CONTOH RPH Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1

October 11, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Rancangan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Harian Week: 7 Day : Monday Date : 13 Feb 2017 Time : 10.30-11.30 Class : 1 M Subject : English Theme : Wo World rld of Knowledge Unit :Around the shool Attendance : Resources: !e"tt boo#$Ati%ity !e" .1.1. &oo#$  ** .1.1. Skill(s): Writing

Content Standard:  3.1 Pupils will be able to form letters and words in neat legible print including cursive writing Learning Standard :  *6 .1.1 3.1.3 write in neat legible print with correct spelling  (iii) simple sentences  ** .1.1 Learning Objectives:  By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to! construct a legible print in simple sentences with correct spelling and punctuation accurately by writing the correct directions in the blan"s (Level 5) Success criteria (SMART):  #tudents will be successful if they 1. $an write simple sentences of correct directions in legible print with correct spelling with minimal guidance %&evel 3' 2. 'an write si()le sentenes of orret diretions in legible )rint with orret s)elling fairly aurately *+e%el aurately *+e%el ,  ** .1.1 ACT!T"S: Starter (Class) (5 mins) 

1. Prompting yesterday(s lesson on simple instructions. ). *ell *ell students that they will be learning l earning on how to write directions that are easy to follow. follow. #ema" ada"ah a"tiviti ini dapat menghasil"an ciri!ciri pembelajar a"tif4 %** .5.1 i!vii'

,OTS: Analyse A))ly E%aluate 'reate roble( sol%ing

$ $

  CC": +nvironment Moral value: $ourtesy   Assessment ctivity )%-riting' Plenary %observation . verbal)  ** .1.1

3. +plain the words left, right and go straight on.

Main Activities: Activit# $ (%& minutes): 1. *a"e *a"e the pupils on a school tour and name the places along the way. ). #tate directions to various places in the school. 3. Pupils state the directions to various places in school.  Activit# % ('roup) ($& minutes): 1. -roup the pupils into groups of three. ). istribute di/erent maps0tas"s to each group. 3. +ach group needs to match the phrases to the selected places in the maps. %turn left0turn right0go straight on' . +ach group presents their 2ndings.

Activit#  (Assessment) ($5 minutes): 1. *eacher guides the pupils pupils to to construct construct a legible legible print in simp simple le sent senten ence ces s with with corr correc ectt spel spellin ling g and and punc punctu tuat atio ion n accu ac cura rate tely ly by writ writin ing g the the corr correct ect direc directi tion ons s in the the blan blan"s "s (Level %  ) ). Pupils Pupils construct construct a legible legible print in simple simple sentences sentences with corre cor rect ct spellin spelling g and punctu punctuati ation on accura accuratel tely y by writing writing the correct directions in in the without guidance guidance (Level *) 3. Pupi Pupils ls rewrit rewrite e a le legib gible le print print in si simpl mple e sent senten ence ces s with with corre cor rect ct spelli spelling ng and punctu punctuatio ation n accurat accurately ely by transf transferr erring ing the sentences into the eer eercise cise boo"s. ( Level 5) +lenar#: ($& minutes) 1. Role!play between the pupils on the various directions of 

 ** .7. %i' Pelbagai "aedah penta"sira

 ** .7. %iv' 8embuat


Rancangan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Harian the school.

Perormance !e"el $ %ery !imited ' !imited

Perormance Descri#tor •

 *6 .7.1

'an write in legible )rint with orret s)elling and )untuation with a lot of guidane


'an write in legible )rint with orret s)elling and )untuation with

' */e(edial at /e(edial at will be gi%en after lass ' */e(edial */e(edial will  will be gi%en after lass $-' *Enrih(ent

so(e guidane

* Satisactory

+ ,ood  %e %ery ry ,ood , ood . /0cellent

'an write in legible )rint with orret s)elling and )untuation with (ini(al guidane

'an write in legible )rint with orret s)elling and )untuation with

fairly aurately 'an write in legible )rint with orret s)elling and )untuation

aurately 'an write in legible )rint with orret s)elling and )untuation aurately and inde)endently

&orang !ransit




!earnin3 Standard

a(e 3.1.1

1. 2.


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Rancangan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Harian

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