. weren’t/were; 2. was/was/wasn’t.


B. 1. there was/there wasn’t/ there weren’t; 2. Were there/there were; 3. Was there.

A. 1. Who is Mr Sully? 2. Did he organise the school trip? 3. What time did they visit the Palace? 4. When did Mr Sully ask for the report?

C. 1. bookshop; 2. restaurant; 3. museum; 4. post office D. the way / Go straight on and take the second turning on the left into King Street. The vegetarian restaurant is opposite the hospital, between the post office and the bookshoop.

B. 1. extremely; 2. attentively; 3. perfectly; 4. easily. C. 1. didn’t stay; 2. travelled; 3. Did you listen; did; 4. enjoyed; wanted; 5. talked.



Last weekend was the school picnic. There were lots of students there. Two teachers were there too but Mr Willis, the Maths teacher, wasn’t because he was in Bristol. The food was fantastic. There were sandwiches, grilled chicken, biscuits, fruit and apple pie. There were fresh drinks too: coke, orange juice and water. Everything was great.

Resposta livre. COTAÇÕES





4 x 4 = 16


5 x 5 = 25


6 x 2 = 12


6 x 2 = 12








20 Total


SET 2 – LISTENING TEST B. b); e); g); h). C. 1. d); 2. f); 3. a); 4. g); 5. b); 6. e). D. E. (1.) the way; (2.) Go along; (3.) turning; (4.) turn left; (5.) street; (6.) next to; (7.) opposite; (8.) Do; (9.) want; (10.) uncle’s COTAÇÕES B

4 x 3 = 12


6 x 6 = 36


3 x 4 = 12


10 x 4 = 40



1. (F) 1 x 4 (2 + 2) = 4 2. (T) 1 x 2 = 2 3. (F) 1 x 4 (2 + 2) = 4 4. (T) 1 x 2 = 2 5. (T) 1 x 2 = 2


6 x 3 = 18


4 x 4 = 16


4 x 4 = 16


8 x 2= 16


20 Total


SET 3 TASK A TEST 2 I. A. 1. IK; 2. T.; 3. F. – They travelled by train. 4. IK; 5. F. – They visited the Tower of London. C. 1. They go to school in Cambridge. 2. No, they weren’t. They were on time to catch the train. 3. They visited Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London. 4. The tourists were in front of the Palace. 5. They liked it because the guide explained the history of London very well and he was funny. 6. Yes, they did. They liked it very much. II. A. 1. Who is Mr Sully? 2. Did he organise the school trip? 3. What time did they visit the Palace? 4. When did Mr Sully ask for the report? B. 1. extremely; 2. attentively; 3. perfectly; 4. easily. C. 1. didn’t stay; 2. travelled; 3. Did you listen; did; 4. enjoyed; wanted; 5. talked.




Resposta livre.

I. COTAÇÕES 1. (Ik) 1 x 2 = 2 2. (T) 1 x 2 = 2 3. (F) 1 x 4 (2 + 2) = 4 4. (IK) 1 x 2 = 2 5. (F) 1 x 4 (2 + 2) = 4




6 x 3 = 18


4 x 4 = 16


4 x 4 = 16


8 x 2 = 16


20 Total


B. 1. F. – Last weekend they visited Aunt Sophie, Uncle Dennis and his cousins Robert and Theresa; 2. T.; 3. F. – In the afternoon they bought some souvenirs; 4. T.; 5. F. – They got back to England on Sunday. C. 1. They travelled to Madrid by plane. 2. Yes, they did. 3. They went to bed after dinner because they were tired. 4. On Saturday morning they visited the city, saw beautiful places and incredible monuments. 5. No, it wasn’t. It was a great weekend. II. A. Possible answers: 1. What time did you get up yesterday? 2. Did you go to the cinema on Saturday? 3. Where did you have dinner on Sunday? 4. When did you write an email?


B. 1. She rode her bike. 2. They drank milk. 3. He drove his car. 4. He swam. 5. She took photos. 6. They sang.


C. 1. didn’t he?; 2. did they?; 3. didn’t she?; 4. did you?

A. 1. b); 2. c); 3. c); 4. a); 5. a).

D. 1. met; 2. didn’t go/had; 3. didn’t drink/drank; 4. went/had; 5. Did /read; 6. didn’t buy/bought.

B. 1. They travelled to Madrid by plane. 2. Yes, they did. 3. They went to bed after dinner because they were tired. 4. On Saturday morning they visited the city, saw beautiful places and incredible monuments. 5. No, it wasn’t. It was a great weekend. II. A. 1. What time did you get up yesterday? 2. Did you go to the cinema on Saturday? 3. Where did you have dinner on Sunday? 4. When did you write an email? B. 1. She rode her bike; 2. They drank milk; 3. He drove his car; 4. He swam; 5. She took photos; 6. They sang.

