Contingent Fee Agreement 10%.doc

May 15, 2019 | Author: Simon Wolf | Category: Lawsuit, Lawyer, Government, Politics, Justice
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Fee Agreement

 The undersigned, undersigned, plaintifs plaintifs in the case entitled " ANACLETO R. MENESES vs. SECRET SECRETAR ARY Y OF AGRAR AGRARIAN IAN RE REFOR FORM M AND AND LAND LAND BANK BANK OF THE THE PHILIPPINES" docketed docketed as Civil Cse N!s. "#$%M%&' n( ''%M%&$ and pending beore Branch 10 o the Regional Trial Court o Malolos, Bulacan, (herein (hereinate aterr known known as Client Client re!uests re!uests the legal serices serices o Att). E(m!n( E(*r( M. Flminin!   an Att). Tri+i Snt!s  (hereinater known as and Att). #ttorne$s or representation to assert and deend their clai%s, rights and interests in the aoresaid ciil suit in which Client propert$ or properties was e&prop e&propriat riated ed b$ the goern goern%en %ent' t' #ttorn #ttorne$s e$s shall shall peror% peror% all reason reasonable able,, necessar$ and usual serices in %atters o this kind including, but not li%ited to inestig inestigatio ation n o acts, acts, gatheri gathering ng o eidence eidence,, prepar preparatio ation n o e&hibit e&hibits, s, interie interiewing wing witness(e witness(es, s, co%pili co%piling ng recor records ds o e&pens e&penses, es, and negotiat negotiation ions s with the representaties o the opposing part$' ) a settle%ent is not efected which is satisactor$ to the Client, #ttorne$s agree to pursue the clients* clai% in the sub+ect ciil suit particularl$ on the issue o +ust co%pensation' )n connection with this, #ttorne$s will le all necessar$ court papers, attend pretrial conerences and status conerences, prepare appropriate pleadings, re!uests or ad%issions and re!uests or production o docu%ents, attend and and tak take appr approp opri riat ate e depo deposi siti tion ons, s, and and star startt or cont contin inue ue sett settle le%e %ent nt nego negotia tiatio tions' ns' ) a settle settle%en %entt satis satisact actor$ or$ to Clien Clientt canno cannott be attain attained ed,, #ttorne$s agrees to tr$ or pursue the case in the trial court unless asked or per%itted to withdraw' ) a +udg%ent in aor o Client is obtained in the trial court court and the adersa adersar$ r$ appeals, appeals, #ttorn #ttorne$s e$s shall shall proid proide e all appropr appropriate iate serices in resistance to the appeal, including reiew o the trial court-s record, preparation o appropriate bries, and oral argu%ent in the reiewing courts' ) the trial o the case should result in a +udg%ent that is aderse to Client, #ttorne$s shall not be obligated to appeal' #ttorne$ shall adise Client o the opinion concerning the adisabilit$ o appeal and %a$ undertake to proide serices as appellate counsel under a new, separate and distinct .// #R//M/T' The ee o #ttorne$s shall be se%i2contingent upon the result obtained' There shall be no legal obligation b$ Client to pa$ #ttorne$s an$ acceptance and success ees i nothing is recoered ro% the adersar$ or ro% ro% the the goe goern rn%e %ent nt'' 3owe 3owee er, r, Clie Client nt is respo espons nsib ible le or or all all e&pen &pense ses s T,!-sn( incur incurre red d in the prose prosecu cutio tion n o the clai% clai% inclu includi ding ng the T,ree T,!-sn( Pes!s PHP'/00 PHP'/000.00 0.0011 22ern+ 22ern+e e 3ees' Clie Client nt ackn acknow owle ledg dges es that that it re%ains solel$ responsible or pa$%ent o litigation costs and e&penses and agrees to rei%burse #ttorne$s or an$ such costs and e&pense or which the #ttor #ttorne$s ne$s %a$ adance adance in unaoi unaoidabl dable e instance instances' s' Client Client shall shall rei%bu rei%burse rse 1

#ttor #ttorne$s ne$s as costs costs and e&penses e&penses are are incurr incurred' ed' The legal ee o #ttorn #ttorne$s e$s TEN N 401 401 PERC PERCEN ENT T o the shall be TE the gros gross s a%ou a%ount nt reco ecoer ered ed or +ust co%pensation paid' )n the eent o discharge b$ Client and in the eent Client subse!uentl$ recoers %one$ or gets paid +ust co%pensation, Client shall be indebted to #ttorne$s or legal ees based upon what was agreed upon upon and or an$ costs and e&penses e&penses adanced adanced b$ #ttorn #ttorne$s' e$s' #ttorn #ttorne$s e$s reseres the right to withdraw ro% representation i Client ails to cooperate or oll ollo ow #ttor torne$s* e$s* adice ice on a %ater terial ial %atte tter, or i an$ ac act or circu%stance arises or is discoered that would, in #ttorne$s iew, render continuing representation unlawul or unethical' 4one this 5555 da$ o #pril 6017 at 555555555555555555'


a%es o Clients89laintifs FLAMINIANO (#ddress (o-t )ssued )4





TRICIA S. SANTOS (#ttorne$


R/9: R/9:B; B;)C )C ants persons8a>ants this 555  da$ o 555555555555555 6010 and the$ e&hibited to %e their respectie goern%ent issued identication cards and who hae satisactoril$ proen their identities to %e and the$ acknowledged to %e that the e&ecution o the oregoing .ee #gree%ent were their oluntar$ and true act and deed'  This .ee #gree%ent consists o two (6 pages including the page where this acknowledge%ent appears and are signed signed b$ the a>ants' ?itness %$ hand and seal on the date and place indicated aboe'


otar$ 9ublic

4oc' o' 5555555@ 9age o' 555555@ Book o' 555555@ =eries o 6017'


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