Conversion Plan Eben Pagan

March 20, 2017 | Author: psychonomy | Category: N/A
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My Note Taking Nerd Report “Giving You The Edge!”

“What My Note Taking Nerd Learned At Eben Pagan’s Platinum Conversion Summit”

Exclusive Notes For…

The Guru Conversion Plan Featuring: Eben Pagan

Session 1 of 12: Irrationality And Persuasion People are often afraid to say ‘Give me your money, and I’m going to give you something more valuable than the money’. “Every marketing and sales situation is an ethical dilemma”, and facing ethical dilemmas helps us grow up. The reason it’s difficult also is because it’s so easy to lie to ourselves and rationalize almost anything. We often don’t want to cross the line into deception. So conversion can be a sensitive topic. We’re talking about how to change the way people think, their emotions, motivating and activating large groups of humans beings to do things almost by remote control as we use the internet to do it. Turning prospective customers into buyers. The first pillar is The Customer Pillar…All the things you do to broadcast the message out to bring response in indicating themselves as good prospects in some way. The next pillar is The Conversion Pillar…taking those prospective customers you’ve generated and get them to make a buying decision, to take action, to exchange their money for what you sell. The third pillar is The Content Pillar…you create products and services to meet the needs of your customers and fulfill on all the promises you made in your marketing and sales and conversion process. The fourth pillar is The Business Management Pillar…all 1

the things to manage the business, managing your time, managing yourself, hire people, etc. Here, we are focusing on the Conversion Pillar. And this is about a qualified buyer, and you not screwing it up. Conversion is getting someone who is interested who has indicated they are a good prospect to take action and buy. It’s important to look at chimps to see some deep corollaries that will become part of the conversion process: 1. People have very poor impulse control. When an impulse comes up, it takes over, and they have to go just do something to get it out their system. This is especially true in areas of procreation and survival. 2. People are instant gratification oriented and not very good at thinking about the future. They want the most immediate bang for the buck. 3. People are highly emotional. If a highly positive loving emotion comes up, they immediately want to go love on some human apes. Or they become angry and then everyone becomes the enemy. Emotional positioning. WE have poor impulse control. WE are instant gratification oriented. WE are highly emotional. But there’s one more… 4. WE are highly intelligent. But with the intelligence – the parts of us that are impulse oriented, instant gratification oriented, and emotionally oriented usually take over the brilliant intelligence and use it for their own ends. So that essentially all of our waking time, for all of us, we are using our vast intelligence to satiate and satisfy our little impulses, to get instant gratification in the moment, and to satisfy our emotions. That’s what we typically use our intelligence for. All the time. We get the emotion, run over somewhere, and behave like a chimp. We get three quarters of the way done a bag of chips and we wonder how we got there. The power of the human mind to deceive itself is beyond estimation. When you see this in yourself, you’ll see it in others, and then really start to be able to communicate with others. So as we go through learning about Conversion, remember: They’re impulse oriented, they’re instant gratification oriented, they’re highly emotional, and those parts of them take over the intelligence and logical thinking brain to figure out how to get their needs met… …and then, after they take over their mind to hi-jack it and get their short term impulse gratification emotional needs met…once it’s over they send another message back that says “Okay, go rationalize it all and cover the tracks”. Then the circle is complete. We 2

make up a little story to make it all fit into our life. Whatever the story is. And we keep going through life asleep. So … we have poor impulse control, we are instant gratification oriented, we’re highly emotional, these three parts of us take over our intelligence and use it for their own ends, and then we rationalize the whole thing by making up a story to cover the tracks of this. How do we sum this up simply? Humans Are Irrational If you think of people as highly rational, you’ll probably miss the mark in trying to get them to buy your stuff. If you remember they’re irrational creatures, taken over, drugged and intoxicated in an emotional moment that’s driving then through impulse to get an instant gratification need met just so they can stop obsessing about it and get onto the next thing in their life, then you’ll be better with communicating with them, and a little closer to reality. So look for the irrational motivators. Look for the things motivating them that are irrational, and focus there. It’s also important to note we all have an “Emotional Comfort Zone” (ECZ) we like to live. When a human being is outside their ECZ, they will do ANYTHING to get back in. Remember, they don’t know this going on. Remember what we said above with emotion. When we ask if the prospect is experiencing pain and urgency or irrational passion, is the prospect proactively looking for a solution, is the prospect from their perspective in a situation where they have few or no perceived options, we’re looking for prospects who are outside their emotional comfort zone! We’re not targeting people with a life where everything is okay, else we have to talk people into stuff. So seek prospects outside their emotional comfort zone and offer them a solution to get back in. Often you don’t have to do much except ‘You’re outside your comfort zone, I get that, Here’s the thing that will help you get back in’ and they do the math and that rationalization mechanism comes back online and it starts working with you instead of just inside of them. So what do we do about all this? 1. Only sell products and services that are worth a lot more than the money you’re charging for them. Preferably at least 10x. 2. If you’re really offering that much value and you can really help prospects that 3

