Construction Guide For Housing

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Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

October 4, 2009 Dear Colleague; The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) in i n partnership with the Ontario Building Officials Association (OBOA) and the Ontario Home Builders’ Association (OHBA) are pleased to introduce the Official 2010 Ontario Code and Construction Guide for Housing. Since 1990, the Code and Construction Guide for Housing has played an important role providing current, practical and accurate construction information to builders, building officials, designers, educators, students and others in the housing industry. The 2010 edition of the Ontario Code and Construction Guide for Housing builds on our 20 year history, is current to today's Building Code contains many and chapter unique features. For more information about the Guide, its itsand advantages, a freenew sample and how to order your copy, visit: ations We are happy to continue our successful collaboration developing supportive materials that are current and relevant to the entire industry, and encourage you to invest in this valuable resource.


David Brezer, Director Building and Development Ministry of Municipal AffairsBranch and Housing

Lynn Balfour, President Ontario Building Officials Association

James Bazely, President Ontario Home Builders’ Association


Ministère de Affairs municipales et du Logement

Le 4 octobre 2009 Madame ou Monsieur, Le ministère des Affaires municipales et du Logement (MAML), en partenariat avec l’Association des officiers en bâtiments de l’Ontario (OBOA) et l’Ontario Home Builders’  Association (OHBA), est heureux de vous présenter la version officielle 2010 du Ontario Code and Construction Guide for Housing . Depuis 1990, le Code and Construction Guide for Housing  joue  joue un rôle important en fournissant une information à jour, pratique et exacte aux constructeurs, aux agents du bâtiment, aux concepteurs, aux éducateurs, aux étudiants et à tous les intervenants de l’industrie du logement. L’édition 2010 du Ontario Code and Construction Guide for Housing , qui s’appuie sur 20 années d’expérience, est totalement conforme au Code du bâtiment actuel et comporte de nombreuses caractéristiques novatrices uniques. Pour de plus amples renseignements sur le guide et ses avantages, et pour obtenir un chapitre modèle gratuit et des instructions sur la façon de commander votre exemplaire, veuillez visiter : Nous sommes heureux de poursuivre notre collaboration fructueuse avec l’industrie, collaboration qui a débouché sur la conception de ressources documentaires actualisées et pertinentes, s’adressant à toute l’industrie. Je vous encourage à acheter cet outil précieux. Veuillez agréer, Madame ou Monsieur, l’expression de mes sentiments distingués.

David Brezer, directeur Direction du bâtiment et de l’aménagement Ministère des Affaires municipales et du Logement Loge ment

Lynn Balfour, présidente  Association des officiers en bâtiments de l’Ontario

James Bazely, président Ontario Home Builders’ Association



Table of Contents


Table of Contents Housing Guide

  n   r  s    i  o   e    V      t    f   r  a    D     –     9   0   0  ,   ,   2     o    i   r   a    t   n   O     r   o    f     r    t  e    P     i   r  r  n     s    ’   n   e   e   u   Q     © Preface Housing Guide Table of Contents 1. Start-Up 2. Foundations 3. Floor Framing 4. Room and Space Dimensions 5. Means of Egress 6. Fire Safety and Sound und Control 7. Wall Systems 8. Roofing 9. Windows and Skylights 10.. Fire 10 Firepl plac aces es,, Chi Chimn mney eys s and and Flue Flues s 11. Mechanical Systems 12. 12. Plum Plumbi bing ng and and Elec Electr tric ical al Faci Facili liti ties es 13. 13. In Insul sulat atio ion, n, Air Air Barr Barrie iers rs,, and Vap Vapou ourr Barr Barrie iers rs 14. Interior Fi Finishes 15.. 16 16.

