Construction Notes for a Steel String Guitar - Sample

June 23, 2019 | Author: Dennistoun | Category: Guitars, Nature
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Instruction manual for building a steel string guitar from


Construction Notes for a Steel String Guitar 





Denny Brown Foreword by Robert Rober t O’Brien O’Brien 1

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Construction Notes for a Steel String Guitar 

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Cover: Steel String Rosette Inlay by Denny Denny Brown


 S   T  E  E  L   S   T  R  I    N   G  G  U  I    T  A  R

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Construction Notes for a Steel String Guitar 


Preface Construction Notes for a Steel String Guitar is a conversion of my notes into detailed building instructions for a 25.4 inch scale length steel string guitar. Like its companion, Construction Notes for a Classical Guitar, it is based on study under Robert O’Brien, while he directed the Red Rocks Community College Lutherie Program in Denver, Colorado. The original audience audience was students in Robert’ Robert’ss classes. However, with the release of his “Online Acoustic Guitar Building Course” in 2012, the first version was rewritten for the benefit of online students, as well. Greatest credit for this handbook goes to Robert O’Brien, who in 2003 founded and, until 2012, directed the Lutherie Program at Red Rocks Community College in Denver, CO. This is primarily a tabulation of his teachings. Other information in Construction Construction Notes for a Steel String Guitar comes from a variety of sources. I am indebted to fellow teaching assistants, Mike Boggess ( (,), Jim Mcmurdo and Karen Kemerling ( (,), who have guided my guitar building and, remarkably, have kept me out of trouble. Their wisdom is greatly appreciated. Many of their tips are found in this this handbook. handbo ok. The r est, est, which really doesn’t seem to leave much, I learned on my own through a combination of technical technical successes, a few “design opportunities,” i.e. mistakes, and outside reading. Robert O’Brien, to date, has supervised the building of over 500 guitars by students in Colorado, from teenagers to retirees. Several of his students relocated to Colorado specifically to take one or more of his courses. Robert’s commitment to teaching is known internationally. The DVDs that Robert made for his early students students have guided thousands of guitar  builders who have purchased  guitar kits from LMI, Int’l. Int’l. More recently, Robert’s “Online Classical Guitar Building  Course” and “Online Acoustic Guitar Building Course” were released, which display his ability to distill the complexities and mysteries of guitar making into logical steps. Besides his personal and professional commitments, Robert finds the time to host and actively participate in a Google Chat Group on guitar building. Participants hail from the

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Construction Notes for a Steel String Guitar 


None of this is to say that Robert has made guitar making easy. It is not, and it probably never will be. However, he has given many people worldwide worldwide the confidence to take the risk to do what for them had only been a dream. Denny Brown Boulder, CO

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Construction Notes for a Steel String Guitar 


Introduction While these notes are based on several sources, they distill down to one of many ways to build a steel string guitar. Indeed, every luthier has his or her own method to make a  guitar. With so many steps, variations quickly develop. Nonetheless, what I have recorded recorded closely follows the current cu rrent methods used by Robert O'Brien. Experienced builders can use Construction Notes for a Steel String Guitar alone as a reference reference to refresh his or her memory on the steps of building, or to see another way to do things. For the first-time guitar maker, this handbook alone may be inadequate as a  guide to building a building  a steel string guitar. Some things just have to be seen once or twice before they make sense. The materials and dimensions used in this handbook are based on the LMI (Luthiers Mercantile, Int’l ) KLSRO kit , used in Robert’s classes and in his online course. However, this does not preclude preclu de the use of materials from numerous other quality luthier sources. Construction Notes for a Steel String Guitar can also be paired with Robert’s DVDs and his free YouTube “Luthier Tips du Jour” series. Several books and videos are are available available from other reputable reputable authors. However, all of these resources differ to some degree from this handbook. In the case of Robert’ Robert’ss DVDs, certain sections are dated. When there is a disagreement between the DVD and these notes, the methods here are most  current. For convenience, hyperlinks are provided within the text to “Luthier Tips du Jour” episodes and to each “Online Classical Guitar Building Course” Course” lesson. The Table Table of  Contents also links to respective sections in the handbook. The best learning experience, of course, is to build your guitar with Robert O’Brien in Colorado or those who cannot, his "Online Steel String Guitar Building Course” is a

