Cool Kids 1 Tb Sample

January 13, 2017 | Author: mgm187 | Category: N/A
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Hello, Cool- 1 !

Vocabulary board

. /"bord/







glue stick

\"glu· "stik\


. \"no@t-Æbuok\
























T4A T4

U1 N1 TBCK.indd 4

Unit 1

9/21/10 11:11 AM


1 Unit











1 1

Co ooll Grammar Co Verb to be We use the verb to be to talk about states of being. It is a ruler. We use the Wh- question What to find out information about something. To make Whquestion, we invert the subject and the verb to be. What is it?

Value Being Friendly page T6

To form a Yes/No question, we switch the position of the subject and the verb to be. Is it an apple?

It’s nice to be friendly.

To answer a Yes/No question, we use Yes or No, followed by the subject and the verb to be. Is it a notebook? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.

Cool Tip! Allow students to help set classroom rules to give them ownership in the discipline process. Post the rules and consequences in the classroom.

Fun Park!

U1 N1 TBCK.indd 5

T4B 5

9/21/10 11:11 AM

10 0 1









1! Hello, COOLCOOL-1!

1 Unit


U1 N1 TBCK.indd 6

Unit 7

9/21/10 11:12 AM

Vocabulary School Objects: board, crayon, desk, eraser, glue stick, notebook, pen, ruler, schoolbag, sharpener Materials A ball

Warm-up Greet students and introduce yourself: Hello. I’m (Ms. Ana). Toss a ball to a student and invite him or her to greet the class and say his or her name: Hello, I’m (Dan). The student tosses the ball to a classmate and repeats the activity. Have students open their books to the Unit Opener. Read the title aloud. Introduce Benji, Jessica, and COOL-1, the characters of Level 1.

Class Activity Vocabulary Presentation [


Attach the flashcards to the board. Play Track 1 and point to the glue stick. Pause the track and have students repeat the word, first as a class and then individually. Encourage them to hold up or point to their own glue sticks. Repeat with the rest of the flashcards. Remove the flashcards from the board. Play the track again and pause after each word. Have students show you the school object mentioned. Track 1 NARRATOR: Number one. A glue stick Number two. A pen Number three. A crayon Number four. An eraser Number five. A desk Number six. A ruler Number seven. A sharpener Number eight. A board Number nine. A notebook Number ten. A schoolbag

Hello, COOL-1! Hello,, Wrap-up Divide the class into two teams. Ask a student from one of the teams to bring you the school object you name: A crayon. If he or she brings you the correct school object, the team wins a point. Continue with the other school objects. The team with the most points is the winner.

Optional Activity O G Give a sheet of paper to each student. Have students draw a picture of their favorite school object and write its name below it. Attach the drawings to the walls of the classroom.

Pictionary Í


Assign page 124 as homework. Students write the vocabulary items that correspond to the pictures. Then they listen to the words on the Student’s CD and check their answers. Finally, they listen to the track again and repeat the vocabulary. Track 115 NARRATOR: Number one. A board Number two. A ruler Number three. A notebook Number four. A crayon Number five. A schoolbag Number six. A pen Number seven. A glue stick Number eight. An eraser Number nine. A desk Number ten. A sharpener

Oral Practice] Have students open their books to page 135 and tell them to cut out the pictures corresponding to Unit 1. Play Track 1. Have students glue the cutouts onto the Unit Opener in the order that they hear them. Play the track again and stop it after every word. Students repeat the words as a group and individually.

Written Practice Hold up a flashcard for students to tell you the name of the school object. Attach the flashcard to the board and write the name of the object next to it. Repeat with the rest of the flashcards. Have students copy the words in their notebooks. Erase some of the letters in the names of the objects. Choose several students to go to the board and complete the words.


U1 N1 TBCK.indd 7

9/21/10 11:12 AM


Follow the lines and trace the phrases.


a glue stick


a ruler


a pen


a sharpener


a crayon


a board


an eraser


a notebook


a desk


a schoolbag


Listen and repeat the phrases.

2 Listen and follow along. Hello! What’s your name?

Role-play the dialogue. 6

U1 N1 TBCK.indd 8

Coo C oool oll EExpr xpr xpre p ess sssio sion iions nss


Hi! My name’s Rick.

It’s nice to be friendly.

Unit 1

9/21/10 11:12 AM

Vocabulary School Objects Functional Language Greetings and Introductions: Hello! What’s your name? Hi! My name’s Rick.

