consumer behavior hawkins chap 6
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Download consumer behavior hawkins chap 6...
What you will learn Session 1: Consumer behaviour and Maretin! strate!" Session 2: ross-Cultural Variations, Variations, and Group Gr oup Influence on Consumer Behavior Session #: Customer $erception
Session /: (rticle presentation Session 0: he $rocess and $roblem eco!nition Session 1&: Information search Session 11: (lternative )valuation, and Selection
Session %: Consumer learnin!, memor", and product positionin!
Session 12: $ost-purchase processes, customer satisfaction, and customer commitment
Session *: Motivation, $ersonalit", )motion
Session 1#: r!aniations as consumers
Session +: (ttitudes and Influencin! (ttitudes (ttitudes Session ':
Session 1%: Group $ro.ect presentation Session 1*: 3inal e4am
Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes
Copyright © 2013 by The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc! "ll rights reser#e$!
$earning %b&ectives Define attitude and its role in consumer behavior Summarize the three comonents of attitudes Discuss attitude change strategies associated !ith each attitude comonent Describe the elaboration li"elihood model of ersuasion Describe the role of message source# aeal# and structure on attitudes Discuss segmentation and roduct develoment alications of attitudes
Consumer Behavior In The News… How are Chinese Chinese Brands Brands Perceived? Perceived?
What percent of Americans believe that products made in China are high quality? quality?
%s the perceived quality an increase or decrease from several years ago?
Source: “Why the U.S. Marketplace is Prime for Chinese Products,” Advertising Products,” Advertising Age, Age, Octoer !", #"!!, p. !"
Consumer Behavior In The News… How are Chinese Chinese Brands Brands Perceived? Perceived?
What percent of Americans believe that products made in China are high quality?
"#! & if you said "#! you are correct''
%s this an increase or decrease? %f you said increase you are correct' (uality perceptions percep tions perceptio ns are on the rise) but but still low*
What attitude change strategies could Chinese businesses use to change this belief?
Source: “Why the U.S. Marketplace is Prime for Chinese Products,” Advertising Products,” Advertising Age, Age, Octoer !", #"!!, p. !"
Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes An attitude is attitude is an enduring organization of motivational, emotional, perceptual, and cognitive processes with respect to some aspect of our environment. an attitude is the $ay one thinks, feels, and acts to$ard some aspect of his or her en%ironment, such as a retail store, tele%ision pro&ram, or product
Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes Attitude Components and +anifestations
Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes &motion 'imension
,A+ -,elf&Assessment +annequin.
Copyright 2000 "$+"M Mar,eting C!
%(%leas)re* "("ro)sal* "("ro)sal* '('ominance
Attitude Comonents Attitude Component Component Consistenc y y Consistency
Attitude Comonents Attitude Comonent Consistenc'
Factors that may account for inconsistencies : 1* /ac0 of eed "* /ac0 of Ability Ability 2* 3ailure to Consider 4elative Attitudes 5* Attitude Ambivalence Ambivalence #* Wea0ly Held Beliefs and Affect $* 3ailure to Consider %nterpersonal %nfluence
Attitude Change Strategies
Change the Cognitive Component6 shifting #eliefs a#out the performance of the #rand on one or more attri#utes$ shift importance$ add #eliefs$ change ideal #rand or situation
Change the Affective Affective Component6 classical conditioning$ Affect toward the Ad or %e# &ite$ mere e'posure
Change the Behavioral Component6 operant conditioning
Individual and Situational Characteristics that Influence Attitude Change In$i#i$)al .actors &ender, need for co&nition, consumer kno$led&e, ethnicity, moti%es
7laboration /i0elihood +odel 'o$ attitudes are formed and chan&ed under %aryin& conditions of in%ol%ement
Situational factors: pro&ram conte(t, le%el of %ie$er distraction, and uyin& occasion.
Individual and Situational Characteristics that Influence Attitude Change
Core Te Tenants of ELM: Part I )
*ompared to attitudes formed under the t he peripheral route, attitudes formed under the central route tend to #e
more resistant to counter-persuasion attempts
more accessi#le from memor+, and
more predictive of #ehaviors
Individual and Situational Characteristics that Influence Attitude Change
Core Te Tenants of ELM: Part II )
eripheral *ues *s influence persuasion under /0% 20/2 #ut not 8 20/2
*entral *ues **s influence persuasion under 8 20/2 20/2 #ut not /0% 20/2
Individual and Situational Characteristics that Influence Influence Attitude Change
9: there are caveats;cautions and e'ceptions relating to cue relevance and competitive situation.
Cue 4elevance 4elevance - %hat is a *;**< )
'ample= An An attractive model and her hair ma+ #e decision irrelevant * in an ad for a car, #ut decision relevant ** in an ad for shampoo.
n this case, the attractive model would influence persuasion under high involvement for shampoos #ut not for cars.
