Contenu.: Networking

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Contenu. Vocabulary

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Networking Culture page: Fand oms p. 18

page 19  19  Unforgettable






• Conversational English   Phrases Phrases related to communication   Phrases Phrases describing like/ dislike • Free-time activities • Words easily confused • Personality adjectives

  Present Simple vs Present Progressive »Stative verbs • Past Past Simple Simpl e   used to   Prepositions of time   Quantifiers

• Unstressed words

• A magazine article: From the letter box to  to   the inbox • A magazine article: Lewis Hamilton and  and   Ang elina Jo lie

  Adjectives ending in in -ed  -ed  and -ing

• Past Progressive   Past Simp le vs Pa Past st

 The reduced forms of

• A magazine article:  A Strange F ruit

describ ing food •• Adjectives Adverbs and adverbial phrases • The weather  • Phrases for letters/e-mails

Progressive • Time Clauses (when, while, as, as as soon as)   Present Perfec t Simple • Present Perfect Simple vs Past Simple

Words related to travelling by plane Word building (nouns ending in -ion, -ation,  -ation,  -ment, -ance, -ai)  -ai)   Acco mmo datio n and facilities Geographical features  Adjec tives de scrib ing places

• can, could, may, be able to • have to, do n't have to, need to, don ’t need to, needn’t, must, mustn ’t • Indirect questions • Comparisons

• Sentence stress in indirec t questions

• An intervie w with a caver  • A brochure: Come to  to   Sichuan!

• Infinitives •-ing • should - had better 

  Stress in sentences with too  and

• A magazine article ab out predictions • Four advertisements

Who really discovered America? America?

did you and you  and have you

• thought A website: you o fHave exploring explori ngever  the  the   desert?

p. 32


page 33  33 

What a place! Culture page: Quiz: Famous Landma rks p. 46

page 47  47 

Modern times


Cross-curricular: Green Roofs p. 60


page 61

 Ä helping h hand and Culture page: Call fo r help! p. 74


 Page 75

The time of my life! Cross-curricular: Music genres p. 88

Culture page:

Words/phrases related to money Words easily confused Expressions Expr essions with make make    Abbre viatio ns Collocations related to technology Word building (adjectives ending in -ful, -less) -less)

• (Present Passive Voice Simple - Past Simple)


about gadgets

Words related to medical and emotional problems Phrasal verbs Prepositional phrase phrases s with ‘in’ Words related to accidents Words easily confused Idioms describing feelings

• Past Simple • Past Simple of the verb be • The verb could • Adjectives-Adverbs of manner 

• Stress and meaning

• A magazin e article : Sending o ut an SOS SOS • A newspaper article: Train Train Derailed by Sheep!

Words related to sports Collocations Compound nouns Words related to places of entertainment Phrasal verbs

>may, >may, migh t, could   Cond itiona l Sentences Typel   if vs when   so/neither/too/either • Present Perfect Progressive

• Sentence stress in Conditional Sentences Sentences T y pe pe l

 A holiday itinerary:  Adv en ture ! Mexican  Mexican   Style  Two advertisements: The Cirque du Soleil  Soleil   and the Harlem  Harlem  

Words related to films

• vs Present Perfect Progressive Present Perfect Simple

Opposites Words easily confused Words related to banks and money Jobs Words related to employment and qualifications

• Question tags   Negative questions  Exclamatory sentences   Clauses of result • Reflexive pronouns • Past Past Perfect Simple

• Intonation of question tags

• A magazine article: Let’s Let’s   get down to business business • An An Inte rnet forum: Someone’s go t to do it

  Reported speech (statements, questions, commands, requests)   Conditional Sentences Sentences Type 2 • Wishes and unreal past

• Sentence stress in reported speech

• A magazi ne article: They do it differe ntly! • An extract from a novel: The Last of the  the   Mohicans


The dolla r p. 102


page 103

Lifestyles Cross-curricular:

• Words related to the music industry • Words easily confused • Verbs + prepositions • Words Words related to cook ing • Words related to celebrations

Instal lation a rt p. 116 Speaking Section - Pairwork Activities p. 117  117 

Tasks p. 142

Writing Se Section ction p. 121  121 

Learning Tips p. 159

Songs p. 123

Irregular Ve Verbs rbs p. 161

Grammar Reference p. 125  125 

British and American English p. 162

Extra Grammar Practice p. 134

Word List p. 163







• Part of a TV programme • A conversation between two colleagues • People People talking in different situations

• Making plans • Talking about past habits • Discussing likes and dislikes • Talking Talking about friends fr iends and friendship • Asking and answering about personal information (questionnaire)

• A conversation between two friends friends about a strange experience • People People talking abou t living in a foreign country • People talking in different situations

• Asking and answering about experiences • Talking Talking abou t strange food • Telling a story based on visual prompts and guessing the ending • Discussing what helps when learning English • Making up a story base based d on visual and verbal pro mpts

• A story

• A conversation at a hotel • A conversation between two friends • People talking in different situations

• Simulating a conversation at a check-in desk • Expressing Expressing obligation and p rohibitio n (guessing game) • Asking for and giving information about accommodation (information gap activity) • Expressing Expressing preference and justify ing • Speculating, Speculating, making a decision and justifyin g choices

• An e-mail asking for information

• People talking in different situations • People People giving the ir opinion about mobile phones • A conversation between two friends about gifts

• • • •

• Notes and messages

• A radio programme about phobias • A conversation between two colleagues • People talking in different situations

• Si Simulating mulating conversations at the do ctor ’s • Stating Stating a problem, asking for and giving advice • Speculating Speculating ab out headli headlines nes • Describing events based on visual and verbal prompts • Simulating Simulating a conversation b etween a rep orter and an eyewitness

• A letter asking for or giving advice

• People People giving the ir opinion about places of entertainment •A radio pr programme ogramme with a film critic • People talking in different situations

• Comparing • Discussing two flyers • Discussing Discussing places places of ente rtainmen t • Organising Organising an advertiseme nt and presenting it • Discussing films • Discussing advantages and disadvantages of an issue (debate)

• A paragraph expressing preference

• People talking in different situations • A recorded message and a dialogue with a call centre agent

• Simulating conversations at the bank, at a cash machine and at a bureau de change • Discussing Discussing ideal ideal work ing cond itions • Simulating Simulating a job intervie w • Asking for and giving information • Discussing past events • Comparing jobs

• A conversation about a recipe • A conversation between two friends friends about a festi festival val • People talking in different situations

• Interviewing and reporting answers • Giving Giving instruction s • Speculating Speculating abo ut unreal situations • Inviting, accepting and refusing an invitation

Speculating and making a decision Making predictions about the future Defining objects, jobs and places (guessing game) Discussing positive and negative aspects and expressing opinion

• A short text presenting oneself  • A description of a person

• An e-mail giving news

• A description of a place

• A paragraph expressing an opinion

• An account of a true event

• A film review

• A curriculu m vitae (CV) • An e-mail giving information

• A recipe • An e-mail based on prompts



• Talking Talking abou t routines, habitual actions and permanent situations in the present and past • Distinguishing between permanent and temporary situations situations • Describing people • Expressing like and dislike

• Narrating events and stories • Describing feelings to time ••Referring Giving news

• Expressing ability, making requests and asking for permission • Expressing Expressing obligation, lack of obligation and prohibition • Making comparisons • Describing places • Giving opinion • Asking for information

• Making predictions, promises, offers and requests • Talking Talking about the fut ure • Understanding notes and messag messages es • Defining people, things and places

• Stating a problem • Asking Asking for and giving advice • Talking Talking abou t accidents • Narrating experiences • Making appointments

• Describing actions and situations and their consequences • Referring Referring to cond itions and their results • Expressing possibility • Agreeing and disagreeing • Expressing preference and opinion

• Sequencing past actions and events • Expressing interest and surprise • Making exclamations • Expressing result • Asking for confirmation • Talking Talking about work and qu alifications • Carrying out money transactions • Understanding and using advertisement language • Reporting • Giving and following instructions • Talking Talking about food and qu antity • Discussing customs • Talking Talking about im aginary situations • Making wishes • Inviting, accepting and refusing an invitation



"^ O l

Discuss: What are pop ular activities   for young people in your   country? How do young people  tod ay make new friends?

a blog from a stud ent at  university information about two role  models model s for young people conversations between   young people on the  phone an artic artic le about a popular   way to communicate  nowadays a descripti on o f a new new girl   at college

learn to talk abo ut the   learn present and past learn to talk about pas pastt   habits discuss diff erent ways of   discuss communicating talk about w hat you and  other people you know   like and dislike learn to use quantifiers talk abou t friends and  friendship describe p eople (physical (physical   appearance, personality ) learn to wri te a description   of a person learn to present yourself  learn to link yo ur ideas ideas   with and, but, so, because  and o r 



1 ûst&mÿ   d r Reading  ^  A. Discuss Discuss.. • Do you talk wit h yo ur friend s on the phone a lot? • What do you usually talk about?

B. Listen and an d name the people in the p pictures. ictures. Nanc y   Hey ey.. are you wa tchin g telly? Paul  

Yeah, why?

Nanc y   Switch over to SportPlus  channel. Paul  

No, thanks. I don’t want to watch sports right now.

Nanc y   Just do it. Paul  

OK, hold on... Wow! That’s James Blunt... and he’s playing football.

Nanc y   Yeah, it’s a charity match. Paul  

He’s quite good.


...and what about Lynn’s clothes?


I think they’re OK.


You can’t be serious! That red top is about ten years old.


So what? It’s still trendy. I like it.

what at abou ab ou t her hairstyle? hairs tyle? Denise  And wh Penny

Well, it’s pretty awful.

o n som ethin g. Denise  At least we agree on



Hi, mate. What are you up to?


Not much. I’m just sending a few e-mails.


You never send e-mails to me.

Neal Jane

That’s because we talk on the phone all the time. I suppose so. Do you fancy watching a film later?


Sorry, I have other plans.

J ane

No problem.


Hi, Ken. How’s it going?

K en

Not bad. Are you calling from work?


No, I’m on the train home.

K en

But you usually finish late on Tuesdays.

C. Read the dialogues and answer the q questions. uestions.


Yes, but I’m not working this week.

1. Wha t can yo you u see on SportPlus  channel now?

K en

Nice one! Do you want to go for coffee later?

2. What does Penny thi nk is trendy?


Sure, why not? Got to go! We’re going into a tunnel.

3. What doesn ’t Penny like abou t Lynn? Lynn?

K en


4. Why doesn’t Neal send e-mails to Jane?


Mobiles don’t work in tunnels. tunnels.

5. Where is Sue Sue calling call ing from? fr om?

K en

Of course... Sue?...Sue?

6. Why can’t Sue speak to Ken any longer?



¥ Pr Pr acti actic ce, CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH   Match the phrases 1-5 from the  dialogues with their synonyms a-e.

Complete with the Present Simple or the Present   Progressive of the verbs in brackets.

 ________ ________ _____ _ (you / do) here, Dave? 1. A: What Wh at (1) ____ B:

1. Hold Ho ld on.

 _________ _________ ____ (wait I (2) ____ (wait)) for the underground,

 just like you. you.

2. You can’t be serious! serio us!

 _________ _________ ____ (know) that. I  A: I (3 ) ____

3. What Wha t are you up to?

(4 ) ____________(mean) ____________(mean),, where

4. Ho w’s it going?

 _________  ______ _____ __ (you / go)? You (6)  ___  ______ ______ _____ __ (usually / not use)

5. Nice one! one !

the underground. You


 _________ _________ ____ (have) a motorbike, (7) ____ motorbik e, right? B: Yeah,

a. Great!

 ________ ________ _____ _ (want) to go to but I (8) ____

the city centre and the underground is the best

b. How are you?

way. No traffic!

c. I don’t agree with you. d. What are you doing at the moment?

 _________ _________ ____ (hate) driving in  A: Yea Yeah, h, I (9 ) ____ traffic, too.

e. Wait.

2. A: Where’s Where ’s Gordon today? B:

  Ç ra m m a r   3 PRESENT SIMPLE ^is  PRESENT PROGRESSIVE Read the examples and match them the m with the phrases a-d.

 _________ _________ ____ (not work) in the office He (10) ____

this week.  A: I (11) (11) ________  ____________ ____ (not understand). B:

Every year, Mr O’Brien (12) ____  ________ ________ _____ _ (send) people to London for seminars.

 A: That sounds interesting.

Present Pre sent Simpl e 1. We talk on the phone all the time. 2. Mobiles don’t work in tunnels.


 _____________ _________(you / want) to go next year? (13) ____ I can talk to Mr O’Brien for you.

 A: Thank Thanks. s. Present Prese nt Progr essive 3.  I’m ju s t sending a few e-mails. 4.  I’m not working this week.

Talk in pairs. Pretend to ring your partner and  a. right now b. usually or repeatedly c. as a general rule d. this period of time

□ □ □

discuss your plans for today. Use some of the  phrases in the boxes and the ideas given. Sure, why not? Of course. I’d love to. Sounds brilliant! Nice one!


That would be great. How could I say no?

Read the examples and answer the question  that follows. • / don’t w ant to watch sports rig ht now. now. • / like it.

Sorry, I have other plans. I’m afraid I’m busy.

Want  and like  are stative verbs. Which tense

Hi, how’s it going? Not bad. What are you doing...?

do we usually use with stative verbs, the Present Simple or the Present Progressive?

Nothing much. Do you want to...?

I’d like to come but... I’m afraid I can’t make it

Maybe some other time. No, thanks.


Go to Grammar Reference


7 Reading  A. Discuss. Discuss. • Do you use the In tern et to keep in tou ch wi th friends? • What is a social ne two rkin g website? What can mem bers of SN SN sites do? do?

B. Read the text and compare the information in it with your answers.

From the letter box to the inbox In the good old days, friends used to phone you or send you a birthday card on your birthday.   These days, if you're a member of a social networking website, like Facebook, MySpace, Habbo,  Habbo,  Bebo or Bebo  or H/5, H/5, you probably receive receive messa message ges s on your ' wall ' w ith a virtual 'gift'. SN sites appeared just before the beginning of the century and took the Internet, and the world, by storm. Just a few decades ago, people wrote letters or called each other regularly to keep in touch. Then e-mails came, and today SN sites allow users to communicate instantly with friends and family. In the past, people could play computer games with friends only when they were together. With SN sites, users can play online games with people that are next door or on

C. Read again and answer the questions.

the other side of the world. They can can even even play with 'virt ual ' friends they've never even met. And it seems it doesn't take time to make friends; it just takes a few clicks of the mouse. Until very recently, people used to put all their holiday photos in albums. Now SN users can display their photos online. Just click on your friend's album and enjoy! It's easy to keep in touch with friends online, and making virtual friends can be great fun. But when it comes to birthdays, real gifts are much better than virtual ones!

ll/ / o o a U ia r g ,

PHRASES RELATED TO COMMUN ICATION Read the sentences below and match the phrase phrasess in bold with the definitions a-g.

1. Who can receive rece ive messages on a ‘w ‘wall all ’ and virtual ‘gifts’?

1. I left un ive rsity last year, but I try to

2. What is Habbo Habbo? ?

2. Give me a call when you get home, OK?

3. When did social networking websites appear?

3. I left a message for Dana, Dana, but she hasn’t

4. What are ‘virtual’ friends? 5. Where did people use to keep their photos?

keep in touc h with people through e-mail.

returned my call. 4. I’m no t sure what my cousin is up to. to. We’ve We’ve lost touch.

D. Look at the highlighted words in the text and   choose the correct meaning a or b. 1. regularly

3. online

a. usually

a. on the phone

b. sudde nly

b. on the Internet

2. instantly

5. I’m sor ry I haven’t wr itte n to you. I promise to dro p you a line soon. 6. Can I have a word wit h you before the meeting starts? 7. I sent a letter to Joe, but I didn’t receive a reply.

4. display

a. soon

a. take

a. phone someone because they phoned you

b. imme diately

b. show

b. get an answer 

E. Discuss.

c. continue to communicate

• Are you a mem ber of a social netw ork ing

d. speak to someone for a short time

website? Why? / Why not? • What do you think the advantages advantages and and disadvantages of having virtual friends are?

e. send a short letter or note f. stop comm unicatin g g. phone someone

□ □


¥ Pr ac acti tic ce,  A.  A. Read the exam examples ples and match them wit with h  the uses of the Past Simple. 7. SN sites appeared ju s t b efo re the be gi nn in ing g o f   the century.

Complete Complete with with the the Past Past Simp Simple le of the the verb verbss in  brackets.

 ______ ______ ______ ____ _ (call)  A: (1) __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ y o u ___ Sandy about tomorrow? B: What’s happening tomorrow?  A: We (2 ) __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ (talk) abo ut this yesterday. yesterday.

2. Jus t a few decades ago, peo ple wrote letters. a. a habitual habitua l or repeated action in the past [ b. an action that happened at a specific time in the past

B: When?  A: When we (3 ) __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ (be) on the bus. I (4) __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ (tell) you all about it.

B: Sorry, I (5) __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ (not can) hear you very well on the bus. It (6)_____________(be)

B. Look at the text in activity 1and find the  Past Simple of the verbs below. call




quite noisy.

 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ (not say) anything!  A: But y you ou ( 7 ) __ B: Look, I’m sorry, OK?  A: Le Let’s t’s talk ab abou outt it again.

used to

Read the example below and choose the correct   meaning a or b. Friends used to send you a birthday card on  on  your birt birthday. hday.

B. Complete with the correct form of used to and the  verbs in the box. be

 Af fi rm ati ve

Neg at i v e

Ques t i on

used to

d id n ’t use to

Did... use to?




teenager, but I’m bored of them now. 2.

b. Friends sent you a birthday card in the past but they don’t any more.


 ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ computer games when I was a 1. I __

a. Friends sent you a birthday card in the past and still do so today.

not drin k

 ______  ___ ______ ____ _ y o u ___  ______ ______ ______ ___a lot of e-mails when you were at university?

 ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ water at all, but now I try to have 3 . 1 __ eight glasses a day. 4. Harry __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ for ten hours a night, but now he doesn’t. 5. Maya’s hair  __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ dark brown, but now it’s fair. 6. My My teache r   ____  __ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ me Smithie at school.

Think of a few people that you know well (friends, parents,   grandparents, etc.). Look at the means of communication below and   discuss the following questions with the class or talk in small groups. • Which mean means s of com mun ication do they usual usually ly use to keep in touch with others? • Which means of comm uni catio n did they use to use? use? Why Why? ?

socia soc iall netwo rking w ebsite^

My parents parents used to communicate by sending letter letters. s. I   Mine too, but but now my mother sends e-m e-mails. ails. |


3 Practice, Complete the sentences with prepositions of time. 1. Iris is is me eting eti ng Helen

 ______  ___ ___noon.

2. Pa Paul ul always reads reads new spa pe rs___________ rs___________ Sunday afternoon.

PHRASES DESCRIBING LIKES AND DISLIKES  DISLIKES   Read the sentences. Which of the phrase phrasess in bold bold   mean like and which dislike?

3. I usually drink a warm cup of m ilk ___  ______ ______ ____ _

1.  Tom is a big fan of Manchester United. He never misses a match.

4. Tanya Tanya takes lots lots of ph ot os ______  ___________ _____her  holiday.

2. Frank can’t stand rap music. It gives him a headache. 3. Alice is interested in art. She has twenty

the morning.

5. Susan’s Susan’s birt hd ay i s __________ ___________June. _June. 6. I was in S pa in___________29 in ___________29 January. 7. My broth er left ten min ute s________ s___________. ___.

paintings in her house.

4.  Rosie is fond of children. She wants to become a

4 fnt fntonat onation ion ^

teacher. 5. Henry finds science-fiction films boring. He rarely watches them.

6.  Linda hates Geography. She never studies. 7. My brothe r and Iare really into rock music. We play in a rock band, too.

 A. Listen Listen and rep repeat eat.. What What d do o you no notice tice a about bout the the   stressing of in  and at  in the two sentences? I sometimes read books in the evenings. Let’s visit Mary at the weekend.

B. Listen and repeat. 1. Jane worked wor ked fr om e igh t to seven last year. 2. There were no mobile phones in the 19th century. 3. I usua lly do housew ork on Mondays. 4. Jack called at noon.

Read the dialogue and underline the the   prepositions of time. Then complete the table  table  below with on, in or at.  Ann

Let’s meet tomorrow at 6:00.

Keith I’m afraid I can’t. On Wednesdays I work   from 10:30 till 6:30.  Ann

OK, then. Do you want to me et in the  the  evening, eveni ng, at around 8:0 0?

Keith Sure, and we can go to the new Italian   restaurant. I went there two weeks ago  ago   and the food   was delicious. nine o’clock / the weekend

Talk in pairs about the things you like and don’t like. like.   Use some of the ideas in the box. I’m fond of jogging. How often do you go jogging? About four times a week. When do you find the time to go? go? I usua usually lly go in the morning before I go to work.  work. 

What about you? Oh, I hate jogging. I find it boring.

noon / night / midday / midnight the age of five the morning / the afternoon / the evening evening  Aug us ustt / aut um n / 2 00 8 / the t he 21st 21st ce ntur nt ury y Tuesday / 4 July a winter’s night / a cold morning a Sunday Sunday afternoo n

Other prepositions of time: during from... from... to / till / until after ago


rock music horror films

classical music comedies


table tennis

 jogging  jog ging

Go to Grammar Reference


swimming History



6 h'gfomfr 


 A. Discuss. Discuss.


• Do you watch TV in yo your ur free time?

1. Brian is stud ying Music at the Univ ersity of Kent.

• What kind kind of programm es do you like like watching? • What do you think of chat shows shows,, talen t sho shows ws and soap operas? B. Listen to three people introdu introducing cing themsel themselves ves and  decide what kind of TV programme they are on.   Choose a, b or c.

a. chat show

b. talent tale nt show

c. soap opera

Listen again and write T for True or F fo for r False.

2. Brian finds reading interesting. 3. James works part-time at a hairdresser’s. 4. James can’t stand art galleries. 5. Tina is a dance student. 6. Tina can’t play the piano.

 A SHORT SH ORT T TEXT EXT PRE SEN TIN TING GY YOU OURS RSELF ELF  A. Read the blog entry below and a answ nswer er the q ques uestion tions. s. m

University of Bristol blog Back to uni again! I had a great holiday and I can't believe the summer is over! My name is Matt Roberts and I'm 19 years old. I'm looking for a new flatmate because I hate living alone and I want someone to share the expenses with. I'm studying Music and I'm a big fan of jazz and rock. I also play in a band. My friends and I practise three times a week. On Wednesdays we practise at my flat. So, I hope you're into rock music! In my free time, I enjoy watching DVDs, chatting on the Net or going out with friends. I'm also interested in photography, so I joined a photography group recently. I can't stand housework, but I'm really into cooking. I'm not a great cook, but I'm improving. I usually study for my classes early in the morning or late at night, so I like it to be quiet during those hours. 1. Who is is w ritin g the e ntr ntry y in the blog? 2. Why is he writing it? 3. Who is going to t o read this entry?

WRITING TASK  C. Now write back to M Matt, att, telling him about yourself yourself..  Expand on the ideas you have ticked in activity B.  Your reply should be between 80-100 words.

4. What words does the writer use to link his ideas?


Imagine that you you’ve ’ve decided to write back to Matt.  Tick which of the following you would include.

( r name

^y our lilife fe story ^ -r ............   .

' th thin ings gs yo you u don’ don’t lilike # 1

When writing a paragraph presenting yourself: include only relevant information.

f in te r e s ts

what you did did llas astt week week ) | ^ j| 1  what


t  what you’re studying

( where you’re going on holiday


use the appropria appr opriate te tenses. Use Use the Present Present Simple for routines, the Present Progressive for tempo temporary rary situations and the Past Past Simpl Simple e for fo r past events. events. link your ideas ideas.. ideas. Use -and  to join similar ideas. - but  to join two opposite ideas. ideas. - so to express res result ult / consequence.

- because to show reaso reason. n. - or  to show alternative.

where your parents parents liv live er *wh,




Johnny Depp Jennifer Lopez

 A. Discuss. Discuss. • What do you know about these these celebrities? • Which of them are good role models? models? Why? / Why not?

Helen Keller WORLD CLASS


Marc  Anthony

Scarlett  Kakä

Johansson B. Read the texts and find out why the two people are good role models.

LEWIS HAMILTON British-born Formula One driver, Lewis Hamilton, is the rising star of the racing scene. With Lewis, the sport has become more popular, especially with young people in the UK. Lewis began karting as a hobby at the age of 8. One thing was clear. He was very talented, and he soon won races and championships. Today, Lewis doesn't have much free time on his hands and spends many hours at the gym every day. Few people know kno w that F F1 1 drivers drive rs need to train hard and be very fit. They need to have strong, muscular bodies and very little body fat.  After  Aft er winning his first firs t F1 World Championship Champ ionship in 2008, the future is bright for Lewis. Driving is his passion and he's at his happiest when he's behind the wheel.

ANGELINA JOLI JOLIE E  Angelin a Jolie is one of the most famous  Angelina f amous actresses actresse s in the world. She is a very beautiful woman and she is well-known for her charity work.  Angelina  Angelin a Jolie has played many roles on screen and won an Academy award for her role in the film Girl Interrupted  in 1999. However, she became an international superstar after her performances in the Lara Croft  films. During foraware Lara Croft,  Angelina timeproblems in Cambodia. There, shefilming became of the poverty spent in Asiasome and the refugees face all over the world. She realised that she was in a position to

!U jnc+<

do something and became a goodwill ambassador. Her charity work has also affected her family. She has six children in all; three with Brad Pitt, and three adopted children from Cambodia, Vietnam and Ethiopia.



C. Read again and complete with  the names Lewis or Angelina. 1

 3 gram rammar 


showed great talent at an early age.

any, no, much, muc h, many, man y, a lo t of, of, lots of, (a) few, (a) lit tl e QUANTIFIERS: some, any,

 A. Read the the dia dialogue logue below and c comp omplete lete the rule rules. s.  A: Is there any coffee left?

2. won an award in 1999.

B: Yeah, there is. Have some.

 A: Can I have some milk?

3. tries to help other people. turned a hobby into a career.

B: I’m sorry, there’s no milk   left.

 A: How a bout biscuits biscuits? ? B: Sorry, we don't have any.

needs to be very fit for his/her  job. 6.

has a big family.

D. Look at the highlighted words/  phrasess in the texts and choos phrase choose e  the correct meaning a or b. behind the wheel a. drivin g a car 

Us Use e

in affirma tive sentence sentences, s, offers and requests.

 __ ____ in questions and Us e _ negative sentences.  __ ____ in affirmative sentences Us e _ sentences to give a negative meaning.

B. Read the extract from the text about Lewis Hamilton and complete the  rules with much, many, (a) few  and (a) lit tle. Which of the words in bo bold ld  can we replace with a lot of/lo ts  o/? Today, Lewis doesn’t have much free time on his hands and spends spends  many hours a t the gym every day. day. Few people know that FI drivers drivers  need to train hard and be ve ry fit. They need to have strong, strong, m uscular   bodies and very little body fat.

 ________ _______ ___ a n d ___ Us e ____  ______ ______ _____ __ before plural countable nouns. Us e ____  ________ _______ ___ a n d ___  ______ ______ _____ __ before uncountable nouns. Use a lot of / lots of before uncountable or plural countable nouns.

b. training at the gym 2.


C. Read the examples and notice the words in bold. Which of   them means enough and which means not enough enough?

a. famous b. clever  3. on scr scree een n a. in her life

• / have a litt le money with me; perhaps we can buy a  sandwich.

can buy it; I have have very little money with     / do n’t thin k we can me. Go to Gram mar Reference Reference

b. in films E. Discuss. • Do you know of any othe r famous peop le who are are good role models for young people?

¥ Practice,

• Why do you cons ider them role models? models?

Read and circle the correct words. 1


To m

Hey, Hey, Jill. Are you going to the gym again?

WORDS EASILY CONFUS ED WORDS Circle the correct words.


Yep. I have (1) lots of / muc h time on my hands these days, so I go to the

1.  Did yo ur team win / beat the match today?

gym every day now.

2. I won / beat my brother at a game of chess yesterday. 3. Jenkins has trained / performed hard and is ready for the big match.

Tom Wow! I do very (2) a l i t t l e / l i t t l e

4. It is the firs t time th e singer has trained / performed   live and she’s very nervous.


5. Skiing isn’t very p o p u l a r / f a mo u s in my country. 6. He became internationally popular / famous after

exercise. I have (3) no / any free time.

Tony James has starred in (4) many / much   Few / A few actors train adventure films. (5) Few so hard before making a film. That’s why he

winning the award. award. doesn’t see his family (6) much / a lot of. He is

7. I do n't n' t speak French, so I couldn’t really understand /   realise her.

a very good actor but he hasn’t won (7) any /   some Oscars. Maybe next year.

8. I didn’t underst and / realise you worked at home.







7 {/ocaUtfary,



 A. Listen to a man a and nd a wom woman an discussing discussing thr three ee  new colleagues of theirs. Match the people with  the adjectives below. There is one extra adjective  which you do not need to use use..

 AD JE CT IV ES DESC RIBI RIBING NG P PER ERSON SON ALI ALITY  TY   Read the sentences below and match the  words in bold with the definitions a-h. 1. I can’t talk tal k to Bill about abo ut any thin g. He’s so quick-tempered! 2. One of M ary ’s bad qua litie s is th at she’s she ’s bossy. She keeps telling us what to do and what not to do! 3. Julia is so lazy. She She just sits the re all day doing nothing. 4.  4.  Don’t be shy. Come and say hello to my family. 5.  Oliver is an outgoing person and loves going to parties. parties. 6. My sister’s an honest person. She never lies to me. 7. A ve ry kind young man helped me carry my shopping bags up the stairs. 8. Wendy is a confident woman, so job interview s are very easy easy for he her. r.

B. Listen again and write man or woman to complete  the sentences. 1. The ___  ______ _____ __ thinks Karen doesn’t like her job.

a. not wanting to w ork / not very active

2. The ___  ______ _____ __ goes out with David a lot.

b. believing in yourself and your abilities

3. The ___  ______ _____ __ thinks David David is a diffe ren t person

c. fond of telling people what to do d. friendly, enjoying meeting other people e. always always telling the tru th f. afraid to meet or talk to other people g. becoming angry quickly h. helpful and friendly


Lear n new wor ds i n c ont ex t ( i n   sentences describing situations). This   i t i s eas i er t o r emember t hem.

a & in ff'

Talk in groups and discuss the following.   Use the prompts in the box. • What are are your friends like?

at work. 4. The

think thi nks s Isabel is sh shv. v.

• Do you always get along along wit h them?

• My friends are...

• Do you thin k you are a good friend ?

• We usually get along fine, but we sometimes argue about...

• How can can you describe the ideal friend? friend?

• I think/believe I am / am not a good friend because... • The ideal friend should be...







 A D ESC RIPT ION OF A PER SON  A. Discuss. Discuss. • W hat does this girl gir l look like? • W hat do you think th ink she’s like? like?

B. Read the description of the girl and compare your  answers in activity A. In which paragraph does the writer:


describe the person’s personality? introduce the person? describe how he/she feels about this person? describe the person’s appeara appearance? nce?

 A  per son I recent rec ently ly m et   Am y is a new girl at college. She sta rted rt ed two weeks ago, but sin sine' e'ss very popular  pop ular   and already seems to have many friends. She’s tali slim and very attractive. She’s got long dark brown hair and brown   eyes. She usually wears really trendy clothes and she always looks good.  Am y is clever, clever , confi co nfide dent nt and she always gets get s good ma marks rks.. She is also also outgoing   and has a good sense of humour. Of course, she tries to be friendly with everyone,   but I’m I’m not sso o sure sshe he iiss very hon est. Also when I work with her on assignm ents,   she can be very quick-tempered. She often gets angry for silly reasons. I don’t think Am y and I are are going to become become best friends beca because use we don’t   always get along well. However, she is good fun to be with, and whenever we work   together, we get good marks, so that’s something.


Read the following statements and tick the  ones that apply to the description above.

The writer: 1. uses a va rie riety ty of adjectives adjectiv es 2. gives details about how they met 3. uses the past tense on ly 4. suggests how this person can change personality

WRITING TASK  D. Wr Write ite a description of a person you have recentl recently y  met. Your description should be between 100-120  words. ^ T IP When writing a description of a person:

• group related related idea ideass together. Organise you your r  description into paragraphs as shown above. • use a variety of ad adjectives jectives to describe the 

5. groups related ideas together 

person’s appearance and personality.

6. gives his/her general opinion about the person 7. gives some examples to explain wh at

• use examples to explain explain wh what at you mea mean. n. • give your general general opinion about th this is person  in the last paragraph.

he/she means



C. Complete with the Past Simple of the verbs in  brackets. 1.  A: W h y _____  _________ ____(be) Kelly angry at Jim yesterday? B: Because Jim ____  _________ _____(break) her mobile phone and he _____  _________ ____(not want) to buy

 A. Choose a, b or c. 1. I wa nt to have a ____  _________ _____with you tonight. a. tal talk k

b. wo word rd

c. reply rep ly

2. Ryan Ryan doesn’t ge t ____  _________ _____with his brother.

b. up

b. fon d

(not can) return your call. Sorry.

c. along

 _________ ____in modern art. 3. Tanya is _____ a. interes inte rested ted

2. A : ____ yourr mu m ___  _________ _____you  ______ ______ ___ (tell) you that I _____  _________ ____(call) last night?

 ______ ______ ___ B: Yes, she ____  _________ _____(tell) me but I ___

They always argue. a. over ove r

her a new one.

c. a fan

4. The athletes ____  _________ _____really hard weeks before

 A: Where _____  _________ ____(you / be)? B: At home, home, but my little bro the r   _________  _____ ____ (have) an assignment for school and he

 ______  ___ _____ __ (need) my help.

the race. a. perf orm ed b. beat

c. traine d

5. Do you want to keep in  ____  _________ _____? a. note

b. message

c. touch tou ch

6 .1 .1ge gett very ____  ________ ______ when people lie to me. a. angry

b. honest

c. con fident

D. Circle the correct words. 1. Is yo your ur birthda birth day y in / on 11 February? 2. Every year, from / during March in / till till   September, my grandfather lives on the island. In /  At the winter, he comes to the city. 3. I began reading newspapers at / in the age of ten. 4. Helen 4. Helen usually goes to bed during / at midnight. 5. I lost touch w ith my classmates classmates years years before /



B. Complete the dialogues with the Present Simple or  the Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets. 1.  A: Where _____  _________ ____ James ___  ______ ______ ___ (go)?

B: To the sports centre. H e _____  _________ ____(play) table tennis with Ryan on Mondays.

E. Complete with the correct form of used to and the  verbs in the box. visit



not eat

liv live e

1.  Samantha ____  _________ _____strawberries and cherries, cherries, but now she loves them.

 A: But today is a bank holiday. The sports centre

 _________  ____ _____(not open) on bank holidays. B: Oh! James ____  _________ _____(not know) that! Give him a call. 2. A: What a mess!

B: Yeah. Tom and I ____  _________ _____(paint) the house this week.  A : ____  _________ _____y o u ___  ______ ______ ___ (need) any help? I’m free.

2. Henry ____  _________ _____his parents every weekend, but now he doesn’t have time. 3 . 1 ____  _________ _____to university, but now I take the bus. 4. A : __  ____ ____ ____ y o u ___  ______ ______ ___ in London? B: Yes, I ____  _________ _____in a bank there.

F. Circle the correct words. 1.   A: There are very little / few / no chairs in the living room. Where is everyone g oing to si sit? t?

B: No. thanks. Tom’s brother  _____  _________ ____(come) later today.  A: OK. then. So, what colour_________you (paint) the kitchen? kitchen?

B: Don’t worry. There are some / lots / few chairs in the kitchen, too. 2.  2.  A: Would you like much / some / any milk in your  coffee?

 _________  _____ ____ B: I’m not sure. I ____  _________ _____(want) light yellow  _________ _____(not like) yellow. walls, but Tom ____

B: Yes, please and little / a little / a few sugar. 3. A: 3.  A: I receive a lot of / much / no e-mails every day. B: Really? Some days I don’t receive some / no / any.


