
March 31, 2019 | Author: chilaganirajesh95 | Category: Hamburgers, Grilling, Roasting, Steak, Beef
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Great Gathering Guide & Cookbook 

 What’s  What ’s Fo Forr Dinner Tonight? See our quick thaw  method on page 5.

The Omaha Omaha Steaks Story  Sto ry  It all began back in 1897, 1897, when my great-grandfath great-grandfather, er, J. J. Simon, Sim on, and his son, B.A., sailed to America from Europe. They settled down in the Midwest where endless fields of golden corn and clear running  streams were abundant. This, they felt, was the perfect place to raise and produce beef of the highest quality. In 1917, they started their own company and began selling  tender, flavorful meat to the most popular restaurants in the area. By the late 1940s, our company’s reputation had spread from fine restaurants to the general public. Folks across the nation began writing and calling  to find out how they could enjoy this exceptional beef right in their very  own homes. Their interest was taken to heart. In 1952, we began to sell our products by mail. Now thousands of people, in areas where superior quality beef is difficult to find, can have Omaha Steaks conveniently delivered right to their door.

But the convenience doesn’t stop with home delivery. You’ll love the ease of shopping from the comfort of yo ur own home, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our catalog and mailers make it a breeze to find a  guaranteed supply of the best quality meats you’ve ever tasted, backed by  the skill and reputation of a world-famous family business. You can count on our friendly steak experts to answer all of your questions and to help you find the perfect selection…for home dining, entertaining and gift giving. They’ll have preparation tips, helpful hints and delicious recipes created especially for you in our test kitchen.

Sincerely, Frederick J. Simon Owner

 Welcome  W elcome To Omaha Steaks! Phone toll free 8am-5pm CST................................1-800-960-8400 Customer service.........................................................1-800-22 service.........................................................1-800-228-9872 8-9872 Fax free anytime.............. anytime............................................... ............................................. ............1-800-387-8600 1-800-387-8600 Online.........................................www Online.................  okbook  2

The Omaha Steaks Difference 1. Grain-Fed Beef  Superiortograzingorgrass-eeding, graineedingimpartssuperior marbling,lavorandtenderness. 2. USDA Inspected  AllOmahaSteaksmustpassaseries origidtests--yourassuranceothe inestmeatproducts. 3. Naturally Aged  Anexactingprocessthatunlocksthe ulllavorandtendernessoinebee. 4. Trimmed by Hand Ourexpertsteakcutterscarveeach OmahaSteakbyhand.Noticethe consistencyoyoursteaks,crowned  withjusttherightexteriormarbling toenhancethelavoroeachcut.

5. Vacuum-Wrapped EachOmahaSteakisindividually packedbyourair-tightvacuum process.Thisallowsyoutostorethem muchlongerwithoutreezerburn. 6. Flash-Frozen Immediatelyaterwrapp Immed iatelyaterwrapping,Omaha ing,Omaha Steaksarelash-rozentocapture reshnessandlavorattheirpeak. 7. Friendly Expert Service  When  Wh enyo youc ucal allo lorv rvis isit itOm Omah ahaS aSte teak aks, s, youwillinstantlyreceivetheattention youdeserve.Ourriendlysteak expertsknowOmahaSteaks,and they’llbehappytoansweryour questions,makeselectionsandoer tipsromtheirownexperience.

Hungryormorerecipes,insideinormationandcookingtips?Makesureto  www.Stea eaByt Bytes. com,theOmahaSteaksblogwithregularlyupdated checkout www.St tipsandrecipesromCheKarl.Alsovisituson FacebookandTwitter.

Look ahead for these helpful symbols NEW! Theseitemsarenewinthisyear’sOmahaSteaksCatalog&Cookbook. M Theseproductsorrecipescanbemicrowaved.Becausemicrowaves varyinpowerandsize,theseinstructionsshouldserveonlyasaguide. Byexperimentingwithyou Byexperimen tingwithyourownunit,youcanachiev rownunit,youcanachievemoreavorable emoreavorable results.Suggestion results. Suggestionsorproductsorrecipes sorproductsorrecipesweretestedinan weretestedinan00-watt 00-watt powermic pow ermicrow rowavew avewitht ithturn urntab table.I le.Inot notusing usingaturn aturntable,rotat table,rotateonce eonce duringthecookingprocess.(Pleaseuseoursuggestionsasguidelinesonly.) LookortheshadedOmahaSteaksrecipesthrou LookortheshadedOmaha Steaksrecipesthroughoutthe ghouttheCookbook. Cookbook.

Own an iPhone, iPad or Android?

Luckyyou!Ge Luckyyo u!Getyour tyourreeOm reeOmahaS ahaSteak teaksapptoday sapptodayandp andperuse eruseover over00 00 greatrecipes anytime,anywhere.Plus,wehaveaSteakTimerbuiltrightintotheapp–socookingthe perectsteakiseasierthanever.


GreetingsFriend,  Welco  Wel come met tothedeliciousworldoOmahaSteaks...through thepagesoournewOma haSteaksGreatGatheringGuide andCookbookyou’llinda wealthohelpultips.Inact, wealthohelpultips.Inact, orover90yearscust orove r90yearscustomershave omershaveexpresse expressedtheird dtheirdel elightin ightin indingexcellentproductsbackedbythehighestlevelo customerservice.

KarlMarsh,CRC ExecutiveChe 

TheGreatGatheringGuide&Cookbookisyourroadmap toculina tocu linaryra ryravere vereview views!Hereyou’ll s!Hereyou’llind indbasic basiccook cooking ing instructionsorourproductsandeverythingyouneed toknowtobecomeasteakcook toknowtobeco measteakcookingexpert. ingexpert.(Don'tmiss (Don'tmiss theSteakCookingChartontheinsidebackcoveror yourkeytocookingtheperectsteakeverytime!)

 Asyouenjoy  Asyouen joyourd ourdelic eliciou iouspro sproduct ducts,ia s,ianyqu nyquesti estions onspopu popupabo paboutco utcooki okingor ngor serving,pleaseeelreetocallusat-00 serving, pleaseeelreetocallusat-00--9 --97. 7.  Andthere’sm  Andther e’smore ore!Bes !Besides idesthee theextra xtraord ordinar inaryste ysteaksa aksandbe ndbeeth ethatma atmadeus deusamo amous, us, you’llindperectporkandpoultry,scrumptiousseaood,awesomeappetizers, delectabledesserts,astand delectabl edesserts,astandabulousside abuloussidedishesandacontinu dishesandacontinuingparadeotast ingparadeotasteetemptingnewselections! Fromtraditionaltotrendy,quickmealstogourmetmasterpiecesandtheultimate inabulousgits,OmahaSteakshasallyouneedtomakediningasuperbexperience.

 BonAppetit!

10 Tips For Perfect Grilling  . Cleana Cleanandp ndpreh reheat eatgri grillon llonhig high.* h.* . Ligh Lightlyoilo tlyoiloodbeor odbeoreputt eputtingonth ingonthegrill egrill.Thishe .Thishelpsthe lpsthesearing searing processa an ndp prrevents sssticking. . Sea Season sonood oodasde asdesir siredb edbeor eoregr egrill illing ing.. . High High,direc ,directheatr theatromthe omthegrillsea grillsearsthesu rsthesurace raceooodandsea ooodandsearing ring cont co ntri ribu bute test stot othe heul ulti tima mate tel lav avor oran andj djui uici cine ness sso oth the eoo ood. d. 5. Usetong Usetongsspat sspatulatoli ulatolipoodonth poodonthegrill egrill,asorks ,asorkscandamag candamagetheood etheood.. 6. Keepthelidonthegrillasmuchaspossibleasthishelpsregulatethe temperatureandpreventlare-ups. 7. Keepaspr Keepaspraybott aybottleowate leowaterhandy rhandytotamean totameanyunex yunexpecte pectedlaredlare-ups. ups. . Use Usethe the60 600g 0gril rillin lingme gmetho thod.G d.Gril rillo lor60 r60%o %othe thetim timeont eonthe heirs irst t side, sid e,th then enl lip ipo ood odpr prod oduc ucta tand ndgr gril ill l0% 0%o oth thet etim imeo eont nthe hese seco cond ndsi side de. . 9. Placeco Placecookedoo okedoodonaclean donacleanplate. plate.Donotuse Donotusethesamepl thesameplateorr ateorraw aw and an dco cook oked edo ood odst sto opr prev even ent tcr cros ossc scon onta tami mina nati tion on.. 0.Allowoodto“rest”or5minutesbetweencookingandconsuming. This Th iswi will llhe help lpth the eoo oodt dtor oret etain ainmo moist istur ureb ebe eor orec ecut utti ting ngin into to. . *ForPrivateReserveproducts:preheatgrillonhighandthenreducetomedium.


Storing, Thawing & Cooking  Omaha Steaks are aged cuts of grain-fed beef and flash frozen at the  peak of flavor. Our natural aging process imparts a distinct flavor and tenderness to the beef. Here’s how to prepare your Omaha Steaks...

Handling Food Safely – Storing and Thawing  •Thevacuumpackagin •Thevacuumpack agingOmah gOmahaSteak aSteaksuseske suseskeepsthe epstheprodu productsfre ctsfresh sh and an dla lavo vor rul ulup upto to6m 6mon onth thsi sina nar ree eeze zer. r. •Donotusethesamecut •Donotusethe samecutting tingboardo boardorplatt rplatterfor erforrawmeat rawmeatsandco sandcooked oked  meats. mea ts.Was Washha hhands nds,ut ,utens ensil ils,a s,andc ndcoun ounter tersth sthatc atcont ontact actraw rawoo oods. ds. •Donotthawatroomtemperature.Itrun • Donotthawatroomtemperature.Itrunst stheriskofbacter heriskofbacteria iafo form rmat ation. ion. •Keepse • Keepseafoo afoodfroze dfrozenuntil nuntilused.Th used.Thawunde awunderrefri rrefrigera geration tionimmed immediatel iatelybefo ybeforeuse. reuse. •Refrigeratelef •Refriger ateleftove toverspro rspromptl mptlyy,with ,withintwo intwohours hoursofremo ofremovalfr valfromhea omheat t source sou rce.On .Oneho ehouri uriro roomt omtemp empera eratur tureis eisinex inexces cesso so90 90Fde Fdegre grees. es.

Refrigeration Thawing: •Thawinrefrigeratorforbestresults.Allowsforjuicier,moreflavorfulfood. •Remov • Removefoodpro efoodproductfro ductfromthecorru mthecorrugated gatedboxandpla boxandplace cein inas asin ingl glel elay ayer er ona on at tra ray.Al y.Alway wayslea sleavet vetheva hevacuu cuumpa mpacka ckagin gingonwh gonwhile ilethaw thawing ing..

Timetable for Thawing Meats in the Refrigerator Meat Variety Time in Refrig Refrigerator erator (36˚F- 40˚F) Roast -5 hours per pound   Steak 6- hours Turkey 6- hours per  -5 pounds Poultry  hours per - pounds Quick Thawing: • Placefoodpro •Placefoodp rodu ducti ctinco ncoldw ldwate ater,inthe r,inthevac vacuu uumpa mpack ckag age,f e,for30-45minutes. or30-45minutes. •Don • Donotr otrefr efreez eezeme emeato atorsea rseafoo foodaf dafter terqui quickt ckthaw hawing ing..


•Leastrec • Leastrecommen ommendedmetho dedmethodofthawing dofthawing,because ,becauseproduc productwilllose twilllosemore more naturaljuices, natura ljuices,resulti resultinginain nginainal alpr prod oduc uctt ttha hatm tmay aybe bed drrier eran andl dles esst stende ender. r. •Thawfoods •Thawfo odsinth inthemic emicrow rowave aveonl onlyifi yifitwil twillbec lbecoo ooked kedimme immedia diatel tely. y.

Broiling in the Oven •Broili • Broilingisarapid, ngisarapid,highheat highheatcookingme cookingmethod, thod,usedfortend usedfortendercutsof ercutsof meat and fish. •Alway • Alwaysprehe spreheattheove attheoven.Turnoven n.Turnovencontrol controlto"Broi to"Broil/Hi l/High" gh".Checkto make sure foodis2"to3"awayfromtheheatsource.

Cooing  •Forpreferreddoneness, •For preferreddoneness,usethe usethefo follo llowin wingc gchar hartst tsthro hroug ugho houtt utthec hecoo ookbook: kbook: Bee ................ p. -7 Pork .........................p .p.. 7 Lamb,Veal Poultry .....................p .p..  & Duckling ..........p. 9 Seaood ....................p .p.. 


Cooking from Frozen •Cookingfrom •Cooking fromfroz frozenis enisnot notthe thepref preferr erredm edmeth ethodt odtocoo ocookme kmeats atsand and roasts, but it is possible to obtain satisfactory results without thawing. •Placemea •Place meatfar tfarthe therfro rfromhe mheatw atwhen henbroi broilin lingorg gorgril rillin ling. g. •Brroi •B oil lor org gri rill ll1 11  /  / 2  to 2 times the suggested time for thawed meat. •R Rooast 11  /  / 3  to 11  /  / 2  times the suggested time for thawed roasts.

Convection Ovens •Forconv • Forconvectio ectionovens,ba novens,bakeattemp keattemperat eratures25 ures25˚F-50 ˚F-50˚Flower ˚Flowerthana thana conventional convent ional oven. Check owner’s manual regarding the the ty type pe of co cooking  oking  pans recommended for use in the convection oven.

Conventional Ovens • Timesandtempe •Times andtemperatur raturesinthis esinthisguidearebas guidearebasedonconve edonconvention ntionalovens alovens.. •Ovent •Ove ntem empe pera ratu ture resc scan anva vary ry50 50˚F ˚F either way. It is a good idea to have an oven thermometer to correctly regulate oven temperature. •Whencook •When cooking ingsev severa eralite litemsa msatth tthesa esamet metime ime,all ,allows owsuffi ufficie cients ntspac pace e between foods for proper circulation. Roasting time and temperature do not need to be increased.

Microwave Ovens

• Lookforthissymb •Look forthissymboltoindica oltoindicatemicro temicrowavepre wavepreparat parationmeth ionmethod. od. M •Microwav •Micro wavetim etimesl eslist istedin edinthe theguid guideare earebas basedon edona1 a1100 100-wa -wattp ttpowe ower r microwave with turntable. If not using a turntable, rotate once during  cooking. To allow for variances in microwave wattage, always check food for doneness at the minimum cooking time given in a recipe. •Micro • Microwavin wavingsteak gsteaksandburge sandburgersdoesnot rsdoesnotresultinopt resultinoptimu imumb mbro rown wning. ing.


• Meatthawedatreriger Meatthawedatrerigeratedtemp atedtemperatur eratures(6F es(6Fto0 to0˚F)canbe reroz re rozenwi enwithi thin- n-days daysoho oholdi ldingat ngatrer reriger igerate atedtem dtemper peratu atures res.. •Donotrereezeoodthathasbeenrozenandreheated. •Donotrereezeoodthathasbeenquickthawedormicrowavethawed. •Donot refreezeoodthat’sbeenremovedromvacuumsealedpackaging. •Donot refreezeseaoodthawedinvacuum-sealedpackaging.

Roasting  •Tenderroasts •Tenderroa stsare areleft leftunco uncover vereds edsobr obrown owning ingoccu occurs. rs. If a roast has a  netting, leave it on while cooking. Kitchen thermometers are an accurate way to determine doneness in large cuts of meat.

Sear Roasting & Slow Roasting 

•Sear • Searroastingisatechn roastingisatechnique iquetobro tobrown wn(orse (orsear) ar)th them emea eatp tpri riortoro ortoroasting, asting, which seals in the juices and greatly increases flavor. •Slowroa • Slowroasting stingaftersea aftersearingret ringretainsmor ainsmorejuices ejuicesinthemeatand inthemeatandallows allows for more even cooking and doneness throughout the meat.

Toaster Ovens

•Satisfac • Satisfactoryresul toryresultscan tscanbeobta beobtained inedusing usingtoas toasterov terovens ens..Use Use temperatures and times listed for oven baking. Slight time changes may be necessary.


Grilling Techniques • Alway Alwaysprehe spreheatthegri atthegrillorletthe llorletthecharcoa charcoalacquire lacquireathincoatin athincoatingofgray gofgray ash and red glow. • Agrill Agrilllidregulatestemperature.Kee lidregulatestemperature.Keepin pingth gtheli elidon donwil willsp lspee eedup dupcoo cooking king time and reduce flare-ups. Raising the lid lowers the temperature. • Refertothe RefertotheSteakCookingChartfor SteakCookingChartforgrillingor grillingorove ovenbr nbroil oiling inggui guideline delines. s.

Indoor Contact Grills • Foodwil Foodwilltendtocook ltendtocookinabouthalf inabouthalfthetimemen thetimementione tionedintheOmah dintheOmaha a Steaks Great Gathering Guide & Cookbook because both surfaces cook  at the same time. Thaw products in the refrigerator prior to cooking   when using a indoor contact grill. • Co Cook ground beef to 160˚F internal temperature measured with a kitchen thermometer. Since cooking conditions may vary, adjustments in cooking  times may be found necessary. • Refer Refertoyourowner toyourowner’smanu ’smanualforspec alforspecificinst ificinstructio ructions. ns.

Choosing a Kitchen Thermometer Usetheollowinginormationasaguidetopurchasingandusingkitchenthermomete rs. Based on technical information provided by USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service (05/08).




Usage Co Considerations

Bimetal (instant-read)

15 to 20 seconds

2 to 21  /  / 2  inch deep in the thickest part of the food

• Can be used in roasts, casseroles and soups •Checkstheinternal •Checksthei nternal temperature of a food at the end of cooking  •Canbecalibrated • Cannotmeasurethinfoods unless inserted sideways • Cannot be used in an oven  while food is cooking  • Temperature is averaged along  2-3˝of probe • Readilyavailableinmoststores

Remote Thermometer (digital)


 At least 1  /  / 2  inch deep in a food product

•Canbeusedinmostfoods •Canalso be used outside the oven •Designedtobeleftinthefood while cooking in the oven or in a covered pot container • Baseunitsitsonstovetopor counter for easy reading  •Itcannotbecalibrated


Beef  For Grilling or Broiling instructions refer to the Omaha Steaks Cooking  Chart or Private Reserve Chart on  pages 15-17 15-17 for for the following following steak steaks: s: • FiletMignons • Triple-Trimmed FiletMignons • Bone-InFiletMignons • FiletoPrimeRib(Ribeyes) ®

• TopSirloinSteaks • Bone-InRibeyeSteaks • OmahaStripSteaks,Bone-In • FlatIronSteaks • T-Bone&PorterhouseSteaks • SirloinSupremeSteaks • LondonBroilSteaks • Whi WhiskeyM skeyMarina arinatedTop tedTopSirlo Sirloins ins

Beef Entrees BBQ Flat Iron Wraps (makestwowraps) (7oz (7 oz.)F .)Fla latI tIro ronS nSte teak ak,t ,tha hawe wedd (0-inc (0inch)F h)Flou lour rT Tort ortilla illass Tbsp T bsp.Om .Omaha ahaSt Steak eaksBBQ sBBQSau Sauce ce 6oz.Omah 6oz.O mahaSt aSteak eaksRo sRoast astedG edGarl arlic ic Mash Ma shed edP Pot otat atoe oes, s,hea heate tedd oz.Cre oz.C reamy amyCol Colesl eslaw(p aw(prep repare ared) d) • SeasonFlatIronSteaksandgrillto desir des iredd eddon onene eness. ss.Rem Remov over erom omgri grill ll andallowtorestaewminutes beoreslicingthinlyacrossthegrain. • Mi Micro crowa wave vetor tortil tilla lassor0-0seconds. • Sp Spre read ad2 2 Tbsp.sauceoneachtortilla. • Pla Placeh cehalf alfofth ofthest esteak eakonea oneacht chtort ortiilla. • Pla Place3oz ce3oz.ofpo .ofpotat tatoes oesonste onsteak. ak. • Top opw wit ithoz.ocoleslaw.Fo ldover oneen on eendo doth theto etort rtill illaan aandro drollllup. up. M

BBQ Shredded Beef 

FROM FROZEN: Microwave: • Pla Placecov cecovered eredtrayin trayinmicro microwav waveand eand heat he ato on nhi high gho or6 r6- -mi minu nute tes. s. or-minutes.Stirwell. • Le Lets tsta tand nd f or-minutes.Stirwell. FROM THAWED: Stovetop: • Rem Remove ovethawe thawedshre dshredde ddedbeef dbeeffrom from pack pa ckag agin inga gand ndpl plac acei eins nsau auce cepa pan. n. • Heat Heatover overmed medium iumheat heatwhil whilesti estirrin rring g cons co nsta tant ntly lyo or5 r5-6 -6mi minu nute tes. s.


Beef Briset 



• Mari Marinateorseaso nateorseasonasdesired nasdesired.. • Pr Preheatov eheatovento325˚F ento325˚F.. • Hea Heata tasm smal alla lamo mountofoilinalarge untofoilinalarge  skilletove skilletoverhi rhighh ghheat eatonth onthesto estovet vetop op.. • Caref Carefullyplac ullyplacebrisketinskill ebrisketinskilletand etand brow br own nor or- -mi minu nutes teson oneac eachs hside ide.. • Transfe ransferbrisket rbriskettoabakingpan, toabakingpan, adding 1  /  / 2  cupowater. • Cov Coverpantight erpantightlywithfoi lywithfoil,crimp l,crimping ing thee eddges. • Coo Cookfor kfor3to3 3to31  /  / 2  hours. • Slicethinacrossthegrainofthe meat meat**.

Crock Pot:

• Mari Marinateorseaso nateorseasonasdesired nasdesired.. • Hea Heatasmallam tasmallamount ountofoilinalarge ofoilinalarge  skill skilletove etoverhighhea rhighheatonthesto tonthestovetop vetop.. • Caref Carefullyplac ullyplacebrisketinskill ebrisketinskilletand etand brow br own nor or- -mi minu nutes teson oneac eachs hside ide.. • Plac Placebrisketincr ebrisketincrockpot ockpotwith with1  /  / 2  cup owa o wate terr.C .Coove verw rwith ithlid lid.. • Cook Cook4-5hours 4-5hourshighor9-10 highor9-10lowhea lowheat. t. • Slice Slicethinac thinacros rossthegrai sthegrainofthemeat* nofthemeat*. *Seethedi *Se ethediag agra ramo monp npag age9 e9o ors rslicing. licing.

Tp: Tr th Bf Brskt t a  Barbq Brskt by a 1 cp f   yr favr favrt t Barbq Barbq Sac Sac t t th pa r crck pt wh ck.


Beef Sirloin Tips with Mshroom & Wine Sace

(donotthaw) Microwave: • Slitce Slitcenter nteroffilmov offilmovertray ertraytovent. tovent. • Cook Cookonhigh onhigh7 7-8minutes -8minutes,stiron ,stironce ce duri du ring ngc coo ooki king ng. . • Rem Removefro ovefrommicr mmicrowav owave. e. • Stiran Stirandserv dservebeef ebeefsirloin sirlointips. tips. Bake: • Preheatoven350˚F Preheatoven350˚F. . • Slitfil Slitfilm,pla m,placetray cetrayonthebak onthebaking ing sheetinthecenterotheovenor abou ab out t5-5 5-50 0mi minu nute tes. s. • Rem Removefro ovefromoven moven.Stirand .Stirandserve serve.. M


Beef Stew 

Corned Corn edBe Bee eBr Bris iske ket, t,th thaw awed ed AssortedV Asso rtedVegetab egetables(c les(car arro rots ts,c ,cab abba bage ge wedges wed ges,new ,newpot potato atoes, es,whi whiteon teonion ions, s, gree gr een np pep eppe pers rs)) • Preheat oven to75F. • Pour2cupswaterin Pour2cupswaterintob tobott ottom omof of alar al arge gero roas asti ting ngpa pan. n. • Rem Removepa ovepackag ckagingfro ingfrombrisk mbrisket et andpla and place, ce,at atsid sideup eup,in ,inthe thecen center ter ot thhep paan. • Arrangevegetables Arrangevegetablesaro aroun undbr dbrisk isket. et. Season Sea sonwi with ths sal alt tan andgr dgroun oundpepper, dpepper, if d esired. • Cover pan and cook hour,5min hour,5min. . Bastev Bas tevege egetab tables lesonc onceort eortwic wiceas eas needed. Serves6-.


• Preheatovento350˚F Preheatovento350˚F. . • Makeaslit Makeaslitincent incenteroffilmleaving eroffilmleaving ilm i lmin inta tact ctwh whil ileb ebak akin ing. g. • Place Placetrayon trayoncook cookieshe iesheetonmiddl etonmiddle e racko rac kooven oven.Bak .Bakeor eor5mi 5minut nutes. es. • Pull Pullbackfil backfilmandsti mandstir.Bake r.Bakeforan foran additi add ition onal0 al0min minute utes;th s;thens enstir tir..


• Make Makeslitincen slitincenteroffil teroffilm. m. • Micro Microwave waveonhighfor onhighfor7minute 7minutes. s. • Pull Pullbackfil backfilmandsti mandstir. r. • Cook Cooko on nhighfora highforanadd nadditio itional nal2 2 minutes.S Sti tir. r. M Beef Stroganoff with Noodles


Corned Beef & Cabbage


• Slitce Slitcenter nteroffilmcov offilmcoverin eringtrayto gtrayto vent ve ntw whi hile lehe heat atin ing. g. • Mi Micr crow  ow aveonhighor7-m aveonhighor7-m inutes stirri sti rringo ngonce ncedur during ingcoo cookin kingti gtime. me. • Stirbe Stirbeforese foreserving rving..


• Preh Preheatov eatovento350 ento350F. • Slitcen Slitcenteroffil teroffilmcove mcovering ringtray. tray. • Pl Plaaceonbakingsheetinovencenter. • Bake Bake40minut 40minutes. es. • Carefully Carefullyremovefilman removefilmandstir dstir.. • Bak Bakeanad eanadditi ditiona onal5-10 l5-10minutes minutes uncov unc overe ered.S d.Stir tirbeo beores reservi erving. ng.

Brws thr q rcps l at www.omahaStaks.cm

 B   e  e  f  

Corned Beef Briset, Old-Fashioned Style Bake:


• Preh Preheatov eatovento325 ento325˚˚F. • Rem Removebr ovebriske isketfrompa tfrompackag ckageand eand plac pl acei eina naro roas asti ting ngpa pan. n.Ad Add d1  /  / 2  cupo cu pow wat ater erto tobo bott ttom omo opa pan. n. • Cove Coverwithfo rwithfoil,hea il,heatforabo tforabout ut 5- 5 -60 60 mi minu nute tes. s. • Rem Removefro ovefromoven moven,scrap ,scrapespice espices s rom r omb bri risk sket et. . • Toser Toserve,car ve,carveinto veintothinsli thinslices ces acrossgrai across grain. n.See Seedi diag agra ramb mbel elow ow. . • Fromrozen,bake60-75minutes. • Bris Brisketca ketcanbetha nbethawedwi wedwithspic thspices es remove rem oved&s d&slic liced edors orsand andwic wiches hes..

To slice, refer to the diagram below: C. B.