Warm-up Draw two big circles on the board. Write Vowels above one circle and Consonants above the other. Encourage students to tell you which letters are vowels and which ones are consonants. Write them in the corresponding circles. Attach the flashcards to the board. Elicit the names of the school objects and write them next to the corresponding pictures. Review the use of a / an. Point to the flashcard of the pencil and say: A pencil. Write a before pencil and circle the letter p. Point to the flashcard of the eraser and say: An eraser. Make sure to emphasize an. Write an before eraser and circle the letter e. Elicit from students when to use a and when to use an: a before consonants and an before vowels. Have students tell you which word goes before each of the school objects in the flashcards. Choose several students to go to the front and write a or an before each word.

Class Activity 1 Follow the lines and trace the phrases. Have students open their books to page 6, Activity 1. Invite them to tell you the names of the school objects. Read the instructions aloud. Focus students’ attention on the example. Have them follow the lines and trace the phrases individually.

Being Friendly Direct students’ attention to the picture of Benji at the bottom of the page. Ask a volunteer to read the text in the speech bubble aloud. Ask students about their first day of school: Do you look for your friends? Do you talk to the children you don’t know? Talk about the importance of being friendly: Are you friendly with people you don’t know? Why is it good to be friendly?

Wrap-up Explain to students that you are going to say some sentences. They have to listen carefully and stand up if they hear a mistake. T: (Give a false name.) My name’s (Tina). (Point to a ruler.) It's a crayon. Encourage students to correct the mistakes. Then invite them to come up with their own examples.

Optional Activity O M Materials Old magazines and newspapers Divide the class into groups of four. Have each group cut out pictures of two people from a newspaper or magazine and glue them onto a sheet of paper. Ask them to write a dialogue like the one in Activity 2. Display students' work around the classroom.

Assign page 4 as homework.

Listen and repeat the phrases. Í Play Track 1. Ask students to repeat the phrases as they point to the corresponding pictures. 1

Cool Expressions

2 Listen and follow along. Í Play Track 2 and have students follow the conversation in their books. Ask comprehension questions: What’s the boy’s name? Are they friends? Divide the class into two groups and assign the roles of the girl and the boy. Play the track again and pause it after each exchange for students to repeat the sentences. Then have them switch roles. 2

Role-play the dialogue. Divide the class into pairs. Choose a student and invite him or her to read the dialogue with you. Invite different pairs to role-play the dialogue for the class.

Hello, COOL-1!

U1 N1 TBCK.indd 9


9/21/10 11:12 AM

Vocabulary apple, elephant, orange, umbrella


Grammar What is it? It’s a book.

Play Tic-tac-toe (see page XIII) with What is it? and School Objects vocabulary.

Grammar Presentation Verb to be • Wh-question What What is it What is it? It


a an It’s a ruler. It’s an elephant.

Optional Activity O ?

pencil. umbrella.

Warm-up Have students open their books to the Unit Opener. Point to the book and ask What is it? Do the same with the rest of the vocabulary. Remind students of the use of a and an. Present the new vocabulary if needed: an umbrella an elephant. Have students repeat the vocabulary as a group and individually. Write the words on the board. Ask students to close their books. Choose a student to go to the board and draw the object you mention next to the corresponding word. Repeat with the rest of the words.

M Materials Construction paper Preparation Strips: Cut out strips of construction paper (one per student). Divide the class into groups of four. Hand out the strips to the students in each group. Have students draw an object from the vocabulary on each strip. Collect the strips, shuffle them, and hand them out to the groups. Encourage students in each group to ask and answer questions about their new strips: What is it? It’s an umbrella. Next, invite students to write the question and the answer about the object. Monitor and help if necessary.

Assign page 5 as homework.

Class Activity 3 Listen and point to the objects. Í Have students open their books to page 7, Activity 3. Play Track 3. Students follow the dialogues and point to the objects as they listen. Play the track again and pause it after every exchange. Have students repeat the exchanges. 3

Choose three objects and role-play the dialogue. Focus students’ attention on the pictures and invite them to guess what the objects are. Then divide the class into pairs. Have them choose three objects and role-play the dialogue. Monitor their work. Invite different pairs to role-play the dialogue for the class. Refer students to the Cool Grammar box. Elicit when to use the question What is it?: When we want to identify an object. Check understanding and review language if necessary.

