Contrast2 TEMA 3

February 1, 2018 | Author: Angela Chase | Category: Self Control, Self-Improvement, Psychology & Cognitive Science
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Descripción: English for Bachillerato...



Choose the correct answer. 1. The coach worshipped / encouraged the players to try harder. 2. Barry got an award / a costume for being the best player in the team. 3. We got front row seats / in the spotlight for the football final. 4. I won’t buy these shoes because the price is unique / outrageous. 5. Will you keep at / be around to help me prepare dinner? 6. Tom sang so badly that the audience began to boo / cheer. 7. Molly loves to live up to / show off her expensive clothes.


Replace the words and phrases in bold with the words and phrases below. enthusiastic • packed • call off • venue • rehearse • weird

1. Jean might cancel the meeting. …………………… 2. We have to practise our lines for the school play. …………………… 3. The children are very excited about going to the beach. …………………… 4. This juice is a strange colour. Don’t drink it. …………………… 5. The shopping centre was very crowded because of the yearly sales. …………………… 6. We want a small, quiet place for the wedding. …………………… 3

Complete the sentences with the correct expression. Make any necessary changes. go wild • appeal to • break up • take off • make it • come down on • book a ticket

1. Black clothes don’t …………………… me. I prefer colourful clothes. 2. If you want to fly to Berlin during the summer, you must …………………… now. 3. My parents …………………… me for not helping my brother with his homework yesterday. 4. If Jenny trains hard, she …………………… to the swimming finals. 5. It was so hot in the room that Adam …………………… his jacket. 6. After the Beatles …………………… , John Lennon began a solo career. 7. The audience …………………… when the musicians came on stage. 4

Complete the sentences with the words and phrases below. Make any necessary changes. call off • book a ticket • take off • appeal to • overnight • in the spotlight • make a comeback • disturbing

1. …………………… your wet boots before you come into the house. 2. Sophie is very upset about the …………………… news that she received yesterday. 3. The football game …………………… because of the bad weather. 4. The shop manager knew which products would …………………… the customers. 5. Martin’s success didn’t happen …………………… . He had to work hard. 6. According to the fashion magazines, long skirts …………………… this winter. 7. Emma is shy and doesn’t like to be …………………… . 8. If you want to travel before Christmas, you should …………………… in advance. 5

Choose the correct answer to show that you have understood the meaning of the words in italics. 1. What a unique ring. I’ve never seen / already bought one like it. 2. The film is a huge hit. No one / Everyone wants to see it. 3. You should keep at your studies. Don’t give up. / Don’t work so hard. 4. This venue is perfect for the party. It’s spacious / delicious. 5. The tickets for today’s flight to New York are sold out. We can fly today / next week. 6. There was a big scandal at the National Bank. A clerk stole / donated €1 million.


Complete the passage with the words and phrases below. Make any necessary changes. performance • award • publicity • prestigious • show off • lucky break • on stage • unknown

The Grammys are 1. …………………… that are given to outstanding musical artists. The ceremony is a 2. …………………… event which is broadcast to millions of viewers. The event also includes 3.

…………………… by popular singers and bands. They have a chance to 4. ……………………

their talent and also get a lot of 5. …………………… . It’s fun to see the winners come 6.

…………………… . Sometimes 7. …………………… musicians win a Grammy. For them, it’s

a 8. …………………… in their careers.


Replace the words and phrases in bold with the words and phrases below. Make any necessary changes. make it • outrageous • autograph • trendsetter • interval

1. I asked my favourite film star for her signature. …………………… 2. Sandra succeeded as company manager. …………………… 3. We met Bob during the break at the concert. …………………… 4. I’m insulted by your shocking comments. …………………… 5. Some film stars become leaders in fashion. …………………… 6

Complete the passages with the words and phrases below. Make any necessary changes. cheer • costume • be around • front-row seats • enthusiastic • encourage • atmosphere • lighting • rehearse • packed

A. Sport is very important in American high schools. 1. …………………… students come to see a football or basketball game every week. Everyone wants to get one of the 2. …………………… , but usually important guests sit there. The 3. …………………… is always lively because the cheerleaders 4. …………………… the crowd to shout and 5. …………………… for the team. B. I always volunteer to work on the school play. I enjoy 6. …………………… the actors when they 7.

…………………… . Last year, I helped put up the 8. …………………… . This year, I organised the 9. …………………… that

the actors wore. Opening night was 10. …………………… with students and their parents. The play was a great success.


Complete the sentences with the correct active or passive form of the verbs in brackets. 1. People stood and watched while the building …………………… (destroy). 2. I love this guitar. My father …………………… (give) it to me for my last birthday. 3. That man was driving carelessly. He …………………… (should blame) for the accident. 4. Can we play, or …………………… someone …………………… (use) the tennis court? 5. My car isn’t working. …………………… it …………………… (repair) soon? 6. You don’t need an X-ray. We’re sure your leg …………………… (not break). 7. Ingrid hasn’t come out of the room yet. …………………… she still …………………… (examine)? 8. This is a great phone. You …………………… (can / download) lots of apps on it.


Rewrite the sentences in the passive. Omit the agent when possible. 1. He has just written his latest bestseller................................................................................................................. 2. You must use a seat belt when you drive. ................................................................................................................. 3. They hadn’t repaired the car so they came by bus. ................................................................................................................. 4. Why does rock music bother the neighbours? ................................................................................................................. 5. The manager has offered the salespeople a bonus. ................................................................................................................. 6. Greg is showing his friends the new computer game. ................................................................................................................. 7. You must give the plants some water. .................................................................................................................


