Conversation1 HOTEL CHECK IN

January 9, 2019 | Author: Yoyok Wardoyo | Category: Leisure
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Checking in Conversation 1 Situation : At the front desk desk of the hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are checking in.

Sir. Good afternoon Madam. Can I help you? Clerk: Good afternoon Sir. Mr. Brown: Yes. Do you have any room available for tonight please? Clerk: What ind of room !ould you lie Sir? Mr. Brown: We"d lie a double room please. Clerk: Would you lie a room !ith air #onditioning Sir? Mr. Brown: Yes please. Mrs. Brown: Do you have any room near the pool? Clerk: I beg your pardon Madam? Mrs. Brown: Do you have any room near the pool? Clerk: $ne moment please Madam. % (Checking rooms availability) Yes !e have a double room available near the pool.

Checking in Conversation 1 Situation : At the front desk of the hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are checking in Clerk: G&&& a&&&&&&&&&' S&&. G&&& a&&&&&&&&&' M&&&&. C&& I h&&& y&&? Mr. Brown: Y&&. D& y( h&&& a( r&&& a&&&&&&&& f&& t&&&&&&' p&&&&&? Clerk: W&&& &&& o& r&&& !&&&& y( l&&&' S&&? Mr. Brown: W&"d l&&& a d&&&&& r&&&' p&&&&&. Clerk: W&&&& y( l&&& a r&&& !&&& a( #&&&&&&&&&&&' S&&? Mr. Brown: Y&&' p&&&&&. Mrs. Brown: D& y( h&&& a( r&&& n&&& t( p&&&? Clerk: I b( y&&& p&&&&& M&&&&? Mrs. Brown: D& y( h&&& a( r&&& n&&& t( p&&&? Clerk: $( m&&&&& p&&&&&' M&&&&. % )Che#ing rooms availability*

Y( !& h&&& a d&&&&& r&&& a&&&&&&&& n&&& t( p&&&.

Checking in Conversation 2 Situation : A customer makes an inquiry aout the !rice for a stay. Clerk: "uest: Clerk: "uest: Clerk:

Good morning Sir. Can I help you? Good morning. I"d lie a room for this evening please. + single room Sir? Yes please. Do you have any rooms near the bea#h? $ne moment please % % % Yes' !e have a single room near the bea#h Sir. "uest: ,o! mu#h is it please? Clerk: + single room is -/ per night. "uest: Does that in#lude breafast? Clerk: 0o Sir. 1reafast is - 2./3 e4tra. "uest: I beg your pardon? Clerk: 1reafast is -2./3 e4tra Sir.

Checking in Conversation 2 Situation : A customer makes an inquiry aout the !rice for a stay Clerk: "uest: Clerk: "uest: Clerk: "uest: Clerk: "uest: Clerk: "uest: Clerk:

G&&& m&&&&&& S&&. C&& I h&&& y&&? G&&& m&&&&&&. I"& l&&& a r&&& f( t&&& e&&&&&&' p&&&&&. + s&&&&& r&&&' S&&? Y( p&&&&&. D& y( h&&& a( r&&&& n&&& t( b&&&&? $( m&&&&& p&&&&& % % Y&&' !& h&&& a s&&&&& r&&& n&&& t( b&&&&' S&&. ,( m&&& i& i& p&&&&&? + s&&&&& r&&& i& -/ p( n&&&&. D&&& t&&& i&&&&&& b&&&&&&&&? 0&' S&&. 1&&&&&&&& i& - 2./3 e&&&&. I b( y&&& p&&&&&. 1&&&&&&& i& -2./3 e&&&& S&&?

Checking in Conversation 3 Situation: A guest who already made a reservation arrives at the front desk of the hotel. Receptionist: Good afternoon Sir. May I help you? Guest: Yes. Good afternoon. I have a booking for tonight. R: May I have your name please? G: Yes the name is !ayden. "om !ayden. R: I am sorry. #ould you spell that please Sir? G: !$%$Y$&$'$(. R: !$%$Y$&$'$( thank you Mr. !ayden. )ne moment please. .%. )h yes Mr. !ayden that *as a single room for t*o nights *asn 5t it? G: Yes that"s right. R: +ould you like to register please? ,the receptionist gives the Guest a formG: #an I borro* a pen please?