.Positio .Posi tionth nthebri ebriske sketon tonthes theslic licing ing board,l leeans siided doown. .Hold .H oldirm irmlyw lywith ithork orkand andbeg begin in slic sl icin ing gac acro ross ssg gra rain ino o me meat ata at t“A “A””. Con onti tin nue uer rem emov ovin ing gth thin ins sli lice cesst to o center o brisket “C”. .No . Nowt wtur urnb nbri risk sket etan andt dthe hen n cont co ntiinu nue essli lici cin ng gat at“ “B” B”. .Yo You uw wil ill l be essli lici cin ng gac acro ross sst the heg gra rain in. .W We reco re comm mmen end dth this ism met etho hoddb bec ecau ause se  the th etw two omu musc scle les so ot the heb bri risk sket etr run un  ind diierentd diirections.



Flly Cooed Pot Roast 

FROM THAWED: Thawinrerigerator. Bake:

• Prehe Preheatoven atovento400 to400F. • Remo Removetha vethawedro wedroastan astandjuic djuicefrom efrom packag pac kagean eandpla dplacein ceinaco acover veredp edpan. an. • Bakeor0-50minutes.

FROM FROZEN: Microwave:

• Placefr Placefrozenro ozenroastandpa astandpackagi ckaging ng upsidedo upsid edowni wninmi nmicro crowa waves vesae aedish. dish. • MicrowaveonDEFROSTor0 minut  minutes,turn es,turningove ingoverhalwa rhalway y throughcooking. •Cutsmallslitsinpackaging, microwaveonhigh5-7minutes. •Removerompackaging.Sliceand servewithaujus.

Using the Sear and Slow Roast or Quick Roast method will result in a more evenly cooked roast that is  juicier and more flavorful. Find the instructions on page 16. M

Individally Wrapped  Prime Rib Slices

(precooked|thawinrerigerator) Grill: • Preh Preheatgri eatgrill. ll. • Brus BrushP hPrime rimeRibsli Ribslicewi cewitholi tholiveoil. veoil. • Grill Grillforappr forapproxim oximatel ately: y:  1  /  / 2  -minuteseachsideormedium  rare;1  /  / 2  minuteseachsideormedium; 5-6mi 5-6 minu nutes tesea each chsid sideo eorw rwel elll-done. Broil: • Preh Preheatbro eatbroilerwi ilerwithpan thpan, , posi po siti tion onin ingt gtop opra rack ck -- i inc nche hes s rom r omhe heat ats sou ourc rce. e. • Brush Brushslices sliceslightly lightlywitholi witholiveoil. veoil. • Broil Broilforappr forapproxim oximatel ately: y:  1  /  / 2  minuteseachsideormediumrare,   1  /  / 2  minuteseachsideormediumor 5-6mi 5-6 minu nutes tesea each chsid sideo eorw rwel elll-done. Microwave: • Plac Placevacu evacuumpac umpackage kagedslice dsliceona ona micr mi crow owav aves esa aep epla late te. . • Cuttwo Cuttwoslitsinto slitsintopofpack pofpackage. age. • Cook Cook1slicefor 1slicefor:60-75 :60-75second seconds s onhi on high gho orm rmed ediu iumr mrar are;7 e;755-90 90 seco se cond nds sor orme medi dium um; ;mi minu nute tes s or o rw wel elll-d -don one. e.



Italian-Style Italian-Sty le Meatballs

(precooked|donotthaw) Bake: • Preh Preheatove eatovento375 nto375F. • Plac Placemea emeatbal tballs1inch ls1inchapart aparton on aoi a oill llin ined edba baki king ngsh sheet eet. . • Heat Heatonhighfor onhighfor20-25 20-25minut minutes. es. Serveas Ser veasanap anappeti petizer zer,ona ,onasal salad, ad, sand sa ndwi wich chor orin inma mari rina nara rasa sauc uce. e. Microwave: • Remo Removemea vemeatbal tballsfrom lsfrompacka packaging ging andp an dpla lace cein inam amic icro rowa wave ve-s -sa ae e dish.Coverwithplastic,venting onec coorner. • Co Cook oko on nh highfor5-6 ighfor5-6minutes. minutes. Top prrepare 1  /  / 2  thepackageorless omeatb ome atball alls;mi s;micro crowav waveor eor- - minu mi nute tes. s.Se Serv rveas easan anap appe peti tize zer, r,  onas on asal alad ador orsa sand ndwi wich chor orin in mari ma rin nar ara asa sauc uce. e. Tip: For an easy appetizer make Sweet & Sour Meatballs. Combine a 12 oz. jar of Chile Sauce, 2 cups Grape Jelly and 2 (1 lb.) bags of frozen Italian Meatballs in a crockpot. Cook for 2-5 hours on low.

Calves Liver (RecipeorLiverandOnions) Stovetop: • Part Partially iallythaw4liv thaw4liverslice erslices. s. Preh Pr eheat eatT Tbs bsp. p.o oco cook okin ingo goil il over ov erme medi dium umhe heat at. . • Saute Saute3medium 3medium-size -sizedwhit dwhite e onions oni onsthat thathav havebee ebeensl nslice icedin dinto to ringso rin gsorapp rapprox roxima imatel telyy-0 0 minutes. • Remov Removeonionstoplatte eonionstoplatterandcover. randcover. • Add2Tb Add2Tbsp.ofoilan sp.ofoilandheat dheat. . • Saute Saute4liversli 4liverslicesap cesapprox proximat imately  ely  min m inut utepe epers rsid ide. e.Li Live verw rwil illb lbe e cooked coo kedtome tomediu diumdo mdonen neness esswit with h asli as ligh ghtl tlyp ypin inkc kcen ente ter. r.

FROM FROZEN: Grill: 

• Preh Preheatgri eatgrill. ll. • Gr Grillli illliver verslice slices3minutes s3minutesper perside. side. Broil:  • Preh Preheatbr eatbroile oilerr. •Placeliverslicesonabroilerpan andbro and broilo ilormi rminut nutespe espersid rside. e.


NEW! Old-World Frans



• Fromfr romfrozen ozenorthaw orthawed,boi ed,boilfrank lfranks s or o r- -0m 0min inut utes es..


• Grillfra Grillfrank nkso sove verme rmediumheatuntil diumheatuntil  bro brownonall wnonallsides.F sides.Froze rozenrank nranks s willllco wi cook okin inapp appro roxi xima matel tely y5mi 5minutes. nutes. Thaw Th awed edran ranks kstak takeab eabou outm tmin inutes. utes. Mcrwav: • Placefr Placefran ankon konmi micr crow owavesafeplate. avesafeplate. • Cov Coverwit erwithapape hapapertow rtowel. el. • Forone Foronefrankhea frankheatonhi tonhighfor ghfor1 11  /  / 2  – minut mi nutes, es,ir iroze ozen.H n.Heat eator or minu mi nute te,i ,it tha haw wed ed..

Reben Sandwiches  Cor  Corne nedB dBee eeB Bri risk sket et,s ,sliliced ced sl  slic ices esS Swi wiss ssch chee eese se sli s lice cesD sDar arko korl rlig ight htry ryeb ebre read ad Tb  Tbsp sp. .Saue Sauerk rkra raut ut Tbsp.Th Tbsp. Thous ousand andIsl Islan anddr ddressin essing  g  Tb  Tbsp sp. .B But utte terr • Putse Putsevera verallaye llayersofcorn rsofcornedbee edbeef f andsli and sliceo ceoche cheese eseon onslic sliceso eso  breade eaach. • Putab Putabout2Tbs out2Tbsp.ofsau p.ofsauerkr erkraut aut onea on each chsa sand ndwi wich ch. . • Spre Spreadthe adthedress dressingonoth ingonothertwo ertwo brea br eads dsli lice cesa sand ndpla place ceon onth the e sauer erkkraut. • Melt Meltthebutt thebutterinaski erinaskilletov lletover er medi me dium um-l -low owhe heat at. . • Plac Placesand esandwich wichintheski intheskilletan lletand d brow br owno none neac achs hsid ide. e.Ser Serve ves s..

Premim Grond Beef  Thawinrerigerator.Useasastarter oryouravoritegroundbeerecipes.

Tenderloin kabobs

(thawinrerigerator) Broil or Grill: • Plac Placekab ekabobsongri obsongrillturn llturninga inga quartero oa turnevery-minu tes. • Bastekabobswithbutteroroilto keepm mooist. • Totalcookingtime8-12minutes. Contact Grill: • Grill Grill4-5minu 4-5minutestot testotal,turn al,turnonce once ortw or twic icet etob obro rown wnal alls lsur ura ace ces. s.

Tenderloin Tips

(thawinrerigerator) Pan Saute: • Cutth Cutthawed awedtende tenderloin rlointipsinto tipsinto  bite bi te-s -siz izep epie iece ces. s. • Saut Sauteinasmal einasmallamou lamountofbut ntofbutter ter oroi or oilo lonm nmed ediu iumh mhea eat t-m -min inutes. utes. • Serv Serveover eoverriceornoo riceornoodles dles.Useas .Useas meato mea torchi rchilio liorin rinaste astewre wrecip cipe. e. Contact Grill: • Gril Grill4-5minutes l4-5minutes(med (mediumrar iumrare) e) orun or unti tild ldes esir ired eddo done nene ness ss.. Grill: • Gr Grill1-3 ill1-3minute minutesoneach soneachsidefor sidefor medi me diumr umrar areor eorun until tildes desir ired eddoneness. doneness.

 B   e  e  f  

Brgers Omaha Steas Brgers, Gormet Brgers, Chopped  Stea & Private Reserve  Angs Brgers ®

(oz.)(5oz.)(6oz.)(oz.) Thawinrerigerator.Removeburgers romthepackagingwhilestillrozen.

Grill or Broil:

• Gril Grillorbroil lorbroilfor5-6min for5-6minutes utes (or5o ( or5oz.) z.),6,6-7min 7minute utes(6 s(6oz.) oz.), , or7or 7-m min inut utes es( (oz oz.) .)pe pers rsid ideo eorr untili unt ilinte nterna rnaltem ltemper peratu aturere rereads ads 60F.Overcookingcanresultin dryp prroduct.

Contact Grill:

• Gril Grillforatota lforatotalof5-6min lof5-6minutes utes (or ( or5o 5oz. z.)6 )6-7 -7mi minu nute tes( s(6o 6oz. z.) ) or7or 7-m min inut utes es( (oz oz.) .)or orun unti til l inte in tern rnal alte temp mp.r .rea each ches es6 600F.

Pan Fry:

• Preh Preheatasm eatasmallam allamountof ountof cookin coo kingoil goilinan inanons onstic tickpa kpanov nover er mediumh heeat. • Addbu Addburgers rgers,pansa ,pansautebur uteburgers gers  or6- or 6-min minute utes( s(or5o or5oz.) z.),7,7-  minu mi nute tes( s(6o 6oz. z.)o )or r-9 -9mi minu nute tes s (oz ( oz.) .)on onea each chsi side deor orun unti tilt lthe he  inter in ternal naltem temper peratu aturer rereac eache hes s6 60F. 0F.

Fr prfct tast brr bs, spra ct s f b wth a th layr f may. Plac  rll r r  brlr a tast t sr ss.


NEW! ultimate

Omaha Steas Brger  WinneroBackyardBurgerContest (makesburger) 6oz. O 6oz. Om mah aha aSSteak akssG GrroundB Beee  To oT Tast aste e Om Omaha ahaSt Steak eaksAl sAllN lNatu atural ral Seasoning   piec  pieces esThi Thick ckT Tex exas asT Toa oast st-S -Sty tyle leBrea Breadd ooz.  z.  S Sau aute teed edO Oni nion ons, s,c cho hopp pped ed ToT oTasteJal asteJalapeno apeno,chopped ,choppedand and sauteed (optional) slice sl icesOmah sOmahaSt aSteak eaksP sPrec recook ooked ed Bacon,  slice chopped sli s lice ceCh Ched edda dar rCh Chee eese se  Fried Egg   l leea  L Leettuce sli s lice ceT Tom omat atoo  ToT oTasteMay asteMayonnai onnaise se Prcr: • Preparesautee Preparesauteedonio donions. ns. • Mix Mixgroun groundbee dbeefwith fwiththejalapeno, thejalapeno, slice sl iceoch ochopp oppedb edbaco aconan nandhal dhal  thes th esau aute teed edo on nions. • Form ormmixt mixture ureinto intoapatty apatty.. • Season SeasonwithAllNatura withAllNaturalSeasonin lSeasoning. g. • Gr Grillburg illburgerunti eruntiltheint ltheinterna ernal l temper tem peratu aturer rereac eaches hes60 60°F °F.. • Whil Whileburge eburgersare rsarecookin cooking,spre g,spread ad thinlayero thinlaye ro ma mayyon onna nais ise eon ono oneside neside oT o Texa exas sT Toas oast. t. • Toaston oastonthegril thegrill,saute l,sautepanor panor onth on theb ebro roil iler er.. • Dur Duringthe ingthefinalmi finalminute nuteortwo ortwo ogrill ogr illing ing,top ,topbur burger gerwit withche hcheese ese, , remain rem aining ingoni onions ons,sl ,slice iceso sobac bacon on andt an dthe her rie iedde egg gg.. • Placethecoo Placethecooked kedburger burgeronto onto toast,topwith toast,topw ithlet lettuc tuce,t e,toma omatoa toand nd mayonnai aise se. .

Sothwestern Chipotle Brger 1 Omaha Steaks Burger 1 Whole Wheat Bun 2 Tbsp. Chipotle Mayonnaise 2 Tbsp. Pico De Gallo 1  /  / 4  Avocado, sliced To Taste Om Omah ahaa Steaks Stea ks Southwest     C ChhipotleS Seeasoning  • Pr PrepareChipotleMay epareChipotleMayonnaiseand onnaiseand PicoDe Pic oDeGal Gallo lo.Se .Seaso asonbu nburge rgerwi rwith th Southw Sou thwest estChip Chipotl otleSe eSeaso asonin ning. g. • Gr Grill,bro ill,broilorpan ilorpan-frybur -fryburgerunt geruntil il intern int ernalt altemp empera eratur turere ereach aches6 es60F 0F.. • Slic Slicebunan ebunandtoast dtoastongrill/ ongrill/broi broiler ler.. • Spr Spread1 ead1Tbsp Tbsp.ofChipo .ofChipotle tle Mayo Ma yonn nnai aise seon onea each chha hal lo obu bun. n. • Pla Placeco cecooke okedburg dburgeron eronbunan bunandtop dtop withPi wit hPicoD coDeGa eGallo lloand andavo avocad cado o slices sli ces.Pla .Placer cerema emaini iningb ngbuno unonto ntop. p.

Chipotle Mayonnaise: (servings) cup c upM May ayon onna nais isee Tb  Tbsp sp.G .Gar arli lic, c,ch chop oppe pedd Tb  Tbsp sp.Can .Canned nedChip Chipotl otleChi eChile le      iinA AddoboS Saauce, ,ppureed Tb  Tbsp sp.L .Lim imeJ eJui uice ce,s ,squ queez eezed ed tsp t sp. .K Kos oshe herS rSal altt • Comb Combineall ineallingre ingredien dientsandm tsandmix. ix. • Canbestore Canbestored1w d1wee eekinthefridge. kinthefridge.

Pc d gall: cup c ups s Rom oma aT Tom omat atoe oes, s,di dice cedd 1  /  / 2  c cuup WhiteO On nion,d diiced Tb  Tbsp sp. . Ci Cila lant ntro ro,c ,cho hopp pped edfn fnel ely  y  T  Tbs bspp. Jal alap apen eno, o,m min ince cedd T  Tbs bspp. Lim ime eJJui uice ce, ,r res eshh  tsp. Kosher Salt • Comb Combineallingr ineallingredien edientsandmix tsandmix..


Tip: Create a steakhouse presentation  with  wit h crosshatch crosshatch gr ill marks on top of the steak. Cook steak for half the required time time on on side side one, then the n rota rotate te steak 90˚and cook for the remaining  time on side one. Then flip steak over and repeat the crosshatching method.


Filet Mignons

Sear Roasted Filet Mignons

Bacon-Wrapped Filet Mignons

Thaw5oz.or6oz.OmahaSteaksFilet Mignonsovernightinthererigeratoror usethequickthawmethodoplacing steaksintheirvacuumpackagingina sinkwithcoldwateror0minutes.

(thawinrerigerator) Caution: contains metal skewer. Do not microwave. ReertotheSteak CookingChartontheinsidebackcover orthetiminginormation.Idesired, sidesearsteaksbyusingtongstohold cookedsteaksonsideoverheattocrisp bacon.Removeskewerpriortoserving.

Filet Mignon with Mshrooms (RecipebyJamesBeard) 6(6o 6( 6oz. z.) ) Fi File letM tMig igno nons ns,t ,tha hawe wedd Oil 1  /  / 2   ccup Scotch  3  /  / 4  lb lb. . Fr Freesh shm muushr hroooms ms, ,sslic iced ed T Tbbsp. Butter  tsp. Flour Saltandpepper,totaste   c cuup Heavyc crream,h heeated 6s sllices Frenchb brread 6T Tbbsp. Butter • Removef Removefile iletsf tsfro rompa mpacka ckage, ge,set setaside. aside. • Hea Heat3Tbs t3Tbsp.bu p.butter tterinlar inlargesau gesaute te pan, pa n,ov over erme medi dium umhe heat at.S .Sau aute teth the e mushroomsorabout-0minutes. • Add flour,blendwell.Addsalt& pepppert pe toot tas astte. • Stirinwarmedcream,reduceheat tok keeepw waarm. • Inase Inasepar parate atesaute sautepan, pan,heat heatsmal small l amounto amou ntoo oililon onme medi dium umhi highhe ghheat. at. • Sa Saute utefil filets etsfor for2 21  /  / 2 minutesperside orr o rrar are; e;- -mi minu nute tesp sper ersi side deo or r mediumr raare. • Mean Meanwhi while,in le,inasepa aseparate ratesaute sautepan, pan, heat he at6T 6Tbs bsp. p.bu butt tter erov over erme medi dium um highhea hig hheat.A t.Add ddbre breads adslic lices, es,tur turnin ning g ote o tenu nunt ntil illi ligh ghtl tlyg ygol olde denb nbro rown wn.. • Plac Placeonebre eonebreadslic adsliceoneac eoneach h ser ervvingp pllate. • Topeac opeachbre hbreadslic adslicewith ewithfilet. filet. • Add AddScotc Scotchtofil htofiletpa etpanjuic njuices,bo es,boil il or o r- -m min inut utes es. . • Addmushr Addmushroomsa oomsauceto ucetopanw panwith ith scotch sco tch.S .Spoo poono nove veri rilet letsan sandse dserve rve..

• Preh Preheatove eatovento450 nto450F. • Remo Removestea vesteaksfrom ksfromthevac thevacuum uum packa pac kagi ging ngan ands dseas eason on. . • Heat 1Tbsp.oliveoilovermedium heatinal heat inalarg argeov eovenp enproo roo sau sautepa tepan. n. • Wh When ent theoilishot,addiletstothe panand pan andsear searunt untiln ilnice icelyb lybrow rowned ned, , abou ab out tmi minu nute teso sone neac achs hsid ide. e. • Plac Placethesa ethesautepa utepanintoth nintotheoven eoven  andr an droa oast st-5m -5min inut utes eso orm rmed ediu ium m doneness. • Care Carefully fullyremov removetheho ethehotpanfro tpanfrom m theove the oven,u n,usin singahe gaheavy avydut dutyho yhotpa tpad. d.

 B   e  e  f  

Stea Diane (6oz. (6o z.) ) Fi File letM tMig igno nons ns,t ,tha hawe wedd 1  /  / 8  tsp. Salt 1  /  / 8  ts tsp. p.  Fr Fres eshl hlyg ygro roun und dpe pepp pper er Tb sp sp. . Bu Butt tter er t tssp. Dijon-stylem muustard Tb sp. sp. Sha Shallo llots, ts,min minced ced T Tbbsp. Butter T Tbbsp sp. . Lem emon onj juuic icee  1  /  / 2  tsp. Worc Worcester estershiresau shiresauce ce Tb sp. Fresh Freshchives, chives,minced minced  tsp. Brandy   Tb sp. Fresh Freshparsley, parsley,minced minced • Seasonb Seasonbothsi othsides desofstea ofsteak  k withsalt withsalt andp peepper. • Melt lt2 2 Tbsp.butterinaheavy skil sk ille let; t;ad addm dmus usta tard rdan ands dsha hall llot ots. s. • Saut Sauteoverm eovermedium ediumheat1min heat1minute. ute. • Ad Adds dste teak akssandcookapproximately minute min utesea seachs chsid ideo eorme rmedi dium umrar rare. e. • Removesteakstoservingplateand keepw waarm. • Addint Addintopan:dr opan:drippi ippings,1Tb ngs,1Tbsp. sp. butter,lemon butte r,lemonjuice juice,W ,Wor orch ches este ters rshir hire e sauuce sa cea and ndc chi hivves es. . • Coo Cookfo kfor2m r2minu inutes tes.. •Addbrandy,poursauceoversteaks. •Sprin kleparsleyoverthetop. Serves ..


Sirloin Steas Bacon-Wrapped Top Sirloins (thawinrerigerator) Caution: contains metal skewer. Don’t microwave. ReertotheSteakCookingCharton theinsidebackcoverorpage5or thetiming .Idesired,sidesearsteaks .Idesired,sidesearsteaks byusingtongstoholdthecooked steaksonsideoverheatsourcetocrisp bacon.Removeskewerpriortoserving.

Mediterranean Sirloin Mediterranean Sewers Grill:


• Preh Preheatgri eatgrilltohigh lltohigh. . • Remo Removeske veskewers wersfrompa frompackag ckage. e. • Gri Grillov llover erhigh-5minutesperside.


• Preheatbroiler,posi Preheatbroiler,positi tion onin ingto gtoprack prack -i inc nches hesr rom ombr broi oile ler. r. • Remo Removeske veskewers wersfrompa frompackag ckage. e. • Plac Placeonbroi eonbroilerpa lerpanontopov nontopoven en rack.B rac k.Bro roil il-5 -5min minute uteson soneac eachside. hside.

Parmesan Dijon Crsted  Strip L oin oin (0- ( 0-oz oz.)Om .)Omaha ahaStea SteaksS ksStri trip p Loin Steaks, thawed 1  /  / 4  c cuup DijonM Muustar ardd  ttsp. KosherS Saalt 1  /  / 2  tsp. tsp. Bl Blac ackP kPep epper per 1  /  / 2  cup cup Par Parmes mesanC anChee heese, se,grat grated ed ts  tsps ps. . It Ital alia ian nP Par arsl sley ey, ,ccho hopp pped ed • Coat Coatstrips stripswithDij withDijonmus onmustard tard.. • Sprin Sprinklebo klebothside thsidesofstea sofsteakswith kswith  salt sa ltan andb dbla lack ckpe pepp pper er.. • Sprin Sprinkleea kleeachside chsideofsteak ofsteakswith swith Tbsp.ogratedParmesancheese  (m (may aynee needto dtopatd patdown ownchee cheeseto seto make ma keit itst stic ickt ktom omus usta tard rd). ). • Sprin Sprinkle kleeachsi eachsideofst deofsteak eakswith swith1 1 tsp. ts p.oc ochop hopped pedItal Italian ianPars Parsley. ley. • Stea Steakscan kscanbegrill begrilled,br ed,broile oiledor dor pan-sa pan -saute uteedt edtode odesir siredd eddon onene eness. ss. Tp: Staks may b prpar  ay aha f tm a str  th rfrratr tl ray t ck.


Stea a Poivre (recipebyJamesBeard) (0 ( 0oz oz.) .) Bo Bone nele less ssSt Stri ripS pSir irlo loin ins, s,  thawed Tbsp. Crushed edo orrG Gro rouundP Peepper  tsp. Oil  cup Armagnac, Cognac or Bourbon, warmed • Abou About30min t30minutes utesbefor beforecoo ecooking, king, pressabout 1  /  / 2  Tbsp.persteako f  crushedp crush edpep epper perint intob oboth othste steaks akside ides, s, usingt thhe heeloyourhand. • Inhea Inheavyskil vyskillet, let,heatoi heatoilonhigh lonhighheat. heat. • Searste Searsteaksonbo aksonbothsides thsidesforabou forabout t mi  minu nute tese seac ach hsi side de.. • Red Reduce ucehea heat;co t;cookto oktodesi desired reddoneness. • Ca Care ref  f ullyaddliquortoskilletand ullyaddliquortoskilletand cook co oko or rmi minu nute telo long nger er.. • Remo Removestea vesteakstoahot kstoahotplate, plate,rinse rinse panwith pan withts tsp.o p.othe thesam sameliq eliquor uor andp an dpou ouro rove vers rste teak aks. s. Tp: Fr v ss thrht stak, try sar bth ss f thaw  stak  a ht v-prf skllt. Fsh staks  a prhat 300˚F v tl sr ss.

Sirloin Tips

(thawinrerigerator) Pan Saute: • Remo Removefro vefrompack mpackage, age,patdryan patdryand d idesi id esired red,cu ,cutin tintos tosma malle llerpi rpiece eces. s. • Preh Preheat1tea eat1teaspoo spoonoilinala noilinalarge rge nonstic nons ticks kski killllet eton onme medi dium umhi highhe ghheat at.. • Addti Addtipsandqu psandquickl icklysear ysearfor4-6 for4-6 minu mi nutes tesunt untilw ilwell ellbro brown wned ed,tu ,turn rnin ing g oncei on ceins nskil killet let.D .Dono onotcr tcrow owdm dmeat eat..

BeeF Cooking guide dss

Rare Medium Rare Medium Well *Ground Beef

itral Tmpratrs

120°F 130°F 140°F 160°F 160°F

- 130°F - 140°F - 150°F - 170°F

*The USDA recommends that ground beebecookedtoaninternaltempera ture ture of 160°F. Temperatures indicated are final for serving. Remove roasts from oven 5-10 degrees lower than these final temperatures to allow for the temperature rise in meat prior to serving.

Omaha Steaks Cooking Chart  This chart is also ound  ound on the inside back cover o the Cookbook or your convenience.  The cooking times below are in minutes and based on using usi ng ully  ully thawed steaks.

Gas or Red Hot Charcoal Grill – Preheat grill on high. Lightly oil or season steaks. Reer to cooking times below. Allow 3-5 minutes resting time beore serving steaks. Apply sauce or glaze i desired. Thickness




Rare 120˚- 130˚F

First Side Ater Turning

2 2

4 2

5 3

Medium Rare 130˚-140˚F

First Side Ater Turning

3 2

4 3

Medium 140˚-150˚F

First Side Ater Turning

4 2

Well Done 160˚-170˚F 160˚-170˚ F

First Side Ater Turning

5 3

1 "

1 "

1 3"


5 4

6 4

7 5

8 6

5 4

6 5

7 5

8 6

9 8

5 3

6 4

7 5

7 6

8 7

10 8

7 5

8 6

9 7

10 8

11 9

13 11

Prhat ov Brlr – place pan 2-3 inches away rom the broiler heat source. Thickness




Rare 120˚- 130˚F

First Side Ater Turning

4 3

5 4

6 5

Medium Rare 130˚-140˚F

First Side Ater Turning

5 4

6 5

Medium 140˚-150˚F

First Side Ater Turning

6 4

Well Done 160˚-170˚F 160˚-170˚ F

First Side Ater Turning

9 7

1 "

1 "

1 3"


7 5

7 6

8 7

10 8

7 6

8 6

8 7

9 7

11 9

7 5

8 6

8 7

9 7

9 8

12 10

10 8

11 9

12 10

13 11

14 12

15 13

Omaha Steaks test kitchen equipment may vary from yours in the amount of heat produced. Veriy degree o doneness by using your kitchen thermometer. Heatt a small amount o oil in large saute saute pan on med-high. med-high . Add steaks to pan To Pan Fry Steas: Hea and sear. Flip on the other side and lower heat to medium. Cook until desired doneness is reached.