4 Match the questions with the answers. Focus students’ attention on the example. Have them do the activity on their own. Choose volunteers to read the questions and answers aloud. Trace the sentences. Have students trace the sentences. Ask them to read the sentences aloud after they have finished.


U1 N1 TBCK.indd 10

Unit 1

9/21/10 11:12 AM

3 Listen and point to the objects. 1

It's a book.

What is it?



It's an umbrella.

What is it?

Coo ooll Grammar C Verb to be Choose three objects and role-play the dialogue.

4 Match the questions with the answers. 1. What is it?

• What is it? It’s a ruler.

It's an umbrella.

2. What is it?

It's a pencil.

3. What is it?

It's a book.

4. What is it?

It's an elephant.

Trace the sentences.

Hello, COOL-1!

U1 N1 TBCK.indd 11


9/21/10 11:12 AM



Listen and follow along. Is it a pencil?

Is it a notebook?

No, it isn’t.

No, it isn’t. Is it a board?

Yes, it is! Choose a picture and role-play the dialogue with a friend.

Coo ooll Grammar C Verb to be • Is it an apple? No, it isn’t.

2 Answer the questions. 1. Is it a ruler?

Yes, it is.

2. Is it a pen? No, it isn't. 8

U1 N1 TBCK.indd 12

• Is it a notebook? Yes, it is.

3. Is it a notebook? Yes, it is.

4. Is it a sharpener? No, it isn't.

Unit 1

9/21/10 11:12 AM

Vocabulary School Objects Grammar Is it a board? No, it isn’t. Materials A bag, school objects

Grammar Presentation

2 Answer the questions. Focus students’ attention on the first picture. Choose two volunteers to read the first question and the answer aloud. Students look at the rest of the pictures and answer them on their own. Check answers with the class.


Verb to be • Yes/No questions Is it a pencil ? an apple Is it a pen? Is it a notebook?

Divide the class into two teams. Choose five volunteers from one team to come to the front. Have them stand facing the class. Attach a flashcard or a picture to the board and have one volunteer guess what is it: Is it a pen? If the guess is correct, the team wins five points. If not, the next volunteer guesses and can win four points for the team. Each volunteer may guess one time, but teams win one fewer point for each new guess. Repeat the procedure with the other team. Play two or three rounds. The team with the most points is the winner.

• Short answers Yes, it is. No, isn’t. Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.


Optional Activity O

Put the school objects in a bag. Divide the board in half. On the left half, draw a big (✘) and write No below it. On the right half, draw a big (✔) and write Yes below it. Choose two volunteers and have them stand in front of the board. Take one of the objects from the bag and ask: Is it a pen? The volunteers look at the object and run to the correct side of the board. Then they should answer the question. The first student to answer correctly wins. Repeat the procedure several times with different volunteers.

W Write questions on the board about the flashcards: Is it an eraser? Is it a ruler? Attach the flashcards to the board at random next to the questions. First, invite students to answer the questions: Yes it is. / No, it isn’t. Then have them rearrange the flashcards so that all the answers are affirmative.

Assign page 6 as homework.

Class Activity 4

1 Listen and follow along. Have students open their books to page 8, Activity 1. Play Track 4. Invite students to follow the dialogue and point to the questions and answers as they listen. Pause the track after each exchange. Have students repeat it. Choose volunteers to act out the dialogue for the class. Choose a picture and role-play the dialogue with a friend. Choose a picture and invite a student to read the dialogue with you: S: Is it an apple? T: No, it isn’t. S: Is it a pen? T: Yes, it is. Have students repeat the dialogue. Divide the class into pairs. They choose another picture and role-play the dialogue. Ask some pairs to act out the dialogue for the class. Refer students to the Cool Grammar box. Ask what a Yes/No question is: It is a question that you answer with yes or no. Elicit an example: Is it an eraser? Ask students to give the two possible answers: Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. Point out that we cannot say Yes, it's. Check understanding and review language if necessary.

Hello, COOL-1!

U1 N1 TBCK.indd 13


9/21/10 11:12 AM

Vocabulary School Objects Grammar Is it a book? Yes, it is. Is it a pen? No, it isn’t. Materials Old magazines, construction paper, paper clips

Warm-up Invite a pair of volunteers to come to the front. Have one volunteer draw a school object on the other's back with his or her index finger. The second student has to guess the object: S1: What is it? S2: Is it an eraser? S1: No, it isn’t. S2: Is it a schoolbag? S1: Yes, it is. Divide students into pairs. Have them draw a school object on each other’s backs and ask Yes/No questions to guess what it is.