Checking in Conversation 3 Situation: % guest *ho already made a reservation arrives at the front desk of the hotel Receptionist: G$ a$ S$. M$ I h$ y$? Guest: Y$. G$ a$ . I h$ a b$ f$ t$. R: M$ I h$ y$ n$ p$? G: Y$ t$ n$ i$ !$. "$ !$. R: I a$ s$. #$ y$ s$ t$ p$ S$? G: !$%$Y$&$'$(. R: !$%$Y$&$'$( "$ y$ M$. !$. )$ m$ p$. .%. )$ y$ Mr. !$ t$ *$ a s$ r$ f$ t$ n$ *$ 5t i$? G: Y$ t$"s r$. R: +$ y$ l$ t$ r$ p$? ,the receptionist gives the Guest a fromG: #$ I b$ a p$ p$? R: Y$. !$ y$ a$ S$. %..M$ I b$ y$ p$ f$ a m$ p$? G: )$ c$. !$ y$ a$. ,The receptionist checks the passport then

Conversation 4 Situation: Filling in a registration form. The receptionist lls in the form for the guest. Receptionist: +ould you like me to ll in the form for you Sir? Mr. "anaka: Yes please/ Receptionist: #ould I borro* your passport please Sir? Mr. "anaka: )h yes. !ere you are. Receptionist: "hank you %%%%%..,He reads the passport and lls in some of the details on the form-. #ould I have your profession please Mr. "anaka ? Mr. "anaka: 0ublic servant. Receptionist: %nd could I have your home address please? Mr. "anaka: 1&1 2 3 (amiyoko Manato&ku )saka. Receptionist: %nd your departure date Sir? Mr. "anaka: I beg your pardon? Receptionist: +hen *ill you leave the hotel Sir? Mr. "anaka: )h %% In t*o days %%.. )n the 24th of (ovember.

Conversation # Situation: $illing in a registration form. %he rece!tionist fills in the from for the guest. 6e#eptionist: Mr. 7anaa: 6e#eptionist: Mr. 7anaa: 6e#eptionist:

W& y& l& m& t& f& i& t& f& f& y& S&? Y&' p&8 C& I b& y& p& p&' S&? $& y&' ,& y& a&. 7& y& %%.) He reads the passport and fills in some of the details on the form *. C& I h& y& p& p&' Mr. 7& ? Mr. 7anaa: 9& s&. 6e#eptionist: +& #& I h& y& h& a& p&? Mr. 7anaa: &  / 0& M&&&' $&. 6e#eptionist: +& y& d& d&' S&? Mr. 7anaa: I b& y& p&? 6e#eptionist: W& !& y& l& t& h&' S&? Mr. 7anaa: $& %% I& t& d& %%.. $& t& ;th o& 0&. 6e#eptionist: 7& y& Mr. 7& . C& y& s& h& p&?

Conversation &: 'scorting the "uess to their room. Situation: %he guest has com!leted the registration. %he rece!tionist asks the elloy to escort the guests.

(ece!tionist: 9lease es#ort Mr. and Mrs. 1ro!n to their room. +re you ready to your room Sir' Madam? Belloy: Yes' I thin so %%. Mr. Brown: Do you have any luggage? Belloy: Yes' that"s it. $ver there. 7he big bro!n suit#ase and Mr. Brown:

the blue one. I beg your pardon? Whi#h suit#ase? Belloy: Mrs. Brown: 7he bro!n one and the blue one. $h' yes%.. )he gets the bags* your room is this !ay' Belloy: Mr. and Mrs. 1ro!n )They go to the lift * . It"s on the se#ond floor' overlooing the pool.

Conver sat i on5:Escor t i ngt heGuesst ot hei rr oom Si t uat i on:Theguesthascompl et edt her egi st r at i on. Ther ecept i oni staskst hebel l boyt oescor tt heguest s. Recept i oni st :   P-e -Mr .a-Mr s.B-t -t -r . Bel l boy: A-y-r -t -y-r -S,M? ,It -s -……. Mr .Br own:YBel l boy: D-y-h-a-l ? Mr .Br own:Y,t ’ si .O-t .T-b-b-s-a-t -b-o. Bel l boy: Ib-y -p?W-s ? Mr s.Br own:T-b-o-a-t -b-o. ,y …. .( Bel l boy: Oheget st hebags)  y -r -i -t -w,Mr .a-Mr s.B-( ). The ygot ot hel i f t I -o-t -s -f ,ol -t -p.

Conversation &: ')!laining the room facilities Situation: %he guests enter their room. %he elloy descries the room to them. Belloy: 7his is your room Mr. +nd Mrs. 1ro!n . ) he opens the door *

%%%% after you please. Mrs. Brown: 7han you %%%..) the guests go in first *. )The Bellboy goes in, puts the suitcases on the rack and opens the curtain * Belloy: Would you lie me to e4plain the fa#ilities for you sir' madam? Mr. Brown: Yes of #ourse. Belloy: 7he light s!it#h is here' and #ontrol for the air&#onditioning is here. %7his is the telephone' the !ater' and the radio%. +nd this is the #hannel sele#tor for the radio. %You have a bal#ony over there !ith a ni#e vie! of the pool. %+nd the bathroom is
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