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ABOUT OUR INDUSTRIAL PRACTICE By : Anis Setyawati Ika Endaryani Rini Widi Astuti Wahyu Sekar Sari XII TKJ
Applying skill that we got in school to real industry.
Introducing students about real industry. Adding the skill and more
knowledge from IP.
Place : UPT PKSI UIN Sunan Kalijaga th
Time : From2012 June, 18 to August 18
Time of work : From 08.00 am to 04.00pm
SKILL RECEIVED We could make a network simulation using Packet Tracer application. We could operate camera professionally and got the skill of photography.
We also could interact with many person who have different characteristic.
PROBLEMS We felt complicated to relate in new atmosphere such as, the place, other worker and time of work. It was difficult when we got an assignment to make network design from counsellor because we didn’t get it clearly at school. school.
We try to adapt with the place, people, time of work in IP and we enjoy activities there.
We ask help to our counsellor about the steps in making the assignment or we search by internet.
Conclusion and suggestion
IP is very useful for us to add more experience about everything in the real industrial because if we work in future, we will need skill and good in our personality.
So, IPabout is verythe important for us to learn part of live experience like responsibility.
We hope networking department students are given material such as photography . So the students don’t focus on networking .
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