Omaha Steaks Roast Cooking Chart  The cooking times below are or ully thawed roasts.

Sar a Slw Rast Mth  – Preheat the oven to 250˚F. Lightly oil and season roast. Sear roasts in an oven proo pan, with small amount o oil, or on the grill or 2-3 minutes on each side or until well browned. Place the roast on an elevated rack in a roasting pan. Reer to approximate cooking times below. Allow 15-20 minutes resting time beore slicing and serving. Weight

Rare 120°-130°F

Med Rare 130°-14 130°-140°F 0°F Medium 140°-150°F


Chateaubriand Roast

10 oz.

35-40 min

45-50 min

1 hr 5 min – 1 hr 10 min

1  hrs 1 hr 35 min

Chateaubriand Chateaubri and Roast

2 lb.

1-1 hr 5 min

1 hr 5 min – 1 hr 15 min

1 hr 15 min – 1 hr 25 min

1 hr 35 min – 1 hr 45 min

Chateaubriand Chateaubri and Roast

3 lb.

1-1 hr 10 min

1 hr 10 min – 1 hr 20 min

1 hr 20 min – 1 hr 30 min

1 hr 45 min – 1 hr 55 min

Chateaubriand Chateaubri and Roast

4 lb.

1 hr 10 min 1 hr 20 min

1 hr 20 min – 1 hr 30 min

1 hr 30 min 1 hr 40 min

1 hr 50 min 2 hrs

Rib Roast

2 lb.

1 hr 10 min – 1 hr 20 min

1 hr 20 min – 1 hr 30 min

1 hr 30 min 1 hr 40 min

1 hr 50 min 2 hrs

Rib Roast

4 lb.

2 hr 10 min – 2 hr 20 min

2 hr 25 min – 2 hr 35 min

2 hrs 45 min3 hrs

3 hrs 30 min4 hrs

Rib Roast, Bone-In

6 lb.

2 hrs 45 min 3 hrs

3 hrs 30 min– 4 hrs

4 hrs – 4 hrs 30 min

5 hrs – 5 hrs 30 min

 Tri-Tip  TriTip Sirloin Roast Roast

1.5 lb.

40-45 min

55-60 min

1 hr 15 min

1 hr 35 min 1 hr 45 min

 Top  T op Sirloin Roast neW!

2 lb.

1 hr 10 min – 1 hr 20 min

1 hr 20 min – 1 hr 30 min

1 hr 30 min 1 hr 40 min

1 hr 50 min 2 hrs

Qc Rast Mth* Preheat oven to 400˚F. Lightly oil and season roast. Place on an elevated rack in a roasting pan. Roast uncovered, using times below. Allow 20-40 minutes resting time beore slicing. Weight

Rare 120°-130°F

Med Rare 130°-14 130°-140°F 0°F Medium 140°-150°F


Chateaubriand Roast

10 oz.

22-24 min

28-30 min

32-35 min

45-50 min

Chateaubriand Chateaubri and Roast

2 lb.

30-35 min

35-40 min

40-45 min

1 hr – 1 hr 15 min

Chateaubriand Chateaubri and Roast

3 lb.

45-50 min

55-60 min

1 hr 5 min – 1 hr 10 min

1 hr 15 min 1 hr 30 min

Chateaubriand Chateaubri and Roast

4 lb.

50-55 min

1 hr -

1 hr 10 min 1 hr 15 min

1 hr 30 min 1 hr 45 min

Rib Roast

2 lb.

50-55 min

1 hr 5 min

1 hr 10 min 1 hr 15 min

1 hr 30 min 1 hr 45 min

Rib Roast

4 lb.

1 hr 20 min –

1 hr -

1 hr 45 min 2 hrs

2 hrs 15 min2 hrs 30 min

Rib Roast, Bone-In

6 lb.

1 hr 30 min

1 hr 5 min

2 hrs 30 min 2 hrs 45 min

3 hrs – 3 hrs 15 min

Rib Roast

8 lb.

2 hrs 2 hrs 15 min

1 hr 30 min 1 hr 40 min

2 hrs 45 min 3 hrs

3 hrs 30 min – 3 hrs 45 min

 Tri-Tip  TriTip Sirloin Roast

1.5 lb.

30-35 min

35-40 min

45-50 min

1 hr 1 hr 15 min

 To  T op Sirloin Roast Roast neW!

2 lb.

50-60 min

1 hr 1 hr 10 min

1 hr 10 min 1 hr 20 min

1 hr 30 min 1 hr 40 min

*Veriy degrees o doneness by using a kitchen thermometer. Above times are approximate.


Steak & Chop Cooking Chart  The cooking times below are in minutes and based on fully thawed steaks or chops. chop s. gas grill – Preheat grill to high, reduce to medium heat prior to cooking. Charcoal grill – Sear over red hot coals, finish over indirect heat. Thickness


1 "

1 "

1 3"

Rare 120˚- 130˚F

First Side After Turning

Medium Rare 130˚-140˚F


2 "

2 "

6 3-4

6 4-5

7 5-6

9 6-7

11 7-8

13 8-9

14 10-12

First Side After Turning

6 4-5

7 5-6

8 6-7

11 8-9

13 9-10

14 10-12

16 12-14

Medium 140˚-150˚F

First Side After Turning

7 5-6

8 6-7

9 7-8

12 9-10

14 11-12

16 12-14

17 14-16

Well Done 160˚-170˚F

First Side After Turning

9 7-8

10 8-9

12 9-11

14 12-14

18 14-16

19 16-18

20 21-23

Sar Rast – Preheat oven to 300˚F. Heat small amount o oil in a large ovenproo pan over high heat. Sear or 2-3 minutes on the irst side or until well browned. Flip meat; place in preheated oven. Thickness


1 "

1 "

1 3"

Rare 120˚- 130˚F

First Side After Turning

Medium Rare 130˚-140˚F


2 "

2 "

6 3-4

6 4-5

7 5-6

9 6-7

11 7-8

13 8-9

14 10-12

First Side After Turning

6 4-5

7 5-6

8 6-7

11 8-9

13 9-10

14 10-12

16 12-14

Medium 140˚-150˚F

First Side After Turning

7 5-6

8 6-7

9 7-8

12 9-10

14 11-12

16 12-14

17 14-16

Well Done 160˚-170˚F

First Side After Turning

9 7-8

10 8-9

12 9-11

14 12-14

18 14-16

19 16-18

20 21-23

Omaha Steaks test kitchen equipment may vary from yours in the amount of heat produced. Verify degree of doneness by using a kitchen thermometer.

Prvat Rsrv Sar Rast 

Prvat Rsrv grll 

• Preheat oven to 300˚F. Heat a small amount o oil in a large ovenproo pan on high heat. • If desired, lightly oil and and season* meat prior to cooking. • Carefully place meat meat in pan and sear or 2-3 minutes on irst side or until well browned. Flip meat and place pan on lower oven rack. • For roasts, roasts, sear all sides, then place place on rack in roasting pan. Use caution when removing pan rom oven. Handle will be very hot; use oven mitts. • Test doneness doneness of meat meat by using a kitchen thermometer. Serve on a warmed dish. • Apply finishin finishing g sauce or butter, if desired.

• Preheat grill on high, then reduce heat to medium. Lightly oil and season meat prior to cooking or grilling.* • Keep a spray bottle of water handy to tame any unexpected lare-ups. Highly marbled meats are subject to lare ups. • Test doneness doneness of meat meat by using a kitchen ermometer or reer to the cooking thermometer th guide on page 14 14 or bee. • Allow to rest 3-5 minutes for steaks & chops and 15-20 minutes or roasts. This lets the juices low back rom the center o the meat to the exterior, resulting in a moister, juicier cut o meat. During this resting period, the internal temperature will increase a ew degrees, so take into account or doneness. • Apply finishing sauce or butter, if desired. desired.

* If desired, we recommend using Omaha Steaks Private Reserve American Steak Rub.


Seafood  World Port Seafood®  World Seafo od® - An Omaha Oma ha Steaks Company   Weeaturethemostexceptionalselectionoseaoodound  Weeaturethemost exceptionalselectionoseaoodoundanywhere–seaood anywhere–seaood thatdeservesitsowndesignationand allbackedbyour00%satisactionguarantee.

Bacon-Wrapped Scallops Caution:Productcontainsawooden

toothpick.Removetoothpicksprior toconsuming. FROM THAWED: Stovetop: • Thawsca Thawscallopsby llopsby placi placingthefilm ngthefilm cove co vere red dtr tray ayin insi sin nk ille illedwithcold water oora bout0-5minutesor over ov ernig night htin inth ther ere eri rige gera rato tor. r. • Prehe Preheat1tsp.of at1tsp.ofcookin cookingoilin goilin alar al arge geno nons nsti tick cksa saut utep epan anon on medi me diuum mhhig igh. h. • Re Remo moves vesca  ca llllopsrompackage. ddthawedscallopstopan. • A dd • Cook Cookfor3-4min for3-4minutes. utes. • Caref Carefullyfli ullyflipthescal pthescallopsov lopsover er andc an dcoo ook kor orm min inut utes es.. FROM FROZEN: Bake:  • Preheatovento400˚F Preheatovento400˚F. . • Remo Removeplast veplasticfilmfro icfilmfromtray mtray andplacesca andplac escallllop opso sonb nbak akin ings gsheet. heet. • Placeo Placeonthecent nthecenteroven erovenrack. rack. Bake Ba keo or r- mi minu nute tes. s.

NEW! Blacened Shrimp (donotthaw)

Stove Top:

• Pr Prehea eheatcastiro tcastironskille nskilletonhigh. tonhigh. • Addfr Addfrozen ozenshrimpan shrimpandcookfo dcookfor r minut min utes eson onth the eirs irstsi tside deth then en-  minute min uteson sonsec second ondside sideoru oruntil ntil side si dest stur urno nopa paqu que. e.


• Pr Prehea eheatperfo tperforate ratedgril dgrillpano lpanonhigh nhigh.. • Spr Sprayorwip ayorwipewithsma ewithsmallamou llamount nt ooi o oilt ltop opre reve vent ntst stic icki king ng. . • Addfr Addfrozen ozenshrimp shrimptopanan topanandcook dcook  orapproxi orapp roximate matelymi lyminu nute teso sone neach ach sideoru side orunti ntilsid lsidest esturn urnopa opaque que..



Btterflied Trot Fillets (donotthaw)


• Placefr Placefrozen ozenfilletson filletsonabroiler abroilerpan, pan, skin sk ins sid ide edo down wn.. • Brush Brushlightly lightlywithmelt withmeltedbutte edbutter. r. • Broil Broilfor9-10min for9-10minutesun utesuntilfillet tilfillets s lake la keea easil silyu yusi sing nga aor ork. k.


• Place Placetwotrou twotroutllets tlletsinmicro inmicrowave wave saedish.Co saedish .Cover verwit withpl hplast asticw icwrap rap, , vent ve ntin ing gon one eco corn rner er. . • Defr Defrostfor ostfor3minutes 3minutes. . • Coo Cookon konhig highfo hfor2 r2 1  /  / 2  -minutes.

Caribbean Crsted Mahi Mahi (do not thaw)


• Preheatovento450˚F Preheatovento450˚F.. • Remo Removemahi vemahimahifrom mahifrompackag packaging ing andpla and placeo ceona naoil oillin linedb edbaki aking ngsheet. sheet. • Bake22 Bake22-25minu -25minutesoncen tesoncenterrack terrack o oven.

Cocont Shrimp (do not thaw)


• Prehe Preheatoven atovento400˚F to400˚F. . • Placede Placedesirednu sirednumberofsh mberofshrimpon rimpon  oillin oi llinedb edbaki akings ngshee heet.B t.Bake akeor or appr ap prox oxim imat atel ely y-6 6mi minu nute tes. s.

Gormet Crab Caes (thaw in refrigerator)


• He Heat at11-2 2Tbsp.obutteroroilin a medium sautepanovermedium heat. low lo wt toom med ediu ium mheat. • Caref Carefullyre ullyremovecra movecrabcakesfr bcakesfrom om packag pac kaging ingand andpla placein ceinthe thepan pan.. or- 1  /  / 2  minutesperside • Sautef or- orun or until tilgo gold lden enbr brow own. n.

NEW! Chilean Sea Bass (thawinrerigerator) Sear Roast: • Preheatovenat00°F. • Pr Preheat eheatanove anoven-pro n-proofskille ofskilletwith twith asmall asm allamo amount untoc ocook ooking ingoil oil. . • Care Carefullypl fullyplaceSe aceSeaBass aBassinhotpan. inhotpan. • Cook Cookfor6minut for6minutesonfirst esonfirstside. side. • Care Carefullytu fullyturnov rnoverfishthe erfishthenplace nplace skille ski lletin tintop topre rehea heated tedov oven. en.Co Cook okor or 0m 0 min inut utes esin ino ove ven. n. Pan Saute: • Preheatskilletwithsmallamounto cook co okin ingo goil ilin inpa pano nonh nhig igh. h. • Place PlaceSeaB SeaBassinpan assinpanandcoo andcookfor kfor 6-7m 67min inut utes esth then entu turn rno ove vera rand nd  contin continuecoo uecookingo kingor5-6minu r5-6minutes. tes. Broil: • Preheatbroilerandpositiontop rackso rac ksotha thatthe ttheish ishwill willend endup up 2-3" 23"fr from omth thee eele leme ment nt. . • Brus BrushSeaB hSeaBasswith asswithmeltedbu meltedbutter tter or rooli livveo oil il. . • Bro Broil7-8min il7-8minuteson utesoneachside eachsideor or until un tilop opaq aque ueth thro roug ugho hout ut.. Grill: • Pr Preheat eheatgrillonhi grillonhigh. gh. • Rem Remove ovefilletsfr filletsfrompack ompackaging agingand and sprayw spr aywithn ithnons onstick tickcoo cookin kingoi goil. l. educeheattomedium. • R educeheattomedium. • Gr Grillfille illfillets,co ts,covere vered,7-8mi d,7-8minutes nutes  perside per sidetak taking ingcar carewh ewhen enlip lippin ping g andre and remo movin vingr grom omgri grill,duet ll,duetoth othe e rag r agile ilena natu ture reo oSe SeaB aBas ass. s. M

NEW! Fire Roasted 

Salmon Fillets (do not thaw)

Mcrwav: • Placeonerozenilletonamicrowave saepl sa eplate ate,gl ,glaze azesid sideup eup.Co .Cover verwi with th plas pl astic ticwra wrap,v p,vent enting ingone onecor corner ner.. • Microwaveonhighheator½to m miinutes. • Letrestminutebeorecareully removi rem ovingp ngplas lastic ticand andser servin ving. g. ov: • Preheatovento00°F. • Placesalmonilletsglazesideupon aba a bakking ingshe sheetli etlined nedwit witho hoilo ilor r parc pa rchm hmen ent tpa pape per. r. • Bakeor-minutes.

 Jmbo Shrimp

(ullycooked) uick Thaw:  uick • Remo Removeshrim veshrimpfrombag pfrombagandthaw andthaw inalar ina largeb gebowl owloc ocold oldwat water eror or appr ap prox oxim imat atel ely y00-0 0mi minu nute tes. s. • Rinse Rinsewellanddr wellanddrain. ain. Overnight Thawing: • Place Placeshrimpinst shrimpinstrainer rainer,withpla ,withplate te  und undern erneat eathth hthest estrai rainer ner.. • Thawin Thawinrefrige refrigerator ratorovernig overnight. ht. • Rinse Rinsewellanddr wellanddrain. ain. Rerig Re rigera eratei teinot notusin usingim gimmed mediat iately ely.. Servew Ser vewith ithcoc cockta ktailsa ilsauce uce,id ,idesi esired red.. Usew Us ewit ithi hin nh hou ours rso oth thaw awing ing.. M

king Crab Legs (ullycooked)

Toservecold,thawinrerigeratoror approximately6-hoursorremove rompackagingandplacecrablegs directlyinasink filledwithcoldwater or0minutes.Drainandserve.

 S   e  a  f    o  o  d 

FROM FROZEN: Stovetop:

• Place Placefrozen frozencrablegs crablegsinsteame insteameror ror inapot ina potob oboil oiling ingwat water. er.Cov Covera erand nd heato hea torap rappro proxim ximate ately5 ly5min minute utes. s. • Dra Draina inands ndserv erve. e.


• Place Place6crableg 6crablegsinamicro sinamicrowave wavesafe safe dish di sh,c ,cov over erwi with thpl plas asti ticw cwra rap. p. • Defro Defrostfor10min stfor10minutes. utes. • Micro Microwaveon waveonhighfor highfor2minutes 2minutes.. Serve 1  /  / 2  to3  /  / 4  lb.perperson. Tp: Srv chll crab ls wth frsh lm & omaha Staks Ccktal Sac. Srv ht crab ls wth omah ahaa Stak St akss Lm Parsly Bttr Sac.



Lemon Dill Salmon, Marinated Salmon, Classic Salmon, Wild Salmon and  Hicory Salmon Fillets


• Prehe Preheatoven atovento400˚F to400˚F.. • Remove Removesalmonfrompack salmonfrompackagingand agingand placeo pla ceonao naoilli illined nedbak baking ingshe sheeto eton n cent ce nter erra rack cko o ov oven en.. • Bake22 Bake22-24minu -24minutes. tes.


• Remo Removefrompacka vefrompackagingandplace gingandplace roz r ozen enil ille letsi tsina namic micro rowa wave vesa sae e dish. dis h.Co Cove verw rwith ithpl plast asticw icwrap rap,, vent ve ntin ingo gone neco corn rner er.. • Cookonhigh Cookonhigh5-6minutes,turn 5-6minutes,turning ing over ov erha halw lway ayth thro roug ughco hcook oking ing.. • Letre Letrest1-2mi st1-2minutes nutesbefor beforerem eremovi oving ng romt ro mthe hemic micro rowa wave vean andse dservin rving. g.


• Pre Prehea heatov tovent ento40 o400˚F 0˚F.. • Remo Removesa vesalmon lmonfromp frompacka ackaging gingand and placeo pla ceona naoil oillin linedb edbaki akings ngshee heeton ton cent ce nter err rac ack ko oo ovven en.. • Bak Bake10e10-12mi 12minut nutes. es.


• Pre rehe heat atgrillon grillonhigh. high. • Rem Remov ovefro efrompack mpackagin agingandplac gandplace e ongr on grill ill.R .Red educ uceh ehea eatto ttome mediu dium. m. • Gr Grillfo illfor3-4 r3-4minu minutesp tespersi erside. de.


• Remo Removefr vefrompa ompacka ckaging gingandpl andplace ace flle f lletsi tsina nami micro crowa wave vesa saed edish ish.. Cove Co verw rwith ithpl plast asticw icwrap rap,v ,ven entin ting g onec coorner. • Coo Cookonh konhigh igh3-4mi 3-4minut nutes,t es,turn urning ing overh ov erhal alwa wayth ythro roug ughc hcoo ookin king. g. • Letres Letrest1-2minu t1-2minutesbefo tesbeforeserv reserving. ing. M

Lemon Peppered Catfish

(do not thaw) • Pre Prehea heatov tovent ento40 o400˚F 0˚F. . • Place Placefilletson filletsonfoilline foillinedorgrea dorgreased sed raised edgeuncoveredbakingpan. • Bake Bakeapprox approximatel imately25-30 y25-30minute minutes. s.



• Placeonefille Placeonefilletinmicrow tinmicrowavesafe avesafe dish.C dis h.Cove overdi rdishw shwith ithpla plasti stic,v c,vent enting ing one corner. • Cookonmedium Cookonmedium/hig /high6-7min h6-7minutes utes.. For Fo ri illllet ets, s,co cook ok00-m minu inutes tes..



Tillapia  Lemon Peppered Ti


• Pre Prehea heatov tovent ento40 o400˚F 0˚F.. • Rem Remove ovefroz frozenti entilapi lapiafro afrompackaging. mpackaging. • Placeonabakingsheet. • Bake Bakeintheoven intheovenfor25-30 for25-30minutes minutes..


• Placefrozen Placefrozentilapia tilapia,withpac ,withpackagin kaging g inta in tact ct,o ,onm nmic icro rowa wave vesa sae edi dish sh.. • Defr Defrostfo ostfor7-8min r7-8minutes utes,flipha ,fliphalfway lfway  thro th rouugh ghc coo ooki king ng. . • Rem Removef ovefrom rompack packagin agingand gandplac place e onmicrowavesaedish.Coverwith plasticwrap;ventingonecorner. • Coo Cookonh konhighfo ighfor2-3 r2-3minu minutes. tes. Tila Ti lapi pias asho houl uldt dthe henb nbew ewhi hite teon onth the e outsi ou tside deand andop opaq aque ueon onthe thein insid side. e.

FROM THAWED: Thawinrerigerator. Bake:

• Pre Prehea heatov tovent ento40 o400˚F 0˚F. . • Remo Removethaw vethawedtilap edtilapiafrom iafromthe the packag pac kaging ing.Pl .Place aceona onabak baking ingshe sheet. et. • Bakeor1-6minutes.


• Removetilap Removetilapiafrompa iafrompackagi ckaging. ng. • Place Placeonamicro onamicrowavesa wavesafedish. fedish. Cove Co verw rwit ithp hpla last stic icwr wrap ap;v ;ven entin ting g onec coorner. • Coo Cookonhigh konhighfor2-3min for2-3minutes. utes. M

Lobster Tails (ColdWater|WarmWater)

FROM FROZEN: Do not thaw. Stovetop:

• Bring2quarts Bring2quartsofwaterto ofwatertoboilin boilin al lar argge esa sauuce cepa pan. n. • Remo Removeplast veplasticwrapfro icwrapfromfroze mfrozen n tail ta ilsa sand ndpl plac acei einb nboi oili ling ngwa wate ter. r. • Retu Returntoboil rntoboiling,re ing,reducehe duceheatto atto asim as imme mera rand ndco cook okta tails ils- -5 5 minu mi nute tesu sunt ntil ilco colo lori riso sopa paqu que. e. • Dr Drai aint ntai ails ls. . • Toserv Toserveinsh einshell ell,rem ,remove oveund unders erside ide memb me mbra rane neby bycu cutt ttin inga galo long ngea each ch side si de,p ,pul ullt ltor orem emov ovem emem embr bran ane. e. • Toremo Toremovefrom vefromshell,cu shell,cutaway taway unde un ders rsid idem emem embr bran anea eand ndin inse sert rt ing i nger ersb sbet etwe ween ensh shel ella land ndme meat atat at  heav he avye yend ndan andw dwor orkm kmea eatl tloo oose se rom r omth thes eshe hell ll.S .Ser erve vewi with thme melt lted ed butt bu tter eri i de desi sire red. d. nxt pa fr mr prparat...

Lobster Tails Tails - Microwave:

• Removeplast Removeplasticandpla icandplaceina ceina micr mi crow owav aves esa aed edish ish.C .Cov over erdi dish sh  withpl wit hplast asticw icwrap rap,ven ,ventin tingon goneco ecorne rnerr. • Plac Placeinmic einmicrow rowavean aveandDEF dDEFR ROST or9 o r9mi minu nutes tes,l ,lip ippin pingh ghal alw way ay through thawingtime. • Flip Fliptails, tails,coveran coverandventon dventonecorne ecorner. r. • Coo Cookon konmed medium iumfor for6-7min 6-7minute utes. s. Letsta Let stand ndone onemin minute ute.Re .Remo move verom rom microw mic rowave aveand andpr prepa epare reors orserv erving ing.. • Tose Toservein rveinshel shell,rem l,removeth ovetheunde eundersid rside e membra mem braneby nebycutt cuttin ingal galon ongea geach chsi side de otail ot ail,pu ,pullt lltore oremo move. ve.Tore Toremo move verom rom shel sh ell,l,cu cuta taw way ayun unde ders rsidem idememb embrane rane andin an dinser serti ting ngers ersbet betwe ween enshe shella lland nd meat me atat athea heavy vyen enda dand ndwo work rkthem themeat eat loos lo ose er rom omt the hes she hell ll. .


• Pre Prehea heatov tovent ento o50F. • Remo Removetail vetailfrom fromplast plasticand icandwrap wrap eachta eac htailt iltigh ightly tlyinh inheav eavy-d y-duty uty alumin alu minum umoi oilbe lbeo ore rebak bakin ing. g. • Plac Placeonbak eonbakingshe ingsheetinove etinovenon non center cen terrac rack. k.Bak Bake e0to 0to5 5min minut utes. es. • Remo Removefro vefromove movenandpr nandprepar epareas eas abov ab ove eor ors ser ervvin ing. g.

FROM THA T HAWED: WED: Taw in refrigerator. Broil:

• Preh Preheatbr eatbroile oilerandpo randpositi sitiontop ontop rack rac k-in -inch ches esrom rombr broil oiler. er. • Usin Usingscis gscissors sors,cutth ,cutthememb emembrane rane cover co verin ingth gtheun eunde dersi rsidea deand ndrem remov ove. e. • Cutth Cutthemeat emeatandthesh andtheshellof ellofeach each tailin tai linhal halle leng ngthw thwise isewi witha thasha sharp rp heavy hea vykn knie ieort ortobu obutte tterl rly,c y,cut uttai tails ls down do wnthr throu oughm ghmid iddl dleo eohar hards dshel hell l witha as shharp k nie.Cutthroughlesh nie.Cutthroughlesh butno bu tnotu tund nders ersid ideme ememb mbra rane ne.H .Hold old tailin tai linbo bothh thhan ands dsan andop dopen enla lat, t, butter but terlysty lystyle.Br le.Brush ushwith withbutt buttero eroil. il. •Placelobstertailsonbroilingpan, shellsidedown.Placeunderbroiler; broilor6-7minutesuntilopaque.


• Preh Preheatgr eatgrillto illtomediu medium. m. • But Butterf terflytail lytailsbycut sbycutting tingdown down throu thr oughm ghmid iddl dleo eothe thehar hards dshel helll length len gthwi wise sewi witha thasha sharpk rpkni nie. e.Cu Cut t throu thr ough ghles leshbu hbutno tnotun tunder dersid side e memb me mbran rane.H e.Hol oldta dtaila ilandop ndopenla enlat. t. • Bru Brushlig shlightly htlywithme withmelted ltedbutte butter. r. • Plac Placefles efleshsidedo hsidedownongr wnongrillan illand d cook co oko or7r7-9m 9min inut utes, es,li lippi pping ngwh when en necess nec essary aryi ilar lareup eupsoc soccu cur. r.

Mediterranean Crsted  Salmon Fillets Bake:


• Preh Preheatov eatovento ento00F. • Placethesalmo Placethesalmonfill nfillets etson onfo foillined illined

bakingg she bakin sheetl etleav eaving ingab abou outt-in inche ches s betwee bet weenea neachp chport ortion ionos osalm almon. on. • Bake Bakefor25-28 for25-28minute minutes. s.

Oven Fried Shrimp (donotthaw) • Prehe Preheatoven atovento to50F. • Place Placethedesir thedesirednumb ednumberofshri erofshrimp mp ono on oil illi line nedb dbak akin ings gshe heet et. . • Bake Bakefor14-16 for14-16minute minutes. s.