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Construction Notes for a Steel String Guitar 


You may print this manual. manual . Use it to take notes. Lots of notes. The true discovery of   great things in your guitar will happen over 250 pages from here when you first put pu t on the strings. No sooner. If your guitar is a home run, wouldn’t wouldn’t you like to have some clues how it happened? On the other hand, if your guitar doesn’ doesn’tt come out the way you wanted, wouldn’t woul dn’t you also want to know why? Take notes. When you are ready to build a classical guitar, be sure to take a look at Robert O’Brien’s O’Brien’s “Online Classical Guitar Building Course”, Course”, and the companion handbook, Construction Notes for a Classical Guitar . Input for for Construction Notes for for a Steel String Guitar is welcome. welcome. Write to me at  [email protected].. [email protected]

 A word of caution Several steps of building a guitar are dangerous, including those using hand tools. It is the reader’s responsibility to learn how to use and maintain equipment safely and correctly.

This is not a safety manual.

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Construction Notes for a Steel String Guitar 


Foreword Denny Brown’ Brown’s Construction Notes series for guitar building bui lding is the set of books I had planned to write for my students, but somehow I never got around to actually actual ly doing it. With a young family and a growing lutherie program, this task never managed to move to the top of my “To Do” list. I was thrilled when Denny unexpectedly presented his first book on the classical cla ssical guitar  to me in December of 2011. I immediately asked to use it in my classroom and hoped he would write a steel string version, version, too. (Obviously, he did.) Actually, I think that I was not only thrilled, but relieved that this long overdue project project was finally complete. Denny went above and beyond what I had envisioned and created an interactive manual. Students have instant access to my online courses and Luthier Tips du Jour videos just  by clicking on the active links throughout the text. Since Denny introduced these texts, my students’ work has improved significantly. Students now have a written study guide that allows them to prepare for class ahead of  time. In the shop, they have a detailed checklist to minimize mistakes. And as importantly, they have a place to record notes on their progress. progress. As an instructor, these books have made my life easier and helped my students build better guitars. Denny has meticulously captured how I build guitars. He also offers offers some additional perspective, which is a bonus for the user. These handbooks have become an

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Construction Notes for a Steel String Guitar 


 About the Author  Denny Brown discovered discovered fine woodworking in 2007 after retiring from a career as a  general surgeon. surgeon. He found one of the premier premier woodworking programs programs in the United States just forty-five minutes from home. His passion for fine craftsmanship and detail led him to Robert O’Brien’s guitar-making classes. Denny builds both steel string and classical guitars. He is a teaching assistant for O’Brien’s guitar building classes in Denver, Colorado. He is also the author of Construction of Construction Notes for a Classical String  Guitar and Guitar  and writes the “My Guitar Notes” blog at at Denny lives in Boulder, Colorado with his wife and children.

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Construction Notes for a Steel String Guitar 

Table of Contents

Table of Contents Chapter Chapter 1: Sides


Dimension the Sides .................................................. ........................................................................... .............................. ..... 11 Joint the Sides


Cut the Sides to Width


Safe-T Safe-T-Planer -Plane r Set S et Up


Thickness the Sides


Set Up for Bending 


Make a Side Template


Layout and Taper the Sides


Cr ack ack Repair .................................................. ............................................................................ ........................................ .............. .16 Bend the Sides

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Construction Notes for a Steel String Guitar 

