Convention center

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Abstract The project has to be developed as a destination for MICE (Meetings Incentives Conventions and Exhibitions) in Kerala. Nowadays conventions and incentive travels largely overlap and the staging of conventions are largely done in exotic destinations so that participation is largely considered as a reward for the participants. As one of the tourist's destinations in the world, Kerala's Unique Selling Proposition is her alluring gift in the form of beautiful beaches, fantastic lakes, and eye-catching islands surrounded by vast stretches of backwaters ideal for hydel-tourism. The project has been conceived in two phases.

First phase consists of the

development of the International Convention center and in the second phase the development of a resort and an ayurvedic center. The International Convention center would provide an integrated venue for conferencing and convention and will be equipped with all services required to attract international conferences along with multi purpose usage to cater to local demands.

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Introduction The term convention is an assembly of persons for some common objective or for the exchange of ideas, views and information of common interest. The main drawing factor, which generates a continuing demand for meetings, is the need for communication at a personalized level. The opportunity for individuals, particularly in those activities which involve problem solving and innovation are to exchange ideas and views. Electronic and printed information cannot be a substituted for this personal contact The importance of convention lies not only on what is said on the platform but the total atmosphere of the event and the stimulation which is provided. Nowadays conventions and incentive travels largely overlap and the staging of conventions are largely done in exotic destinations. This particularly applies to corporate conventions, with international companies placing a strong emphasis on social events which attempt to create a global family atmosphere amongst employees normally separated by considerable distances and, often, cultural differences. Areas of concentrated membership, developed facilities, supporting interests and other attractions also dominate in the choice of the venue. There is an increasing tendency to stage some meetings in more remote centers, particularly in the Third World countries in receipt of development aid and in those, which are neutrally located between East and West. Adding to this trend is the considerable development of convention and accommodation facilities in exotic destinations like the Far East (Hong Kong, Singapore, the Philippines

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Introduction At national level the choice of location for association events, such as annual conventions, invariably reflects a balance of considerations.

Factors such as

accessibility for the majority of membership and the suitability of facilities are overriding requirements, but of considerable importance are the social and leisure attractions for delegates and those accompanying them and often the need to stage exhibitions as an important part of the information programs. In today's fast developing world there are large no of conventions, conference, exhibitions, trade fair etc are being conducted every year in most of big cities in India and the world .These conventions and trade fair creates new forms of economy to the nation.

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Benefits In economic terms, international congresses and conventions offer many benefits to the host country when compared with other segments of tourism: !Per capita expenditure of congress delegates is higher than that of leisure tourists. !Main periods of demand occur in the intermediary and low seasons outside the

peak times for leisure tourism !Congress business is relatively stable with arrangements for accommodation and

travel fixed well in advance. !Transportation, accommodation and other services are offered on a large-scale

basis with a high degree of standardization. !Secondary business may be generated through tours, displays, visits, and trade


The host country has the opportunity to demonstrate its

international standing in the subject. ! No particular destination is normally compulsory and there is a relatively free field

for competition. !Facilities normally used for other purposes (universities, municipal halls, theatres

and concert halls) can used for meetings, generating additional revenue. For these reasons as well as for the benefits of tourism generally, convention business is highly competitive demanding a high degree of professionalism from tourist authorities and congress organizers. The 'buyers' of congress facilities are increasingly selective in demanding the type of accommodation and services they require. This increased economic benefit lead to the development of a new branch of tourism known as MICE(Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibition).

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

India: The convention Destination India is not just one of the world's oldest civilization, it is also the world's largest democracy, and has made stupendous progress among developing nations. A continent-sized country, India possesses an amazing wealth of sights and sounds, tastes and textures. It has a fascinating amalgam of tradition & culture, beauty & nature, style & splendor, warmth, feelings & courtesies, comfort & convenience virtually everything the modern conference organizer or delegate could expect. What makes India different from any other destination is the myriad of experiences that it offers. This is one land where the ancient and the modern co-exist. India can match any country in fulfilling the most exacting demands of international conventions - whatever discipline they might be. More than forty international airlines operate through out India. The country boasts of hotels that not only rank among the best in the world but also provide excellent personalized services. All of them support business centers with latest started of art office automation facilities and wellequipped health and recreational centers. There is a wide choice of locations depending on the needs of conventions. Conference facilities like audio-visual systems, simultaneous interpretation, foreign language guides, media centers, radio and T.V. Control rooms and production centers are available. With an abundance of skilled manpower and an articulate intelligentsia dotting the worlds largest democracy. Free interface is easy and meaningful. India's infinite variety of attractions can make pre and post convention tours a fine blend of business and pleasure. India's numerous art forms including folk dances each with its own identity can be a lively relaxation after hectic business sessions.

