Conversational Hypnosis Academy's - How To Set Up The Perfect Hypnosis Session

June 10, 2018 | Author: Scott Jansen | Category: Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Thought, Trance, Unconscious Mind
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This master guide to set up the perfect hypnosis session looks, in-depth into how to set up a therapeutic hypnotherapy s...


 This master guide to set up the perfect perfect hypnosis session looks, indepth into how to set up a therapeutic hypnotherapy session and how to get your client and yourself in the correct head space to conduct a successful meeting.

However, while we have taken special care and thought to put this guide together, we understand that outside inuences can play a signicant role to conducting a success session, s ession, and these forces and factors need to be personally taken care of by the Hypnotist before, during and after an intervention or meeting.

 This guide will highlight ideas and concepts concepts that need to be adjusted accordingly, as this is not one sie ts all but rather the broad brush strokes strokes of the perfect hypnotic set up for your clients.

Master Guide Breakdown:

Hypnotic set up !indset "riming #nconscious !arkers !arkers Hypnotic !onologue $omplete  The Hypnotic set up

"rimarily "rimarily the hypnotic set up is the pre-game show % if you will &, and special care needs to be taken here for guiding a client into and out of a successful therapeutic trance.

 'our  'our set up will include the professional basics such as your intake intake form, possible payment and your meet and great.

(nce this is complete % every hypnotist should do their research to put together this intake form, as individual states, countries and other mediums of therapy re)uire certain )uestions, rules, and statements, that clients must adhere too &

 The hypnotic set up we will look look at is how to begin.

 The beginning stages of your intervention intervention are crucial crucial to the natural ow of the session, and this is where we will turn our attention.

$ompliance and permission % as a subkey note &.

 Taking  Taking away the assumption that because our client client has shown up to their session, that they are ready and willing to begin once you % the hypnotist & is.

*eing that a session could take an e+tended time length, getting compliance to start is a must.

$ompliance states that your client is ready to begin the session, without distractions.

*y distractions, we mean e+ternal factors such as a client, maybe needing to use the bathroom, or may re)uire re)uire more water before they begin.

ith your compliance, we are not just asking permission to start such s uch as

re you ready to start your session today but rather to ensure your client does not need the bathroom or anything else to make the session comfortable, to begin with.

*e sure to cover these basics such as bathroom break, water, tissues, a blanket in cold weather or a fan in the hot weather.

(nce the basics are covered, then we can progress into (#/ compliance )uestion such as re you ready to begin your hypnosis session now.

ith a congruent yes, we can start s tart

$ongruency with this answer is needed from your client, without hesitation or thought is important.

*ecause if we see doubt or hear hesitation, this may reveal our rst block and will transition us into the mindset section.

0f your client is e+cited and ready to jump in head rst into the session, covering the ne+t step % mindset & should still not be missed, as this

will add more unconscious congruency into the mi+, which works in our favor.

1ey insight 2 *e sure to think of the basics and ask your client if they need more water, a bathroom break, or a blanket etc. The last thing we want is for our client3s attention to be on e+ternal thoughts instead of the internal thoughts we re)uire re)uire for hypnosis


hat do we mean by mindset4 e need to answer certain )uestions to understand how our client think, feel or even the thoughts our client have about hypnosis.

5ow while these )uestions need to suit the client you have in your session and the conte+t of the session, our goal is to tease out any hesitation and negative feelings towards hypnosis.

6or e+ample ...

let3s say we have asked our compliance )uestion as stated previously, and we can hear slight hesitation and a noncongruent yes to begin.

 This hesitation should alarm us to a client client being in the wrong headspace. Hypnosis re)uires our clients to be clear-headed clear-headed % if you will & and not caught up in any preconceived preconceived thoughts % in the negative & for this interaction.

0t is these preconceived thoughts that will block our ou r approach and put the conscious mind on high alert.

 The hesitation, fear or old thoughts a client brings brings with them, could be from a variety of situations, so let3s cover the basics here.

(ur client may have had a bad e+perience with hypnosis in the past

!aybe our client does not believe this session will work

(ur client might be skilled in hypnosis and have certain things they would have done di7erently up until this point

 'our  'our clients may have watched watched a stage hypnosis show and felt scared scared about what they hypnotist was doing with his subjects, and take away the wrong assumptions.

 The key distinction distinction here is that society society has decided upon poor ideas about hypnosis, and it could be these things that your client brings with them into the session.

8o to counteract this, nding out these possibilities opens up the mindset and may allow us as the hypnotist to s)uash these objections.

Simple questions you may use to correct the mindset:

Have you ever been hypnotied before4 % this will alert us to any e+perience good or bad &

hat are your thoughts about hypnosis4 % this may give us a clear

e+ample of what they have witnessed or seen in their life, that they assume hypnosis &

How do you think hypnosis feels % again to highlight an e+perience where your client may have thought hypnosis was to feel a certain way but didn3t get that feeling, thus negating a session in the past &

 These )uestions are essential essential to begin a dialog and bring to the surface any concerns or thoughts about hypnosis, and these concerns can then be rectied inside your priming se)uence.