Extrage erges, iors, Fi Fin shport esrts, Gara Ga Car Ciarpo s, Dec Decks ks and and Por Porch ches es

Building Code for Housing

Building Code for Housing Table Table of Contents Division A: Compliance, Objectives and Functional Statements TBD Division B: Acceptable Solutions Part 1 General Part 6 Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning Air-Conditioning Part 9 Housing and Small Buildings Part 12 Resource Conservation Division C: Administrative Procedures

TBD Supplementary Standards SB-1 Climatic and Seismic Information for Building Design in Ontario SB-2 Fire Performance Ratings SB-3 Fire and Sound Resistance of Building Assemblies SB-7 Construction Requirements for Guards SB-9 Requirements for Soil Gas Control Appendix A: Explanatory material for the Building Code 2006 Appendix B: Imperial Conversions of Metric Values

Additional Material

Building Code Cross References Plans Examination Checklists Inspection Checklists Forms

Index Housing Guide



Means of Egress

5 1

  n MEANS OF EGRESS   r  s    i  o   e    V      t    f   r  a    D     –     9   0   0 KEY POINTS  , ,   2     o    i   r   a    t   n   O     r   o    f     r    t  e    P     i   r  r  n     s    ’   n   e   e   u   Q     © Among the most important provisions of the Code are those pertaining to the means of egress. These provisions regulate design and construction to allow people to move within and between rooms or spaces, as well as to exit and to enter the dwelling unit. Means of egress for stacked dwelling units are outside the scope of this Code and Guide which focuses on unstacked, single dwelling units.

Residential buildings must be designed and constructed to fulfill the following functions: • allow occupants a safe means of escape from a building in an emergency;

• allow the safe passage of occupants from one floor to another; and

• provide acceptable resistance to forced entry.


5 2

Means of Egress



Dwelling Unit Room


  n   r  s    i  o   e    V      t    f   r  a    D     –     9   0  , ,   2     0   0   o    i   r   a    t   n   O     r   o    f     r    t  e    P     i   r  r  n     s    ’   n   e   e   u   Q     ©

DIVISION B Occupant Load


Exits, doors, stairs and ramps along with hallways, corridors and passageways represent the most common means of egress in dwelling units.

Room or space


The means of egress is a defined term in the Code which includes exits and access to exits. It refers to a continuous path of travel provided for the escape from any point in a building or in a contained open space to a separate building, an open public thoroughfare, or an exterior open space that is protected from fire exposure from the building with access to an open public thoroughfare. Figure 5.1 illustrates the main components and terms that define means of egress. The sections discuss eachfollowing of these in relationfurther to the relevant Code requirements.

The primary consideration of the Code is the safety of occupants, both under normal conditions of use and in emergency situations, such as in the case of fire. Under normal conditions of use, means of egress are intended to be functional and permit occupants to safely perform tasks such as moving furniture, carrying in groceries or serving food.

Under emergency conditions, the Code intends that occupants are provided with a safe exit from the dwelling unit traveling through a properly designed means of egress. Based on this intent, the means of egress must n o t o n l y b e s a fe w i th r e s p e c t to pedestrian movement, but must also be properly illuminated.





Vertical egress

Means of egress

Exit to an exterior protected open space with access to public thoroughfare

Figure 5.1 Terms Defining Means of Egress



DIVISION B 9.5. 9. 5.10 10.1 .1.. Width Widt h of Hal Hallw lway ay Wit Withi hin n Dwel Dwelli ling ng Unit 9.7.1 .1.3 .3.. Bedroom Windows General Application Fire Prote tec ctio n Types of of Ex Exits 9.9. 9. 9.2. 2.3. 3. Elev El evat ator ors, s, Sl Slid ide e Esc Escap apes es an and d Windows as Means of Egress 9.9. 9. 9.9. 9.1. 1. Tra rave vell Lim Limit it to to Exit Exits s or or Egr Egres ess s Doors

Every dwelling unit must contain at least one exit which can be accessed directly without going through another dwelling unit, service room or occupancy. Dwelling units must be designed so that it is not necessary to travel up or down more than one storey to reach a level served by an exit doorway within 1.5 m (5') of ground level.