Parmesan Crsted Trot  (donotthaw) • Prehe Preheatoven atovento400 to400˚F ˚F. • Remo Removetrou vetroutfrompac tfrompackagin kagingand gand plac pl aceo eona nao oil illi line nedb dbak akin ings gsheet; leave-inchesbetweenpieces. • Bake Bakeforabou forabout16-18mi t16-18minutes nutes. .


 S   e  a  f    o  o  d 

Premim Norwegian Lox  haw in the refrigerator and serve.

Pb-Style Cod Fillets (donotthaw) • Prehe Preheatoven atovento425˚F to425˚F. . • Place Placecodporti codportionsinasin onsinasinglelay glelayer er ona on aoi oill llin ined edba baki king ngsh shee eet. t. • Bake Bakefor18for18-20minut 20minutes. es. • Turnhalwaythroughcookingtime orcris or crisper perpub pub-st -style ylecod codill illets ets..


Pb-Style Cod Sandwich (makessandwich) 1  5 5""C CrrustyI IttalianB BrreadR Rooll Tbsp. Tb sp.Le Lemon monDi DillllT Tart artarS arSauc auce e Piece Pi ecesP sPub ub-S -Styl tyleC eCod od,C ,Coo ooke kedd  Lemon Wedge  Romaine Lea  Slic S licesBe esBeeS eStea teak kT Toma omatoe toess Eac E achP hPic ickl kleS eSlilice cess • Toastbreadandspreadbothsideswith Lemo Le monD nDill illTa Tart rtar arSa Sauc uce. e. •Placecookedpiecesocodonthebread andtopwithlettuce andtopwithlet tuce,,t tooma mato toa and ndpickle. pickle. •Squeezethelemonontopandtop with wi thr rem emai aini ning ngb bun un..



NEW! Salmon Mignon

FRoM FRoZen: Bak: • Prehe Preheatoven atovento400°F to400°F. . • Remo Removesalmo vesalmonfrompa nfrompackagi ckaging ng andpla and placeo ceonao naoilli illined nedbak baking ing shee sh eeto tonc ncen ente terr rrac acko koo ove ven. n. • Bakefo Bakefor22-24mi r22-24minutes nutes.. grll: • Prehe Preheatgrillo atgrillonhigh. nhigh. • Redu Reduceheatto ceheattomedium mediumthen then remov rem ovesa esalmo lmonr nrom ompac packa kagin ginga gand nd grilli gri llille llets, ts,cov covere ered,6 d,6-7m -7minu inutes tes per side. Mcrwav: • Remo Remove2piece ve2piecesofsalmo sofsalmonfrom nfrom packag pac kaging ingand andpla placeo ceonam namicr icrow owave ave sae plate. • Cove Coverwithplas rwithplasticwrap ticwrap,ventin ,venting g onec coorner. • Heato Heatonhighfor nhighfor5-6minu 5-6minutes tes turnin tur ningo gover veron onceh cehal alway waythr throu ough gh coooki co king ngt tim ime. e. • Letrest Letrestfor1-2min for1-2minutesbe utesbefore fore unco un cove veri ring ngan ands dser ervin ving. g. FRoM THAWed: Thawinrerigerator. Bak: • Prehe Preheatoven atovento400°F to400°F. . • Removesalmon Removesalmonfro frompa mpacka ckagingand gingand placeon place ona ao oililli lined nedbaking bakingsheeton sheeton cent ce nter erra rack cko o ov oven en. . • Bakefo Bakefor12-13 r12-13minutes minutes.. grll: • Prehe Preheatgrillo atgrillonhigh. nhigh.  • Redu Reduceheatto ceheattomedium mediumthen then remove rem ovesal salmon monro rompa mpacka ckagin ging g andgri and grilli llille llets, ts,cov covere ered, d,- - minu mi nute tesp sper ersi side de.. Mcrwav: • Remo Remove2piece ve2piecesofsalmo sofsalmonfrom nfrom packaging packa gingan andp dpla lace ceon ona ami micr crowav owave e saep pllate. • Cove Coverwithplas rwithplasticwrap ticwrap,ventin ,venting g onec coorner. • Heato Heatonhighfor nhighfor3-4minu 3-4minutes tes turnin turn ingo gove vero ronc nceh ehal alw waythro aythrough ugh cookin coo king.L g.Letr etrest estor or- -min minute utes s beore be oreunc uncove overin ringan gandser dservin ving. g. Tip: Serve as a Salmon Burger. Top a toasted bun with lettuce, tomato, onion and tartar sauce.


Shrimp Caes (thawinrerigerator) Stovetop: • Mel Melt1 t1 1  /  / 2  Tbsp.butterinmedium nonsti non sticks ckskil killet leton onmed mediu iumm-low lowto to med ediiumh hea eatt. • Usin Usingaspat gaspatula,ca ula,carefu refullypl llyplace ace desire des iredn dnum umbe bero rocak cakesi esint nthe he melt me lted edb but utte ter. r. • Sau Sautef tefor ora  a pp pproximatelyminutes pers siide. Thesecakeshaveadelicate textur tex ture,s e,soth otheyw eywill illtak takeso esome mecar care e inhan inh andl dling ing.Se .Serv rvee-pe perpe rperso rson. n.

Snow Crab Claws (ullycooked) inrerigeratororapproximately Thaw inrerigeratororapproximately hours.Serve with cocktailsauceor useasastarteroryouravoriteseaood salad.Toservewarmasanentree,baste  withs  wi thsea eason soned edbutterandthengrillover mediumheatorovenbroilonlyenough toheat.Topanry,sauteinbutter,cook onlyenoughtoheat.

Sole Almondine (donotthaw) • Prehe Preheatoven atovento450˚F to450˚F. . • Placede Placedesirednu sirednumberof mberofportion portionsin sin apanwi apa nwitht ththea healmo lmonds ndside ideupa upand nd bake,u bak e,unco ncover veredo edorap rappro proxim ximate ately ly 5min 5m inut utes esor orun unti tilt lthec hecent entero ero  ill i llet ets sl lak ake eea easi sily ly..



Stffed Sole with Scallops & Crabmeat and Stffed Sole  with Shrimp & Garlic



• Prehe Preheatoven atovento375˚F to375˚F. . • Remo Removepackagin vepackagingandplacedesired gandplacedesired numb nu mber ero opo port rtio ions nsin inab abak akin ing g dish.Ad dish .Addap dappro prox. x.Tbs Tbsp.o p.owa water ter inbotto inbo ttomo mopan pantop toprev revent entany any spla sp latt tter erin inga gand ndbu burn rnin ing. g. • Bake, Bake,unco uncovered vered,forapp ,forapproxim roximately ately  0- 0 -0mi 0minu nute tes. s.


• Remo Removepackagi vepackagingandplacetwo ngandplacetwo rozen ro zenpor portio tionsin nsinanap anappro propri priate atedish. dish. • Add2Tb Add2Tbsp.o sp.ofwate fwatertodis rtodish.Co h.Cover ver with wi thpl plas asti ticw cwrap rap,ve ,venti ntingo ngonec necorner. orner. • Cook Cookonhig onhighforabout5 hforabout51  /  /2  minutes.

Tortilla Crsted Tilapia  (donotthaw) • Prehe Preheatoven atovento400˚F to400˚F. . • Pla lace cetilapiaonfoillined tilapiaonfoillinedbaking baking sheetleavi shee tleaving- ng-inche inches sin in be betwee tween n each ea chp poort rtio ion. n. • Bake Bakefor22-25 for22-25minute minutes. s.


NEW!  Wil  Wild d Salmon Salmon Caes Caes FROM FROZEN: Donotthaw. Stv Tp: • Heatsmallamountooilinasaute pano pa nove verm rmed ediu iumh mhea eat. t. • Careullyremovesalmoncakesrom packa pac kagin gingan gandpl dplac acein einthe thepan pan.. • Sauteorapproximately0- minu mi nute tesco scove vered red,tu ,turn rnin ingov govere erever very y -m min inuutes es.. Brl: • Preheatthebroilerandpositiontop racks rac ksoth othats atsalm almon oncak cakesw eswill illen endu dup p 2-3" 23"f fro rom mel elem emen ent. t. • Placesalmoncakesonalightlyoiled oil o illi line nedb dbak akin ings gshe heet et.. • Broilsalmoncakesor5minutes. Thaw strcts  xt clm.

Salmon Cakes - FROM THAWED: Thawinrerigerator. Stv Tp: • Heatsmallamountooilinasaute pano pa nove verh rhig ighh hhea eat. t. • Careullyremovesalmoncakesrom packa pac kagin gingan gandp dplac lacein einthe thepan pan.. • Sauteorabout1  /  / 2  -minuteson eachsi eac hsideo deorun runtil tilgo gold lden enbro brown wn.. Brl: • Preheatthebroilerandpositiontop racks rac ksoth othats atsalm almon oncak cakesw eswill illend endup up 2-3" 23"f fro rom mel elem emen ent. t. • Placesalmoncakesonalightlyoiled oil o illi line nedb dbak akin ings gshe heet et.. • Broilsalmoncakesor0minutes.


Recommended internal temperature for seafood is 145˚F - 150˚F.

 S   e  a  f    o  o  d 

 Keepseaoodr Keepse aoodrozenuntil ozenuntilused used. .Use Use thequickthawmethodonpage5 orthawseaoodunderrerigeration immediatelybeoreuse.

Omaha Steaks Fish Cooking Chart Keep seafood frozen until used. Thaw under refrigeration immediately before use. The cooking times below are in minutes, unless noted and based on ully thawed products. All times are approximate. Cook until fish is opaque throughout without over cooking.

Brl r grll: Preheat broiler/grill. Brush the ish with melted butter/oil; season as desired. desire d. Pa Sat: Preheat 1 tsp. of cooking oil per portion over high heat. Season as desired. Bak:

Careully place ish in pan; reer to cooking times below as reerence. Preheat oven to 400˚F. Brush the ish with melted butter/oil, sea son as desired. Place ish on baking sheet. Reer to cooking times below. Broil or Grill

Pan Saute


First Side

Ater Turning

First Side

Ater Turning

Bake 400°F

Ahi Tuna - Medium Rare

80-90 sec

60-70 sec

80-90 sec

60-70 sec


Ahi Tuna Steaks

4-5 min

3-4 min

4-5 min

3-4 min

10-12 min

Halibut Fillets

5-6 min

4-5 min

5-6 min

4-5 min

12-14 min

Mahi Mahi Steaks

6-7 min

5-6 min

6-7 min

5-6 min

14-16 min

Salmon Fillets, Wild

4-5 min

3-4 min

4-5 min

3-4 min

10-12 min

Swordfsh Steaks

4-5 min

3-4 min

4-5 min

3-4 min

10-12 min


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Stuffed Sole

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Ribeye Steaks 4 (8 oz.) Ribeye Steaks 99 Reg. $79.99 | No Now  w $



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Gourmet Burgers 16 (5 oz.) Burgers 99 Reg. $56.99 | No Now  w $ 448NYA


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Save $2500

Tortilla Crusted Tilapia Fillets

2 ½ lb. pkg. pkg. Tilapia  Tilapia  99 Reg. $49.99 | No Now  w $ 1699NYA


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The combo that  willll pl  wi plea ease se ev ever eryo yone ne..

The People’s Choice Duo Save $5701

This dynamic duo consists of four Omaha Steaks world-famous Filet Mignons and eight mouthwatering  Gourmet Burgers. This combination makes an ideal gift for the whole family to enjoy together.

4 (6 oz.) Filet Mignons 8 (4 oz.) Gourmet Burgers 99 Reg. $117.00 | No Now  w $



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Save $6601

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Chicken Sampler Easy & elegant meals made simple. This sampler features favorites like Chicken Kiev and Chicken Cordon Bleu as well as tasty combinations like our Chicken with Wild Rice and Broccoli & Cheese Stuffed Chicken Breasts. Best of all you can have a  delicious meal ready in just minutes!


2 (7 ¾ oz.) Breast Breast of Chic Chicken ken Kie Kiev  v 

2 (7 ¾ oz.) Chicken Chicken Cor Cordon don Bleu Bleu 2 (7 ¾ oz.) Chicken Chicken with with Broc Broccol colii & Cheese 2 (7 ¾ oz.) Chicke Chicken n with Wild Wild Rice Rice 99 $ Reg. $64.99 | No Now  w 


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Save 15 $


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Seafood Sampler

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Save $4000

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Save $13901 45291NYA

Fabulous Feast There’s something for everyone every day of the week in this huge assortment of gourmet goodies.

4 (5 oz.) Filet Mignons 4 (5 oz.) Top Sirloins 4 (4 oz.) Boneless Pork Chops 2 (4 ½ oz.) Stuffed Stuffed Sole Sole with Scallops & Crabmeat 8 (3 oz.) Gourmet Franks 4 (4 oz.) Omaha Steaks Burgers 4 (4 oz. approx.) Boneless Chicken Breasts 4 Stuffed Baked Potatoes 99 Reg. $249.00 | Now $


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Pork  Chateaubriand 4 (9 oz.) Chateaubriand Reg. $49.00 | No Now  w $ 99



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Save $2401

Porterhouse 2 (24 oz.) Porterhouse 99 Reg. $120.00 | No Now  w $



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Save $5501

Private Reserve® Filet Mignons 6 (7 oz.) Filet Mignons 99 Reg. $199.00 | Now $



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Save $8901

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Stuffed Sole

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Save $1600

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Marinated Salmon 4 (6 oz.) Salmon Fillets 99 Reg. $53.99 | No Now  w $



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Bacon-Wrapped Filet of Top Sirloin 6 (6 oz.) Filets 99 Reg. $63.99 | No Now  w $ 1516NYA


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Boneless Chicken Breasts 8 (4 oz. approx.) Chicken 99 Reg. $44.99 | No Now  w $



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Italian Chicken Fingers 3 lb. pkg. Chicken Fingers Reg. $41.99 | No Now  w $ 99



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Fully Cooked Pot Roast 2 lb. Cooked Pot Roast Reg. $28.99 | No Now  w $ 99



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Italian Meatballs 2 (1 lb. pkgs.) Meatballs Reg. $31.99 | No Now  w $ 99



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Pub-Style Cod 18 oz. pkg. Pub-Style Cod Reg. $22.99 | Now $999


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Caramel Apple Tartlets 1709NYA

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Save $401

Call Free 1-800-960-8400  Prices are subject to change.

 Add-on items must ship with a main selection.

Call Free Anytime 1-800-960-8400 ©2012 OCG | 13893-C1, Inc..

Pork  Por Chops Bacon-Wrapped  Boneless Por Chops Grill:


• Preh Preheatgri eatgrilltohigh lltohigh. . • Remo Removepor veporkchop kchopsfrompa sfrompackag ckaging. ing. • Patdr Patdry,seas y,seasonasdes onasdesired ired. . • Cook Cookover overhighh highheat eat4-6mi 4-6minute nutesper sper sideu side until ntiltheint theinterna ernaltempe ltemperatu rature re reaches 5˚F 5˚F. .


• Preh Preheatbro eatbroiler. iler. • Remove Removeporkchopsfrompacka porkchopsfrompackaging. ging. • Patdr Patdry,seas y,seasonasdes onasdesired ired. . . • Pl Plac aceo eon nbroilerpanontopovenrack . Broilo Bro ilorr-6mi 6minut nutespe espersid rsideun euntil til intern int ernalt altemp empera eratur turerea ereache ches s5F 5F..


• Preh Preheatove eatovento400˚ nto400˚F. F. • Rem Remove ovepork porkchop chopsfrompackaging. sfrompackaging. • Patdr Patdry,seas y,seasonasdes onasdesired ired. . • Plac Placeonabak eonabakingshe ingsheet. et. • Cook Cookfor20-2 for20-25minu 5minutesunt tesuntil il intern int ernalt altemp empera eratur turerea ereache ches s5˚F. 5˚F.

Pan Saute:

• Preh Preheat1Tb eat1Tbsp.ofcoo sp.ofcooking kingoilin oilin panon pan onme medi dium umo or r- -mi minu nute tes. s. • Removep Removepork orkcho chops psfro frompackaging. mpackaging. • Patdr Patdry,seas y,seasonasdes onasdesired ired. . • Plac Placeinhotpa einhotpan,cook n,cookforabou forabout t 6-7min 6-7 minute utesper spersid side,un e,until tilint intern ernal al temp te mper erat atur urer erea each ches es 5˚F 5˚F..

Boneless Por Chops Grill:


• Remo Removepork veporkchops chopsfrompa frompackag ckage. e. • Patdry Patdryandsea andseasonasde sonasdesire sired. d. • Cook Cookoverme overmedium diumheatfor heatfor about abo ut-7m -7minu inutes tespers perside ide,un ,unti till intern int ernalt altemp empera eratur turere ereach aches5 es5˚F. ˚F. Broil, pan saute and ctact rll strcts  xt clm.


Pork Chops - Broil:

• Rem Removepor oveporkchop kchopsfrompa sfrompackag ckage. e. • Patdr Patdryandse yandseason asonasdesir asdesired. ed. • Plac Placeonbro eonbroiler ilerpan3pan3-4inch 4inchesfrom esfrom  hea eatts soource. • Broil Broilfor4-7mi for4-7minute nutespersid spersideuntil euntil  intern int ernalte altemper mperatu aturer rereac eaches hes 5˚F 5˚F..

Pan Saute:

• Preheat1Tb Preheat1Tbsp.ofoil sp.ofoilinpanon inpanon mediumh heeat f or-minutes. or-minutes. • Removepork Removeporkchop chopsfrom sfrompack packaging. aging. • Pl Plac acei ein nhotpan,cookor 6-7 minu mi nute tesp sper ersi side deun unti tili lint nter erna nal l temp te mper erat atur urei eis s5 5˚F ˚F..

Contact Grill:

• Season Seasontha thawe wedch dchops ops. . • Gril Grill4-5min l4-5minutesfo utesfor4oz. r4oz.chop; chop; 5-6m 56min inut utes eso ora ra5o 5oz. z.ch chop op; ; 6-7m 67min inut utes eso ora ra6o 6oz. z.ch chop op..

Polynesian Por Chops Grill:


• Prehe Preheatg atgril rillto ltohig high. h. • Remove Removeporkch porkchop opsfr sfrom ompac packaging kaging anddp an paat dry. • Grill Grillove overhi rhighh ghhea eat3-4minutesper t3-4minutesper side,un sid e,until tilthei theinte nterna rnalte ltemper mperatu ature re reaches 5˚F ˚F..


• Preheatbr Preheatbroiler oiler,posit ,positionin ioningtoprack gtoprack - in inch ches esr rom ombr broi oile ler. r. • Rem Removepor oveporkchop kchopsfrompa sfrompackag ckaging ing andp paatd drry. • Plac Placeonbroi eonbroilerpa lerpanontopov nontopoven en  rac rack. k.Bro Broilc ilchop hopso sorr-mi minu nutes tesper per side, sid e,un until tilthe theint intern ernalt altemp empera eratur ture e reaches 5 5˚F. ˚F.

Pan Saute:

• Preheat Preheat1 1Tbsp Tbsp.ofcooki .ofcookingoilin ngoilin saut sa utep epan ano on nme medi dium umo or r- -min minutes. utes. • Removep Removepor orkc kcho hops psfrompac frompackagi kaging ng and pat dry. • Plac Placepork eporkchops chopsinhotpan inhotpan.Cook .Cook or o r-5 -5mi minu nute tesp sper ersi side deor orun unti til l intern int ernalte altempe mperat rature urereac reaches hes 5˚F 5˚F..

Por Entrees M

Hearty Ct Bacon Slices

| ullycooked) (donotthaw | Microwave: • Ope Openpack npackagean ageandremo dremoveone veone  enti en tire resh shee eeto to5 5sl slic ices es.. • Plac Placeshee esheetwithba twithbaconona conona microw mic rowave avesa saepl eplate ateand andcov coverw erwith ith apa a pape perrt tow owel el.. • Micro Microwave waveonhighfo onhighfor35se r35second conds. s. Toheatewerslices,removenumber desiredromsheet.Placebetween papertowels.Microwaveasinstructed above,adjustingthetimeaccordingly. Broil: • Pr Preheatbro eheatbroiler iler.. • Remove Removebacon baconsli slices cesfr from ompaper paperand and place on broiler pan. • Place Placepan2-3"fromheat pan2-3"fromheating ing element. Broil for 2-2 1  /  / 2  minutes. M

Precooed Bacon Slices



• Openpack Openpackag agean eandre dremo move4slices. ve4slices. • Pl Plac aces eslicesonapapertoweland coverw cov erwith ithasec asecond ondpape paperto rtowel wel.. • Cook Cookonhighfor onhighforappro approxima ximately tely 5s sec ecoonds. • Toheatewerslices,ad just microwa micr owavecoo vecooking kingtimeacc timeaccord ordingl inglyy.


• Preheatthebroiler.Remo Preheatthebroiler.Removepaper vepaper.. • Plac Placefroze efrozenslice nslicesonabroi sonabroilerpa lerpan. n. • Bro Broilfo ilforab rabout out  1  /  / 2  -minutes. M

BBQ Plled Por 

Boneless Smoed Ham (thawinrerigerator|ullycooked) Bake: • Toservewarm,placethethawedham inapreheated50˚Foven,cover tightly,heatabout5-0minutes. • Hammaybeslicedandservedcold. Serves -6 -6..





• Grillth Grillthawedbra awedbratwurst twurstover over medi me dium umhe heat ato orr-0 0mi minu nute tes, s, turn tu rnin ingc gcon onst stan antl tlyw ywhi hile leon ongr grill ill..

Pan Saute:

• Heatth Heatthawedbr awedbratwur atwurstinaskille stinaskillet t over ov erme medi dium umhe heat ato or r-  minu mi nute tes, s,tur turnin ningov goveru erunti ntilbro lbrown. wn. Boil: • Br Brin ing g1 11  /  / 2  quartsowatertoaboil ina in ame medi dium ums siz ized edpo pot. t. • R emovedesirednumberobratwurst emovedesirednumberobratwurst romp ro mpac acka kagi ging ng;p ;put utin inbo boililingwa ingwater. ter. • Boilf or-minutesithawedand or-minutesithawedand -  -6 6mi minu nute tes si i ro roze zen. n.


• Forone Foronebratwur bratwurst,micr st,microwave owaveon on high oor - - 1  /  / 2  minutesromrozen or -1  /  / 2  minutesromthawed. M


Breafast Sasage (donotthaw|ullycooked)

• Preh Preheatov eatovento400 ento400˚F. ˚F. • Rem Removesa ovesausage usagefrompa frompackag ckage. e. Separa Sep aratesa tesausa usages gesand andplac placedes edesire ired d numb nu mber eron onab abak akin ings gshee heet. t. • Bake Bakefor20-2 for20-25minu 5minutes. tes.

FROM FROZEN: Microwave:

Microwave: • Placebreakastsausagesina microw mic rowav avesa esaed edish ish,co ,cover verdis dishwi hwith th apa a pape perrt tow owel el. . • Coo Cookon konhig highfo hforr 1  /  / 2  -3  /  / 4  minutes. Resto Res torr-mi minu nutes tesbe beore oreser servin ving. g.

FROM THAWED: Thawinrerigerator. Stovetop:

• For5sau For5sausage sages,cook s,cookonhighfor onhighfor  1  /  / 2  tominutes.

• Placecover Placecoveredtr edtrayin ayinmicr microwa owaveand veand heat he aton onhi high gho or6 r6- -mi minu nute tes. s. • Le Letsta tstand1 nd1-2m -2minu inutes tes. . • Care Carefully fullypeelback peelbackfilm,stir film,stirwell. well.

• Removethaw Removethawedpulle edpulledporkfro dporkfrom m packaginga an ndplaceinsaucepan. • Heat Heatoverme overmedium diumheatwh heatwhile ile stirri sti rringco ngconsta nstant ntly lyo or5r5-6minut 6minutes. es.

 P   o  r   k 

Tip: Top Omaha Steaks Bratwurst, Polish Sausage or Italian Sausage with sauteed peppers and onions.



Carnitas Por Roast  (ullycooked)

FROM THAWED: Thawinrerigerator. Oven:

• Pre Prehea heatov tovent ento35 o350 0˚F. • Remo Removecarn vecarnitasand itasandjuicesfro juicesfrom m packag pack agea eand ndpl plac acei eina naroastin roastingpan. gpan. erwithoil.Heat5minutes • Cov erwithoil.Heat5minutes in oven. • Unco Uncoverpan verpanandretur andreturntooven ntooven ora o rana nadd dditi ition onal al5 5mi minu nute tes. s. • Toserv Toserve,pou e,pourjuiceo rjuiceoverroa verroastsor stsor shre sh redp dpor orka kand ndmi mixi xinj njui uice ces. s.


• Removethaw Removethawedcarni edcarnitasandju tasandjuices ices rom r ompac packa kagea geand ndpla placei ceinac nacov  ov ered ered microw mic rowave avesa saedi edish, sh,ven ventin tingco gcorne rner. r. • Hea Heatonhig tonhighfor3 hfor3minut minutes.L es.Letres etrest t  minute. • Care Carefullyu fullyuncove ncoverandturn randturnover over carn ca rnit itas as.H .Hea eato tonh nhig igh hor oran an addi ad diti tion onal al mi minu nute tes. s. • Toserv Toserve,pou e,pourjuiceo rjuiceoverroa verroastsor stsor shre sh redp dpor orka kand ndmi mixi xinj njui uice ces. s.


• Prehe Preheato atove vento nto350 350˚F. • Rem Removeca ovecarnita rnitasandjui sandjuicesfro cesfrom m packag pac kagean eand dpl plac ace ein inaroa aroasti stingpa ngpan. n. • Cove Coverwithfoi rwithfoil.Hea l.Heat50minu t50minutes tes in oven. • Un Unco cove verp rpanandreturntoovenor anad an addi diti tion onal al0 0mi minu nute tes. s. • Toser Toserve,pou ve,pourjuice rjuiceoverroa overroastsor stsor shre sh redp dpor orka kand ndmi mixi xinj njui uice ces. s. Mcrwav: • Remo Removeroas veroastsand tsandjuices juicesrom pack pa ckag agea eand ndpl plac acei eina naco cove vere red d microw mic rowave avesa saedi edish, sh,ven ventin tingon gone e corner. • Heat Heatonhighfo onhighfor6minute r6minutes.Let s.Let restmi res tminut nute.C e.Care areul ullyu lyunco ncover ver andturnov andtu rnovercar ercarni nita tas. s.He Heat ato onh nhig igh h ana an add ddit ition ional alminu minutes tes.. • Toserv Toserve,pou e,pourjuiceo rjuiceoverroa verroastsor stsor shre sh redp dpor orka kand ndmi mixi xinj njui uice ces. s. • Traditional Pork Carnitas:

Serves Serv eshr hred edde dedo donc ncor ornt ntor orti tillllaw awith ith PicoDe PicoD eG Gal allo lo(pa (page ge) ),gu ,guacamole, acamole, shre sh redd dded edch chee eese sean ands dsou ourc rcre ream am. . Serv Se rveal ealon ongw gwit ithr hric icea eand ndbe bean ans. s.



Gormet Frans (ullycooked)


• Boi Boilfra lfranks nks or-0minutes.