Read the questions in the questionnaire and answer them for your partner. Then ask your partner and see how   many answers you got right. YOUR ANSWERS  ABOUT YOUR YOUR FRI FRIEN END D




Does he/she like talking on the phone? Is he/she an SN member? Does he/she send e-mails? What are his/her interests? How often does he/she go out? Where to? Who’s his/her fav ourite actor/singer? actor/singer? What did he/she do last weekend? What did he/she use to do but doesn’t anymore? What’s his/her best quality?

So, do you like talking on the phone?  Yes.../No... Oh, my answer is right/wrong!  _



Listen to four short dialogues and choose a or b. 1. Why did n’t Anna go to the cinema? a. Because she didn't receive a message. b. Because she was busy.

C o m m n iic c a tio n Complete the dialogue with the phrases a-e. There is  one extra phrase which you do not need to use. a. You can’t be serious!

2. What’s Susan a fan of? a. Soap operas. b. Talent shows. 3. What ’s true a bout Angie’s flatmate? flatmate?

b. She’s good fun to be with.

a. She’s helpful, but bossy.

c. Sounds brilliant!

b. She’s lazy and rude.

d. What does she look like? like? e. I have other oth er plans.

4. What did Iris use to be? a. A waitress. b. A chef.

Sally   Sally

Guess Guess wha t! I fin ally all y have a new flatm ate.

L i n d a  a   Th at’s great! Who’s the luc ky person? Sally   Do you remem ber Amanda from the Sally the com puter course course? ? L i n d a  a   I’m not sure. (1) _______  _________ __ Sally   Sally

She’s go t long dark hair and blue eyes. eyes.

L i n d a  a   Oh! I rem em ber be r her. her. Wh at’s she like? like? Sally   Sally

Read the following and tick the appropriate boxes.  For the points you are unsure of, refer back to the   relevant sections in the module.

(2 ) _______  _________ __ We’re even going bungee

No w I can.. can.... O talk about the present and past O talk about past habits

□ □

 jum pi ping ng toge to ge ther th er next nex t w week. eek. L i n d a   (3 ) _______  _________ __

O use quantifiers

Sally   Sally

O describe people and write a description of a person

I am! She’s really into extrem ext rem e sports. spo rts. Hey Hey,, do you fancy coming with us?

L i n d a  a   No, No, thanks. (4 ) _______  _________ __

O talk about people’s likes and dislikes

O use and, but, so, because, or 

□ □ □ □


Your screensaver is a picture of your favourite actor, and your ringtone is your   favourite group's latest song, but is that enough to make you a true fan? Yes? Weil, think again!

  isp f : « ifs :V

In the USA, many people have started joining fan communities called fandoms.  These groups of enthusiastic fans know everything about their favourite book, film or character. There's a fandom for  ju s t ab o ut an yt hi n g, fr fro o m scie nc nce e fi fic c tio n to pop st a rs to vid eo game ga mes. s. The science fiction fandom includes a famous group of fans called Trekkies.  Trekkies are fans of the television series Star Trek,  and they love meeting once a year at Star Trek  conventions dressed up as their favourite Star Trek  characters!  A  An n o th e r ex am ple pl e o f a fand fa nd om is th e To lkie n fand fa nd om . The se people are fans of the writer JRR Tolkien. In his books The Hobbit   and Th The e Lord o f the Rings  trilogy, the elves speak ’Elvish', a language Tolkien invented. Can you

B. Read again and answer the questions.

imagine what some fans do? They have learnt to have

1. Where did fandom s start?

simple conversations with each other in Elvish!

2. What kind of fandoms can you find?

Of course, there is also a Harry Potter fandom. These fans chat online and publish their own Harry

3. Where did Trekkies get their nam e from? 4. Wh at do Trekkies do?

Potter stories on the Internet. And that's not all. Believe it or not, about five hundred rock bands in the

5. What Wh at is Elvish?

USA play a type of music called Wizard Rock and sing

6. What do Harry Potter fans publish on the Internet?

songs just about Harry Potter! Now those are real fans!

7. What Wh at is Wizard Wiz ard Rock?



about new experiences experiences   or do they frighten you?

F llii c k t h r o u g h t h e   m o d u l e an a n d f i n d . .. .. a tex t abo ut a personal   experi ence in an Asia Asian n  country • an e-mail fr om a  university student ■some frien ds sh owing   their holiday photos ■a webs ite wit h h elpfu l   tips on surviving in the   desert ' a wo man t hat looks   very frightened

In t h i s m o d u l e y o u   will... learn to describe you r   learn feelings learn to use the Past   Progressive learn to narrate a story   and experiences learn lea rn to w rite a story talk abou t unusual food   and what it’s like like

learn to use th e Present Present   Perfect Simple learn to wr ite an e-mail  learn giving news news

w k a t ha happened? 


& R z a d iin np^

 A. Discuss. Discuss.

rock climbing^ ) hiking


• What makes makes an inte rest ing ho liday experience? diving ( sscuba eul • What’s your opinion about the following activities?

B. Look Lo ok at the picture. W What hat do you think   the people are talking about? Listen and  check your answers answers..


 A n n i e

Let me show you some pictures from our cycling trip in the South of France. OK. How was it?


It was nice but it was a bit tiring.

M art in

Look! Here’s one outside the hotel on our first day.


We were tired from the car  jou rney. rne y. So So,, we di dn ’t ride much that day.

M art in

But the next day we went on a long ride.


Too long. We decided to go to this gorge, but the hills were really steep in that area. area.


Fiona was pushing her bike most of the way up.


Yes, you weren’t helping at all. You were taking pictures of me all the time. Here’s one.

 A n n i e Martin

It looks very muddy.  And th a t’s before bef ore the rain. The wa water ter came down like a river.

 A n n i e

Sounds dangerous.

M art in

No, actually, it was exciting.


Yeah, and when we managed to reach the top, we were amazed!


The view view dow n into the gorge wa was s fantastic!

 A n n i e

Did you take any pictures there?

M art in

Sorry, but with all that rain, the camera

C. Read the dialogue and answer the questions

 A n n i e


got wet and stopped working.

1. Who was w ith Fiona on the cy clin g trip?

So, all that effort and no pictures to show for it.

2. What did they do on the second day?

I’m afraid so.

3. Why did Fiona Fiona have trouble on the journ ey to the gorge? 4. Why was Fiona angry at Martin? 5. Why didn ’t they take pictures of the gorge?

 j C -C o L d t'O T C f   

 AD JECT JE CT IV IVES ES ENDIN G IN -ED AN D -ING   A Read Read th the e exa example mples. s. Wha What’ t’ss the  difference between tired tired  and tiring?

4 Practice,

Complete with the Past Progressive of the verbs in  brackets. 1.  A: Hey, Sandy. Where were you and Tom

• >'/e were tired from the car journey.

yesterday? I __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ (call) your house

• f was was nice, nice, bu t it was a b it tiring.

all day. B: Well, Well, it was Sunday and w e __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ (not work) so we went to the beach. We

 ____  __ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ (have) a great time and we decided to spend the whole day there. 2.  A: So, did you enjo y your tr ip o r __________ _____________ ___

 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ (rain)? i t __ B: No, No, i t __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ (not rain), but it was very cold. 3.  A: I saw you in the bookshop on Tuesday. What

E Circle the correct w words. ords.  Ae left lef t the cinem a early ear ly because th e f ilm was bored / boring. 1 

Samantha was surprised / surprising to see an : d school friend on the train.


~i not going near near that that dog! dog! It’s barking and I’m I’m frightened / frightening.

 ____  __ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ y o u ___  ______ ______ ______ ____ _ (look for)? B: A book about scuba diving. Why didn’t you talk to me?  ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ (drive) to work.  A: I couldn’t. I __

- Everyone Everyone was excite excited d / exciting about the party. party. E. -ten -t en ry ’s cat can do an amazed / amazing trick th a tennis ball. 5.

trav el quite a lot and I always meet interested / nteresting people.

(fr u w

a r  


 A Read Read th the e ex exampl amples, es, n notic otice e th the ew word ordss in  bold and match them with the rules. 2

wa was s paintin g my ro om all day yesterday yesterday.. painted it blue. blue.

a. an action that was completed in the past. £

 5 Speaùnÿ  Talk in pairs. Student A: Think of an adventurous experience you once had. Answer Student B’s questions. Student B: Imagine Imag ine you are a reporter. Interview Student A about an adventurous experience experience he/she once had. Ask him/h er questions using the prompts below.  when it happened

b. an action that was in progress in the past.Q

 where he/she was

B Read the examples and complete the rule  about the formation of the Past Progressive.

 what he/she was doing ' who was with him /her 



Fiona was was pushi ng her bike most o f the the way up. You were taking pictures o f me all the the time.

*how he/she felt what he/she did what happened then

Pa Past st Progressive or 

' what happened

+ verb +

So, when did it happen?  It happened last year.

Go to Gramm ar Reference


 A. Discuss. Discuss. • dish? What’s your favou What's in it? rite • Would you ever eat the things shown in the pictures? If you had to. in which order would you try them?


% -t -tjm jm

B. Read Read the st ory and   choose the best   ti tl e a, a, b  or c.

a. The Market in Singapore b. A Strange Fruit

 A few years ago, I was worki wo rking ng in Singapore. Singapor e.  During my first week there, while I was  travelling on the underground, I saw a strange   sign saying ‘NO DURIANS’ with a picture of a  crossed outIt fruit. 1wondered were     forbidden. wasn’t until later why that they I found out that they smell really, really, really bad but t hey’re  very tasty and healthy. For this reason, many   people in Southeast Asia eat them. I was very   curious and decided to try for myself.  As I was walking walki ng t hrough hro ugh a market place, a  very strong smell hit me. It smelt like someone  had left some onions and other vegetables   to rot. However, I realised that I was standing   next to a stall selling durians.‘I’d like to try a  bit bi t of du ri an,’ I to told ld th the e nT nTT TOTHTT and he said   with a smile,‘At your own riskl’He then took   a durian from a box, cut it in half with a large  

c. Afraid of New Experiences me some more. I actually finished the  fruit. The man looked at me for a  ‘Yummy! That was tasty!’ I said, so the  merchant put three in a bag for me to take   home. Unfortunately, I had to walk all the way,  L because I wasn’t allowed on the underground.

C. Read again and w write rite T for True, F for  False or NM for Not Mentioned. 1. The write wri te r saw durians dur ians in an advertisement advertis ement for the first time. 2. In Singapore, Singapore, they sell sell durians only in markets.

knife and then cut a piece of the fruit. When he

it to me, I start ed having

second thoughts.‘What does it taste like?’l  wond ered. As I was the fr ui t to my lips, I suddenly felt sick and a bit dizzy, but I began   to eat. The durian was thick and creamy like butter   and had a fresh and sweet taste. As soon as I  finished eating the piece, the merchant offered

3. The wri ter tho ug ht the strong smell was rotten food. 4. The writer cut the durian, then ate a piece. 5. The merch ant served the fru it with some cream and butter. 6. The writer enjoyed the durian and wanted some more.


4 Practice,

l/ o c a U fa r c ff,,

Complete the text with the Past Simple or the Past   Progressive of the verbs in brackets.

 AD JECT JE CT IVES IV ES DESC DESCRIBI RIBING NG FO OD   Look at the table below and tick (»/) the  appropriate appro priate columns for cake and pizza. coffee





( 2) _ 

 _ (watch) (wa tch) a DVD DVD when my s ister . (walk) into in to the house wit h a paper 



bag. There were snails in it! She (3) ___  ______ ______ _____ __



(want) to make something d ifferen t for dinner. dinner.


 ______ ______ ______ _____ __ (leave) the bag on the She (4) ___


 ______ ______ ______ _____ __ (open) the fridge and table, (5) ___


 _________ ________ ____(start) taking ou t some ( 6)  _____ some




vegetables. ‘You’re going to love this!’ she

 ______ ______ ____ _ (7 ) __________ _____________( ___(say say). ). As she (8 ) ___

(jratnmf0 PAST SIMPLE vs PAST PROGRESSIVE - TIME   CLAUSES (WHEN, WHILE, AS, A S SOON SOON AS) Read the examples and notice the words in bold. Then match them with a-c. While I was was travelli ng on the underground, I  saw a strange sign. 2 . 1 wa was s lookin g at the merchant while he was was   cutting the fruit in half. 7.

3.  As soon as I finished eating the piece, piece, the  the   merchant offered me some more.

(take) the the vegetables ou t of the fridge, some of the

 ______ ______ ______ _____ __ (get) out of the ba snails (9) ___ bag. g.  As soon as I (10 ) ___  ______ ______ ______ _____ __ (see) them, I

 _________ ______ _____ __ (begin) shouting: (11) ______ T he y’re moving! They ’re alive!’ and my sister  sister  (12) ___  ______ ______ ______ _____ __ (answer): ‘Of course, they are. are. That’s how you cook the m!’

 5 Spcaùnÿ  Talk in small groups. Discuss the questions below. • Do you like like try ing unusual food? • Have Have you ever had a strange food experience?

a. The two a ctions were happe ning at

• Where were you? you? What happened? happened? • How did you feel before and after tasting the food? • What did the food taste like? like?





1 i/ocaUia,  ADV ERB S A  ADVERB AND ND ADV ERBIA ER BIAL L PH PHRAS RASES ES   Match the words on the left with their synonyms on the 


right. Then use some of them to complete the sentences 1-5.  In some cases there is more than one answer.

A ..................  A f  ....................... .  suddenly in the end f in a ll y

t o m y s u r p r is e

f o r tu n a te ly

u n lu c k ily


all of a sudden

t he n

lu c k ily

u nf nf or or tu tu n na a te te ly ly

a fftte r th a att , .....   .......- J \  __________ __  __

p   When y o u l e a r n n e w w o r d s ,  ,  i t ’s a good idea to learn an y   synonyvns synonyvn s an d /o r opposite opposites. s.

1. We were having hav ing din ne nerr when

.the lights went out.


 ________he didn’t did n’t get hurt.


. found her keys unde r the sofa.

3. 4. was raining.


5. home, locked the door and

 2 Cistu istu  A. Discuss. Discuss. • Have you ever eve r seen seen a swarm of bees? bees? If yes, how did you feel? • Are there any insects you are are afraid of? Why?

B. You will wil l hear a telephone conversatio conversation n between Dave and his  friend, Jenny, who had a bad experience with bees. Before you   listen, look at the picture and guess which of the words below  will be mentioned. Then listen and check your answers.

the speakers are going to talk about.

.she called the police.


I SpbOLdkfy Talk in pairs. Go to Pair work activities.

Can I give you a hand? W r it in g /

I t w a s a w a r m s u m m e r e v e n i n g . P a u l w a s r e ttu u r n iin ng hom e w h e n h e s a w t w o m e n o u t s i d e tth h e h o u s e o f h i5 n e i g h b o u r , To To m B a k e r . f h e y w e r e c a r r y i n g h is is f u r n iitt u rre e into a van. He knew that To om m w a s m o v i n g o u t in a f e w d a y s , s o h e w a l k e d u p t o o n e o f th th e m e n a n d s a i d , ‘‘H H e l llo o, can I give y o u a h a n d ? ’ T h e m a n j u s t s t o o d t h e rre e, looking at Pau ull .

 A STORY STORY  A  A__ D Discuss iscuss.. • Has any thin g  jn  jnbe be iie va ble ever Happened to you? • .Vhat happened? happe ned?

’ What is the purpose of each of the paragraphs?

T h a t ’ s w h e n t h e o t h e r m a n s a i d , ‘‘T That would be great.’   A s s o o n a s P a u l h e lp e d th e m fin fi n is h , t h e t w o m e n q u ic k ly go t in in t o t h e van , t h a n ke d h im a n d left left . Lat Later er , w h ile Pau Paull w a s h a v i n g d i n n e rr,, th th e d o o r b e l l r a n ng g, it wa s To om m and he looked ve ry upse ett . ‘S o m e o n e b r o k e i n tto o my house an d

2 What tenses tens es ar are e used?

th ho o !!g ge eM M e r y tth h ''''n 9 !!’’ h £ 3 l W e d ' P a u l f rro o z e - v" v"> >5° stup id!’ he

3 Read Read tthe he story story and  answer the questions.

r ° l T ai e 'y2^ ! . ^ ! ee-aJ aJC C:lec,,r de5 de5tr tr iP«°" of the me men n tto o

t h e p o n c e a n d f h Y y ^ n d t £ b u ^  z Xr  o nl ly t c „ P a ul u l h e l p e d m o v e e v e r y t h i n g b a c k i n tto o the empty ho f bu t h e ’s ne ve r O ffered to h e » i r > „ e o f f e r e d t o h e l p a n e i g h b o u r ae^ < £pt £ !y hous ' C Look at the following  questionss and decide in question i n  which paragrap paragraph h each of   them has been answered.  Write 1,2 or 3. Who is/are the main character(s) and what as/were the main character(s) doing? t

What happened in the end? i f    What did did the main character(s) do

^ and what happened? r '  - ---------------v Where did the sto ry take place? place?

WRITING TASK  D. Look at the stories in the Pair work activities  


section, choose one and writeYour it out. out. Answer thebe  questions mentioned above. story should between 100-120 words.

t ip 

f * When writing a story: •• write the events in chronolog chronological ical order. Use  past tenses (Past Simple and Past Progressive! • use time time linker linkerss (when, while, as, as soon as,  etc.). . use adverbs a and nd adverbial adverbial phrases (suddenly,  fortunately, in the end, to my surprise, etc.).



, When did the story take place?


• use adjectives adjectives describing describing feelings feelings (surprised,  amazed, ama zed, frightened, fri ghtened, upset, etc.).

Ho How w does/do the main character(s) feel now?

• use direct direct speech, questions and exclamatio exclamations ns  to make your story more interesting.

(  h o w  did the main character(s) feel?

• organise it into paragraphs paragraphs as shown shown above.



B. Read the text below qui quickly ckly and match  the headings a-e with the paragraphs  1-4. -4. There is one extra heading you do  not need to use.

1  Reading  ^  A. Discuss. Discuss. • What do you know about abo ut deserts?

a. Weather 

• Which of the following do you you associate associate with the desert? desert?

b. The best time tim e to visit c. A word of o f warning warn ing d. What Wha t is it? e. Nature




low temperatures \


high lightning temperatures







 f t p

Look for key words in each par agr aph t o under s t and t he mai n i deas .

storms storms C. Read again and answer the following  questions. Choose a, b or c.

H om e Ô »

1. According Accord ing to the text, what wh at is true

Have you ever thought   of exploring the desert? De Deserts serts cover a thir th ir d of the th e earth's surface surf ace and they have  have  always been of great interest to people. The  The  conditions make them a mysterious and at the same time  time  an unfriendly place.

It's a large are area a of land w ith very lit tle water and very few plants. Many deserts are places with extreme heat and lots of sand. One of the biggest deserts is the Sahara in Africa. But did you know that the Antarctic is the biggest cold desert?

about the Antarctic? a. It’s bigger than the Sahara. b. It’s a kind of desert. c. There’s no life there. 2. Why does the wr iter mention camels camels and cacti? a. Because they have been in the desert for centuries. b. Because they can live without water for a long time. c. Because people cannot survive in the desert without them. 3. Which of the following would be most

During the day, the temperature in the Sahara can reach

useful when travelling in the desert? desert? a. a hat

50°C, but at night it can 3J3Et0 below zero. Deserts receive

b. a pair of shorts

very little rainfall, but when it rains, it pours! After that,

c. a pair of boots

months can pass without any rain at all.

4. What is not no t true abo ut Anna? Anna? a. She found the advice useful.


 Amazingly,  Amazi ngly, some so me animals and plants can

! in the

desert. A good example is the camel. Camels can drink large

b. Sh She e spent on ly a week in N orth Africa c. She She visited t he desert. d esert.

amounts of water in one day and survive for seven days days without drinking again! As for plants, cacti are very common. They 222 ? w ater in th eir leave leaves, s, roots and stems. stems.

» Comments

I've travelled to lots of places around the world, but my last trip was somethin g else! I travelled

The desert is a dangerous place, so be prepared and never travel alone. Heat stroke,

sunburn and insect

around North Africa for a month and I spent a

bites are possible dangers. So, keep your head and body

week in the Sahara. Your information helped a

covered. In other words, dress like the locals. Clothes should

lot. Thanks.

be long, lig ht and loose. loose. And of course, course, do n't fo rge t to have

Posted Poste d by Ann a Sheffield a t 18:0 18:09 9

lots of water with you. you.


D. Look at the highlighted words in the text   and choose the correct meaning a or b. 1. extreme a.

ve very ry gre great at

b. usual

2. drop a.

go up

3. survive a. die

Pr ac acti tic ce, Complete with the Past Simple or the Present  Perfect Simple of the verbs in brackets. Paul   Paul

b. go dow n

L a r r y   Sounds great! (1) _______________ you  _______________ (visit) Poland before?

b. sta stay y alive

Paul   Paul

b. drin k slowly

5. severe a. serious serio us

• Would you like to go on a jou rne y thro ugh the desert? Why? / Why not?



(4)________________(visit) Warsaw two years ago.

b. imp imposs ossible ible

E. Discuss.


No. No. Actua Actually. lly. I (2 ) ______

leave) _______________ the country, but I (3 )_______ )___________ ________ _____(always _(always / want) to go there. there. My bro ther Mario

4. store a. keep for future us use e

I can’t wa it to go go to  to Warsaw next week.

 ____ _____________ L a r r y   (5 ) _______________ h e __ (like) it?

Paul   Paul

Of course. And you? (6 ) ______________ y o u  _______________ (ever / travel) to Poland?


_________ (drive) to L a r r y   Ye Yes. s. I ( 7 ) __________

Krakow with some friends last summer. It (8)________________(be) wonderful! Look at the picture and read the dialogue. Note the verbs in bold which are in the Present   Perfect Simple and answer the questions.  A; Look! Justin has has  opened the bottle  bottle  with his teeth. B: I ’ve ’ve see seen n hi m do it   many times before. • How do we form th e Present Perfect Simpl Simple? e?

4 intonati natio on  ^  A. Listen Listen and and repea repeat. t. What What do do you notice notice about about the  pronunciation of did you and have yo you u? Did you go to the gym yesterday? Have you ever ridden a camel?

B. Listen and repeat. 1. Did you call ca ll Dan last nigh night? t? 2. Have you tried Mexican food before? 3. Have you ever e ver sent Irene an e-mail?

• What kind of action s do we us use e the Present Perfect Simple for? a. actions happening now. b. actions that happened in the past but we can see their results now and/or we don’t mention when they happened. UJ



Use the Present Perfect Simple with just, with just, always, before, ever, never, so far, once, twice, many times, etc. times, etc.


4. Did you see R Rita ita two weeks wee ks ago? 5. Have you e ever ver seen a snak snake? e? 6. Did you enjoy the film yesterday evening?

Talk in pairs about travel adventures. Use the  prompts below. ever / visit / interesting pl plac ace? e?

what I d o l  there?

where / go?

who / go with?

w h e n / go?

Read   the examples. What’s the difference between I ’ve travelled and I travelled? travelled?

have / good time?

• I ’ve ’ve travelled to lot lots s o f places places around the world.

Have you ever visited an interesting place?  Yes...

• I travelled to North Africa last month.

Where did you go? I went to...

Go to G rammar Referenc Reference e






 A. Read the the d dialog ialogue. ue. W When hen did  Fred move to the city?  A: How lon g have you had this  this  house, Fred? B: I’ve had it fo r tw o years, years, since I moved to this city, actually. for + period period o f time eg. two years, a week, six  six   months, an hour, five minutes since + a point in ti me eg. Sunday, yesterday, two  two   o’clock, last May, last week

B. Read the following dialogue and complete the rules with the  words in the box.  A: A  And nd y is   a reporter   from London and  and  he travels abroad  abroad   all the time. He has has   already been to the  the  USA and China but-  but-  he hasn’t been to  to  France yet. B: Really? Where is he  he  now?  A: He has gone to New York. He’s coming  coming  

Go to Gramm ar Reference

back next Tuesday.

 2 Pr Pra actic ice e,

Complete the dialogues with the  Present Perfect Simple of the verbs  below and circle the correct words.





U se ___  ______ ______ _____ __ in affirmative sentences and put it between have/has have/has   and the past participle. Use____________in questions and negative sentences and put it at the end of the sentence. Use have/has ____________ to a place  when someone is still at that place. Use have/has___________ to a place when someone has returned from that place.

 3 fa fastening


 A. Discuss. Discuss. • Have you ever lived abroad? • Would you like to live abroad? Why? Why? / Why not?

B. Listen Li sten to three people talking about livi living ng in a foreign  country. Match the people with the statements a-d. There   is one extra statement which you do not need to use. a. has improved his/her Spanish a lot recently. J o d i e  e  Sh e ___  ______ ______ ______ ____ _ already/yet. Pan  

From where? Where is she? she?

J odi e  e   Sh e ___  ______ ______ ______ ____ _ to the supermarket. Pan  

But I need the car. I ___  ______ ______ ______ ____ _ her  so many times that I need the car on Fridays!

J odi e  e   Why don ’t you phone her? her? P an  

I _____  __________ ________  ___ al a l r eady / y et  ______  ___ ______ ______ ____ _ her three times but there’s no answer!

2 . M i k e  e   Hey. Hey. Sonia. I ___  ______ ______ ______ ____ _ you f o r / since last year. When did you return

b. Jake Sally

took a course but it did n’t help. help.

c. wants to improve his/her Spanish to make his/he r job easier easier.. d. is living in Spain to learn the language.

 A. Discuss. Discuss. • Do you like learning foreig n languages? languages? • Is learnin lea rnin g English easy fo forr you?

B. Talk in pairs. pairs. Which of the following do you think help 

when learning English? Why? Which of these do you do? from New York? Sonia  In August. Did n’t you get my e-mails Sonia  e-mails? ? Mi k e  e   I ___  ______ ______ ______ ____ _ my e-mails f o r / s i n c e a month. Sorry. Anyway, let’s go for coffee and talk about New York.

• watch films in in Engli English sh wit ho ut subtitles • take a (summe r) course in in an an English-speaking coun try

Sonia   O K. ___ Sonia  ______ ______ ____ _ you ever   ______  ___ ______ ______ ___ there?

• surf the Net Net • com mun icate with people who speak speak English English

Mi k e  e   No No,, bu t I wa nt to go. go.

• listen to English songs and read the lyrics

• visit an an English-speaking English-speaking coun try for some some time • read books /maga zines/new spapers in in English English


 AN E-MA E -MA IL G IVING IVI NG NEW NEWS S   A Disc Discuss uss.. • Do you like wr itin g e-mails to fri friends? ends? • Wh What at do you usually write to them about?

3 Read the e-mail below. Why is Flor  writing to Gwen?

 —ello, Gwen! -^ow are things? Sorry I haven’t written for so long, but  j e   been very busy with university. However, guess what! have some great news. m coming to Edinburgh for my Master’s! That’s right, they’ve finally accepted me. I’m looking forward to it but haven’t organised things yet and I’m a bit stressed.  _uckily, the univer uni versity sity is a arran rran ging my acc accom om modat mo dat ion so I don’t have to look for a flat, too. However, I’m going

C. Read again and answer the questions. questions. In which paragraph (1-4) does Flor:

:o need a part-time job to pay for my expenses. Anyway, don’t know exactly when I’m coming, but I’m looking forward to seeing you again after all these years.

a. ask fo f o r Gwen s news?

So, what about you? What have you been up to? Do you still go out like you used to? Start making plans!

b. use set phrases to end her e-mail?

.Veil, that’s all for now. Write back soon!

c. give her news?

Yours, d. say why she’s writing?


D Look at the table below with the phr phrases ases Flor has used in  her e-mail and complete it with the phrases given.

Greetings -ello S*en,

Set Set phrases for   opening   paragraph How are things? Sorry 1haven’t written for so long, but.. but....

Set Set phrases for   closing  paragraph Wel ell, l, that’s that’s al alll for now. Write back soon.

Signature endings Yo You urs, rs,

 o   □ □ □

WRITING TASK  E. Write an e-mail to reply to Flor. Say how  happy you are that she’s coming to your  city to study and give her your news. Your  e-mail should be between 80-10 80-100 0 words.

I- * © l l % 

. . . j. r 


^ When writ ing an ee-mail mail giving news news:: • start with Hi/Hell Hi/Hello/Dear o/Dear + first na name me.. • use set phrases to begin and end  your ee-mail. mail. • sign off with w ith a set phrase and your   first name unde underr this. • organise it into i nto paragraphs as as  shown above. • use expressions expressi ons (eg. well, o f course, course, 

anyway, you know). • use standard grammar gram mar and spelli spelli ng 

I- . e my lov love e to ev every ery one le a r Jamie, Jamie,

•• Take I’m writing care, to tell you about...

~ looking forward to -earing from you. '-a n ks for your e e-m -mail ail..

• Hi! How have you been? • Bye for now, • I must go now.

conventions. Don’t use forms such such  as wanna, CU L8R, etc. L8R, etc. • use short forms fo rms (eg. I’m, don’t). • use exclamatio excl amations ns (eg. Gue uess ss what! wh at!))  and direct questions (eg. What have  you been up to?).

For more set phrases, see Writing section



Complet Complete e with the Past Simple or the Present   Perfect Simple of the verbs in brackets.

 A: Hi, Steve!  A. Choose a, b or c.

B: Hi, Dave! How’s Rome? (1) _____  _________ ____you

1. It took a lot of effo rt, bu t in the end w e __  _____ to carry the piano up the stairs. a. offe red

b. manag ed

c. reached

2. Henry was very _____  _________ ____to see his father at the station. a. surp rise

b. sur prisin g

b. sweet swe et

c. surpris ed

c. spicy

4. Can Can y o u _____  _________ ____this rope with that knife over there? a. cu cutt


B: (3 ) _____  _________ ____y o u ___  ______ ______ ___ (eat) anything nice?

3. I can’t drin k this coffee. It ’s t o o ___  ______ _____ __ . a. salty sal ty

 _________  ____ _____(visit) the Colosseum yet?  A: Of course. I (2 ) _____  _________ ____(go) there on my first

b. bite

c. raise

5. Oliver was watering the flowers when, ___  ______ _____ __ a bee stung him. a. ama zingly b. fo rtu na tel y c. all of a sudden 6. When I saw t h e _____  _________ ____, I knew a storm was

 A: Are you joking? jok ing? I (4 )_________(alre )_________( alre ady / t ry) ry ) lots of things. For lunch today, I (5) _____  _________ ____(have) the most amazing pizza. Nothing like the pizza at home.

B: I know. I ( 6 ) _____  _________ ____(be) to Italy a few times and the food is just fantastic! (7) _____  _________ ____you

 __  _   ____

(try) gnocchi  yet?

 A: No No,, I (8 ) _____  _________ ____(go) to a restaurant last night and it (9) _____  _________ ____(be) on the menu, but I (10) _____  _________ ____(not try) it.

B: You should, it’s delicious.

on its way. a. ligh tnin g

b. thu nd er

c. ice

 ____ 7. You You should water this plant more often. I ts __ are turning yellow. a. roo ts

b. leaves

c. stems

8. Lots Lots o f ______ _________visitors ___visitors come to this museum. a. dizzy

ra m


b. abroad

c. fore ign

a r

B. Co mplete w ith the Past Simple or the Past Progressive Progressi ve of the verbs in brackets. brackets. 1.1(1) _____  _________ ____(drive) to a friend’s house last night when, suddenly, a van (2) _____  _________ ____ (crash) into the back of me. I (3) ______  _________ ___(get) out of my car, but the van just (4) ______  _________ ___

D. Circl Circle e the correct words.

(drive) away.

1.  Roger has ju has ju st / sin ce come back from the

2. Last night Judy (5) _____  _________ ____(have) a

supermarket. Do you wa nt to talk to him? him?

 _________ ____ frightening experience. experience. While While she (6) _____ (walk) home, she (7) ______  _________ ___(see) a man

something else. 3. Julia has before / never been scuba diving before / ago, so she’s really looking forward to it.

dressed dresse d in black in her ne ighb ou r’s garden. He (8) _____  _________ ____(break) into the house! She immediately immediat ely (9 ) _____  _________ ____(call) the police and they (10)_________(catch) him.

2. I’ve already / ever see seen n this film. Let’s watch

4. Have you rung your brother about that job interview yet/ever? 5. I haven’ haven’tt spoken to Stewart for / since ten years. 6. Have you before / ever ridden a camel?


Commnica nicat/ t/o on E.


Complete with the phrases a-e. There is one  extra phrase which you do not need to use.

Work in small groups. Make up a story using as many   of the pictures and words/phrases in the box as  possible. Then tell your story to the class.

m af afra raid id so.

: How are things? : Can Can you gi give ve me a hand? :

n othe r words, you don’t want to help. help.

a -'ou -'ou can fo follo llo w the ma match tch and help at the same time. - -lello, Gavin. Can I ask you som somethin ething? g? 3: Sure. -

m moving house tom orro w afternoon. ( 1)   ____________

E: Sorry Sorry,, bu butt the re ’s a fo foot otba ba ll match m atch I -eally wan t to se see. e.

get hurt

- An And d it’s in the afterno on, right? 5

2 )   ______________


- .Vhy .Vhy do n’t you listen to it on the 'adio? (3) ________  __________ E: So Sorry, rry, I’m I’m really lo okin g fo rwa rd to this match.  A  A.. 4 ) _________ _________


3 Don’t be like that that.. I can come afte r the match and help tidy up. OK, thanks.

l/gteninp   ^ Listen and choose the correct answer a, b or c. -ow did Lenny feel on his hiking trip? a. bored a. excited c. I

frightened nat did Sheila eat in France? France?

a. snails b. frogs' legs

Read the following and tick the appropriate boxes.   For the points you are unsure of, refer back to the  

relevantt sec relevan sections tions in the module.

c. horse 2

hat was Maria doi doing ng when a bee stung her? a. She was cycling, c She She was tal talkin kin g on the phone, c. She was eating. eati ng.


• no has has visited a deser t befor before? e? =. the man 3. the wom woman an c both both



History  A. Discuss. Discuss. • Do you know of any famo us explorers? explorers? • What did they discove discover? r?

B. Who do you think discovered America? Read and find ou out. t.

Christopher  Columbus

Leif   Ericson ,

Who really  discovered   America?  Am erica? First of all, what wh at do we mean by America? There’s North America Ameri ca and South America and together they are called the Americas. Technically, the Native Native Americans were were the firs f irstt people to discover America America when they travelled across from Asia about 12,000 years ago. But who was the first European to discover the Americas? The most common answer is Christopher Columbus. In 1492, he set sail from Spain and two months later he reached one of the islands we know now as the Bahamas. He called it San Salvador. However, Columbus thought he was on an island off the coast of India. He found natives already living there and wrongly called them ‘Indians’. The Americas got their name from another explorer, Amerigo Vespucci. Vespucci travelled to the Americas seven years after Columbus, and some people believe he was the first to set foot on the mainland. During his first voyage, he explored the northern coast of South  America  Ame rica right up to the Ama Amazo zon. n. More importantly, importantly, Vespuc Vespucci ci realis realised ed South America wasn’t an extension of Asia but a whole new continent. Mystery solved? Not quite. Five hundred years earlier, in about 1000  AD  AD, a Vik Viking ing explore explorerr calle called d Leif Eric Ericso son n made an interesting disc discov overy ery.. He was exploring the coast of Greenland Greenland when he sailed furthe fur therr west and landed in Newfoundland, Canada. However, he didn’t explore the continent further.

S o, o, w h o d i s c o v e re d A m e r i c a ?

C. Read again and answer the questions.

1. What happened hap pened 12, 12,000 000 years ago? ago? 2. How long was Colum Col umbus bus’’ trip? 3. Where did Columbus Colum bus thin k the Bahamas were?

What did Vespucci know that Columbus didn ’t ’t? ? Who was Leif Ericson? Where did Ericson land?