Key insight : #nderstanding the thoughts of your clients and bringing them to the surface to reframe during your priming stage, puts us in a great position and takes away possible blocks that could resonate later on and halt our therapeutic interaction. sk basics )uestions to nd these out. This is not a point to teach a client and tell them they are misinformed but to reframe during the ne+t stage of your interaction.

Priming or formatting the unconscious mind:

1nown in a classical sense as the pre-talk, this stage is to let our clients know about the what, why, how and when of the session s ession that is about to commence.

nd with this, there are many versions of a pretalk and arguments about what should be said in this chat.

hat we will look at is not just creating a suitable pre-talk p re-talk % or priming se)uence & for our client, but to add in certain hypnotic principles that will turn, what is usually a part of any hypnotic set up, into the rst stages of our induction.

!eaning we will use this pretalk p retalk format format as our induction.

(ur priming % or version of the hypnotic pretalk & will cover the essential part of the session including privacy, safety, and care, and also include principles that will begin the induction phase.

The priming basics:

 Think of priming as warming up the mind, mind, just like an athlete athlete would warm up their body before physical activity.

(ur goal here is to warm our client3s conscious mind and unconscious up to the fact of the hypnotic interaction that is about to commence.

nd inside this will dissolve the negative thoughts and feelings and objections of hypnosis % which is why we asked the mindset )uestions rst &

 The mindset )uestions have been been invited to nd negative themes themes that are present in our clients that we can reframe inside our pretalk.

(ur priming se)uence will become a monolog of sorts and will include two common hypnotic principles that will turn our pre-talk into an induction.

 This principle is repetition repetition and overload of information. information. Hypnosis basics will dictate towards repetition repetition on many occasions. nd even in the most advanced techni)ues, repetition is still an occurring factor. factor.

*y using repetition inside our priming chat, we will be reframing reframing any objections, causing trance to occur and warming up our client to the session.

 The what, when, how, why themes of priming. priming.

 To  To get the most from this stage, we need to make make a list of things that will become our entire interaction.

 This will not include the therapy, therapy, as this will need to be adjusted accordingly to suit your client.

hat it will include will be as a s many positive feelings, thoughts, sensations, and possibilities that we can t into this portion of our interaction.

 To  To get this done correctly, correctly, simply ask yourself, yourself, how you would like like your client to feel, think, e+perience e+perience and notice % in the positive & while entering into or once in a trance4

(r better yet, consider yourself as being a client who may have objections towards hypnosis, fears, an+ieties or even doubts, that you would like your Hypnotist to reframe for you, so you are in the right headspace.

eelings and sensations:

hat does trance or hypnosis feel like4 hat positive things would we

like our client to feel and e+perience4

$omfort, rela+ations, depth, at ease, peaceful, tran)uil, looked after, cared for, heavy9light, clear-minded, clear-minded, rest, internal thinking, at one with self, free, 86:, ;((1:< 6T:/, focus, clarity, special, internal, etc.

s you can clearly see from f rom this list, everything is stated in the positive.

ith this % as we create our monolog or speech & by overloading and using repetition = these positive themes, will active a positive neurology and becomes a version of a suggestion, which will active an unconscious process, thus the more we overload, the more trance our client will get, feel and e+perience.

ith these positive themes, we need to construct our speech. To do this, we need to add in simple conjunctions to bridge ideas together. together.

#sing words like because, and, as, which, if, you, can, etc.

 These linguistic terms terms join ideas and words together together and become the ow of our speech. s peech. ithout them, our speech would become a checklist, and not allow the induction to take hold.

Here is an e+ample of our feelings and sensations % e+perience & words = our linguistic conjunctions

!ypnotist : Before we begin our session today, you did mention that  you were not sure if hypnosis actually actually works, and I totally understand this, and with this I want you to realise something important about the

trance you will go into, a trance that is not just relaxing but allows your  mind to drift while feeling great. You see everyone will go into a trance dierently, dierently, so its not a matter of if hypnosis will work or not, what really matters is how much of a tran!uil sensation you will begin to feel before you go into a deep and convincing trance. Becuase not only  will you be safe and know that I will look after you, you can begin to experience subtle shifts in your body that mean your breathing and relaxation is beginning to slow down now. "nd this is the beginning of trance, to wonder what wonderful things you will experience, and consider how life changing a connection with your unconscious mind will be, and all you need to do is simply s imply listen to my voice and wonder which part of you will go into trance #rst while your breathing shallows out, your mind begins to clear and you go gently into a peaceful and transformational trance.

