Contoh Soal Sap Plm

February 23, 2019 | Author: Ifadah Amalia Sy | Category: Leadership & Mentoring, Leadership, Computing, Technology, Business
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5 Written Questions 1. A model model of the project project that shows shows the the project project activities activities to be be fulfilled fulfilled in the hierarchical form. It divides the project into clearly-structured sections. The individual elements of the work breakdown structure are called WBS elements. CORRECT: Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

2. Inte Intern rnal al Proc Proces essi sing ng External Processing General Costs Activity Relationships CORRECT: Factors influencing Scheduling

3. A structure structure element element of the work work breakdow breakdown n structure. structure. It describes describes a concrete concrete task task or a  partial task that can be further subdivided. Planned and actual values for a project are defined and aggregated in WBS elements. CORRECT: WBS Element

4. Are enter entered ed in netwo networks rks using using conf confirm irmatio ations. ns. CORRECT: Actual Dates

5. Sets of of da dates Planning form Scheduling Planning Different Calendars Shift Extrapolation Inherit Check dates CORRECT: Time Scheduling Functions

5 Matching Questions 1. Bu Budg dget et CORRECT: a Predfined cost framework for a task or project within the specific  period. Budgeting differs from cost planning in that it is bindiing. bindiing. Whereas you must estimate your project costs as accurately as possible during project cost planning, it is the approval phase that funds are actually allocated in the form of a budget. 2. EF CORRECT: c Earliest Finish 3. Purchase Purchase Orde Orderr

CORRECT: b A request or instruction from a purchasing organization to a vendor  (external supplier) or a plant to deliver a quantity of material or render a service at a certain point in time. 4. Requireme Requirements nts Date CORRECT: e Automatically calculated by the system for materials during the  project based on the projected finish date of the activity. 5. Networ Network  k  CORRECT: d Describes the chronological sequence of and dependencies between events and activites in a project, and maps the actual flow of the project.

1. a Predfined Predfined cost framewo framework rk for a task or or project project within the the specific specific period. period. Budgetin Budgeting g differs from cost planning in that it is bindiing. Whereas you must estimate your   project costs as accurately as possible during project cost planning, it is the approval  phase that funds are actually allocated in the form of a budget. 2. b A request request or instructio instruction n from a purchasin purchasing g organizatio organization n to a vendor vendor (external (external supplier) or a plant to deliver a quantity of material or render a service at a certain  point in time. 3. c Earl Earlie iest st Fini Finish sh 4. d Describes Describes the chronol chronologica ogicall sequence sequence of and depende dependencies ncies between between events events and activites in a project, and maps the actual flow of the project. 5. e Automatically Automatically calculat calculated ed by the system system for materials materials during during the the project project based on the  projected finish date of the activity.

5 Multiple Choice Questions 1. Latest est Sta Starrt 1. ES 2. S S 3. CORRECT: LS 4. F S 2. Lates atestt Finis inish h 1. CORRECT: LF 2. TF 3. F F 4. A F 3. Compari Comparison son or evalua evaluatio tion n of data? data? 1. List Profile 2. CORRECT: Control profile 3. Time ime pr profil file 4. Eval Evalua uati tion on pro profi file le 4. The system system can checkthe checkthe heirach heirachical ical consisteny consisteny co time time schedulin scheduling g within within the project project and extapolate dates within the project strucure automaticallly on saving using the  planning methods "top down" down" "bottom up " and "strict bottom up." 1. Pro Profit fit Cen Center  ter  2. Stan Standa dard rd Netw Networ ork  k  3. CORRECT: Automatically Carried Out

4. Actual Dates 5. A customer customer request request to a company company for a quotati quotation on or sales sales information information that that is not  binding. The request is recieved by a sales area that is then responsible for processing it further. 1. Cost Center  2. CORRECT: Customer Inquiry 3. Time ime pr profil file 4. Cont Contro roll llin ing g Area Area

5 True/False Questions 1.

CN24N → Overall Network Scheduling Transaction with selection options true. CORRECT: This is true.


Work Center → An organizationl unit that defines where and by whom an activity is to be carried otu. The data in the work center can be used for scheduling, costing, and capacity planning. CORRECT: This is true. true.

3. FF → Fre Freee Flo Float at true. CORRECT: This is true. 4. Which factors factors can have an influenc influencee on the scheduli scheduling ng result result of networks? networks? → Internal Internal Processing External Processing General Costs Activity Relationships CORRECT: This is false is  false

5. CJ2B CJ2B → CJ29 - Proj Project ect Sched Scheduli uling ng Trans Transacti action on true. CORRECT: This is true.

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