4. When did Vespucci travel to the  Americas?

‘Broaden  your mind’ Go to Song page.

Yo You uc can an find more in forma tion on this top ic in the Stud ent’ ent’s s Area



Discuss: • Do you enjoy visiting new   places? • Which place in the worl d   would you most like to   visit?

F li li c k t h r o u g h t h e   m od ule a an n d f i n d .. . • in a bro chu re abou t a region region China


• an unhapp y passenger  • a descri ptio n o f a place in  Brazil • an an in terview with a caving caving   expert • differen t places to stay  when travelling

In t h i s m o d u l e y o u   will... • learn language related to   travelling by plane • lea learn rn to make requests and   ask ask for permission • learn learn to express abili ty • lea learn rn to express express obli gation,   lack of obligation and  prohibition • le learn arn to ask for info rmation   using indirect questions

learn to wr ite an e mail   learn asking for information • dis discuss cuss differen t types   of holiday and holiday   destinations • learn to make comparisons • talk abou t cities and places  and the facilities they   include • learn to write a description   of a place


1 ûgteninÿ ûgteninÿ & Readi ding ng  ^  A. Discuss. Discuss. • Do you find travellin g enjoyab le or stressful? stressful? Why? Why? • What’s the worst thing t ha t’s happened to you while travelling? travelling?

B. Look Lo ok at the woman in the picture. How does she feel? What do  you think has happened to her? Listen and check your answe answers. rs.  At th e c hec k-i n des k in Dub ai

Check-in clerk   Good afternoon. Where are you flying to? Passenger    Passenger 

London Heathrow.

Check-in clerk   May I see your passport, please? There you go. Could I have an aisle seat? Passenger   Passenger   Check-in clerk   Sure. How many bags are you checking in?


Just this one. Can Can I take this smaller one

Check-in clerk 

on the plane with me? Let me see. Could you put it on the conveyor belt? belt?

Passenger    Passenger 


Check-in clerk  Hmmm... I’m sorry, but it’s too heavy for hand luggag e. You You have to chec k it in. in.

Passenger    Passenger 

But I have important stuff in there.

Check-in clerk  Sorry.

 A t t en d a n t   I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is tha t we were news. able to find your bag.

Passenger    At last! You know, I didn’t did n’t even w ant to check that one in. What’s the bad news?

 A t t en d a n t   Well, there’s been a bit of a mix-up. Let me explain. The airport code for London Heathrow is LHR, but the baggage handler thoug ht yo ur bag had had LHP on it. An easy mistake to make.

Passenger   LHP? What airport is that?

 A t t en d a n t   It’s in Papua New Guinea. Passenger   What!?  A tt en da n t   We We’v ’ve e arranged to fly y our bag directly here as soon as possible. Can you give me an address here in London? We can arrange for a courier to bring it to you.

Passenger   Yes, I’ve written the address in my notebook... Oh, no!

 A t t en d a n t   Is there a problem?

 A t t en d a n t   Lehu. Passenger   Le where?

Passenger   Yes. My notebook is in Papua New Guinea!

C. Read the dialogues and answer the questions. 1. Where would the passenger like to sit on the plane? plane?

5. Where is Lehu?

2. How many bags does the passenger passeng er check in? in?

6. Who is going to bring the passenger’s lost luggage to her?

3. What is LHR?

7. What is in the pass enge r’s lost bag?

4. What’s the bad news?



4 Practice, Read the situations and form sentences using the  words in brackets.

: RDS RELATED TO TRAVELLING PLANE : ~ d the ttext ext an and d try to guess the  - t  =ning of the words/phrases in bold.

1. You You wan t to bor row you r frie nd ’s mob ile phone. What do you say?  __________________(can)  ________  ____ ________ ______ __ _ __________________(can) 2. You You couldn ’t meet your sister at the airp ort

yesterday. Apologise to her. (able) 3. You’re You’re thirsty. Ask the fligh t attenda nt for some water.  ________________________  ____________ _____________________(c _________(c ould) ould ) 4. You You are not able to find you r boar ding card.

- t i arrived at the airp ort at 6 am. am. He was going away on : -siness trip but before leaving, he wanted to see his and, Oliver. Oliver was coming back from a trip abroad

Tell the clerk.  ________________________  ____________ ____________________ ________ (can)

5. Yo You u want to use your lap top on the plane. Ask Ask

- : .vas arriving at 6:15. Lee waited for him at arrivals. arrivals.   »'-en Oliver’s plane landed, they went to a café. When

for permission.  ________________________  ____________ ____________________ ________ (may)

•as time for Lee to leave, he went to departures departures   ; -c checked in his suitcase. Unfortu nate ly, there was • --,o -ho ur delay. Howeve However, r, whil e he was waiting, he a asleep asleep.. Luckily, someone woke him up jus t before - a olane took off! He ran to the gate and was the last : —senger to board the plane. He showed his boarding boarding  

---- , i i v

3 rd to the the flight attendant and we nt to his seat. seat.

ROLEPLAY   Talk in pairs.

 —  —vv-,,


To gu gue es s t he m eani ng o f an un k no wn wo r d:

'■ '■a axd the words before before and af te r the un kn ow n - o rrd d a n d t h i n k o f t h e s i t u at at i o n . '- j   t o f i gur e out w h at p ar t o f s pe peec h (v (v erb, erb, --oun, etc.) the unknown word is.

a t i f t h e u n k n o w n w o r d is s i m i l ar ar t o o t h e r   .-.Drds in English or in your own language.

[   j

Student A: Student  A: Imagine that you are the check-in clerk and that Student B is a passenger checking in his/her luggage. Discuss using the prompts in the box and answer Student B’s questions. where / fly / to? passport and ticket / please? how m any / bags / check in? in?

g ra m m a r   can, coul d, may, be iable iable to Read the examples below and decide what the words  Read  request. 3 bold bold express: ability, permission or request.

put on / conveyor belt / pleas please? e? Student B: Imagine tha t you are a passenger passenger checking in your luggage and that

Student A is a check in clerk. Discuss and use the prompts in the box to ask Student A questions.

• May I see yo your ur pa ssport, sspo rt, please? Can I take this smaller one on the plane with me? • .Ve can arrange fo r a cou rier to b ring it to you. you.

have / aisle-w indow seat / please? please?

The good news is that we were able to find your bag.

check in / this bag / too? take / laptop, MP3 player, etc. / on plane?

Could you put it on the conveyor belt? yj

3 Z

We use can can o  orr is/are able to to to  to express ability in the present. We use could could or  or was/were able to to to  to express ability in the past.


Before you speak, make sure  sure   you understand the task and how   you should use the prompts.

Go to G rammar Reference Reference




R e a d in g ^

 A. Discuss. Discuss. • Do you like ex plo ring rin g new places? places? • How does it make you feel? feel? B. Read Rea d the text q quickl uickly y and match the  questions a-e with the paragraphs 1-5. a. Do you need special train ing? b. How did it all start? c. Apa rt from strong boots and helmets, helmets, what safety safety equipm ent do you ne need ed? ? d. Why is caving so popular? Clive Stewart

e. What’s the most im porta nt thing to remember?


es m



T h e y ’r ’r e d a r k , c o l d , w e t a n d d a n g e r o u s p l a c e s ..   S o, o, w h y d o p e o p l e e x p l o r e th e m ? W h o b e t t e r t o a s k t h a n t h e c o u n t r y ’s ’s t o p c a v ve e rr,,

C li liv e S t e w a r t ! Well, up until the late 19th century, scientists explored caves for study. In 1889, Edouard-Alfred Martel used ropes and ladders to go down vertical caves over 100m deep because he liked exploration. Today, we call these caves ‘potholes’ and they are the most popular with cavers.

It’s the thrill of the unknown and discovering new places. Sometimes, you have to walk through waisthigh water or climb a slippery rock face, and you think , ’What am I doing ?’ But then you disco ver a huge underground cave with beautiful rock formations and it all seems worth it. Of course, half the fun is trying to get back out of the cave.

C. Read again and w write rite T for T True rue or F for False. 1. Scientists started cave exp lorat ion in the

Most caving clubs have have special special prog rammes f or beginners. They must learn the basic skills above ground first. They aren’t allowed to take part otherwise. You have to be physically fit for caving and the minimum age for club members is usually 16.

Never explore caves alone, always in groups. And you mustn’t go without an experienced caver. Also, it’s a good idea idea to leave a note of you r trip and the tim e you expect to return w ith someone. Caving Caving can be dangerous. It’s very easy for accidents to happen, but rescuing people is very difficult, sometimes impossible.

Without light you are lost. So, each person must well as as have a headlamp and at least one extra, ass well first-aid  j   batteries. You need some strong ropes andd aa first-aid ar special  A   kit is necessary, too. You don’t have to wear: clothing, as long as what you wear is warmn and waterproof.

D. Look at the highlighted words in the text and  match them with the meanings a-f.

19th 19t h centu ry. 2. Cavers enjoy getting into caves more than

1. vertical

a. excitement

2. thrill

b. shapes

3. You do the first part of the training in a cave.

3. formations

c. going straig ht up or down

4. Teens under 16 can’t go cave exploring.

4. beginners

d. not letting water in

5. Only experienced cavers should explore

5. the minimum

e. people starting to learn

6. waterproof 

f. the smallest possible

getting out.

caves alone. 6. All members of a group must have more than one light.

E. Discuss. • Would you like to start cave cave exploration? Why? / Why not?

7. Special clothes are necessary.



'/ORD BUILDING  Look Loo k at the nouns below be low an d write  me verb which they the y derive from. form   form



 A lot of nouns are formed by adding a  a  suffi suffix x ((-ion, ion, -ation , -men tj -ante, - al)  l)  to a verb.

formation excitement

7. 8.

survival improvement discussion













communication arrival -»


4 Practice,

(jrat ratn n m r  tave to, don ’t have to, must, mu st n’t, need to, do n’t n’t   need to, need n’t

Look at the signs and make sentences using h a v e t o , ,  d o n ’ t h a v e tto o , n e e d t o , d o n ’ t n e e d t o , m u s t  or  or m u s t n ’t .


Read the examples and decide what each of them 1 1 mea 1 means. ns. Choose a, or c. ■ou

have to be physica lly fit.



don’t have to wear special clothing.


Each person must have a headlamp.


mustn’t go witho ut an experienced experienced




need to hav have e safety equipme nt.


Experienced cavers don ’t need need to take a training course.



■ needn’t buy special clothing. a It is necessary. -


It isn’t necessary. Don’t do it!

Go to Grammar Reference


ЗАМЕ ork in groups of four. Look at the places below. One student chooses one of the places and the other three

mthe mth e group hav e to find plac e itbox. is by asking asking questions about to,  -lustn’t, etc. have do there. Useout thewhich ideasplace in the  ________  ____ ________ _____ _what  _ you have to, don’t h ave to,  wear seat belt smoke eat us use e mobile


Do you have to wear a  seat belt there? No, you don’t. Can you yo u smoke there?

buy tickets take pictures




1 l/ocaiaiarg,  ACC OM OMMO MODA DATIO TION N  

Which of the words in the box relate to the differentt types of accommodation shown? differen There may be more than one answer.


high prices


room service tent air conditioning shower  swimming pool buffet Wi-Fi WiFi connection business centre sleeping bag shared bathroom

B&B (bed and breakfast)

 __  _ ____ 


Ç raM m a r  


Read the dialogues, notice the phrases in bold and answer the questions that follow.

 3 /«tonation


 A. Listen Listen an and d re repea peat. t. W What’s hat’s the d differ ifference ence between a and b?


a. What time is your flight?


youth hostel

b. Do you k now wha t time yo ur flig ht is is? ?

Where’s Where’ s the libr ary?

B: I t ’s s t r a i g h t a he he a d , n e x t t o t h e p o s t o ff ff ic ic e .

B. Listen List en and repeat. Is the intonation rising s  or


falli falling ng \ ? 1. Could you tel l me where wh ere Susan Susan went?

se m e , c o u l d y o u t e l l m e  A: E x c u se

where the library  library  


B: S u r e. e. I t ’s s t r a i g h t a he he a d , n e x t t o t h e p o s t o f f i c e . • Which of the two qu estions is more formal? • What is the difference in word o rder in the two


2. Where did you get this tent? 3. Do you know wh y Harry Ha rry is upset? 4. When are you visiting Munich? 5. How often do you go camping?

bold phrases?

6. Can you tell us which hotels you ve stayed at?

Go to Grammar Reference

4 Practice, Read the direct questions and form indirect questions. 1. What time does the gym open? ->

Excuse Excuse me, can you tell me


2. Where is the swimming pool?


Do you kn ow __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _


3. Where did you stay?

Can ___  ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____ _


4. How much did you pay?


 ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ __ Could ___


5. When is Tom’s birthday?

-> ->  

D o ___  ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ __




B. Read again and answer the following  questions. Discuss.

1. How many ques questio tions ns does Peter ask

 nere do you usually stay when you go on holiday?

about the campsite?

-ave you ever had to complain at a hotel? Why?

2. Which w words ords does he use to list them?

.Vhat is the worst experience you’ve had at a hotel?

3. What kind of que stions stion s has he used? used?

; Listen to a conversation at a ho hotel tel between a man and th the e  receptionist. What is the man complaining about?

C. Look at the ideas below. Tick the kind of   information you would ask about if you  wanted to know more about a hotel.

D listen lis ten again and write T for Tr True ue or F for False. ~~e man sent an e-mail to the hotel from his room.


t   parking

I ~~ ~~e e receptio nist tried to ring the the man but the phone didn’t work. 1 'rne man cou ldn’t use use the Intern et in his his room. - ~~ ~~e e receptionist did n’t understand the man’s e-mai e-mail, l, f ~-e man wants to change to a diffe rent room. - ~~ere aren’t any oth er rooms available. Tne man can’t talk to the recep tionist because because he -as to go to a meeting. swimming pool f  clos  close e to public transpo rt


'æ   E D

1-3 to Pair work acti activit vities ies..

WRITING TASK  D . You are planning a trip to Paris. Your   friend recently stayed at a hotel there  and was very pleased with it. Write an 


-N E-MAIL ASKING FOR INFORMATION FORMATION - Belo Below w is an e-mail P Peter eterIN has sent to his friend, Gavin.  Gavin recently stayed at a campsite and was very   pleased with it. Peter wants to go camping this  summer summ er and would like some information about it.  What do you think Peter is going to ask about? Read  and check your answers.

e-mail to your friend asking for more  information about the hotel. Choose three  ideas from activity C. Your e-mail should  be between 80-100 words.

V cJ

T IP f * W h e n w r iitt in in g a n e - m a i l a s k i n g f o r   i n f o rm r m a t iio on:

 € • u s e s e t p h r a s e s tto o s a y w h y y o u a r e 


Gavin! Gavin!

are things? Listen, you stayed at a campsite ast summer and you really liked it there, right? .ell, I need some information. Could you tell me = pit more about abou t it? -3W

hire tents do I have zro'Stly,   bringcan my you own? Also, hasthere, it gotorshowers and "at are they like? Finally, could you tell me how ~uch it costs? Do you pay daily or every week? I'm planning to go next month, so please send  —  —e e a reply with any info rma tion . Thanks a lot. 5 ye for now, ^eter 

(eg. I’m interested in... so..., I  want some some info information rmation abou about... t...,, I ’d like li ke  to know...).

w r i ti ti n g

• u s e w o r d s / p h r a s e s t o li l i st st y o u r  

(eg. (eg. firstly, first fir st o f a all, ll, next,  then, also, finally).


• d o n ’ t u s e d i rre ect questions only. Use 

(eg. Can/Could  you tell tel l me me... ...?, ?, Do you know.. know...?). .?).

i n d i re re c t q u e s t i o n s , t o o

• e n d b y s a y in in g t h a n k s a n d m e n t i o n i n g   t h a t y o u ’ d l iik ke a reply as soo n as  possible.



GEOGRAPHICAL FEATURES   Look at the pictures and the words. Which   of these types of geographical featu features res  exist in or near the area where you live?

 A. Look at at th the ep pictu ictures res and the map on tthis his pag page e  and the next one. What do you know or can you   guess about Sichuan? B. Read the text and tick the topics that ar are e  mentioned. f  


hotels _


^ animals


museums 1


U £


f hist history ory

Sichuan With its beautiful scenery, friendly   people and great food, Sichuan   Province in China is the ideal   holiday destination.

Sichuan is in southwest China and it has many mountains, including the Himalayas to the west. The famous Yangtze River runs through China, from west to east, crossing Sichuan. The Yangtze isn’t as long as the Amazon or the Nile but it’s the longest river in Asia.

One of the most impressive sights in Sichuan is the Leshan Giant Buddha, a huge statue carved out of a cliff on the side of Lingyun Mountain. The statue is more than a thousand years old and over 71 metres tall. It is the largest carved stone Buddha in the world.



fa m o r  


COMPARISONS  A. Look at at th the e exa example mpless b below elow and answ answer er tthe he questions that follow. •

you can visit temples or just take photos of the many w aterfalls. aterfalls. For some more beautiful scenery, visit Jiuzhaigou Valley. Jiuzhaigou Valley, in the north of Sichuan, is one :he most spectacular places in China with snow: ered mountain s, co lour ful lakes and beau tiful 'crests. Ihengdu is the capital of Sichuan and is the - : jra l and industrial centre of the region. -engdu is also home to the Chengdu Giant Panda :t s sea earch rch Base Base,, one of the most im po rta nt centres ie world for the protection of the Giant Giant Pand Panda, a, e Research Centre has developed into China :" da City with a museum and a zoo.  After all th at sightseein sight seein g, you mu st d efi nit ely : e som ething eth ing to eat. The Sichuanese cook with w ith a : ; chilli pep pers and garlic, and Sichuanese Sichuanese food ctter and spicier than other types of Chinese - sine, but it’s delicious!

I. Read agai again n and answer the questions. .Vhat’s .Vhat’ s the moun tain range to the we st of 5 chuan called? 1

nere is th the e huge statue? "iere can you see beautiful scenery and lakes?


nat’s the capital capi tal of this Province? nat do the Sichuanese use in their cooking?

S i c h u a n e s e f o o d i s hott er than es o f   than o t h e r t y p es Chinese cuisine.

The Yangtze is the longest r i v e r i n A s iia a.

O n e o f the most impressive s i g h t s i n S i c h u a n   i s th th e L e s h a n G i a n t B u d d h a .

T h e s c e n e r y i s more spectacular than a n y t h i n g I ’ v e s e e n s o f a rr..

1. Which of the examples above include adjectives adjectiv es in the comparative form and which in the superlative form? 2. Which word do we usually use after  adjectives adjecti ves in the comparative form and which which before adjectives in the superlative form?

B. Read the example and decide what it means.  Choose a, b or c. Th e Y a n g t z e i s n ’ t as lo ng as t h e A m a z o n .

a. The Yangtze is longer. b. The Amazon is longer. c. The two rivers are the same length.

Go to Grammar Reference

4 Practice, Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets. Add the where necessary.  A: Let’s have dinner dinn er at La Playa tonight.  

B: No way! That’s one of (1) __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ (bad) restaurants in town. Debbie was there last week and she says it’s horrible!  A: Well, Well, it’s i t’s (2 ) __  ____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ___ (good) than the restaurant in our neighbourhood.

B: Yeah, the food in P a r a d i s o isn’t as  

(3 ) __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ (tasty) as it used to be.

Look at the highlighted words in the text and   choose the correct meaning a or b. soectacular

 A: P a r a d i s o is also (4) __  ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ __ (expensive)  

than La Playa.

3. developed

= mpre mpres ssive sive

a. grown


b. built


B: I know! Why don’t we go to La Scala in the  

shopping centre? It’s not as (5 ) __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ (quiet) as the other places but

region a. area

4. definitely a. fortuna tely

b. mounta in

the foo d is good.

b. surely

 A: OK. OK. I t’s also ( 6 )__________


restaurant in the shopping centre.

Discuss. ould you like to visit Sichuan?

 5 Spea&inÿ  &inÿ 

nich places in Sichuan would •ou like to visit most? Why?

Go to Pair work activities.



 AD JE CT IV ES DESC DESCRIBIN RIBIN G PL ACES ACE S  A. Read the sente sentence ncess b below elow and and match the a adjec djectives tives in bold with the defin definition itionss a a-h -h.. 1.  The bus was crowded and I couldn ’t get on on..

a. com fortable and warm warm

2. When I get tire d of life in the city, I go to the co untrys ide. It’s so

b. quie t and and calm

peaceful there.

c. fu ll of people

3. Yo You u can find lots of books abou t ancient history in the librar library. y.

d. making a lot of noise noise

4. I live in a noisy neighbo urhood and can’t can’t sleep at night!

e. liked by a large numb er

5. Don’t worry; the streets arou nd here ar are e safe for the children to play in. in.

of people

6. The town square is a popular meeting place for teenagers.

f. very ve ry old

7. We wen t on a tou r around th e town and saw many historic buildings.

g. important in history

8. The town centre has a great variety of cosy cafés and restaurants.

h. not dangerous

B. Use some of the adjectives above to describe your city/town.

 2 Talk in pairs. The three people below have been offered  jobs in the three cities presented. Read the information,  discuss and decide which city is the most suitable for  each person. Give reasons for your choices.

TfP  W h eenn

t a l k in in g t o a n o t h e r p e r s o n   lis stt e en n c a r ef ef u l lly y to h im /her and   respond to w h at he/she is is saying  saying  . / agree, agree,   / d o n ’t’t k n o w a b o u t t h a t ) , ( e3

Helen Aberson, 34 Likes: art, cinema, eating out, travelling

Likes: sports, reading, shopping Dislikes: art, theatre

Dislikes: shopping, nature

I think the most suitable city for Jill is... because... I disagree. I think the ideal city for her is... because...

beautiful parks and beaches lots of sports facilities museums

museums, galleries, shows world famous shops huge variety of restaurants

lakes and parks with sports activities large shopping centre many theatres


- I  j c u s s . • ~a ~att are are the advantages and and disadvantages of living in a city? : -isten to Zoe talking to a friend about her new life.

•hat is her opinion about life in the city?


B efo eforr e you li sten, rrea ead d the  n r ubr ubric ic carefully and loo lookk at the   pi ctur ctu r e^ maps, etc. Thi s wi will ll ggii ve  9  you an i dea dea of wh what at to li sten for. § ■

L-sten again and choose the correct picture a, b or  or c.

•** “ ere does d oes Zoe Z oe live? l ive?


3. How does Zoe get to work? w ork?

B. Read the text and choos choose e a, b or c. The text is: Es : r

i p t i o n  o f   a  p l a c e

a. par t of a sto ry tha t happened in Salvador da Bahia. Bahia.

3 G5 CUSS.

b. a descrip des crip tion of Salvador da Bahia Bahia..

ir~5:: is the m ost inter esting place ir~5 place you ’ve ever ever visited?

c. an adv ertisem erti sem ent abo ut a holiday holid ay in Salvador Salvado r da da Bahia. Bahia.

« - did you like it?

 Salva  Sa lvad dor   da


C. Read again and answer the following  questions. 1. In which wh ich paragrap p aragrap h (1-4 (1-4)) does the writer w riter : • describe what tourists can do there? • say how he/she feels about the place?

is one of  - . Salvador ■rost impressive   ' iS I’ve ever visited. It  ■eastern Brazil on the coast   : s the capital capital of the state of Bahia. Bahia.  Salvador has many interesting places to  :h as Pelourinho, the 'old city’. This 


• describe the most important sights? • give general information about the place? 2. Which adjectives does the writer use to

make the description more lively?


. .as colourful colonial buildings, narrow   . -: -:rrs beautiful squares and attract attr actss many  ma ny   its every year. Other places worth  t   -.g are the numerous churches and the   : -Brazilian Museu Museum. m. ' -ere -ere are are many things to do in in Sal Salvad vador. or.  y .  :a,\ go to Mercado Modelo for Salvador’s * ; r mopping. At this market, you can buy   -:r. rSj taste Bahian cuisine in one of the  ^ restaurants restaurants and wa watch tch the fascinating fascinating  . . ra, too. Salvador Salva dor also offers off ers a great  gr eat   of beautiful beaches. So Ivador is a very exciting city and   a fantastic time there. It was an  . : -yettable experience and I hope to visit  -


WRITING TASK  D . Write a description of a place you’ve visited. Your description should be between 100-1 100-120 20  words. I* %


T IP When writing a description of a place: * befor before e you start start,, writ write e down some idea ideas. s. * develop your idea ideas s and write about th e  most important or interesting features of   the pl ace ace.. * divide your t ext into paragraphs paragraphs as shown  above. * use a var variety iety of adjectives to make your   description lively lively..

..onderful city again. .



D. Complete with the correct form of the adjectives  in brackets.

1. This is t h e __  _____ ______ ___ (dark) cave I’ve ever been in. 2. Ms Baker’s Baker ’s class is i s ___  _____ _____ ___ (noisy) than Ms Thomson’s. 3. The black armchair is not as ____  ________ ________ ________ ____

 A. Choos Choose e a, b or c.

1. I need a( n ) ____  ______ __ to reach that shelf. a.

helm et

b. ladder

c. equ ipm ent

2. There were only fifty ___  ______ ___ on the plane. a. dest ination s

b. passports

c. passengers

3.  A: Where’s Mum? B: She’s ____  ______ __ dinner. a. prep aring

in the gallery. 5. My hand luggage was as ____  ________ ______ __(heavy) as 6. Monday is th e ____  ________ ______ __ (bad) day of the week.

b. discov ering

c. expec ting

b. coast

c. cliff  cl iff 

5. Dave lives in a ______ area. It’s nice and quiet. a. crowded crow ded

4. Ben Ben boug ht th e ____  ________ ______ __(impressive) painting

my suitcase so I had to check it in.

4. You should go to the south ____  ______ __ of France. There are lots of beautiful towns by the sea. a. valley vall ey

(comfortable) as the brown one.

b. co mf orta ble

c. peaceful

7. The food w as ________ __________(spicy) __(spicy) than we expected and we had trouble eating it. E. Read the direct questions and form indirect   questions.

1. Who is th at man?

 ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ _____ _? Do you know ____ 6. We had a(n) ____ time in New York last winter.  ______ __ a. cosy b . un forg etta ble c. suitable 7. You c a n ___  ______ ___ a car and explore the island. It’s beautiful. a. hire 8. Excuse me, sir. sir. a. necessary neces sary

b. includ e

2. What does this word mean? Excuse Excu se me, me, can you tell m e ____  ________ ________ _______ _____ __ ? 3. Where’s the bathroom? C an ___  _______ _______ _______ ________ ________ _______ _______ ________ ________ ____ ?

c. attr ac t

You’re n o t __  ____ to smoke in here. here. b. possible possi ble c. allowed allow ed

4. When did Mrs Carter leave the building? Do you  __  ____  


5. How much do these boots cost?

B. Match.

Could  ___  ____ _ 

1. public

a. card

2. room

b. attendant

3. boarding

c. service


4. youth

d. connection


5. Wi-Fi

e. transport

6. flight

f. range

7. mountain

g. hostel

Complete the dialogue with the phrases a-e.

a. I have to be in Coleridge as soon as possible. b. It’s abou t as quick as the unde rground . c. Could you tell me where the nearest underground station is? is?

tf r a fK m t0

d. Could you help me?

C. Circle the correct wor words. ds.

e. You don’t have to take the underground.


 A n d y   Hey, Hey, Olivia. Olivi a. (1 (1)) Coul d / May you drive me to the airport tom orrow eveni evening? ng?

 _____ ______ _____ __ W o m a n Excuse me. (1) __ Sure Sure.. Do you wan t me to c arry one of your bags?

M an

Olivia   At what time? Olivia  A n d y   Well, Well, my departu re time is 10:00, so I (2) need / must to be there at around 8:00.

W om an

No, No, I’m fine. (2 ) __  _____ ______ _____ __

M an

There is no no unde rground today. today.

Olivia   OK Olivia OK,, then. I’m wo rkin g till 7:00 an and d then then I  ju st (3) could / have to get my car from the garage. I (4) house atSo 7:30. 7:30 . can / may come by your  A n d y   That sounds fine. But you (5) don’t have to / mustn’t be late. I don’t want to miss miss my flight. Olivia   You (6) needn’t / don’t need Olivia need worry.  A n d y   Thanks. Oh, Oh, one more mor e thing... (7) May / Must I I  borrow your camera? camera?


Olivia   Ye Olivia Yes, s, of course. cours e.

V J o v n a n Oh, dear. M an

Where do you want to go?

W o m a n (3 ) ___  _____ _____ _____ __ Don’t worry. (4) ___  ______ _____ ____ __ You can take M an

the number 45 bus. V J o v n a n How long does it take? M an

(5 ) ___  ______ ______ ____ _ There’s a bus stop over  there.

VJovnan Thank you. M an

No problem.

 _v -


 _ \  _ 3 ^ = * •


__5ten and choose a, b or c. .Vhat must the passengers on

2. What did Dan think about the

3. Where are the pe ople staying?

flight T315 do?


a. at a house in the mountains

a. They must go to gate 4. o. They m ust wait wai t at g ate 16. 16.

a. It was as good as a hotel. b. It was more expensive than a

b. at a campsite c. at a hotel by the beach


They must board the plane from gate 16.

hotel. c. It was worse than a hotel. It would be a good idea to... I think it would be better to... We shou ld(n ’t) take... beca because. use... ..

~=lk in pairs. Imagine that you and your partner are going on a camping  

I think we need... because...

: .p .p.. Look at the pictures and disc discuss uss which five objects y you ou would take  «r. th you an and d why. Us Use e the phrases in the box.

... is/are useful/necessa usefu l/necessary. ry.

S it


Do the quiz, v»

Famous Landmarks^

he Sydney Opera House sits in the middle of Sydney Harbour in Australia. Jorn Utson designed the building, but what did he w an t i t +r' ML'o?

Stonehenge is a circle of stones in the UK. Each stone weights from 2 tons to over 50 tons. But when did the ancient Britons build it?


N i a g a r a F a ll l l s llii e s b e t w e e n C a n a d a a n d  

i t h e

U S A . 3 1 6 0 t o n s o f w a t e r f llo o w s o v e r iitt  

e v e r y s e c o n d . IIn n 19 19 0 1 , A n n i e E d s o n T a y l o r  

e b becam e

t h e ffii r s t w o m a n t o g o

f a ll ll s . B u t w h a t d i d s h e d o

The Romans built Hadrian's Wall 2000 years ago. But which two countries does it separate?

V   Fra nce

a n d I t a lly y 

E n g l a n d a n d S c o t la la n d


m --r

V   W a lle es and



o v e r t h e 

i t in in ?

Mt Rushmore is in South Dakota, USA.  It has 18-metre tall sculptures of   American presidents. But how  many presidents are there on  the mountain?

Uluru is a huge rock in the middle of  Aus tral tralia. ia. A t sunset it glo ws a br ight ig ht colour. But which colour?

 îr  îrT TTTTrt» rt»WpT7?p*

London Tower

St Stephen 's Tower

E l iiz zabeth Tow er




L   / e -g /

q S/ q


 / 3 

£ /

e z  / e


:sa3M SNV 

Yo You u ca can n find mor e inform ation on this topic in the Stud ent’s Area at o


Discuss: • How is life differ ent from   ten years ago? ago? • What do you thin k the   major changes changes in  your lifetime will be be? ?

F l ic ic k t h r o u g h t h e   m o d u l e a n d f i n d ..... • notes and SMS messages • tw o friends in an art gallery • two opinions about   computers • advertisements advertisements about   unusual gadgets • quotes by famous people

In t h i s m o d u l e y o u discuss buying things and   discuss prices learn lea rn to make promises,  on-the-spo t decisions and and requests


learn to refer to the fu ture   learn by using appropriate  tenses learn to express your  

opinion and make  predictions about the  future read rea d and w rit e notes and and  SMS messages learn lea rn to use abbreviatio ns   learn to use too to o  and enough learn to define people,  places place s and things by using  relative pronouns and   adverbs learn to describe gadgets   and talk talk abou t their   positive and negative  aspects



Oh, please. I’ll pay you back bac k at the end of next nex t month.


I do n’t know. What is is it supposed suppo sed to be, be, anyway?


It ’s called


It llooks ooks like a big egg to me. What Wha t a waste of

 A. Discuss. Discuss. • What do do you think of modern art?

Life Source. Source.

B. Listen to the dialogue. Why are the two men at an  art gallery?

money! J a c k   It’s wo rth buying, trust me. me.

Le e 

So, whic h one do you want to buy? buy?


Go on then, then , I’ll help you out.


It’s tha t one one over there.




It’s huge. Where are you going to put it? it?


How are you going to get it home?


In my living room, righ t next to the window.


Does it fit?


Just about. It’s a pow erful erfu l image, don ’t you think?


You’re You’re crazy. crazy. And why did you bring


As soon as as the ex hibi tion is over, they 'll deliver it to me.


And pay pay more money I expect. Forget it. I’ll I’ll help you carry it home. home.




I’m only kidding!

me  here?

I don ’t know anything about art. Jack  

Well, Well, I was get ting to that.


By the way, how much muc h is it?


Jack  Lee  

£7,500. Are you serious? Ca Can n you afford it? it?

the following. 1. Lee think thi nk s the pain tin ting g is too big for Jack’s house.


Not exactly. I’m a bit bi t short. Tha t’s wh why y I was thinking...

2. Jack asked asked Lee to come to the gallery. 3. Lee is no nott an art ar t expe rt.


Here we go.

4. Lee thinks the painting is too expensive.


Will you lend me some money? money? Not all of it,

5. Jack doesn’t need to bo rrow the wh ole amoun t.

 ju st half, maybe. Lee  

Read the dialogue and find statements that prove 

6. Jack is very fond of the painting.

I can’t belie ve this.

7. Jack doesn’t have to ca rry the p aintin g home.




Complete with the Present Simple or the Future will   of the words in brackets.

» : PDS PDS EASILY CONFUSED   rcie the correct words.

I e’ e’s s usually usua lly broke / short by the end of the month, can’t buy a new mobile because I’m a bit broke /   snort of cash at the moment. I : - Id you lend / borrow me €50 for tonight? Isn I lend / borr ow your car to go to work? work?

- That’s €5.49 altogeth alto gether. er. 3 only have a 100-euro 100- euro note / coin. Is that th at OK?

1. A: Ken, ________  ___________ ___ (you / give) me the

newspaper, please?

B: Sorry, but I’m reading it.  A: I ________ ____________ ____(give) (give) it back immediately, immediately , I

promise. I just want to see see the weather forecast for tomorrow. B: No, you

(get) it as soon as I (finish).

- Do you have 50 cents? 3 _et me see. see. I have some so me note notes s /coi ns in my pocket. Yes, here you are. - Thanks. Thanks. Here’s Here’s yo ur change. -a t was a lovely meal. Let’s ask for th e bill / -eceipt. - ere are your new shoes. Your bill / receipt is in Te bag. . ant to buy a new car, but I can’t afford / save it. affording rding /saving up for a new MP4 -cam is affo r»ayer.

k ________ ________

r ----------------------------------------------------- >

 A: Forget it. I

(check) it on the

Internet. B: Good idea.

2.  A: Where are you going? B: To the shopping centre.  A:  _________  ____________(you ___(you / do) me a fa favo vour ur before befo re

you____________(leave)? B: I don’t know, what is it?  A: I need to take these boxes upstairs. B: I don ’t have enough time. I ____ ________ ________ ____(help) (help)

you when I ____________(get ____________(get)) back, OK? OK?

Ç  r a f n m r   FUTURE w i ll

- =ad the examples and match them with their   _se  _ses. Which verb form is used after aft er will ? i V i ll ll y o u


m e s o m e m o n e y?

1 I ' l l p a y y o u b a c k a t t h e e n d o f n e x t m o n t h .  1 Go on the n,

I’ll help

you out.

i.  on-the-spot decision (

: oromise


 5 Speaùnÿ  ùnÿ  Talk in pairs. Student A: Imagine that you are looking fo r items to

decorate your house. You have only €50 to spend. Discuss with Student B and choose three items from below. If you need more money, ask Student B to lend you some. Stud ent B: Student A is looking looking fo r items to decorate

his/her house. Discuss and help him/her

: eques equestt



choose three items from bel below. ow.

