Contract of Lease Law Office

October 7, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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This Contract of Lease, a!e an! entere! into "# an! "et$een:

E%W&N P' BASAYA, of legal age, Filipino, married and a resident of Chito Cabanag St., Interi Int erior or Libis Libis Road, Road, Brgy Brgy.. San Pedro, Pedro, Puerto Puerto Prince Princesa sa City City, Pro Provin vince ce of Palaa Palaan, n, Philippines, hereinafter referred to as the (LESSOR)!

* an! + 

ATTY' EM&L&A CONCEPC&ON %' SEER&NO , of legal age, Filipino, single, and a resident of "escom Road, Brgy. San Pedro, Puerto Princesa City, Palaan, Philippines, hereinafter referred to as the -LESSEE-!

  W&TNESSETH: that + 

"#$R$%S, the L$SS&R is the oner'administrator of commercial building specifically referred to as (Basaya Building) located at *atioanl #ighay, Puerto Princesa City, Palaan!

"#$R$%S, the L$SS$$ desires to lease +nit *o. , found in the Second - nd Floor of  said commercial building and the L$SS&R is illing to lease the same unto the L$SS$$, sub/ect to the folloings terms and conditions hereinafter specified0

 *&", 1#$R$F&R$, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises and the mutual covenant cove nantss and obliga obligatio tions ns herein hereinaft after er stipula stipulated ted and to be perfor performed med,, the L$SS&R  L$SS&R  hereby leases and the L$SS$$ hereby accepts by ay of lease from the L$SS&R, the  parties hereby agree as follos0


Contract of Lease Page 2 of 8


Ter: 1his lease shall be for a duration of TWO ./0 #ear commencing from 12NE 34, /536 and to end on 12NE 36, /537, reneable at the option of the L$SS$$ at such ne terms and conditions as may agreed upon by the parties.


Renta8:  1he L$SS L$SS$$ $$ agre agrees es to pay pay the L$SS L$SS&R &R th thee month onthly ly re rent ntal al fee of PESOS: E&9HT THO2SAN% .P,555'550, Philippine currency. +pon signing signi ng of this Contract Contract of of Lease, Lease, the L$SS$$ shall pay the L$SS&R ONE .30 month rental in advance. 1he L$SS$$ shall shall also issue ELEEN  .330 post3dated chec4s covering the monthly rentals for the first year and at the beginning of the second year shall issue issue another TWEL TWEL E .3/0  post3dated chec4s covering the monthly rentals for said period.


%e;osit: 1he L$SS$$ shall also pay the L$SS&R the sum of TWO ./0 months deposit of PESOS:  S&.

Attorne#s Fee0 In case the L$SS&R resorts to /udicial action base upon or in connection ith this lease contract, the L$SS$$ hereby agrees to pay attorney@s fee euivalent to 1$* -28E percent of the total amount involved as claimed by the L$SS&R as against the L$SS$$ plus all court e6penses and'or costs of  litigation.


Tie Tie of Es Esse sens nsee0 1ime is the essence hereof any aiver by the L$SS&R of a  breach of any term, covenant or condition herein contained, hether e6press or  implie imp lied, d, shall shall not consti constitut tutee a aiver aiver of any subse subseuen uentt breach breach thereo thereof, f, or a  breach of covenant to pay the rent so accepted. *o aiver by the L$SS&R shall

 be deemed to have been made unless e6pressed in riting and signed by the L$SS&R.

&N W&TNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands, this  day of , 82A in City of Puerto Princesa, Palaan, Philippines.


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SIG*$< I* 1#$ PR$S$*C$ &F0

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R$P+ R$ P+BL BLIC IC &F 1#$ 1#$ P#I P#ILI LIPP PPI* I*$S $S

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 S.S.

B$F&R$ =$, this  day of , 82A, in City of Puerto Princesa,  personally appeared0


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