• Grill Grillfranksov franksovermediu ermediumheatun mheatuntil til browno brow nona nallllsi side des. s.Fr Froze ozenrank nrankswill swill cook inapproximately5minutes. inapproximately5minutes. Forth For thawe aweddran ranks, ks,coo cookm kminu inutes tes..


• Plac Placefra efrankon nkonamicr amicrowa owavesa vesafe feplate. • Cove Coverwithapap rwithapaper ertowel. • Cookonhigh.Onerozenrankwill heat in 1  /  / 2  -minutes.Onethawed rank ra nkwi willt lltak ake emi minu nute. te. M

Italian Sasage

(ullycooked) • Br Brin ing1 g11  /  / 2  quartsowatertoaboil ina in am med ediu ium msi size zedp dpot ot.. • Rem Remov ovede edesirednumbero sirednumberosausages sausages rom r ompa pack ckag agin ing; g;pu puti tinbo nboilingwa ilingwater. ter. • Boilfo Boilfor8-10min r8-10minutesiftha utesifthawedor wedor 0- 0 -m min inut utes esi ir roz ozen en.. Grill: • Prehe Preheatgrillto atgrilltomedium mediumheat. heat. • Remo Removesaus vesausagesfro agesfrompacka mpackaging. ging. • Grillov Grillovermedi ermediumheat umheatforabou forabout t 6-m 6min inut utes esr rom omth thaw awed edan and d -  -5m 5min inut utes esr rom omr roz ozen en.. Microwave: • Remo Removesaus vesausagesfro agesfrompacka mpackaging. ging. • Placeo Placeonamicrow namicrowavesaf avesafeplate. eplate. • Cove Coversausa rsausageswith geswithapaperto apapertowel. wel. • Microw Microwaveonhi aveonhighfor1min ghfor1minute ute romt ro mtha hawe weda dand ndab abou out t1  /  / 2  - minu mi nute tes sro rom mro roze zen. n.



Polish Sasage

(ullycooked) • Br Brin ing1 g11  /  / 2  quartsowatertoaboil. emovedesirednumberrom • R emovedesirednumberrom packa pac kagi ging ng;p ;put utin inbo boil ilin ingwat gwateer. • Boilor-0minutesithawedor 0- 0 -m min inut utes esi ir roz ozen en.. Grill: • Prehe Preheatgrillto atgrilltomedium mediumheat. heat. emovesausagesrompackaging. • R emovesausagesrompackaging. • Grillovermediumheatapproximately 6-min 6- minute utesr srom omtha thawed wedand andabo about ut -5minutesromrozen. Mcrwav strcts  xt pa.


Polish Sausage - Microwave:

• Place Placeonamicrow onamicrowavesafe avesafeplate. plate. • Cove Coversausa rsausageswith geswithapaperto apapertowel. wel. • Micro Microwaveon waveonhighfor highfor1minute 1minute rom thawedandabout 1  /  / 2  to minu mi nute tes sro rom mr roz ozen en.. M

Smoed Por Loin Ribs

(donotthaw|ullycooked) Bake: F. • Prehe Preheatoven atovento325˚ to325˚F • Runse Runsealedpa aledpackage ckageunderco undercold ld water wat er0se 0secon condsto dstorel releas easeil eilm. m. • Remo Removeribsan veribsandsauce dsaucefromthe fromthe pack pa ckag agea eand ndwr wrap apin ino oil il. . • Placeinapanoncenterrackooven andhe an dheat ator or60 60-7 -70m 0min inut utes es. . Bake – Tender Restaurant-Style: Iyoulikemeatthatallso Iyoulikemeat thatallsot theb hebone, one, trythismethod: • Preheatoventoabout350˚F Preheatoventoabout350˚F. . • Remo Removeribsan veribsandsauce dsaucefromthe fromthe package and place on a foil sheet. •  AddTbsp.watertotheoiland tigh ti ghtl tlyc ycri rimp mpth the eoi oilt ltos osea eal. l. • Placeonabakingsheetandbake orappr orap prox oxim imat atel ely7 y700-0 0mi minu nute tes. s. Microwave: • Remov Removefroz efrozenrib enribsfrom sfrompacka packageas geas directed andplacemeatsideupina micr mi crow owav ave esa sae ed dish. • Cov Coverdish erdishwithpl withplasti asticwrap cwrap,ven ,venting ting onec coorner. •Heatonhighfor5-6minutesandflip halwa hal wayth ythrou rough ghcoo cookin kingti gtime. me. Grill - Quick Method: • Prehe Preheatgrill atgrilltohigh. tohigh. • Runsea Runsealedpac ledpackage kageunder undercoldwat coldwater er or0 o r0sec second ondsto storel releas easei eilm. lm. • Remo Removefrom vefrompacka package,wr ge,wrapinfoi apinfoil.l. • Heat Heatongrillfo ongrillfor23-25min r23-25minutes utes lippinghalwaythrough(0- minutesithawed).

PORk COOkING GuIDE InternalTemperatureormediumdonenessis 145˚F.Correctlycookedporkisjuicyand tenderwithaslightblushopinkinthecenter.

Por Tenderloin Chateabriand  Bake:


• Prehe Preheatoven atovento to5F. • Remo Removefro vefrompack mpackage. age. • Br Brus ushl hlig  ig htlywithoilidesired. htlywithoilidesired. • Seaso Seasonandplace nandplaceuncover uncoveredin edin roaast ro stin inggp pan an.. • Bak Bakefo efor2 r25-0minutes,turning halway halw ayt thr hrou ough ghco cook okin ing. g. • Cook Cooktoaninter toaninternaltemp naltemperatu eratureof reof 5F.Removeromovenandlet rest re st oor r mi minu nute tes. s.

Grill: • Preheatgrilltomediumheat. • Remo Removeten vetenderlo derloinsfro insfrompack mpackagin aging g a nd placeonplate. • Brushlightlywitholiveoilonallsides ands an dsea easo sona nasd sdes esir ired ed.. • Place Placeonpreh onpreheate eatedgrill. dgrill.Cook Cook tenderlo tende rloins insor or0-0mi 0-0minut nutes, es,tu turn rning asne as need eded edto tose sear ared edge ges. s. • Coo Cooktende ktenderloin rlointoaninte toaninternal rnal temp te mper erat atur ureo eo 5 5F F. • Removeromgrillandletrestor  minutes.

Spiral Sliced Ham Thawinrerigeratoror-days. Hamisullycookedmak Hamisully cookedmakingitpossib ingitpossible le toservedirectlyromthererigerator. Bake: • Prehe Preheatoven atovento to5˚F. • Remo Removefrom vefrompackag packagingand ingandfoil. foil. • Place Placehamcutsid hamcutsidedownon edownonafoil afoil line li ned, d,ra raise isede dedg dgeb ebak akin ingp gpan an.. • Hea Heatun tuncov covere eredor60-75minutes or o ren enti tire reh haam. • Fors Forsmalle mallerport rportions ions,cov ,coverwit erwithfoil hfoil andhea and heat0 t0min minute utespe sperpo rpound und.. A full ham serves 10-12.

 P   o  r   k 

Ham “Planned Overs” • Tropical Appetizers – Roll a slice of  ham and Swiss cheese around a  pineapple chunk, insert toothpick. • Glaz Glazehamwit ehamwithOmaha hOmahaSteaks Steaks  Apricot Mango Wasabi Sauce. • Foragreat ForagreatHamandBea HamandBeanSoup, nSoup,  useboneromtheSpiralSlicedH am. • Cubeha Cubehamforpas mforpastasalad tasalads. s.


Lamb,Ve Vea l & Duck ling  Leg of Lamb Roast  (thaw completely in refrigerator)


• Pre Preheat heatoven ovento to50F. • Season Seasonthawedroas thawedroastasdesired. tasdesired. • Placeroa Placeroastonanelevat stonanelevatedwire edwire roasting rack in a roasting pan with the fat side up. • Bak Bakeunc euncover overeed for 1 hour and 50 minutes to 2 hours for rare to medium rare, or bake 2 hours and 30 minutes to about 2 hours and 45 minute minutess for medium to to medium  well-done. • Rem Remove ovefro fromove moven. n. • Letrest Letrest10-15minute 10-15minutesbefore sbefore slicing and serving.

Sear Roasting:

• Pre Preheat heatoven ovento to50F. • Season Seasonthawedroas thawedroastasdesired. tasdesired. • Heat2T Heat2Tbsp bsp.of .ofcoo cookingoilina kingoilinalarge large nonstick saute pan over high heat. • Carefu Carefullyplace llyplaceroastinpantosea roastinpantosear. r. Sear all sides for 2-3 minutes each. • Placeroa Placeroastonanelevat stonanelevatedwire edwire roasting rack in a roasting pan with the fat side up. • Roastfor Roastfor2hours45minute 2hours45minutesto sto 3 hours for rare to medium rare, or roast 3 1  /  / 2  -4 hours for a medium to medium well-done roast. • Remove Removefromoven.Let fromoven.Letrest10-15 rest10-15 minutes before slicing and serving.

Loin Lamb Chops (thaw in refrigerator) For grilling or broiling refer to the Steak Cooking Chart on page 15.

 Wine selection: Lamb usually pairs best  with a fine Merlot. Veal goes very well  with a Sauvignon Blanc.


Mint Sauce for Lamb (serves 6-8) 2 (4 oz.) Omaha’s Best Genuine Steak Gravy   cup Mint Jelly  • Bri Bringg nggrav ravyto ytoaboi aboil. l. • Remo Removefro vefromheat mheat,stir ,stirinMint inMintJelly Jelly.. • Ser Serveov veoveryo eryourl urlamb amb..

Mint Jelly For Lamb (makes 1½ cups) ½ cup Fresh Min Mint, t, fine finely ly chopped 1 cup Sugar ½ cup White Wine Vinegar 1 Tbsp. Fresh Lemon Juice 1 tsp. Kosher Salt 2 Tbsp. Certo Liquid Pectin • Liqu Liquifymint ifymint&vinegar &vinegarinblender. inblender. • Place Placemintmixt mintmixtureinasauc ureinasaucepan epan and add sugar, lemon juice and salt. Bring to a boil. • Stirinliq Stirinliquid uidpec pecti tinandcontinueto nandcontinueto cook for exactly one minute. • Pourinto Pourintoash ashall allowp owpana anandp ndplac lacein ein the refrigerator. • Jelly Jellywillsetupas willsetupasitcools itcools. .

Rack of Lamb

(thaw in refrigerator) • Pre Prehea heatove tovento nto00F. • Remove Removematerial materialcovering coveringbones. bones. • Rubthelamb Rubthelambwithgarlic withgarlic,butter, ,butter, salt and pepper and put it on a rack  in a sha llllow pan. • Roa Roastf stforap orappro proxim ximate ately35-40 ly35-40 minutes to reach 130˚F-140˚F (for medium rare doneness). • Transf Transfertoahotplatt ertoahotplatter,sprin er,sprinkle kle with chopped parsley as garnish. • Le Letr tres est t5 minutes before carving. • Carveparallel Carveparalleltothe tothebon bones, es,mak making ing  chops. Spoon the pan juices over the meat. One rack of lamb serves 2-3.


Seasoned Boneless Leg  of Lamb Bake:

(thaw in refrigerator)

• Pr Preheato eheatovento vento50˚F. • Remo Removefrom vefrompackageandpla packageandplacein cein roasting pan. • Roas Roastuncov tuncoveredfor eredfor1-1 1-11  /  / 2  hours for medium rare. Remove from oven and let rest for 5-10 minutes. • Remove Removenettingbefo nettingbeforecarvin recarving. g.

Italian Breaded Veal Patties (thaw in refrigerator)

Pan Saute:

• Preheat1Tb Preheat1Tbsp. sp. of ofoil oilperpattyover perpattyover medium heat. Brown f irst irst side for approximately 3 minutes. • Flip and brown for 2 1  /  / 2  minutes.

Dcling Breasts Sear Roast:

• Pre Prehea heatov tovent ento o00F. • Removethawe Removethawedducklingbreastsfrom dducklingbreastsfrom thepackaging,scoreskinbymaking acri ac riss ss-c -cro ross ss pa patte ttern rn.. • Seasonwithsalta Seasonwithsaltandpe ndpeppe pperasdesired. rasdesired. • Preheatoven-pr Preheatoven-proofskilletonstove-top oofskilletonstove-top tom meedium. • Plac Placeduck educkling lingskin skinsidedo sidedownfor wnfor  approximately 8-10 minutes, until lightly browned. • Turn Turnducki duckingbrea ngbreastsov stsoverand erandcook cook 1-2 minutes. • The Then nplac placeskil eskilleti letinpreh npreheated eatedoven. oven.  Bake for 3-4 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 165F. Let rest 2-3 minutes before slicing.

Duckling Breasts  with Orange Sauce


• Pre Prehea heatove tovento nto00F. • Linearai Linearaisededg sededgebakin ebakingsheetwi gsheetwith th  foil. Spray lightly with cooking oil. • Pl Plac acev evea  ea l patties on baking sheet. • Bakeunco Bakeuncoveredfor15-18minutes veredfor15-18minutes. . (Please note: Patties will not be as golden brown as if pan sauteed.)

 Veal Parmigiana  4 OmahaSteaks OmahaSteaksBrea Breaded dedVeal VealPatties Patties 0o oz. z.  MarinaraS Saauce,w waarm rmeed 1  /  / 4  cup Cooking oil 1 cup Mozzarella cheese, grated 1  /  / 4  cup Parmesan cheese, grated 2 tsp. Italian parsley, minced • Inalargenonst Inalargenonsticksaut icksautepan,heat epan,heat oil over medium heat. • AddthawedOm AddthawedOmaha ahaSt Steak eaksB sBrea readed ded Veal Patties to hot oil. • Brown Brownpattiesfor pattiesfor3-4minutes. 3-4minutes. • Flippatt Flippattiesandspri iesandsprinklewith nklewith mozzarella cheese. Cover pan. • Cookpatt Cookpattiescover iescoveredforan edforan additional 2-3 minutes or until cheese is melted. • Remov Removefrompan; efrompan;putonplate putonplates. s. • Pourmar Pourmarinarasau inarasauceove ceoverequally requally.. • Sprinkleeachpattywi SprinkleeachpattywithP thParm armesan esan cheese and parsley. Serves 4.


(thaw in refrigerator)

• Pre Prehea heatov tovent ento o375˚F. 375˚F. • Spre Spreadoutduc adoutducklin klingbreas gbreastsona tsona lightly oiled broiler pan, prick skin and season with salt and pepper. • Roast Roast,skin ,skinsideup, sideup,inovenfor inovenfor  approximately 25-30 minutes. Internal temperature should reach 165˚F.

Orange Sauce

• Bri Bringw ngwate aterto rtoa aboil in a small saucepan. Place pouch in boiling   waterr and keep  wate keep boiling 6-8 minutes. • Caref Carefully ullyremov removepouch epouchfromwa fromwater, ter,  clip corner and pour over duckling  or serve on the side.

 VEAL/LAMB COOkING GuIDE Internal Temp. Medium Rare...............1 Rare...............130˚F-140˚F 30˚F-140˚F Medium.......................140˚F-150˚F Lamb cooked to medium rare is optimum doneness for eating.

DuCkLING COOkING GuIDE Cook duckling to a minimum internal temperature of 165˚F as measured by  use of a kitchen thermometer.

 L   a  m  b   ,  V   e   a  l    ,  D  u  c   k   l    i    n   g


Poultry  Breast of Chicen with  Wild Rice (donotthaw) • Preh Preheatove eatovento nto00F. • Remo Removechic vechickenfro kenfromcello mcellowrap. wrap. • Placedesire Placedesirednumberofportions dnumberofportionson on oilli oi lline ned,r d,rais aisede ededg dgeba ebaki kingsheet. ngsheet. • Bake Bakeuncov uncovered eredforapp forapproxi roximate mately ly minu m inutes tesorun oruntil tilthei theinte nterna rnall temper tem peratu aturer rereac eaches hes65 65F F..


Breast of Chicen kiev  Bake:


• Preh Preheatove eatovento nto00F. • Remo Removechic vechickenfro kenfromcello mcellowrap. wrap. • Pla Placede cedesire sirednum dnumber berofport ofportion ionson son oillin oi llinedr edrais aiseded ededgeba gebakin kingshe gsheet. et. • Bake Bakeuncov uncovered eredforapp forapproxi roximate mately ly 0minu 0m inutes tesorun oruntil tilthei theinte nterna rnall temper tem peratu aturer rereac eaches hes65 65F F..

Breast of Chicen with Broccoli and Cheese Bake:


• Preh Preheatove eatovento nto00F. • Remo Removechic vechickenfro kenfromcello mcellowrap. wrap. • Pla laccedesirednumberoportionson aoill ao illin ined ed,ra ,raise isede dedg dgeb ebak akin ingsh gsheet. • Bake Bakeuncove uncoveredfor redfor36-40 36-40minut minutes es  oruntil orun tilthein theinter ternal naltemp tempera eratur ture e reac re ache hes s65 65F F..

Breast of Chicen Cordon Ble Bake:

(donotthaw) • Preh Preheatove eatovento nto00F. • Rem Remove ovechi chick  ck enromthecellowrap. enromthecellowrap. Placede Pla cedesir siredn ednumb umbero eropor portio tions ns ona on aoi oill llin ined edba baki king ngsh sheet eet. . • Bake Bakeuncove uncoveredfor redforappr approxim oximatel ately y 5minu 5m inutes tesorun oruntil tilthein theinter ternal nal temp te mper erat atur urei eis s6 65 5F.


Boneless Sinless Chicen Breast  (thawinrerigerator) Broil or Grill: • Preh Preheatbro eatbroileror ilerorgrill. grill. • Cookfor Cookfor3-4minut 3-4minutespe esperside rsideuntil until intern int ernalte altemper mperatu atureis reis65 65F F.. Contact Grill: • Grill Grill3 3-4minutes -4minutesoruntilin oruntilintern ternal al temper tem peratu aturer rereac eaches hes65 65F F.. Bake: • Preh Preheatove eatovento nto50F. • Seas Seasonasdes onasdesired. ired.Place Placethechic thechicken ken breast bre astson sonaoi aoilli llined ned,rai ,raised sededge edge bakkin ba ing gsh shee eet. t. • Bake Bakefor20-25minu for20-25minutes.I tes.Inter nternal nal temper tem peratu atures reshou houldr ldreac each6 h65F 5F.. Pan Saute: • Plac Place1Tbsp e1Tbsp.ofcooki .ofcookingoilina ngoilina ill etovermediumhigh nonsticks sk  k ill heat he at.A .Add ddch chic icke kenb nbre reas asts ts. . • Co Cook ok44-6m 6min inute utespe spersi rside dereducing reducing theh th ehea eatt ttom omed ediu iuma mat ter erl lip ippi ping ng. . Thei Th eint nter erna nalt ltem emper perat atur ures esho houl uld d reac re ach h65 5F F.


• Preh Preheatove eatovento nto00F. • Remo Removechic vechickenfro kenfromcello mcellowrap. wrap. • Pla Placede cedesire sirednum dnumber berofport ofportion ionson son oillin oi llined, ed,rai raised sededg edgebak ebaking ingshee sheet. t. • Bake Bakeuncov uncovered eredfor35-4 for35-40minu 0minutes tes oruntil orun tilthein theinter ternal naltemp tempera eratur ture e reac re ache hes s65 65F F..


Breast of Chicen with Artichoe & Parmesan

Tip: To achieve an even thickness for  chicken, place thawed boneless, skinless chicken breasts between sheets of plastic  wrap.  wra p. use use a mea meatt malle mallett or sma small, ll, hea heavy  vy  pan to pond ot to an even thickness. For rillin, flatten to ½" thickness. ss. For satein, flatten to ¼" or ⅛" thick ss.

Trio Mshroom Stffed  Chicen Breast  (donotthaw) • Pr Prehe eheato atoven vento to00F. • Rem Removech ovechicke ickenfrom nfrompacka packaging. ging. • Placechickenonaoillined,raised edgebakingsheet. • Bak    euncoveredorapproximately euncoveredorapproximately 0m min inut utes eso or run unti tiltheinternal temp te mper erat atur urer erea each ches es 65 65F.


Chicen Breast  & Vegetable Sewers Grill:


• Preh Preheatgri eatgrillonhigh llonhigh. . • Rem Removesk oveskewer ewersfrompa sfrompacka ckage. ge. • Seas Seasonasde onasdesired siredandgrill andgrillfor5-6 for5-6 minute min utesper spersid sideoru eorunti ntilin linter ternal nal temper tem peratu aturere rereach aches es65 65F F.


• Preh Preheatbr eatbroiler oiler,posit ,positionin ioningtop gtop racck ra k- in inch ches es f romthebroiler. romthebroiler. • Rem Removesk oveskewer ewersfrompa sfrompackag ckage. e. • Seas Seasonasde onasdesired sired. . • Plac Placeonbroi eonbroilerpa lerpanontop nontopoven oven rack.Br rack. Broi oil lor or55-6mi 6minutes nutesoneach oneach sideoru sid eorunti ntilint lintern ernalte altemper mperatu ature re reac re ache hes s65 65F F..

Italian Chicen Fingers (donotthaw) • Preh Preheatov eatovento ento50F. • Rem Removede ovedesired sirednumbe numberoffroze roffrozen n chick chi cken enin inger gersr sromb ombaga agand ndplace place onoi on oilli lline nedba dbakin kingsh gsheet eetall allow owin ing g i in nch hoor rmo morrebetweenpieces. • Bake Bakeuncove uncoveredfor redforabout about20-25 20-25  minu mi nute teso sorw rwhe hent nthe hein inte tern rnal al temper tem peratu aturere rereach aches es65 65F F..


Chicen in Pastry  (donotthaw) • Preh Preheatov eatovento ento5F. • Placedesirednumberoportionsin alightl alig htlyoil yoiledor edorstic stick-r k-resis esistan tantpan tpan.. • Beat Beatoneegg oneeggwith with1Tbsp.ofwater. 1Tbsp.ofwater. Brus Br usho hove vert rthe heto tops psan andsideso dsideso each indi in divi vidu dual alpa past stry ry. . • Bak Bake,u e,unco ncove veredor0-5minutes orun or until tilin inte tern rnal alte temp mper erat atur ureis65F.


Oven Fried  Chicen Tenderloins Bake:


• Preh Preheatov eatovento ento50F. • Rem Removede ovedesired sirednumbe numberoffroze roffrozen n tender ten derloi loins nsro romba mbagan gandpl dplace aceona  ona   oillin oillinedbaki edbakingsheetall ngsheetallowin owing g inc i ncho horm rmor oreb ebet etwe ween enpi piec eces es. . Inece In ecessa ssary, ry,uset usetwob wobaki akings ngshee heets. ts. • Ba Bake ke,u ,un ncovered,or0-5minutes 5F. orun or until tilin inte tern rnal altem temper perat atur ureis eis6 65F. M

 P   o  u  l    t   r    y

Herb Roasted Chicen

(donotthaw|ullycooked) Oven: • Preh reheato eatoven vento350 to350F. • Removechickenhalvesrompackage andp an dpla lace cesk skin insi side deup upon ona aoi oilllined baking bak ingshee sheet.C t.Cov overw erwith ithoil oil,, cri rimp mpin ing ged edge ges. s. • He Heat30mi at30minute nutes.U s.Unco ncover verand and return ret urntoo tooven venor oranad anaddit dition ional al 5- -00m min inut utes es.. Microwave: • Remov Removechickenhalv echickenhalvesfrompacka esfrompackage ge andp an dpla lace cein inac acov over ered edmi micr crowa owave ve saedis sa edish,v h,vent enting ingone onecor corner ner.. • He Heato atonhi nhighf ghfor3 or31  /  / 2  minutesthen letr le tres est tor or mi minu nute te.. • Care Carefully fullyuncove uncoverandtur randturnover nover  chick chi cken. en.Rec Recove overand randheat heatonhi onhigh gh ora o rana nadd ddit itio iona nal l1  /  / 2  minutes. • Letrestfo Letrestfor1-2mi r1-2minute nutesbefo sbefore re remo re movi ving ngth thec echi hick cken enro romthe mthe micr mi crow owav avean eands dser ervi ving ng. .

Mango Chicen Rolade Bake:


• Preh Preheatov eatovento ento50F. • Rem Removefil ovefilm,lea m,leavingne vingnetting ttingintact intact.. • Brush Brushroulad rouladewith ewithvegeta vegetableoil bleoil. . Placeo Pla ceono noilli illined nedbak baking ingshee sheet. t. k euncoveredorhour5 • Ba k  euncoveredorhour5 minu mi nute test sto oho hour ur5 5mi minu nute teso sor r untili unt ilinte nterna rnaltem ltemper peratu aturere rereach aches es 65F.Letstandor20minutes beo be ore rese serv rvin ing. g. • Rem Removene ovenetting ttingandslic andsliceinto einto ½inchslices. Serves-0.



Mediterranean, Italian, Caribbean, Oven Roasted, Roasted, Sesame & BBQ Rbbed  Chicen Breasts

Theseboneless,skinlesschickenbreasts areprecooked.Theycanbethawedin thererigerator,slicedandservedcold.


• Preh Preheatth eattheoven eovento to 00F. • Plac Placeonfoilli eonfoillinedba nedbaking kingsheet sheet. . • Heat Heatforabou forabout12-1 t12-15minu 5minutes. tes.

Savory Grilled Chicen  with Fresh Mango Salsa   Om Omah ahaS aSte teak aksB sBon onel eles essS sSki kinl nles ess s Chicken Breasts, thawed  Tb Tbsp sp. . Om Omah ahaS aSte teak aks sAl All l Natural Steak Seasoning   ToT oTaste aste Man MangoS goSals alsa(r a(reci ecipeb pebelo elow) w) • Seaso Seasonthechick nthechickenbreas enbreasts. ts. • Grill, Grill,broilorpa broilorpan-fryun n-fryuntilreach tilreaches es aninte ani nterna rnalte ltempe mperat rature ureo o65 65F F. • Plate Platechickenbr chickenbreastsan eastsandtopwith dtopwith res r esh hma mang ngo osa sals lsa. a.


Mango Salsa

• Plac Placechick echickenbr enbreast eastinmicro inmicrowave wave saed diish. • Cove Coverwith rwithpaper papertowel towelandhea andheat t onh on hig igh hor or - -1  /  / 2  minutes.

c cuup Mango go,,p peeeleda an ndd diiced 1  /  / 4  cu cup p Wh Whit ite eOn Onio ion, n,d dic iced ed Tb  Tbsp sp. . Cil Cilan antro tro, ,ine inely lych chop oppe pedd Tb  Tbsp sp. . Li Lime meJu Juic ice, e, re resh sh  tsp.  Jalapeno,inelyminced Tbsp. Red RedBell BellPepp Pepper, er,d dic iced ed 1  /  / 4  tsp. K osherSalt osherSalt Combineallingredientsandmixwell.


• Preh Preheatthe eattheovento ovento00F. • Plac Placeonfoilli eonfoillinedba nedbaking kingsheet sheet. . • Heat Heatforabou forabout8-10 t8-10minute minutes. s.


• Placepiecesinmicrowa Placepiecesinmicrowave vesaf safedish. edish. • Cove Coverwithpa rwithpaperto pertowelan welandheat dheat onh hiigh gh oor 1-11  /  / 2  minutes.