( (

Additional exits may not be necessary where the uppermost floor level is served by an openable window with a sill not more than 1 m (3' 3") above the floor and not more than 7 m (23') above the adjacent ground level, providing an unobstructed opening of not less than 1 m (3' 3") in height and 0.55 m (1' 10") in width or the floor level has direct access to a balcony balcony.. Refer to Figure 5.2. An additional exit is required for floor levels in dwelling units where the building contains a hallway less than

860 mm 10")be 10") in provided width. This additional exit(2' must near the end of the hallway furthest from f rom the living area or in every bedroom served by the hallway. hallway. Refer to Figure 5.3.



Means of Egress

Note: Every floor level containing a bedroom requires an openable window with a minimum area of 0.35 sq. m (3.77 sq. ft) with no dimension less than 380 mm (15") and a maximum sill height of 1 m (3' 3").

5 3

Travel to a floor level served by an exit doorway is limited to one so storey up or down except where: 1. an openable window is provided, or  2. the floor level has direct access to a balcony

  n   r  s    i  o   e    V    t     f   r  a    D     –     9   0  ,   ,   2       0  0   o    i   r   a    t   n   O     r   o    f     r    t  e    P     i   r  r  n     s    ’   n   e   e   u   Q     © Minimum dimensions of unobstructed opening in openable window: 0.55 m width x 1 m height (1' 10" w x 3' 3" h) Window sill not more than 7 m (23') above the adjacent ground level


2 storeys down


 Access to balcony

2 storeys down

Window sill not more than 1 m (3' 3") above floor 

Level served by exit doorway

Exit doorway not more than 1.5 m (5') above adjacent ground level

1 storey up

1 storey up

( (

Figure 5.2 Exit Requirements

Option 1 - One Exit min 860 mm width hallway

Option 2 - Multiple Exits exit in each bedroom served


Option 3 - Two Exits second exit at end of hallway














Living  Area


Living  Area


Living  Area


Living  Area

Living  Area

min 860 mm (34")

Figure 5.3 Exiting Requirements for Buildings With Narrow Hallways

Living  Area


min 710 mm (28")


min 710 mm (28") (


5 4

Means of Egress



Minimum Size of Doors Depending on Entrance

BUILDING CODE REFERENCES DIVISION B Application 9.6. 9. 6.2. 2.1 1. Door Do ors s for for Dw Dwel elli ling ng Un Unit its s 9.6. 9. 6.3. 3.1. 1. Door Do orwa way y Op Open enin ing g Si Siz zes 9.6.3 .3.3 .3.. Doors to to B Ba athrooms

Width (mm (in)) Dwelling unit (required entrance) Vestibule or entrance hall

Height (mm (ft in))

  n   r  s    i  o   e    V    t     f   r  a    D     –     9   0  ,   ,   2       0  0   o    i   r   a    t   n   O     r   o    f     r    t  e    P     i   r  r  n     s    ’   n   e   e   u   Q     ©

9. 9.6. 9.6.5. 6.5.1. 5.1. 2. 9.6. 9. 6.5 5.3 .3.. 9.6. 9. 6.5.4 5.4.. 9.6. 9. 6.5. 5.5. 5. 9.6. 9. 6.6 6.1 .1.. 9.6. 9. 6.6 6.3 .3.. 9.6. 9. 6.6. 6.5. 5. .5.. 9.6. 9. 6.8. 8.6. 6.

Ex Exte teri rior orDW ood Flus ush h Do Door ors s Slid in g ooo orsd Fl Ins In sul ulat ated ed Ste tee el Doo oorrs Airr In Ai Infil filtr trat atio ion n fo forr Ex Exte teri rior or Sw Swin ing g Type Doors Airr Infi Ai Infilt ltra rati tion on fo forr Pati Patio o Typ Type e Sliding Doors Weather Str Striipp in ing Max Ma xim imum um Area of Gl Gla ass Glass in Doors and Sidelights Mirr Mi rror ored ed Gl Gla ass Doo oorrs Glas Gl ass s fo forr Sh Show ower er or Ba Bath thtu tub b Enclosures Application Wood Doors Deadbolt Lock Double Doors F as astening of of Hi Hinges Fast Fa sten enin ing g of St Stri rike kepl plat ates es

9. 9.6. 9.6.8. 6.8.7 8. 7 8.. 9.6.8 9. 6.8.1 .10. 0. 9.9. 9. 9.6 6.5 .5.. 9.9. 9. 9.6. 6.7. 7.

