Contoh Pertanyaan

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15 Contoh Pertanyaan & Jawaban Interview Kerja 1. Ceritakan tentang diri anda! Pertanyaan yang sangat sering muncul pada saat interview kerja. Persiapkan jawaban anda terbatas pada bidang pekerjaan yang anda kuasai sebelumnya. Bicarakan tentang karir anda sebelumnya, prestasi yang anda raih, hobi dan aktivitas terakhir yang anda jalani. 2. Kenapa anda berhenti dari pekerjaan sebelumnya? Jawablah dengan positif jenis pertanyaan ini. Meskipun anda berhenti karena ada masalah dengan perusahaan atau kantor sebelumnya jangan ceritakan permasalahan tersebut. Katakan saja kalau saat ini anda ingin mencari kesempatan kerja yang l ebih baik atau peluang melakukan sesuatu yang istimewa dalam karir anda. 3. Pengalaman apa yang anda miliki dalam bidang ini? Jawab se-spesifik mungkin mengenai keahlian anda di bidang yang anda lamar. Jika tidak memiliki pengalaman yang khusus setidaknya berikan jawaban yang mendekati keahlian yang dimaksud. 4. Apakah anda menganggap diri anda sukses? Selalu jawab "Iya" dan antusias untuk pertanyaan ini. Jelaskan keberhasilan yang telah anda capai dalam hidup ini terutama dalam hal karir. 5. Apa yang anda ketahui tentang perusahaan kami? Pertanyaan ini hanya bisa dijawab jika anda telah tel ah melakukan penelitian terlebih dahulu tentang perusahaan perusahaan tempat anda melamar. Jawab tentang aktivitas perusahaan tersebut seperti produk yang dij ual atau sistem pemasarannya. pemasarannya. 6. Apa yang telah anda lakukan untuk mengembangkan pengetahuan anda terakhir ini? Jawab ragam kegiatan positif yang tel ah anda lakukan tentu saja yang berhubungan dengan pencapaian karir anda. 7. Kenapa anda tertarik bergabung dengan perusahaan ini? Hati-hati menjawab ini karena memerlukan pengetahuan anda tentang perusahaan dan karir jangka panjang yang ingin anda raih. 8. Berapa gaji yang anda harapkan? Pertanyaan mudah yang sangat sulit menjawabnya karena sangat sensitif. Jadi jangan dijawab. Katakan sambil tersenyum "Pertanyaan "Pertanyaan yang cukup sulit, namun maaf bisakah bi sakah Bapak/Ibu menjelaskan kisaran gaji untuk posisi ini?" Biasanya pihak perusahaan akan memberikan rentang gaji yang anda tanyakan. Jika tidak, anda bisa bertanya balik mengenai detail pekerjaan yang akan anda jalani serta tanggung  jawabnya, baru baru kemudian bisa memperkirakan memperkirakan gaji yang anda harapkan harapkan plus mempertimbangkan tunjangan-tunjangan tunjangan-tunjangan lain. Itu pun masih kisaran saja, jadi anda sebelumnya harus tahu kisaran gaji untuk posisi seperti anda. 9. Apakah anda bisa bekerja dalam satu tim? Selalu jawab "Iya" dan sebutkan pengalaman yang pernah anda lakukan saat bekerja sama dengan banyak orang. 10. Jika anda diterima, berapa lama anda ingin bergabung di perusahaan ini? Jawaban jangan terlalu spesifik. Anda bisa menjawab seperti ini " Saya ingin selamanya bisa bekerja di sini dengan catatan perusahaan puas dengan hasil kerja saya". 11. Kenapa kami harus mempekerjakan anda? Jelaskan keahlian atau kemampuan yang anda miliki dan kaitannya dengan kebutuhan perusahaan. Jangan mencontohkan mencontohkan kandidat lain sebagai perbandingan kemampuan anda.

12. Apa kelebihan anda? Pertanyaan yang memerlukan jawaban luas tapi tetap fokus seperti misalnya kemampuan anda dalam memecahkan permasalahan, kemampuan memimpin, perilaku positif anda, kesanggupan bekerja di bawah tekanan atau kemampuan berorganisasi. 13. Apa kelemahan anda? Jangan pernah menjawab kalau anda orang malas atau susah bangun pagi. Jawab dengan diplomatis, seperti "Saya kurang percaya diri jika berbicara di hadapan orang banyak, tapi saat ini saya dalam proses mengatasinya karena ini sangat berkaitan dengan karir saya ke depan dan saya yakin bisa mengatasi hal ini", atau "Kelemahan saya kurang bisa bekerja sendiri, jadi harus membangun teamwork yang solid". Intinya setelah mengatakan kelemahan anda, sertakan usaha yang telah anda lakukan untuk mengatasi kelemahan anda tersebut. 14. Apakah anda bersedia kerja lembur kapan saja bila diperlukan? Jawaban untuk ini ada di anda. Jawablah dengan jujur dan berikan alasan yang tepat. 15. Apakah anda ada pertanyaan untuk saya? Selalu siapkan pertanyaan anda. Ini menunjukkan antusias anda bergabung di perusahaan. Contoh pertanyaan seperti deskripsi pekerjaan yang akan anda jalani atau proyek seperti apa yang saat ini dikerjakan perusahaan.

Here are 50 questions to ask to help you make the right decision for you (the last one is my favourite!): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.