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Kerala as a convention Destination Kerala the 'God's Own Country', figures as one among the 50 millenniumdestinations for tourists. Already established as leisure and culture tourism destination, the God's Own Country is fast emerging as a business and meetings hothub, better known as Meetings Incentives Conventions and Exhibitions (MICE) destination. Kerala has posted a record growth of 11.37 per cent in foreign tourist arrivals last year. As one of the ten must-see tourists destinations in the world, Kerala's Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is her alluring gift in the form of beautiful beaches, fantastic lakes, and eye-catching islands surrounded by vast stretches of backwaters ideal for hydeltourism. Kerala's commercial capital, Kochi, has become a convention destination drawing business persons from world over. Kochi has hosted a number of international conferences and other conventions within the last five years. For example, World Rubber Congress, World Ayurveda Congress, the International Tea Conference, World Spice Congress, etc.

NEED FOR A CONVENTION CENTRE IN KERALA 1. To promote Kerala as a venue for international congresses and conventions. 2. To create a better awareness of the role and benefits of conventions in the context of national objectives.

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

General Fascilities Modern congress centers provide a range of accommodation for both large and small groups. Typically the building would include two large auditoria seating from 1000 - 2000; three medium-sized halls or lecture theatres with 200 to 500 seats and four committee rooms seating 20 to 50. In some cases, the main hall may capable of being divided or extended. For good acoustics and unobstructed sight lines the floors of the main auditoria are almost always raked or stepped tiers. To provide greater flexibility in use, other halls may separated by movable partitions, although high standards sound insulation and fire separation must be ensured. Almost all centers today incorporate exhibition and display facilities. Trade shows and exhibitions combined with meetings are an important part of the market and one, which is growing in numbers and average. One of the main advantages of a congress center is the speed of adaptation to meet different requirements. In many cases only alterations to furniture layouts are involved since the rooms are permanently equipped with all the technical services likely to be required. For this purpose the standards of equipment and services must be high, both in extent and in performance quality. As a rule each room must have lighting and air-conditioning control, and most of the larger halls must be permanently equipped with sound amplification, as well as film and slide projection and recording facilities. Simultaneous translation services must be provided to selected halls. A feature of centers, as opposed to congress halls, is the accommodation provided for meals and other requirements, all under the same roof.

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

General Fascilities Banquet halls are generally adaptable in use but separate restaurants and coffee bars must also be provided for the participants. The entrance area to the center is often the hub of its activities and the point at which delegates are received, registered and directed to their various halls. This area is also the one which creates the first and often most prominent impression and thus requires the most careful planning and design. Access to the center is a primary consideration in selection of the site and involves questions of transportation. Easy means of access-whether by private or public transport- for delegates, exhibitors, goods and services is an essential requirement.

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Problem Brief A project by Govt. Of Kerala and is being jointly developed by the Department of Information Technology and the Department of Tourism. This project is in tune with the Central Government's plan to develop two international standard convention centers in the country.The project is conceived in two phases. First phase consists of the development of International Convention Center and in the second phase resort and an ayurvedic spa. The convention center is being developed for setting up of a convention facility and to tap business tourism including fastest growing Meetings Incentives Convention and Exhibitions. The facility is proposed to be developed through Public Private Partnership. The project is structured as an institutional-cum-tourism infrastructure project and would have substantial leisure facilities to provide fillip to tourism growth in the region and a wide array of revenues to the private sector The Convention Center would provide an integrated venue for convention, exhibition, and conferencing facilities for domestic and international events along with medium scale exhibitions. The project is developed to host in future International Conventions like Global Investors Meet, SAARC etc. The Center would also include flexible facilities for multipurpose usage to cater to local demand like weddings, trade fairs and exhibitions. The facilities would broadly include the Plenary Hall, Hi-tech hall, meeting rooms, and divisible exhibition space. These facilities would be multipurpose and divisible and will be supported with specialty areas such as a media, business and medical center. In addition to these, there would be food and beverage areas such as coffee shops, cafeteria and food courts to promote the facility.

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Aim and Objective AIM To design convention centre for hosting International events at the same time catering to the local demand.

OBJECTIVE !The project to be developed considering the features of the site with maximum

water frontage !The

Convention center has to cater to the demand for exhibitions and large

gatherings !The

facilities should be flexible to accommodate multipurpose uses and different


International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Feasibility International Convention Center Complex (ICCC) has been conceived under Thiruvananthapuram Capital Region development projects of GOK. The state of Kerala offers a lucrative destination for setting up such a facility. GOK has identified Thiruvananthapuram as having the maximum potential for fast track development in the southern part of Kerala during next 3-5 decades. The MICE market is an important segment of the international travel market and accounts for between 30 and 35 per cent of all international travel. Travel industry sources point out that the international MICE tourism market has an estimated growth rate of 9-10 per cent per annum and accounts for approximately $90 billion of the global tourism market. With destinations that can match much of what the best Asian resorts offer, it makes sense for Kerala to aggressively target this market. The city is known world wide for famous tourist attractions like Kovalam beach that has unique presence in National and International map. Thiruvananthapuram receives nearly 0.9 million tourists every year growing by an average of 5.5%.The Project would be an icon project in the region and would attract international as well as domestic events. The large education and agriculture industry, combined with a growing IT base and the knowledge industry in Thiruvananthapuram will provide a ready base for a well operated convention centre. Techno-Park, KINFRA, ISRO are some of the important institutions which is in the vicinity of the proposed convention center.