much, then you owe it to them and yourself to use every tool at your disposal to persuade them to invest in what you’re selling with a 100% no questions asked money back guarantee attached to everything you sell. Now you can say ‘This thing is worth at least 10x what I’m charging for it, and if you’re not convinced I’ll give you your money back’ Getting the human animal to pull out the wallet and give us money is the hardest skill to learn. We think of money as bio-survival tickets. But the money is not where it’s at…but they think it is. Most humans haven’t learned that it’s about creating value and taking hassle away and that is where the value is – so they don’t focus there…they focus on get more bio-survival tickets ‘How do I get the coupons I can trade for food?’ So it’s a skill and challenge that needs to be learned and mastered. So do whatever it takes to get your prospect to take action. You have to feel confident you can sit down, ask some questions, figure out what the emotional drivers are, understand the irrational need, make a match between your product, and then ask for the order, get the person to actually take the money out, hold their hand and walk them through, it’s going to be okay, it’s going to be okay, help them take advantage and use the product and service etc. People love to buy, but they hate to be sold. We like feeling like we’re the ones making the decision, and not being pushed into an agenda. We stop wanting things where someone is trying to make us do something we won’t benefit from but the other person will benefit from. Instead, BE A BUYING MENTOR. If you push someone to do something, it should only be because it will be to their benefit. Help people buy and to get their own needs met. Help them buy, don’t sell them. Also, understand that persuasion is an unconscious process. You can’t do it directly. You have to go through the conscious mind but you’re not operating on the conscious mind. And what this means is that in the Body Emotion Mind System, there are mechanisms react instantly and automatically. We have mechanisms where you push the button and bam, it just happens. As an example, one of them is Social Proof. When we’re in a situation and we are in doubt about the right thing to do, we automatically look around to see what everyone else is doing, and copy it. Sometimes we even do it if we do know what to do. The thing is, we don’t ‘choose’ to do this. We make up a story and make it logical…but it’s not. It’s just what we do.


ESPECIALLY if we perceive them to be higher status, authoritative or experienced in some way. So, the point here is, what we’re doing is not giving exact directions…we’re more setting conditions. We’re not telling the baby geese ‘now is the time be afraid’, we’re taking the shape of their predator and flying it over them, and all the rest of the work gets done. So we’re operating on this level. It’s important to remember…humans are irrational and persuasion is unconscious. You can’t do it directly. It doesn’t work directly. It’s like trying to persuade a baby goose to feel fear. Confabulation is where we con ourselves into believing a story that isn’t true. We make the whole story up. We do things, rationalize, create a whole story about why we did it, and that’s the way we really operate on the world. We confabulate reasons why we’re doing things and rationalize them. Also…Action comes after Emotion. We feel, and then we act. It’s emotion driving action. If your child or parent is ever in danger, you don’t sit back and do the math and calculate the odds – you just leap into action immediately. If you choose a niche based on an emotional need, then you have this working for you. They’re feeling, they want to act, but they just don’t know how to. They don’t know where to go. And what drives feeling? Thinking. But the type of thinking that drives feeling is meaning making. It’s when we make things mean something. So, child in danger, we see that and make that mean ‘child in danger fires us up

I must go and do something to get them out of danger

feel emotion that

then go act’.

It’s more complex than this, but this is the simplified version. We perceive the situation, we make meaning in our minds, that then triggers the feeling, and then we go and act. So the level we have to concentrate on is the Emotion level, but we get there through the Meaning Making of the Mind. Again, we can’t say to the baby geese “feel fear”. But what we can do is show them something that they will make meaning out of, and then they feel it. It’s not easy to describe and then actually act on like ‘getting to feeling through thinking’. So we need to stay focused here. Lastly, we only do things out in reality we first imagine ourselves doing inside of our mind. So the question is ‘What info do I need to give to my prospect, how do I need to communicate with them, so they’re imagining buying and using my product and service in their mind?’ They’re imaging themselves doing it. 5

Sometimes, just by painting a picture of what their life is going to look like as they buy, use, and get, sometimes that’s enough. Connect the dots in their mind so they imagine clicking the button, filling out the form, downloading and reading the book, and getting the result – so now when they do it, it feels much more natural. Pushing someone into something where they have no experience or know what it is uncomfortable. When you’ve thought about it, seen yourself doing it, imagined it, now it’s easier. So people will only do things they first see themselves doing in their mind. So how do you walk them through getting themselves to see themselves doing it in their mind?

Session 2 of 12: The Prospect / Product Connection And The Prospects’ Emotional Needs Focus on conversion, not name recognition and branding. The objective is not to get your name out there...the objective is to get their name in here. Put the customer and their emotional needs on the marketing stage, not the fancy parts of your product or you, and if you talk about your product or service talk about how it meets one of their emotional needs. Do surveys to find out your customers' needs. Look at the words your prospects use. Selling consultations and coaching sessions to customers is the best way to do research and get inside the customers mind. Don't advise, facilitate and ask questions. Guaranteed success is talking to 10 new people a day and asking "what's your biggest fear and frustration?" "What's your biggest problem?" "What do you desire?" "What's the outcome you're looking for now?" "What have you tried and didn't work?" "What do you think the solution is?" and getting inside their minds and figuring out where they're coming from. Lastly, remember your customer is under a temporary state of insanity when they're under the influence of an irrational emotional motivator, and they see their life as having an actual roadblock in it and they can't get on with their life until they get their irrational motivator handled. This is true if you've done the 3 question niche test. EXERCISE: The Prospect / Product Connection: The most important elements of your Conversion process is the MATCH between the need of your Prospect and the benefit that your Product offers.


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