Content of Training Course

June 22, 2016 | Author: Don Vito Linkon | Category: Types, School Work
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Short Description



Main Content of Training Course •Ice Breaking •Creating Capabilities for Research. •Research Definition and Concept Analysis. •Analysis of Types of Research. •Quantitative and Qualitative Research. •Steps of Social Research and Its Analysis. •Anthropological Research and its Differences of with Social Science Research. •Research Proposal Preparation and Presentation. •Formulation of Research Hypothesis/Assumption. •Identification of Research Problems. •Analysis of variables and measurement techniques. •Developing Model of Research Problems. •Quantification of qualitative Research. •Research Report Preparation and Different Steps of Report. •Tools and Methods of Data Collection. •Questionnaire Preparation, Pre-testing and Finalization. •Focus Group Discussion (FGD). •Data Collection, Processing and Analysis. •Research Instrument, Experimental and Observation Tools. •Data Analysis: Statistical Tools. •Data Analysis: Econometric Tools. •Data Analysis: General Tools. •Test of Hypothesis and Determination of Significance. •Steps of Research Works. •Literature Review, Reference, Citation and Preparation of Bibliography. •Preparation of Research Abstract. •Preparation of Research Synopsis. •Computer Application in Research. •S P S S : General Analysis •S P S S : Practical •Presentation of a Published Research Articles to explain the steps of Conducting Research •Seminar on Presentation of Research Proposal. •Induction Workshop •Seminar on Research Report Preparation •Workshop on Action Research : MICAII Model for Unlocking Latent Potentialities.

Course Objective

The main objective of this course is to build up research career personnel in the country and the specific objectives are as follows :a)To create awareness about human potentialities for research ; b)To identify problems and determine the alternatives for improvement of research work ; c)To work administering and managing the system of research ; d)To enhance capability to conduct research ; e)To prosecute higher studies leading to M. Phil. / Ph.D. ; f)To help the participants ingenerating self-employment ;

g)To acquire the fundamental computer application skill and SPSS practical classes. h)To develop creativity i)To unlock human latent potentiatility.

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