Consumer Behavior Hawkins chap 1

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Download Consumer Behavior Hawkins chap 1...


What you will learn learn Session 1: Consumer behaviour and Maretin! strate!" Session 2: ross-Cultural Variations, Variations, and Group Gr oup Influence on Consumer Behavior Session #: Customer $erception

Session /: (rticle presentation Session 0: he $rocess and $roblem eco!nition Session 1&: Information search Session 11: (lternative )valuation, and Selection

Session %: Consumer learnin!, memor", and product positionin!

Session 12: $ost-purchase processes, customer satisfaction, and customer commitment

Session *: Motivation, $ersonalit", )motion

Session 1#: r!aniations as consumers

Session +: (ttitudes and Influencin! (ttitudes (ttitudes Session ':

Session 1%: Group $ro.ect presentation Session 1*: 3inal e4am



Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy


Copyright © 2013 by The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc! "ll rights reser#e$!

'earning (!)etives Define onsumer !ehavior  Summari"e the a##$iations of onsumer !ehavior  E%#$ain ho& onsumer !ehavior an !e used to deve$o# marketing strategy E%#$ain the om#onents that onstitute a one#tua$ mode$ of onsumer !ehavior  Disuss issues invo$ving onsum#tion meanings and firm attem#ts to inf$uene them

Consumer Behavior In The News… Target Marketing. Pepsi? 

Can you predict the characteristics of the average Pepsi consumers?  




https://www.youtu!"#$kyg%&'  (o

Source: N. Zmuda, Zmuda, “Forget Golf,” Advertisi Golf,”  Advertising ng Age, Age, October 10, 2011, p. 8.

Consumer Behavior In The News…

Source: N. Zmuda, Zmuda, “Forget Golf,” Advertisi Golf,”  Advertising ng Age, Age, October 10, 2011, p. 8.

Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy Consumer ehavior is the study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the processes they use to select, secure, use, and dispose dispose of  of products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society.

A##$iations in Consumer Behavior  ). Marketing *trategy  https://www.youtu!+,"uk-0nw  . 1egulatory Policy  regulation+agencies+for+consumer+protection.html  2. *ocial Marketing  Marketing  Marketin g  https://www.youtu!Ty3t34sk56k  Egag!g t"e #o$umer 5. 7nformed 7ndividuals: reading 8 Egag!g o Su$ta!ab!l!t%: &"e Freedom of 'ata” ("ttp:))***. ("ttp:))***!deo$)&"eFreedom !deo$)&"eFreedomof' of' ata)!de-."tm

Marketing Strategy and Consumer Behavior 

Market Ana$ysis Com#onents

). The Consumers . The Company  2. The Competitors 5. The Conditions

Market Segmentation Segmentation

Market segmentation is a portion of a larger mar#et $hose needs differ from the larger mar#et.

Market Segmentation Segmentation %ar#et &egmentation 'nvolves (our &teps) 1. Identi Identifyi fying ng Produc Product-R t-Rel elate ated d Nee Need d Sets Sets:: the need*value*+enefit sets that the firms current or potential product might satisfy 2. Groupi Grouping ng Cus Custom tomers ers it! it! Sim Simililar ar Need Need Sets Sets ". #esc #escri ri$i $ing ng %ac! %ac! Grou Group: p: in terms of demographics, lifestyles, and media usage &. Selec Selectin ting g an 'ttract ttracti( i(e e Segm Segment ent)s* )s* to to Ser(e Ser(e

Market Segmentation Segmentation

Marketing Strategy 

Marketing *trategy is the ans$er to the uestion) +o ill e pro(ide superior customer (alue to our target mar,et?

!is reuires t!e formulation of a consistent marketing mi9 , $hich includes the 1. Product  2. Communications ". Price &. #istri$ution/ #istri$ution and  0. Ser(ices

Consumer Deisions

/he consumer decision process intervenes +et$een the mar,eting mar,eting strategy , as implemented in the mar,eting mi , and the outcomes. outcomes. /he firm can succeed only if consumers see a need that its product can solve, +ecome a$are of the product and its capa+ilities, decide that it is the +est availa+le solution, proceed to +uy it, and +ecome satisfied $ith the result of the purchase.

(utomes ). 0irm utcomes: product*+rand position0 &ales and profit0 ustomer satisfaction . 7ndividual utcomes: need satisfaction0 'n2urious consumption 2. *ociety utcomes: economic outcomes, environment outcome, social $elfare

(utomes Creating *atisfied Customers

Pella "indows on Creating *atisfied Customers through 'uality  https://www.youtu https://www. youtu"indowsa ella"indowsand;oors nd;oors

The *ature of Consumer Behavior  verall Conceptual Model of Consumer Behavior 

The *ature of Consumer Behavior  49ternal 7nfluences  Culture  #emograp!ics and social stratification  %t!nic/ religious/ and regional su$cultures  amilies and !ouse!olds  Groups

The *ature of Consumer Behavior  7nternal 7nfluences  Perception

 3earning  4emory   4oti(es  Personality   %motions  'ttitudes

The *ature of Consumer Behavior  *elf+Concept and
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