Controlling Case Study

May 6, 2019 | Author: Zamille Bernardino | Category: Financial Plan, Advertising, Strategic Planning, Budget, Control System
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State atemen ment of the the Probem em

En!ineer En!ineer "rederi#$ Pan!aniban Pan!aniban re%ie&ed the #on'oidated 'ae' re(ort. )e &ant' 'ome im(ro%ement im(ro%ement in o(eration' o(eration' 'o that o%era in#ome &i in#rea'e. )e fee' that the 'ae' re(ort i' *'ef*+ b*t he beie%e' 'ome other data ma, he( him ma$e a better de#i'ion. )o& &i En!r. Pan!aniban ma$e im(ro%ement' in o(eration' to in#rea'e their o%era in#ome-


Ca*'e' of of th the Pr Probem



ario* ario*' ' method' method' &ere #on'ide #on'idered red to im(ro%e im(ro%e GMBC/' GMBC/' o(eratio o(eration' n' to in#rea'e in#rea'e their  their  o%era in#ome. Strate!i# Strate!i# Pannin! Pannin! #an be *'ed in 'o%in! 'o%in! thi' (robem. In order to attra#t attra#t more ad%erti'er'+ the radio 'tation #an ha%e a #om(rehen'i%e 0brandin!1 #am(ai!n. "or  e2am(e+ e2am(e+ GMBC #an a*n#h a '(e#ia, '(e#ia,3#om( 3#om(o'ed o'ed 'on! a' their their 'tation 'tation ID. 4on!3ra 4on!3ran!e n!e "inan#ia Pan+ thi' finan#ia (an i' needed to en'*re the !ro&th of the #om(an, for man, ,ear' to #ome. De(re#iation of a''et' ha' to be #on'idered. 4a't,+ O(eratin! B*d!et m*'t be *'ed to ha%e (anned a##o*nt of e2(endit*re'+ re%en*e' or (rofit' in the f*t*re. Pro(er  b*d!etin! im(ie' 'a%in!' for the #om(an,.

I. I.


Ate Atern rnat ati% i%e e Co*r Co*r'e 'e' ' of A#tio #tion n

Ta$e ne#e''ar, a#tion. - "or the o(eration' of GMBC+ the t,(e of #ontro ha' to be identified to fa#iitate a#ti%itie'. Identifi#ation Identifi#ation of #ontro (robem' i' needed. needed. A'o+ an or!ani5ationa or!ani5ationa #ontro ','tem ha' to be in'taed. Con'ideration': T,(e' of Contro+ Identifi#ation of Contro Probem' Probem'++ Com(onen Com(onent' t' of Or!ani5a Or!ani5ation tion Contro Contro S,'tem+ S,'tem+ and Strate!i Strate!i# # Contro Contro S,'tem' "eedba#$ Contro - There There i' feedba#$ feedba#$ #ontro #ontro be#a*'e be#a*'e information information in the (a't ha' been !athered. !athered. Corre#ti%e a#tion' are aimed at im(ro%in! in#ome for f*t*re ,ear'.

Im( Im(em emen enta tati tion on and and 6*'t 6*'tif ifi# i#at atio ion n

1 | Pa g e

En!ineer "rederi#$ Pan!aniban need' Strate!i# Pannin!+ 4on!3ran!e "inan#ia Pan+ and O(eratin! B*d!et to in#rea'e the o%era in#ome of their #om(an,. The t,(e of #ontro a((ro(riate for the 'it*ation i' feedba#$ #ontro 'in#e there i' (re%io*' data a%aiabe and #orre#ti%e a#tion' need to be done.



Medina+ R. En!ineerin! Mana!ement. Mania+ Phii((ine': Re2 Boo$ Store+ In#.+

7999. S#ribd.#om

2 | Pa g e

E2e#*ti%e S*mmar, En!ineer "rederi#$ Pan!aniban &a' readin! the ad%erti'in! 'ae' re(ort handed to him b, hi' a''i'tant. The re(ort #ontain' information from the ten radio 'tation' o&ned and o(erated b, Good M*'i# Broad#a'tin! Cor(oration 8GMBC. GMBS deri%e' in#ome from ad%erti'ement' the ad%erti'er' are bied de(endin! on the fre;*en#, of e2(o'*re of their  me''a!e'. A #ertain (ortion of the ad%erti'in! in#ome i' #redited to the a##o*nt of the indi%id*a 'tation' de(endin! on &hat GMBC !a%e to them &hie the tota ad%erti'in! in#ome of a 'tation #on'i't' of the #redit a##o*nt from the head offi#e (*' &hate%er in#ome from o#a ad%erti'er' i' deri%ed. Ea#h 'tation i' mana!ed b, a 'tation mana!er &ho re(ort' dire#t, to En!ineer Pan!aniban+ the !enera mana!er. En!ineer Pan!aniban i' no& re%ie&in! the #on'oidated 'ae' re(ort. )e &ant' 'ome im(ro%ement in o(eration' 'o that o%era in#ome &i in#rea'e. )e fee' that the 'ae' re(ort i' *'ef*+ b*t he beie%e' 'ome other data ma, he( him ma$e a better de#i'ion. )o& &i En!ineer Pan!aniban ma$e im(ro%ement' in o(eration' 'o that o%era in#ome &i in#rea'e- Ob
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