Cool-Kids 5

November 13, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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UNIT 4 1. Complete with the verb "to have" in i n the correct form.

I _____________ pizza for lunch. (-) What _________________ (he) ffor or br breakfat! eakfat! "e __________________ ice crea# for lunch. ($) I _________________ hone% for &inner. (-) What _________________ for lunch! We _________________ %o'hurt for breakfat. ($)

2. Translate these words.

cinie'nlcia hitoria arte laboratorio clae 'olpear co#i&a

# #a*teica &eporte chino 'i#naio altar &ea%uno cena

3. Complete the text with the correct word.

+% fa#il% ___________ in ,ra'n. he% ha/e #ilk an&  _______________ for breakfat. he% ha/e ______________ at half pat one. he% _____________ pata0 chicken an& _____________. he% ha/e ________________ at 1uarter pat nine. he% ha/e a  ______________ an& a on. ,t chool the% _______________ art an& cience in the __________________. he% ha/e ______ _______________ _________ an& 2n'lih in the afternoon. learn - li/e - lunch - #ornin' - &inner toat - #ath - fruit - like - &au'hter



4. rite somethin! similar abot #or famil#. f amil#.

 ________________________________________________________   ________________________________________________________   ________________________________________________________   ________________________________________________________   ________________________________________________________   ________________________________________________________   ________________________________________________________   ________________________________________________________ 

$. %oin the &estions and the answers. a. Where &o the% ha/e 2n'lih! b. What &o %ou ha/e for breakfat! c. What3 her na#e! d. "o4 ol& are %ou! e. Where &o %ou li/e! f. What &oe he like! !. What3 %our fa/ourite ubect! h. What &o %ou like for &inner! i. What ti#e &o %ou ha/e lunch!  '. Where &o %ou ha/e cience! 1. ,t t4o o3clock. 2. She like rea&in' book. 3. I ha/e #ilk an& cereal. 4. I li/e in ,lca6iz. $. "itor%. (. In claroo# 7. ). I3# 88. *. I like oup an& aua'e. +. In the lab.

1,. She3 Wan' 9u. 2


(. -eadin!.

+% frien&3 na#e i :eter. :eter i fro# ,#ter&a#0 in "ollan&. "e i  Dutch. "e i #arrie& an& ha t4o t 4o chil&ren. "i 4ife0 ;ane0 i ,#erican. She  i fro#
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