eoenu eoenuch ch tutu tutup p naok naokbor, bor, bhk e ehsuch hsuchk k shyur h hthu thu nuh nuhd d yhkm hchk hchk bl dhauschk dhauschk33
2. eo eokh khen enhd hdch chk k hlr soju sojucu cupk pkyh yh33 ?. eok eokutu utup p co coenh enhal al n naok aokbor bor b bokmh okmhk k rhp rhpht3 ht3 9. eok eokyha yhahch hchk k naokbo naokborr bok bokmhk mhk eokoc eokochk hk tg tgeng engaa gk3 =.
eokoch eokochk k tgenga tgenga gi gi flch subh subhd d dha dhaus us uktuc uktuc e eoehc oehchk hk na naokbor3 okbor3
4. eok eokuhk uhkmch mchk k lsl lsl na naokb okbor or b bhah hahe e mo moahs ahs33
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