Continuum Mechanics via Problems and Exercises Part II Answers and Solutions Ed by M E Eglit D H Hodges

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Continuum Mechanics via Problems and Exercises Part II Answers and Solutions Ed by M E Eglit D H Hodges...



WORLD SCIENTIFIC SERIES ON NONUNEAR SCIENCE Editor: Leon O. Chua University of California, Berkeley Series A.


Published Titles Volume 9:

Frequency-Domain Methods for Nonlinear Analysis: Theory and Applications G. A. Leonov, D. V. Ponomarenko, and V. B. Smimova

Volume 12:

Attractors of Quasiperiodicalty Forced Systems T. Kapitaniak and J. Wojewoda

Volume 13:

Chaos in Nonlinear Oscillations: Controlling and Synchronization M. Lakshmanan and K. Murali

Volume 14:

Impulsive Differential Equations A. M. Samoilenko and N. A. Perestyuk One-Dimensional Cellular Automata B. Voorhees

Volume 15: Volume 16:

Turbulence, Strange Attractors and Chaos D. Ruelle

Volume 17:

The Analysis of Complex Nonlinear Mechanical Systems: A Computer Algebra Assisted Approach M. Lesser

Volume 19:

Continuum Mechanics via Problems and Exercises Edited by M. E. EglitandD. H. Hodges

Volume 20:

Chaotic Dynamics C. Mira, L Gardini, A. Barugola andJ.-C. Cathala

Volume 21:

Hopf Bifurcation Analysis: A Frequency Domain Approach G. Chen andJ. L Moiola

Volume 23:

Nonlinear Dynamics in Particle Accelerators R DilSo and ft Alves-Pires

Forthcoming Titles Volume 18:

Wave Propagation in Hydrodynamic Flows A. L Fabrikant and Y. A. Stepanyants

Volume 22:

Chaos and Complexity in Nonlinear Electronic Circuits M. J. Ogorzalek

Volume 24:

From Chaos to Order G. Chen andX. Dong






Senes A



Series Editor: Leon 0. Chua


Margarita E. Eglit Moscow State university Russia

Dewey H. Hodges Georgia Institute of Technology U.SA Co-Authors Margarita E. Egllt Alexander N. Golublatnlkov Jacov A. Kamenjarzh Vladimir P. Karllkov

Andrei G. Kullkovsky Alexander G. Petrov irlna S. Shlklna Elena I. Sveshnlkova

Translation from Russian: A. N. natlushkln Figures: E. N. Paschenko

¥ L h World Scientific wIT

Singapore • New Jersey • London • Hong Kong




vol. 19

Published by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. P O Box 128, Fairer Road, Singapore 912805 USA office: Suite IB, 1060 Main Street, River Edge, NJ 07661 UK office: 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London WC2H 9HE

Britbn Library Catalogulng-ln-PubUcatlon Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

Cover illustration: From 'Torus Doubling in Four Weakly Coupled Oscillators" International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 5, No. 1, February 1995, p. 237.

CONTINUUM MECHANICS VIA PROBLEMS & EXERCISES Partll: Answers and Solutions Copyright © 19% by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without written permission from the Publisher.

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ISBN 981-02-2546-6 (Set) ISBN 981-02-2963-1 (Part II)

This book is printed on acid-free paper.

Printed in Singapore by Uto-Print

Contents Preface







1 Basic Concepts used for Description of Motion and Deformation of a Continuum 3 1 Lagrangian and Eulerian Description of Motion 3 2 Tensors and their Cartesian Components 7 3 Curvilinear Coordinate Systems 8 4 Deformation. Deformation Rate. Vorticity 14 5 Principles of Symmetry and Tensor Functions 30 2 General Laws and Equations of Continuum Mechanics 7 Mass Conservation Law. Continuity Equation 8 Stress Tensor 9 Differential Equations of Motion and Equilibrium 10 Using the Conservation Laws in Integral Form for Calculation of Forces and Moments Acting on Bodies Moving in a Fluid (Control Surface Method) 11 Angular Momentum Equations

35 35 37 40

3 Thermodynamics of Continua 13 The First Law of Thermodynamics. Energy Equation. Perfect Gas 14 The Second Law of Thermodynamics. Entropy. Gibbs Identity. . . . 15 Restrictions Imposed by The Laws of Thermodynamics on the Form of Constitutive Relationships 16 Thermodynamics of media with internal angular momentum



45 50

55 62 65 69



4 Discontinuity Surfaces in Continuum Media 17 Conditions across Discontinuity Surfaces 18 Discontinuity Surfaces in the Lagrangian Description

75 75 83

5 Fluid Mechanics 20 Statics of Fluid 21 Dynamics of an Incompressible Ideal Fluid 22 Dynamics of an Incompressible Viscous Fluid 23 Waves on a Surface of Heavy Incompressible Liquid 24 Mechanics of a Compressible Fluid

87 87 90 102 113 121

6 Elasticity Theory 26 Linearly Elastic Solid 27 Nonlinear Elasticity 28 Couple Elasticity and Averaging in Media with Microstructure . . . .