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Literature Study AUDITORIUM Design of large auditorium greatly influenced by: !The maximum number to be accommodated and the range of audience sizes

for which the hall should cater. !The different purposes, apart from congresses, for which the hall may be used,

such as staged shows, live theater, concerts, exhibitions and dances. !Supplementary services to be provided in the hall or foyer, such as for

banquets, coffee and bar service. !Configuration of the site and the relationships with other buildings and

accommodation forming part of the same complex. !Access and circulation requirement

DIFFERENT SHAPES OF AUDITORIUMS RECTANGULAR SHAPE !Common for multi purpose hall, being uncomplicated in design. !Can be easily changed in use from a banquet hall or ball room to a congress

hall. !Designed for maximum flexibility with loose tables and chairs. !Easily divisible by partitions into small halls. !Not ideal for speech acoustics. !Side walls absorptive or diffusive to reduce resonance and echo

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Literature Study FAN SHAPE !Max. number of seats within the arcs giving the best viewing and hearing

condition. !Rear wall is either straight or concave made of highly dispersive or absorptive

material. !Angle of splay varies up to 60 .

HEXAGON SHAPE !Basic plan shape for multi purpose hall giving good direct sound. !The sight lines from extreme sides of the hall are liable to become too acute.

and obstructed !Modified form is horse shoe shape.

CIRCULAR/OVAL PLAN !Used for convention, conference and also serving community needs such as

indoor recreation, sports, rallies and pop concerts. !Limitations for good acoustics, but able to accommodate large number fo


International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Literature Study SIGHTLINES Longitudinal section through a hall showing sight lines giving a minimum of 100 mm clearance for each row producing a parabolic stepped floor clearance of 125 mm is better.

FLOOR LEVEL Height of focal point on platform: !Stage heights usually range from about 800 to 1100 mm. !The focus is usually taken as 50 mm above the farthest point of the stage.

Temporary platforms may be 300 mm in height.

Eye level when seated: !This is usually taken as 1120 mm above the floor measured through the central

line at each row. !Vertical distance between average viewers eyes and top of head: !A minimum of 75 mm in halls and preferably not less 125 mm in purpose

designed auditoriums. !Maximum vertical angle: from the nearest seats to avoid discomfort is 30 .

From the steepest balcony should not exceed 35 and preferably be not greater than 30

Seating layout For regular rows of seats in line the recommended vertical clearance should be provided from one row to the next.

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Literature Study Slope of aisles !Should be limited to 1:10,1:8 slope is also provided for disabled persons the

slope should not be more than 1:12.Viewing criteria !Viewing angle for screen projection - 45 maximum. !Viewing distance - 6 times image width maximum !1.4 times image width minimum. !The optimum distance for seating is between 3-5 m times image width . !Vertical angle -maximum 30 from the nearest seat to the top of the screen to

the horizontal.

Seating capacity Seating layouts and densities are largely dictated by legal requirements for the safe evacuation of the occupants in the event of fire.

Table-3.1 Seating density Seat density excluding stage: a. chairs rigidly anchored to construction b. all chairs in row fastened or ganged


ft /person

0.748 0.74-1.11




together to pressure integrity c. movable chairs allowed but only up to 12 per row.

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Literature Study Two main systems of seat spacing are: -Traditional spacing with seats separated into blocks by aisles to limit the number of seats per row. -Continental seats which are more widely spaced and arranged in continuous rows, with the seats ways are extending to side aisles from which there are numerous exit doors leading to a fire separated passage.

Table – 3.2 Seat width mm


Self -rising tie up seats



Rectangle push up seat



Loose chairs (fixed in gangs)



Continental seating





Rigid fixed seats

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee


figure-3.1 anthropometric data for seating

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Literature Study STAGE STAGE DIMENSIONS !For acting purpose 9m wide and 4.5 m deep. A space of 2m around this area for

stage sets with 1.2m for circulation. !With side storage of scenery flats and back- stage equipments the overall area

will be 22m-27m wide x 9-12m deep. 2.

! Orchestral stage requirement would be 160m !Height of stage is .9 to 1.2 m.

GENERAL STAGE REQUIREMENTS !A stage must be equipped with curtains, masking and backgrounds

–House curtains- located immediately behind the proscenium wall to close of the main stage . –On stage curtain-traverse curtain to screen off the main scenery area, edge masking curtains and drapes and background curtaining.