Broil or Grill:

• Towar Towarm,pre m,prehea heatyourbro tyourbroileror ileror grill. gri ll. War Warmor morappr approxi oximat mately ely min m inut utes espe per rsi side de..

Contact Grill:

• Gri Grillfo llforab rabout out2 2 1  /  / 2  -minutes.

Oven Roasted Trey Breast  (ullycooked|thawinrerigerator) Bake: • Preh Preheatove eatovento nto50F. • Remo Removefrom vefrompacka packagingan gingandplac dplace e inabakingdish. bakingdish.Cov Covert ertur urkey keywith with alum al umin inum um oi oil. l. • Bake Bakefor40-5 for40-50minu 0minutes. tes. Cold Entrees: • Slice Sliceandserv andserve. e. Tip: To make a simple Turkey  Gravy, refer to recipe on page 42.



NEW! Smoy & Sweet 

Plled Chicen

(ullycooked) FROM FROZEN: Donotthaw. Mcrwav: • Placecoveredtrayinmicrowaveand heat he aton onhi high gho or rmi minu nute tes. s. • Letrestorminutes. • Careullypullbackilmandstirwell withao wit haorks rkshre hreddi ddingu ngupan panylar ylarger ger pull pu lled edch chic icke kenp npie iece ces. s. • Replaceplasticandmicrowaveon higho hig horm rminu inutes tes.St .Stirw irwell elland andserve. serve. FROM THAWED: Thawinrerigerator. Mcrwav: • Placecoveredtrayinmicrowaveand heat he aton onhi high gho or r-5 -5mi minu nute tes. s. • Letrestorminutesthencareully pullbac pul lbackil kilmand mandsti stirwe rwellb llbeo eore re serving. Stv Tp: • Remov Removethawedtray ethawedtrayochickenro ochickenrom m packag pac kaging ingand andplac placein einsauc saucepa epan. n. • Heatovermediumheatwillstirring cons co nsta tant ntly lyo or5 r5-6 -6mi minu nute tes. s.


NEW! ultimate Chicen


(donotthaw|ullycooked) grll: • Preh Preheatgri eatgrillonhigh llonhigh. . • Removefrozenchick Removefrozenchicken enpa patti tties esfrom from  pack pa ckag agin ingan gandi dint nter erle leav aves es. . • Grill Grillfor5-6min for5-6minutes utesoneach oneachside, side, taki ta king ngca care reno nott ttob obur urn. n. Mcrwav: • Rem Removefro ovefrozenpa zenpattyfro ttyfromthe mthe packa pac kagin gingan gandpl dplace aceona onamic micro rowav wave e saedi sa edish, sh,cov coveri eringw ngwith ithplas plastic tic,, vent ve ntin ingo gone neco corn rner er. . • Forone Foronepatty patty,heaton ,heatonhighfor highfor  approx app roxima imatel telymi yminut nutes. es.For Fortwo two chick chi ckenp enpatt atties ies,he ,heato atonhi nhigh ghor or appr ap prox oxim imate ately5 ly5min minute utes. s. • Letre Letrestfor1min stfor1minutepr utepriorser iorserving. ving. ov: • Preh Preheatov eatovento400 ento400F. • Removefroze Removefrozenchi nchicke ckenpat npatties tiesfrom from pack pa ckag agin ingan gandi dint nter erle leav aves es. . • Plac Placeonafoil eonafoillinedba linedbakingsh kingsheet. eet.  • Hea Heatfor16tfor16-18min 18minutes utes.. Stv-Tp: • Remov Removefroz efrozench enchicke ickenpat npatties tiesfrom from pack pa ckag agin ingan gandi dint nter erle leav aves es. . • Plac Place einacovered inacoveredno nons nstic tickpa kpanover nover medi me dium umhe heat atwi with tht tea easp spoo oono no  cook co okin ingo goil ilpe perb rbur urge ger. r. • Hea Heatfor3-4 tfor3-4minute minutesoneach soneachside, side, taki ta king ngca care reno nott ttob obur urn. n.

 Whole  W hole Basted Trey  (thaw-daysinrerigerator*) Bake: • Preh Preheatov eatovento ento50F. • Rem Removetur oveturkey keyfromthe fromtheburla burlap p andv an dvac acuu uumm-se seal aled edba bag. g. • Place Placeturkey turkeyincooki incookingbag ngbagprovid provided, closew clo sewith ithtwi twiste stertie rtieand andplac placeba ebag g inad in adee eepp ppan anor orro roas aste ter. r. • Punc Puncture ture6 6-8holesintop -8holesintopofbag ofbag witho wit hork. rk.Fore Forextr xtrabr abrown owning ingor or orc o rcri risp spne ness ss,s ,sli litt ttop opo oba bag gf orlast orlast 0-0min 0-0 minute uteso soroa roasti sting. ng.Tur Turkey key will wi llta take keap appr prox oxim imat atel ely y2hours 45 minu mi nute test sto oho hour urst stob obak ake. e. • The Theturkey turkeyhasapop hasapopuptimer uptimeryou you canrel can relyon yon.No .Nosea seaso sonin ningis gisnee needed ded..

Turkey “Planned Overs” • Trky Clb–Sourdoughbread, mayonn may onnais aise,sl e,slice icedtu dturke rkey,av y,avoca ocado, do, baco ba con, n,Sw Swis iss, s,le lett ttuc ucea eand ndtomat tomato. o. • TBLT Sawch–Turkey,Bacon, Lett Le ttuc ucea eand ndTo Toma mato tosa sand ndwi wich ch.. • Bal Bstr–Anutbagel,cream chees ch eesem emix ixed edwi with thcr cran anbe berr rrys ysau auce ce, , slic sl iced edtu turk rkey eyan andl dlet ettu tuce ce..

 P   o  u  l    t   r    y

• Trky Qsallas–Shredded turk tu rkey eyan andp dpep epper perja jack ckch chee eese sein ina a lou l oure red dto tort rtil illla. • Trky Crst–Toastedbaguette slicest slic estopp oppedw edwith ithbri briech echees eese,t e,turk urkey ey slic sl ice, e,cr cran anbe berr rrys ysau auce cean and dre resh shly ly choppeds saage. • Trky Sala Wraps–Combine dice di cedt dtur urke key, y,di dice cedc dcel eler ery, y,di dice ced d apple,d appl e,drie riedcr dcranb anberr erries iesand andsliv slivere ered d almo al mond ndsw swit ithm hmay ayon onna nais ise. e.Ser Serve vein in  bibbl bi let ettu tuce cec cup ups. s. • Trky Qs dp–Heatprocessed chees ch eesew ewit iths hsal alsa saun unti tilc lcom ompl plet etel ely y melt me lted ed.S .Sti tiri rinh nhea eate tedd ddic iced edtu turk rkey ey andm an dmix ixwe well ll.S .Serv ervew ewit ithc hcra rack cker erso sor r tort rtiillac chhips. • Bac Trky Skwrs–Cutturkey   int intostr ostrips ipsand andwra wrapwi pwithF thFull ully  y  Cook Co oked edBa Baco conS nSli lice ces. s.Pl Plac aceo eone ne  wrap wr apped pedtu turk rkey eyst stri ripo pona nask skew ewer er. . Heat eatin inov oven ento tocr cris ispb pbac acon onsl slic ices es.. *Turkey Tip: To ensure that your turkey  is fully thawed, insert a cooking  thermometer into leg making sure that the temperature isn’t below 35˚F. POuLTRY COOkING GuIDE

Forsaety,allpoultryproductsmust becookedtoaminimuminternal temperatureo65Fasmeasured byuseoakitchenthermometer.


 App  Ap petizers M  Ar  Arti tich cho oee

& Sp Spin inac ach h Dip Dip

(donotthaw) • Preh Preheatove eatovento400˚ nto400˚F. F. • Remo Removefilm vefilmfromtra fromtray. y. • Plac Placetray etraydirect directlyontop lyontopovenrac ovenrack. k. • Heat Heatfor35-4 for35-40minu 0minutes. tes. • Stiran Stirandletres dletrestfor2-3 tfor2-3minute minutes s beo be ore res ser ervvin ing. g. Microwave: • Rem Remove ovetray trayfrom frombox.Cu box.Cut3sma t3small ll slit sl itsi sin nil ilmo mont ntra ray. y. • Plac Placeinmicr einmicrowav owaveandco eandcookon okon high hi ghor or7m 7min inut utes es.R .Rem emov ove eil ilm, m,  stir well andreturntomicrowaveto cookon coo konhig higho horan ranoth other ermin minutes. utes. • Stirandletthediprest-minutes beo be ore res ser ervvin ing. g.


Bffalo Chicen Wings (donotthaw|ullycooked) Bake: • Preh Preheatove eatovento350˚ nto350˚F. F. • Spre Spreadfroz adfrozenchi enchicken ckenwingson wingsona a oilli oi llined nedbak baking ingshe sheet, et,lea leavin vingsp gspace ace betw be twee een nea each chpi piec ece. e. • Ba Bake kefo for r25 -30minutes. Microwave: • Plac Place8froze e8frozenwing  nwing sonmicrowave sonmicrowave sae sa epl plat ate; e;co cove verw rwit itha hapa paper pertowel. towel. • M icrowaveonhighorminutes. • Flipov Flipoverwin erwingsandhe gsandheatonhig atonhigh h oranad or anaddit dition ional al-m -minu inutes tes.. • Le Letr tres esttminutebeoreserving.

Bll Wings (thawinthererigerator) Pan Saute: • Preh Preheatts eattsp.ooi p.ooilinanon linanonstic stick k skill sk illeto etover vermed medium iumhig highhe hheat. at. • Remo Removetha vethawedBu wedBullWin llWingsfro gsfrom m packag pac kaging ingand andplac placeinh einhots otskil killet let.. • Qu Quic ick  k lysearor-6minutesuntil wellbr wel lbrow owned nedor orsli sligh ghtly tlybla blackene ckened. d. Brl & rll mth  xt clm.


Bull Wings - Broil:

• Preh Preheatbro eatbroiler. iler. • Remo Removetha vethawed wedBullWing BullWingsfrom sfrom  packag pac kaging ingand andplac placeonb eonbroi roiler lerpan. pan. or-minutesoneachside. • Broilf or-minutesoneachside.


• Preh Preheatgri eatgrilltohigh lltohigh. . • Remo Removetha vethawed wedBullWing BullWingsfrom sfrom  packag pac kaging ing.Fo .Forbes rbestres tresult ultspla splaceon ceon skew sk ewer erst stog ogri rill llbu bull llwi wing ngs. s. • Grill Grillfor2-3mi for2-3minute nutesoneach soneachside. side.

NEW! Chicen Cordon

Ble Bites

(donotthaw) ov: • Preh Preheatove eatovento425° nto425°F. F. • Remo Removedes vedesired irednumbe numberofpiec rofpieces es andplac and placeon eonaoi aoilli llined nedbak baking ingshee sheett  all allowi owing nginc inchorm hormore orebetw between een pieces. piec es.Ine Ineces cessar saryuse yusetwo twobak baking ing sheets. • Bake Bakeuncove uncoveredfor redfor15-16 15-16minut minutes. es. Letr Le tres est, t,st stu ui ing ngwi will llbe beho hot. t.

Filet Mignon Pastry Bites (donotthaw) • Preh Preheatove eatovento400˚ nto400˚F. F. • Remo Removedes vedesired irednumbe numberofpiec rofpieces es rom r omp pac acka kagi gin ng. • Plac Placeonfoil eonfoillinedba linedbaking kingsheet sheet  allowi all owing ng-i -inch nchesb esbetw etween eenpiec pieces. es. • Bake Bakefor25-3 for25-30minu 0minutes.All tes.Allowto owto coolcoo l-mi minut nutesb esbeo eores reserv erving ing..


Filet Mignon Spring Rolls (donotthaw) • Preh Preheatove eatovento nto00F. • Plac Placesprin espringrollson grollsonafoilline afoillined d baking bak ingshee sheet,le t,leavi avinga ngabou boutin tinche ches s betwee bet weenpi npiece eces.Ba s.Bake keor or0mi 0minut nutes es  orunt oruntilint ilinterna ernaltempe ltemperatu ratureis65F. reis65F. • Le Letr tres est3 t3minutesbeoreserving. • Caut Caution:Fil ion:Fillingwi lingwillbehot llbehot..


Gormet Frans in a Blanet  (donotthaw) • Preh Preheatov eatovento400 ento400˚F. ˚F. • Rem Removede ovedesired sirednumbe numberofpiece rofpieces s romp paackage. • Plac Placeonafoillin eonafoillinedbak edbakingshe ingsheet et allow all owing ing- -inc inches hesbet betwee weenpie npieces ces.. • Bake Bakefor18-2 for18-20minu 0minutes.Al tes.Allowto lowto restres t-mi minut nutesb esbeo eorese reservi rving. ng.


Pppr Jack Rstt Caks als mak a rat apptzr. S pa 44 fr  spcfc prparat strcts.

Premim Norwegian Lox  Thawinthererigeratorandserve.

Seafood Stffed Mshrooms (donotthaw) • Preh Preheatov eatovento ento50F. g ingand • Rem Removetra ovetrayfrom yfrompacka  packa g  ingand plac pl aceo eon nab abak akin ings gsheet.Bakeor  50-5 50-55minut 5minutes.Allo es.Allowtorestor wtorestor -m min inut utes esre rema main inin ingi gint ntra ray. y.


Shrimp & Crab Parmesan Dip Bake: (thawinrerigerator) • Preh Preheatov eatovento ento50F. • Rem Removedip ovedipfrompa frompackag ckageand eand plac pl ace eddip ipi in na ash sha  a llllowbakingdish. • Bakeorabout 15-20minutes orunti oru ntilshr lshrimp impisop isopaqu aquean eanddi ddip p islig is lightgo htgolde ldenbr nbrown ownonto ontop. p. • Serv Servethedip ethediphotwith hotwithassort assorted ed crackersa an ndbaguetteslices. M

Stffed Antipasto Bread 

FROM THAWED: Thawinrerigerator. Bake: • Preh Preheatov eatovento ento50F. • Plac Placethaw ethawedbre edbreadonsh adonshallo allow w baking panleavingilmon thea th eant ntip ipas asto tob bre read ad. . • H eatinovenor 20-30minutes unti un tilt lthec hecen ente teri rism smel elte ted. d. Atal mths  xt clm.

Stuffed Antipasto Bread - Microwave:

• Leav Leavefilmon efilmonprodu product.Pun ct.Puncture cture  ilm i lmw wit ithu hult lten ensi sil. l. • Plac Placethaw ethawedbre edbreadinmi adinmicrow crowave. ave. Cookon Coo konhigh highor or-min -minute utesun suntil til center cen terisme ismelte lted,ro d,rotat tating inghal halway way thro th roug ughc hcoo ooki king ng. .

FROM FROZEN: Donotthaw. Bake: • Preh Preheatov eatovento ento50F. ilm • Plac Placeonbak eonbaking ingsheetleaving ilm onpr on prod oduc uct, t,ve vent ntin ingo gone neen end. • Bak Bakefo efor5 r50-60minutesuntilthe cent ce nter eris isme melt lted ed.. Microwave: • Leaveilmonproduct;ventoneend. • Co Cook okonh onhigh ighfor for -6minutesuntil thecen the center terism ismelt elted, ed,rot rotati ating nghal halw way ay thro th roug ught hthe heco cook okin ingp gpro roce cess ss. . • Slice Sliceandser andserve. ve.Idesired,serve withyou wit hyourav ravori oritema temarin rinara arasau sauce. ce.

 A    p   p  e  t   i    z   e  r   s 

Tenderloin Tips Appetizers, Bacon-Wrapped  (makesaboutappetizers) l lbbs. OmahaSteaksTenderloin  Tips, thawed Oma  Omaha haSt Stea eaks ksPr Prec ecoo ooke ked d  Bacon Slices jar j arOmah OmahaSt aSteak eaksA sAll llNa Natu tura ral l    SSteakS Seeasoning  T  Too ooth thpi pick ckss • Preh Preheatov eatovento ento50F. • Sprin Sprinkleea kleeachten chtenderl derlointip ointipwith with theOm the Omah ahaS aSte teak aksA sAllllNatur NaturalSteak alSteak Seasoning. • Wr Wrap apas asliceoprecookedbacon around aro undeac eachte htend nderl erloin ointip tipand andpus push h atoo at ooth thpi pick ckth thro roug ught htos osec ecur ure. e. • Pla Placeo ceonab naba  a kingsheetandbakeor kingsheetandbakeor minu mi nutes tes.Fl .Flipa ipand ndbak bakean eananother another -min - minute utes.Se s.Serve rveimme immedia diatel tely. y.

Tip: Create your very own crostini or toast points by brushing ½˝ sliced artisanal baguette bread with olive oil and toasting under broiler until golden.


Pasta & Soup Beef Lasagna 



Do not thaw.


• Remov Removetrayfromboxand etrayfromboxandcutsmall cutsmall slit sl itin ince cent nter ero oi ilm lm. . • Placefroze Placefrozentrayinmicrow ntrayinmicrowave;cook ave;cook onmedi onm ediumh umhigh ighor or9- 9-0mi 0minu nutes tes.. • Removefrommicro Removefrommicrowavewithoven wavewithoven mittsan mit tsandle dletst tstand andor or5mi 5minut nutes. es. Remove ilm, slice and serve.

Bake: • Preheatovento 50˚F.

• Remo Removetrayfrom vetrayfromboxandcutsmall boxandcutsmall slit sl itin ince cent nter ero oi ilm lmon ontr tray ay. . • Placerozentrayonbakingsheetin thec th ecen enter teroo ooven ven.Bak .Bakeo eorab rabout out 55-60 5-60m min inut utes es.. • Removeromovenandletrestor 5min 5m inut utes es;sl ;slic icean eands dser erve ve.. FROM THAWED: Thaw in refrigerator. Microwave: • Ven Ventoneco tonecorner rnerofthefil ofthefilmand mand  placet pla cethaw hawedl edlasa asagna gnainmi inmicro crowav wave. e. • H eator-5minutes. • Care Carefull fullyrem yremovefi ovefilman lmandserv dserve. e. Bake: • Preh Preheat eatovento ovento 50˚F. • Rem Remove ovefilmcov filmcoverin eringtray gtray and placet pla cetray rayonb onbaki akings ngshee heetbe tbeor ore e plac pl acin ingi gin nth theo eove ven. n. • Bake f or5-0minutes. or5-0minutes. M

Lobster Bisqe

(donotthaw) • Run Rununde underwar rwarmwa mwaterto tertoloose loosenthe nthe  soupromthebag. • Cuttopawayandsl iderozensoup intosa int osauce ucepan pan.He .Heato atover verlow lowhea heat t until servingtemperatureisreached. Microwave: • Defr Defrostun ostunopen openedpo edpouchfo uchfor6r6-8 8 minute min utes.P s.Pour ourint intomi omicro crowav wavesa esae e dish.C dis h.Cook ookonh onhigh ighor or5mi 5minut nutes. es.




Lobster Mac & Cheese



• Rem Remove oveplast plasticfilm icfilmfromtr fromtray. ay. • Micr Microwa owaveonhi veonhighfor ghfor3minut 3minutes. es. • Rem Remove ovefrommi frommicrow crowave aveandsti andstir. r. • Retu Returntomi rntomicrow crowave aveandcoo andcookan kan addi ad diti tion onal al-m min inut utes es..


• Preh Preheat eatovento ovento 50˚F. • Rem Remove ovefilmfro filmfromtra mtrayand yandplace placeon on bak akin ing gsh shee eet. t. • Pl Plac ace ebakingsheetonovencenter rack;b baake f or5-0minutes. or5-0minutes.

Maine Lobster Ravioli  with  wit h White White Wine Wine Sac Sacee Stovetop: (donotthaw)

• Bring Bring3quartsofwa 3quartsofwater tertoaboi toaboilina lina larg la rges esau auce cepa pan. n. • A dd ddsaucepouch.Ater1  /  / 2  minutes, remove rem overo romba mbagan gandad daddto dtowat water. er. • Cook Cookfor3min for3minutes utesortodesi ortodesired red tender ten dernes ness,s s,stir tirrin ringoc goccas casion ionall ally. y. • Rem Remove ovesauce saucepouch pouchandstr andstrain ain. . • Onapl Onaplate, ate,poursa poursauceov uceoverrav erravioli. ioli. M

Meat Lover’s Lasagna 



• Plac Placefroze efrozentray ntrayinmicr inmicrowa owavewit vewith h the th ei ilm lmi in nta tacct. • Cook Cookonhigh onhighfor13for13-14mi 14minute nutes. s. • Rem Remove ovefromm frommicro icrowav waveand eandlet let stan st and5 d5min minute utes.C s.Care areul ullyr lyremo emove ve the th eil ilm, m,sl slic icea eand ndse serv rve. e.


• Preh Preheat eatovento ovento 50˚F. • Plac Placefroze efrozentray ntrayonabak onabakingsh ingsheet; eet; cutslitinilm cutsli tinilm.P .Pla lace ceba baki king ngsh sheetin eetin thec th ecen ente ter ro oth theo eove ven. n. • Bake Bake1houran 1hourand15min d15minutes utesto to ho hour uran and d5m 5min inut utes es.. • Remo Removefrom vefromovenan ovenandletsta dletstand nd 5minutes.Careullyremoveilm;slice.


Roasted Vegetable Lasagna 

(donotthaw) Microwave: • Placecoveredlasagnatrayinthe microwave. • Micro Microwave waveonhigh8onhigh8-10min 10minutes utes. . • Rem Removefro ovefrommicr mmicrowa owave.Let ve.Let  stan st and5 d5mi minu nute tes. s.Re Remo move vei ilm lm.. Bake: • Preheatovento50 ˚F. • Plac Placethecov ethecovered eredlasagn lasagnatray atrayon on abbak a akin ing gsh shee eet. t. • Pla Placeon ceoncent centerove erovenrac nrackand kandbake bake or o r6060-65 65mi minu nute tes. s.Le Lets tsta tand ndo or r 5minut 5mi nutes; es;rem remove oveil ilman mandse dserve rve.. M

Shrimp Fettccine Alfredo (donotthaw)

Stovetop: • Opentheettuccineandplaceina strain str ainerin erinthe thesin sinkun kunder derrun runnin ning g hotw ho twat ater erun unti tilt ltha hawe wed. d. • He Heat atala alarge rgen nonsticksautepanover medi me dium umhe heat ato or5 r5mi minu nute tes. s. • Rem Remove oveshrim shrimpfrom pfrompack packetand etand  placein pla ceinthepan. thepan.Cook Cooksh shri rimp mpo or r  minutes bef orelippingoverand orelippingoverand cookin coo kingor goran anot othe her rmi minu nute tes. s. • Drainfettuc Drainfettuccinewell.Addtosaute cinewell.Addtosaute pan pa nw wit ith hsh shri rimp mp.. • Cook,whilestirring,or-minutes. • Pla PlateShr teShrimpFe impFettucc ttuccineAl ineAlfred fredo. o. SprinklewithgratedParmesan chees eseeo on nt toop.


• Ope Openthefe nthefettuc ttuccine cineandpla andplaceina  ceina   strai strainerinth nerinthesinkun esinkunderrun derrunning  ning  hotwat hot wateru erunti ntilth lthawe awed.R d.Remo emove ve shri sh rimp mpr rom ompa pack cket etan andp dput utin ina a micr mi crow owav aves esa aed edis ish. h. • Cove Coverwith rwithplast plasticwra icwrap,ven p,venting ting  on one eco corn rner er.. • Micr Microwa owaveonhi veonhighfor ghfor3minut 3minutes. es. Stirsh Sti rshrim rimpan pandre drecov cover. er.Ret Return urnto to microw mic rowave aveand andheat heator ormin minute ute.. • Dra Drainfet infettucci tuccinewe newell.Add ll.Addtothe tothe dishwi dis hwiths thshri hrimp; mp;sti stirwe rwell. ll.Cov Cover er andv veent. • Return Returntomi tomicrowave crowaveandco andcooko okon n  highorhighor-minut minutes.Stir. es.Stir. • Plat PlateShrim eShrimpFett pFettuccin uccineAlfre eAlfredo. do. SprinklewithgratedParmesan che hees ese eoont toop.


ultimate Mac & Cheese Lasagna 



• Pla Placefro cefrozentr zentray,wi ay,withfilm thfilmintac intact, t, inmicr inm icrow owave aveand andcoo cookon konhigh highor or min m inut utes esan and d5s 5sec econ onds dsto to m miinutes. • Rem Removefr ovefrommi ommicrow crowavew avewithov ithoven en mittsa mit tsand ndlet letsta stand nd-5 -5min minute utes. s. Remo Re move vei ilm lm,s ,sli lice cean ands dser erve ve..


• Pre Prehea heatoven tovento350 to350˚F. • Pla Placefroz cefrozentra entrayoflasa yoflasagna gna,with ,with ilmin il mintac tact,o t,onab nabaki akings ngshee heetin tinthe the cent ce nter ero ot the heov oven en.. • Bak Bakefor40 efor40minut minutes. es. • Rem Removefr ovefromove omovenand nandletsta letstandfor ndfor 5m miinutes. • Car Careful efullyrem lyremove ovefilmfro filmfromtra mtray, y, sli lice cea an nd dse serv rve. e. OurAllNaturalSteakSeasoningisn’t  justor  just orsteaks. steaks.Tryon Tryonthe theollowing ollowing toaddsomespicetoyourmeal... • Seafood Fillets & Steaks • Bo Boneless Pork Chops • BonelessChickenBreasts • Chicken Kabobs • Tenderloin Kabobs • Vegetables • Potatoes

 Als o try our fan  Also fantast tastic ic Sou Southw thwest est Chipotle Seasoning,RusticSteakhouseSeasoning, andBlackenedSeasoningontheabove.

 P   a  s   t   a  &  S   o  u   p

Turn entrees into great appetizers: • Maine Lobster Ravioli - Serve heated Maine Lobster Ravioli individually with warmed White  Wine Butter Sauce as a dip. • Lobster Mac & Cheese - Add - Add a  small scoop of heated Lobster Mac and Cheese to an endive leaf. • ultimate Mac & Cheese Lasana Cut baked lasagna into 1 x 1 inch squares and insert a toothpick for a quick appetizer.


Desserts 4" Carnegie Deli Cheesecake... Serves 3-4 6" Carrot Cak e................... Serves 6-8 10" Cheesecake Sampler........Serves 16 6" Chocolate Lover’s Cake...Serves 6-8 6" New York Cheesecake .........Serves 6 6" Tiramisu........................Serves 6-8 Removedessertsromthebox.Place inthererigeratorandthawovernight orthecakesmaybethawedatroom temperatureor-hoursmaximum. Sliceandserve.Keepcakescoveredin thererigeratororupto 7days. Cheesecakesareeasiertosliceorto separateprecutsliceswhilethey’re coldorpartia llllyrozen.Toullythaw, allowourhoursrerigeratedortwo hoursatroomtemperature.Toget optimumlavor,servecoolorclose totheroomtemperature.Coverand rerigerateanyunusedportions. TomaketheNewYorkCheesecake moreestive,topwithreshruitor ruitsauceoyourchoice.Rerigerate anyunusedportionsothecheesecake.

Tip for Cutting: s a ht, wt

kf maks slc a chscak mch asr. Als wrks wll fr partally  thaw caks. M

Caramel Apple Tartlets



• Preh Preheatove eatovento400˚ nto400˚F. F. • Remo Removefrom vefromcellowr cellowrap. ap. • Plac Placeonfoilli eonfoillinedba nedbaking kingsheet sheet allowi all owing ng-i -inch nchesb esbetw etween eeneach each.. • Bake Bakefor18-2 for18-20minu 0minutes. tes.