Ou Outw twar Sewrin ingi gin ng Doo Doorrs D oo r ard Vid Vi ewSw Solid Bl Blocking Alte Al tern rnat ate e Tes Testt Pro Proce cedu dure re Door Action Dir irec ecti tio on of of Doo Doorr Swi Swing ng Door Do or La Latc tchi hing ng,, Lo Lock ckin ing g an and d Opening Mechanisms 9.10.1 9.1 0.13.1 3.16. 6. Doo Doorr Stops Stops

This section deals with requirements for doors in dwellings. It applies to doors, glazed areas in doors, sidelights for doors and glass for shower or bathtub enclosures.

Many of the requirements for doors are based on established standards. These standards are referenced in the corresponding section of the Code. Standards have been developed to ensure that doors will provide acceptable levels of performance for their intended use. It is important to specify doors which meet all required standards and to install them in accordance with manufacturers' instructions.


Doors must be provided at each entrance to a dwelling unit and in each room containing a water closet. Exit doors are permitted to swing either inward inward or outward. All exterior doors must be readily openable from the inside without requiring keys, special devices, or specialized knowledge of the door opening mechanism.

810 (32")

1980 (6' 6")

 All doorstointhe at basement least one line line of passage from the exterior Utility rooms

810 (32")

1980 (6' 6")

Walk-in closet

610 (24")

1980 (6' 6")

Bathroom, water closet room, shower room

610 (24")

1980 (6' 6")

Rooms located off hallways that are permitted to be 710 mm (28") wide

610 (24")

1980 (6' 6")

Rooms not mentioned above, exterior balconies

760 (30")

1980 (6' 6")

Stairs to a floor level that contains a finshed space

Figure 5.4 Minimum Size of Doors

(See also Resistance to Forced Entry below).

Where a door opens onto a drop of more than 600 mm (24") to the nearest floor, landing, stair tread, or ground level (as in a french balcony), the door must be provided with a guard or it must be equipped with a mechanism that will prevent any clear unobstructed opening greater than 100 mm (4").



The minimum sizes for doors are shown in Figure 5.4. Doorway openings must be designed to accommodate the minimum prescribed door sizes regardless of door type - swinging, sliding or folding.


Exit doors and doors in means of egress within dwelling units or serving a single dwelling unit are not required to swing on the vertical axis.


Exterior doors used in housing are commonly of the wood, insulated steel, fibre glass or sliding glass type. Each of these types is required to conform to the applicable manufacturing standard for construction and air infiltration referenced in the corresponding section of the Cod Code. e. All exteri exterior or doors, except garage doors, must be weatherstripped to control air leakage. Special consideration must be given to doors between the dwelling

( (

u n i t a n d a n a tta c h e d g a r a g e a s detailed in Chapter 16. It is also required that exterior doors provide the minimum thermal resistance value listed in Chapter 13.


A minimum level of security must be provided for all swing-type exterior doors leading into the dwelling unit. This Code requirement is intended to substantially reduce the likelihood of forced entry through exterior doors.

Where wood doors leading into the dwelling unit are installed, these must be either solid core type not less than 45 mm (1-3/4") thick, or stile and rail type having a panel thickness of not less than 19 mm (3/4") and a total panel area not exceeding 50% of the door area. Double doors leading into the dwelling unit must be provided with an inactive leaf which may be secured with heavy duty bolts, top and bottom, having an engagement not less than 15 mm (5/8"). Solid blocking must be provided on both sides at the lock height between the jambs and structural framing for all

Looking Ahead

See Chapter 13 Insulation and See Chapter 16 Garages and Carports



Means of Egress

5 5

45 mm (1-3/4") Structural framing members

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Solid blocking at lock height on both sides of  jamb so that the jambs will resist spreading by force (