Figure-3.2 flow chart for stage circulation

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Literature Study GREEN ROOM Dressing rooms should include changing areas with stalls or hangers for clothing, showers, lockers , tables for taping, and toilets !Number of rooms required- 2 to 4 !Number of persons per room- upto 8 !Area of each room - 24 sq.m

Table 3.3 green room dimensions Rooms

Places per floor

Area of each room m²

Individual dressing room




Shared dressing rooms




Communal dress changing room




Ceiling profiles

Figure 3.3 section through auditorium

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Literature Study Design criteria for ceiling of halls largely dictated by functional needs. -acoustic requrement :profiled reflector panels and adjustable diffusers to ensure even distribution of sound over the whole seating area. -lighting requrements : lighting bridges for access and supporting frame -work for spot and stage lighting in ceiling in ceiling space over auditorium lighting slots in ceiling construction providing screening auditorium lighting eqiuptment including emergency lighting cabling trunking and connections. -air conditioning : air ducts,diffusers and balancing dampers, noise atenuation and monitering requirements equiptment with supporting hangers and means of access for servicing. -fire cantrol : automatic drenchers,sprinklers and smoke vent releases requirements -screen projection: clearence for cine film and slide projector beams and adequate height for screens requirements and associated equiptment. -viewing : particularly in the case of balconies the lines of sight from the most distant seats requirements under and on balconies.

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Literature Study EXHIBITION HALL An Exhibition is a display of items. This can be an art exhibition, computer exposition or an industrial exhibition like a world fair. A more recent word for this is expo.

EXHIBITION REQUIREMENTS Exhibition requirements can be broadly classified into four main groups : Trade shows and multipurpose halls associated with conventions Consumer exhibitions in large trade fairs held in purpose designed exhibition halls and centers Product launches, product and sample displays on a limited scale Stand displays, usually associated with other events, which may be temporary or semi permanent. !Display booth dimension 3m wideX3m deep !Typical grid may be 3m or 2.5m apart. !Services taken through floor channels with access cover at intervals or through

the ceiling. !Floor surface need to withstand hard use. !Lower areas of wall resistant to scraping.

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Literature Study CONFERENCE ROOM Different styles of conference hall

Figure-3.4 Square and inclined grouping

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Design Guidlines !The

location of the site at the edge of the river gives it the privilege of water

frontage and serene natural environment. !Design should harmoniously blend with serene natural environment. !Water from the Aakulam flows through the site. The development guideline should

ensure that the natural drainage pattern remains unaffected. !Zoning of the site to be done by considering the future development. !Service

entrance and public entrance has to be properly segregated to control the

vehicular movements inside the site. !A

foyer with reception, waiting areas along with the provision for registration, ticket counter and enquiry has to be provided at the entrance.

!A separate lobby or pre-function areas has to be provided for every activity areas. !As the convention centre has to host

international events there should be separate

entrance, lobby, waiting areas, rest rooms, dining and pantry for the V.I.P's attending the function. !Auditoriums has to be designed for good hearing and viewing conditions. !Stage

of the auditorium should have all the facilities like backstage, green rooms,

toilets, V.I.P waiting areas and also with an exit to outside. !Banquet

hall should be provided with wash areas, pantry, kitchen and also should

be accessible to plenary hall, multipurpose hall and conference/seminar halls. !Exhibition

hall to be provided with areas for informal gatherings and preferably

located in the ground floor for the easy movement of the goods.

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Site Analysis SITE LOCATION Site is located at Aakulam in Thiruvanathapuram, the capital city of Kerala.The site is in close proximity with airport, railway station and bus station. Various leisure facilities such as Boat club and Veli tourist village is located in a radius of 5 km of the site.

Figure 8.1 view to the site

Figure 8.2 view to the site

SITE AREA 19.75acres

SITE ATTRIBUTES The location of the site at the edge of the lake gives it the advantage of water frontage and serene natural environment. Site is picturesque with lake on one side, hill vista and vacant green areas on the other.

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Close proximity to airport, railway station & bus station. Close proximity to Legislative assembly building, Technopark, KINFRA etc & key leisure and tourist attractions such as Kovalam and Veli. Presence of 3-5 star hotels in a radius of 10-20 km from the site.

SOIL TYPE Water logged area of the site has clayey soil while the hilly area has laterite soil.

SITE TOPOGRAPHY Site is fully water logged with a 40m high hill on one side. The depth of the water logged area varies from 0.50m to 1m with an average depth of 0.80m

VEGETATION Coconut tree is the major plantation with aquatic plants and grass in the water logged area and shrubs in the hilly area.

HYDROLOGY Water logged area, hence no water shortage

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Case Studies 1. Lulu International Convention Center, Thrissur,Kerala 2. Shanghai International Convention Center, Shanghai, China 3. Hyderabad International Convention Center, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. 4. Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi, India.

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Case Study 1: ICC,Kochi OVERVIEW The one and only international convention centre in Kerala. It conducts more than four international conventions and exhibitions in a year. This is designed by the famous Architect N.M. Salim. Its construction began in 1998 and completed in 2000. In its first phase the convention centre was built, in the second a live star hotel and in the next phases of expansion a suite room building on the other side of' the lake.