Use the Future be going to and the Present Progressive for future plans plans and arrangements. I 'm 'm g o i n g t o p u t th t h e p a i n t i n g o v e r th th e s o off a. a.   J i l l i s c o m i n g w i th th u s t o t h e a r t e x h i b i t iio on   tomorrow.

digital digi tal photo frame fr ame  €50


painting €2 €22 2 

poster €17

- ead the example and complete the rule. -s soon


t h e e x h i b iitt io io n


o v e r , th t h e y ’l ’l l


- to to m e .

Time Cla Clause use (referri ng to the fut ur ure) e) Main Clause Clause

~en, after, before as soon as



w i llll

bookends €15


What do you think of this painting? 

Go to Grammar Reference

It’s It’s not bad, but can you afford it? r



 A. Discuss. Discuss. • What do you know about the following?

the Wright brothers IBM


B. Read the text quickly and choose the most suitable introduction for for it, a, b   or c.

a. It iis s very difficult to mak make e correct predictions about the future, but four fa n o people have tried. So, let’s see what the future holds. b. Wit With h the w orld ch anging so quickl quickly, y, it is very diffic ult to mak make e correct predictions about the future. Some people get it right, others get it wrong. Some people, however, are a long way off. Here are a few examples. c. Nowadays, we fly planes, use computers and relax in front of the TV. We do-' think it’s something special. But how about in the past? What was life like the

‘Man will not fly for SO years.’ W i lb lb u r W r i g h t , tto o h i s b r o t h e r O r v i l le le ( 1 9 0 V

In 1901, the Wright brothers tried out the ir fl flying ying machi machine ne for the first time, bu t were very disappointed when they didn’t succeed. However, two years later, in 1903, they took to the skies and entered the history books. And only y£d7S 5 fter Wilbur made his prediction, Captain Joh John n  Alco  Al cock ck and Lieu Li eute tena na nt A rthu rt hu r Whitten Brown made the first non-stop transatlantic flight from Newfoundland, Canada to Ireland.

 ‘Television wo won’t n’t last 

i tnmK there s a world market for about five compute Thomas J. Watson, chairman  chairman   o f the the board o f IB M (194 (1943) 3)

This prediction seems ridiculous today, but it was true for ten vear: after Watson said it. Even so, toda there are about 2 billion compu:e: in use in the world. However, experts predict that tablets and cl< computing will eventually make personal computers extinct.

because people will soon  get tired of staring at a  plywood box every night.*

‘There’s just not that many  video  vid eos s I want wa nt to w at atch ch.’.’ Steve Chen , co-founder o f Y YouTu ouTube be   2

Darryl Zanuck, film producer, 20th Century Fox (1946)  

 At the time, Chen was

Zanuck played a major role in the Hollywood studio system from fr om 1922 1922 t o 1970, 970, but he definitely got it wrong about

about the popularity oi

Y  — o И —uЫ Т --ММ e j

Luckily for Chen, he o

with his YouTube idea and almost two ; ea on 13 November 2006, he made a lot c; n when Google  bought YouTube lot   $1.66 :

television. total number of TV sets The in the world is over 1.5 billion. In the USA, there are over 2000 TV channels and on average, a TV set is on for 6 hours and 47 minutes every day.

Today, YouTube  is the Internet’s larges:. > sharing website. People from all arounc d watch hundreds of millions of videos eve'



Read again and w write rite T for T True rue o or r F for False. w i l l   FOR PREDIC PREDICTIONS TIONS

1 The The Wright brothers brothers flew flew a plane plane for the first first time in 1901.

Read the examples. What do the phrases in bold  express?

2. The first non-stop transatlantic fli gh t was was in 1918. 3. In 1950, 1950, the wo rld marke ma rkett did didn't n't have a need for computers. 4. Zanuck predicted that people wou ldn’t like watching watc hing TV.

□ □

5. In the USA, SA, peop people le have th ei eirr TV sets on for  about 7 hours a day. 6. Steve Chen owns YouTube.

Man will no t fly fo r 50 yea Man years. Television Television wo n’t last because because peop le will  soon| get tired of it. w ill have to o,, w i l l b e a ab ble to

Read the examples below. Which of the verbs  in bold means must  and which means will   manage to? • Tra Tracy cy finish ed her assign ment so she wil l be  able to go out tonight.

• Ge George orge gave me some money bu t I wi ll have to pay him back by Monday. Monday. ____  ______ __

D. Look at the highlighted highl ighted words in the tex textt an and d  match them with the meanings a-f.

1. disappointed 2. succeed 3. ridiculous 4. predict 5. last 6. major 

□ □ □ □ n □

Go to Grammar Reference

a. very large or important b. not fail

¥ Practice,

c. continue to exist

Complete the dialogues with will, won’ won ’t, wil l have to, to,  wi ll be able able to or won’t be able to. to.

d. sa say y that something will happen happe n in the the futu re e. unhappy because f. ver veryy silly

 _________ ______ _ 1.  A: Oh, no! The lift isn’t working! We ____ use it. B:

Then w e _________ __________take _take the stairs.


 _________ ______ _do it. With all these heavy bags? I ____


Ves, you ____  _________ ______ _. I live on the second floor.

 A: All


{ / o c a U tfa r e p

rig ht then.

2.  A: What do you think a bout flying cars cars? ?

EXPRESSIONS WITH make  Complete the sentences with the correct   form of the expressions in the box.

make mistakes

make money

make a decision

make pred iction s


 A: B:

Well, there _____  __________ _____be any in our lifetime, that’s for sure. Why not? I don’t think scie ntists __  ____ ____ __


make plans

them soon. Anyway, they dangerous.

make a phon phone e call

make sure

 A: You You thin th ink k so so? ?

1. Edna Edna never knows know s what wh at she wants. She just ju st can't ______  _________ ______ _____ __ about anything.


th e re ___ ______ _____ ____be __be accidents all the time.  A:

Maybe, you’re right.

 5 Spcaùnÿ 

you close the wind ow before you leave the office.

5 It’s no nott easy t o _____ weather.

Yeah, people _____  _________ _____ _drive them, and


2. I’ve a lr e a d y . . f o r th e weekend. I’m going to visit my parents in Bath. 3. I need nee d t o ____  _________ _________ _____ _ to Sandra before we leave.**5 leave.

be too

about the

5. Robert ____  ______ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ when he speaks Italian. Harry thinks he can __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ without working.

Talk in pairs. Make predictions about the future.  Talk about:* about:*•

• your area/ neighbourhood • technology • transport

I think there won’t be any  parks in my neighbourhood | in the future.

• your own future (family, job, etc.) o


 A. Read the d dialo ialogue gue below below a and nd co comp mplete lete th the e  rules.  A: Oh, no! We’re too late. We’ve missed the bus. 

have ve enough mon ey for a taxi. taxi.  B: Don ’t worry. I ha  A: No, it’s OK. We can take the underground to   the city cit y centre. centre. We’ We’ll get there t here early enough  

to watch the film.

B. Read the dialogue again and answer the  questions. Choose a or b. 1. What does too late mean? a. on tim e

b. not on tim e

2. What does enough money mean? a. the y can affo rd it b. they can’t affor d 3. What does early enough mean? a. the y wo n’t be late b. the y’ll be late

Go to Grammar Reference

. + adjec tive or a dverb ' adjective or adverb + + noun

5 üsteninÿ^^  A. Discuss Discuss..

3 Practice

Look, read and say what the problem is, using too or  or  enough and the words in brackets.

• Look at the three texts below. What are they?

B. Listen to three short phone calls and com complete plete the  missing information.

! Tip

Before you listen, try to predict   what kind of information is missing. Make sure sure th at yo ur answers make sens sense e. L ^ litÉÈÊÊÊQ

1. I can’t buy it.

2. This hat doe sn’t fi t her.

(expensive) (cheap)

(big) (small) ey.iAtbt-fc LI

4 Into ntonation tion


 A. Listen Listen and repea repeat. t. Which Which word wordss a are re stress stressed ed?? This coffee isn’t sweet enough. That light is too b right.

B. Read and underline the main stress in the  sentences. Then listen and check your answers. 1. Ted Ted isn't old enoug h to drive. 2. There aren’t enough books for everyone. 3. We’re We’re too tire d to go out. 4. I’m not tall enough for the basketball team.


5. This food is too to o salty.



li/r/ùxÿ NOTES/MESSAGES Discuss. Do you often leave notes to your family and

B. Read through the texts below and answer the questions. 1. Where would wo uld you fin find d the notes? 2. What would you actually say if you were speaking to the person?

" ends? ends? What are they the y usua usually lly about? 3. How is the SMS message diffe re rent nt to th the e notes?

Toi/VCf, -to Brewda’s. No-fc ewougU food

f o r -fcowigU-fc -fc.. Order GWiwese? B ad“ about: Up ur-,


Henry, Mrs Baker rang 5  

times. Wants to cancel  

meeting. Can't make it today.  today.  Vied instead?  Frank 

Read the sentences and write T for True or F for False - notes/messages, we only give the “"po rtant informati information. on. n notes/messages, we always write full sentences.

i notes/messages, we can us use e

T IP When writing a note:  note:  greet and sign off when appropriate.

sbbreviations. n notes/messages, notes/messages, we d don on’t ’t always use

• keep keep the text short and give only the impo important rtant  

articles and prepositions.

information. • remember that you don’t have have to writ e full  full  sentences sentence s (eg. you don’t don ’t have to use articl es, es,   prepositions, prepos itions, pronouns, certain certain verbs like be, be, 

In SMS messages, we greet and sign off by writing names.

have, etc.).

HITING TASK Read the situations below and write a note and an  SMS message.

• you ca can n use abbreviations. abbreviatio ns. When wri ti ng an SM SMS message message::

•ou want some things from the supermarket but

• you don’t need need to wri te a greeting or to sign off.

•ou can’t go. Write a note asking your flatmate to

• you can use abbreviat abbr eviatio ions ns and SM SMS language. langu age.

go, telling him/her what you need. Tell him/her vhy you can’t go and what time you’ll be back.  A frie nd has inv invited ited you to his his/he /herr house for dinner. dinne r. Write an SMS SMS messag message e to thank him him/he /herr

See the Writi ng section for a list of   abbreviati ons and SMS di dicti cti onary


and say that you will be a bit late. Give an excuse.



B. Look Lo ok at the pictures below. What do you think these gadgets do? Read and check your answers. Search... Home





Rock 'n' 'n' r o ll on the run! Now Now you can travel in style with these new new tra in e rs which play MP MP3 files. Vou can store up to 100  A g r e a t p la c e w h e re y o u c a n u s e t h i s USB h o o v e r

s o n g s t h r o u g h t h e U SB p o r t

i s i n y o u r o f fi f i c e . IItt 's 's p e r f e c t f o r t h o s e w h ho o h a te te

o f y o u r c o mp u t e r b e f o r e y o u le a v e h o me . T h e y

d irty

come with wireless headphones and they have

d e s k s . T h i s h a n d y g a d g e t p l u g s iin nto


USB p o r t o f y o u r c o m p u t e r a nd nd c l e a n s u p d u s t

a battery life of six hours. Vour friends will

and crumbs in seconds. So keep your desk clean

be am ma az ze ed d!! T h e y a r e t h e t r a in e r s e v e r y o n e

and yo ur boss happy.

w ill want tto o have. have.

Buy the USB desk vac today!

Buy now and get moving!

Th e d a y s o f   dead batteries are over. Everyone who owns a m o b ilil e p h o on ne w ill find this clever gadget very useful.

These days our cars are like mobile homes. They have MP3 players, hands-free phones, TUs and even game game consoles. So, So, why why not in s ta ll a c offee maker, make r, too? Ju st imagine, imagine, you 're late fo r work and you don't have time to make a cup of coffee. The new Car Coffee Maker is the answer to your p ro ro b lle e m. I t ''s s p e r f e c t f o r d r iv e r s w ho ho lo v e lu x u r y . J u s t p r e s s a b u t t o n a n d d r iv e w h ile t h e ma c h in e

The jacket has panels which use the sun to create energy. So, you can charge your mobile p h o n e , MP3 p l a y e r a nd nd a n y t h i n g e l s e t h a t h a s a battery. It's very useful, helps you become environmentally friendly and looks great!

makes your coffee.

Order today!

 A r r iv e a t w or k r e a d y f o r a c ti o n !


Read the texts again and the statements 1-5. Which gadget do they refer to? Write a, b, c or d.




This gadget works on

to use this gadget.

  ou can use this gadget at work.

 A N D A D V E R B S (where)

It ’s perfect for drivers who /th a t love lu luxury xury.. The jack et has panels which / th at use the sun to create energ energy. y.  

You need a computer

This gadget is good for :ne environment.


 A. Read the examples examples below. below. W What hat do the wo word rdss in bold refer refer to to??


This gadget is a good t me-saver.

REL AT IVE PRO NOU NS (w (wh ho, w h i c h , t h a t )

Look at the words below from he texts. What do you think  they mean?



Th They ey are the trainers (which / th at) everyone wi ll want to have. have.  A grea g reatt pl ace wh ere you y ou can use this US USB B hoov ho ov er is in yo your ur off ice.

B. Read the examples again and complete the rules. rules. Use: •

and that for people. and that for things, animals and ideas.

for places.

\ n

o t e

\Ne can omit who, which and which and that that when  when they refer to the object of the verb. verb.

Go to Grammar Reference

 ¥ Pract Practiice, E. Discuss. • .Vhich .Vhich of t he gadgets i n  activity 1w ould you like to have?? W hy?  have . - ch do you consider a 5: :e money? Why?

 Z o c a ic Z a r g , : : LL LLOCAT OCATION IONS S i ch the verbs with the nouns.

Complete the dialogues with who, which, that  that  or where. where.  If they can be omit ted, put them i n brackets brackets..


 ________you bought last week? I A: Is that the laptop (1) ______ B: Yeah.  A: It I t ’s nice nice.. Where di d you yo u ge gett i t from? fr om? B: From the shop (2 ) __  ____ ____ __ you used to work. In fact, the man (3 ) __  ____ ____ __ sold it to me knew you.  A: Did he? What was his name? B:  Alan Bishop.  A: Oh. he was one of the people (4)_______I han hang g out with while I was there.

2. A: Denise, can I borrow your green top top? ?

rr-arge 1

B: Which one?


 A: The one one (5 ) __  ____ ____ __ you were wearing yesterday.

1 rstall

B: Go on then. Are you going out? - erter 

 A: Yeah, I’m meeting Laura. You know, the girl (6) ______  ________ is in my computer class.

•_"i on / shut down

B: Where are you going?

- cress

 A: To Ricky’s. -e software / an antivir antivirus us c-'ogram

B: Where?  A: You know, the café (7)_______is in the park. It’s the place (8 ) __  ____ ____ __ her sister works.

 —e o on/o n/o ff bu button tton / EN ENTE TER R ; -sername / a password

B: Have fun!

: a bat battery tery / a mo mobile bile / a r gital camera -

a ilin g

“ formation fr from om the Net / songs / films

GAME Go to Pair work activities.

: a comp co mp uter ute r / a lapto p


 3 Sfjea jeaéinÿ 


7 l/o&aiaiarcf 

 A lo t of adjecti ves are  are  formed by adding a  a  su suffi ffix x ((-fu -fu i   - less) to a  a  verb or noun.


 A. Read the exam examples ples belo below. w. What’ What’ss the the d differ ifferenc ence e  between useful  and useless?

Talk in groups of four. What do you think of   mobile phones? Discuss the positive and negative  aspects of having a mobile phone, using the ideas  in the box. Write notes in the table below and then  use your notes to present your arguments to the  class. Give reasons for your answers. I believe... I disagree. disagree. In my opi opinion... nion... You’re right. I also think...

• This book is v ery useful. useful. I learnt a lot abou t   cooking from it. • My new m obil e phone is use usele less. ss. It never works  works   TALK ABOUT:

when I need it.

• size

B. Complete with the correct form of the words in  capitals.

• cost • wha t the y’re used used for 

He’s s __ 1.  Don’t be afraid of the dog. He’  ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ . HARM 2. Leonardo Leon ardo DiCaprio DiC aprio is a ___  ______ ______ _____ __ actor. SUCCESS

• if people can become addicted

3. Don’t let John do the washing-u wash ing-up. p. He is ver y

• if they can can be annoyin g

________________ .


4  I have have nobody to talk to. to. I fe e l ____  ______ ____ ____ ___ _.


5. I asked my sister to help me fix my compu ter, but

 ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ . She doesn’t know she wasn’t very __ HELP

much about computers. 6. I wen t to Ama nda’s wed ding yesterday. She looked loo ked



7. I love living in the co un try because it ’s very



8. Sweets are ___  ______ ______ _____ __to your teeth.


9. Please b e ___  ______ ______ _____ __ with that knife.


• peo ple’s ple ’s health



liz t e n

in p



 A. Discuss. Discuss. • Do you have a mobile phone? •

When do you use it?

B. Listen List en to four people talking about mobile phones and  match the names with the statements. There is one   extra statement which you do not need to use. a. Mobiles can be annoying. Frank Julie

b. Children don’t use mobile phones more than adults.


c. Mobiles can be very expensive.


d. Mobiles can be harmful to your health. e. Mobiles are helpful when you need them.




-low important are computers in your life?

: Read Read the texts below and answer the questions. n which text does the writer have a positive opinion about computers? How can you tell? . .Vhi .Vhich ch words/phrases do the write rs use to list their points points? ? Underline them. .Vhi .Vhich ch phra phrases ses do the w riters use use to state the ir final opinion?


 A  Abo bo ut Us

Mem bers

Po rtfo lio

Su pp pport ort


Inn IM IMG da u uii iith tho out com compu pute ters rs? ?

Donald Turdin, Norwich It is true that computers are very popular nowadays, but they can do more harm than good. First of all, they are harmful to our health. Using a computer for too many hours can damage your eyes and cause backaches.   'hat is more, children, teenagers and even adults can easily become addicted *o computers and spend hours in front of me screen instead of socialising with other oeople. Lastly, computers that have an Internet connection are useful, but they are not safe. ney can get viruses which can destroy all the orograms and delete information. Personally, believe that computers are not as important

Elsie Flannigan, Hollyhead Computers help people in more than one way and are becoming more and more popular with people of all ages. To begin with, computers are very useful as they help us organise our work and, as a result, we work faster. Also, we can store important information, music or photos on the computer and with one click open the file we need. In addition, people who have an Internet of connection canasdownload a great amount information, well as keep in touch with family and friends. In my opinion, computers are an important part

or useful as many people think and we can aefinitely do without them.

of our lives and we cannot live without them.

I Do Domp mplete lete the text with the correct words. ~ /  (1) ___  ______ ______ ______ ____ _ , the TV is a very

I  —cortan t inve invention ntion . ( 2 )_________ )_____________of ____of all, it ’s a °o

WRITING TASK  D. Imagin Imagine e that a magazi magazine ne has asked you to write  your opinion about mobile phones. Write a  paragraph using the ideas in the speaking speaki ng activity. Your paragraph should be between 80-100 words.

: ja r form of entertainment for many peo peopl ple. e. r l    __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ , there are lots of  : rgrammes, lik like e the news and documentarie s that “ i-m you you about tthe he wor world. ld. Y Yo ou can can

 ______  ___ ______ ____ _ watch a huge variety of films  ______ ______ ______ ____ _ , it is a very cheap • : ~V series series.. (5 ) ___ -  of entertainment.

(% t i p When writ ing a pa paragraph ragraph expressing your  opinion: • use linki linking ng words to list points: firstly, first of   all, to begin with, secondly, secondly, also, also, in additi on, on,   what is more, finally, lastly. • use phrases like: In my opinion... opini on...,, Personall Personally y I  I  believe... give reasons reasons to support you yourr opinion, by  using clear examples




(frO M M O r  l/o c c L ^ a r y ,

C. Choose a, b or c. 1. As soon as I ge t home, hom e, I __  _____ ______ _____ __ you. a. call

 A. Circle the the co corre rrect ct w word ords. s. 1.  Ronan l e n t / b o r r o w e d me me €100  €100 last

I only had a few cash / coins on me. 3. She looks ridic ridiculous ulous /annoy /annoy ing in that dress. 4. This gadget doesn’t work. I think the batteries / headphones are dead.

can’t work with that no noise ise.. a. wo n’t have have to

6. This little gadget is very handy / harmful. You should buy one. 7. This invention / prediction is going to change the world as we know it. 8. Oh, no! I think I’ve entered / deleted an important file. I can’t find it anywhere. 9. My brother spends all his free time playing computer games. He’s addicted /  /  installed to them!

B. Complete Comp lete the sentences with the correct   form of make or  or do. 1. I th ink in k yo u’v e __  ____ ____ ____ ___ _ a spelling mistake.

b. wil l have to

c. wil l be able to

3. I’ll fix the washing m achine before I ___  _____ _____ _____ __ . a. wil l be able to leave b. wil l leave

c. leave

4. I ___  ______ _____ ____ __you back. I promise. a. wil l pay

b. will wi ll have to pay c. pay

5. You __  ____ ____ ____ ___ _ use the printer today. It’s out of order. a. wo n’t be able to

5. I’m getting really tired about / of   of   watching the same TV shows all the time.

c. will call

use headphones because I

2. I’m sorry, but you

month and I still haven’t given it back. 2. When I got to th e superm arket, I realised realised

b. am callin ca llin g


b. wo n’t have to

c. wil l be able to to

 __  ____ shut down the computers? I’m running late. a. Will you have to b. Do you c. Will you

7. OK, OK, I __  ____ ____ ____ ___ _ you the money. a. w ill have t o lend

b. w i l l lend

c. lend

D. Complete with too or enough and the words in brackets. 1. I wo n’t buy bu y the coffee coffe e maker. It’s _ __  ____ ____ ____ __ (expensive) and I don ’t have

(mone y) wit h me. me.

2. Jake is __  ____ ____ ____ ___ _ (tired) to go out tonight. 3. Alison does n’t want to go to the shopping ce ntre on foot. She says it isn’t  _________ (close). 4. Of course I won’t lend you my car! You aren’t  _______ (careful)! 5. I do n’t like this paintin g. It’s .


2. In 1996, 1996, Greg Greg opened his own shop b ut he didn’t  _________ much money, so he closed it down. 3. Can eatin g these leav es __  ____ ____ ____ ___ _ you any harm?

E. Complete the se sentences ntences with who, which, that  that or where. where. If  If they can be omitted, put them in brackets. 1. Is this the digital pho to fra m e __  _____ ______ _____ __ you bought from the Internet? 2. Wensley’s Wensley’s is  is a café ___  ______ ______ ____ _ lots of university students

4. Have Have y o u __  ____ ____ ____ ___ _ any plans for the


weekend? 5. Where’s Whe re’s your yo ur phone? I need to  ________ a phone call.

 _____ ______ _____ __ doesn’t work? 3. Is this the ho ov er  __ 4. Th at’s the w ai te r   ______  ___ ______ ____ _ gave me the wrong change.

 ______ ______ ____ _ are out of  5. There There are are two lifts in this this bu ild ing ___

6. Drinking soft drinks all day won’t  ______ you any good, you know. 7. My DVD DVD player broke down, but b ut I th think ink I c a n __  ____ ____ ____ __ wit ho ut it for a while. while. 8. Who usually __  ____ ____ ____ ___ _ the decisions in your family?

order. 6. My cousin is a person __  _____ ______ _____ __ gets disappointed very easily. 7. Old Trafford is Trafford is the sta dium ___  ______ ______ ____ _ Manchester United play.

 _____ ______ _____ __ we met on the 8. Do you remember the man __

9. Please, ____  ______ ____ ___ _ sur sure e that you get a

bus? bus ? He’s a successful businessman. businessma n.

receipt from th at shop. shop.



. ommni nio oati atio on


r Zhooseaorb.  Are you sure abo a bout ut this? 3 __________I __________I know wh at I’m doing. 3

. Go on then. the n.

ig te n iflfi 


 A. Listen to a man an and d a woma woman na att a dep departm artment ent ssto tore re  and match the presents with the people. There are  two extra presents that you do not need to use.

b. Trust Tru st me.


 A  A:: I lent my ca carr to Dave last week. 3 : ________ __________He __He’s ’s a terrib le driver. 3

  Here we go!

b. You’re crazy! craz y!

Sally spent €400 on a new coat, and it’s horrible! B: 3 What a waste of money! mon ey!

b. That’s Th at’s not enough money!

- A: Did you really r eally meet me et Brad Pitt at a party?

 ______ ______ ____ _ B : ___ 3 was ju just st kidd ing.

b. I was ge gettin ttin g to that. that .

B. Listen again and write T for True or F for False. - in pairs. The pictures below show  v some things will change in the future.  ; cuss the positive and negative aspects  each change. Use the prompts given. IEO PHONE WATCH see others while talk

1. Paul Paul likes to show people photog pho tograp rap hs from his holidays. 2. The man and the woman don’t like the presents Stephanie buys them. 3. The woman thin t hin ks a TV set is a good present prese nt for Stephanie. Stephanie. 4. The vase is not very expensive.

• Internet

5. Gary bou gh ghtt a new MP3 player play er recently.

• watch TV • small screen

6. The gadgets are on the first floor of the department store.

• can t use with friends


S e ,# {j {j--O L S S e ,$ S tf( tf(e ,« t


Read the following and tick the appropriate boxes.  For the points you are unsure of, refer back to the  relevantt sections in the module. relevan

no traffic • speed • dangerous

Now I can...

• need special licence

o make promises, on-the-spot decisions, decisions, requests and predictions

o use the Future will ::

king  m

a c h in e

• no cooking needed • tasty food • clean clean kitch en • difficult t o clean clean • young people won’t learn

o o o o o o

express my opinion write notes and messages

□ □ □

us use e abbre viations


too o  and enough use to

□ □

define people, places, things describe gadgets and talk about their  positive and nega tive aspects aspects

o use words related to money

to cook

□ □ ©


'- C U f f lC U , Science . Do you think it ’s imp orta nt to protect the environment? . What do you do to protec t the environment?

B. Why do you think people install gardens on their roofs? R Read ead and find out.


R E E N U O G lS The hanging gardens o f Babylon we were re one of the seven wonders of the ancient worl world. d. It’s It’s unknown what they looked like like,, but they were pro bably some kind kind of roofto p  gardens. In the modern world, green roofs are environmentally friendly and are becoming   very popular in cities. So, it seems the ancient Babylonians were eco-friendly, too.

A green roo f works wel welll in all seasons. In sum mer, it

Extensive roofs

keeps the temperature low in the house and in winter,

These roof gardens have grass and don’t need much

it keeps the heat inside and warms up the house.

soil. You can install them on any roo f and there’s a

Also, green roofs absorb rain very well and help

great variety o f g gras rasses ses that you ca n use. Plants that

prevent prev ent flooding. A gre green en roo f can also make a roof

you f ind on cliffs survive ver very y wel well, l, too. E xtensiv xtensive e

much nicer to look at. There are two types of green

roofs are more common than intensive roofs and

roofs, intensiv intensive e an d extensive:

they’re easier to look after.

Intensive roofs

buildings. They need big buildings w ith strong roof roofss

Green roofs can be expensive, but they are worth  worth   it. Just think o f tthe he many advantage advantagess fo r your   home and for the environment, environment, especially especially in major   cities. citi es. Imagine looking out from one o f tthe he modern  modern  wonders of the world, the Empire State Building,  Building,  

that can take the weight of all the soil and plants. They aren’t easy to look after, but they can be very

and seeing a sea sea o f green rooftops. Th at at’’s what   cities should be like.

These are like normal gardens but on your roof. You can have flowers, bushes or even trees. However, they need at least 30cm of soil and aren’t suitable for most


C. Read again and answer the questions. 1. Accor ding to the text, why were the ancient Babylonians Babylonians eco-friendly? 2. Why is a house with a green roof useful in winter? 3. On wha t kind of green roof can you have trees?

4. What kind of buildings can have intensive roofs? 5. Where can can you install an extensive roof? 6. What are the best kind of plants for extensive roofs?

‘Modern life’ Go to Song page.


• Wh Who o do you usually turn   to wh en you need help? • How How im por tant is it to   help p eopl e in need? need?

F l iic c k t h r o u g h t h e  m o d u l e a n d fi n d ..... • an article about ships in  danger  • an annoyed girl at the   cinema • a doc tor talking to a  patient • a newspaper article   about an accident accident • a doc tor giv ing advice  in a problem page

In th i s m o d u l e y o u  

will... • lea learn rn to m ake a doc tor’s  appointment • talk about medical/  emotional problems • ask ask for and give advice • le learn arn to wri te letters   asking for and giving   advice • learn to use the Passive  Voice • lea learn rn to giv e an an accoun t   of a true event • learn learn id ioms describing   feelings


• When did you last go to the do ct or ’s ’s? ? What for? • What do you usually do when you have a cold?

B. Read the three dialogues quickly and put them in the correct   order. Write 1-3. Then listen and check your answers.


Let me take your temperature. You seem a bit warm... Yes, you have a bit of a temperature. Well, Ms Smith, you seem to have a cold.

P at ie n t

Really? It’s not my allergy then. I hope I won’t be too ill to go to my brother’s wedding on the 13th.


Don’t worry. You’ll get over it in about a week. Just get some rest and drink lots of fluids.

P at ie n t

I will. What about my head and bones? Can you give me something to take away the pain?


I’ll prescribe some painkillers.

Pa tien t

Thank you. I’ll go to the chemist’s straight aft after. er.


So, Ms Smith what wha t seems to be the problem?

P at ie n t  

I think my allergy’s back and I’ve run out of pills. Can you give me another prescription?


I need to examine you first. What exactly

C. Read again and complete the  missing information.

are your symptoms? P at ie n t  

Well, I have a terrible headache, a runny nose and I keep sneezing.


Do you have a sore th thro ro at or a cough?

P a ti en t

No ,  but my bones hurt.


I see. see. Come and lie do down wn here. here.


Good afternoon, Dr Barkley’s surgery. How may I help you?

P at ie n t

Hello. My name is Mary Smith. I would like to make an appointment


with the doctor for today. today. Today? I’m afraid she’s booked up for the day. day.

P at ie n t

What about tomorrow morning? morning?


Hang on a minute, please. Let me check her schedule... Tomorrow the doctor is available at 10:30 and then again at 11:30. Which do you prefer?

Pa tien t

Half past ten is more convenient for me.



2. A: Can you __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ (show) me how  ____  __ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ (use) this printer?


B: Sure. Just le t m e __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ (finish) what "


  phr asal verb consists consists of a verb (e (eg. g. g et, break) and an adverb (eg. back) and/or one   or more prepositions (eg. for, on w it h ) . The meaning of the phrasal verb is different from   the meaning of the verb it includes.



a. not have any left

- -ake away

b. beco me better, bette r, e.g. e.g. af after ter an illness

I run ou t of

c. wait

-   oe booked up

d. make som somethin ethin g disappear  disappe ar 

'an 'a n g on

r ---------------------------■ «

 A. Listen and repe repeat. at. N Notice otice the stre stressed ssed words words and  how the stress affects the meaning.

 gram  gra mmar  - ead the examples and complete the rules.  A  A:: / w o u l d l iikk e to make a n a p p o i n t m e n t w i t h the doc tor for today y..

B: L e t m e check h e r s c h e d u lle e.  A  A:: W h a t se e m s to be t h e p r o b le le m ? 3: Vly b o n e s h u r t . C o u l d y o u tell m e w h a t to do?  C a n yo u give m e s o m e t h iin n g to take away th e   p a in ?

 A  A:: / h o p e I w o n ’ t b e t o o i l l to go t o m y  

B: Jenny has offered __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ (help) me with Math Maths. s. Why don’t you ask her for help, too? You need __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ (do) something about it.

intonation  ^

e. have no time available


B: No, I’m too busy __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ (go) away. 4. A: Oh, no! I failed the Maths test. Now, my parents will make make m e __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ (study) all week.

 _.3o  _.3okk at the highlighted phrasal verbs in the dialogues  'J d match them them with th their eir meanings meanings a-e. get over

I’m doing first. 3. A: We’re going to Bristol for the weekend  ______  ___ _____ _____ ____ _ (visit) Joanna. Would you like  ____  __ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ (come)?


John is allergic to cats. (Jo (John, hn, not his broth er or   anybod y else else))

John is allergic to cats. (He isn’t allergic to dogs) B. Listen and repeat. Underline the stressed word in  the questions 1-3and choose the correct answer.

1. Does Rob Robert ert have too tootha thache che? ? a. No, Lisa has toothache. b. No, he has a sore throat. 2. Did Alicia go to the bank? a. No, Brenda went to the bank.

b r o t h e r ’s w e d d i n g o n t h e 1 3 3tth.

b. No, No, she went to the che m ist’s. ist’s.

3: D o n t w o r rryy . Y o u l l b e w e l l e n o u g h to go.

I Use the fu ll

3. Are you seeing the den tist on Monday? a. No, my mum is seeing the dentist on Monday. b. No, I’m seeing the dentist on Friday.

infi niti ve (e (eg. g. to do):

:z  express purpose.

after certain verbs (ea.



ant, decide, need, offer).

r'ter and e n o u a h . s"er question words (eg. w h o , -   ndirect questions.

I Use the

ROLE PLAY  Talk in groups of three. Act out the conversations.

, how )

bare in fini tiv e (eg. (eg. do):

moda l verbs (eg. (eg. c a n,  ____  __ ____ __ _  modal n,

could, mu st)

i'ter the verbs m a k e   and____________. Go to Grammar Reference


Practice, - pl plet ete e with the full or the bare infinitive of the   - ros in brackets. - Could you _   __________ (call) a doctor? I feel 1  Do you want m e __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ (take) you to

nospital? i No, ju just st call a docto doctor. r.

1. Student A: Im ag agine ine th that at you are no nott f ee ling lin g well and that you want to see your doctor. Call the doctor’s surgery and make an appointment. Student B: Imagine that you are the doctor’s reception ist. Answe r Student A’s A’s phone call and help him/her make an appointment with the doctor. doctor. 2. Student A: Imagine that you are at the do ctor’s surgery. Student C is the doctor. Describe and discuss your problem with him/her and ask for advice. Student C: Imagine that you are a doctor. Listen to Student A’s problem, ask him/her anything you want to know and tell him/her what to do.



&a R ding, Discuss

If you were on a desert island, or on a sinking ship, how would you call for help? How well do you thin k you would react in an emergency situation? situation? I

S 3 2 ÎQ ÎF I 0CD3 Before the development of radio communication, when a ship was in danger there were a number of ways to signal for help. Lighting signal flares to show the location of the ship or flying a signal flag were very common. Using bells and foghorns or perhaps firing a gun repeatedly were also ways of making other ships hear you. These are still used today in many cases. Howeve Howe ver, r, with the developmen t of wireless telegraphy, sailors started using Morse code to send messages. Morse code is a type of code with long and short sounds or flashes of light that stand for letters of the alphabet. The most well-known

The German  government was  the first to use the  SOS signal at the  beginning beginni ng of the  20th century (in  1905). It became an  international distress  signal in 1908.

People have used  SOS as a visual  distress signal by  signalling with three  short, three long  and three short light  flashes or by writing  it in the sand or snow.  The fact that you can 

Some people believe  that SOS stands for  ‘Save Our Ship’ or ‘Save  Our Souls’, but that’s  not true. In fact, the  letters don’t stand for  anything; they were   just the the simple simplest st letters letters  in international Morse  code. However, people  probably used these  phrases to help them  remember the letters.

When the Titanic  hit  hit  an iceberg in 1912 and  started sinking, two of   the crew members used  radio communication to 

Morse message asking for helpcode is SOS. The letters SOS in international Morse code are:


read SOS right side  up and upside down  is very useful and  has made SOS more  popular than the word  HELP.

ask for help. They also  tried sending an SOS  message to a nearby  ship, the Californian,  by using a Morse lamp.  Unfortunately, the  crew of the Californian   didn’t realise what was  happening until it was  too late.