• Remo Removefrom vefromcellowr cellowrap. ap. • Plac Placeonmicr eonmicrowav owavesafe esafeplate plate. . • Cook Cookonhighfor onhighfor60-70 60-70second seconds. s.



Chocolate Molten Lava Caes



• Preh Preheatove eatovento400 nto400F. • Remo Removepac vepackagi kaging,inc ng,includin ludingcup gcup rom r omca cake ke.T .Tor orem emov ovec ecak ake ero rom m cup, cu p,tu turn rnup upsi side dedo down wnan anda dapp pply ly  pres pr essu sure reto toce cent nter ero ocu cupw pwit ith h theedges. thum th umbs bsw whi hile leho hold ldin ing theedges. • Pl Plac ace edesirednumberocakeson baking bak ingshee sheet.Ba t.Bake ke5- 5-7mi 7minut nutes. es. • Rem Remove ovefrom fromoven ovenandal andallow lowtorest torest  or-minutes.Care or-minutes.Careul ullyl lylit itcakes cakes rom r omth theb ebak akin ings gshe heet etto topl plat ate e withs sppatula.


• Remo Removepla veplasticfil sticfilmfrom mfromcake. cake. • Turn Turncakeup cakeupside sidedownonth downonthe e micro mic rowa wave vesa sae epl plat ate. e. • Loosenfromthecupbyap Loosenfromthecupbyapply plying ing press pre ssure uretoc tocent entero erocu cupwi pwith ththumbs whilileh wh ehol oldi ding ngthecupedg thecupedges.Donot es.Donot removec cuup. • Cook Cookonhighfor onhighfor45-50 45-50second seconds. s. • Remo Removethe vethecupand cupandserve. serve.

Chny Chocolate Gormet  Cooie Dogh &  Mil Chocolate Chn with Macadamia Nt Cooie Dogh Bake:


• Preh Preheatove eatovento350 nto350F. • Brea Breakofffroz kofffrozensqu ensquares aresofcookie ofcookie  doughand doug handpl plac ace eon onu ungr ngreas easedc edcoo ookie kie shee sh eet, t,sp spac acin ing gin inch ches esap apar art. t. • Lin Lineco ecooki okies esheetwithparchment pape pa per, r,i id des esir ired ed.. • Plac Placeinove einovenoncen noncenterra terrackand ckand  bake ba keor orabo about ut- -mi minut nutes. es. • Remo Removecook vecookiesfro iesfromoven movenand and with wi thas aspa patu tula lapl plac acec ecoo ooki kies eson ona a raised rai sedrack racktoco tocoolb olbeo eore reservi serving. ng.

Creme Brlee

NEW! Individal Tiramis

(ullycooked) FROM FROZEN: • Preh Preheatbr eatbroiler oileronhighse onhighsetting tting. . Positi Pos itiont ontopra oprack ck- -inc inches hesrom rom broile bro ilerel relemen ementso tsothat thatthet thetopo opo theCre the Creme meBru Brulee leewil willbe lbe1-2 1-2" " rom r omb bro roil iler erel elem emen ent. t. • Rem Removese ovesealand alandplasti plasticlidfrom clidfrom  ramek ram ekina inand ndpla placeo ceonba nbaki kingsheet. ngsheet. • Sprin Sprinkleon kleonepack epackageofsu ageofsugar gar evenly eve nlyacr across osseach eachCre CremeB meBrul rulee. ee. • Plac PlaceCrem eCremeBrule eBruleesotopis1esotopis1-2" 2" unde un derb rbro roil iler erel elem emen ent tor or-6 6 minu mi nute teso soru runt ntil ilgo gold lden enbr brow own. n. • Rem Removefro ovefromboil mboilerand erandletstan letstand d 0-5m 05minu inutes tesbe beore oreserv serving ing.. FROM THAWED: • Tha Thawover wovernightinre nightinrefrige frigerator rator. . Remo Re move vese seal alan andl dlid id.Se .Serv rvec ecol old. d.

• Removecellowrapromcups. • Carefu Carefullyremov llyremovefrozen efrozenTir Tiramisu amisu  romc cuup byapplyingpressuretothe bott bo ttom omo oth thec ecup upwi with thth thum umbs bs  whil wh ileh ehol oldi ding ngth thee eedg dges es. . • Pl Plac ace eonaservingplateandthawor appr ap prox oxim imat atel ely y- 1  /  / 2  hoursatroom temp te mper erat atur ureo eor r- -ho hour ursi sint nthe hewrap. wrap. • Storeany Storeanyunusedpo unusedportionscov rtionscovere eredin ther th ere eri riger gerat ator oro oru rupt pto7 o7da days ys..

Cream Pffs • Rem Remove ovetrayof trayofcream creampuffs puffsfrom from box. bo x.Fo Forb rbes estr tres esul ults ts,pl ,plac acein ein  rerig re rigera erator torand andthaw thawover overnig night. ht. • Forroo Forroomtemp mtemperat eratureth urethawin awing: g: remove rem ovethep theplas lastic ticcov coveri eringa ngand nd thenth the nthawa awatroo troomt mtem empe pera ratu tureo reor r about  1  /  / 2  hourspriortoserving. • Keep Keepinacover inacoveredcont edcontaine ainerforup rforup to7d to 7days aysin inth ther ere eri rige gera rato torr.

NEW! French Vanilla  Iced Soffles (donotthaw) Keeprozenuntilserving.Keepany remainingportionscoveredinreezer.

NEW! Individal New Yor 


• Removecellowrapromcups. • Careullyremoverozencheesecake rom r omcu cupb pbya yappl pplyi ying ngpr pres essu sure reto tothe the bott bo ttom omo oth thec ecup upwi with thth thum umbs bs  whil wh ileh ehol oldi ding ngth theed eedge ges. s. • Placeonaservingplateandthaw orappr or approxi oximat matel ely yh hou ours rsat atroo room m temp te mper erat atur ureo eor5 r5-6 -6ho hour ursi sint nthe he  rer reriger igerator atorcove coveredw redwithpl ithplasti asticwra cwrap. p. • Storeanyunusedportionscovered inthere int hereri riger gerato atoror rorupto upto7day 7days. s.

key Lime Tartlets • Rem Remov ovefroz efrozentart entartletsfr letsfrom om packag pac kaging ingand andoil oilpana panandp ndplac lace e ona on ase serv rvin ingp gpla late te. . • Tha Thawinref winrefriger rigerator atorfor3hours for3hours oro or ovver ern nig ight ht. . • Rem Remov ovefr efrom omre refri frigeratorandserve geratorandserve cool.C coo l.Cov overan erandre dreri riger gerate ateany any unus un used edpo port rtio ions nso oru rupt pto7 o7da days ys.. • Sug Sugarcryst arcrystalsma alsmaynatu ynaturally rallyform form inaro ina rozen zensta statean teandwi dwilld lldisa isappe ppear ar once ettha haw wed. M


Lemon Lava Caes (donotthaw)

• Preh Preheatov eatovento300 ento300F. • Rem Removepa ovepackag ckaging,in ing,includi cludingcup, ngcup,  rom r omca cake ke.T .Tor orem emov ovec ecak ake ef rom rom cup,t cu p,tur urnu nups psid ided edow owna nand ndapp apply ly  pres pr essu sure reto toce cent nter ero ocu cupw pwit ith h thum th umbs bswh whil ileho eholdi ldingth ngtheedg eedges. es. • Pl Plac ace edesirednumberocakeson medi me dium umsi sized zedba baki king ngsh shee eet. t. • Bake Bakefor25min for25minutes utes. . • Rem Remove ovefromov fromovenan enandallo dallowtores wtorest t or o r- -mi minu nute tes. s.Li Lit tth them emr rom om baking bak ingshee sheetwi twiths thspat patula ulatopl toplate ate..

Microwave: • Removeilmromcake. • Turn Turncakeup cakeupside sidedownon downonthe the microw mic rowave avesae saeplat plate.Lo e.Loose osenthe nthe cupb cu pbya yapp pply lyin ingpr gpres essu sure reto toth the e center cen terot othecu hecupwi pwitht ththum humbs bswhi while le hold ho ldin ingt gthe heed edgges es.. Don’tremovecup. • Hea Heatonhigh tonhighfor30-4 for30-40seco 0seconds. nds. • Rem Removecup ovecupandser andserve. ve.

 D  e  s   s   e  r   t   s 

Cakesmaybethawedandservedat roomtemperature.


NEW! Lemon Tart  • Removetartrompackaging. • Thaw Thawatroomte atroomtempe mperatu raturefor1 refor1 houror hou rorhou hoursi rsinthe ntherer reriger igerato ator. r. • Cove Coverandsto randstoreany reanyunused unusedtart tart portio por tionsi nsinthe ntherer rerige igerat rator ororup orup to7 7d daays.

Pmpin Pie • Remo Removepie vepiefrombox frombox. . • Plac Placeinthere eintherefrige frigerator ratorandtha andthaw w or o rho hour urso soro rove vern rnig ight ht. . • Slice Sliceandser andserve.Co ve.Coveran verandrefr drefriger igerate ate  anyunu any unused sedpor portio tionsu nsupto pto7day 7days. s. Foropt For optimu imuml mlavo avor,se r,serve rvecoo coolor lor clos cl oset etor oroo oomt mtem empe pera ratu ture re..

Raspberry Sace  Add a special special fini finish shing ing to touch uch to your your desserts by garnishing with a  Raspberry Sauce. cup c ups sF Fre resh shra rasp spbe berr rrie iess 1  /  / 2  cu cup p Pow owde dere redsugar • Combi Combine nera rasp spbe berr rrie iesand sandpowdered powdered suga su gari rina nabl blen ende deru runt ntil ilsm smoo ooth th. . • Str Strain ainifde ifdesir sired. ed.Mak Makes1 es11  /  / 2  cups. • Pla Placera ceraspb spberr errypur ypureein eeinsqu squirt irt  bottle container. • Sta Starti rtingat ngatthec thecent enterof erofdess dessert ert  plate, form circles. (1) • Usi Usingap ngapari aringkn ngknife ife,st ,start arting ingat at center, pull through circles at even intervals.(2) • Plac Placedesser edessertonplat tonplateandserv eandserve. e.

Tip: For an upscale restaurant  presentation garnish desserts with fresh berries and fresh mint sprig.



NEW! Red Velvet 

Dream Caes (donotthaw)

Mcrwav: • Rem Removepl oveplastic asticfilmfro filmfromtheca mthecake. ke. • Turn Turnthecak thecakeupsi eupsidedow dedownon non microw mic rowave avesae saeplat plate.Lo e.Loose osenthe nthecup cup byapply bya pplying ingpres pressur sureto etothec thecent entero ero  thecup the cupwit withthu hthumbs mbswhi whileho leholdi lding ng thee th eedg dges es.D .Don onot otre remo move vecu cup. p. • Hea Heatonhigh tonhighforappr forapproxim oximatel ately y 0s seeconds. • Letre Letrest1min st1minute. ute.Remo Removecup vecupfrom from cakke ca ean and dse serrve ve.. Bak: • Preh Preheatov eatovento400 ento400˚F. ˚F. • Rem Removepa ovepackag ckaginginc ingincludin ludingcup gcup rom r omca cake ke.T .Tor orem emov oveca ecake ker rom omcu cup p turn tu rnups upsid idedo edown wnand andapp applyp lypres ressu sure re tocent toc entero erocup cupwit withthu hthumbs mbswhi while le hold ho ldin ingt gthe heed edge ges. s. • Plac Placedesir edesirednum ednumberofca berofcakeson keson  baking bak ingshee sheetan tandco dcover verwit withoi hoil, l, crim cr impi ping nged edge gesa saro roun undp dpan an. . • Bake Bakefor25-3 for25-30minu 0minutes. tes. • Rem Removefro ovefromoven movenandallo andallowtorest wtorest  covere cov eredo dorr-mi minut nutespr esprior iorto to serv se rvin ing. g.Ser Serve veim imme medi diat atel ely. y. M

Sor Cream Coffee Caes

Removeyourdesirednumberocakes rombox.Forbestresults,placeinthe rerigeratorwithcellowrapintactand thawovernight.Forroomtemperature thawing,leavecellowrapintactand thaworapproximatelyto1  /  / 2  hours. FROM FROZEN: Bake: • Preh Preheatov eatovento ento00F. • Rem Removece ovecellowra llowrapfromca pfromcake ke and place on a baking sheet. • Bak Bakefo efor12 r12-minutes.Letrest minute before removing from tray to serve. Microwave: • Rem Remove ovecakefr cakefromce omcellowr llowrapan apand d place on a microwave safe plate. • Micro Microwaveonhig waveonhighfor35-4 hfor35-45 5 seconds. Let rest for for 1 minute before serving.

Sauces & Glazes M A  All ll Na Nat tra rall Tr re eyy Gra ravvy 

(donotthaw) Microwave: • Microwavecoveredtrayor5minutes. • Peelba eelbackfilm ckfilm,stiran ,stirandcookfor dcookforan an addi ad diti tion onal al mi minu nute te.. Stovetop: • Rem Remove ovegravyfrom gravyfromtrayandpla trayandplace ce ins saaucepan. • He Heatov atoverme ermedium diumheatfor heatfor -0mi - 0minut nutes, es,sti stirri rringc ngcons onstan tantly tly.. M

Omaha 's Best Genine Stea Gravy  (donotthaw)

Stovetop: • Brielyrunsaucecupunderwaterto

loosenpack loosen packagin aging.R g.Remo emovel velidan idand d ilmcovering ilmcover ingcup cup.Tu .Turn rncup cupups upside ide downand dow nandapp apply lypres pressur suretoce etocenter ntero o cupw cu pwit itht hthu humb mbsw swhi hile leho hold ldin ing g edgesto edge store remo move veth thes esau auce cer rom omcup. cup. •Placeinsaucepanovermediumheat. • Brin Bringsauc gsaucetoabo etoaboil,sti il,stirrin rringofte goften. n. • Rem Removefro ovefromhea mheatandse tandserve. rve. Microwave: • Brie Brieflyru flyrungrav ngravycup ycupunde underwat rwaterto erto loosen loo senpac packag kaging ing.Re .Remov moveli elidan dand d ilmco il mcover verin ingcu gcup.T p.Turn urncup cupups upsid ide e downand dow nandap apply plypress pressureto uretocenter centero o cupw cu pwit itht hthu humb mbsw swhi hile leho hold ldin ing g edgestor edges toremo emovet vetheg hegrav ravyr yromc omcup. up. •Placeinmicrowavesafedish.Cover with wi thpl plas asti ticw cwra rap, p,ma maki king nga aew ew  smal sm alls lsli lits tsin inth thepl eplas asti tic. c. •Microwaveonhighfor3minutes orcupand orcupa ndm min inut utes eso orcups rcups.. Ths s a classc bf m lac. us  ay rcp call fr m lac. Hat 2 (4 z. pks.) Stak gravy wth a 4 z. tb f th itratal glazs t crat a fsh sac fr  staks, rasts, prk, val r lamb.

us omaha’s Bst g Stak  gravy as a bas sac fr w rcps. • us r itratal glazs – Combine( Comb ine(oz oz.p .pkg kgs. s.)S )SteakG teakGravy ravy with( wit h(oz.) oz.)tub tubeoG eoGlaz laze(N e(Napa apa Cabern Cab ernet, et,T Tusc uscanB anBals alsami amic,A c,Asia siann- Inspired Ins piredorT orTrio-o rio-o-Ch -ChilesGl ilesGlaze) aze) • dj Mstar & Cabrt Sac – Combine Comb ine( (o oz. z.pk pkgs gs.)S .)SteakG teakGravy ravy with⅛ wit h⅛c cup upD Dij ijonm onmust ustard ardand and¼ ¼ bottleo bottle oCa Cabe bern rnet etW Win inet etha hath thas as  been be enre redu duce cedb dby⅔ y⅔’’s. • Ppprcr glaz – Combine(oz.pkgs.)SteakGravy   wit with htsp.crushedG tsp.crushedGreenP reenPeppercorns eppercorns and and Tb Tbsp sp.Co .Cogna gnac(o c(opti ptiona onal) l) • Bac Mstar Sac Combine( Combine (oz oz.p .pkg kgs. s.)S )Steak teakGravy Gravy with wit hTb Tbsps sps.Di .Dijon jonmus mustar tard, d,oz. oz. Prec recook ookedB edBaco aconcr ncrumb umbled ledand and ½cupor cuporedw edwine inethat thathasb hasbeen een red educ uced edb by⅔ y⅔’’s. • Chptl dm Sac Combine Combi ne( (oz oz.p .pkgs. kgs.)S )Ste teak akG Gravy ravy with wit hTb Tbsp sp.Chi .Chipot potlein leinAd Adobo obo Sau auce ce, ,pu purree eed. d. M

 S   a  u  c  e  s   &  G  l    a  z   e  s 

Lemon Parsley Btter Sace

(donotthaw) Grill or Broil: • Rem Removepl oveplastic asticandslic andsliceinto einto 3  /  / 4  " portions. • Seas Seasonand onandgrillorbro grillorbroilseaf ilseafood. ood. • Plac Placeonepor eoneportionofsa tionofsauceon uceon seaoo sea ooda dater terlip lippin pingtos gtoseco econds ndside ide,,  cont continueto inuetocookunt cookuntilreac ilreaches hes desi de sire red ddo done nene ness ss.. Microwave: • Rem Removesa ovesaucefro ucefrompack mpackagin agingand gand placein pla ceinacov acovere eredmi dmicro crowav wavedi edish. sh. • Hea Heatfor45tfor45-60sec 60seconds onds.. Useasanaccompanimenttoseaood entreessuchasButterliedTrout Fillets,KingCrabLegs,LobsterTails, SalmonFilletsandSwordishSteaks.


Napa Cabernet, Asian-Inspired  Sesame, Tscan Balsamic and  Trio-of-Chiles Glazes (donotthaw) Grilling: 3 Steps to the perfect finish • Remove plastic wrapromrozen glaze andsliceintoevenportions (app (a ppro roxxim imat atel ely y3  /  / 4  "each). • Seas Seasonand onandgrillorbro grillorbroilmea ilmeat, t, poultr pou ltryor yoris ishasd hasdesi esired redoni onirst rst side. • Flip Flipandpla andplaceone ceonepo portion rtionof ofglaze glaze ont on top opo othe themeat meat,poultryor ,poultryorish. ish. Continu Con tinuecoo ecookin kingtode gtodesir siredde eddegree gree odone od onenes nesson sonseco seconds ndside ide.Ser .Serve. ve. Pan Saute: 3 Steps to the perfect finish • Remo Removepla veplasticwr sticwrapfro apfromfroze mfrozen n glazean gla zeandsl dslice iceint intoev oevenpo enporti rtions ons (approx. 3  /  / 4  "each). • Seas Seasonand onandpansau pansautemea temeat,poult t,poultry ry orishas ori shasde desi sire red. d.R Rem emove overo rompan mpan andp an dpla lace ceon onpl plat ate; e;tu turn rno oh hea eat. t. • Addgla Addglazedire zedirectlyto ctlytothehotpa thehotpan n drippin dri ppings, gs,one oneport portion ionperm permeat eat,, poultry poul tryor orish ishser servin ving.S g.Stir tirunt untilj iljus ust t melted mel tedand andpou pourev revena enamo mount untsov sover er eachmea eac hmeat,po t,poult ultryo ryoris rishser hservin ving. g. M

Seasoned Btter Sace



• Remo Removesau vesaucefrom cefrompacka packagingan gingand d placein pla ceinacov acovere eredmi dmicro crowav wavedis edish. h. • Micro Microwav wavefor45efor45-60sec 60seconds onds..

Grill or Broil:

• Rem Remove oveplastic, plastic,sliceinto sliceinto3  /  / 4  "portions. • Sea Seasonan sonandgrillorbr dgrillorbroilmea oilmeat. t. • Plac Placeonepor eoneportionofsa tionofsauceonme uceonmeat at ate a ter rli lipp ppin ingt gtos osec econ onds dsid ide, e, contin con tinuin uingtoc gtocook ookunt untilm ilmeat eatis is desi de sirred edd don onen enes ess. s.

Pan Saute:

• Rem Remove oveplastic, plastic,sliceinto sliceinto3  /  / 4  " portions. • Pansau ansautemea temeatuntil tuntildone.R done.Remo emove ve rom r ompa pan, n,tu turn rnin ingo go he heat at.. • Add Addoneporti oneportionofsau onofsauceper cepermeat meat serving serv ingtoho tohotpan tpandrip drippin pings. gs.St Stir ir untilme unt ilmelte ltedan dandpo dpouro urover verent entree ree..

Trey Gravy  Makesapproximatelyquartgravy.  Tbsp. Butter Tb  Tbsp sp. . Al Allp lpur urpo pose sel lou ourr cu  cups ps  Tur urke keyd ydri ripp ppin ings gs,d ,de eat atte tedd  cup Water • Inas Inasma mall ll saucepan,meltbutterover lowheat.Add lourandstirusinga lourandstirusinga whis wh isk kto too orm rmar arou oux. x. • Cook Cooktheroux therouxfor2-3min for2-3minutes utesover over lowheat low heat.Ad .Addtu dturke rkeydr ydripp ipping ingsan sand d watertoroux,b water toroux,bri ring ngto toab aboi oil.l.Ad Adjust just season sea soning ingine ineces cessar saryand yandserv serve. e.

White Sace with Wine 6 Tbsp. Butter 6 Tbsp. Flour  cup Chicken broth  cup Heavy cream Tb  Tbsp sp. . Sh Sher erry ryor ordr dryw ywhi hite tewi wine ne  tsp. White pepper • Me Meltb ltbutt utter. er. R emoveromheat, emoveromheat, blendi ble ndinl nlour ourand andret return urntohe toheat. at. Stir St iran andc dcoo ooka kae ewm wmin inut utes es. . • Graduall Graduallystir ystirinbro inbrothandsimmer, thandsimmer, stirri sti rringc ngcons onstan tantly tlyunt untilth ilthick ick.. • Gradually Graduallyblendin blendincrea cream,th m,then en sherry she rryorw orwine ine.Se .Seaso asonto ntotas taste. te.Ser Serve ve overchi ove rchick cken, en,ish ishoreg oreggdis gdishes hes..

Sace Pairing Sggestions  Apricot Mango Wasabi Sauce: Coconut Shrimp, Ahi Tuna, Jumbo Shrimp & Pork Chops.

Sweet and Tangy Cocktail Sauce:  Jumbo Shrimp, Coconut Shrimp, Oven Fried Shrimp, Seafood & Steaks & Cod.

Lemon Dill Tartar Sauce: Pub-Style Cod, Seafood Fillets & Steaks, King Crab Crab Legs, Legs, Sole Almondine, Stuffed Sole & Oven Fried Shrimp.

Signature Steak Sauce: Omaha Steaks, Burgers & Ribs.

Signature Barbeque Sauce: Chicken Breasts, Pork Chops & Tenderloins, Ribs, Oven Fried Tenders.

Sweet Chipotle BB Sauce: Steaks, Pork Chops & Tenderloins, Ribs, Chicken Breasts, Oven Fried Tenders. Tenders.


Side Dishes M

 Asparags Spears with Hollandaise Sace

(donotthaw) • Preh Preheatov eatovento35 ento350 0F. • Plac Placetray etrayonbakin onbakingshee gsheet;cut t;cutslit slit incent ince nter ero oi ilm lm.P .Plac lacebakin ebakingshee gsheet t onov on oven ence cent nter erra rack ck.. • Ba Bake35m ke35minu inutes tes.. • Remo Removefil vefilmandse mandserve. rve. Microwave: • Cuts Cutslitince litincenter nteroffilm offilm. . • Plac Placetray etrayinmicr inmicrowa owave;co ve;cookon okon high hi gho or r- -mi minu nute tes. s. • Care Carefull fullyremo yremovefil vefilmandse mandserve. rve.



Broccoli & Califlower with Roasted Garlic, Oil & Herbs (donotthaw)


• Preh Preheatov eatovento35 ento350 0F. • Plac Placetray etrayonbakin onbakingshee gsheetonove tonoven n center cen terrac rack.Cu k.Cutsl tslitin itincent centero eroth the e pla last stic ic il ilm m. • Bake Bakefor25mi for25minute nutes. s. • Remo Removefro vefromoven moven,remo ,removefilm vefilm, , sti tirra an nd dsserv rvee.

Chipotle Sweet Potato Fries (donotthaw) • Prehe Preheatoven atovento400˚F. to400˚F. • Removedesirednumberories rompa ro mpacka ckagin ging.P g.Plac lacer eries iesona onaoi oill linedbak line dbaking ingshee sheetall tallowi owingsp ngspace ace betw be twee een npi piec eces es.. • Place Placebakingshe bakingsheetonthece etonthecenter nter rack ra ckin int the heo ove ven. n. • Bakefor Bakefor20-22min 20-22minutes. utes.



NEW! Classic Spanish Rice

Microwave: (donotthaw) • Placetray,withilmintact,inthe micro mic rowa wave ve.H .Hea eato tonhigh nhighor6-6 or6-6½ ½ minut min utes es.R .Rem emover overommi ommicro crowave wave.. • Letstandorminutebeore remov rem oving ingil ilm.S m.Stir tirand andser serve. ve. Oven: • Preheatovento50°F. • Placetraywithilmintact,ona baking bak ingshe sheet etont onthe hecen cente terra rrack cko o theo ovven. • Bakeor0-5minutes. • Careullypeelbackilmandstirwell.

 S   i    d   e  D  i    s   h   e  s 


• Cutsl Cutslitince itincenter nterofthepl oftheplasti astic c ilm i lmc cov over erin ing gtr tray ay.. • Coo Cookonhig konhighfor2m hfor2minut inutes. es. Peel Pe elba back ckth the eil ilma mand ndst stir ir.. • Coo Cookonhig konhighfor30 hfor30-60se -60second conds. s.

Cheddar Cheese Hash Browns Bake:


• Prehe Preheatovento atovento400˚F. 400˚F. • Remov Removedesired edesirednumber numberofhash ofhash brow br owns nsr rom ompa pack ckag agin ing. g. • Placeo Placeonabakingsh nabakingsheetlined eetlinedwith with parchm par chment entpap papero eroro roil, il,allo allowin wing g -i inc nche hesb sbet etwe ween enpi piec eces es.. • Bakefor Bakefor30-35min 30-35minutes. utes. • Letco Letcool2-3 ol2-3minut minutesbef esbeforese oreserving rving..


NEW! Colossal Private

Reserve® Baed Potatoes Microwave:


• Place Placefrozenpo frozenpotatoince tatoincellowra llowrap p onami ona micr crow owav aves esa aed edis ish. h. • Microwaveonhighor6-7minutes or o rpo pota tato to.F .For orp pot otat atoe oes, s, microw mic rowave aveonh onhigh igh00-m minu inutes tes. . • Letrest Letrest1-2minut 1-2minutesbefor esbeforeservin eserving. g.


• Prehe Preheatoven atovento400°F to400°F. . • Remov Removefrozen efrozenpotato potatoesfrom esfrom cellowr cello wrap apan andp dplaceonao laceonaoilli illine ned d baki ba kings ngshee heetwi twith th-i -inch ncheso eso  spac sp acei einb nbet etwe ween enea each chpo pota tato to. . Heat He at or or h hou our. r.