LOCATION Its located on the sides of NH47 byepass in Maradu, near the Vytilla junction, Cochin, between the airport and the business districts, amongst natural habitat. It is located in a serene location away from the busy commercial area of the city. It can he reached without even entering the city through a four lane highway from the airport and other parts of the state. Total site area = 14 acres Nearest Airport: COCHIN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, 30KM YEAR OF CONSTRUCTION:1996 – 1998 BUILDING AREA: 21000 sq.m PARKING: 350 four wheelers

CONCEPT AND DESIGN Representation of Kerala as backwater tourism destination — so on the sides of backwaters. A perfect symbiosis of the building with nature A blend and a connecting link of the old and the new architecture The extensive use of green pastel for the roofing gives the impression of merging of the building with its landscape The special part of the design is the flexible spaces which can be altered as and when needed Also there is sharing of spaces between the different halls thereby saving a lot of useful space. Beautiful use of wood and glazing can be seen in the convention center, especially the lobby and banquet halls. Wooden trusses were used to conceal the speakers and lights in the auditorium

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Case Study 1: ICC,Kochi Facilities auditorium (1300 sq.m) conference halls/seminar hall(1000 sq.m) banquet hall/exhibition hal(1200 sq.m) suite rooms(40 sq.m) office space(20 sq.m) outdoor banquet/exhibition space(600 sq.m) kitchen(200 sq.m) !only one entrance for the convention centre & hotel. !Separate entrances are not provided for services and for V.I.P'S. !Proper signages given to indicate the way to hotel and convention !separate parking space is provided for convention centre & hotel. !Only four wheeler parking is provided !A porch (64 sq.m) and a patio(6sq.m) given for exterior lobby. This grant double height lobby becomes the center of activity during meetings. !waiting areas are provided in the lobby

FACILITIES AT GROUND FLOOR: Entrance lobby Indoor Exhibition Space Kitchen VIP Rooms. 5 no.

FACILITIES ON FIRST FLOOR: Lobby OMAN Hall - 2500 capacity Stage And Green Room NAYANAR hail - 3(M) capacity MANNAPURAM hail - 150 capacity Business Centre

OMAN HALL This is the largest hail having a maximum capacity of 2500 audiences at a time. It is the largest pillar less hail in south India. Dividing curtains provided at the centre to divide the hall into two. Stage area has green room at either end in the rear side. A balcony space on either side for camera men, press etc. The ceiling looks wooden with wooden trusses suspended room the main truss, within these wooden trusses entire lighting and speaker systems are concealed

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Case Study 1: ICC,Kochi MANNAPURAM HALL There are four identical halls having a capacity of 150 each. This too is used for small parties, conferences, and meetings. Specialty of this hail is that there are no solid walls, all are glazed walls.

NAYANAR HALL This has a total capacity of 300 audiences at a time. But this hall can be divided into three equal parts of 100 capacities each using wooden partition as and when required. This hail is used for small parties and meetings.

LOBBY This is a well decorated lobby with a lot of wood works and traditional architectural elements. This acts as the main entrance of the Oman hall, Nayanar hall and Mannapuram hall.A small balcony and seating space is provided. There is a cut out providing the view of the ground floor lobby.

CHARUPADI This is the rear part of the building which leads to the lawn and outdoor exhibition space.

INDOOR EXHIBITION SPACE This is a large hall usually used for exhibitions, large parties, marriage ceremonies, parties and launching of vehicles, especially cars.

KITCHEN Kitchen for all the halls is situated in the ground floor near the indoor exhibition area. It has a separate service entry from the right side.

LOBBY The ground floor lobby is a double height space with beautifully decorated wood works on all sides. The stairway and lifts to the first floor is placed here. It directly connects the indoor exhibition space.

PORCH This is the main entrance to the convention center

DINING / EXHIBITION HALL Used for exhibition, banquets and for marriages. It covers an area of 7500sq ft. and has a capacity of 1000 people. Hall can be divided into two to cater to small banquets. It could seat 600 people when used as dining area and 50 stalls when used as exhibition. Common wash and toilet for ladies and gents provided.

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Case Study 1: ICC,Kochi OUT DOOR EXHIBITION /PARTY AREA It is a semi open (open on all sides) space frame structure covering an area of 8000sq ft. with seating capacity of 600 for party and can accommodate 50 stalls. A rear lobby space of area 200 sq.m connects the indoor and outdoor exhibition spaces/party spaces

CONFERENCE ROOMS !The convention center is provided with two conference rooms. !One of them has a very flexible design such that it could be divided into two

or three conference rooms using foldable partitions, which have soundproof treatment.

AUDITORIUM !Capacity 1675 !It could be divided into two smaller auditoriums one with 1000 capacity and

the other with 675 seating. !Divided into two using soundproof curtains. !The front portion of the auditorium is flat while the rear is raking. !Wooden paneled walls up to a height of 2.5m and acoustical tiles above. !Perforated metal ceiling.

AUDITORIUM STAGE The auditorium has a stage of dimension12mX 6m with wooden flooring and has a temporary character i.e. it could be removed if necessary. Green rooms provided on the right side. Stage accessed by steps and ramps on both sides. No back stage is provided, hence could not be used for performances.