Then have them cut it into several shapes to make a puzzle. They should use their paper clip to hold the pieces together. Divide the class into pairs. They have to find out what their partner’s object is. S1 gives S2 a piece of the puzzle and asks: S1: What is it? S2: Is it a book? S1: No, it isn’t. S2: Is it a chair? S1: No, it isn’t. S1 gives S2 another piece of the puzzle after every negative answer. They put the puzzle together when S2 has guessed the object. Then students switch roles.

Optional Activity O H Have students label the school objects they drew on their Back to School Cards. Monitor and help if necessary.

Assign page 7 as homework.

Class Activity 3 Read the dialogues and draw the objects. Have students open their books to page 9, Activity 3. Divide the class into two groups. Point to Dialogue 1. Have one group read A aloud. The other group reads B. Then invite students to read A and B in pairs. Have them draw the correct object in the box below and compare answers with a friend. Repeat with number 2. 4 Trace the objects and complete the dialogues. Have students trace the objects and then read the dialogue segments silently. Invite two students to read the first dialogue aloud. Encourage the class to help them complete the dialogue. After that, have them complete the second dialogue individually. Then ask students to write the missing words. Monitor and help if necessary. 5 Make a Back to School Card. Ask students to name the school objects in the picture. Hand out the construction paper. Read the instructions aloud and demonstrate what they have to do. Invite them to make the Back to School Card. When they have finished, ask them to talk about their cards by naming the school objects they drew.

Wrap-up Hand out the magazines and give each student one paper clip. Instruct students to find a picture of a school object or other familiar vocabulary item.


U1 N1 TBCK.indd 14

Unit 1

9/21/10 11:12 AM

3 Read the dialogues and draw the objects. 1. A: Is it a pen? B: No, it isn't. A: Is it a sharpener? B: Yes, it is.

2. A: Is it a glue stick? B: No, it isn't. A: Is it a lunch box? B: Yes, it is.

Students draw

Students draw

a sharpener.

a lunch box.

4 Trace the objects and complete the dialogues.

1. A: B: No, A: Is it B:


it it

a pen? isn't

a ruler

2. A:


B: No,


A: Is it

Yes, it is.




a cat? isn't


an elephant



Yes, it is.

5 Make a Back to School Card. Instructions Y u need Yo eight school • construction 1. Draw objects in a classroom. paper 2. Fold the paper. 3. Draw your school. Hello, COOL-1!

U1 N1 TBCK.indd 15


9/21/10 11:12 AM



Listen and number the speech bubbles. How are you?


1. Hi!


Good morning.



2. Good morning.

3. I'm fine, thanks.

2 Read and match the children with the phrases. Salut.




Ni hao.

Hola. Ni hao. Hola.

Salut. 10

U1 N1 TBCK.indd 16

Ni hao.



Unit 1

10/7/10 12:59 PM

Skills Development Reading and Writing

Optional Activity O

Warm-up Divide the class into two teams. Put the flashcards in a pile on a desk. Invite a volunteer from Team 1 to take a flashcard. His or her team has to guess what the object is by asking: Is it a board? Is it a ruler? If they guess the object within 30 seconds, they get a point. Repeat with the other team. The team with the most points is the winner.

S Sing this song to the tune of “Are You Sleeping, Brother John?” Good morning, good morning. How are you? How are you? I’m fine, thank you, I’m fine, thank you. And how are you? And how are you? Divide the class into pairs. Facing each other, students sing while they shake hands.

Assign page 8 as homework.

Class Activity 1 Listen and number the speech bubbles. Í Have students open their books to page 10, Activity 1. Students look at the pictures. Explain that the phrases are greetings. Focus students’ attention on the example and read it aloud with a volunteer. Play Track 5 and have students point to the phrases as they hear them. Play the track again and have students repeat the exchanges. Ask them to number the other speech bubbles individually. Choose volunteers to read the dialogues again and act them out for the class. 5

2 Read and match the children with the phrases. Ask students to look at the pictures and try to guess the countries: France, Italy, China, and Spain. Encourage them to guess what language people speak in each country: French, Italian, Chinese, and Spanish. Have them look at the dialogues and guess what they are saying: They are saying Hello in different languages. Read the dialogues aloud and have students repeat after you. Invite them to stand up and greet four classmates in the different languages. Finally, ask them if they know any greetings in other languages. Focus students’ attention on the pictures of the children. Point out that they are the children in the pictures of France, Italy, China, and Spain. Ask where the first kid is from: Italy. Elicit the greeting: Ciao. Tell students to draw a line from the boy to the greeting. Then have students match the rest of the greetings on their own. Check answers with the class.