Creamed Spinach


(donotthaw) • Preh Preheatov eatovento35 ento350 0F. • Remo Removeplas veplasticfi ticfilmfr lmfromtr omtray. ay. • Cove Coverwith rwithfoil. foil. • Plac Placetray etrayonbaki onbakingshe ngsheetonm etonmiddl iddle e racko rac koove oven.H n.Heat eator or60m 60minu inutes tes, , stirr sti rring inghal halw wayt aythro hroug ughco hcook oking ing timeor tim eorunt untilh ilheat eatedt edthro hroug ugh. h. Microwave: • Cutsl Cutslitinfil itinfilm.Pla m.Placetra cetrayinthe yinthe  mi micr crow owave ave.Co .Cook okon onhig  hig h-6 minu mi nutes tes.Re .Remo movet vetray rayro romo moven ven. . • Stirandletstandorminutes. Remo Re move vei ilm lman ands dserv erve. e.



Green Bean Casserole (donotthaw)


• Preh Preheatov eatovento35 ento350 0F. • Rem Removefilm ovefilmfromtray fromtrayandpla andplaceon ceon baking bak ingsh sheet eet.Ba .Bake keo or0 r0mi minu nutes tes.. • Remo Removefro vefromoven moven,stir ,stirandser andserve. ve.


• Cutsl Cutslitincen itincenterof teroffilm film. . • Plac Placetray etrayinmicr inmicrowav owave;coo e;cookon kon higho hig hor6r6-7mi 7minut nutes. es.Pee Peelba lback ck ilman il mandst dstirh irhal alwa wayth ythrou rough gh. . • Carefu Carefullyrem llyremovefi ovefilmandserve. • Remo Removefro vefrommic mmicrow rowaveand aveandserve. serve. M

Mixed Vegetables



(donotthaw) ov: • Pr Preheatovento450°F eheatovento450°F. . • Rem Remov ovefries efriesfrompa frompackag ckagingand ingand  placeo pla ceona naoil oillin linedb edbaki akings ngshee heet t leav le avin ings gspa pace cein inbe betw twee een. n. • Plac Placesheet esheetinoven inovenoncente oncenterrack rrack. . • Bak Bakefor17efor17-18min 18minutes utes.. M

Pepper Jac Risotto Caes


Preheatove eatovento50 nto50F. • Preh • Plac Placedesir edesirednum ednumberofse berofservin rvingson gson

 oillinedor oillinedornonst nonstickbak ickbakingshe ingsheet, et, allow all owing ingabo about2 ut2"be "betw tween eenpie pieces ces. . • Bake Bakefor30-3 for30-35minu 5minutes. tes. Microwave: • Plac Place1-2onami e1-2onamicrow crowave avesaedish. • Cookonhighor-minutes.

FROM THAWED: Thawinrerigerator. Pan Saute:

• Preh Preheat2ts eat2tsp.ofco p.ofcookin okingoil goil oreac or eachRi hRiso sotto ttoCak Cakein einano anonst nstick ick  skil sk ille leto tonm nmed ediu iumh mhea eat. t. • Formthe FormtheRisottoCak RisottoCakeintoapatty eintoapatty  shapebyslightlylattening. • Add to toski skillet,cookingor ½- minu mi nute teso sone neac achs hsid ide. e. M

Potatoes a Gratin

• Plac Placefroz efrozenveget envegetables ablesinabout inabout 1  /  / 4  cupboilingwater.Allowwater tore to retu turn rnto toab aboi oila land ndco cove ver. r. • Reduc Reduceheatto eheattomedium medium,stir ,stirring ring oten ot enore oreven venhea heatin ting.H g.Heat eatunt until il vegeta veg etable blesre sreach achdes desire iredte dtende nderne rness ss. . Seas Se ason ona as sde desi sirred ed..


• Plac Placeveget evegetables ablesinmicro inmicrowave wavesafe safe dish. dis h.Add AddTb Tbsp sp.o .owa wate teran randc dcov over. er. • Cook Cookonhigh onhigh8 8--10min 10minutes utes,stir ,stirring ring vegeta veg etable blesa sater ter-5min -5minut utes. es. • Rem Remove ovefrom frommicr microwa owave;serv ve;serve. e.

• Plac Place1-2onmi e1-2onmicrow crowavesaf avesafedish. edish. • Cookonhighfor Cookonhighfor1-3minutes. 1-3minutes.


For a great vegetable combination, try  mixing together our Glazed Carrots with Broccoli & Cauliflower after heating.


NEW! Omaha Steahose Fries

• Preh Preheatove eatovento425˚ nto425˚F. • Plac Placedesir edesirednum ednumberofse berofservin rvings gs on oillinedornonstickbakingsheet, allowing2 2"" betweenpieces. • Ba Bakef kefor2 or255-30m 30minu inutes tes..


FROM THAWED: Thawinrerigerator. Pan Saute:

• Prehea Preheat2tsp t2tsp.ofco .ofcookin okingoil goilforea foreach ch Potatoesa auu Gratinportioninalarge nons no nsti tick ckskille skilletonm tonmed ediu iumh mhea eat. t. • FormPotat FormPotatoes oesauGr auGrati atinint nintoapa oapatty tty bysl by slig ight htly lyl lat atte teni ning ng. . • A ddtoskillet,cookingor ½-  minu mi nute teso sone neac achs hsid ide. e.


Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes (do not thaw)


• Prehe Preheattheov attheovento ento50F. • Remov Removecellop ecellophane hanecovering coveringtray tray and place on a baking sheet. • Bakefo Bakeforabout45rabout45-50minut 50minutes. es. Tp: Sprl wth 1 Tbsp. rat  Parmsa chs  ach tray f ptats prr t plac ptats  th v.


• Remo Removethe vethecello cellophan phanecov ecovering eringtray. tray. • Cook Cookonhighfo onhighfor3r3-4minut 4minutes;stir es;stir. . • Retur Returntomicr ntomicrowav owaveandcoo eandcookfor kfor min minute ute.Le .Letre trest stor ormin minute ute.. M

Scalloped Potatoes

(donotthaw) • Pre Prehea heatov tovento ento350˚ 350˚F. • Remo Removepla veplastic sticfilmfro filmfromfroz mfrozentra entray y andp an dpla lace cetr tray ayon onba bakin kings gshe heet et. . • Placeba Placebakingshe kingsheetonove etonovencenter ncenter rack;bake rack; bakeo or r0-5m 0-5min inut utes es,s ,stirrin tirring g ater at er0mi 0minu nutes tes.R .Remo emove verom romove oven. n. • Letstan Letstand3minute d3minutesbefore sbeforeserving serving.. Microwave: • Remov Removeplastic eplasticfilmfrom filmfromtray. tray. • Plac Placefroz efrozentray entrayinmicr inmicrowav owave;co e;cook ok onhi on high gho or5 r5mi minu nute tes. s. • Remo Removefro vefrommicr mmicrowav owave,gen e,gentlysti tlystir, r, return ret urntom tomicr icrow owavea aveandc ndcook ookon on high oor -- ½minutes. • Letstan Letstand3minute d3minutesbefore sbeforeserving  serving 



Steahose Potatoes

Microwave: (donotthaw)

• Remov Removeplastic eplasticfilmfrom filmfromtray. tray. • Placefr Placefrozentr ozentrayinmicro ayinmicrowave; wave; cook co okon onhi high gho or rmi minu nute tes. s. • Remo Removefro vefrommic mmicrow rowave, ave,gentl gentlystir ystir,, andr an dret etur urnt ntom omic icro rowa wave ve.. • Coo Cookon konhig highfo hfor2r2- ½ minutes.


• Preh Preheatov eatovento40 ento400˚ 0˚F. • Remov Removeplasticfilmfromtray eplasticfilmfromtray,cover ,cover witho wit hoila iland ndpla placeo ceonb nbak akin ingsh gshee eet. t. • Pla Placeba cebakin kingshe gsheet etonthecenteroven rack; rac k;ba bake keor or5 5mi minu nutes tes.. • Remove Removefoilcoveringtray,bakin foilcoveringtray,baking g anad an addi diti tion onal al0-5 0-5mi minu nute tes. s. • Rem Removefr ovefromove omoven,le n,letstan tstandfor dfor 5min 5m inut utes esbe beo ore rese serv rvin ing. g.

Stir-Fry Vegetables



• Hea Heat1Tbsp t1Tbsp.ofoil .ofoilinsau insautepan tepan ora o rabo bout utm min inut utes es. . • Add Addfroze frozenveg nvegetab etablesto lestopan. pan. • Stir-fryforapprox Stir-fryforapproximatel imately5minutes. y5minutes.


• Pour Pourthepa thepacka ckageofve geofvegeta getable blesina sina micro mi crowa wave vesa saed edish ish;br ;brea eaki kinga ngapar part. t. • Cover Coverdishwithplas dishwithplasticwrap,ven ticwrap,venting ting onec coorner. • Microwa Microwaveonhighfor7-8minu veonhighfor7-8minutes. tes. • Letre Letrestfor1m stfor1minut inute.Ca e.Careful refully ly remo re move vepl plas asti ticw cwra rap. p. M

Stffed Baed Potatoes

(donotthaw) • Preh Preheatov eatovento3 ento350˚ 50˚F. • Remove Removepotatofromthepackage. potatofromthepackage. • Plac Placedesi edesiredn rednumb umberoffro eroffrozen zen portio por tions nsona onaoi oilli lline nedba dbaki kings ngshee heet. t. • Bake0minutes,untilheatedthrough andl an dlig ight htly lybr brow owne ned. d. Grill: • Preh Preheatgr eatgrill. ill. • Remove Removepotatofrompackagin potatofrompackaging. g. • Plac Placefroz efrozenpo enpotato tatoesona esonashee sheetof tof alumi alu minum numoi oil.W l.Wrap rapoi oilar laroun ound d potato pot atoes, es,lea leavi vingt ngtoph ophal alexp expose osed. d. • Grillonmedium Grillonmedium-highhea -highheat.Cook t.Cook withg wi thgril rillli llidd ddown own5-5m 5-5min inute utes. s. Microwave: • Remove Removepotatofrompackagin potatofrompackaging. g. • Place Placeonefroze onefrozenpota npotatoonmic toonmicrowav rowave e saed diish. • Cookonhighor ½- min minutes utes, , rotati rot atinga ngatha thalw lway aypoi point. nt.Toc Tocook ook twopo two pota tato toes es,c ,coo ookk- 6m 6min inute utess.



 Vegetable  Vege table Medle Medley  y 

(donotthaw) • Prehe Preheatoven atovento350˚F. to350˚F. • Place Placethetrayon thetrayonabakingshe abakingsheet. et. • Cutasma Cutasmallslitinth llslitinthetrayfilm etrayfilm.. • Place Placebakingshe bakingsheetoncent etoncenterrack errack in oven. Bake for 35-40 minutes. • Remo Removefro vefromoven moven,caref ,carefully ullyremov remove e film and serve.



• Cut small slit in center of film on tray. • Place in microwave and cook on high 2-3 minutes. Lift film, stir & keep cooking an additional 1-2 minutes.



 Whi  W hipp pped ed Sw Swee eett Pot Potat atoe oess (do not thaw)


• Pre Prehea heatov tovent ento o50F. • Remov Removefilmfro efilmfromtray.Co mtray.Coverthe verthe  sweet potato tray with foil. • Plac Placetray etrayonbaki onbakingsheeton ngsheetonmiddle middle rack of oven. Heat f or or 30 minutes. • Stir Stir.Placefoi .Placefoilontray lontray,heatfor ,heatfor another 00 minutes. Microwave:

• Cut Cutslit slitinf infilm ilm. . • Placet Placetrayinmi rayinmicrowa crowaveove veovenand nand cook on high 4-6 minutes, rotating  tray halfway through cooking. • Removefrommic Removefrommicrowav rowave,sti e,stirandle randlet t stand for 2 minutes. Remove film.

Entertaining Tip:

To heat several trays, pop out of tray  frozen, place in glass baking dish.




 Whole Green  Whole Green Beans Beans or Glazed Carrots or Sweet  Corn Medley 


(do not thaw)

• Pre Prehea heatov tovent ento o50F. • Place Placetrayonbak trayonbakingshe ingsheet. et. • Cutasmal Cutasmallslitin lslitincentertra centertrayfilm. yfilm. • Plac Placebaki ebakingshee ngsheetoncent toncenterrack errack in oven. • Ba Bake kefo for3 r355-40 40 minutes. minutes. • Remov Removefromoven efromoven,carefu ,carefully lly remove film and serve. Microwave:

• Cutsma Cutsmallslit llslitinthece inthecenterof nterofthe the film on the tray. • Plac Placeinmicr einmicrowave owaveandcook andcookon on high for for 2-3 2- 3 minutes. • Lift Liftfilm, film,stirand stirandcontin continuecooki uecooking ng for an additional 1-2 minutes. • Rem Remove ovefro from m microwave and serve.

Omaha Steaks® Beef  Nutritional Facts Chart 3 oz. Raw, Uncooked Serving


Calories Total Saturated Trans from Fat Fat Fat Fat Cholesterol Sodium Protein Iron






















Chuck Flat Iron






















Ribeye Steak 











Strip Loin Steak 











 Tenderloin, Filet  Tenderloin, Filet Mignon Steak 











 Tenderloin, Trip  Tenderloin, Triplele Trimmed  Trim med Steak 











 Top  T op Sirloin Sirloi n Steak 











 Top  T op Sirloin Sirloi n Steak, London Broil











 Top Sirloin  Top Sirloi n Steak, Sirloin Supreme











 T-Bone Steak 











Roast, Prime Rib











Roast, Sirloin Tri-Tip











Roast, Tenderloin Chateaubriand











Roast, Top Sirloin











*Not a signifcant source o Total Carbohydrates, Dietary Fiber, Sugar, Vitamin A or Vitamin C. Nutrition inormation is based on actual lab analysis or published resources. Percent daily values (DV) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.



Omaha Steaks® Pork, Veal, Lamb & Poultry Nutritional Facts Chart 3 oz. Raw, Uncooked Serving


Calories Total Saturated Trans from Fat Fat Fat Fat Cholesterol Sodium Protein Iron











Center Chop, Loin











Loin, Tenderloin Tenderloin Roast




















Leg, Whole











Loin Chop











Rib Chop, Frenched











Roast, Lamb Rack 











































Veal Veal, Rib Chop



Poultry Chicken Breasts, Boneless, Skinless



*Not a signifcant source o Total Carbohydrates, Dietary Fiber, Sugar, Vitamin A or Vitamin C. Nutrition inormation is based on actual lab analysis or published resources. Percent daily values (DV) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.



Index   Appe  Ap peti tize zers rs 34 34-3 -355       5 5 5

5 5 5

Articho Artic hoke keSpi Spina nach chDip Dip Bua Bu aloC loChic hicke kenW nWing ingss BullllW Bu Win ings gs Chic Ch icke ken nCo Cord rdon on Bleu Bites FiletMignonPastryBites File Fi letM tMig igno nonS nSpr prin ingR gRol olls ls Gour Go urme metFr tFran anksi ksin n a Blanket PremiumLox  Sea Se aoo oodS dStu tu ed ed Mushrooms Shri Sh rimp mp& &Cr Crab ab Parmesan Dip StuedAntipasto Bread  Tend Te nder erlo loin inT Tip ips, s, Bacon-Wrapped

Beef 8-14 Beef Entrees    9 9 9 0 9 0 0 0     

BBQF Fla lattI IrronW Wrraps BBQS ShhreddedB Beee  Bee Brisket Bee Be eS Sir irlo loin inT Tip ips swi with th Mushroom & Wine Bee Stew  Bee St Stro roggan anoo w wit ithh Noodles Calv Ca lves esL Liv iver er CornedB Beeea an nd Cabbage Dinner FullllyC Fu yCoo ooke kedP dPot ot Roast IndividuallyWrapped Prime Rib Slices Italia Ita lian-S n-Styl tyleM eMea eatba tballs lls OldOl d-Wo World rldFra Frank nkss PremiumGroundBee  Reub Re ubenS enSan andwi dwich ches es Tend Te nderl erloi oinK nKabo abobs bs Tend Te nder erlo loin inTi Tips ps


Desserts: continued

 Gourmet,Omaha Steaks, ChoppedSteak andPrivateReserve® Burgers  So Sout uthw hwes este tern rn Chipotle Burger  Ul Ulti tima mate teOm Omah aha a Steaks Burger

0 0 0 0 0

Filet Mignons

6 6 6 6 6 7

 Baco Baconn-Wr Wrap appe ped d Filet Mignon  Fi Filet letMi Mign gnon onwit with h Mushrooms  Se  SearR arRoas oasted ted Filet Mignons  St  Steak eakDia Diane ne

Sirloin Steaks  Baco Baconn-Wr Wrap appe pedd Top Sirloins  Me Medi dite terr rran anea ean n Sirloin Skewers  Pa Parm rmes esan anDi Dijo jon n Crusted Strip Loin  Si Sirl rloi oinT nTip ipss  St Stea eaka kauP uPoi oivr vree

Desserts 38-40  Cara Carame melA lApp pple le Tartlets  Ch Chee eese secak cakes es&C &Cak akes es  Ch Choc ocol olat ateM eMol olte ten n Lava Cakes  Co Cook okie ieDo Doug ugh h 9 Cr Crea eam mP Pu us s 9 Cr Crem eme eBr Brul ulee ee 9 Fr Fren ench chVa Vanil nilla laSo Sou ule le 9 Ind Indivi ividu dualN alNew ewYo York  rk  Cheesecakes 9 Ind Indivi ividu dualT alTira iramis misu u 9 Ke KeyL yLim imeT eTar artl tlet ets s 9 Le Lemo monL nLav avaC aCak akes es

Lemon Lemo nTa Tart rt Pump Pu mpki kin nPi Piee Rasp Ra spbe berr rryS ySau auce ce RedV Re dVelv elvet etDr Drea eamC mCak akee Sour So urCr Crea eamC mCo oee ee Cakes

Pasta & Soup 36-37 BeeL Bee Las asag agna  na  Lob obst ster erB Bis isqu quee Lobs Lo bste terM rMac ac& &Ch Chee eese se Maine Ma ineLo Lobst bsterR erRavi avioli oli Mea eatL tLov over er’s ’sLa Lasa sagn gna  a  Roas Ro asted tedVe Veget getabl able e Lasagna   7 Sh Shrim rimpFe pFettu ttucci ccine ne Alredo 7 Ulti Ultimate mateMac& Mac& Cheese Lasagna 

Pork 24-27 Pork Chops  Baco Baconn-Wr Wrap appe ped d Pork Chops  Bo Bone neles lessP sPor orkC kChop hopss  Po Polyn lynes esia ianP nPor orkC kCho hops ps

Pork Entrees 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7

Bacon Baco nSl Slic ices es BBQ BB QPu Pulllled edPo Pork  rk  Bone Bo nele less ssSm Smok oked edHa Ham m Brat Br atwu wurs rstt Brea Br eaka kast stSau Sausa sage ge Carn Ca rnita itasP sPor orkRo kRoas astt Gour Go urme metF tFra rank nkss Ital It alia ianS nSau ausa sage ge Polilish Po shSa Saus usag agee Pork Po rkTe Tend nder erlo loin in Chateaubriand 7 Sm Smok oked edPo Pork rkLo Loin in Ribsw wiithB BB BQ Sauce 7 Sp Spir iral alSl Slic iced edHa Ham m


Poultry 30-33

Seafood 18-23

Side Dishes: continued

32 BBQ Rubbed Chicken 30 Breast of Chicken with  Wild  Wil d Rice Rice 30 Breast of Chicken Kiev  30 Breast of Chicken with Broccoli & Cheese 30 Breast of Chicken Cordon Bleu 30 Breast of Chicken with  Artich  Art ichoke oke & Parmes Parmesan an 30 Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts 32 Caribbean Chicken 31 Chicken Breasts & Vegetable Skewers 31 Chicken Fingers, Italian-Style 31 Chicken in Pastry  31 Chicken Tenderloins, Oven Fried 31 Herb Roasted Chicken 31 Mango Chicken Roulade 32 Mediterranean Chicken 32 Oven Roasted Chicken 32 Oven Roasted Turkey  32 Savory Grilled Chicken  with  wit h Mango Mango Salsa  Salsa  32 Sesame Chicken 32 Smoky & Sweet Pulled Chicken 31 Trio Mushroom Stuffed Stuff ed Chicken Chicken Breas Breasts ts 33 Ultimate Chicken Patty  33 Whole Basted Turkey 

18 Bacon-Wrapped Scallops 18 Blackened Shrimp 18 Butterflied Trout 18 Caribbean Crusted Mahi Mahi 19 Chilean Sea Bass 20 Classic Salmon 18 Coconut Shrimp 19 Fire Roasted Salmon 18 Gourmet Crab Cakes 20 Hickory Salmon Fillets 19 Jumbo Shrimp 19 King Crab Legs 20 Lemon Dill Salmon 20 Lemon Peppered Catfish Fillets 20 Lemon Peppered Tilapia Fillets 20 Lobster Tails 20 Marinated Salmon 21 Mediterranean Crusted Salmon Fillets 21 Oven Fried Shrimp 21 Parmesan Crusted Trout Fillets 21 Premium Lox  21 Pub-Style Cod Fillets 21 Pub-Style Cod Sandwich 22 Salmon Mignon 22 Shrimp Cakes 22 Snow Crab Claws 22 Sole Almondine 22 Stuffed Sole with Scallops & Crabmeat 22 Stuffed Sole with Shrimp & Garlic 23 Tortilla Crusted Tilapia Fillets 23 Wild Salmon Cakes 20 Wild Salmon Fillets

43 Classic Spanish Rice 43 Colossal Private Reserve Baked Potato 44 Creamed Spinach 46 Glazed Carrots 46 Green Bean Casserole 44 Mixed Vegetables 46 Omaha Steakhouse Fries 44 Pepper Jack Risotto Cakes 45 Potatoes au Gratin 45 Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes 45 Scalloped Potatoes 45 Steakhouse Potatoes 45 Stir-Fry Vegetables 46 Stuffed Baked Potatoes 46 Sweet Corn Medley  46 Vegetable Medley  46 Whipped Sweet Potatoes 46 Whole Green Beans

Sauce & Glazes 41-42 41 Asian-Inspired Glaze 41 All Natural Turkey  Gravy  41 Lemon Parsley Butter Sauce 42 Napa Cabernet Glaze 41 Omaha's Best Genui Genuine ne Steak Gravy  42 Seasoned Butter Sauce 42 Turkey Gravy  42 Tuscan Bal Balsam samic ic Gla Glaze ze 42 Trio-of-Chiles Glaze 42 White Wine Sauce 50

Side Dishes 43-46 43 Asparagus Spears with Hollandaise Sauce 43 Broccoli & Cauliflower with garlic, oil & herbs 43 Cheddar Cheese Hash Browns 43 Chipotle Sweet Potato Fries

Lamb, Veal & Duckling 28-29 29 Duckling Breasts 29 Duckling Breasts in Orange Sauce 28 Leg of Lamb Roast 28 Loin Lamb Chops 28 Mint Sauce & Jelly  28 Rack of Lamb 29 Seasoned Boneless Leg of Lamb 29 Veal Parmigiana  29 Veal Patties, Italian Breaded

Cooking Charts 15 Omaha Steaks Cooking Chart 16 Omaha Steaks Roast Cooking Chart 23 Omaha Steaks Fish Cooking Chart 17 Private Reserve Steak  & Chop Chart

Nutrition Charts 47 Beef Chart 48 Pork, Veal, Lamb & Poultry Chart

The cooking times below are for fully thawed steaks. (Please see page 6 for cooking from frozen.) The Steak Cooking Chart is based on grilling with charcoal.  When  Whe n using using a gas gas grill grill,, times times may dif differ fer but you can sti stillll use use this this chart as a relative cooking-time guide. In addition, you may   wantt to con  wan consul sultt the own owner’ er’ss manua manuall that that came came with with you yourr grill grill..

Omaha Steaks Cooking Chart – Preheat grill on high. Lightly oil or season steaks. Refer to cooking times below. Allow 3-5 minutes resting time before serving steaks. Apply sauce or glaze if desired.

Gas or Red Hot Charcoal Grill





Rare 120˚- 130˚F

First Side After Turning

2 2

4 2

5 3

Medium Rare 130˚-140˚F

First Side After Turning

3 2

4 3

Medium 140˚-150˚F

First Side After Turning

4 2

Well Done 160˚-170˚F 160˚-170˚ F

First Side After Turning

5 3

Preheated Oven Broiler –

1 "

1 "

1 3"


5 4

6 4

7 5

8 6

5 4

6 5

7 5

8 6

9 8

5 3

6 4

7 5

7 6

8 7

10 8

7 5

8 6

9 7

10 8

11 9

13 11

Place pan 2-3 inches away from the broiler heat source.





Rare 120˚- 130˚F

First Side After Turning

4 3

5 4

6 5

Medium Rare 130˚-140˚F

First Side After Turning

5 4

6 5

Medium 140˚-150˚F

First Side After Turning

6 4

Well Done 160˚-170˚F 160˚-170˚ F

First Side After Turning

9 7

1 "

1 "

1 3"


7 5

7 6

8 7

10 8

7 6

8 6

8 7

9 7

11 9

7 5

8 6

8 7

9 7

9 8

12 10

10 8

11 9

12 10

13 11

14 12

15 13

Omaha Steaks test kitchen equipment may vary from yours in the amount of heat produced. Verify degree of doneness by using your kitchen thermometer.

Omaha Steaks is committed to being the very best in the business. Before any product earns the name Omaha Steaks, it must pass through a series of rigid quality & safety  checks. You will be thrilled . . . we guarantee it.

• •

Grain-Fed Beef  Naturally Aged

• •

USDA Inspected Hand Trimmed

• •

100% Guaranteed Vacuum Wrapped

FILET MIGNON The Filet Mignon deserves its reputation as the most tender, elegant steak of all. Carved from the prized tenderloin, this delicate, lightly marbled cut has the mildest flavor of all our steaks.

BONELESS STRIP SIRLOIN STEAK  The Boneless Strip is a firm, well-marbled steak from the heart of the loin. The characteristic white tail keeps it  juicy during cooking. Its full flavor and aroma come alive  when grilled or broiled.

FILET OF PRIME RIB (RIBEYE) Our Filet of Prime Rib offers the marvelous texture of  a steak and the rich flavor of Prime Rib. The secret is in the flavor kernel, a ribbon of marbling running through the steak, which melts during cooking.

TOP SIRLOIN STEAK  Our leanest, firmest, many say tastiest steak. Our expert steak cutters leave just enough of the exterior fat to bring  out its uniquely bold, beefy flavor. If you prefer a steak   with a robust taste and texture, this one’s for you!

T-BONE & PORTERHOUSE STEAK  Our mighty T-Bone & Porterhouse are two steaks in one! On one side of the bone there’s a large New York Strip and on the other, a tender Filet Mignon. Known for its size, it’s guaranteed to satisfy even the largest appetite!

FLAT IRON STEAK  Our Flat Iron Steak is extra tender and juicy with a robust, beefy flavor that’s delicious grilled, broiled or pan fried. Big on flavor, yet completely trimmed, this popular steak is catching on with steak lovers everywhere.

©2012 OCG, Inc.


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