ADMINISTRATIVE FACILITIES Well trained, multi lingual staff mans the Cochin convention center. Other facilities include caterers for different cuisines, reception counters at airports to receive delegates, transport for delegates, secretarial staff, interpreters, photographers, florists, media consultants for the planning of press coverage if required and an advertisement agency to facilitate designing of publicity and conference kit facilities.

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Case Study 1: ICC,Kochi STRUCTURE Roof for the auditorium is made of steel trusses. It has a length of 25m. The roof is covered using metallic slates treated for corrosion.

figure 4.8 section

FIRE PROTECTION Smoke detectors placed on the ceiling. Portable fire extinguishers are provided behind the stage. Hydrants provided outside the hall with wet riser system. Automatic fire alarm system.

INFERENCE Parking space is less when considering the capacity of the auditorium. During peak hours the parking extends to the parking space for the hotel. Auditorium stage does not have a back stage hence the green room opens directly into the stage. Hence the performers cannot access the stage from the green room. The banquet hall does not have a pantry space hence the kitchen opens directly into the banquet hall.

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Case Study 3:HICC Location: Cyderabad,Hyderabad Developed by – Emaar Period of construction Dec. 2005 Cost of construction - US$39 million Style of architecture – Modern Owner/Client - Joint venture by Emaar(Dubai) & Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corporation Limited.

An overview The HICC is India's largest convention facility. HICC was built by Cyberabad Convention Centre Private Limited (CCCPL), a joint venture between the Dubai-based Emaar Properties and the Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corporation. Stretching across 15 acres, the HICC is an integrated 291.000 sq ft (27.000 m2) facility managed by Accor. Located next to the HICC is the Novotel Hyderabad hotel, which opened in May 2006. The 287-room business hotel has also been developed by Emaar, and is managed Accor. HICC offers 4,000 seating capacity with an in-built flexibility to expand to 6,500 seats.

Accessibility Shamshabad Airport is located at 26Km. Secunderabad Railway Station is 22Km from the site. Nizampet Road is an important connecting road HITEX at 7.5Km

Planning, Circulation and Functions --The HICC and Novotel shares common entrance plaza which lead into their respective reception areas. -- The plan of HICC is very simple which acts as advantage for operator in hosting large number of conferences simultaneously. Reception area and waiting area is a part of pre function area which serves the internal hall and meeting room. -- One of the most important features of HICC is its multipurpose hall which is a pillar free space of 6480 sqm and can be divided into six halls which can stand alone individually. Entry lobby leads to spaces on first and second floor by dual escalators/lifts. -- All the service area is located on the rear side of the hall with separate entry and loading docks.

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Case Study 3:HICC Climate Summer: Max:38.8 C Min: 26.0 C Winter: Max: 27.8 C Min: 14.1 C Rainfall: 81cm annually Tropical wet and dry climate

Materials of construction and Type of Structural system

!HICC is a pillar-free internal hall of 6480 sqm and the roof is supported by the steel truss which rest on the concrete columns around the hall.

!In HICC different kinds of materials are used which makes it a world class structure. For flooring in lobby combination of two color of marble are used.

! Glass is used in facade especially near entrance foyer to allow natural light to enter in the lobby.

!Being so flexible in sizes is a reason of using innovative materials especially for mobile operable walls, the mobile operable wall are soundproof, build in the US and has been covered with Teak and Silk.

Secutity ! 32 fire exits. ! Latest technology in smoke detectors, fire alarm systems and sprinkler systems

CCTV surveillance internal and external, with 38 CCTV cameras. ! Fully trained fire fighters as part of First Reaction Team and Emergency

Response Team. ! Works hand in hand with Cyberabad Police & Govt. agencies. ! All aspects in regards to security as per international standards

Access control system and Building evacuation control. ! Easy access to emergency services paramedics police and fire brigade. !Baggage scanner. Hand held detector and door frame metal detector. ! Traffic Management System. ! 24x7 physical security

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Case Study 3:HICC Water Supply ! 400 KL is the amount of water received by HICC daily of which generally 300350 IC.L is use daily.

!The incoming water in again treated using Softeners. !Two types of water tanks are present- one Domestic water tank of capacity of 225 KI and other is 240 KL capacity water tank for fire fighting

Electrical layout ! Receive two simultaneous connection out 33Kv.The building consumes one

and second is for standby. !Electrical station is located backside of the building. !5 diesel genset, 3 of 1000Kv and 2 of 500Kv for backup with backup time 6-7

seconds. !The 33Kv is Step down to 3(11Kv) line one for AC, second for Convention center

and third for Novotel. !Receive 10.000 unit per month. !The further step down of the power is done in the electric panel room located in the HICC. !Two 40 KL storage tank is use to store IiseaI for genretors located side of the elctric ubstation.

Air Conditioning system

!One of the 3 line of 11Kv after step down is directly used for Air conditioning system.

