Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction — Calvin College Education Program Teacher Date
Andrew Andr ew Lewis 3/25/201 3/25 /2015 5
Subject/ Subj ect/ Topic/ Theme
Forces Force s and Motion Moti on
rade !th
I. Objectives How does tis lesson connect to te unit !lan" "t is important to ma#e the distinction between contact and non$contact %orces when tain' about %orces and motion( This is an eas) wa) to cate'ori*e the %orces and he&ps students understand that not a&& %orces &oo# the same or are e+en +isib&e( co'niti+e$ , - Ap An .
Learners will be able to# • • • •
Students wi&& understand that 'ra+it) and ma'netism are non$contact %orces and can sti&& create motion( Students wi&& understand that %orces can sti&& be actin' on an object e+en i% the) arent touchin'( Students wi&& be ab&e to sa) whether a %orce is contact or non$contact( Students wi&& cooperate and ha+e a 'roup discussion where both +oices are heard(
ph)sica& de+e&opment
socio$ emotiona&
Common Core standards $or %LCEs if not available i n Common Core& addressed# P.F'.().*+ Distin'uish between contact %orces and non$contact %orces( P.F'.().** Demonstrate contact and non$contact %orces to chan'e the motion o% an object( 4ote # rite as man) as needed( needed( "ndicate taonom) &e+e&s and connections connections to app&icab&e nationa& or state standards( "% an objecti+e app&ies to particu&ar &earners write the names6 o% the &earners6 to whom it app&ies(6 remember7 understand7 app&)7 app&)7 ana&)*e7 e+a&uate7 create
II. ,efore -ou start Identif- !rereuisite /nowledge and s/ills.
Force7 Friction7 ra+it)7 Direct ontact touchin'67 8ush and 8u&&
Pre-assessment (for learning): Teacher Teacher as#s students re+iew 9uestions be%ore be'innin' the new materia&(
Outline assessment activities app&icab&e to this &esson6
Formative (for learning): learning): Students puttin' each %orce into a 'roup( Formative (as learning): learning): :uestions at the end to re+iew what contact and non$contact %orces are
6; :ui* at the end o% the wee#( wee#( Test Test at the end o% the unit( Summative (of learning 6; Provide 'ulti!le 'eans of 4e!resentation 8ro+ide options %or perception$ making information perceptible perceptible
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