8o as you can see we have simply combined our positive words with our conjunctions = reframed the wrong thoughts about hypnosis all in the one speech.

hile using this monolog, it is important to watch for signs of trance, to see if the frames you are setting are taking place.

8o if you mention the breathing slowing down, keep an eye out on it. 0f you mention your client3s eyes will get heavy, watch out for this phenomena.

5ow the )uestion should be, how long do we do this for 4. >ust like hypnosis is individual, so will the length of this monolog, which is why watching your client act upon these suggestions is key.

*y utiliing this overload and repetition of suggestions the unconscious mind can begin to activate these very suggestions, and this puts our client into the right mindset.

 To  To practice, this, task yourself ?@ ?@ seconds and talk without stopping.

(nce you have mastered ?@ seconds, double your time and test yourself to see how long you can monolog for without stopping or thinking.

Key "nsights :  The priming se)uence combines combines overload and repetition = positive words to put a client into a positive mindset for the session ahead. (ur client3s focus will start on the negative of the issue, our goal is to begin to get them into a mindset that is more accepting of trance, rather than in a negating stage.

#nconscious markers $ priming e%tensions &

 >ust like priming, priming, unconscious mark markers ers now point out the HT HT type of things they may feel, see and notice as a result of our induction and or therapy.

*y doing this, we can set up the unconscious mind to be accepting of our inductions and therapy.

 The majority of inductions used in hypnosis hypnosis consist of a few basics2

 These are memories memories % regression regression 9 revivication revivication & imagination % symbols 9 guided interventions 9 parts integration symbols & emotions % :motional Trance methods, forgiveness cycles & and hypnotic phenomena % hand levitations 9 hallucinations 9 confusion etc &

8o just like our priming has set up the session for what the trance itself  will feel and be like, we can now add these unconscious markers inside our speech, so when we come to use our techni)ues, the unconscious mind is already prepared criteria criteria for our inductions to work

Key note : 0f you have trouble with your indcutions working, set your client up % unconsciously & as this is the type of induction you will use, ahead of time, and allow the unconscious mind to get ready for it.

#nconscious markers for priming $ themes &

8ee things, remember events, hands may get heavy, light or even lift, your body might get e+tremely e+tremely heavy, emotional e+perience, a sense of release and joy, connect with symbols and pictures, confusion, etc

*eing very similar to your priming themes, these unconscious markers markers are now laying down the foundation for the inductions you many choose to use.

 To  To do this with ease. "ick "ick your favorite inductions and break break them down to being something that suits the category of the above unconscious markers. markers.

0f your inductions involve memories, be sure to add this as an unconscious marker

5ow we have our unconscious markersA markersA we just need to include this inside our priming theme.

*elow we have taken a portion of the above priming e+ample and

added the markers along the way. #nconscious markers will be highlighted

You see everyone will go into a trance dierently, dierently, and who knows what   you will remember remember or see inside this trance, trance, so its not a matter of if hypnosis will work or not, what really matters is how much of a tran!uil sensation you will begin to feel before you go into a deep and convincing trance where your emotions can be set free in a transformational way and begin to reconnect all new ways to view your  life . Becuase not only will you be safe and know that I will look after  you, but you can also start to experience experience a subtle shift in your body that mean your breathing and relaxation is starting to slow down now. now.  "nd the best bit about trance you may learn learn things from how your body feels and how in some cases people can experience their arms or   just #ngers lifting by themselves themselves and its at this point you gain an internal connection with the real you inside ...

ith the highlighted areas, you can see we have just prepared possibilities. nd this is the key distinction.

 These are possibilities, possibilities, not pre-re)uests. pre-re)uests. e e are not telling telling a client how to e+perience trance we are using options and you might, and you could style frames

Key insight: "epper in your unconscious markers. These markers let the unconscious mind know, ahead of time, what style of hypnotic induction and therapy you as the Hypnotist would like to use, and this gives time for the unconscious mind to either prepare prepare things based on your wishes or nd a better way for you and your client. The key is we are putting the client3s unconscious mind to work immediately.

(nce we combine priming se)uence % all positives & = our unconscious

markers we have completed our hypnotic monolog.

 This monolog is an overload of positive, safe and pleasant pleasant e+periences e+periences = possible trance phenomena, that add to the e+perience of the trance.

*y doing this well enough you will nd your inductions have more power and are less likely to fail, and with practice, you will break down and reframe the blocks our clients and society has about hypnosis.

'isclaimer: hen using this approach, app roach, we advise to view the information as an addition to your current current theories. This should not be a substitute and used in an inappropriate manner. 'our client welfare, safety, and care are always a top priority and should be considered thoroughly before every session. #se these e+amples and information as a guide and include your style to gain a richer e+perience with hypnosis.

or more information on the (on)ersational !ypnosis *cademy contact: info+con)ersationalhypnosisacademy,com

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