C. Read again and answer the questions. Choo Choose se a, b  or c. 1. Wh What at is Mors Morse e code?

3. What is tru e abo a bout ut SOS SOS?

a. a code which uses sound or light

a. You can send an SOS with flashes of light.

b. a useful distress signal

b. You can read it upside down.

c. a code which sends signals with flares

c. Both of the above.

2. Why did S SO OS become an inte interna rnation tional al distress d istress signal?

4. Why didn’t the Californian help the Titanic on time? a. The Titanic  didn’t send an SOS.

a. Because it stands for ‘Save Our Souls’.

b. The Californian didn’t understand the SOS.

b. Because the letters in SOS are simple.

c. The crew of the Californian didn’t know what to

c. Because SOS means HELP.


> & - -•.;••• •• - - . - . : ':;^'!- . 0 - " : ’W V1'. :':': ••V. > ;:«>>} '• . . -r ’ -‘ WV*1 WV* -  • ’ 2 1


D. Look at the highlighted words/expressions in the   text and match them with their meanings a-f.

O r ammar L ___  ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____  _  w

-ing FORM signal 1 lo loca cati tion on 3. stand for  a

□ □

4. government 5. upside down 6. crew

Read the examples and match them with the uses of the -ing form. • Sailors started using Morse code

the people who work on a ship or plane

b. mean

to send messages. • They also sent an SOS message to a

c. with the b ottom on the top and the top on the bottom d. the place where something is e. make a movement or sound to give info rma tion the group of people who run a country

nearby ship by using a Morse lamp. • Panicking doesn’t help when you’re in danger.

□ □ □

Use the -ing fo rm (eg. doing) a. as a subject

E. Discuss. • Have Have you ever been been in in an eme rgen cy situatio n and needed help?

b. after certain verbs (eg. like, love, enjoy,  enjoy,  hate,, finish, star t)  hate t)   and expressions (how (how   about, it ’s worth)

• What did you do? • How long did it take for help to arrive?

c. after prepositions Go to Gramm ar Reference


4 Practice,

REPOSITIONAL PHRASES W ITH ‘‘IN’ IN’ Complete Comp lete the sentences with the phrases  in the box. n the beginn ing

in addition

in common

Complete the dialogues with the -ing form or the  bare or full infinitive of the verbs in brackets. 1.  A: We’r We’re e lost! What should w e ___________ ______________ ___ (do)?

n dang er   a hu rry

in my opi nion in fact


in the end

 __________  _____ _________ ____ . we should buy a house in the country. What do you think? 2.1used to work in the city centre.  ______  ___ ______ ______ _____ __ , I used to work in the building opposite the c ity ha hall. ll. 3 .1fell .1fell asleep asleep during the film. What happened  _______________? 4. You can find lots of information about animals on this website. ______  _________ ______ _____ __ , you can find d ifferent organisations that help save animals in danger. 5. Tony left the house ___  ______ ______ ______ _____ __ . He didn’t want to miss his flight. 6. My sister and I have nothing ___  ______ ______ ______ _____ __ , but amazingly we get along well. 7. K Kelly elly didn ’t want to go ca m pin g ___  ______ ______ ______ _____ __ , but now she’s quite excited. 3.

Light a flare only when you are _____  __________ ________ ___ .

B: Don’t panic.  A: But it’s getting dark. How about  ______________(lig ht ) a fire? Someon e will w ill see it. B : ______________(make) a fire near a forest fore st is a crazy thing to do.  A: Wait! I can______________(hear) something! B: It’s a car! Quick, start______________(run) this way. 2. A: 2. A: Hey Alice, would you like______________ (come) to a hip hip hop con cert tonight? B: No No,, thanks. than ks.  A: Why not? You love______________(listen) to hip hop. B: I know b u t_______ t__________ ______ ____(go) _(go) to concerts isn’t really something I enjoy______________ (do).  A: OK OK.. B: You could______________(ask) Dennis to go


with you. He loves hip hop.

at the be begi nning of the centur centur y   at the end of the road 

 A: That’s a good idea.


Read the dialogues. Then read the sentences and write T for True or F for False.  An ne / have a stomach ache again. Keith Maybe you shoul d visit a doctor.  An ne / did last week and and he tol d me i t ’s  stress. Keith Well, then you h ad bett er fi nd ways to  to  reduce your stress. stress.


Sorry I’m late.

1. Should Should and  and had better  are   are followed by to + base form. 2. We use should should and  and had better  to  to give advice. 3. Should Should and  and had better  refer   refer to the past. 4. The negative form of should should and  and had better  is  is formed by adding not. 5. We use should should and  and had better  to  to give our opinion. 6. Had better  can   can sometimes imply a warning.



You d bet ter n ot be late again. again. This is  is  the fifth time this month. Tom / know know,, b ut I coul dn’t find a parking  parking   space. Jane Well, then m aybe you shou ldn ’t ’t   take your car to work.

Go to Grammar Reference

4 t/sfe*   A.

Discus Discuss. s.

• What kind of fears do people have have? ? • Are you scared scared of anything?

3 Practice,

• How do you react when you ’re scare scared? d?

Rewrite the sentences using the words given. 1. You mu st go now because yo u’re going t o be late, late, (had better)

B. What do you think the phobias below are? Listen  and check your answers. arachnophobia



2. It’s not a good idea to leave your mob ile in the car. (should) You___________________________________

claustrophobia dental phobia

C. Listen again and complete the sentences. 1.

3. Neve Neverr borrow my car with ou t aski asking! ng! (had better)

% of wom en a n d ____  ________ ________ ____ % of  men have arachnophobia.

Yo u _________  ___________________ ____________________ ________________ ______

2. Phobias create problems when the fear  ____  _______ ___

4. Don’t be late because Karen will leave without you. (had better)

3. Some agoraphobics don’t leave their homes for4 for 5 4 4. A ____  ________ ________ ____ as a child can cause a phobia.

You ___________________________________

5. People with dental phobia should____________ of  dentists first.

5. It’s a good idea to visit a psychologist, (should) (should)   You You


Talk Tal k in pairs.

Student A: Imagine that you have a problem, either physical or psychological. Tell Student B how you feel and ask him/her for advice. Use some of the ideas in the box.

• often panic

• suffer from stress

• feel tired all the time

Studen t B B:: Listen to Stud ent A’s him/her advice. Use

• do physical activity

• see doctor/ psychologist

should (n’t) and (n’t) and had had  

• drink w arm m ilk

• go on holiday

better (not) and (not) and some of

• take deep breaths

the ideas in the box.

• work less

• take vitamins / medication

problem and give

• have a phobia

• can’t sleep at night

I feel terrible. Why? What’s What ’s wrong wrong?? Well, I think you  should/shouldn’t...

W ri riti tin ng \  LETTER ASKING FOR OR  


 A. Discuss. Discuss. Do you read problem pages in magazines?

Have Have you ever wr itten to a problem page to ask for advice? Would you like to? Do you think problem pages give good advice? : The letter on the right was sent to a  problem page by someone who wanted   advice. Read the letter and the reply to  it. Then answer the questions below.

What is Nervous Ned’s problem?

Dear Dr Wilson,   advice because I feel helpless and don't know I need your  advice know   what to do. Last week I had to give a presentation  a t university with a fel fellow low studen t. A s we walked to the front  front   of th the e  lecture thea tre, I could feel  my heart beating fast and I was sweating. When it was time for me to talk, I ju s t   stood  there looking at everyone. I couldn't  remember what 1 say! Fortunately,  my fellow student gave the presentation presentation     me. But who will save me next time? What should I do?  fo r  me. do? 

 Anxiously waiting waitin g fo r your yo ur reply.

Nervous Ned

Dear Nervous Ned, Many people are afraid of public speaking. You're not the  the   only one so don't worry. Here are some tips to help you  you  deal with your problem. First of all, you should practise  practise  

gi givi ving ng your presentation in fro nt o f a mirror u ntil you you feel feel  1 Wha Whatt does Dr Wilson advise Nervous Ned to do?

confident. Thisyou waycan you'll stress. also also  certain things do have right less before and There during are your      presentation. Before starting, you should do some kind of   of   physical activity to help reduce your anxiety. Taking a walk  walk   is a good idea. Also, while you're giving your presentation,  presentation,   choose a few friendly faces from the audience and focus  focus   on them. And don't forget to take deep breaths to   feel calm. If all this doesn't work, I advise you to take a training  training  course in public speaking. It will help you get over your fear 

1 Read the sentences below. In what type  of letter letter would yo u find them? Write A  for a letter asking for advice or G for a  letter giving advice in the boxes.

Everything will be just fine. 1 think think you’d you’d bet better ter s se ee a

osychologist. What do you suggest? - _et _et me me know what you thi think. nk.



: Another Anot her thing th ing you can do iis s


talk to your friend. hope you can help me out.

When writing a letter asking for advice:

□ □

. explain the problem and sa y how you feel. feel. . use set phrases. When writing a letter giving advice:


. be friendly and show that you und erstand the problem.  

: Write Write a short letter of 80-100 words to a  magazine problem page describing a problem  you have and ask for advice. Then swap letters  with another student, read his/her problem and   write a letter to him/her giving advice.

. make various sugg estions to help solve solve the problem. problem. . use set phrases.

For set phrases, see Writi Writing ng section ) )




d the headline o f the newspaper article article  vtfhat do y ou think it is abou t? Read  


 ADiSCUSS'  ADiSCU SS' . „tr an sp or ta cc id en ts ? • Do you know of any serious er j0Lis j0Lis accidents? • How do you usually M M





Uie article and check your answers.





Friday Frida y’ 11 Novembe November  r  

Train Derailed by Sheep!  An Intercity train train was derailed in South Wales yesterday.  The train was travelling through a tunnel at 160  kilometres per hour when it hit a flock of sheep that was   going in the opposite direction. The train came off the  tracks, fell onto its side and skidded for another 200  metres before coming to a stop. Fortunately, nobody  was killed, but 28 people were i njured, 5 of them seriou seriously. sly. The police, police, fire crews and the ambulance service were  all called immediately and they arrived within minutes to  rescue the people. The injured injur ed passengers passengers were taken  to local hospitals. hospitals. ‘It’s a miracle that it was not a greater   tragedy,’ said Steven Jones, Jones, one of o f the firefighters. When we arrived, smoke was coming out of the tunnel   and we thought that the train was on fire. A fire in a tunnel is of course a very serious matter, matter, but luckily it  was only the engine and we put it out very quickly.’  Amazingly,  Amazin gly, the train driver  driver  was  was not hurt in the accident. He said later: later: As soon as I noticed noti ced the animals, animals, I pull ed  the emergency brake, but it was too late.’ The tunnel was   amaged and the train was almost completely destroyed,  

I L Y ~—



verall, 2 million pounds of damage was caused.  All the sheep sheep e exce xcept pt one die died d in the crash. crash. The lucky  survivor was rescued by a police officer and is now  ca ed Lucky Lu Lucy. cy. The local f armer who owned the int e6f ^aS P0 'dea how the acciclent happened.  7 have  s o s eep and they are kept in a nearby field which a



i by 3 f6nce' 1do 1don n t know how these sheeP sheeP ow this accident happened is a mystery.



C. Read again and write T for True, 1. The train crashed in the tunne l because it was

6 Trains will be able to use the tunn el within a few days.

travelling too fast. 2. There were 28 passengers on the train altogether.

7 The damage to the train is less than 2 million pounds.

3. The firefighte rs took a long time to arrive.

8 Only sheep were killed in the accident.

4. Not all of the train was on fire.

9 Lucky Lucy was was returned to the local farmer 

5. The train driver did n othing t o stop the accic accicll


Fmd words in the text that have the same meaning as the ones below.

:ame off the tracks (para. 1): ________________  

6. stop from burn ing (para. 2) :___________ :_____________ __

s group gro up of (para. 1):_________________ 1):_________________

7. som ebo dy wh o surv ives (para. 4):

-u rt (para. (para. 1): _________________ 


: -v e

 (para 2): s very ver y sad sad event even t (para. 2):.

4 Practice,

l/ocaiatfarg, »ORDS EASILY CONFUSED   :: mplete with the words in the boxes.



One of the players was ___________ in the match an and d was taken to hospital. 1 ~he theatre theatre was  ___________ by the fire. ;^rvived

8- an area of land in the co coun untry try sid e (para. 4): 4):

Complete with the Present Simple Passive or the Past Simple Passive of the verbs in brackets.

1. Every year an end-of-y end -of-year ear pa rty (organise) by the students. 2. Th The e fur nit ur e ______________ (deliver) to our house last Saturday. 3. My d o g  ______________ (hit) by a car. but luckily, he  ______________ (not injure). 4. Nowadays, m ob ile s____________ s_______________(us ___(use) e) by almost everyone.


: Only Only two pe op le ___________ the plane crash. crash.

5. Mandarin ______________ (speak) in China.

- _uckily, _uckily, the bo y who fell in the river was

6. All the pe op le ______________ (rescue) from the burning building, but the building  ______________ completely  ______________ (destroy).




by his dog. notice

"housands of people around the country  ___________


this soap opera.

7. The cough m ed icin e ______________(keep) in a cupboard in the kitchen.

always always take a win dow seat on the train. I  ___________

outside and think while travelling.

D d y o u  ___________ the size of their house? W -------------------------- '



Gratnmr  9


PASSIVE VOICE (PI3ESENT SIMPLE - PAST SIMPLE) Read the examples below. Do the sentences in the  

Talk in pairs or small groups. Read the newspaper   headlines below and use y our imagination to  describe what happened in e ach of the situations. situations.



 Active Voice ha ve the same sa me mea ning as the on ones es in  the Passive Voice? Which ones focus on the person  doing the action? Which ones focus on the action?  ACTIVE VOICE


train driver took




The train

train. v'e


is driv en



the train driver. the passengers to  

The passengers

~ospita I.


w e r e 

• Rea Read d the examples again and complete the rules. rules.  ACTIV  ACT IVE EV VOIC OICE E

.Dject + Main Verb + Object Obj ect PASSIVE VOICE

: - DjeC DjeCtt + Ve Verb rb . Ve Verb rb (+ by...)

S T O R M D E S TR O Y S 2 0 H O U S ES

to hospital.

 A group of climbers were hiking in the Alps  when there was a terrible storm and they   got lost. Luckily, three days later they the y were  found by a rescue team.

. + Past Participle of 

Go to Grammar Reference


7 (/oaaSafar^

IDIOMS Read the sentences below and decide what the expressions expressions in bold  express. How do the people feel? Use the words in the box.




1. When I realised that e everyon veryone e was laughi laughing ng a att me me,, I wanted the grou nd to swallow me up up..

2. Jack coul dn’t b elieve his eyes eyes when he saw his brother’s new car. 3. Fay wen t red as as a beetr oo t when she fell down and started crying in front of her classmates.


5. I don ’t want to enter the singing com petitio n because I’ll only make a fool o f myself. 6. That noise is driv ing me up the wall. I can’t stand iq 7. I was lying on the sofa ha half lf asleep when the phone nearly jump ed ou t of my skin skin!! rang. I nearly

 2  A.

4. My sister always always borrows my clothes with ou t ask askir ir me and she never apologises. She’s getting on my

Discuss. Discuss.

• Hav Have e you e ever ver forg otte n to do somethin g importan t? • What were the cconsequences? onsequences? B. Look at the pictures a-d and try to guess what   happened to Lucy yesterday. yesterday. Then listen to Lucy   telling a friend about her experience and put the  pictures in order. Is Lucy’s story similar to what you   expected?

 3 Choose one of the pictures below and imagine that   you are the person in it. Describe what happened to  you and how you felt. ,


Listen again and write write T for True or or F for False.

1. Lucy did some something thing stu stupid pid at the meeting. 2. John dislikes the window cleaner. 3. It w was as the first time th e wind ow cleaner used used Lucy’s office window to go outside. 4. Lucy was at the haird hairdresse resse r’s at eigh t o’clock.


5. The cleaners don’t clean the office on Tuesdays.

I!  j j||

6. The window cleaner was locked in Lucy’s office all night.




 A d ay I’l I’lll n ever ev er f o r g et


Probably the most embarrassing thing I’ve ever   done was two years ago. I was travelling by  by  

• Have Have you ever done anything very embarrassing?

train, going from Paris to London with some  some   friends from university.

• What Wha t was it?

There were many people on the train, so I had   to wai t for almost h alf an hour to get some some  coffee. As soon as I sat down with my coffee, I realised I needed to use the bathroom. So, I  I  said to my friends ‘Nobody touch my coffee’  coffee’  and left. However, on my way back to my seat, I saw one of my friends sipping my coffee. I  I  was furious! ‘Hey, that’s mine!’ I shouted and  and   grabbed the cup, which wasn’t a good idea  idea   because I spilt the coffee all over him and   even on a few other passengers. But the worst  worst   thing was that the person with the coffee  coffee 

B. Read the account and answer the questions. 1. When and where did the th e event eve nt take place? place? 2. How did the write w rite r feel feel dur ing and at the end of his experience? 3. What is the purpose o f each each paragraph? 4. Why does the writer use Direct Speech? 5. Which tenses does the wri ter te r use? use? 6. Which linking words does the the wr iter use and why?

wasn’t my friend. It just looked like him from  from   behind.  A  Art rty y fri ends, end s, wh o w ere fu rt h er up th e tr ain ,  were laughing their heads off. I immediately  immediately   apologised to the people but they were still   pretty angry with me. I wanted the ground to  to   swallow me up. I’ll never forget that day.

WRITING TASK  C. Join Joi n the p pairs airs o off sentences u using sing the linking  words/phrases in the box. More than one  answer may be correct.

D. Think about a funny, embarrassing o or r anno annoying ying   experience that you have had and write about it.  9%,

as soon as

w hen



w h il e

bu t

Your account should be between 100-120 words.

as so

When writing an acc oun t of a true event: • use the the first first person person (I, We).

1. I realised th at Melissa was angry. I stopped stop ped laughing.

• divide your account into into paragraphs. • try to make your writing flow flow by:

2. Eric was running runn ing up the stairs. He fell and broke bro ke his leg.

- writing the events in chronological order. Use Past tenses ( ..P P as as t S i m p l e   and P a s t  t  Progressive).

- using linking words/phrases expressing time  ( w h e n , w h i l e , a s , a s s o o n a s , b e f o r e , a f t e r ,,   d u r i n g , u n t i l , i n t h e e n d , e t c ..)) , contrast ( b u t ,  , 

3. Brenda too k a tax i to wor k. She was late.

h o w e v e r ) ,   cause ( b e c a u s e ) or

result ( s o , a s a  a 


4. They left the room. The baby started crying.

• try to make it it iinteresting nteresting to the reader by using: - a variety of adje ctives ( s u r p r i s e d , f u r i o u s , e t c . )).. - adverbs/adverbial phrases ( s u d d e n l y ,  ,  f o r t u n a t e l y , t o m y s u r p r i s e , e tc tc . ))..

5. I start wo rk at 9: 0 0 .1always .1always get up at at 8:00.

- idioms ( I n e ar a r l y j u m p e d o u t o f m y s k i n ! e tc t c ..)) . • direct speech, questions and exclamations. exclamations.

6. We had dinner. Then we went out.

• a variety variety of structures ( C o m p a r i s o n s , R e l a t i v e   Cl a u s e s , P a s s i v e V o i c e , e t c . ) .


(f r a t f im

D.  A. Match. Match.

Complete the dialogue with the -ing form o or r the  bare or full infinitive of the verbs in brackets.

 A li c e   I’m I’m going to the shopping centre

1. fellow

a. sheep

 ______ ______ ______ ___(buy) a new jacket. Would (1) ___

2. public

b. speaking

you like (2)____________(come) with me?

3. ru n n y

c. stu de nts

4. flock of 

d. nose

5. lamp

e. throat

6. sore

f. post

J a n e  e   Sorry, but I’m I’m too tired (3 )____________ )____________(g (go: o: anywhere right now. How about

 ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ (go) tomorrow afternoon? (4 ) __  A li c e

No, I w a n t (5)

(g e t) it today.

J a n e ■ I see. Well, then enjoy (6) (shop) alone. alone.

B. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. crew





 A l ic e



J ane

No. Not today.

 Al  A l ic e

But you never let me (8)

 ____ ____ ____ ____ __ . 2. A ndy really gets on m y __  ____ ____ ____ ____ __ an appointment with 3. We need t o __

(borrow) it! Jane

giving medication. 5. When the dog jum ped on me. me. I nearly jumpe d o ut of m y _____ ________ ______ ___.. 6. Sally wants to stay home and___________some rest tonight.

Yes, I do. Don’t start (9) (complain) now.

Dr Joles. 4. The doc tor w il l_______ l_________ ____the __the child first before

(lend) me

your car?


1. T h e ________ ___________loved ___loved the performa nce.

Thanks. Can you (7)


Circle the correct words.

1. Tony gave / was given a presentation yesterday. He did great. 2. The prescription was was writin g / was wr itten by Dr Thomson. 3. Rita pull ed / was was pulled out of the fire by a

7. I __ George the truth.  ____ ____ ____ ____ __ you tell George

 ____ ____ ____ ____ __ on the plane were very polite. 8. The __

firefighter. 4. The fence is painted / pain ted every year. year. 5. Both English and German are teachin teachin g / are


Complete the sentences with prepositions.

taught at my school.

1. We’ve r u n ___________of sugar. How am I goin g

6. Andrew called / was called the ambulance las lastt

to make the cake?


 ____ ____ ____ ____ __ severe headaches, but 2. Tony suffers __  ______ ____ ____ __ them. he doesn’t know how to deal ____

F. Rewrite the sentences using the words given.

3. Sorry. Sorry. I can’t talk to yo u r igh t now. I’m

 ____  __ ____ ____ ____ __ a hurry! I’m ___________ my way to

1.  You You mustn ’t lie lie to the police, (had better)

 ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ __ Yo u ___

the bank. 4. CD stands __ disc.  ____ ____ ____ ____ __ compa ct disc. 5. My broth er is disap point ed because his team lost,

2. It’s a good idea to work ou t three time s a week, (should)

 ____ ____ ____ ____ __ it. but he’ll get __


 ____ ____ ____ ____ __ on yo ur sofa fo r a bit? I feel 6. Can I lie __

3. Don’t be so rude to your fam ily and friends, (should)

 ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ __ Yo u ___


4.  4.  Visit a doc tor before you get worse, (had better)

 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ You _ _ _ _ _ _ __


CoKmnieatm G.

Complete the dialog dialogue ue with the sentence sentencess a-f. a. Maybe you should just tell him how you feel.

ROLE PLAY  Talk in pairs. Look at the pictures below. Student A: Imagine that you are a reporter. Interview

b. He’s driving me up the wall!

Student B about a fire that broke out at

c. We have nothing in common.

a restaurant while he/she was working

d. I wanted the ground to swallow me up.

there. Use the prompts below.

e. Wha t seems to be the p roblem , John John? ? f. What happened anyway?


(1) __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _


Sam Sam!! (2 )________ )____________I ____I can’t stand him.


Calm down. He’s your younger brother. (3)

Scm Scm


We were on our way home fro m school when he started acting like a chicken. Some kids from school saw him and laughed their heads off. (4 )________ )____________ ____


(5 )________ )____________ ____

Son   Son

He wo n’t unders tand. We’ We’re re so diffe rent rent.. ( 6 )  _____________ 

ig te n in fi 

What / happen?

 Anyb  An ybod ody y / injure?

When / happen?

Who / put out / fir fire? e?

Where / be / you?

What Wh at /yo u /do?

What / you / doing? doing?

How / you / feel?


Listen and choose the correct answer a, b or c. What’s true about the man? a. He only has a headache. b. He has a temperature. c. He’s suffering from a cold.

Student B: Imaginetha t you work in a restaurant and that the kitchen caught fire. Student  A is a rep ort orter. er. Tell h im /h er wh what at happened. Use the words in the box.

fire 1 .Vha .Vhatt is is the wom an’s probl problem? em? a. She has a ph phobi obia, a, o.





be on fire

injured in dang er





firefig hte r

put out

She has an allergy, aller gy,

c. She doesn’t like someone. L Whe here re is the man man? ? a. at a hospital b. at a doctor’s surgery c. at the chemist’s - Ho How w many people were killed in the accident? a. None.

 € /t( /t(tt /

Read the following and tick the appropriate boxes.  For the points you are unsure of, refer back to the   relevant sections in the module. Now I can.. can.... □

O make a doctor’s appointment O talk about medical/emotional problems

r About a hundred people. people.

O ask for and give advice

: 15 crew mem bers.

O write a letter asking for/giving advice O talk and write about a true event

□ □ □ □ □

O use the Passive Voice

O use idioms describing feelings


A . Discuss.

• Do you know the the emergency telephone numbers in your country? • Hav Have e you ever had to call the emerg ency services services? ?

B. Look at the numbers below. Do they mean anything K    to you? Read the text to find out what they mean.

In an eme merge rgency ncy,, the first thing to remembe rememberr is to STAY CALM ALM.

1 M ***“ *  

 Also, every body bo dy should know kn ow t he emergency tel ephon eph on e numbers in tthei hei r countr coun try. y.

In the USA

In the UK

When there is an emergency, people  

For emergency calls, peop 

call 911. It's the emergency telephone  

dial 999. In fact, it was the fii  

number for the USA and the rest of North 

emergency number system ev 

America. The call is free from any phone  

used and it started in Londi  

and you can even call this number from  

on 30th June 1937. A 999 call  

a locked mobile phone. The people who  

free, too. The telephone operat  

answer the calls are called 'dispatchers'  

answers your call and asks 'Whi   Th  

and they are trained to control the  


situation and help the callers stay calm.  

they connect you to the corn  

In fact, some of them even help people   perform first aid or CPR.

emergency service: fire, police  ambulance.

To make sure there aren't too many 

You can also call 112, a fi 

calls to 911, in North America people can  




emergency telephone number  

also call 311. This is a non-emergency  

all phones including mobiles. T 

phone number used for incidents where  

number is used in all Europe 

there is no danger to life, like suspicious-  

Union countries and not only i 

looking people or minor injuries.


 A th r ee-di gi t number nu mber is not hard  hard  to remember. What is really  really  

C. Read again and w write rite T for True or F for False.

important, though, is to remember  

1. You ca can’t n’t call 9 91 11 fr from om a mo bi bile le pho phone. ne.

th at these numbe numbers rs are for  

2. People don’t need to pay for an eme rgenc y phone call.

emergency calls ONLY. Any other   call wastes the dispatchers' or  

3. A dispa tcher is the person who gives fir st aid to pe ople in need need..

telephone operators' time and this  this   can easily put people's lives  lives  in danger.

4. For non-eme non- eme rge rgency ncy s itua tion s peo ple in the USA USA shou ld call 11 112. 5. Telephone Telephone operators conn ect people to the emerge ncy service according to the incident. 6. 911 was the first emergency telephone number people used.

You You can find more in formation on this top ic in the Student’ Student’s s Ar Area ea at


U e time, o&mcf, iifte, 1 1 1 " JJ

Discuss: • What do you usually do in  your f ree time? time? • Do you pr efer staying at at   hom e or going out? Why?

F lili c k t h r o u g h t h e   m o d u l e a n d f i n d . .... • a postcard abou t a an n  extreme sports holiday • a man playing go lf in his his  living room • a rol ler coaster  • a revi ew of a Bond sequel • ads ads for two w ell-know ell-know n   shows

In t h i s m o d u l e y o u   will... • learn to express possib ility   in the present and and futu re • talk about sports sports • talk about diff erent place places s  of entertainment • learn learn to talk about  

conditions and their   results • learn to express   agreement/disagreement • learn to wr ite a paragraph   expressing expre ssing preference • talk about shows a and nd films • learn learn to write a film review



 A. Discuss. • Do you like playing video vid eo games? Why / Why not? not?

B. What do you think the pictures are trying to show? Listen and find out.

T o n ia

There you go. Sorry it's a bit late.

 A  Alex  lex 

What’s this?

T o n ia

 A birth bi rthda day y present. Go on. on. open it. You may need scissors. scissors.

 Al ex 

You really didn't need to buy me anything.

T o n ia

So, what do you think?

 A  Alex  lex 

Ermm... It’s a game console. But I already have one.

T o n ia

Not like this one. Come on. open it. It’s brilliant. My cousin Frank has one and he plays all day.

 A  Alex  lex 

Is it the one with the wireless controller?

T o n ia

That’s right, here it is. Let me show you. Let’s say you’re playing a tennis game. game. You You have to swing the co ntrolle r to hit the ball, like tthis. his. Or for bowling, you have have to move your arm like this to thro w the ball, ball, jus t like in real real bowling.

 A  Alex  lex 

But you don’t throw the controller, do you?


No, it might break. Anyway, it has a wrist strap to stop you from dropping it.

 A lex 

What abou t football? How do you pass pass the the ball or shoot?


I’m not sure, but I know you can use the controller like a normal game controller.

 A lex 

Sounds like fun. What games do I have?


Well, it comes with lots of sports games. Tennis, baseball, boxing, golf... What shall we start with?

 A lex 

Do you need to ask?


Of course, course, golf, your favourite.

 A  Alex  lex 

So, you swing the c ont rolle r like this to hit the ball.


You’re a fast learner.

 A  Alex  lex 

I’m going to thrash you!


I’m quite good at this golf game actually. So, I could beat you.

 A  Alex  lex 

Let’s see!


Read the dialogue and and answer the question questions. s.

1. Why does Tonia apologise to Alex? Alex? 2. Why is Alex not very happy with his present in the beg 3. Who Wh o is Frank? 4. How do you ‘thr ow ’ a bowlin g ball with the game consi consi 5. What stops a player from d roppin g the contro ller? 6. Why do they choose to play golf? 7. Who ffeels eels confide nt about w inning th e game? game?


l/ l/o ocai aiccJar arccf,

B. Complete the table by ticking the correct boxes.

. ORDS/COLLOCATIONS RE LATED TO SPORTS  - Label the pictures with the the words in the box.




volleyball skiing





%'   M, ^ ^ •g^ *:ick )

'l|v | |p |p a s s )


'Sfev frib b le )

on/f or a team a game windsurfing in the final swimming

x'   k

ÏÏ &, 3

water sports athletics team sports aerobics

ra m m a r  

may, might, might, cou could ld r 

Read the examples below. What do the words in  bold express? Choose a, b or c.

• You may n eed scissors. • No, it might break. • So, I cou ld b eat you. a. Something that can possibly happen. b. Something tha t can’t possibly happen. c. Something that will certainly happen. NOTE

We use ma may y not / might not to express lack of

Look at the pictures and say what will possibly happen.   4Use Practice, may (not), might (not) or could.

possibility in the present or future.

Talk in pairs. Do y ou prefer playing sports on a game  console or playing real sports? Use the vocabulary given  an and d think about:

• how much it helps you keep fit • the place • the weather co nditions • the cost

e x c it in g e x p e n s iv e

m o n o to n o u s c o n v e n ie n t

stay fit tiring active f r e s h a ir   facilities socialise

I prefer real real sports because they're more exciting and they... I agree/disagr agree/disagree. ee. I believe playing playin g sports on a game console is...

• how popu lar it is is • when you can do it



v m   A. Discuss. Discuss. • Hav Have e you ever b been een to Mexico on holiday? If n not, ot, would you like to go go? ?

• Do Does es the idea of an extrem e sports holid ay appeal to you, or would you rath er spend your holiday relaxing on the beach? B. Read the text quickly and choose ch oose the best title a, a, b  or c. [a. Relaxing holiday in Mexico Mexi co W b. A Adventure dventure  IMoviranQtvlo [c . Sightseeing in Mexico Mexico


. You You will arrive in Ensenada and from there you’ll travel by boat to Guadalupe Island, one of the best places in the world to see great white sharks. You'll spend the first two nights of your trip on the boat and

During your second day in Cancun, you’ll get the chance to go sightseeing. You can see fascinating Mayan ruins at the El Rey archaeological site. Also, if you visit the Interactive Aquarium, you’ll have the opportunity tc

you will the opportunity eat some traditional food. In have the afternoon, you’ll to watch a diving safety Mexican video. If there’s time, your guides might take you to see the famous Guadalupe fur seals.

swim with dolphins and touch sea urchins and stingrays. If you wa wan: n: to see more sights, ask your hotel to recommend a tour guide.

^ | | L S J | The There re a are re five five sh shark ark cag cages es on on th the e bo boat at an and d th they ey will be open for diving at 6am, so if you wake up W C j t j   early, you’ll be able to swim with the sharks before breakfast! You will spend most of the day diving with sharks. But if you change your mind, you can sit and watch all the action on a 42” TV in the main salon through a special underwater ‘shark cam’. llM C A

arrive in Cancun early in the morning. After checking into the hotel, you will spend the rest of the day taking part in some exciting extreme sports. Activities on offer include bungee jumping and windsurfing. You’ll | also al so be able to go parasailing if itit’s ’s not too windy. ► F or

You   wil1



You ar arr' r'v ve 'n Acapu capulc lco. o. Whe hen n you chec check k in into to th the e hotel, a coach will take you to the Papagayo River. There are a number of sports activities on offer there including kayaking and rock climbing. Alternatively, you can ride down the river in a speedboat.  


This is the last day of your trip, so you’ll have to get

M i T.V M UP ear^ ^or 90 900 0C^y e ga gathe thering ring.. It will will take place place n r f l j in the b break reakfast fast ar area ea.. Th There ere w will ill be mu music sic,, and all participants will receive photos of the trip. You must check out of the hotel by midday. midday. If you book your your taxi to the airport in advance, you’ll get a 10% discount.

m or e infor m ation c a ll 0789 456 2239 and s pe ak to y our tr av el agent. agent.


Read again and complete the postcard.

Hi, Lizzy! I'm having a great time in Mexico. Right now I'm in (l )  _________ _ ______ and I'm going to visit the Interactive Aquarium also want to visit and swim with (t )   ruins later. They should be interesting. the (3). Yeste rday, I went bungee jum ping . Ca Can n yo you u believ believe e it? I wanted want ed t o go parasailing parasai ling too, but it was too (4) _ _   --------------------------- so I couldn t. I didn 't manag manage e to swim swim with (5 ) ___________________ . either. Unfortunately, I got scared and didn't go. They will take us Tomorrow I'm going to (6). to the Papagayo River and I might do some water sports like ( 7 ) ____________________ .


See you in a few days, Natalie



D. Find words/phrases in the text  


ramtna tnar  r 

that mean the following:



Read the examples and complete the rule in the table. early, you’ll be able able to swim with the  the  • If you wake up early, sharks sha rks befor e breakfast!

 _________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ (Day 3) : ______ 2. a building where people can go and see water creatures (Day 4 ): ____________ ___________________ __________ ___

• If ther e’ e’s s time, time, you r guides mig ht take you to see the  the  famous Guadalupe fu r seals seals.. • If you want to se see e mor e sights, sights, ask your hotel to  to  recommend a tour guide.

3. say th that at someone som eone or some so methin thing g is good or suitable

can, must, may, __  ____ ____ __ , etc. + base form

 ____  __ ____ __ ,

If +

 ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ (Day 4): ___ -. arrive and go through the necessary procedure before staying at a hotel

 ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ (Day (Da y 5) : ___ 3. a comfortable bus used for long  journ eys (Day 5): ___  ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ 3 people taking p art in an ac tivit y

^imperative if vs when when

[Read the examples and answer the question that follows. • Ka Kate: te: I’ll go skiing if i t snows. snows. • Ryan: I’ll go skiing when it snows. 1. Do the sentences refer to the pre sent/ future or past? past? 2. Is Kate Kate sure tha t it will wil l snow? 3. Who will def initel y go skiing? skiing? 4. Which sentence expresses a condition? Go to Grammar Reference

(Day 6): ___  ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___

E. Discuss. • Which of the activities in the tex t would you like to try? Why? Why?

 ¥ Prac Practtice, when.. Circle the correct words and complete the boxes with i f ox when 1.  A l ic e   So, Linda, what wh at are are you doing doin g next weekend? weekend? L i n d a  a   I’m going to the beach beach with Ann.

the weather 

is / wi ll be good, we go / may go swimming. Why don’t you come with us? COMPOUND NOUNS


 A li c e   Sure! Sure! you dec ide/w ill decide decide what time you are leaving, give / will give me a call, OK?