!There are two system of air conditioning- one is water cooled chilling system which is used for Convention center and other is air cooled chilling system which is used for Novotel. !Water cooled chiller plant is located on back side of the building beside Electric substation and the Air cooled chiller plant is located on top of Novotel.

!A.H.U is located on both side of Second floor of the convention center. !Total 26 A.H.Us are present in convention center.

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Case Study 3:HICC The Hall !The floor of the exhibition hall is provided with pits with facility of water, power, outflow/waste, cables and phone line across the entire 6480 sqm. ! The roof is fitted with catwalks and truss to withhold heavy weight for suspension of large physical items.

!Whilst the clear roof is 12.5 meters in height, the roof height above the cat walk is 1.6 meters with all state of art equipment for laundry purpose situated in the rear side of the convention center.

Loundary !The facility has got a large with all state of art equipment for laundry purpose situated in the rear side of the convention center.

Landscape !The whole campus is very well landscaped with various kinds of trees, shrubs

and lawn grass which is maintained excellently enhance the aesthetical appearance of the campus. !The entrance plaza has large no of small fountain

Firefighting !It has dedicated tank for firefighting of Capacity 240kl, attached with Generator which automatically goes on in case of fire. !Automatic fire alarm which sets on when temperature rises above 60 degrees and cuts down all power supply except the fire genset. !Fire hose reel and fire extinguisher is installed in different parts of building and exterior also.

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Case Study 3:HICC Inference !Being the largest convention center of the country is really providing the platform for international events which helps in the growth of state as well as the country. !Most striking feature of this convention center is its column free air-conditioned hail with clear height of 12.2m provides very wide option. !The ball is flexibility in size as it can be divided Into six parts which can function

simultaneously. ! The location of the convention center- Cyberabad is again most appropriate. !Aesthetic appeal of the building is highlighted by the sandstone and glass façade. !The backside of the building is used excellently in providing services and loading and unloading facility along with the staff entry.

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Case Study 4:Vigyan Bhawan INTRODUCTION New Delhi houses, India's premier conference center 'Vigyan Bhawan'. It has been the venue for many historically and politically relevant summits, seminars and conferences attended by distinguished world leaders and dignitaries- various NAM conferences, the CHOGM etc. !Built in 1956 by P.W.D., government of India. !Built to cater to the conferences and seminars of govt. !Was available on rent for private meetings also !In 1990 a fire destroyed a major part. !Contract accorded to Ar.Raja Adheri at cost of 2.7 crores. !It was essential to restore the historical eminence of the Bhawan and also cater

to future requirements. !It offers conferencing facilities that can compete with those in any part of the


LOCATION AND ACCESS The site is approached through Maulana Azad road, which is

m wide and doesn't

have much traffic flow through the road. Airport is far away from the site. Center shows segregation of various entry points. V.I.P. entry pushed along western side. The central entry is the main entry leading to the main lobby. The eastern entry is the service entry. This segregation is aimed to give privilege to different classes of people.

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Case Study 4:Vigyan Bhawan TOPOGRAPHY AND ORIENTATION The land is basically flat with a green belt on the rear side. The Center has its major axis along N-S. Interior spaces are zoned to prevent direct glare.

LANDSCAPING Space leaving bits and pockets for parking, which have been landscaped. The center has internal courts around the functional areas, which are landscaped to provide a lovely atmosphere. Around the frontage forms an avenue with flagpole stands forming a part of major landscaping.

FACILITIES Foyer(175 sq.m) Pre-function room Business centre(200 sq.m) V.I.P Entrance and lounge.(178 sq.m) Plenary hall(950 sq.m) Press gallery Language interpretation room Audio & Video studio(225 sq.m) Conference halls(274 sq.m) Exhibition hall(170 sq.m) Office Service areas !Three entrances to the site !Middle entrance for public and the other two for V.I.P and services.

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Case Study 4:Vigyan Bhawan CIRCULATION !Circulation pattern in the site is not well planned. !Large no. of entries and exit adds confusion. !Problem of parking has been dealt with properly. !Separate parking for various activities of the center. !All parking provided either rear or on side thereby allowing front portion to be


PLENARY HALL Plenary hall with a capacity of 1285 with press cabins, language interpretation and projection and transmission facilities. Area of the hall is 950sqm. 1. The main convention hall has a capacity of 1285. 2. Separate spaces are provided for press galleries, camera crew, photographers etc. 3. Conference hall has a stage approached by steps, which gives it a podium effect. 4. 12 language interpretation room. 5. Professional and high quality sound reinforcement system backed by hi tech mixing consoles, equalizers, power amplifiers and quality loudspeakers housed in the space frame structure with video projectors. 6. Computer controlled conference system with simultaneous interpretation system for 12 languages comprising of headphones and a 12-channel language selector switch for members on the dias, delegates and observers.

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Case Study 4:Vigyan Bhawan

7. In house television, which is also linked with satellite transmission through doordarshan. 8. Large screen video projection. 9. Local area network. 10.Each seat is fixed with microphones and language channel selection.

