Complete the sentences with the words and phrases below. Make any necessary changes.
worldwide boot poll vulnerable distracted run over one-way campaign • •
• •
• •
• •
• •
• •
• •
1. The driver driver couldn’ couldn’tt stop in time time and …………………… …………………… the dog. dog. 2. We were …………………… …………………… by the noise noise and couldn’ couldn’tt concentrate concentrate.. 3. It’s It’s raining, raining, but I now now that there’ there’ss an umbrella umbrella in the car car …………………… . !. The politician politician wasn’t wasn’t pleased pleased with with the results results o" the latest latest …………………… . #. There have have been "ewer "ewer road accide accidents nts at weeends weeends since since the …………………… against drin$driving began. %. This company company’s ’s produc products ts are sold …………………… …………………… . &. 'abies 'abies and elderly elderly people people are …………………… to catching catching the the "lu in the winter. winter. (. )ou can’t can’t drive drive up this street because because it’s it’s a …………………… street.
Match A to to !orm expressions. A
1. over overta tae e
…… a. a car
2. delay
…… b. a horn
3. en"orce
…… c. a law
!. hoot
…… d. a theor heory y
#. pull pull into into
eeting ng …… e. a meeti
%. prove
assen nger ger …… ". a passe
&. drop rop o""
…… g. a par parin ing g spa space ce
Complete the sentences to show that you ha#e understood the meaning o! the words in bold.
1. *van *van "ound "ound it it di""ic di""icult ult to to break the habit o" ................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................ . 2. They They were were so busy busy that that they were were unaware ..................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................ . 3. It was tough to ............................................................................................................................... . !. +ob +obody ody fancies .............................................................................................................................. . #. I can can neve neverr resist the urge to ......................................................................................................... . %. The The new new evid eviden ence ce indicates that .................................................................................................... . &. It’s reckless to ................................................................................................................................ . (. )ou’ll u’ll get get a fine i" you ................................................................................................................... .
6 Extension
Complete the radio tra!!ic report with the words and phrases below. Make any necessary changes.
motorway rush hour head-on collision exit stuck motorist traffic jam slow down lane junction •
ood morning to all our 1. …………………… on their way to wor. This is -egan Waler in adio WT/’s helicopter, reporting about the daily 2. …………………… . I" you’re planning on taing the -1# 3. …………………… , I suggest that you choose another route. There’s construction on the main !.
…………………… to the city. This is causing a ma0or #. …………………… . nother problem is an
accident on /orest 'oulevard. The le"t %. …………………… is closed, and it’s impossible to turn le"t at the &. …………………… o" -ain and ing treets. nyone in a hurry to get to the industrial area won’t be able to. 4rivers have (. …………………… there because o" a 5. …………………… between a car and a lorry. I hope that no one is hurt6 I" you’re
…………………… somewhere, give me a call
at 71$!!2$2222 and I’ll report it to our listeners.
&he !ollowing sentences do not make sense. Make them logical by replacing each word in bold with a word in bold !rom a di!!erent sentence.
1. The "amily was relieved when they heard that their grand"ather’s illness wasn’t inexperienced. …………………… 2. The cautious guide didn’t now how to answer the tourists’ 8uestions. …………………… 3. The dead end is 57 ph. -ae sure you don’t drive any "aster. …………………… !. Tony is fatal with his money and never buys impulsively. …………………… #. 9se the speed limit i" you want to get to the other side o" the street. …………………… %. )ou can’t continue on this street because it is a seat belt. …………………… &. The woman was alive because she was wearing her zebra crossing. ……………………
6 Extension
'rammar 1
Complete the sentences with a suitable modal. &here may be more than one possible answer.
1. I …………………… eat that biscuit. I’m allergic to nuts. 2. lthough she bought a ticet, she …………………… come to the concert. he’ll let us now soon. 3. )ou …………………… bring anything. ll the "ood has already been prepared. !. )ou …………………… wear a 0acet. It’s cold outside. #. :urry up6 We …………………… leave now. %. :e …………………… be in the building. :is mobile phone is still on his des. &. That …………………… be true. It doesn’t mae sense. (. ;ast year, we …………………… buy a car because we didn’t have enough money.
Complete the sentences with a suitable modal or modal per!ect( a!!irmati#e or negati#e( and the correct !orm o! the #erbs in brackets. &here may be more than one correct answer.
1. bad news. 2. It ……………………………… =rain> today, so tae an umbrella with you to school. 3. Why did ?ulia throw away her old clothes@ he ……………………………… =give> them to a charity. !. I ……………………………… =tae> the car, but it was such a nice day, I decided to wal. #. We understand. )ou ……………………………… =eAplain>.
)ewrite the sentences using the correct !orm o! the words in brackets. *o not change the original meaning o! the sentences.
1. There’s no need to mae reservations. =have to> .......................................................................................................................................................... 2. I’m sure he "orgot about our meeting. =must> .......................................................................................................................................................... 3. There’s a possibility o" rain tonight. =might> .......................................................................................................................................................... !. 'rian nows how to per"orm amaBing magic trics. =can> .......................................................................................................................................................... #. It’s necessary that everyone participate. =must> .......................................................................................................................................................... %. Is it possible to use your phone@ =could> ..........................................................................................................................................................
6 Extension
Complete the mini+dialogues with a suitable modal and the #erbs in brackets.
1. C When is the neAt bus@ 'C It usually arrives every ten minutes, but it 1. ……………………………… =not come> on time because o" the morning tra""ic 0ams. C I 2. ……………………………… =tae> my car. I 3. ……………………………… =not be> late "or wor this morning because I have a meeting with a client. 'C I’m sure he’ll understand. :e !. ……………………………… =be> stuc in tra""ic, too. )ou #. ……………………………… =not worry>. 2. C I saw an interesting documentary about the monsoons in 'angladesh on television. 4o you now that over 1&7 centimetres o" rain %. ……………………………… ="all> between ?une and eptember neAt year@ 'C Wow6 There &. ……………………………… =be> a lot o" "looding when that happens. C )es, many people (. ……………………………… =leave> their homes and "ind shelter in public buildings. They 5. ……………………………… =not return> to their homes "or days. 'C It 17. ……………………………… =be> di""icult "or the government to deal with disasters lie this. C )ou’re right. 'ut there are many international organisations that help. 'C I thin we 11. ……………………………… =consider> donating some money to one o" these organisations. C That’s a good idea6
Complete the sentences using a suitable modal or modal per!ect. *o not change the original meaning o! the sentences.
1. It’s not a good idea "or ue to eAercise so soon a"ter her accident. ue ................................................................................................................................................. . 2. I’m sure I’ve met you be"ore. I ...................................................................................................................................................... . 3. It’s possible the train has been delayed. The train ......................................................................................................................................... . !. TeAting while driving is prohibited. )ou ................................................................................................................................................. . #. We decided to stay in instead o" eating out. We .................................................................................................................................................. .
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