Develop your confidence when speaking English. Be able to use the English language within a number of practical situations. Develop your skills of persuasion and debate. Understand and use idioms, slang and colloquial vocabulary.
Course Content
Day 1- introductions and Ice breakers.
Day 2 -developing vocabulary & role play (Slang & Idioms)
Day 3 - debate, discussion and persuasion.
Day 4- Tour guides
Day 5- Celebrities and questioning.
Getting to know each other ( a bit like speed dating) Possible Questions What is your name? How old are you? Where are you from? How are you feeling today? How are you feeling about the course?
Possible responses I am good thank you. I am excited/looking forward to the course I ‘m 31 I come from… I speak English well/ not so good…
Possible greetings
Hello Hi How are you How are you today Are you alright Nice to meet you
About me!
Can you come up with the questions to these answers? 27 A girlfriend. BA Honours criminology & Postgraduate certificate in education. Stafford. Basketball, Thai Boxing & football. Film & music. Primary school teacher.
Call my bluff! I will give you 2 minutes to think of 3 facts about yourself, 2 must be truthful but 1 must be a lie. The person next to you must guess which fact is the lie. I will go first.
Present a partner. Choose a partner. Building on the conversations that took place earlier, everyone is going to produce a poster that describes their partner.
Intelligent Polite Active Athletic/sporty Attractive Funny/humorous
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