 A c o mp o u n d n o u n is  is 

2. J i l l  l 

Is Ted Ted going to swim with the sharks tomo rrow?

a c o mb in a t io n o f t wo   nouns which function as  as  one word. The first noun   defines the second one (eg.  (eg. 

C a r l  l 

I don’t know. He does/’II do it

won’t get too scared. We know / ’II ’II know tomorrow


E Match tthe he nou nouns ns on the left wi with th  the nouns on the right to form  compound nouns.

he sees/will see the sharks.


bus stop   = a stop for buses).

Look at the text on the previous   page and find compound nouns.

he doesn’t get/

it’s not too much trouble , please please take / can take a picture of him.

 5 fntonatio ion n Listen and repeat. Notice the intonation and rhythm.

1. to tour ur ist is t

a. agency

1. If you wake up early, you’ll be able to swim wi with th th e sharks. 2. If we bring a map, we won ’t get lost.

2. adventure

b. station

3. If you get home early, we we can go shopping ton ight.

3. taxi

c. shopping

4. If they d on’t have tickets, tickets, they won ’t be able able to get in.

4. railway

d. holiday

5. If you want to buy souvenirs, go to the town centre.

5. travel

e. rank

6. souvenir 

f. attraction

Go to Pair work activities.


ot& ot & 1 l/oôaètJaw  WORDS RELATED TO PLACES OF ENTERTAINMENT   Which words are related to each place of entertainment?

audience queue backs acksta tage ge ga game mess

special effects





theme park theatre bowling alley concert

 2 ü ste stem ÿ 


(f r a f f t m

 A. Discuss. Discuss. • Are there many p place laces s of entertainm ent in your town/city? • Wha t’s the most popular with people your age age? ?

B. Listen to four people talking talki ng about places of   entertainmen entert ainment. t. Which Whi ch place is each of them  talking about? Match the names with the places. Danny

c i n e ma

a r 

so, neither, too, too, eithe r

Read the following dialogues and match the  phrases in bold with their uses.  A: / like going to the cinema. B: So So do I. / 1do too.

C: /don’t. I don’t like queuing.

 A: I can’t sing.


< bowling alley )



can n I. /1 can’t either. either. B: Neither ca

C: Well, lean.

a. It is used to agree with an affirmative sentence. b. It is used to agree with a negative sentence.

c.  It is used to disagree.


VJhe Jhen liste listening ning for gist, tr y to   understand the general idea, not every 

Go to Grammar Reference

single word.* word. *1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4

C. Listen again and write T for True or F for False. 1. Danny usua lly goes to this p place lace alone.

2. Danny enjoys the varie ty of activ ities on offer.

3. Roger doesn’t like queues. 4. Roger ha has s to go there the re because i t’s his job.

□ □

S p e a .& in jj'

Talk in groups of three. Look at the places below and  discuss what you like or don’t like about them. Agree  or disagree using so or neither. museum cinema

theme park bowling alley theatre café restaurant

5. Emily hates preparing before going to this plac place. e.

I love going to cafés because...  So do I. /1do too. I don’t because...

6. Emily thinks tha t it isn’t always safe safe there. 7. Rita goes because of an anoth oth er person. 8. Rita likes going there late.


lA/ritinÿ   A PAR AGRAP AG RAP H E EXPR XPR ES ESSIN SIN G PR EF EFER ERENC ENC E  A. Discus Discuss. s. • What is your favour ite place place of enterta inmen t? • Why do you you like goin g there? there?

B. Read the paragraph below an and d answer the questi questions. ons. 1. Which words/phrase s show that the w rite r likes this place? place? 2. What do the highlighted words refer to? a. we:______________________________________________ b. there:

c. them: d. them:

My favourite favourite place of o f entertainment entertainment enjoy going out a lot but there’s one place I prefer going to more often and that’s the drama club. I find that it’s an interesting place as it gives members the chance to spend time with friends, have fun and also learn something new. We all meet up there to rehearse twice a week, but nobody takes it too seriously. The club offers a nice, relaxing Every year, we put on two performances and everyone gets excited a :hem. We We all work tog ether fo r months to create create the scenery and the :ostumes. Last year we performed A performed  A Mi ds um m er Ni g h t’s Dream Dr eam which'  which' vas a big success. The audience couldn’t stop applauding! Some of them even came back to see it a second time. It’s great fun being part of a mama club and I wouldn’t give it up for anything in the world!

C. Rewr Rewrite ite the sentences below without repeating  the same words, whenever you can.

WRITING TASK  D. Write a paragraph about your favourite

My sister and I love going to the mall. My sister 

place of entertainment. Your paragraph  should be between 80-100 words.

and I go to the mall every weekend. The mall is usually crowded, but my sister and I always always have a good time when we go to the mall.

f- T IP When writing writing a paragraph exp ressing   preference: • explain your ideas ideas by giving examples. • use phras es like: / t h i n k . . ..,, I p r e f e r . . . , I l i k e / l o v e . . .., , I r e a l l y e n j o y .. .. ..,, I ’ m f o n d o f .... ..,, I ’m a b i g f a n o f .... ..,  , I ’m ’m i n t e r e s t e d i n . .... , I f i n d . . . f a n t a s t i c  , etc.

2. Brian is really interested in acting. Acting relaxes Brian. There are lots of theatres in Brian's neighbourhood and Brian goes to one of the theatres once a month.

• use a variety of adjectives ( . i n t e r e s t i n g ,   e x c i t i n g ,   etc.)

to describe how you feel.

• try not to repeat repeat the same wo rds all the time. time.   Instead, Inst ead, use subject personal pronouns ( h e ,   s h e , i t . . . )),,  object personal pronouns ( h i m , h e err ,  i t . . . ),  possessive adjectives (h i s , h e r, i t s . . . )  and an d   adverbs ( h e r e , t h e r e ) .




1  A.

R e a d in g   ^ Look a att th the ep pictur ictures es and the tit titles les of of the texts and  guess whether the statements below are true or false.

1. The Harlem Globetrotte Glob etrotte rs feature a sporting spor ting event 2. You can see lots of animals at the Cirque du Soleil. 3. The Cirque du Soleil performs a story about the sun. 4. The Harlem Glo betrot betrotters ters o nly play in the USA.

Read again and wr write ite CS for the Cirque du Soleil,  HG for the Harlem Globetrotters or B for Both.

1. Which show iis s great fami family ly enterta inmen t? 2. Which show features music music? ? 3. Which show has been running the longest? 4. Which show has a disco discount unt fo r families? 5. Which adve rtisem ent is for a oneone-time-o time-o nly show? 6. Which show has been a huge success around the world? 7. Which sh show ow has a story storyline line? ?

B. Read the texts and check your answers in activity A. A.

Since it started in Montreal, Canada in 1984, the C i r q u e d u S o l e ilil  (French for ‘Circus of the bun ) nasi prouuoou 20 major shows which have all been huge successes. The circus has been entertaining millions of people a world with its original mix of artis tic acrobatics, thea tre and live music. . . h arrived but Its latest show, ‘W intuk’, is an adventure abou t a boy called Jamie. Jamie lives in a town w comDani0ns and without any snow. So, he decides to discover what has caused this. Jamie comes across three other companions togeth er they travel to an imaginary place in the North, Wintuk, to bring back the snow. won derfu , music Thi This s warming winter tale is great entertainmen t for the whole family with amazing acrobatics and wonderful music music.. The show show w will ill ru run n for for 10 weeks this winter winter at Mad isj>njqtK ire_G arde Mjjew J^^


Let thec||p£   work their The Harlem Globetrotters show is great entertainment for both young and old. The world famous basketball team from the US USA A am amaze aze their audiences audiences with their s porting skills an and d entertain with their amusin amusinq q antics on court. The Harlem Globetrotters have been touring the world since 1972 and over 110 million Pe°P |e in 1 11 14 countries have been been app lauding and cheering them on ever since They have been responsible for making basketball popular in many countries. The Harlem Globetrotters have been touring Australia for the last 5 months and have played over 100 games around the country. This is you r last chance to see them LI LIV VE! Th The e Globe trotters are playing their last game at the AN ANZ Z Stadium in Special offers  the Sydney Olympic Park on Saturday 3rd 3rd Decem ber and tickets are selling out for families  fast. So, check them out! They wo n’t let you down. and groups!  Please ash  for details.

Tickets are on sale at . Ticket hotline on 0061110 210 778 944.  Adults $90~ $90~15 150 0 ★ Children & Senior Citizens $60-11 $60-110 0 (Prices

depend on seating area)


D. Look at the highlighted words in the texts and match them with   their meanings a-g. There are two extra meanings which you will   not need to use. original

a. performance

2. live

b. stor st or y

3.  ima gina ry

c. successful

~  tale

d. the place where tennis and basketball are played

5. co urt ur t

e. not no t real f. new, not the same as an anyth yth ing else g. not recorded, done when people are watching

E. Discuss. • Hav Have e you been to any ot othe herr kind kin d of show? What was it like? • Is there any show th at you would like to go and se see? e?

 2 /o /occaia iaiar iarccf  PHRASAL VERBS Match the phrasal verbs 1-7from the texts with  meir meanings a-g. a a.. disappoint

2. bring back

b.. return from somewhere with something b

’ log on

c. connec t to a com puter system c.

- cheer on

d. shout to someone in a race or

5 sell ou t 5. check out letdown

Complete with the Present Perfect Simple or the Present Perfect Progressive of the verbs in brackets.  A: Can Can I take yo ur order? B: Hello, Steve! I didn’t know you were

a waiter here.  A: Well, Well, I am. B: I come here all the time and

I (1) ____  ________ _________ _____(never / see see)) you

• Which of the shows wo uld you like to se see? e? Why?

come across

4 Practice,

competition to encour encourage age him/her 

before.  A: I’m new here. I (2 ) ___  ______ ______ ______ ___ (work) here for a week now. B: So, (3) ____  ________ ______ __ you

 ______  ___ ______ _____

(give up) trying to be

an artist?  A: No, No, b ut I need th the e e xtra money. So So,, I (4) ___  ______ ______ ______ ___ (try)


part-time jobs since last year. B: Sounds interesting. My boss


 ________  ____ ______ (look for)

someone to wo rk as a part-time secretary for q uite some time now, now,

e e.. have no tickets left

so if this place doesn’ doesn’tt work out for

find d by chance f. fin

you, let me know.

seems interesting g-. look at something th at seems

 A: Thanks. So, So, wh at would wo uld you like? (6)

g ra m m a r   ’ resent Perfect Progressive

 _______  _____ __ you___________

(try) the vegetable soup? soup? B: Of course, I (7)____________ _

’ ead the example and answer the questions. Then complete the  -J e s abou aboutt the formation formation and use of the Prese Present nt Perfect Perfect Progressive. Progressive.

(come) here for years. I know the menu very well.

~ie Harlem Globetrotters have been touring the world since 1972.

 A: Great.

.Vhen did the Harlem Globetrotters start touring?

• Do they still tour? Present Perfect Progressive o r has +

Work in small groups. Think of a show  or make one up. Think of things to  say about it and advertise it to your   classmates. Use the questions below:

+ v e rb +

ie Present Perfect Progressive for actions or situations that

• How long ha has s it been running? runn ing?

started star ted in th e __________and continue continue up to th e _____  _________ ______

• How long ha has s it b been een touring ?

’ ■resent Per fect Pro gres sive vs P resen t Perfec t Simp le

• Which places h has as it tou red so far?

Read the sentences below. Which tenses are used? Which sentence  emphasises the result and which the duration of the action?

• What age gro up is the show ffor? or?

The C Cirque irque du Soleil ha has s perf or me d here three t imes this we week. ek.

• Wha Whatt is it about?

• The Cirque du Soleil has been performing here for the last three  three  months.

• How have audiences responded? • Where can you get tickets?

Go to Grammar Reference

• How much are they?




WORDS RELATED TO FILMS Complete the table below by writing the words in the box under the correct heading.


Jim HeT'

film critic


crime drama




romantic comedy



leading actor

directo r 

types of films







S p e a ù n ÿ  

Choose a film you have seen and tick the appropriate   boxes in the table below. Then discuss your answers   in small groups. e x c el el lle en t




plot special effects acting

 A. Discuss. Discuss. Who is your favourite actor/actress? Can you name three of his/her best films?

B. Look at the three posters below which show tthr hre e films Leonardo DiCaprio has starred in. Try to  answer the questions. Then listen to a film critic  talking and check your answers. 1. Whic h film won 5 Oscars?


2. Which film did n’t win any Oscars Oscars? ?


3. What type o f film is The Aviator ?

I think the special effects in the film... were amazing.  I disagree. I think they were unrealistic,  but I really liked li ked the plot.

4. Which film isn’t directed by Martin Scorsese?


C. Listen again and choose the correct answer a or b.

Ga Gangs ngs o f New York is set in the


4. DiCaprio won

a. 19th century.

a. an Oscar for The Aviator.

b. 20th century.

b. a Golden Globe for The Aviator.

The Th e film critic thinks Gangs ngs o f New York was a. DiCaprio’s acting in Ga


5. Howard Hughes was a. an aircraft design er and an actor. b. a pilot and a director.

Gangs o f New Yo York rk is not for children. b. Gangs

3. The radio p resenter thin ks


W h e n l i s tte e n i n g , d o n ’’tt a s s um um e t h a t  

a. Titanic  should be top of the critic’s list.

a n a n s w e r iis s c o r r e c t j u s t b e ca ca u s e t h e  

The e Aviato r  should b. Th   should be top of the critic’s list.

s p ea e a ke k e rs r s m e n t i o n a w o r d t h a t i s  in t h e   activity. Listen carefully before you answer.

 A FI LM R EV IE W  A. Discuss.

• In you r opinion, wha t mak makes es a film successful? • Do you read film reviews? reviews? Are you influen ced by them? 3. Below is a film review which appeared in a college magazine. Read the review and answer the questions. • Did Did the writ er like the film? film? • What tense doe does s the wr ite r use to describe the plot?


What iiss the topi topic c of of each paragraph? Read the  review again and match.

Para: Introduction 2nd para: Main Part 3 rcj rcj pa para: ra: Conclusion

writer's opinion general information about the film setting and plot

D. Read the sentences and decide which paragraph  you would find them in. Write I for I n t r o d u c t i o n , ,   M for M a i n P a r t  or C for C o n c l u s i o n .

1. The film was direct ed by Peter Jackson. 2. The leading acto r tries to save the world. 3. This film is a rom an antic tic comedy. 4. It’s suitable for both children and adults. 5. I was very disapp ointed by the film.


6. Nicole Kidman stars in this film.

WRITING TASK  E. Write a review of a film you’ve recently seen.   Your review should be betwe between en 100100-12 120 0 words.


1-TIP When writing a film review: Q u a n t u m o f S o lla a c e   is an action film which’ was direc ted by Marc Forst Forster. er. It is the 22nd Bond film and Daniel Craig stars as James Bond for the second time. The villain of the film, Dominic Green, Gree n, is played by Math ieu Am alric and the Bond girl, Camille, Camille, is the beau tiful Olga K urylenko.

• choose a film film you know well and make a plan 

The film is set in different cities around the world. Bond puts his life in danger trying to find the people responsible for the death of the woman he loved, Vesper Lynd. He finds out that Dominic Green, a member of the Quantum organisation is behind Vesper’s murder. As he tries to catch Green, he meets Camille Montes who helps him take his revenge.

• only mention a gene ral outline of the the plot. plot. 

Overall, I found the film very e xciting. The actionpacked scenes scenes and great special effe cts kept me interested inter ested throug hou t the whole film. I definitely recommend it, especially to action-lovers.

of what you are go ing to write. write. • give some general informati information on about the fil film m  (e eg g. director, leadin g actors, mus ic, special  effects).

Don’t include include too many details and don’t  reveal the ending. Remember to use the  

Present Simple when describing the plot. • expr ess you r opinion of the fi film lm and say whether you re comm end it or not. not.

Fo For r expressions/phrases, see Writing Writing section »



(fr c L t n m r 

C. Circle the correct words. l/ o c a ia ia r ^

 A. Circle the c corr orrect ect words words.. 1. Thomas passe passed d / sh ot the ball to Paul. 2. We caught / booked a room in a very nice hotel. 3. The plot / sce scene ne of the film is very interesting. I certainly recommend it. 4. There 4. There was a very long queue / cast  cast  outside the post office. 5. The children saw sharks and dolphins at the ruins / aquarium.

1. Our team lose / w ill lose if we don’t play well tomorro w. 2. If we hurry, we do n’t miss / won ’t miss the film. 3. Jack and I may jo in /w ill join a drama club club,, but we haven’tt decided for sure yet haven’ yet.. 4. If / When you check into the hotel, give me a call so I can come and pick you up. 5. If you’re hungry, have / will have some of my sandwich. 6. Kel Kelly ly cou ldn ’t / mig ht n ot come with us this evening evening if she feels ill. 7. If we wai t / w ill w ait a little longer, they migh t let us go backstage.

6. There is a taxi station / rank opposite the park. 7. That film is hilarious / vio lent. I don't want my kids to watch it. 8. Golf is an exciting i n d o o r / o u t d o o r   sport. 9. When the performance was over, everyone applauded / entertained with excitement. 10 10.. The ticke ts were sold / checked out in three days!

B. Complete with the words in the box.

8. We won’t go rock climbing if / when it rains. We’ll stay at home.

D. Complete with the Present Perfect Simple or the Present   Perfect Progressive of the words in brackets.

 ______ ______ ______ _____ __ (you / ever / be) parasailing Tom? 1. A : ___  ______ ______ ______ _____ __ (do) it for the B: Of course. It’s my hobby. I ___ past ten years actually. It’s great fun.

 ______ ______ ______ _____ __ (never / try ) parasailing  A: I ___ parasailing..  ______ ______ ______ _____ __ (always / want) to be an 2. My sister Diane ___ actress. actres s. Two years ago she joine d a local drama club and

 ______ ______ ______ _____ __ (put on) many plays, three since since then th e y ___  ______ ______ ______ _____ __ (rehearse) for a new a year I think. They ___  ______  ___ ______ ______ _____ __ play for months now. Diane

(also (also / w ork)







on the scenery with some of the other actor actors. s.

all alley ey

oppo rtunity

 ____ ____ ____ __ (not tell) me the name of the play yet. She Sh e __ wants it to be a surprise. But she s says ays her role is one of the

1. We love going to th e m e .

 ______ ______ ______ _____ __ (ever / play most interesting interesting sh e ___ play). ).

They’re lots of fun.


2. There are many tourist _

E. Complete the dialogues.

in Spain.

1. A: I can’t go bungee jum ping . I’m afraid of heights.

3. Ask John to help you. He wo n’t

 _________ ______ _____ __ I. B : ______

you down.

C: Well, I __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ . I love a little adventure in my life.

4. Let’s go to the new bowling

2. A: I find going to an Internet café every day boring.

on Darley Stree Street. t.

B: I ___  ______ ______ ______ _____ __ too.

5. I was look ing thro ug h my thing s when came ___  ______ ______ ______ ___ an old CD. 6. The s p e c i a l.

in t h i s f i l m

3. A: S Sally ally didn ’t like the special effects. B: I di didn dn ’t _______________. _______________.

 ______ ______ ______ _____ __ . I tho ug ht they were amazing!  A: I ___

are very realistic. 7. Luckily, I had the _

C: I ___  ______ ______ ______ _____ __ ! I can spend hours there.

t o tra v el

for a year when I finished school.

 ______ ______ ______ ___ every day a 8. We had t o ___ month before the performance.

4. A: I’ve never been kayaking.

 ______ ______ ______ _____ __ I. Do you want to go? B : ___  A: I don’t do n’t know. I’m a bit scared.

 ______ ______ ______ _____ __ , but I think we’ll enjoy it. B: Well, I ___



Complete Complet e the dialogu dialogue e with the sentences a-g. a-g.  There are two extra sentences which you do not   need to use.

a. Anyway, if you see me having fun, yo u’ll change your mind and will want to join me. b. I got a ve ry good d iscoun t. c. Neither have I. d. I do too.

CLASS DEBATE Choose one of the statements below and then work  


in two groups. Group A should argue against statement. Group B should argue for it. Thinkthe about   the ideas given. Watching Wa tching fil ms at the cin ema is bet ter than  than  watching DVDs.

e. You can’t stop me from t ry in g it now. f. So am I. g. Check it out!

• cost • how comfortable you are

K a t h y   I’m very excited about our holid holiday. ay.

• queue

M a r l i n   (1) ___  ______ ______ ______ ____ _ Have you packed

• the screen / sound /

your bags yet? K a t h y   No No,, I ha have ven’t. n’t. M a r l i n   (2 ) _____  __________ ________ ___By the way, I’ve arranged for us to go rock climbing while we’re there.

special effects • the noise • friends and other  people • type of films

K a t h y   No way! I’m not tryin g that. that. M a r l i n   Well, Well, lam . (3 )____________ )______________ __

It ’s better to watch sports on TV than live. live.

K a t h y   I won ’t. ’t. I don’t think you should try it either. either.

 ______ ______ ______ ____ _ I’ve already paid for it. M a r l i n   (4 ) ___ K a t h y   Why did you pay in in advance? advance?1 4 3 2 M a r l i n   (5)

• cost how comfortable you are • queue • the excitement

• the noise

Listen to four short dialogues and answer the  questions. Choose a, b or c.

• tthe he atmosph ere and the people

1. What spor t are the peo ple talkin g about?

travelling travelli ng to venue

a. volleyball b. golf  c. basketball 2. What do the people defin itely want to do du ring their holiday? a. do water sports

Read the following and tick the appropriate boxes. For   the points you are unsure of, refer back to the relevant   sections in the module.

b. go on a cruise c. go souv enir shopping 3. How did the man feel abo ut the show?

Now I can...

talk abo ut things tha t can possibly happen happen

a. It wasn’t fo r adults.

talk about conditions and their results

b. It was boring.

talk about sports

c. It was great.

talk about different places of entertainment

4. Where do the people decide to go?

express agreement/disagreement write a paragraph expressing preference

a. To a restaurant. b. To the theatre.

O talk abou t shows and films

c. To a concert.

O write a film review

□ □


 A. How many diffe different rent music genr genres es d do o you know know??  Where do they come from? B. Read the text and check your answers. answers. m V '

Rock 'iV roll began in the USA in the 1950s by combining* blues, country, R&B and gospel. Rock 'n' roll became popular with artists like Elvis Presley, Little Richard and Bill Haley in the 1950s and 1960s. Later rock 'n' roll spread* to the UK and bands like The Beatles and The Rolling Stones appeared on the scene. Many new kinds of music developed later like: progressive, punk, heavy metal, and alternative.

Opera started in Italy at the end of the 16th century and soon spread through the rest of Europe in the 17th 17th century with composers such as Sc Schütz hütz in Germany, Lully in France, and Purcell in England. In the 18th century, Italian opera, by composers such as Mozart, continued to influenc e* Europea European n Opera Opera..

Thee B lu Th luee s is isa type of slow, sad sad music with strong rhythms. It appeared in the African  American  Ameri can com mun ities * in the southern parts of the United States at the end of the 19th century. This music influenced jazz, R&B and later rock 'n' roll.

Hip-hop is modern

first developed in Jamaica in the 1960s. It has its roots in the 1950’s music of Ska. This genre heavily influenced reggae artists such as Jimmy Cliff and Bob Marley, and combines Caribbean Caribbean calypso, jazz and R&B.


music consisting of* rap with an electron ic backing. It’s actually a whole culture including, DJ-ing, breakdance, breakda nce, graf fiti and fashio fashion. n. It all started in New York City in the 1970s by DJs. During the 1980s and 1990s, hip-hop became huge thanks to a rtists like Bi Big g Daddy Kane, Tupac and Dr Dre.


music is a popula r art form which was developed in various Latin American countries; Cuba Cub a (habanera, bolero), Brazil (samba, bossa nova), Argentina (tango) and Mexico (mariachi). It is vocal and instrumental music that originally came from African religious* ceremonies. However, today it is mostly used as dance music because of its strong rhythm.

combine = to mix spread = to become known to many people/countries

1 Read again and complete the sentences.

influence = to affect something or somebody

 ________ ________ ______ __ music. 1. Jimm y Cliff pla ye d ____

|community = a group of people with c common ommon culture, history, interests and beliefs

2. Purcell wrote ____  ________ ________ ______ __ in the _  __ ____ century.

religious = related to religion (the belief in a god or gods)

 __ __ 3. The samba and bossa bossa nova come fr o m _

consist of = to be formed from the things mentioned


SONG ‘I’m so bored’

4. Rock 'n' roll started sta rted in .


and spread to

. influenced jazz and rock 'n' roll.

6. Hip-hop music music was was started b y .

Go to Song page.



What’s your ideal i deal job? What qualifications What qualificatio ns would you need for it?

F lili c k t h r o u g h t h e   m o d u l e a n d f i n d ,,.. an advertisement for fo r an English language course a dialogue at the bank people doing different    jo bs

five happy colleagues colleagues

In t h i s m o d u l e y o u u   will...

• learn learn to carryo car ryout ut transactions • talk abo ut wo rk and  and  workplaces • learn to describe your   qualifications

• learn to ask for confirmation

• learn to express interest, surprise and make exclamations • learn to express result • learn to use the Past  Past   Perfect Simple

• learn to write a CV learn to write an e-mail giving information


Do you have a bank account? If yes, how often do you put money in it? How do you feel about using cash machines?

B. Listen to three dialogues and decide  at the bank where each of them is taking place.  at a cash machine Write 1,2 or 3 next to the names of   the places. at a bureau de change

□ □ □

1. Clerk

Good morn ing, h ow can I help you? you?

W o m an

I’d I’d like to exchange so me euros int o Japanese yen.  yen.  What’s the exchange rate? Clerk

One eur o is 122 122 yen.

W o m an

OK, let me see. see. How muc h wil l I need need to spend?  spend?   Erm... here’s €200. You charge commission, don’t   you?


Yes, we charge 1% commission. Is that OK?

W o m an

Tha t’s fine. _ . , So, here s yo ur money. T. . Thank you.



What ’s takin g you so long?

3' B an k



Good afternoon.

C u ssi t o m e r  

Hello Hello , I’ I’d d lik e to open a new  new  account.

B ank

OK. Let Let me tell you abou t ou r la  la  account. It’s called Silversaver a  a 


W o m an

I’m trying to w ithdr aw some money. money.  

M an

Didn’t you w ant to make a deposit? I’ve I’ve already done that . Then Then I took my  my   card and got th e receipt, but I realise realised d  we need need mon ey for the sup ermark et, so I I  tried to wit hdraw some.

W o m an

M an

But it worked before, did n’t it? Let me tr y   once more.

C u s t o m e r   

Isn’t th at t he s ame as as a cash cash car  

B ank


I hope it doesn’t swallo w you r card.  card. 


W o m an

No, with a debi t card you can  can  pay rtrrYrirrrgsr rtrrYrirrr gsr Jirci1rtTe cmntr cmn tremf emfe e  directly taken fro m y our accoun ccoun  

C u s to m er 

I can’t use Internet banking witt  witt   that account, can I? I?

B ank

Of cour se, you can. You You can also  also  get up to £5 0 cashback at varioi  varioi   shops and and su permarkets.


How many times h ave you enter ed it?  it? 


is the thi rd ti me. W o m a n   This is M an

Sounds Sounds good .  An d we w il l also gi ve y ou a debi   And debi  card free of ch arge.

Itwoi It won  ’t accept my PIN PIN number.

Maybe you entered it incorrectly. Mayb


Woman M an

C u s t o m e r    B ank clerk



Woman M an

it has an interest rate of 5%.  5%. 

C u s t o m e r   

That’s useful.

B ank

Here’s a broc hur e. If you have ar  ar  


It’s OK, OK, it’s wo rkin g now.

questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

I C. Read the dialogues and match the two halves of the sentences. H

1. When When you exchange money, money,

a. the ca cash sh machine m a y‘swallow ’ your card. card.

2. When you enter ente r you r PIN PIN three timesincorre times incorre ctly,

b. it asks asks for you r PIN number.

3. When you pu putt yo your ur card in acash machine,

c. you get money back from shops.

4. When you us use e a deb it card,

d. you usually have to pay commission.

5. When you us use e cashback,

e. money is dire ctly taken from you r account.





 A. DPPOSITES look at the words/phrases in bold. Find their  pposites in the dialogues and complete the  -mtences with their correct form.

Rea Read d th the e sit situat uation ionss and mak make e neg negativ ative e qu questi estions. ons.

1. You’re You’re surprised that your broth er doesn’t know how to use a cash machine. What do you say?


Yo You u see see a woman who you think w ent to the the same school as you. What do you say to her?


Your best frien d rents a DVD DVD but you ’re quite sure he’s seen it before. What do you say?

You should start saving money. Don’t

 _____  ___ ____ _____ _____ ___ _ it on things you don’t actually need. 1 Th The e good thing abo ut cash cash machines machines is tha t you

 ________ ________ ______ __ money without can deposit o r  ____ having to wait in a queue to see a bank clerk. : Charlie refused to go on a business trip to London, but I ______________. ______________. -

spelt the name on the envelope correctly, but spelt the add ress ________ ____________ ______. __.

: ,Ve had to pay €1  €1,00 ,000 0 f or the fu furn rnitu itu re re,, but bu t the th e delivery w as ________ ____________ ______. __.

B. Complete the dialogues with the correct   question tags. 1. A: David, you went to the bank today,

 __  _____ ______ ______ ______  ___   ?

B: No. You didn’t tell me to go,______________?

 A: Yes, Yes, I did. B: Sorry.

 A: You can go g o tto o m o rro rr o w ,______________? ,______________ ? G ra m m a r  


Read the examples and notice the words in  bold. In which sentence does the speaker in the   dialogue expect the listener to agree? In which 

B: Of course.

2. A: The banks are closed tod ay ,______________? ,______________? B: Yes, but there’s a cash machine round the corner. You’ve seen it,______________?

 A: You’re rig ht ht.. I’ll go there t here.. B: You won’t be long,______________?

sentence does the speaker express surprise? •

D i d n ’t y o u w a n t

I s n ’t ’t t h a t

B: You don’t have Internet banking ___  _____ _____ _____ ____ ____ __ ?  A: No, I don ’t.

the same as a cash card?


 5 /ntonation

Read the examples, notice the words in bold and then complete the rules by circling the correct words. • You charge commission, • But it wo rked before,


do n’t you?

Liste Listen n and rep repeat eat.. In which senten sentence ce iiss tthe he  speaker not sure about something and wants to  confirm it? In which sentence is the speaker sure  and expects the listener to agree?

d i d n ’ t it it ?

• I can’t use use Intern et banking with th at at   account,

 A: No, I ju just st need to check che ck so some methin thing. g.

to make a deposit?

There’s a new bank on Greenfield Street, isn’t there? N There’s a new bank on Greenfield Street, isn’t there?

c a n I?

• Question tags are short questions which we put at the

b e g i n n i n g / e n d   of

a sentence.

in   • They are formed with a n a u x i l i a r y / a m a in verb (am, is, are, was, were, have, has, do,  do,  does, did, can, could, will, etc.) and etc.) and a subject

personal pronoun (I, you, he, she, etc.). • We use a p o s i t i v e / n e g a t i v e   question tag with a negative sentence and a p o s i t i v e / /   n e g a t i v e   question

tag with a positive


B. Listen and repeat. Is the intonation rising falling ** ?


1. You’ll lend me some money, won ’t you? 2. Jill hasn’t closed her h er bank account, ac count, has sh she? e? 3. Your cousin lives in B ristol, doesn’t he? 4. We aren’t w ork ing this Saturday, are we? we? 5. You You change your yo ur PIN PIN num ber often, d on ’t you? 6. Tom didn’t spend all the money, did he?


Go to Pair work activities. o


C. Read again and complete the sentences.

 A. Discuss. Discuss.

• What do you think makes makes employees happy with their job? B. Read the text quickly. quickly. What is the writer’ writer’ss m main ain  purpose? Choose a, b or c.

1. A softw are compa co mpany ny in Los Angeles doesn ’t charge its employees anything for   ____  __ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ their clothes or when they want to to wa sh ___  ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ . They can  ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ free of charge all day also ___ long.

b. To inform people about the working conditions some companies offer.

2. Emp Employees loyees at a Sa San n Francisco comp co mpany any can  ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ or  go outside and and p lay ___  ______  ___ ______ ______ ______ ___ during their break. Sometimes they have so so much fun at work  ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ . they don’t w an t ___

c. To advertise different businesses.

 ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ were taken to a concert 3.  ___

Let’s get down to business

by a UK mobile phone company. 4. Employees of a US insurance company don’t have hav e t o ________________ on their birthdays and they can spend a quiet moment in a  ______  ___ ______ ______ ______ ____ _ whenever th ey like. like.

a. To criticise employers at big companies.

Because big salaries and large bonuses aren’t always enough to keep employees happy, some companies are software company in Los Angeles, USA, for example, has

D. Look at the highlight highlighted ed wo words rds in the text and  match them with their meanings a-g a-g..

built a number of on-site facilities for its employees. Staff

1. perks

can visit the hairdresser’s, leave their cars at the car wash

2. gourmet

now offering their staff exciting and unusual perks. A

and and their clothes at tthe he d ry-cleaner’s - for free! There’s also an on-site restaurant that serves free gourmet meals

3. head for 

journeys a. trips or sh ort journeys usually lasting for a day


b. go towards c. think about something in

24 hours a day! What a treat! When employees of a San Francisco-based software company need a break, they head for the games room. Here, they can play video games, pool or table tennis.

4. pleasant a particular way

5. outings 6. firm 7. consider 

 Alternativ  Alter natively, ely, sta ff mem bers can take part pa rt in outdo ou tdo or

d. food of high quality and often expensive expensive e. nice, enjoyable f. things you are offered as well as your salary

activities, like basketball or tennis. The employees of this company say that their work environment is so pleasant that they often don’t want to go home!

g- company

Many companies also organise annual holidays and outings for their staff. Last year, a US supermarket chain took all its employees white-water rafting. And, in the UK, a mobile phone company organised a special end-of-year concert for its 17,000 employees. Some of the biggest rock bands in the UK played at the concert and staff members had the opportunity to meet the performers

• Which of the perks mentioned in the text do you think would create create the happiest happiest work environ me r:' Imagine you’re the manager of your own compan. What kind of unusual perks would you offer your  employees?

-h o w thri thrill llin ing! g! Some companies offer their staff members slightly more unusual perks. For example, a US insurance firm gives all its employees the day off on their birthday, as well as a gift of $100. The company also offers on-site golf lessons and yoga classes, and there are even meditation rooms for staff members to enjoy some quiet time. Many employees consider this company to be such a wonderful place to work that they wouldn’t dream of looking for a  job anyw here else!


{ /o /o c a b J a r ^ WORDS EASILY CON FUSED WORDS Complete Com plete the sentence sentences s w ith the wo rds in the boxes. boxes. work

4 Practice, Complete the dialogues with how, what,  what,  so or so or such. 1. A: I h a d __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ a tiring day!


1. Sheila Sheil a has a n e w __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ .She started  ____  __ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ last Monday.

B: Why? What happened?  A: We ha d __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ a lot of work to do that we didn’t have time for a break.



2. Tim Ba rkley is a n __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ of Fiji Bank. His

 ____  __ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ sent him to Suva last week.

B: So, you haven’t eaten?  A: No, I’m ___________ hungry I could eat a horse! 2. A: Why are you late?




3. My brot he r is a grap hic de signer and ha has s a(n) a(n)  ____  __ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ on the third floor of that building with a large __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ in it. But he also works at home in his __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _. company


4. Christine is the manager of a software __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ an and d in her free time she does volunteer w ork fo r a(n)  ____  __ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ which helps protect the environment.

B: I woke wok e u p __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ late that I missed the bus, and the next one was half an hour later.  A:  __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ a nightmare! B: Did Mr Humphries notice I wasn’t here?

 ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ busy these days  A: No, he’s __ he never comes out of his office. B: __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ lucky I am!

Talk in pairs.