III. On Saturday she got up very early and she ate cereal. Then her father drove her to the stadium. She ran for 1 hour. In the afternoon she didn’t stay home. She went to an adventure park where she met her friends. On Sunday morning she rode her bike. In the afternoon she didn’t go to the shopping centre. She went to the cinema. After dinner she read a magazine.

C. 1. didn’t he? 2. did they? 3. didn’t she? 4. did you? D. 1. met; 2. didn’t go/had; 3. didn’t drink/drank; 4. went/had; 5. Did /read; 6. didn’t buy/bought. III. On Saturday she got up very early and she ate cereal. Then her father drove her to the stadium. She ran for 1 hour. In the afternoon she didn’t stay home. She went to an adventure park where she met her friends. On Sunday morning she rode her bike. In the afternoon she didn’t go to the shopping centre. She went to the cinema. After dinner she read a magazine.


5 x 3 = 15


5 x 4 = 20




6 x 3 = 18


4x2= 8


11 x 1= 11



20 Total



B. 1. ; 2. ; 3. ; 4. ; 5. ; 6. 


5 x 3 = 15


5 x 4 = 20




6 x 3 = 18




11 x 1= 11








C. a); c); e); f); i); k); l). D. 1. Donna Cork was in London last week. 2. She wrote an email to her best friend Lyn. 3. There were lots of tourists in the city. 4. She went on the London Eye. 5. Donna didn’t see the Queen. E. (1.) arrived; (2.) wrote a mail; (3.) There were; (4.) visited; (5.) London Eye; (6.) didn’t go; (7.) Tower of London; (8.) bought.

like the Statue of Liberty, they took pictures in Central Park and they watched the Mamma Mia musical. 5. The weather was lovely: it was sunny and hot. 6. They are going to organise their pictures and then show them to their parents.


2 x 5 = 15


12 x 2,5 = 30


5 x 3 = 15


8 x 5 = 40



II. A. 1. Where does Tom live? 2. Has he got any brothers or sisters? 3. Where did Tony’s parents go? 4. What is he going to buy for his parents?


B. 1. Don't forget; 2. Take; 3. Come; 4. Don’t take.


C. 1. He is going to write a letter. 2. They are going to swim. 3. She is going to have pizza. 4. They are going to take a picture.

B. 1. F. – Tony’s grandparents bought the tickets. 2. T. 3. F. – Tony’s father is an architect. 4. F. – It’s a building. C. 1. They went to New York. 2. No, they didn’t. They went by plane. 3. They stayed at a friend’s house. 4. They admired high buildings like the Empire State Building, they saw monuments like the Statue of Liberty, they took pictures in Central Park and they saw the Mamma Mia musical. 5. The weather was lovely: it was sunny and hot. 6. They are going to organise their pictures and then show them to their parents.

III. Resposta livre. COTAÇÕES B

7 x 2 = 14




6 x 3 = 18


4 x 4 = 16


4 x 4 = 16


4 x 4 = 16

II. A. 1. Where does Tom live? 2. Has he got any brothers or sisters? 3. Where did Tony’s parents go? 4. What is he going to buy for his parents?


36 Total


B. 1. Don't forget; 2. Take; 3. Come; 4. Don’t take. C. 1. He is going to write a letter. 2. They are going to swim. 3. She is going to have pizza. 4. They are going to take a picture. III.

SET 4 – LISTENING TEST B. : suitcase, seaside, car, sunglasses : camping car, countryside, skirts, cap

Resposta livre. COTAÇÕES


1. 1 x 2 = 2 2. 1 x 4 (2 + 2) = 4 3. 1 x 4 (2 + 2) = 4 4. 1 x 4 (2 + 2) = 4


6 x 3 = 18


4 x 4 = 16


4 x 4 = 16


4 x 4= 16 20


3 x 8 = 24




6 x 5 = 30


6 x 5 = 30





C. Country: Spain Accommodation: hotel Favourite activities: swimming, sunbathing; going to the beach



D. 1. T.; 2. F.; 3. F.; 4. F.; 5. T.; 6. T. E. (1.) 25th; (2.) suitcase; (3.) abroad; (4.) swimsuit; (5.) sunbathing; (6.) sightseeing. COTAÇÕES B

8 x 2 = 16

I. B. 1. New York / plane; 2. Tony’s grandparents’ friend / house / New York; 3. brother / pictures. C. 1. They went to New York. 2. No, they didn’t. They went by plane. 3. They stayed a friend’s house. 4. They admired high buildings like the Empire State Building, they saw monuments


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