Conversation in English at Hospital

January 15, 2017 | Author: RizkyAmalia | Category: N/A
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Conversation in English at Hospital A conversation between a patient's attendant/relative and the doctor: Arokya : Doctor, what is wrong with my mother? Doctor : She has typhoid. I want you to monitor her temperature. Arokya : How often should I check her temperature? Doctor : Once every four hours. Arokya : What diet should I give her? Doctor : Only liquid diet. Arokya : When should I bring her for the review? Doctor : After three days. Glossary monitor : watch carefully for a period of time review : (here) check again A conversation between an anxious patient and a doctor, before an operation: Patient : Is the surgery a major one? Doctor : Yes, it is. Patient : How long will it take? Doctor : 1 1/2 ? hours. Patient : Will I be given a local or general anaesthetic? Doctor : General. Patient : Will there be any after-effects? Doctor : Except for weakness and a little nausea, you'll be fine. Patient : Will it be painful afterwards ? Doctor : Yes. But don't worry, you' ll be given pain-killers. Patient : What will be the cost of the surgery? Doctor : Rs.75,000/- including post-operative care. Glossary local anaesthetic : a drug that causes loss of feeling in one part of the body general anaesthetic : a drug that causes unconsciousness after-effects : effects that follow the primary action of something post-operative : relating to the period after surgery

English Conversations -Doctors 24 hour Clinic 84 Mrs.Verma : Can I see Dr.Raman? My son his hurt his knee.

24 hour Clinic Receptionist: Did you make medical appointment, Madam? Mrs.Verma : No. But then I hadn’t expected my son to have a fall and hurt himself. I couldn’t make medical appointment for child accident, could I have? But I must have the child’s knee treatment and dressing done urgently.

24 hour Clinic Receptionist: Don’t get excited, Madam. The doctor does attend to emergencies, though normally the doctor is so busy that he can only see patients who have made priormedical appointment, .Mrs.Verma: Then what shall I do? Shall I go to urgent care hospital?

Doctors 24 hour Clinic

Patients waiting to make appointment

24 hour Clinic Receptionist: Please wait here, Madam. I’ll fit you in between the appointments. In the mean while, please fill in this form. Is the child’s knee painful bleeding ? Mrs.Verma No. The bleeding has stopped.

24 hour Clinic Receptionist: Please wait in the waiting room and I’ll Call you the moment the doctor is free. Mrs.Verma: and Vikram join the group of people sitting in the waiting room.Dr.Raman comes to the door. Dr.Raman : Mrs.Verma? Mrs.Verma Yes. That’s me. Good morning,

DOCTOR attending injured knee

Dr. Raman: I understand your son has had a fall and has knee ligament injury. Come along young man. I’ll have a look at your knee.. An elderly woman gets up and hurries forward towards the doctor. Elderly woman: Oh Dr.Raman, you can’t see him first. It is my turn. I’ve mademedical appointment. Dr.Raman: Hello, Mrs.Sonia , I know it is your turn, but this child needs immediate attention.He needs knee treatment. I’ll see you right after child’s knee wound dressing. Dr.Raman: It won’t be long, Mrs.Sonu. Please excuse me for a few minutes. Mrs, Verma, please bring your son into the treatment rooms All three of them go into the treatment rooms of 24 hour Doctors clinic. Dr.Raman: (Examining the wounds). This is a nasty wound. You have knee swelling. Do you have pain behind knee. You have Knee ligament Injurywhich causes knee pain Cut, but not too serious. There is nothing to worry about.I will start Knee Treatment. I’ll clean it, put some tincture iodine on it and do bandage dressing lightly. Vikram Oh! That hurts.

Doctor Patients discussion

Dr.Raman: You are a young child. I’ll give you an Tetanus injections to ward off any infection. There you are. That is a good boy. Mrs.Verma:Will he be all right doctor? Aren’t you going to give any prescription medicines? Dr.Raman: There is no need for any prescription medicines. He’ll, be all right. The knee will be all right. The knee will be a bit stiff for a few days. In case getsfever or the pain is too severe, give him one of these tablets?

Mrs.Verma: After how many hours do I give him one of these tablets? Dr.Raman: Don’t give him a tablets unless he feels very uncomfortable with pain. Give the tablet, if he gets fever. Then come and see me again at 24 hour Doctors clinic, in the morning. These tablets are only a precaution. Mrs.Verma: Do you think he’ll get fever, doctor? Dr.Raman:No. Don’t worry. I think he’ll be all right. But in case he does get a temperature, then come back to me again. Well, young man, be careful the next time you get off a bus.