Table of Contents

Prep Prep the End Block Bl ock


Prep Prep the Heel Block


Cut Sides to Length


Glue the Sides to the End and Heel Blocks


Clean Up the Sides ............................................... ......................................................................... ................................. ....... 23 Radiusing  Radiusing ................................................... ............................................................................ ............................................ ................... 24 Radius Radiu s the th e Top Top


Radius the Back


Install the Kerfing ................................................. .......................................................................... .................................. ......... 26 Shape the Kerfing 


Glue up


Str uts uts ............................................... ......................................................................... ................................................... ............................ ... 28 End Wedge .................................................. ............................................................................ ........................................... ................. 29 Make the End Wedge


Cut a Wedge in the Body


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Construction Notes for a Steel String Guitar 

Chapter 1: Sides

Chapter 1: Sides •

See “Online Acoustic Guitar Building Course”: Intro (free) The LMI Kit (free) Kit (free) Relative Humidity (free) o o o

Dimension the Sides •

See “Online Acoustic Guitar Building Course”: Cutting Sides to Width See “Luthier Tips du Jour”: Band Saws

Joint the Sides o

Bookmatch the two sides and fold together  Bookmatching is placing the two sides beside each other in a mirror  image format, left to right  Look at the grain figure and consider what edge will be at the top of the  guitar and what edge will be at the back  Account for the back edge of the upper bout being cut away slightly in a taper  See Make a Side Template, Template, below Select the edge that will that will be the top top of the guitar sides to joint  Tape the opposite edges together together with two pieces of tape tape §





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Construction Notes for a Steel String Guitar 

Chapter 1: Sides

Safe-T-Planer Set Up •

See “Online Acoustic Guitar Building Course”: Thicknessing  See “Luthier Tips du Jour”: Safe-T-Planer  Note: In 2012, production of the Safe-T Safe-T-Planer was discontinued. A similar  product is the Drill Press Planer  o o

Put Safe-T-Planer in the drill press Tilt the table very slightly downhill so the exit side of cutter is wider than the entry entry  A folded piece of sandpaper under the in-feed side of the table is enough Set the depth to 2.7 mm Set the drill press speed to 2000-2500 RPM Make sure the table is clean so the board is not lifted by debris and cut  too thin Test cut  §


o o


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Construction Notes for a Steel String Guitar 

Chapter 1: Sides

With one person, push the board in as far as possible using a hold down block, then pull the board through with a hold down block on the outfeed side Final thicknessing options o

o o o o

Thickness Sander (preferred) (preferred) Scraper  Hand sander  See “Luthier Tips du Jour”: Scrapers Thickness Sanding Sides §


Thickness sander  The target point is 2.2 mm and flexibility suitable for bending (a good indicator is the beginning of flex transversely) transversely) Measure the thickness of sides, tops and backs with a dial caliper  Send sides through sander at  30o angle to avoid overheating the sanding  belt  o



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Construction Notes for a Steel String Guitar 

Chapter 1: Sides

Make a Side Template •

See “Online Acoustic Guitar Building Course”: Tapering the Sides Considerations The markup measurements can also used directly on the sides without  making a template Use anything thin, such as paper, plastic, ¼” MDF or fiberboard Dimensions Cut a piece of material 80 cm long  11 cm (110 mm) tall o





110 mm

“End Line”  B  U  T  T

↓       K       C       A      B


 W  A  I     S   T

46 cm

T aper  ↓

↓      K      C      E      N

“End Line”

 95 mm

 74 cm

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Construction Notes for a Steel String Guitar 

Chapter 1: Sides

 Along the side with the tapered side, mark “BACK”  Along the uncut straight edge, mark “TOP” “TOP” Do not get these backwards! ba ckwards! Label the template “STEEL STRING”, in case you later make classical guitars Transfer all of the labels l abels and lines to the opposite side Cut ¼” notches at the ends of the each line to aid marking the §





Layout and Taper the Sides •

Bookmatch the sides and lay the two pieces side by side Select the desired outside surfaces Fold the sides together with the desired outside surfaces on the ou outside tside of the sandwich Mark the layout orientation Use white pencil on the outside of both pieces Select and mark the neck and butt ends Remember that the neck end will be tapered ta pered o o