Wrap-up Divide the class into pairs. Invite them to write a dialogue and act it out for the class. S1: Hello! What’s your name? S2: My name’s Elsa. S1: How are you? S2: I’m fine, thanks.

Hello, COOL-1!

U1 N1 TBCK.indd 17


9/21/10 11:12 AM

Skills Development Reading Materials Index cards Preparation Write names of famous characters from books, movies, and cartoons (Batman, Spiderman, Garfield) on the index cards.

Warm-up Have students open their books to the Unit Opener. Divide the class into two teams. Ask a student from Team 1 to point to an object from the scene and write its name on the board. He or she gets a point if it is correct. Repeat with the other team. The team with the most points is the winner.

Class Activity 3 Answer the questions. Have students open their books to page 11, Activity 3. Invite them to read the questions silently and answer them using their real names. Choose volunteers to read the questions and answers aloud. 6

4 Listen and follow the story. Focus students’ attention on the story and ask them where it takes place: At a school, in a classroom. Play Track 6. Invite students to follow the story and point to the speech bubbles as they listen. Divide the class into four groups and assign them a character from the story. Play the track again and stop it after each question and answer. Invite each group to read their part aloud. Choose volunteers to act out the story for the class without reading it.

Wrap-up Ask students about their favorite cartoon, movie, and book characters. Hand out the index cards with the names of famous characters (see Preparation). Introduce yourself to the class: My name’s (Spiderman). What’s your name? Choose a volunteer to answer the question using his or her new personality. Tell him or her to repeat your name and then answer the question. Have that student ask someone in the class his or her name and answer in the same way. S1: Hi, Spiderman. My name’s Batman. What’s your name? S2: Hi, Batman. My name’s Mickey Mouse. What’s your name? Divide the class into two or three groups and have them play the game. If a student forgets a name, he or she sits down.

Optional Activity O P Preparation Write the dialogues from Activity 4 on a sheet of paper and make one copy for every four students. Cut out the dialogues and put each in an envelope. Divide the class into groups of four. Give each group an envelope. Invite students to put the dialogues in the correct order. They can check page 11 when they are finished.

Assign page 9 as homework.

Read and match the sentences with the pictures. Students read the speech bubbles silently and then draw lines to match them with the pictures. Check answers with the class.

Writing Activity Distribute paper. Instruct students to draw themselves in the middle of the paper. Then write on the board: What's your name? and ask students to copy the question above their drawing. Next, write on the board: My name's... and ask students to copy the answer below their drawing. They complete the answer with their name. Finally, display students' work around the classroom.


U1 N1 TBCK.indd 18

Unit 1

9/21/10 11:12 AM

3 Answer the questions. Answers will vary.

1. What's your name?

2. What's your teacher's name?

4 Listen and follow the story.


Hello! What’s your name? Hi! I'm COOL-1. I’m a robot.

Hello, COOL-1.

My name’s Benji! No, it isn’t.

It’s a sharpener.

Is it a pencil?

What is it?

Hello, I’m COOL-1. What’s your name?

My name’s Laura.

Shh! The teacher!

Read and match the sentences with the pictures. My name’s Benji.

My name’s COOL–1.

My name’s Laura.

Hello, COOL-1!

U1 N1 TBCK.indd 19


10/22/10 11:56 AM


Ask and answer questions about the objects.

It’s a schoolbag.

What is it?

2 Listen and circle the answers.



1 Yes, it is.

Yes, it is.

No, it isn't.

No, it isn't.


4 Yes, it is.

Yes, it is.

No, it isn't.

No, it isn't. 8

Listen and check your answers. 12

U1 N1 TBCK.indd 20

Unit 1

9/21/10 11:12 AM

Skills Development Listening and Speaking

Warm-up Divide the class into four teams. Have teams stand in lines at the board. Say a school object: (pen). The first student in each team should write the word with the correct article, a or an: a pen. Teams get one point for each correct answer. Rotate positions and play again. The team with the most points at the end is the winner.

Class Activity

Wrap-up Hand out paper. Tell students to draw their favorite object from the Unit Opener and cut it out. Take one of the drawings and ask the student who drew it: T: Is it a sharpener? S: No, it isn’t. T: What is it? S: It’s a pen. Form pairs and have them talk about their drawings with similar dialogues.