What's it like to work here? What is a typical day like for someone in this position? How has your experience been working here? If you had to ‘sell’ this company today to someone who is a great fit, what would you tell him/her? What’s the best thing about working h ere/this position? What is the most challenging thing about working here/this position? How is this company different from others you worked at previously? What keeps you working here? What is the biggest challenge you have personally faced in this organisation? What are the main challenges I would face if you recruited me and I started tomorrow? Overall, how would you classify the financial health of the company? What do you see as your biggest advantages over your main competitors? What does the company need most right now? What excites you about the future here/in this section? How does the organisation fulfil its commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)? How do you describe your company's culture? How do you describe your department’s/section’s/team’s culture? What is the predominant management or leadership style here? How do people have a voice in your organisation/this section? What are the qualities of your best performing employees? What sets them apart and makes them special in your eyes? In what ways do you empower your employees? How will you support or invest in me so I can be at my best? What opportunities are there to take on management/leadership roles within the department or projects? What are the prospects for (further) progression or internal mobility? For this position, how frequently are people considered for new opportunities? How do you induct/onboard new recruits? How are expectations set and communicated to staff? How much autonomy/responsibility/accountability will I have? What support is there for dealing with difficulties? What is the primary goal or responsibilities of this position in the first year? Describe your impression of success for this position? What are the most important skills and abilities necessary for someone to succeed in this job? What are the most important attitudes necessary for someone to succeed in this job/organisation? How will you know I’m doing a good job or not?

36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49.

What will you expect me to have achieved after 3 months? How will you know? Why is the position available? How many people have held this position in the last 5 years? What were the reasons they left? What was the reason the last person left? Can I see where I would be working/meet the people I would be working with? Can you show me some examples of projects I’ll be working on? What is the one character trait would you use to describe a successful employee here? What helped the previous person to be successful here? If I were employed here, what one piece of wisdom would you want me to incorporate into my work life? Can you describe the ideal candidate for this position? What advice would you give me so that I would be successful here? What further information do you need from me for you to make an informed decision? W hat further questions or concerns do you have about my ability to perform this job (or) that I need to clear  up? 50. What is the question you want me to ask right now? What responses have you had when asking questions at a  job interview ? How did they affect your views of the position and the company? What other helpful questions have you asked at interview?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

What’s the biggest mistake you mistake you made in your life and what did you learn from it? If in 3months you found the job not to be what you expected it to be, what would it look like? What superhero would you be and why? What is one misconception people have about you? If you were a kitchen appliance what would you be? Why shouldn’t I call for a reference and why? So what are you going to do for us? Who are your heroes and why? What works for you and why? How can you increase your interaction with the energy generators? And what can you do to be one yourself? 10. Who at your former place of work gave you the most energy and why? 11. What do you think will be the biggest challenges you and I will face in your first 3 months on the  job? 12. What kind of person do you like to work with? 13. If you could wave a magic wand, what ill in the world would you solve and why? 14. You are on your death bed for what do you want to be remembered? 15. Can you do this job? 16. Why are you qualified? 17. What was your most and least satisfying job and why? 18. What is your view of office and business politics? How does it work? Can it be used in a positive way? 19. What’s been your best work that you think you are proud of yourself and what about them could you have done better? 20. Describe a time when you missed a deadline/revenues/failed to meet expectations and why? How did you feel? What lesson did you learn from it? 21. What are top 2 professional traits people in the company will miss or not the miss the most about you? 22. Why did you sign on for the position? What kept you there months and years later?

23. When was the last time you lost your temper? What was the situation and why do you think this affects you so? 24. What was unfair about your last job? 25. What motivates you and what doesn’t? 26. What is your 5 year goal? 27. Tell me in no more than 2 words what you think we do? 28. How many companies are you actively pursuing at the moment? 29. What industries are you interested in? 30. If your current employer offered you the same would you stay? Why or why not? 31. If you are hired for the position, what would your top priorities be in the coming quarter? Which of these questions do you like? Dislike? Any you would add to the list? 1. What’s the biggest mistake you mistake you made in your life and what did you learn from it? 2. If in 3months you found the job not to be what you expected it to be, what would it look like? 3. What superhero would you be and why? 4. What is one misconception people have about you? 5. If you were a kitchen appliance what would you be? 6. Why shouldn’t I call for a reference and why? 7. So what are you going to do for us? 8. Who are your heroes and why? 9. What works for you and why? How can you increase your interaction with the energy generators? And what can you do to be one yourself? 10. Who at your former place of work gave you the most energy and why? 11. What do you think will be the biggest challenges you and I will face in your first 3 months on the  job? 12. What kind of person do you like to work with? 13. If you could wave a magic wand, what ill in the world would you solve and why? 14. You are on your death bed for what do you want to be remembered? 15. Can you do this job? 16. Why are you qualified? 17. What was your most and least satisfying job and why? 18. What is your view of office and business politics? How does it work? Can it be used in a positive way? 19. What’s been your best work that you think you are proud of yourself and what about them could you have done better? 20. Describe a time when you missed a deadline/revenues/failed to meet expectations and why? How did you feel? What lesson did you learn from it? 21. What are top 2 professional traits people in the company will miss or not the miss the most about you? 22. Why did you sign on for the position? What kept you there months and years later? 23. When was the last time you lost your temper? What was the situation and why do you think this affects you so? 24. What was unfair about your last job? 25. What motivates you and what doesn’t?

26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.

What is your 5 year goal? Tell me in no more than 2 words what you think we do? How many companies are you actively pursuing at the moment? What industries are you interested in? If your current employer offered you the same would you stay? Why or why not? If you are hired for the position, what would your top priorities be in the coming quarter? Which of these questions do you like? Dislike? Any you would add to the list?

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