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Construction Notes for a Steel String Guitar 

Chapter 1: Sides

Crack Repair  •

See “Online Acoustic Guitar Building Course”: Crack Repair  Cracks can and will occur, particularly in the sides Most cracks are 50 mm, or less, but they can also be very dramatic The rescue is frequently CA glue, plus accelerator  Dark wood cracks, especially with the grain, tend to hide well Do NOT use CA glue for tops Light colored woods stain with CA glue o

In all cases, the principle is to get the wood on either side of the crack lined up and held in place while glue sets  Another pair of hands might be handy, if using CA glue with accelerator  Minor Fixes §


Get the wood lined up Let thin CA glue flow into the crack  Apply accelerator and hold until set 

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Construction Notes for a Steel String Guitar 

Bend the Sides •

See “Online Acoustic Guitar Building Course”: Bending, Part 1 Bending, Part 2  See “Luthier Tips du Jour”: LMI Side Bender  Side Bending by Hand Making Forms o o

o o o

Super Soft 

Chapter 1: Sides

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Construction Notes for a Steel String Guitar  •

Chapter 1: Sides

Position the wood Put the first sheet of spring steel in the bending machine Line up the spring steel parallel to one side of the bending form Spray wood lightly with water  Put one guitar side outside up on the spring steel and line up the top (jointed) edge parallel to the edge of the spring steel Position the waistline of the guitar side in the center of the bending  machine  Add the heating pad, then the second sheet of spring steel Double check positioning  Spring-clip the sandwich together  o


o o





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Construction Notes for a Steel String Guitar  •

Chapter 1: Sides

Cool and remove the side Place the side in the guitar form

Bending with a Thermocouple •

See “Luthier Tips du Jour”: Heating Blanket Temperature Controller  This uses a specialized piece of equipment  Tighten the waist clamp just enough to flex the wood and hold it in place Put handles on springs Place the thermocouple probe between the heating pad and the wood Set thermostat to 300o F

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Construction Notes for a Steel String Guitar 

Chapter 1: Sides

Heel and End Blocks •

See “Online Acoustic Guitar Building Course”: Heel and End Blocks See “Luthier Tips du Jour”: Heel and End Blocks Hand Planes Sharpening  o o o

Prep Prep the End Block Orient the grain horizontally

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Construction Notes for a Steel String Guitar 

Chapter 1: Sides

Prep the Heel Block •

Orient grain horizontally Band saw the block to these dimensions  70 mm (wide) 34 mm (thick) 88 mm (tall) Sand the rough sides of the block and bring them close to final dimensions Finished dimensions are 70 x 32 x 82 mm The finished thickness MUST BE 32 mm for the neck bolts to fit   A little less is okay, more is not  o





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Construction Notes for a Steel String Guitar  o

Band saw the sides just short of the lines Save cutoffs for cauls Finish to the line with a sander  Replace sides in the guitar form in the correct orientation §


Chapter 1: Sides

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Construction Notes for a Steel String Guitar  •

Chapter 1: Sides

Glue up Set up the clamps with a dry run, this has to move quickly if both ends are being done simultaneously o

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Construction Notes for a Steel String Guitar 

Radiusing  •

See “Online Acoustic Guitar Building Course”: Radiusing  See “Luthier Tips du Jour”: Closing the Box

Chapter 1: Sides

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Construction Notes for a Steel String Guitar  •

Chapter 1: Sides

Sand in the 30’ radius dish with a twisting motion Use chalk on the side edges and the produced sawdust in the dish for a  guide in sanding, until there is no gap o

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Construction Notes for a Steel String Guitar  o


Chapter 1: Sides

Make sure there is enough of the sides protruding from the form in back to radius without inadvertently sanding the form Wrap fingers around the form If they touch the sandpaper, adjust the form higher 

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