Student A: Imagine that tha t you work w ork f or the ideal ideal

company. Tell Student B about it. Think about the ideas given below and use so/such... that. • you r boss boss • your colleagues colleagues • the money you make make • the perks you receive • the facilities • the working hours / days days • the days off / holidays you get

Read the examples, answe r the questio ns 1Read 1-3 and complete the rules. • The employee employees s say that their work env ironm ent is  is 

• the breaks you can have

so pleasant that they often don 't w ant to go home! • The employee employees s say that their work envi ronm ent is  is 

Student B: Respond to what Student A says using How...! or What...!.

such a pleasant place that they often d on't want to  to  go home!

My boss is is so frien dly that he’s he’s like a best frie nd to me. me.

1. What don ’t the employees wa nt to do? do?

How lucky you are! are!

2. Why don’t they want to do it? 3. W hat does do es so... so... that... that...   and such... that...  that...  express?

To express result use: - so + __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ or adverb ad verb + (that).. (that).... ■such + (a/an) + (adjective) + ____________+ + ____________+ (that)...


Li s t en c ar ef ul l y t o t he ot her   person and show interest or surprise.


LEXICAL SET: QUALIFICATIONS Read the table below and tick what is true about you.

Read the examples and answer the questions.

Do you have a university degree?

• Ted taugh t him self how to play the guitar. • Mrs Fields Fields taught him how to play the  the  piano.

Do you have previous work experience?

In which sentence does the pronoun refer to the subject? subject?


 Are yo u flu en t in more mor e tthan han one language?  Are yo u co m pu ter te r literate? literate ? Do you have a driving licence? Do you have good people skills?


• Do you ever stay stay at hom e by yourself? • Children, be careful. You might hurt  hurt   yourselves. What does the phrase by yourself  mean?  mean? What’s the difference between yourself  and  and yourselves?

Can you work overtime?

Go to Grammar Reference

Do you w ant a full-tim e job?

4 Practice,  A. Discuss. Discuss. • Have Have you ever been been to a job intervi ew? • What kind of ques tions are people ask asked? ed?

Complete the sentences using the verbs in the box  and reflexive pronoun pronouns. s. enjoyed



look at





look at


1. Ann felt fel t ill, so sh e _________________some tea.

B. ROLE PL AY  Talk in pairs.

2. Be carefu l! You’l You’l l _____ __________ __________ _______w __w ith th at

Stude nt A: Imagine Imagine that yo u’re applying for a job and Student B is interviewing you. Tell him/her which job you’re applying for

knife. 3. I wan t to __________ _______________ _______a __a suit from tha t shop shop over there for my job interview.

and answer his/her questions.

4. Before they leave the house, the girls always

Student B: Imagine that Student A has applied

in the mirror.

for a job in the company you work for. Interview him/he r using ideas ideas from

5. We_________________at Tina’s birthday party

activity 1and your own.


Which job are you applying for?  I’m applying appl ying for the job of ...



Do you have...?

 A. Discuss. Discuss. • What do you think migh t g go o wrong durin g a job interview? • Ca Can n you thin k of any reasons reasons for whic h a person migh t not g et the job? job?

B. Listen to two conversations and answer the   questions. 1. a. Where did Susan’s int er vie w take place? b. Can Susan speak French? 2. a. What does Robert do? b. Does he want a full-time or a part-time job?



Іл /г іїіп р  A CURRICULU M VITAE (CV (CV))  A. Discuss. • Hav Have e you ever wri tte n a CV? • What inform ation do you believe believe should /shouldn’t be included in someone’s CV? B. Read Jennifer Silverstone’s CV and match the  headings a-f with the parts of the CV 1-6. a. Educat Edu cation ion

d. Reference References s

c. Personal Skills

e. Personal Inf Inform orm ati ation on

c. Work Experience Experi ence

f. Interests Intere sts

Curriculum Vitae

Jennifer Silverstone 5 Shipston St, Epsom, Surrey KT18 2LR Home: 01372 639823 Telephone: Mobile: 07939 876982 E-mail:  jsilverstone7  jsilvers tone7@yaho @yaho Date of birth: 03.06.1982

Name:  Ad dres dr es s:

Read the advertisements. Which of the three jobs  is most suitable for Jennifer Silverstone? Why?

Lamperr t H Lampe Ho ote tell is looking for a Hotel Manager


 Applicants must: • have a degree • have at least 1(3 years': work experience • speakjFrench fluently] • be compufeMiteratef" • be available to work weekends

Northwest Hotel Position: Hotel Manager 

We offer: • full-time work inja jan n excellent working environment-


We require: • a Master's degree • previous work experience (at least 4 years) • knowledge of at least two foreign languages • good knowledge of computers • a pleasant personality • two letters of reference


Manager needed for 

2012 201 2 - pr es en t Hote Hotell manager at Park H Hote otell - in charge of 25 employees - interview, hire and train employees 20 2008 08 -


2: 2:00 005 5-


20 2001 01 -


iftcietJ)  Applicants must: • have a Master's degree in Hospitality Management • have a BA in Business and Man Manage agemen mentt • have previous work experience • be fluent in at least two foreign languages (one must be Italian) • be computer literate • be able to work overtime and during holidays

 Ass istan t manag er at Hyde Hotel  Assistan - in charge of ordering food and supplies - organised special events for guests

Queen Margaret University MBA in Hospitality Management

WRITING TASK  D. Write your own CV.

The Robert Gordon University BA in International Hospitality Management

T IP When writing a CV: • remem ber to be brief and to the point. point. • don’t write information that is unneces sary  

1Fluent in Spanish and German, good knowledge of Italian -Advanced user of MS Excel, and an intermediate user of MS Word, Access, Frontpage and Outlook programs Good people and communication skills

(eg. a p p e a r a n c e , i r r e l e v a n t a w a r d s ) . • group the inf information ormation in separate sections   ( p e r s o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n , w o r k e x p e r iie e n c e ,  ,  e d u c a t i o n , p e r s o n a l s k i l ls ls , i n t e r e s t s , r ef ef e r e n c e s ) .

• focus on your abilit abilities ies and strong points which   are relevant to the job you are app lying for. • don’t write full sentences (eg. w r i t e ‘g ‘g o o d  

"'avelling, learning about different cultures

k n o w l e d g e o f IItt a l i a n ’ r a t h e r t h a n ‘‘ll e a n s p e ak ak   I t a l i a n w e l l ’) ’) .

• do not us use e infor informal mal language.

- /ailable upon request

• highligh t important information in in bold. bold.










You are in: Discussion Point Tuesday, 30th March, 11:33pm

 A. Discuss. Discuss. • What do you think the worst job in the the world is? is? • Which of the following make people people not like like their   job? salary

workin g hours



employer workplace

Someone's got to do it • • • T el el l u s y o u r b a d j o b e x p e r i e en nces. I t can't be that  b a d , ca n it ?

I once worked at a sweet factory putting sugar on sweets and biscuits. I thought it would be nice because I was a big fan of sweets. Well, I used to go home with sugar in my hair, up my nose and in my ears! It was

B. Read the text quickly and match the names of   the people with the job they are describing. Two  people are describing the same job.

disgusting and the smell was so strong that I couldn't get used to it. I only lasted a week, but one good thing did come out of my experience. By the time I left, I hac given up sweets altogether.


Laura Mitchell, Southampton

factory worker

I worked for one summer at a safari park. I liked

Eleanor  call centre agent Willy

feeding the penguins and the other animals in general, but cleaning up after them wasn't much fun, as you can imagine. The worst job I had was in the monkey reserve. You see, as visitors drove through, monkeys

C. Read again and write L for Laura, D for Dan, E for  Eleanor or W for Willy.

usually climbed on their cars for a free ride. At the exit of the reserve, one of us had to stop the monkeys from

getting into the next reserve. I can tell you, chasing

1. I wo worke rked d there the re for a month. mo nth.

monkeys around with a stick in the middle of the

2. I soon go t used to it.

summer is not fun at all.

3. I was happy happ y when I lost my job.

Dan Given, Hemsby

4. I enjoyed part of my job. My job can be really hard sometimes as it involves

5. My job helped me impro ve my health.

taking customers' orders, answering calls and in

6. I still have the same job.

general, dealing with people and their complaints. You

7. I wo worke rke d there ther e for less than a month.

see, I work at a call centre and the things I have to put up with are awful. Just because people can't see you face-to-face, they think it's OK to be rude. It was really

D. Find words/phrases in the text that mean the  following:

difficult in the beginning, but by the end of the first month, I had learnt not to take it too personally. Once, I got so angry with a customer, I shouted back at him,

1. extre me ly unpleasant, ho rrib le (Laura): (Laura):

and it almost cost me my job.

2. an area area of land tha t is protecte d (Dan): (Dan):

Eleanor Ignes, Ignes, Uxbridg Uxbridge e

3. a thi n piece of wood (Da n): ___  ______ ______ ____ _

I often remind myself, no matter how bad things get, they could be worse. I could still be working there. I

4. accept something that is annoying, without

don't know how I lasted a month at the box factory.

complaining (Eleanor): ______  _________ ____ _

I'd had enough before the end of the first week. It was exhausting on the body, but what it did to your mind

5. help somebody remem ber something (Willy): (Willy):

was most worrying. Boring, just isn't a strong enough word. I worked with a man who had been there for

6. rea really lly tiring (W (Willy): illy): ___  ______ ______ ____ _

twenty years! He told me he dreamt of boxes, he saw  saw   boxes when he closed his eyes, and he even tasted boxes when he ate. I was so glad when I was fired!

E. Discuss. • Which of t he he jobs  jobs in the text woul d you least like  like  to do? Why?

W illy illy Haw kins, kins, Bath



l/ocaiatfarg, media

 j o b s  

Look at the groups of words below. Can   you add any an y more to each group? group?


lifeguard emergenc y service es s

rescue squad paramedic


C rammar   § 

 journa  jou rnalist list

 __  _ ____ 



cameraman plumber 

Read the examples. Which action happened first and which happened second? Then complete the rule.

Past Perfect Simple + past participle

• By the time 1left, 1had gi ven up sweets altogether.

We use the Past Perfect Simple for an action

• Sam Sam had sent a C CV V to the com pany befo re she got the job.

which had happened

• Yesterda Yesterday, y, we too k the kids to t he z zoo. oo. We ha dn ’t been there before.

action in the past. Go to Gram mar Referenc Reference e


Practice, Complete with the Past Simple or the Past Perfect Simple of the verbs in brackets.  A: Hey Hey,, W illi illiam am . _________  ___________ __ you____________(take) the car to the garage today? today? B: Yeah, but listen to this. When I _____  __________ ______ _ (get) there, they ____  _________ _______ __ (close) for lunch. So

 A: What? B: I was shocked! But then I realised what  _________  ____ _______ __ (happen). The mechanic ___  ______ ______ ____ _ (take) the car inside to fix it.

 __________ ______ _ (park) outside I _____ outside an d ____  ______ __ ____  :_____ _

 A: Witho ut ask asking ing? ?

 _________ _______ __ (remember) (go) for a walk. Then I ____

B: We Well, ll, h e ____  _________ _______ __ (see) the keys in the car and

something. I _____  _________ ______ __ (leave) my w allet aand nd

 _________ _______ __ (be) OK to take it. thought it ____

 _________ ______ __ (run) back but my keys in the car! I _____ the car was gone.

Had you passed yo ur driving test   'Take a timeline of events in your life, like the one below. Write the   events on a piece of paper, in random order, and give them to your  : artner. Then talk in pairs. Ask each other questions as in the example. get a bike bike 2007

finish finish school  


before you went to university? Yes, I had.

pass driving test go to university  




get first car 2 01 3



WORDS RELATED TO TRAINING COURSES Read the sentences and try to guess the meaning of the words/phrases in bold. 1. Sam signed up for fo r a Spanish class bu t she’s broke,

3. My sister is try in g to ma nage having both a farr

so I don’t know how she’s going to pay the fees. 2. If you wan t to get a certificate at the end of the

and a career. 4. You You can’t really learn gard ening f rom a book. Y

course, you have to attend all the classes.

need to get out there and do some practical wc

5. Jason has just completed his Master’s degree a is now looking for a job. 2

lis t e n in g   ^

 A. Discuss. Discuss. • What sort of training courses do you know of? • Would you like to sign up for one? Why / Why not?

B. Somebody is calling to as ask k abo about ut train training ing courses and iiss  listening to a recorded message. Listen to the message  message  and complete the advertisement below.


Training Courses

C. Now you will hear the caller speaking a call centre agent. Listen and complete caller’s notes.

Top Class training


course:  (1 ) _____________________

COURSES  AVAILAB  AV AILABLE: LE: - Bu il di ng /co n st ru ct io n

qualifications needed? 

- (2 ) _____  __________ _______  __ training

 __________ _________ ____ ( 2 ) _____

-C3) __________  ____________  __ 

course lasts (3) ___________________ weeks

 And  An d man ma n y mo re! WE OFFER:-Seminars

( 4 ) ________________

lessons per  week (Tuesdays and 

- (4 ) _____  __________ _______  __  - Distance learning

( ? ) _______________)

 A ll s tu d e n ts re c e iv e a c e r t i f ic a t e  

Mewbury College  College 

at the end of the course

 fees  fees::  ( 6 ) _______________

What are you waiting for?


Photograp hy

Student A: Imagine that you want to attend one of the the courses above. Student B is a receptionist at a college with training courses. Use the promp ts to ask Student B question s abo ut the course you are interested in.

Interio r design

Ba Basic sic Comp uting

How long / last? How muc h / fees? fees? Where / take place? When / lessons? How many / students per class? need / qualifications or equipment? offer / practical work? certificate / when finish?

Hairdre ssing

Student B: Imagine that you are a receptionis at a college whic is offering the fo training courses shown above.  Ans we werr S tu d e n t questions about courses with ide; of your own.


4 k/ritinp  AN E-MAIL E-M AIL GIV GIVING ING INFO RM RMATIO ATION N  A. Read the e e-ma -mail il below and a answ nswer er the q ques uestion tions. s. 1. Why is is Monica w rit ing in g to Jerry?

4. What does Monica think about the course?

2. What sort of info rmatio n did Je rry ask for?

5. What is the top ic of each of the para graphs in the e-mail?

3. What other info rmatio n mig ht be useful useful to Jerry? Jerry?

g Hi, Jerry. It was was great to hear from you. I’m very busy at the mom ent, wo rkin g hard at the re staura nt. Anyway, I would be more than happy to give you some information about the cookery training course I attended. To begin with, I’ll tell you about the course itself. It was a very well-organised four-week course. The lessons lasted till six in the evening and they were three times a week. They took place at Dewhurst College and the facilities were great. As for the chefs, they were experienced and very helpful. I found it very easy to work with them and I’ve even kept in touch with some of them. However, the fees were quite expensive, but it was definitely worth it. When the course was completed, I received a certificate and, as you already know, I managed to find a job within weeks. So, if you’re thinking about signing up for the cookery course, I recommend it. If there’s anything else you’d like to know, don’t hesitate to ask. Best wishes, Monica


B. Read the information below taken from advertisements. Write full sentences as in the example.

S 1

. Th The e course is for peop le b etween  etween 




Q3q s (b8 0 ®

the ages of 18 and 24. 2.

Photography  Photography  Course   Course Mon, Wed, Fri  Fri   10:30am-3pm


„ „ t a « Ub b y * > * " » "

C. Imagine that you are working in an English-speaking   country. count ry. A friend of yours is c coming oming to live there because  he/she he/s he has found fou nd a job, and he/she wants to know  about the English course that you attended. Look at the  advertisement below and write an e-mail to your friend  giving information. Your e-mail should be between   80-100 words.


When writing an e-mail e-mail giving   information: • use appropriate appropriate expressions to begin begin   and end you r e-mail. e-mail.

LEARN ENGLISH For beginners or for people who have some knowledge  knowledge  of E Eng nglilish sh,, bu t w ant t o become more fluent

• /  2-month   2-month intensive course 19-2 daily) • /  friendly,   friendly, experienced teachers  teachers   ■Z  small classes ((max. max. 6 stu studen dents) ts)  Z   certificates for all students who complete the course


On l y   ^& s q

• do not copy the the wording in the the  advertisem ent. Try to rephras e it, add   comments and relevant information. • use linking words/phrases to connect connect   your ideas (eg. To b e g i n w i t h , W h a t ’ ss   m o r e , F in in a l l y , A s f o r , H o w e v e r  ). ). • in the last last paragraph , mention that that  you are willing to give any additional   information.

For more information information c o n tac t Gre Greyson yson C Coll ollege ege


O i u t a -i   5. I burnt myself / me while I was cooking yesterday. 6. Our boss invited us / ourselves to his house for dinner. l/o c a ia tfa r y ,  A. Circle C ircle the correct w words. ords.

1. I acc ept / refu refuse se to leave until I speak to the manager. 2. My employee / employer fired me yester yesterday. day. 3. T There here are thre three e charge / cash machines in my neighbourhood.

E. Rewrite the sentences using the words in bold.

1.  Amanda is very rude, (so) 2. I could n’t wo rk because the kids were making noise, (so much)

4. We can’t hire this applicant / customer because he has no previous experience.

3.  Alex enjoys work ing as a teache teacher, r, right? (doesn’t)

5. Why didn't anyone inform / attend me about the meeting?

4. had been been very ti ring so I did n’t wan t to go

B. Complete the sentences with preposi prepositions. tions.

1. Greg is fl u e n t ___  _______ _____ _ Spanish, but he can’t speak a word of French. 2. Childr Children en under five enter the museum fr e e __  ____ ____ __ charge.

 _______ _____ _ the job of a journalist? 3. Are you applying ___

out for dinner, (such) 5. It wa was s suc such h a crowded place tha t we could n’t sit anywhere, (so) 6. That is a great idea! (what)

 ______ _____ __ tomorrow? 4. Can I take the d a y ___


5. I don’t think the teacher ca can n p u t ___  _______ _____ _ with John any longer.

F. Complete the dialogue with w ith question tags.

 A: Hey, you haven’t seen my holiday photos,

6. What’s your date ___  ______ _____ __ birth?

 ________  ____ ________ ______  __   ?

7. Who’s ___  ______ _____ __ charge of collecting fees?



B: No, you went to India,______________?  A: Yeah, it was wonderful. B: You know something, these photos...

r a f t t K a r 

Complete the dialogue with the Past Simple or the  Past Perfect Simple of the verbs in brackets.

 A: They’re not very good, I know. I need a new camera,______________? B: Yo You u don’t have a digit al c am era, ___  ______ ______ _______ ____ ?

 A: Do you know wh at Ken Ken did last nig night? ht? We

 A: No, I really need one. And they’re really cheap

(1)________ (1)____ ________ ______(arrange) __(arrange) to meet outside

these days,______________?

the cinema, but wh en I (2)______ (2)_________ ______ _____(get) __(get) (already / go) there, he (3) _  __ _

B: Yeah, they are.


 A: Then you you won’t m ind getting me on one e for my birthday next week,______________?

B: Really?

 ______ _____ __ (not know). So, I  A: Y Yes es,, bu t I (4 ) _  __ _  ___ . (wait) for fifteen minutes (5 ) ___  ______ ______ ____ _ outside. By the time I (6). (buy) a ticket and (7) __  ___ _ the cinema, the film (8) _

B: What? G. Put the dialogues in ord order. er.


. (enter) (start).


a. Thank you, how much do you want to depo sit' b. Yes, Yes, i t ’s 6789 67899897 9897..

D. Circle the correct words. 1.  My dau ghter can’t eat by herself / herself yet.


c. OK OK.. Do you have the acc accoun ountt number?

2. Aren’t you going to tell them / themselves what happened?


d. £60 £600. 0. Can I also dep deposi ositt mo money ney at the cash machine?

3. I hat hate e it when you only thin k about myself /  /  yourself.

e. Good morning. What can I do for you? f. Yes, Yes, you yo u can.

4. I think I lost my mobile phone. I can’t find it /  /  itself anywhere.

g. I’d like to make a deposit.

>§) >§)







in ÿ S p e 'C a Ltb&fK

a. We char ch arge ge 1%.


b. That’s good. I’d like to exchange $1,000 into euros.

Talk in pair pairs. s. Use the prompts in the boxes to  compare the two jobs.

c. I’d like like to ask you somet so mething hing.. How much commission do you charge? d. Good afternoon. How can I help? e. OK, I’ll just check the exchange rate. f. Thank you.


You will hear four conversations. For questions 1-4, choose the picture which answers the question   correctly.

1. What perks does the woman wom an receive?

Think about: salary salar y

working hours



exhausting boring (un)pleasant tiring face-to-face

employer workplace overtime

1think that... is better because..  I disagree. I believ e that...

2. What does the man do? B.

Which job do you b believe elieve you ar are em more ore suita suitable ble  for? Why?

I think that I am more suitable |  for... for ... becaus because... e... I am more suitable for for... ...


3. What time is the job interview?



Read the following and tick the appropriate boxes.   For the points you are unsure of, refer back to the   relevantt sections in the module. relevan Now I can...



carry out transactions


talk about work, workplaces and describe my qualifications


ask for confirmation


express interest, surprise and make exclamations


express result


use the Past Perfect Simple


write a CV


write an e-mail giving information

□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □



 A. Discuss.

• Do you know which countries have have the dollar  as  as currency? • What do you know about the dollar ?

The dollar

B. Read Rea d the sentenc sent ences es and write T /r ^\\  for True or F for False. Then read  the text and check your answers.

 comes fro m the USA. 1. The word dollar  comes The dollar  is the name of the currency used in   several countries in the world, such as the USA,  Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Here are some  interesting facts about the dollar...

The name dollar  has   has its roots in a silver coin called a  thaler  which   which was used in Europe for almost 400 years.

The dollar dollar sign '$’ first appeared in busine bus iness ss documents  

ollar ar bankno ban knotes tes are ma made de o f paper. 2 .  All d oll Au stralian lian dolla do llarr has a longe r 3.  An Austra lifespan than a US dollar.

Australian and New Zealand dollar banknotes are made  from a kind of plastic called polymer. The US dollar   banknotes are made of 25% linen and 75% cotton. Red  and blue synthetic fibres are found throughout the noti   Before World World Wa Warr I these fib fibres res were made of silk.

between English-Americans and Spanish-Americans in the 1770s. There are many explanations for how the sign  was formed. One of the most popular is that it  comes from a handwritten form of   ps, the abbreviation for the plural 

 pss P $  p

of peso. Later, the dollar sign was found  with two vertical lines. The most  popular theory for this sign is a  combination com bination of the letters U and  S, from United States.


The Canadian Canadian $1 coin is usually usually called the loonie,  after the Canadian bird on it and the $2 coin is called  a toonie. Also, the Canadian and the US dollar are  usually called bucks.

The average US one-dollar bill has a lifespan of about    18-22 months. The 50and 100-dollar bills can last up to 8 years. The Australian and New Zealand dollar  notes last four times more.

The US $100 bill has many nicknames: C-note, Hundc  Big one. Also, because the portrait of the American  statesman Benjamin Franklin appears on the banknote  it is often called a Franklin,  a Benjamin or a Benji. banknote or note (especially BrE)  / bill (e (especially specially A

questions. Choose a, b or c. c. Read again and answer the questions.

1. Where does the $ sign come from? a. ps b. US c. We don’t know.

4. What’s a toonie? a. a Canadian $1 coin b. a Canadian $2 coin c. a Canadian $2 bill

2 . What are US dollar banknotes made of? a. cotton and silk b. synthetic fibres c. linen and cotton

5. W Wha hatt is a Benji? a. a US $100 bill b. a U$ $50 bill c. a US$1 bill

3. Which note has the shortest lifespan? a. a US $50 b. a US $1 c. an Australian $1

£ 7op

Yo You u can can find more i nform ation on this topic in the Student's Area at .



Discuss: • What would you like  to change about your   lifestyle? Why? • What are the mos t   imp ortant celebrations celebrations in  your country?

Flick through the  module and find. find... .. •a an n e-mail of in vitation • a recipe for a Peruvian  

!O 0


dish • custom s and gestures   from d ifferent countries countries • two f riends listening to   music • an extrac extrac t from a  historical novel

In this module you  will... • le learn arn how to r eport   statements, questions,  commands and requests requests • talk abo ut food and  quantity • lea learn rn to give and follow   instructions • le learn arn about custom s from   different countries countries • talk abo ut you r music  preferences • le learn arn how to w rite a  recipe • ta talk lk about imaginary   situations and learn to   make wishes • wr ite an e-mail   accepting or refusing an  invitation and making   arrangements 103



1 Ciste,nin$' &  A. Discuss.

• What kind of music do you lik like? e? • Who’s you r fav ourit e s singer? inger? • Wha t’s you r favo urite band band? ? B. Look at the second picture. What do you think   the people are listening to? Listen and find out. Sean

Vicky Sean


...Where are you? I’m outside the music store with Jay. I’ve  jus t bo ug ht this grea t jazz com pila tion . Nice! Jay’s Jay’s there, huh? You sho uld pla y  him a few songs songs from my new album on  on  you r MP3 player. player. He’ll like them. OK. See you later.

mu mus sic  J ay

Who was that?

Vicky It was my brother, Sean. J ay

I haven’t seen him since Gary’s party. Is he still in that band?

Vicky Yes, and he told me I should play you a few songs from his new album. J ay

Does he have a CD out?

Vicky Well, you can’t buy it in the shops or anything. But his band went to a proper studio for the recording. It wa was s quite expensive but the end result was great. J ay

They’re becoming quite profes professional sional..

Vicky The studio engineer told them that they were the best he had heard for ages. J ay

Wow! He’s going to be famous.

Vicky Here, listen to track 3. It’s wicked! J ay

Turn down the volume. It’s a bit loud... That’s

better. Hmm... It has a strong beat. It s like a mixture of rock and hip-hop. I like it. Vicky He said you would. J ay

Who writes the lyrics?


My brother. He pl plays ays the guitar, too.

J ay

The lead singer has a great voice. Listen, I’d love to get a hold of a copy of this album.

Vicky I can get you one. Or, they have a website where you can download the whole album if you want. That sounds good.

J ay

C. Read the dialogues and answer the questions.

1. What did Vicky get from the music store store? ?

4. What is Jay’s opin ion of track 3 3? ?

2. What does Sea Sean n wa nt Vic Vicky ky to do?

5. What does Sean Sean do in the band?

Where did Sean’ Sean’s s band record the their ir album?


6. How can Jay get a copy of the al album? bum?

(/ o c a ia fa r -tf 

WORDS EASILY CONFUSED   Complete with the words in the boxes. album




3. Beyonce wro te the lyric s to this song, but she

1. I love all the songs on Justin Justi n Tim ber berlake lake ’s new

didn’t  _____________ the music. 4. The lead singer has a problem with her voice

2. Have you seen Adele's music vide video o for her 

so the band can’t  _____________ their new

n e w __  ____ ____ ____ ____ __ ?

songs at at the mom ent.




turn on

5. How much does the Mamma Mia!  Mia!  


cost? 6.

turn off

turn up

turn down

Could you ple ase ___________ the music a bit? I like this song.

 ______ ____ ____ ___ _ . I don't like Move on to the n e xt  ____

8 . ____________the  ____________the TV before b efore you go to bed. bed.

this song. song.

9 . ____________tha  ____________thatt lamp. It ’s dark in here. 10.

the volume! It’s too loud.

 3 REPORT ED S PEE CH (st (state atemen ments) ts) Read the examples, answer the question questionss  and complete the rules on the right. DIRECT SPEECH

• S a y  and te ll  are reporting verbs. Use Use

before an ind irect obje ct (person) and when there is no indirect object.

• ‘You ‘You should play Jay a few songs from my  my   new albu m,’ Se Sean an said to Vicky. icky.

• ‘You ‘You are the best I have heard fo r ages,’ ages,’ the  the  studio eng ineer said to them. them.

• Tense Tenses, s, moda l verbs and time expressio ns usually change as follows:

• 7 want to listen to Sean’s CD,’ Jay said.



Present Past Present Perfect

Pastt Pe rfect Pas


• Se Sean an to ld Vicky that she should play Jay a few  few  songs from his new album.

Pronouns and poss possessiv essive e adjectives change according to the meaning of the sentence.


songs from his new album.


• The studio engineer told them that they were  were  the best he had h ea eard rd for ages. ages. • Jay said that he w anted to li sten to Sean’ Sean’s s CD CD. When do we use reported speech?

would could

can should this today

y e s t e rd a y last week

In the examples above, which words have changed in reported speech and how?

that that day th e p re v io u s day / th e day b efo re the previous week / the week before the next day / the the following day the following year 

tomorrow next year 

Go to Gramm ar Reference Reference

 ¥ Pra Pract ctiice, Imagine that that you ha ve bought a new CD and have just played it ffor or your friends. friends. Read the comments they made   and complete the sentences below u sing reported reported speech.

Brian said It’s really boring.  boring.  I can’t stand it. Brian

Lillian said I want to buy it, too. I’ll go to  to  the music store tomorrow. -V -

My brother bought the  the  same CD for me last week. ~~Ruth 


Ruth said _ Fred said _


I’ve heard it before. before.   1 --------------- VC Fred

 /««tona  / nattion ^ Listen and repeat. What do you notice about the   underlined words?

You said you would go to the concert with me. Gary Gary told me that he wrote the lyrics for two of the songs.

Talk in pairs. Interview each other and then  report your partner’s answers to the class. Use the  questions below.

• What’s your favou rite album? album? • When do you usually listen to music? music? • Do you watch music videos? • Which concert or club have you been to lately? lately? • Did you enjoy it? it? • Which CD CD will you p robab ly buy soon? soon?

They said I wasn’t a very good singer. Ian Ia n told me that he did n’t like Coldplav’s latest latest album.

Maria said that her favourite album was...


1 R & adi adinÿ^ nÿ^  A. Discuss. D iscuss.

• Think of gestures or customs that exist in in your country. Do you think they are the same everywhere around the world?

B. Guess the answers to the questions below. Then read  and check your answers. 1. What do Russians Russians do jus t bef ore goin g on a journey? a. They They call their f am ily to say goodbye. b. They They sit quie tly for a short while in their house. house.

2. What’s a common way for people in Belgium to greet each other? a. They kiss three times on the cheek. b. They shake hands. 3. What does pullin g the skin down under your eye mean in Japan? a. Something is boring. b. Something is interesting.

IhEV do it differently! We know what feels normal and right to do in our culture. But other cultures have customs and   gestures that are different and they may seem strange to us. So, it’s easy to misunderstand someone from a culture that is different from our own. Here are a few examples-

I was in Russia wit with h some ffriends riends an and d we were about to lea leave ve to  go on a long long trip. S So o with my bag bagss in my hand hand,, I walked towar towards ds  WSi the door. door. I turn turned ed aro aroun und d to say something, bu butt everyone el else se  SIS was just sitting there silently. With his finger to his lips, Dimitri  smiled at me and asked me not to interrupt, as this would bring   bad luck. luck. Feeli Feeling ng a b bit it embarras embarrassed, sed, I walked back iin n and sat  down. After a minute, everyone got up and cheerfully walked out   the door. door. I later learn learntt tha thatt it is a Russi Russian an cus custom tom to sit silentl silently y in  the house hous e before a jou journey rney.. Act Actua ually, lly, it’s al also so useful be becau cause se it  helps you remember if you’ you’ve ve fforgotten orgotten anything iim mpo portan rtant! t!

’m fro from m Wisconsin, and when we meet so someon meonee  for the first time, we usually shake hands. Well, I had a big surprise in Belgium. W When hen IIwas was   introduced to my friend’s brother, something  occurred, which made me feel uncomfortable. I said ‘hi’ ‘hi’ to him, ext extending ending my hand, and h hee  came up to me and kissed me on the cheek, not  once, but three times, goi going ng fro from m one ccheek heek to  the other! other! Of cou course rse,, I went red and they started  laughing at me. me. In Belgium, it’s common to greet  someone by kissing three times.

John , Boston

Tracy; Madison

Last year, I wa wass invit invited ed to Japan by my friend Daiki. O On n  the seco se cond nd day of my visit, Daik aikii ask asked ed me if I wanted  to see se e hi hiss son in a p play lay an and d of cou course rse l said ‘‘y yes’ es ’. It  was really entertaini entertaining ng bu butt halfway throu through gh the play, I got something something in my eye. So, I tried to remove it with  my fing finger. er. Daiki’ Daiki’ss wife ssaw aw me and sshe he g got ot really upset. I couldn’t understand wh why y though. I aske asked d Da Daiki iki w why hy his  wife was was a angry ngry with me and he told me tthat hat in Japan  when you pull the skin down un under der you yourr eye eye,, it shows  that you find something boring. Later in the evening, I apo apolo logi gised sed to Da Daiki’ iki’ss wife and tr tried ied to clear up the  misunderstanding, but I’m not so sure she believed me.


Read again and answer the questions. questions.

1. Why did Dim D imitr itrii ask John to be quiet? quiet ? 2. How did John react? 3. Why did Tracy extend her hand?

4. How did Tracy feel when the man kissed her? her?

5. Why did Peter pull the skin down u nder his e)

6. What did Peter do after the misunderstandinc

Peter, Miami mm


D. Look at the highlighted words/phrases in the texts and choose the correct meaning a or b. were wer e abo ut to a. were ready to b. were afraid to


silen tly

3. occu rred

a. wi th ou t movin g b. wi th ou t speaking

4. remove

a. was said b. happened

5. clear up

a. ta ke ou t b. cover 

a. explain b. find out


• Have Have any misunderstandings like the ones in in the texts ever ever happened to you? you? • Have Have you heard of any happening to o the r people? people? g ra ra m m a r   ERBS + PREP OSITIONS   Look at the verbs in the box and use some of   ■jem to complete the th e sentences. senten ces.

• apo logise to someone for doing something • smile at someone • talk to/with someone someone about something

REPORTED SPEECH (questions) Read the examples and answer the questions. DIRECT SPEECH

Sue:: ‘Why is Dave Sue Dave angry with me? Ha Have ve I done something wrong?’ REPORTED SPEECH

• laugh at at someone /something

Sue asked why Dave  Dave  was angry with her.

• forge t about someone/something someone/something

She asked asked if/w heth er she had done som ething wrong.

• inv ite someone someone to something

• wa it for someone/so mething • intro du ce someone to someone someone else else • lie to someone abou t something • argue with someone about something

• Which word do we use use afte r asked asked when  when the question begins with a question word? • Which word do we use use aft er asked asked when  when we report a Yes/No question? question ? • Are the verbs in rep orte d ques tions in the

Let’s ____  _________ __________ _______ __ Aliso  Alison n to ou r house for  f or  dinner next Saturday. 2.

You You sh ou ld ____  _________ _________ ______ __ to Paul for being rude.

affirmative or in the question form? REPORTED SPEECH (commands-requests) Read the examples and complete the rule.  DIRECT SPEECH

I It’s not polite t o _____  __________ _________ ______ __ at people

Steve: Ste ve:

‘Please Please do n’t in terr up t me. me. Be qu iet !’ !’  

when they fall down. - Don’t  _______________ about the appointment. It’s at 8:30. 5 You c a n ____  _________ _________ _______ ___ for Dr Roberts in his surgery. He’s on his way. f Sam Sam didn ’t want to ________________ ________________ to his family about where he was.


Steve asked me not to interrupt him. He told me  me  to be quiet. Use the verb __  ____ ____ ____ __   to report commands and the verb ___  ______ ______ ______ ___ to report requests.

My flatmates always _____  __________ __________ ______ _ with


ea each ch other ab out the housework.

Don’t  changes to not to. to. Go t o Gr am am m a arr R Re ef e err en en c e I B i B l I l

Practice, I omplete the sentences using Reported Speech.

