Rancangan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Harian Week: 7 Day : Monday Date : 13 Feb 2017 Time : 10.30-11.30 Class : 1 M Subject : English Theme : Wo World rld of Knowledge Unit :Around the shool Attendance : Resources: !e"tt boo#$Ati%ity !e" .1.1. &oo#$ ** .1.1. Skill(s): Writing
Content Standard: 3.1 Pupils will be able to form letters and words in neat legible print including cursive writing Learning Standard : *6 .1.1 3.1.3 write in neat legible print with correct spelling (iii) simple sentences ** .1.1 Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to! construct a legible print in simple sentences with correct spelling and punctuation accurately by writing the correct directions in the blan"s (Level 5) Success criteria (SMART): #tudents will be successful if they 1. $an write simple sentences of correct directions in legible print with correct spelling with minimal guidance %&evel 3' 2. 'an write si()le sentenes of orret diretions in legible )rint with orret s)elling fairly aurately *+e%el aurately *+e%el , ** .1.1 ACT!T"S: Starter (Class) (5 mins)
1. Prompting yesterday(s lesson on simple instructions. ). *ell *ell students that they will be learning l earning on how to write directions that are easy to follow. follow. #ema" ada"ah a"tiviti ini dapat menghasil"an ciri!ciri pembelajar a"tif4 %** .5.1 i!vii'
3. +plain the words left, right and go straight on.
Main Activities: Activit# $ (%& minutes): 1. *a"e *a"e the pupils on a school tour and name the places along the way. ). #tate directions to various places in the school. 3. Pupils state the directions to various places in school. Activit# % ('roup) ($& minutes): 1. -roup the pupils into groups of three. ). istribute di/erent maps0tas"s to each group. 3. +ach group needs to match the phrases to the selected places in the maps. %turn left0turn right0go straight on' . +ach group presents their 2ndings.
Activit# (Assessment) ($5 minutes): 1. *eacher guides the pupils pupils to to construct construct a legible legible print in simp simple le sent senten ence ces s with with corr correc ectt spel spellin ling g and and punc punctu tuat atio ion n accu ac cura rate tely ly by writ writin ing g the the corr correct ect direc directi tion ons s in the the blan blan"s "s (Level % ) ). Pupils Pupils construct construct a legible legible print in simple simple sentences sentences with corre cor rect ct spellin spelling g and punctu punctuati ation on accura accuratel tely y by writing writing the correct directions in in the without guidance guidance (Level *) 3. Pupi Pupils ls rewrit rewrite e a le legib gible le print print in si simpl mple e sent senten ence ces s with with corre cor rect ct spelli spelling ng and punctu punctuatio ation n accurat accurately ely by transf transferr erring ing the sentences into the eer eercise cise boo"s. ( Level 5) +lenar#: ($& minutes) 1. Role!play between the pupils on the various directions of
** .7. %i' Pelbagai "aedah penta"sira
** .7. %iv' 8embuat
Rancangan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Harian the school.
Perormance !e"el $ %ery !imited ' !imited
Perormance Descri#tor •
*6 .7.1
'an write in legible )rint with orret s)elling and )untuation with a lot of guidane
'an write in legible )rint with orret s)elling and )untuation with
' */e(edial at /e(edial at will be gi%en after lass ' */e(edial */e(edial will will be gi%en after lass $-' *Enrih(ent
so(e guidane
* Satisactory
+ ,ood %e %ery ry ,ood , ood . /0cellent
'an write in legible )rint with orret s)elling and )untuation with (ini(al guidane
'an write in legible )rint with orret s)elling and )untuation with
fairly aurately 'an write in legible )rint with orret s)elling and )untuation
aurately 'an write in legible )rint with orret s)elling and )untuation aurately and inde)endently
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