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the causative form.

1. I want to sell my car. I …………………… an advertisement …………………… (put) in the weekend paper. 2. Please take off your shoes. We …………………… the carpet …………………… (just clean). 3. I didn’t bake this cake. I …………………… my mum …………………… (bake) it for me. 4. The boys lost the key to the sports locker. They …………………… the key …………………… (replace) yesterday. 10

Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the active or passive form. Linda 1. ……………………………… (need) to do a lot of things before her family 2.

……………………………… (go) on holiday. The tickets 3. ……………………………… (buy)

a week ago, but they 4. ……………………………… (pick up) by her husband tomorrow. The clothes 5. ……………………………… (must choose) so the suitcases 6. ……………………………… (can pack). Linda 7. ……………………………… (have) a list, but she 8. ……………………………… (add) new tasks since it 9. ……………………………… (write) last week. Every year, Linda 10.

……………………………… (ask) herself why she always 11. ……………………………… (work) so hard before a holiday. She


……………………………… (dream) of having a relaxing time at the beach while the children 13. ………………………………

(watch) by her husband. At least that’s what she 14. …………………… (promise) by her husband every year!


Write an answer for each question below. Use the words in brackets and the passive form of the verbs. 1. Why did the meeting start late? (the room / use / until four o’clock).................................................................................. 2. How do I put this puzzle together? (the pieces / can join / when they / press / together) ............................................................................................................................................................................ 3. May I have some fruit juice? (no, it / drink / by the children)............................................................................................. 4. What happened to this vase? (it / break / when the house / clean)......................................................................................


Complete the passages with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the active, passive and causative forms. A. Katie 1. …………………… (know) how to get people to do things. She 2. …………………… (elect) head of the annual party committee last month. She 3. …………………… the entertainment …………………… (arrange) by Tom because he 4. …………………… (manage) several bands in the past. She 5. …………………… (convince) an expensive restaurant to give us a discount. Later on today, her assistant 6. …………………… (call) everyone to remind them of the party. Her assistant 7. ……………… (do) this during her lunch break. No one 8. …………………… (refuse) Katie’s requests. B. Mr Jones 9. …………………… (collect) records since he 10. …………………… (hear) the Beatles as a teenager. His favourite records 11. …………………… (find) at second-hand shops or car boot sales. More recently, he 12. …………………… (ask) his children to search for bargains on Internet sites. They 13. …………………… (not mind) doing this because they 14. …………………… (pay) by their father for each record. Mrs Jones 15. …………………… (often complain) about this hobby in the past before they 16. …………………… (move) to a bigger house two years ago. Mr Jones 17. …………………… shelves …………………… (build) in the attic and his enormous record collection 18. …………………… (keep) there now.

Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait I

“No dessert until you finish your dinner!” If that’s what your mother taught you, it seems you’ll probably have a better life than if she had let you have your dessert right away. Some psychologists believe that children who have good self-control are more likely to make it in life than their more impatient friends.


The idea that self-control is important for success isn’t new. In the 1960s, Professor Walter Mischel studied the behaviour of children left alone in a room with a plate with a marshmallow on it. Professor Mischel explained that if the children rang the bell, they could eat the marshmallow, but they couldn’t get a second marshmallow. If the children waited 15 minutes, they could have two marshmallows. Some children couldn’t wait a minute before ringing the bell. Others held out as long as 15 minutes. The children who were better at resisting temptation also did better at school.


More recently Professor Terrie Moffitt, a professor of psychology, conducted a study of willpower. Professor Moffitt and her team followed 1,000 people from the age of 3 to 32. They studied the children’s impulsivity, persistence at a task, patience at waiting in a queue and hyperactivity. Moffitt’s studies, like those of Mischel, showed that children with more self-control had better paying jobs, were healthier and were less likely to have addiction problems or be in trouble with the police.


While some of us may be better than others at resisting that bar of chocolate, exercising self-control is rarely easy. However, technology can also help those of us with weak self-control. In 2008, Professors Dean Karlan and Ian Ayers founded a new website to encourage people to achieve their goals. Users sign a contract in which they agree to achieve a certain goal, like losing weight. They can also allow the company to fine them if they don’t stick to their goals. The money goes to a charity or person of the user’s choice.


With or without the help of technology, our self-control is something we can improve. If we can control our impulses, it can be an important tool for achieving success.


Choose the correct answer. 1.

According to the article, why should you finish dinner before eating dessert?

a.Dessert isn’t healthy.



c.You should listen to your mother.

Professor Mischel wanted to find out … .

a.which sweets children preferred


b.It teaches self-control.

b.if children could stay alone in a room

c.about children’s ability to resist temptation

Decide if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). Find evidence in the text to justify your answers. 

1.The children who waited longer before taking the marshmallow were better students.


2.The website is dedicated to losing weight.

Answer the questions. 1. Why does take money from its users? 2. Why does the writer think it’s important to have good self-control?



Find words or expressions in the text that mean the same as: 1. succeed (paragraph I)


3. established (paragraph IV)


2. waited (paragraph II)


4. permit (paragraph IV)


Write a composition of about 100-150 words. Choose ONE option. 1. Your friend wants to stop smoking. You want to help him. Write a dialogue between the two of you. 2. Write about the advantages and disadvantages of using technology to help us exercise self-control.

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