Doctor is examining the patient

Mrs.Verma: Where do I pay your consultation fees and for the medicines? Dr.Raman: At the reception counter, Madam. Goodbye. Mrs.Verma:Thank you very much, doctor. Vikram: Thanks, Doctor Raman 25

Doctor Prescribing Medicine

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At the hospital A : Doctor’s office. Jane speaking. How can I help you? B : I need to make an appointment with Dr. Kim. A : Do you know your chart number? B : No, sorry. It’s at home and I’m at work right now. A : No problem. What’s your name, please? B : Michale Staples. A : Okay Mr Staples. Hold one moment while I grab your chart, please. B : Sure. A : Thanks for waiting. Now, what do you need to see the doctor about? B : Well, I’ve been fighting a cold for more than a week, and I think I might have a chest infection or something. My cough is getting worse each day. A : Hmm. Doctor Kim is off tomorrow. Do you think it can wait until Wednesday? B : Oh, I was really hoping to get in today or tomorrow in case I need some antibiotics. Maybe I’ll have to go to the walk-in-clinic instead. A : Actually, we had a cancellation for 2:00pm today if you can get away from the office. B : Gee, it’s almost 1:00pm already. I think I can make it if I leave right now. A : We’re running a bit behind schedule, so you can probably count on seeing the doctor around 2:30. B : That’s great. Thanks for fitting me in. A : No problem, Mr. Staples. We’ll see you in an hour or so. [Update] A : How can I help you? B : I need to make an appointment for check up on my eyes. My eyes ache and are watery [teary, achy], while I look at monitor. [My eyes are tired staring at monitor].

A visit to the hospital

Joyce: Excuse me. Could you tell me which ward Mr John Smith has ended up in please? I’m his wife. Nurse: Certainly. He’s in Ward 4, room 22. You may need to wait. He’s undergoing tests at the moment. Joyce: So, he’s okay? What happened? Nurse: You’ll need to speak to the Doctor on duty about that. Just go along the corridor and turn right and you’ll spot Doctor Sing outside room 22. Joyce: Ta. ---------------------Joyce: Hello, are you Doctor Sing? Doctor: Yes. Ah, you must be Joyce. Your husband collapsed at work. We’re looking into it at the moment. Joyce: Will he be okay? Doctor: Well, I’m going to have to impose on him a new health regime. Preliminary tests indicate a risk of heart disease. But I want to make it clear that this was not a heart attack. He did not exhibit regular heart attack symptoms but his condition warrants further investigation. Joyce: When will we know for sure? Doctor: I should have the test results back within a few days. But he should be well enough to go home today. He’s showing signs of continuously high blood pressure as a possible result of constant stress. He’ll need to take the next week or so off. Joyce: So, what should I do? Doctor: Warn him off fatty foods, sketch out a diet regime rich in green and red fruits and vegetables, and increase his water intake. No salt, no caffeine, no dairy and only lean meat or chicken. And definitely no alcohol. Joyce: Oh my God! He’ll never be able to do without any of those. Doctor: Well, it’s either that or he’ll be back here in worse condition within the next few months. He can’t wriggle out of it this time. Oh and after he’s adjusted to his new diet, he has to give up the ciggies. Joyce: Okay Doctor. I’ll let him know about those foods, but I don’t know if he’ll come at giving up the smokes. Doctor: I suspect that his arteries have narrowed. This is a common cause of high blood pressure. I’ve given him a prescription for some Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors and a Diuretic. Please follow the prescription exactly, otherwise he could take a turn for the worse. Joyce: Okay, thanks a lot Doctor.

Role Playing Script

Lesson #6 (parts needed are Narrator, Mary, Cheryl, Mr. Olsen, and Marcy) Narrator: Mary and Cheryl have been best friends since kindergarten. They play together at recess and always stand up for one another when they need to. They are the last two students to leave the washroom at the end of the lunch recess. Mary: (holding the door open) Hurry up Cheryl or we’re going to be late. Cheryl: (holds up a ring) Look what I found on the floor. I think this is a real pearl in the ring. Mary: You can turn it into the office at last recess. (Cheryl puts the ring in her pocket) Narrator: Both girls leave the washroom and go to their classroom. They get to their desks just as the afternoon announcements start. Mr. Olsen the Principal: Good afternoon everyone. The character trait we have been focusing on this week is accepting responsibility for our actions. Be sure to practice this if the opportunity arises. The only other announcement I have this afternoon is from Marcy. Marcy: Hi everyone. This morning I lost my pearl ring. I think I might have dropped it in the washroom. It is very special to me because my grandma gave it to me. If anyone finds it, could you please turn it into the office? Narrator: Mary looks at Cheryl and smiles. Mary: (looks toward the ceiling as if she is thinking and speaks her thoughts aloud) I’m sure glad Cheryl found the ring. Now she will be able to show everyone how honest she is.

Cheryl: (looks toward Mary with a guilty look on her face and speaks her thoughts aloud) I’ve always wanted a ring like the one I found. Narrator: At recess Mary and Cheryl head outside together. Mary: Cheryl, aren’t you going to take the ring to the office before we go outside? Cheryl: I’ll take it after school. Let’s hurry outside and get the swings.Narrator: That night after supper Mary phones Cheryl at home. Mary: Hi Cheryl. Did Mr. Olsen thank you for being so honest when you turned in the ring? Cheryl: I didn’t take it to the office Mary. I really like it and I’m going to keep it. Mary: But Cheryl, it’s not yours. It belongs to Marcy. It would be kind of like stealing if you kept it. Cheryl: No it’s not. I found it and Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers! You’re the only one who knows so promise you won’t tell anyone. Narrator: Mary’s not sure what to do. She doesn’t want to tell on her best friend but she knows that keeping the ring would be dishonest.

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