Optional Activity O

1 Ask and answer questions about the objects. Have students open their books to page 12, Activity 1. Ask students the names of the objects. Encourage them to say the article that goes with each word. Divide the class into two groups. Focus students' attention on the dialogue. Point to an object and have one group ask the question: What is it? The other one answers: It’s (an umbrella). Divide the class into pairs. Instruct them to have similar conversations about the objects in the picture. Choose volunteers to ask and answer questions about the objects.

M Materials Index cards (2 per student), string (one 30-cm-long piece per student), tape Hand out the materials. Ask students to write one of the questions from activity 2 on one of the cards. Tell them to tape the card to the piece of string. Now have them tape the second index card to the back of the first one (with the string in between) and write the answer on the second index card. Display students’ cards around the classroom.


2 Listen and circle the answers. Focus students’ attention on the first picture and ask what it is: A glue stick. Play Track 7 and have students listen to the first question. Point out the answer in the example. Play the rest of the track for students to circle the correct answers. Track 7 NARRATOR: Number one. Is it a glue stick? Number two. Is it an orange? Number three. Is it a pen? Number four. Is it a desk?

Assign page 10 as homework. Track 93 NARRATOR: Number one. It’s a pen. Number two. It’s a sharpener. Number three. It’s a board. Number four. It’s a notebook.


Listen and check your answers. Play Track 8 for students to check their answers. Have them compare answers with a friend. Monitor and help if necessary. Track 8 NARRATOR: Number one. Is it a glue stick? BOY: Yes, it is. NARRATOR: Number two. Is it an orange? BOY: No, it isn’t. NARRATOR: Number three. Is it a pen? BOY: No, it isn’t. NARRATOR: Number four. Is it a desk? BOY: Yes, it is.

Hello, COOL-1!

U1 N1 TBCK.indd 21


9/21/10 11:12 AM

Skills Development Listening and Speaking

Warm-up Play Bingo (see page XII) with School Objects vocabulary.

Class Activity 3 Listen and complete the song. Í Have students open their books to page 13, Activity 3. Read the names in the box. Play Track 9 and ask students to listen carefully and complete the song using the names in the box. Play the song again and have students check their answers. 9


Sing “The Name Game.” Play Track 10 and invite the class to sing along. Divide the class into groups of four. Instruct students to create their version of the song by replacing the names with theirs and their friends’. Play Track 10 for each group to sing their version of the song.

Optional Activity O D Divide the class into groups of five. Hand out a sheet of paper to each group. Have students open their books to the Unit Opener and choose six words. Students scramble the letters of the words and write them on the paper. Have them exchange paper with another group. Groups unscramble the words. When they finish, they return the paper and check the answers.

Assign page 11 as homework. Track 94 GIRL 1: Hello! My name's Laura. Tomorrow is my first day of school. I have a new schoolbag, a glue stick, a crayon, a book, and a sharpener. GIRL 2: Hi! My name's Vicky. Tomorrow is my first day of school, too. I have a new notebook, a pen, a book, a ruler, and a crayon.

4 Play The Drawing Game. Focus students’ attention on the first box. Encourage them to draw a school object in it. Give them enough time to do it. Divide the class into pairs. Focus students’ attention on the second box. Encourage them to tell their partner what to draw in it: Draw (a pencil). Answer the questions. Point out the questions below the boxes. Tell students to answer the questions according to the drawings in the boxes. Invite volunteers to read the questions and their answers aloud.

Wrap-up Write the following phrases on the board: 1. an umbrella 5. a eraser 2. an desk 6. an sharpener 3. a orange 7. a schoolbag 4. a pencil 8. a elephant Ask students to read the first two phrases and say whether or not they are correct. Encourage students to explain their answers. Divide the class into groups of three and have them rewrite the list correctly. Monitor the activity and help students if necessary. Check answers with the class.


U1 N1 TBCK.indd 22

Unit 1

10/22/10 12:01 PM

3 Listen and complete the song. Fred





Th e N ame G ame


is my name,

What’s your name?

And COOL-1 is my pet. Jessica

What’s your name?

is my friend.

It’s so cool to play this game!

Now, tell me your name. What’s your name? What’s your name? Is it


, John, or




Sing “The Name Game.”