11.The rear wall behind the stage has a provision for putting up flags of different countries as well as retractable video projection screen and alphanumeric display boards. 12.Anterooms for V.I.P.'s on either side of stage with wash room facilities. 13. Stage space has width of 3m.

ACOUSTICAL TREATMENT !Carpeted flooring. !A layer of 1” tk. glass wool is provided in walls for acoustical treatment. !Chairs with thick fabric covering.

V.I.P LOUNGE V.I.P. lounge is resting place for V.I.P's participating in the conventions and conferences. Consists of chamber for exclusive use by heads of states with top security provisions. Has an area of 178sqm and also has separate entry and separate space for dining, kitchen, waiting room etc. Also it has separate escalator for first and second floor. VIP resting place are giving separate from other spaces.

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Case Study 4:Vigyan Bhawan FOYER Grant foyer space double storey high leads to the plenary hall.

The elegant

staircases are placed symmetrically on both sides of the foyer. There is an array of pillars with decorative work on them. The well-lit space creates the effect. Reception and registration counters to facilitate comfort of delegates and guests. Area of the entrance foyer is 175sqm.

CONFERENCE HALL !5 conference halls of varying capacities. !One with a theatre facility.

HALL 2 AND 3 These two small meeting conference halls, most suitable for small press conferences and business like meetings, are provided with hi-tech conferencing facilities Hall-2 capacity = 32 + 46 Area is 25sqm Hall-3 capacity = 41 + 42 Area is 28sqm

HALL-4 This hall with a seating capacity for 145 delegates 21 observers and 5 speakers on the dias has an attached conference secretary room. A pre- function lobby in front of hall is also accessible for halls 2,3 and 4.Language interpretation for seven languages and audio, light control facility room is also provided. Area is 50sqm.

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Case Study 4:Vigyan Bhawan HALL-5 Situated in the second floor of the building accessible through the staircase and escalator. The hall has a seating capacity of 263. Attached with a conference secretary room this hall offers with 8-language interpretation facilities digital display screen, tables attached with microphones, headphones and language selection facilities. This colonnaded room has an area of 124sq.m. Front entry of size 5m highlights the massing of the building. This entry is accessed by wide semi circular steps with circular columns in between. Two reception space are provided in the lobby space in front of this entrance. Two 1.2m wide stair case has been provided in the lobby space

HALL - 6 A conference cum preview theatre of area 50 sq.m is provided in the upper floor. This hall has a separate provision for 16 mm and 35 mm film projection system for screening the films. An attached conference secretary room is also provided with the hall. The hall enjoys a language interpretation facility for 6 languages. Chairs fixed with detachable microphone and headphone facility.

Treated for acoustics.

Sprinklers are provided for fire safety.

PRE-FUNCTION ROOM Waiting space for visitors before attending the function.

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Case Study 4:Vigyan Bhawan EXHIBITION HALL Since the exhibition hall is provided in the first floor, it is not suitable for heavy exhibits.

OFFICE BLOCK, STUDIO, BUSINESS CENTER AND MEDICAL CENTER The support offices for the conferences are located in the office block on the east side. The rooms are provided with specially designed furniture suiting the functional requirements with provisions for fax and computer facilities. Some executive rooms have attached rooms for personal staff. Other rooms are used for documentation, photocopiers, computers etc. Apart from all these, a fully equipped recording studio for audio and video is provided for on the spot recordings and interviews. A business center with provisions for a bank, travel desk, post office secretarial services and telephones etc. is located in the main atrium lobby. !

Studios, business centers and other services =445 m2


Exhibition hall = 170 m2


Conference office = 770 m2

Medical room is located one side of lobby space it has all facilities for first aid medicine and has an area of 15msq. Every day one doctor and 3 nurses are on their duty.

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

Case Study 4:Vigyan Bhawan LIGHTING Lighting with high intensity of illumination due to mercury vapour lamp fixed for live television transmission, video recording photography etc. (approx. 700 lux vertical illumination on the stage and front 3 rows). Diffused lighting is provided to prevent glare. Yellow lights used in tubular hollows along the sidewalls.

FIRE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Infrared smoke detectors, automatic fire alarm system fire hydrants are provided for fire fighting. No. of exits: 11nos. Minimum width = 2m Maximum width = 4m The building has state of art fire safety and security provisions like sprinkler system, wet riser system, automatic fire alarm system fire check doors, intrusion alarm system, magnetic door switches, concealed metal detectors, parcel scanners etc. The center is also provided with 35 hidden cameras all over the building an exterior which is controlled and watched from the security room using 12 monitors thus ensuring complete security to the functioning of the center.

INFERENCE !The center caters with all necessary requirements for conducting an inter

national convention. !Proper grouping of activities !Courtyards well placed. Helps in lighting interior space. !No exterior space for informal gathering.

International Convention Center, Thiruvananathapuram Sreekanth P. S. | B.Arch Thesis | 2011| IIT Roorkee

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