Individual and Situational Characteristics that Influence Attitude Change
Competitive ,ituation ,ituation - *s can influence persuasion under 8 20/2 in competitive situations when= )
Central cues neutralize due neutralize due to homogeneit+ across competing #rands * then #ecomes tie #rea>er.
Attribute tradeoffs across tradeoffs across central cues engenders decision difficult+ which *s help to alleviate.
Individual and Situational Characteristics that Influence Attitude Change
Consumer Resistance to Persuasion )
*onsumers are not passive to persuasion attempts
*onsumers are often s>eptical an individual characteristic and resist persuasion
*onsumers fre?uentl+ infer an advertiser@s intent and respond in light of that presumed selling intent.
Individual and Situational Characteristics that Influence Attitude Change
Resisting Brand Attacks:
Customers loyal to that rand use a numer of defense mechanisms to a%oid chan&in& their attitudes
iscrediting B discredit the negative information
iscounting -decreasing the importance the+ put on the attri#ute in ?uestion
*ontainment B seal off - not chan&in& their eliefs aout
other related and important attriutes such as support and comfort.
Communication Characteristics that Influence Attitude (ormation and Change Three types of communication characteristics: 1* ,ource Characteristics Characteristics
Cepresents DwhoE delivers the message
"* Appeal Characteristics Char acteristics Charac teristics
Cepresents DhowE the message is communicated
2* +essage +essage ,tructure Characteristics
Cepresents DhowE the message is presented
Communication Characteristics that Influence Attitude (ormation and Change Source Characteristics 1* ,ource Credibility )
ersuasion is easier when the target mar>et views the message source as highl+ credi#le B testimonial ad$ third-part+ endorsements
"* Celebrity ,ources )
*ele#rit+ sources can #e effective in enhancing attention, attitude toward the ad, trustworthiness, e'pertise, aspirational aspects, and meaning transfer
2* ,ponsorship )
&ponsorships often wor> in much the same manner as using a cele#rit+ endorser
)ideo Alication 8he following 9ideo Clip demonstrates how Breathe 4ight uses celebrity sources* https6::www*youtube*com:watch?v;Arc aeters match= )image of the cele#rit+ with )personalit+ of the product with )actual or desired self-concept of the target mar>et. )https=;;;wat ch> #eautiful, independent and mischievous. %ith
Billboard Ad ,howing Celebrity 7ndorsement
Communication Characteristics that Influence Attitude (ormation and Change +atching 7ndorser with Product and 8arget Audience
Alications in Consumer *ehavior Alications
he r. *lean agic raser uo ad provides a good e'ample of spokes characters!
https//www!yo)t)be !com/watch#($T+T !com/watch#($ T+T &s'I I he rocter J 8am#le *ompan+. :sed #+ permission.
Communication Characteristics that Influence Attitude (ormation and Change Aeal Characteristics+ “ho$” a messa&e is communicated
1* 3ear Appeals6 the threat of negative -unpleasant. consequences if attitudes or behaviors are not altered * "* Humorous Appeals 2* Comparative Ads 5* 7motional Appeals #* 9alue&7=pressive 9alue&7=pressive versus ve rsus >tilitarian Appeals 8&+obile Comparative Ad https6::www*youtube*com:watch? https6::www* youtube*com:watch?v;,%$rno$o/7 v;,%$rno$o/7
Alications in Consumer *ehavior Alications his ad is a great e'ample of the use of fear appeal.
*ourtes+ Ad *ouncil.
n this case, it is used to spell out the ris>s of teens riding with rec>less teen drivers.
Communication Characteristics that Influence Attitude (ormation and Change Appeal Characteristics Characteristics 9alue&e=pressive versus >tilitarian appeals >tilitarian appeals involve appeals involve informing the consumer of one or more functional #enefits that are important to the target mar>et. 4
4 Most effecti"e for functiona# products
Communication Characteristics that Influence Attitude (ormation and Change ,essage Structure Characteristics 1* ne&,ided versus 8wo&,ided +essages & Both good and bad points "* Positive versus egative egative 3raming 2* onverbal Components
Communication Characteristics that Influence Attitude (ormation and Change +essage ,tructure Characteristics Positi"e "ersus $egati"e Framing
@oal 3raming 3raming essage stresses either positive aspect of performing an act or negative aspects of not performing the act. Kor e'ample, having a +earl+ mammogram ) 9enefits of having mammogram emphasized positive frame ) Cis>s of not having mammogram emphasized negative ) mammogram is an *+ray ima&e of your reast used to screen for reast
Communication Characteristics that Influence Attitude (ormation and Change +essage ,tructure Characteristics $on"er%a# Components 2onver#al components can influence attitudes through affect, cognition, or #oth. motional ads often rel+ primaril+ or e'clusivel+ on nonver#al content to drive emotional responses. hese can include= ) pictures ) music ) surrealism
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