What are you eatin g?’ Jere my asked. Jere mv asked me____________________________ me_______________________________________ ___________ _ L Please Please let me bo rro w you r jacke jac ket,’ t,’ Fa Fay y said to her sister. Fa Fav v asked her sister_________________________ sister_________________________ Z Sto Stop right there!’ the police police officer said said to the the man. man. The police police officer officer told the man man ____  ________ _________ _________ ______ __ -

Do you need any help?’ my mum asked. asked. Mv mum asked asked me____ me________ ________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ________ _________ _____

 ________ _________ __________ _________ _______ ___ E Don’t Don’t open that wind ow!’ Harry said said to the the children. children. Harry told the children children ____  ________ _________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ______ _ E Why did you come back back so so soon?’ Te Ted d aske asked d Jill. Jill. Te Ted d aske asked d ____ %



• Who cooks at you r house? house?

for a Peruvian dish called

• Do you cook? Why? / Why not?

Donna s notes below.

causa and


boil the rice and stir 

f r y the eggs

. salt

an d  




B. Listen again , read the instructions below and  write T for True or F for False.

1. Boil the po potatoes tatoes wit h the onions. 2. Mash the potatoes p otatoes wi th some oil. 3. Mix the tuna with th the e mayonnaise peel the onions and c h o p them

m i x milk with cocoa

and the eggs. eggs.


4. Make layers of mashed potato and

□ □

tuna-mayonnaise mix mix.. 5. Decorate with slices of lemon.

 3 Sp&GL&inff'  Think of a dish that you know  how to prepare. Which of the  

mash the potatoes

m e l t the butter 

actions mentioned activity 1 do you do? In whichin order? First, I boil the water. Then, I...

w h i s k the butter 

add a layer of cream

on top

p o u r some melted chocolate and spread


4 Discuss.  A. • Do you thi think nk cookbo coo kbo oks are useful? Why? / Why n not? ot? • Do you watch watc h cooking cook ing shows on TV? TV? • Do you exchange recipes with friends? B. Read the recipe below and put the pictures in the   correctt order. Write 1-8 correc 1-8.. Home

 Abou t

Dis Dishe hes s



Chocolate Salami

(serves 8)

I 1 I

INGREDIENTS 300g biscuits 150g butter 6 tbsp sugar 6 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder 2 fresh eggs

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Melt the butter, but be careful not to cook it. 2. Put the but b utte terr in a bowl, add the sugar and the eggs


and whisk. 3. Slowly add the cocoa powder and whisk some more.

C. Write a recipe for one of   your favourite dishes.

4. Put the biscuits in a large bowl and break them with the back of a spoon.


5. Pour the mixture into the bowl with the biscuit crumbs and stir until it is mixed well.

• don’t forget to writ e the the   name of the recipe.

6. Place this mixture on a piece of aluminium foil and shape it like a salami.

• mention how many people people   it is for (e (eg. g. serves 2).

7. Wrap it up in the aluminium foil and put it in the fridge for a couple of hours.

• wri w rite te the ingredients.

8. Slice your chocolate salami and serve it with coffee 6r tea.


m e s  7 Reacting


 A. Discuss.

What do you kn ow ab out the Nativ Native e America Americans? ns? B. Read the extract from an adapted version of the



W ith fall approaching, the evenings were getti getting ng colder. Two m en were t a l k in in g b y a r i v vee rr.. O n e o f tth hem had dark skin an d his body was painted with different colors. He had a shaved head, apart from a crest down the middle and h i s n a m e w a s C h i n g ac ac h g o o k . H e w o r e b u c k s k i n p a n t s a n d h e h e l d a t o m a h a w k

When Whe n wri tin ting g a recipe: recipe:

• gi ve clear instructions instructions   using the Imperative.

a n d a r if if le le . T h e o t h e r m a n w a s o f E u r o p e a n o r i g i n , b u t h i s s k i n w waa s d a r k f r o m the sun. H e was dr dressed essed like a Native Am erican too, an d h ad a rifle of great length. Ch ingachgoo k was telling telling him stori stories es of his his father fathers, s, who were pro ud w a r r i o r s b e fo fo r e t h e w h i t e m e n c a m e f r o m t h e s e t t in in g s u n . ‘I wish there were mo re of my people. Bu t when I die, my son Uncas, w ill be the last of the Mo hicans,’ said Chingachgook . ‘Unca s is here!’ here!’ said anothe r voi voice, ce, and a young w arrior came and sat with them . Th e father showed n o surprise and they all sat sil silently ently for sever several al minutes. ‘Did you see any of those thieves from the M aquas tribe?’ asked Chingachgook. ‘I have been on their trail, and there are as many as the fingers on both my hand s. B ut they hide li like ke cowards!’ replied his son. Chingach gook tu rne d to h is friend and sai said: d: ‘‘Hawkeye, Hawkeye, let us eat wel welll tonig tonig ht a n d s h o w tth h o s e M a q u a s t h a t w e a rree m e n t o m o r r o w . ’ It was not long before they heard an animal moving in the bushes. Hawkeye raised his rifle, but Uncas whispered to him. ‘If 1 were you, 1 wouldn’t shoot. The Ma quas w ill hear. Those thie thieves ves would want to eat too if you killed the animal.’ H a w k e y e p u t h i s r i fl fl e d o w n a n d w a t c h e d a s U n c a s t h r e w h i m s e l f t o t h e ground and moved silently towards his prey. Soon enough, there was an arrow in i ts ts s iid d e . T h e w o u n d e d a n i m a l j u m p e d o u t o f tth h e b u s h e s a n d U n c a s f i n i ssh hed the  j    j   job with his knife. * f  

‘Shh hh! I hear some thing,’ said Chingachgo ok. ‘Ma ybe it ’s wolves foll following owing the anim al,’ suggested suggested Haw keye. ‘No. T he horses of white m en are com ing. Hawkeye, they are your brothers,

speak to them . W ith the M aquas nearby, this is a dangerou s place for for them ,’ said said ■ Chingachgook k..






(AmE) = autumn (BrE)

u n d e r s t a n d w h ic h o f 

 ppants (AmE) = trous ers (BrE (BrE)) Golor

r/ P When you  r e ad ad a t e x t , t r y t o   the unknow n words a arr e  e 

(AmE) = colour (BrE)

r ea e a ll ll y i m p o r t a n t f o r   58

The Last of the Mohicans

u n d e r s t a n d i n g t h e t e x t .  .  Try to g gu u es es s t h e m e a n i n g   o f a s m a n y o f tth h es es e w o r d s s   a s p o s si si b le le f r o m t h e   context.



Look at the highlighted words in the text and try   to guess what they mean. Then match them with  their meanings a-f.

1. rifle

a. people who fig ht in battles battle s

2. wa warrio rriors rs

b. injured injur ed

3. thieve thievess

c. plants like small trees

; 4. tra il  


      F       H


d. a lon long g gun

5. bushes

e. peop people le wh who o steal things thin gs

6. wo wound unded ed

f. a sign or smell tha t is left behind behi nd by someone someone or U something that has passed

D. Read again and answer tthe he questions. Choose a, b 

 2 (frAL om m COND ITION SE SEf> f>ITEN CES TYPE 2 Read the example, answer the questions and  complete the rule.

Uncas: Unc as: Ha Hawkeye wkeye,, i f you shot you r gun, the  Maquas Maq uas w ould hear it. •  Does Does the sentence sentence refer to the presen t/future

or past? • Has Hawkeye Hawke ye shot sh ot his gun? CONDITIONAL SENTENCES TYPE 2

They express imaginary situations or things that are unlikely to happen in the present or future. If + Past Si mp le —►  ____  __ ____  __ , coul d + base form


1. Who was was wearing Native American clothes?

a. Chingachgook Chingac hgook b. Hawkeye c. Both of them

WISHES Read the example, answer the questions and  complete the rule.

Chingachgook: I wish there were more of my  


2. What’s the first thing Chingachgook did when his son arrived?

• Does Does the sentence sentence refer refer to the present/futu re or past? • Are there many of Chingach Chin gachgook gook’s ’s people alive? alive? • How does he feel about abou t it?

a. He didn’t speak. b. He asked him a question. c. He listened to what he had to say. 3. Where had Uncas been?


a. hiding in the bushes

We use wish +

b. following the Maquas tribe c. looking for food

about a present situation which we would like to be different.

4. Why did Chingachgook say: ‘Let us eat well tonight’?

 ____Simp le to make a wish

LÜ In Conditional Sentences Type 2 and IO after wish we usually use were for all persons.

a. They didn’t know if they would find food the following day. b. They hadn’t eaten for days because they were following the Maquas tribe.

Go to Grammar Reference

c. They were planning to fight and needed to be strong.



Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the  verbs in brackets.

5. What did Uncas use use to kill k ill the animal? a. a rifle b. an arrow and a knife c. a knife and his hands

Debbie  I have to do a pro ject jec t on Native Americans. American s.

What should I do?  A l is o n   If I __  ____ ____ _____ ____ _ (be) you, I ___________ (go) down to the library.

6. What does Chingachgook want Hawkeye to do? do? a. tell the white men about the animals

Debbie  That’s Th at’s a bit boring. boring . I wish I ___  ______ ______ ______ ___

b. warn the white men

(have) an an Inte rnet co connectio nnection. n. Then I’d be be able abl e to find lots of things to write about.

c. find a safe place for them  A l is o n  

E. Discuss.

• Did you like the extract? Why? / Why not? not? • What do do you you think will wil l probably proba bly happen next in the story? • Would you like to read the whole story?

Doesn’t Jake have an Inte rne rnett connection? conne ction?

Debbie   No, No, unfor unfortunately tunately,, he he doesn’t. If 

 ______ ____ _ (be) at h e __  ____ ____ ____ __ (have) one, I ___ his place all day.


 Al  Alis is on.

I wish I

. (can) help you.


 f  fa astening


 A. Discuss. Dis cuss.

• Do any pop ular festivals /cele bratio ns take place in your town/city? • Why do the y take p plac lace? e? • What do people do during these festivals/ celebrations?

 3 lA/rit /ritinp  AN  A N E-MA E- MA IL BA SE D ON PR OM PTS    A. Linda L inda has recei received ved an e-mail from her friend  Jennifer. Read Jennifer’s e-mail with the notes   Linda has made and answer the questions.

1. Why is Jennifer w riti ng to Linda? 2. What does Linda have to do?

B. You Yo u will hear Danny and Karen talking about a  festival. Listen and answer the following question.

Which festival is Karen interested in, the Glasgow International Festival or the Subway Festival?

Hey, Linda! Guess what? I'm finally getting married! I'm going to send you a


P ay ay a t t e n t i o n t o h o w p e o p lle e spe ea a k ..  

Th eir tone of v vo o ic ic e c a n o f t e n h e l p y o u  

formal invitation soon, but I wanted to let you know early so that you can

arrange flights and everything. I really

u n d e r s t a n d h o w t h e y feel .

want you to come!- --------definitely! C.

The wedding is in three months, on

Listen to the continuation of the conversation and and  choose a, b  or c.

Saturday 4th August, at the Town Hall and the reception is at a hotel nearby.

1. What d ay does th e fe stival finish?

It's a tradition in Toby's family for the

a. Thursday

bride and groom to go out for dinner

b. Friday

with close friends and family before

c. Sunday

the wedding. Ho How w abo ut jjoin oin ing us? us? —  When? I'm afraid I can't put you up because

2. Where are the activities taking place? a. inside the station

there will be so much going on. But I

b. outside the station

know a nice nice B&B if you lik e .— ^ No needj can stay with friends  friends   It's going to be brilliant. You have to

c. both inside and outside the station 3. What can people win at the festival?

see my dress, and my little nieces are

a. free tickets to next year’s festival

going to be bridesmaids. Just imagine!

b. a free trip abroad

E-mail me when you can,

c. free meals in all Glasgow restaurants


Talk in pairs. Student A: Thin k o f an int ere stin g eve event nt (e (eg. g. festi festival, val, celebration, performance) and invite Student B to come along.  Also, tell him hi m /h /her er some of the inte res tin ting g things you could do there. Student B: Ask Student A questions about the event and decide whethe r you are going to go. go. If you are, arrange the time and meeting place. If you aren’t, make an excuse.


B. Now read Linda’s reply and underline the sentences   

C. Read the situations 1 1-5 -5and the notes m made. ade. How  

which correspond to her Is the wording Linda’s e-mail exactly thenotes. same as in her notes?in

would you reply reply?? great idea idea / tickets? tickets?

I’m thinking of going to the   football match on Saturday.

Hi, Jennifer!

Do you want to come along?

Congratulations! Toby is a lucky man. You're going to be the perfect couple. Who's going to be the best man? His brother? I can't wait to see him give a speech!

sure  / but not at 5 :00.


How about going shopping   around 5:00 today? 

Of course I'll be there. I'll probably come up for a week and see some friends, too. Also, I'd ove to attend your pre-wedding dinner. Which day are you planning it for? I'm so excited for you! I love weddings! You don't need to worry about a B&B, though. I have some friends from university who live very near you. I asked them and they said I can stay with them, no problem.  Any plans fo r a honeymoon? Somewhere exotic I expect...



I’m afraid I can ’t give you x a lift to the airport tomorrow. Us OK / take taxi

----- Will you come to Rome


with  us next  summ  summer?  er? 

Speak to you soon, Linda


Would you like to join  ?  us for dinner at  Mar i o’ss? 

lov ove e to / tim tim e?

WRITING TAS TASK K D. Imagine that you have received an e-mail from a friend. Read your friend’s e-mail and the notes you have   made an d write a reply using all you your r notes. Your e-mail sh should ould be between 100-1 100-120 20 wo words. rds.




I just wanted to let you know that I'm taking part in a local music


festival this year. I'm a bit nervous though and I'm inviting all my friends to come. You know, having friendly faces around makes me feel more

.of course!


The festival's from Friday the 12th to Sunday the 14th. I'm performing on Saturday, but you should come to town on Friday, so we can spend some time togethe r. Apa rt from musical c< c the previous day / the day before before Dad said, said,  7 visited the do ctor yesterday. yesterday.’’ Dad said he had visited the d oc tor the previo us day. day.

LU H  A w

If Mary were older, older, she could take driving lessons.


this morning/year, etc. — »- that morning/year, etc. Beth said,  7 haven’t bo ugh t anything this year.’ year.’

• We use i f l w e r e give advice.

Beth said she hadn’t boug ht any thing that year year..

last week/month, etc. etc. — »- the prev ious week/month, etc./ etc./ the week/month, etc. before Colin said,  7 me t her last year.’ Colin said he had met he r the previous ye year ar..

express an an opinio n or 

3Wishes We USe: • wish + Past Past Simp Simple: le: to make a wish abou t a present situation which we would like to be different. I wish I didn ’t h have ave to take any more exa exams. ms.

next week/month, etc. etc. — »- the following w eek/month, etc. etc. Bob said, said, ‘I'll ‘I'll finish the re po rt nex t week.’

y o u  to

if 1were you, I'd take it eas easy. y.

tomorrow — »- the next day / the following day

Lynn said, ‘I'm flying to London tomorrow.' Lynn said she was was flying to London the follow ing day. day.

• In Cond itiona l Sentences Type 2 w e r e  is often used instead of was in the if-clause.

• wish + could + base base form: form: to express r e g r e t about something we cannot do at  

Bob said he wo uld fini finish sh the repo rt the follow follow ing week week..

present. LU

H r\ u


• The Past Perfect and the verbs could, might, should, would   and used to   do not change in Reported Speech. • The   Past Progressive usually doesn’t change in Reported Speec Speech. h.


wish / could help you!


We usually use were after all persons in   wishes. /

wish this c ourse were eas easier ier..


nm/Kor   A. Complete Complete the senten sentences ces with with p prep reposit osition ions s of time. time. 1.

 ____  __ ____ ____ ____ __ a cold winter night our cat mysteriously disappeared.

 ______ ______ ______ ___ the 4th of July. 2. There are celebrations all over the USA ___ 3. My grandfather was a sailor many years __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ .

 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ 8 o’clock __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ the morning. 4 .1usu .1usuall ally y hav have e breakfa st __ 5.

 ____  __ ____ ____ ____ __ the age of eighteen he won an award for his invention.  ____  __ ____ ____ ____ ____ __

6. Steve works

 ____  __ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ 8:30

6:00 every day, so he’s very tired.


 ______ ______ _____ __the weekend. 7. Let’s m e e t ___

B. Choose a, b or c. I'm only seventeen years old but I have noticed that my life has changed a lot in the

 ____ __ seven years past ten years. When I (1) __  ____ __ most of my time playing with old, I (2) __ my friends. Now that I’m in my last year at

 ____ __ a lot because I (4) __  ____ to school, I (3) __

1. a. were

b. am

c. was

do well well at school and enter the u niversity

2. a. spend

b. am spending

c. used to spend

of my choice. I (5) __ free time  ____ __ so much  ____ __ around ten years ago. Nowadays, I (6 ) __

3. a. always studies

b. study always

c. am studying

4. a. want

b. am wanting

c. used to want

This year I (7) __  ____ __ some extra lessons after 

5. a. used to have

b. use to have

c. didn’t use to have

 ____ __ home after 8:00pm and school.. S school So, o, I ( 8 ) __

6. a. ran

b. run

c. is running

then I have have homew ork to do. I (9 ) __  ____ __ away

7. a. takes

b. take

c. am taking

 ____ __ really tired. younger. I usually (10) __

8. a. usually get

b. get usually

c. usually got

However, I (11) ____  ____ that I should continue

9. a. am not

b. didn’t use to be c. don't used to be

to work hard if I want to be successful in the

10. a. felt

b. feels

c. feel


11. a. know

b. knew

c. am knowing

all day. day. It’s not just the lesson lessons s at school.

from home for so many hours when I was


Choose Choo se the correct answer a, b or c.

1. I’m I’m sorry but I can’ can’tt d rink tha t coffee. There’s very

 ____ ____ __friends. o n l y __

 ____  __ ____ __sugar in it. a. much

b. few

c. litt le

 ______ ___chips, too? 2. Would you like ___ a. no

b. so some me

c. any

 ____ ___ _ _. 3. Don’t buy any more magazines. W We’ve e’ve g o t __ a. lot lots s

b. a lo t of

c. few

 ______ ___ 4 . 1can’t make a sandwich because the re’s ___ b. any

a. any

b. a lilitt ttle le

c. a few

 ____ ____ __money from their mother. 6. The They y bo rrow ed __ a. few

b. som some e

c. much muc h

7. It’s cold today so there aren’t  ______ people in the swimming pool. a. any an y

b. no

c. som some e

8. Can I have __  ____ ____ __tea please?

cheese in the fridge. a. no

5. Adrian feels lonely in London because he’s got

c. a lit tle

a. any an y

b. some som e

c. a few


 A. Expand the the notes notes into into se senten ntences. ces. Use the Pas Pastt Simple Simple an and d the the Pas Pastt Progr Progress essive. ive. 1. while / 1/ try / fi fix x/c car ar / 1/ get / terrible heada headache che

2. stude nts / run out / of the classroom / as soon a as s / bell / ring


we / s see ee / John and Emily / a as s / we / leav leave e / restaur ant


all / our classmates classmates / listen / carefully / while / Geor George ge and and I / present / our project


when / sh she e / llock ock / door / s she he / turn o ff / lights / an and d / go / bed

B. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Simple of the verbs in brackets and circle the correct words. 1.

 ______  ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ yo  ______  ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ __ (visit) France? you u ever / ne ve r 

 _________ _________ _________ ______ __ (not buy) any new clothes 2. To m _____ clothes this m onth / already already..  _________ _________ _________ ______ __ alrea  ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ __ (us 3. My friends _____ already dy / y e t ___ (use) e) their skiing equipm ent.  _________ _________ _________ _______ __ (not decide) where to spend her holiday yet / before. 4. Stella ____  ________ _________ _________ _______ ___ ju s t / e v e r  ___  ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ __ (cook) some Chinese food. 5. My cou sin ____  _________ ________ _________ _______ __ ever / ne ver  ___ 6. Bruce _____  ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ __ (try) raw fish before. 7. You ____ ________ _________ _________ _______(make) ___(make) th e same mistak e tw ic e / yet. 8.

 ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ __ (visit) the Animal Shelter befo re / just?  ______  ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ y o u ___

C. Complete the dialogues with the Present Perfect Simple or the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.

1. A: I hope Susan doesn ’t get lost.  ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ (be) here twice before. B: Don't worry. She ___

 ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ y o u ___  ______ ______ ______ ______ ____ _ (take) your car to the garage yet? 2. A : ___ B:

 ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ (take Yes, I have. I ___ (take)) it to the garage yesterday afternoon.

3. A: Beth, do the washing-up, please. B:

 ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ (already / do) it. I ___

4. A: We ___  ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ (always / want) to travel around the world, but we ___  ______ ______ ______ ______ ____ _ (only / be) be) to South Africa.

 ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ (go) the re last year. B: Really? We ___ year.  ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ y o u ___ 5. A: How long ___  ______ ______ ______ ______ ____ _ (know ) Jane Jane? ? B:

I ___  ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ (first / meet) her last summer.


 A. Complete Complete th the e sen sentenc tences es with with ca can, n, can’t, could, coul dn’t  and the correct form of be able to. 1. Emma ___  ______ ______ ______ ______ ____ _ wear her white dress now, now, but sh e _____  __________ _________ _______ ___ wear it last year because she was slimmer. 2. When I was younger, I ___  ______ ______ ______ ______ ____ _ work until late in the evening and then go out. I ___  ______ ______ ______ ______ ____ _ do that anymore. 3.1haven’t  ________________ se see e my gran dfathe r for three weeks. weeks.

 _________ __________ ______ _ speak to you right now. ____ 4. Mr Sm ith ____  _________ __________ ________ ___ you call back in half an hour? 5.1


find any fresh strawberries this m orning, so I

make a straw berry

find any fresh strawberries this m orning, so I _____  __________ _________ _______ ___ make a straw berry

5.1 cheesecake. 6.

 __________ __________ _______ __ I sit at that desk over there? Miss, I ___  ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ see the board from here. _____

B. Circle the correct word. 1. A: I need t o / need buy some things from the supermarket. Do you want to come with me? B: I’m sorry, I can’t. I need / must be at the basketball court by 3:00pm. I don’t wa nt to miss miss the game. 2. A: 2.  A: Mr Hill, when can you deliver the washing machine? We really need / nee need d to it. B: You don’t need / needn’t worry, Sir. We’ll bring it tomorrow. 3.  A: Need I / Do I need to wash the car today, Mum? B: Yes, it’s very dirty. 4. A: 4.  A: We mustn’t / needn’t hurry. The train leaves at 9:00pm and it’s 7:30pm. We’ve got lots of time. B: Yes, but I must / need to buy some batteries for my camera before we leave. 5.  A: Need to / Do you need to leave so soon? B: Yes, I need / have to because I’m working early tomorrow morning.

C. Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the words in brackets.

 __________ __________ _____ (good) stude nt than I am becaus  ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ (hard) than I do. 1. Jenny is a _____ because e she stu die s ___ 2. Th e ____  _________ __________ ______ _ (near) hospital is 30 kilometres away.

 __________ __________ _____ (badly) than I did in the test. 3. David David d id _____

 ______ ______ _____ __ _ 4 .1 think think thi this s nove novell iis s the ___

(ex citing cit ing)) book boo k I have ever eve r read.

 _________ _________ ______ __ (little) than the g old one. 5. The silver ring costs ____  _________ _________ ______ _ (interested) in poetry than in art. 6. Kate is _____ 7. Charles drives _____  __________ _________ _____ _ (carefully) than his brother. 8. Who is th e ____  _________ _________ ______ __ (popular) athlete in the country?

D. Form indirect questions starting with the words given. 1. Wha t’s t’s the difference differe nce between vegetarians vege tarians and vegans? vegans?

 __________ _________ _________ __________ _________ _________ __________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __________ _________ _________ __________ _________ _________ _________ ____ D o _____ 2. How much does the train ticket cost?

 _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _____ _ Ca n ____ 3. When did they travel to France for the first time? I’ I’d d ____________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ________________________________ _________________________________ _____________________ ____ 4. Where have you been all day? Could_____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. How often does Brian have a French class? D o ________________________________ _________________________________________________ ____________________________________ ______________________________________ ____________________ _ 6. Why are you late again? Could_______________________________________________________________



Match the sent sentenc ences. es.

1. Where is Mary?

2. What time is the meeting? 3 .1can’t .1can’t cook dinner, I'm too tired 4 .1broke .1broke the window.

a. You'll have to be at the office at 8 o'clock. b. You'll have to take a taxi. c. She won't be able to come as she hasn't finished her homework yet. d. She’ll probably go to an island.

5. The University is very far and I m late.


6. What will Sue do durin g her holidays this summer?

e. We ll have to order something then. f. I hope my mum won't be angry.

B. Complete the blanks with the Present Simple or the Future will  of the verbs in brackets.

 ______ ______ ______ ____ _ (read) it. 1. They __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ (destroy) the document after they ___

 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ (have to) save some mon ey before he 2. John __ he

'__________(go) __________(go) on the cruise.

 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ (finish) his project, he ___  ______ ______ ______ ____ _ (take) a week off. 3. As soon as Dan Da n __ 4. I need some fresh air! I __  ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ (go) for a walk in the park. 5.

 ______ ______ ______ ____ _ (let know / me) when your plane ___  ______ ______ ______ ____ _ (arrive)?  ____  __ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ y o u ___

C. Write sentences using too or  or enough and the prompts below. Begin with the words given. 1. be / late late /g o /sho pping I t ____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _ 2. be / old / go / bungee jum ping Mr Hewson ___  ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ __ 3. not run / fast / win / race Lee___________________________________________________________________________ 4. busy / go out / tonigh t


be / tire d / wash / dishes

 ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ __ ___  ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ Brenda ___

D. Join th the e sentences using who, which or that. If the pronouns can be omitted, put them in brackets. 1. That’s the famous scientist. She was on the news last night. 2. That’s a problem. We all have to think about it carefully. 3. We went to a restaurant last night. We didn’t really like it. 4. There’s the mechanic. He repaired my car yesterday. 5 .1 ate a chicken chicken sandwich sandwich.. It tasted tasted awful awful..


 A. Expand the not notes es iinto nto sentences sentences.. 1. My My mo the r / make / me / practise / piano / ever y day


Carol Carol / help / her mothe r / iron / curtains / last night


Tom’s parents / not let / him / go / ou t / llast ast Saturday Saturday


It / be / good / s sleep leep / eight hours / every night


Fred Fred / offer / drive / children / sc school hool / yesterday

6. It / be / kind / S Sus usan an / help / Mary / wit h / prep aratio ns / last nigh t


It / be / no us use e / try / fix / that old phone

8. Kare Karen n / hate / do / same thing s / every weekend

B. Read the situations and the prompts prompts below and write write sentences giving givi ng advice. Use should o  or r shouldn’t. 1. Kathy isn’t feeling very well.

3. My flig ht leave leaves s in an hour and I’m still packing.

. ,. . stay / be d _____ stay  _________ ________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ______ __  

waste / mor more e tim e

 _________  _____ _________ __________ _________ ______

h u r r y ____  ________ _________ __________ _________ _________ __________ _______ __

 _________ _________ __________ _________ _________ __________ _____ go / wo rk _____

4. Steve Steven n is over weig ht, 2.

I’m I’m going climbing tomorrow,

 __ ___ exerci exe rcise se / m ore _

___ check chec k / weather foreca st  __

eat / sweets carry / a heavy backpack

C. Complete the sentences with the Present or the Past Simple Passive of the verbs in the box. k il l


n ot call


h it


b u ild

d is c o v e r

n o t h arm

 ______ ______ ______ ___ in California. 1. In In the 19th century, g o ld __  ___ ___ yesterday, y, b ut he’s OK OK..  _________  ____ __________ _______ _ by a car yesterda 2. Mr Turne r 

 ____ every year. 3. Many animals ____  ________ ________ ____ __ I

SA.. 4. This This jac ke t ____  ________ ________ ______ __  __in the USA

 ________ ________ ________ ____ all over the world. 5. Jeans are very popular. They  ____

 __ in 1999. 6. This bridge ____  ________ _________ _______ __ 7. M My y au n t _____  __________ _________ ______ __ Jane. Her name is Angela.

 _________ ______ __ _____ by Alexander Graham Bell. 8. The telephone _____ 9. Fortunately, my flowers _  __ __

snow..  ________  ____ ________ ____ by the snow



Write rite se sentence ntencess expressi expressing ng poss possibil ibility. ity. U Use se may, might, could and the prompts in the box as in the example.  

Jie-HTT '

burn /food


bu y/ya cht

cu t/fing er

visi visitt / this this summe summerr

1- John Joh n is away today today.. He may/miqht/could be ill. ill ________________  .________________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ _________________ __________ _ 2. Stop driving so fast. You  _ ________  ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ____________ ____ ______________ ______________

3. Micha Michael el lives on an an island. I __________________ _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________ 4. Sally is cu tting some bread and she isn’ isn’tt careful. She ________  ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ______________ ______ 5. Uncle Peter has won lots of money. He_____________________________________________________________________________ 6. Jane is cooking and talking on the phone at the same time. She

B. Rewrite the sentences below using the words given.  

1. He'll see you and he' he'llll be sur surpris pris ed.


2. You need to apologise to George and he'll speak to you again.


3. Be honest hon est wi with th me and I'll I'll help you.


4. You must promise that you'll drive carefully and I'll lend you my car.


5. Mr Sullivan will re tire and then he'll tak take e up gardening.


C. Choose a, b or c. 1. A: Kelly had a lot of ho me wo rk to do last weekend.

B: __  ____ did Tom. a. So

b. Neith Ne ither er

B: __  ____ have I. c. Too

2. A: I do n’t want to go to tha t restaurant.

B: Neither   _  __ ___ I. a. wo uld ul d

b. do

c. like

B : __  ____ __ do my parents. b. So

a. N eit her he r

b. So

c. Too

5. A: Kelly doesn’t lik like e jogging.

B: Pam doesn’t ____ .

3. A: Mrs Dav Davies ies doesn’t know an ythin g abo ut computers. a. Ne ither ith er

4. A: I have never seen a shooting star.

a. neithe nei the r

b. too

c. eith er 

6. A: We were w atchin g TV at 10 o’ o’clock clock last night.

B: S o __  ____ we. a. did b. were

c. we weren ren ’t

c. Either  Eit her 

D. Complet Complete e the text with the P Present resent Perfect Simple or the Present Perfect Progressive of the verbs in brackets. Everybody in the Patterson Patterson fam ily (1) _____________  _____________(be (be)) very busy today beca because use they (2 ) ____  _______ _______ ______ __ (get) ready to celebrate Mr Patterson’s birthday. Mrs Patterson (3) _______ (3) _____________ ______(cook) (cook) all morning. So far, she (4) ________  _____________ _____(make) (make) two cakes, a pie and lots of biscuits. Her daughter, Tina, (5 ) ________  _____________ _____(clean) (clean) the house. house. Tina (6 ) ____  ________ ________ _____ _ (clean) the living room already, but she (7 ) ________  _____________ _____(no (no t clean) the din ing room yet. Tina’s brothers , Bill an and d Te Ted, d, (8 ) ___  _______ ________ ______ __ (do) the shopping, but they (9) __________  _____________ ___(not (not finish) yet. They (10) __  _____ ______ _____ _____ ___ (buy) all the drinks and they (11) _ _________  ____________(be) ___(be) to the gr gree eeng ngroc roc er’s er’s.. They (12 (12)) ________  ____________ _____ _ (not be) to the butcher’s yet. Mr Patterson (13) _____________  _____________(work) (work) in the garden and he (14) ________  ____________ _____ _ (just / finish). He m   (15) _____________  _____________(prepare) (prepare) everything for the barb barbecue ecue..


 A. Read the situ situatio ations ns below and write write a n negat egative ive q quest uestion ion and a sentence sentence with a q quest uestion ion tag fo for r each each of them, them,  as in the example. 1. You You have received a lette r in French French.. Y You're ou're almos t sure th that at yo ur frie nd spea speaks ks French. French. What do you say to your friend?  ________________________ ________________________ __________________________ __________________________ ____________________ ________ Don’t you speak French? ____________ You speak F French, rench, d on ’t you? ____________  _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ __________________________ _________________ ____ 2. You want to make sure that your cousins, John and Rita, are coming to visit you next weekend. What do you

say to yo ur mother?


Your broth er kn ows all about basketball. You You aren't sure if the Chicago Bulls won the 1998 NBA NBA Championship. What do you say to your brother?

4. You You are with you r sister and you see see her friend, Lucy, Lucy, acros across s the road. You You thin k tha t Lucy has pu t on a lot of weight. What do you say to your sister?


You You are at a resta uran t with a friend. Y You ou have have jus t fi finishe nishe d eatin g and you thin k tha t the meal was delicious. What do you say to your friend?

B. Match the sentences 1-4with the sentences a-d. Then join them using so/such... that. 1. Jerry Je rry plays basketball bask etball well.

a. She can’t pu t it down.

2. The childre n were playing quietly.

b. We co uld n’t believe it.

3. It was an amazing story.

c. I didn’t realise they were in the house.

4. The book Anna is reading is interesting.


d. He should become a basketball player.

Jo Join in the sentences using the Past Perfect Sim Simple, ple, the Past Simple and the words words given.

1. Sally did her homework. Then she went to the park.

after  because

2. Mr Jones forgot to close the door of the house. The cat went in.


3. The plane took off. Then the Smiths arrived at the airport. 4. The basement flooded. Then Judy got home.

by the time

D. Choose a, b or c. 1. Con gratula gra tula tion s! You’ve all passed the exam, s so o

3. John managed to fix the shelf b y ___  _____ .

you should should be happy w it h ___  _____ . a. you rself

b. you

c. yourselves

a. him

b. him self

c. myse lf 

4. I hate it when you only think about ___  _____ .

2. Jack invited ___ to his house for dinner.  ____ _myself a. me b. mys elf c. him himself  self 

a. itse lf


 A. Rewrit Rewrite e the the dialogue dialoguess us using ing Reporte Reported d Sp Speech. eech. 1. J i m :  :   What are you doing?  A l an :   I’m tidyin tid yin g my desk desk..

 ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ____ J im ____  A  Ala la n ________________________ ____________________________________ ________________________ ________________ ____ 2. Tom: Tom: Will  Will you go to the football match on Sunday?

b. myse lf

c. you rself 

Ben: No, Ben:  No, I won’t because I’m going camping at the weekend. Tom____________________________________________________ Be n ____  ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ______ 3. Carol:  Why didn’t you buy the red dress? M a r y : I :  I liked the pink one better. Carol___________________________________________________  ______________________ ______________________ ________________________ _________________ _____ Mary ____________ 4. M r A d a m s: s :   Have Have you bought bou ght any new books, boys? boys? Bi l l y and Har r y :   Yes es,, we have, have, but we haven’t have n’t read them all yet. Mr Adams_______________________________________________ Billy and Harry___________________________________________

B. Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.  A: Alex, if you y ou (1) ____  ________ ________ ________ ____ (not work) in

 A: If I (7 ) ____  ________ ________ ________ ____ (be) you, I

this shop, what (2) ____  ________ ________ ________ ____ (you / like)

(8 ) ____  ________ ________ ________ ____ (not be) so sure. Writing a

to do?

book isn’t easy.

B: Well, I wish wis h I (3 ) ____  ________ ________ ________ ____ (be) a famous writer.

 __ ____  ________ ________ ____ _ (be) a bit  A: Ah, Ah, I wish you (4) __

B: How do you know?  A: If I (9 ) ____  ________ ________ ________ ____ (tell) you that I wrote a book once, (10) ____  ________ ________ ________ ____ (you / believe) me?

more realistic! B: Why do you say that? If I (5 ) ____  ________ ________ ________ ____ (write) a book, I’m sure it (6) ____  ________ ________ ________ ____

B: You’re kidding! Was it any good?  A: What do d o you yo u think?

(be) a huge success.

C. Choose the correct answer a, b or c. 1. If I ___  _____ a lot of money, I would travel around the

a. can

world. a. have

b. had

c. we were rehaving having

2. You could __  ____ __ a car if you were older. a. bo ug ught ht

b. buys

c. buy

b. am

c. is

4. If Ronald ___  _____ in Italy fo r 5 years, years, he wou ld learn b. will wi ll live

c. wil willl

6. John says that if he __  ____ __ Christiano Ronaldo, he would ask for his his autograph. a. meet

b. would wo uld meet mee t

a. has

b. had

c. met

c. lived

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