165 165 188 190

7 Inelastic Solids 29 Plastic Flow Theory 30 Rate-Dependent Effects in Solids

195 195 203

8 Basic Notions of Relativistic Kinematics and Dynamics. General Properties of Electromagnetic Field 31 Lorentz Transformations. Minkowski Space 32 Concepts of Relativistic Kinematics and Dynamics 33 Maxwell Equations

207 207 211 213

9 Models of Media Interacting with Electromagnetic Field 34 Magnetohydrodynamics 35 Electrohydrodynamics

219 219 228

10 Dimensional Analysis and Modelling 37 Examples of Application of Dimensional Analysis

231 231



Preface This volume contains hints, solutions and answers to Problems presented in Part 1 of the book. As a rule only the main points of solutions are given. Details (sometimes very time consuming) are left for independent work of the reader. That is why even those problems for which solutions are supplied are sometimes very challenging to solve, and professors can use them for tests and exams. In any case, even if a reader solves a problem himself, it is very useful to study the solution presented herein after that. Very often one can find not only an alternative way of solution but also additional elements of the theory and comments which enable the reader to achieve a better understanding of the subject. To find definitions of different notions one may use the Index to this volume and, in addition, the Index to Part 1. I wish good luck and great success to all readers of the book.

Margarita E. Eglit, Moscow, January 15, 1996


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Nomenclature The list of the notations from the Part I of the book is repeated here to the benefits of the students. Coordinates are usually numbered by the upper indices and denoted by xl (i = 1,2,3). Symbols x, y and z are often used to emphasize the Cartesian coordinates. Lagrangian coordinates are usually denoted by £'. The symbol Vj stands for the covariant derivative over coordinate x'. In Cartesian coordinates

a - speed of sound c - speed of light; speed of a characteristic; heat capacity per unit mass; concen­ tration Cp - specific heat capacity at constant pressure cv - specific heat capacity at constant volume dA - the amount of work for time interval dt dq - the amount of heat per unit mass that enters a system during time interval dt dq" - uncompensated heat -jr- - rate of entropy production per unit mass da - element of area dV - element of volume e.i - covariant basis vectors e' - contravariant basis vectors IX



d, ki - basis vectors of Lagrangian coordinate system in the initial and current states, respectively dj - components of the strain rate tensor g - acceleration due to gravity g - metric tensor 9ij, 9li - components of the metric tensor i - specific enthalpy, imaginary unit k - wave number k - internal angular momentum per unit mass n - normal to the boundary p - pressure Pij - components of Cauchy stress tensor p„ - stress vector q - heat flux vector ql - component of heat flux vector in direction of x' s - entropy per unit mass t - time u - internal energy per unit mass; component of a velocity vector in the direction of Cartesian coordinate x v - velocity; component of a velocity vector in the direction of Cartesian coordinate y

v - velocity vector w - component of a velocity vector in the direction of Cartesian coordinate z w - displacement vector xx - coordinates x , y, z - Cartesian coordinates

Nomenclature B - magnetic induction D - speed of a discontinuity surface E - Young's modulus E - electric field strength T - free energy per unit mass F - body force per unit mass Qij - components of couple stress tensor R - gas constant S - entropy T - temperature U - internal energy; potential of body force V - volume W - complex potential Fr - Proude number M - Mach number Pe - Peclet number Re - Reynolds number St - Strouhal number a - coefficient of thermal expansion; 7 - adiabatic exponent, the ratio Cp/cv 6ij,6j - Kronecker symbols tij - components of a strain tensor £\jk - components of the Levi-Civita tensor A - one of the viscosity coefficients; one of the elastic coefficients



Nomenclature H - viscosity coefficient; one of the elastic coefficients v - kinematic viscosity coefficient

Vj - covariant derivatives p - density 7r,J - components of the Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor a - Poisson coefficient, electrical conductivity coefficient r - tangential stress T ,J - viscous stresses tp - potential of velocity ip - stream function f* - Lagrangian coordinates u - vorticity vector; angular velocity T - velocity circulation r \ - Christoffel symbols

Chapter 1 Basic Concepts used for Description of Motion and Deformation of a Continuum 1

Lagrangian and Eulerian Description of Motion

1.1 Choose a Cartesian coordinate system 11,12,2:3 in space. Choose coordi­ nates (xi, X2.X3) of a point as the Lagrangian coordinates (fi, £2> £3) of the particle situated at this point at the instant t = 0. a) Let the axis x\ be directed along the velocity vector (having constant direction). The motion is the translation of the body in the axis Xi direction by the distance vt. So the motion law is represented by the functions Xi = vt + £i,X2 = 62. £3 = £3. b) Let the X3-axis be directed along the (immovable) rotation axis. The motion is rotation around it by the angle ut. For this rotation, the transformation of the vector of the initial position of a particle into the vector of its position at the instant t is represented by premultiplication an orthogonal matrix, so that


xi \ / cos ut x2 = sin ut

*3 /

— sin ut 0 \ / £1 \ cos ut 0 £2 •

V 0


1 ) \6 /

Then, the functions representing the motion law have the form Xi = £1 cos ut — £2 sin ut, x
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