4 Play The Drawing Game. 1 Draw a school object.

2 Listen to your friend and draw.

Students draw

Students draw

a school object.

a school object.

Is it a sharpener?

Is it a glue stick? Answers will vary.

Answer the questions. Hello, COOL-1!

U1 N1 TBCK.indd 23


9/21/10 11:12 AM

Cool Review 1

Play Let’s Go to School! What is it?


harpe Is it a s


U1 N1 TBCK.indd 24

What is it?


Is it an er

My name's Tom.

is it?


14 4

What's your name?

What is it?

Is it a book?

Unit 1

9/21/10 11:12 AM

Materials A ball, half-sheets of paper (one per pair), coins (one per pair)

Warm-up Toss the ball to a student and ask him or her a question from this unit: What’s your name? Encourage him or her to answer and then toss the ball back to you. Repeat the procedure several times.

Class Activity 1 Play Let’s Go to School! Have students open their books to page 14, Activity 1. Invite them to look at the game. Explain that students are on their way to school along with Benji and COOL-1. Point out the school picture in the Finish! square. Divide the class into pairs. Have them write their names on small squares of paper and place them on the Start! space. Explain that they have to take turns tossing the coin. If it is heads, they advance one space. If it is tails, they advance two spaces. Students have to give a correct response to the questions or phrases on the spaces. If the answer is correct, they can stay on the new space. If it is not correct, they return to the previous space. If they land on a space that says Stop!, they lose a turn. The first student to get to the Finish! square wins.

Optional Activity O M Materials Index cards Preparation Write the name of a school object on an index card and cut it in half, dividing the word. Make one half for each student. Hand out the index cards. Explain to students that they have to find the student with the other part of their word: What is it? Is it an elephant? When they find their pair, they give each other a high five.

Assign page 12 as homework.

See Resource CD-ROM, Cool Tests 1a & 1b.

Wrap-up Divide the class into pairs. Hand out the paper. Ask students to write a on one half and an on the other. Tell them that you are going to say some words and they have to hold up the corresponding paper: sharpener – a. Repeat the procedure several times.

Hello, COOL-1!

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Materials Crayons


Optional Activity O


Have students open their books to page 13. Invite them to sing the “The Name Game.”

Class Activity 2 Complete the questions and answers. Have students open their books to page 15, Activity 2. Focus students’ attention on the first set of pictures. Tell them to complete number 1. Elicit the completed dialogue. Tell students to do the rest of the activity on their own. Invite volunteers to write the questions and answers on the board. Check answers with the class. 3 Unscramble and answer the questions. Show students the scrambled questions. Encourage them to unscramble the first question. Check the answer and explain if necessary. Tell students to do the second question on their own. Monitor them. Next, have them answer the questions. Choose volunteers to read the questions and answers aloud.

D Divide the board in half. Have two students come to the front and have each of them go to one side of the board and write a vocabulary word, twice, on their side of the board. (Each of them is writing the same word twice. Tell them that it is important to write the two copies of the word far away from each other, within their half of the board.) Repeat the procedure several times. Divide the group into two teams. Explain to students that each team will have one half of the board. They have to find and join the identical words they hear. The first team to correctly find and join each pair of words gets a point. The team with the most points is the winner.

Assign page 13 as homework.

4 Read the sentences and color the corresponding stars. Read the sentences and help students with comprehension if necessary. Encourage students to reflect on their abilities and color the corresponding stars.

Cool Tip!

Read the tip for the class. Distribute paper R aand crayons. Then, in pairs, have students cchoose five words from the unit to dictate to their partner. Have students dictate the words to each other, one at a time, and draw the corresponding pictures. Then students exchange papers and check that the pictures match the words they dictated.

Wrap-up] Play Chinese Whispers (see page and School Objects vocabulary.


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with Is it a / an...?

Unit 1

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2 Complete the questions and answers. 1. What




it? a robot.





an orange



What is it?


It's a glue stick.

3 Unscramble and answer the questions. 1. it / a / sharpener / ? / Is Is it a sharpener?

No, it isn't.

2. schoolbag / ? / a / Is / it Is it a schoolbag?

Yes, it is.

4 Read the sentences and color the corresponding stars. I can name ten school objects. I can greet others. I can ask and answer questions with What is it?

Cool Tip!

Be a COOL LEARNER. Ask someone to dictate vocabulary words for you to draw the pictures.

Good job! You've finished Unit 1.

Hello, COOLHello COOL-1! COOL-11!

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