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j   j    j j   

j j  j   (A Case Study in the Second Grade of the SMAN 6 Garut)

  Submitted to the English Education Department of STKIP Garut as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

By: Ramdanul Barkah NIM. 06221023

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j j  j   (A Case Study in the Second Grade of the SMAN 6 Garut)



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j j  j   (A Case Study in the Second Grade of the SMAN 6 Garut)

         This paper has been established through an examination held on November 2010



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 ! j    Dengan ini, saya menyatakan bahwa skripsi dengan judul ³THE INFLUENCE OF MULTIMEDIA FACILITIES TOWARD STUDENTS¶ LISTENING SKILLS´ beserta seluruh isinya adalah benar-benar karya saya sendiri, dan saya tidak melakukan penjiplakan atau pengutipan dengan cara-cara yang tidak sesuai dengan etika keilmuan yang berlaku dalam masyarakat keilmuan. Atas pernyataan ini, saya siap dikenai sanksi yang dijatuhkan kepada saya apabila di kemudian hari ditemukan pelanggaran terhadap etika keilmuan dalam karya saya ini, atau ada klaim dari pihak lain terhadap keaslian dari karya saya ini.

Garut, November 2010 Yang Membuat pernyataan

Ramdanul Barkah NIM. 06221023




  j j   The writer intends to observe the difference between the students¶ listening ability using multimedia facilities and their ability using traditional way; the steps are taken to compare students¶ results in their listening ability by using multimedia facilities or without it. The population is the third grade students¶ of SMAN 6 Garut. Through the process of the investigation, the writer found that there is a positive influence of multimedia facilities toward students¶ listening skills. Because the significance of «.. in the rejection zone, Ha is accepted; it means that the effectiveness between learning listening using multimedia facilities and learning without multimedia facilities is very significant. The mean of experimental group is 7,53 and the mean of the control group is ««« so the result of test of the experimental group is better than the result of control group. Therefore, the writer can accept the positive hypothesis that there is a significance effect of using multimedia facilities toward students¶ listening skills.








   Alhamdulilah, by the Grace of Alloh SWT, the writer finally has succeeded in finishing this paper, entitled: ´The Influence of Multimedia Facilities toward Students¶ Listening Skills´. This paper wouldn¶t have finished without contribution and guidance of his supervisors who attentively managed their time to help the writer finish this paper. In this opportunity the writer would like to express his grateful thanks to all the lectures of English Department of STKIP Garut, especially to H. Surtiana H, Drs., M. A. and Ateng Kurnia, Drs., M.Pd. 

He also delivers his grateful to staff members of the English Department

of STKIP Garut and to those who had helped him in completing this paper for their help during the research. The writer realizes that this paper is still far from being perfect because of his limited ability, knowledge and references of literature; however, the writer hopes that it will be of some value to the readers, and he hopes suggestions and criticisms. Garut,

November 2010 The Writer





Alhamdulillah, by the Grace of Alloh SWT, having succeeded in finishing

this paper, the writer would like to express his sincere gratitude and deep appreciation to: 1.c H. Surtiana H, Drs., M. A., the first supervisor for his guidance. 2.c Ateng Kurnia, Drs., M.Pd, the second supervisor for his advice. 3.c Lectures of STKIP Garut, for their knowledge. 4.c All staff STKIP Garut for their continual cooperation and contribution during the process of this paper. 5.c His dearest mother and sisters who have always supported the writer in his study. 6.c All relatives and friends who have encouraged the writer to finish the paper. 7.c Those who have helped him in completing his paper.


November 2010 The Writer




j   jj  ! j     j j        j   j   jj    j j      j        jj j   1.1cThe Background of the Study................................................ 1  1.2cThe Reasons for Choosing the Topic...................... .............. 3  1.3cThe Problem Statements.......................... .............................. 3   1.4cThe Aims of the Study...................................................... .... 3  1.5cSignificance....................................................................... .... 4   1.6cThe Assumptions and Hypothesis..................................... .... 4  1.7cThe Research Design......................................................... .... 5   1.7.1c Research Method.............................. .................... ..... 5  1.7.2c Instruments..................................................... ............. 5  1.7.3c Population and Sample............................... ................ 6 1.7.4c Data Analysis............................ ............................ ..... 6 1.8cThe Limitation of the Problem.......................................... ... 7 1.9cThe Definition of Important Terms................................... ... 7   j    j j j  2.1cGeneral Remarks............................................................... ..7 8 

2.2cThe Definitions of Multimedia......................................... ... 8 2.3cTeaching Aids in Language Learning............................... .. 12 2.4cThe Main Elements of a Multimedia Program.................... 14




2.5cListening Skills................................................................. .. 16 2.5.1c The Definitions of Listening................................. ....16 2.5.2c Types of Listening................................................. ... 19 2.5.3c The General Principles of Teaching Listening Comprehension........................................................ . 22 2 23 2.5.4c The Phases of the Listening Process..................... .... 2.5.5c Learner Difficulties in Listening........................... ... 25 2.5.6c Listening and Technologies.................................. .... 28 2.6cThe Types and Advantages of Using Audio-Visual Aids (AVA) in Teaching English.............................................. .. 29 1.cTelevision................................................................... ..... 33 2.cFilm and Video........................................................... ..... 35 3.cSlides........................................................................... .... 38 4.cEnglish Computer Software........................................ ..... 38 2.7cCriteria of Good Audio-Visual Aids (AVA)....................... 40 2.8cMultimedia as a Teaching Aid........................... ................. 41   j    j  ! 1.1cThe Method of the Research..............................................  46  1.2cPopulation and Sample.......................................................  47 1.c Population..................................................................... 47 2.c Sample.............................................. ............................. 47 1.3cTechniques for Collecting the Data.................................... 48 1.c Treatments..................................................................... 48 2.c Teaching and Learning Activity.......................... ......... 48 3.c Classroom Observation....................... ........................ . 49 3.5cTesting Procedures............................................................. 51   j   j j     !   j  j  4.1cThe Analysis of the Data.................................................. 53 4.2cThe Computation of Data Result of the Test.................... 53 4.2.1c The Computation of Data Result of the Pre-Test.......53




 j        j   5.1cConclusions.......................................................................


5.2cSuggestions.......................................................................... 58 60 60    !  - 62 ii  




 j j   Table 1. The Condition of the Third Grade Class at SMAN 6 Garut in the Academic Year 2010/2011................................... ............................... 47 Table 2. The Result of the Test........................................... ............................... 54 Table 3. The Result of the Pre-Test of the Experimental Group....................... 63 Table 4. The Result of the Post-Test of the Control Group............................... 64 Table 5. Group of Sample.......................... ......................... ............................... 65 Table 6. Rank (R)................................................................ ............................... 66 Table 7. The Result of the Data.......................................... ............................... 67




 j   Figure 1. A Positive Learning Cycle................................... .............................. 12 Figure 2. The Cone of Experience...................................... ............................... 13 Figure 3. The Main Elements of a Multimedia Program................................... 15 Figure 4. The Advantages of Audio-Visual Aids in Learning Process............. 30 Figure 5. Types of Audio-Visual......................................... .............................. 33 Figure 6. A Modern Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) TV.................................... 34 Figure 7. A Sample of English Computer Software.......................................... 40 Figure 8. Criteria of the Test............................................................................. 56



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