Wood doors shall be solid core, (not less then 45 mm (1-3/4 ") thick), or  stile and rail type, with a minimum panel thickness of 19 mm (3/4 ") and a total panel area not more than half of the door area (

Hinges fastened to

Hinges fastened

door withper at least frame 2 screws hinge that are at least 30 mm (1-3/16") into solid wood

to doors with screws not less than 25 mm (1") (

15 mm (5/8")

Strikeplate fastened with not less than 30 mm (1-3/16") screws Dead bolt with not less than 25 mm (1") throw (


Figure 5.5 Code Requirements for Resistance to Forced Entry

doors leading into the dwelling unit. This blocking must be installed to adequately resist spreading of the door jambs by force.

For all outward swinging exterior doors leading into the dwelling unit, hinges or pins must be provided so that the doors cannot be removed when they are in the closed position. Hinges must be securely fastened to wood doors with minimum 25 mm (1") l o n g w o o d s c r e w s a n d to w o o d frames with at least two wood screws penetrating not less than 30 mm (1-1/  4") into solid wood. Hinges for metal doors and frames must be securely fastened with No. 10 or larger machine screws not less than 10 mm (3/8") long.

Strikeplates for all exterior doors leading into the dwelling unit must be fastened to wood frames with wood screws penetrating not less than 30 mm (1-1/4") into solid solid w wood. ood. Strikeplates must be fastened to metal frames with No. 10 or larger machine screws not less than 12 mm (1/2") long. Deadbolt locks must consist of a cylinder having no less than 5 pins and a bolt throw of not less than 25 mm (1"), protected with a solid or hardened free-turning ring or beveled cylinder housing. Entrance doors without transparent glazing provided in the door must be equipped with a door viewer with a viewing angle of not less than 160°.

 An inactive leaf in double double doors must be provided with heavy duty bolts at the top and bottom having an engagement of not less than 15 mm (5/8") (


The Appendix to the Code provides additional explanatory material for measures regarding resistance to forced entry. entry. Figure 5.5 depicts some of the Code requirements for resistance to forced entry.


5 6

Means of Egress




Maximum Maxim um Glass Glass Area Area for Doors Doors - m (ft )

Type of Glass

  n   r  s    i  o   e    V      t    f   r  a    D     –     9   0  ,   ,   2       0  0   o    i   r   a    t   n   O     r   o    f     r    t  e     i   r  r  n    P     s    ’   n   e   e   u   Q     © Glass Thickness (mm)


 Annealed multiple glazed; Factory sealed units



Heat strengthened

Fully tempered

Fully tempered multiple glazed; Factory sealed units

3 4 5 6

(0.12") (0.16") (0.20") (0.24")

0.50 (5.38) 1.00 (10.76) 1.50 (16.14) 1.50 (16.14)

0.70 (7.53) 1.50 (16.14) 1.50 (16.14) 1.50 (16.14)

----* ----* ----* 1.20 (12.91)

----* ----* ----* 1.00 (10.76)

1.00 (10.76) 1.50 (16.14) 1.50 (16.14) 1.50 (16.14)

Figure 5.6 Maximum Glass Area for Doors


The maximum area of glass in doors is provided in in Figure 5.6. The thickness and type of glass is used to determine the maximum area of glazing permitted for the safe performance of the door assembly.

INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR STAIRS serving one dwelling unit

PUBLIC STAIRS serving more than one dwelling unit

Stair dimensions as shown:

250 - 355 mm (9-7/8" - 14") tread limits

235 - 355 mm (9-1/4" - 14") tread limits

125 - 200 mm (4-7/8" - 7-7/8") rise limits

210 - 355 mm (8-1/4" - 14") run limits

230 - 355 mm (9" - 14") run limits

125 - 200 mm (4-7/8" - 7-7/8") rise limits


Maximum depth of beveled or rounded edge is 25 mm (1")


Safety glass must be used for glass shower and bathtub enclosures. This requirement is especially important to check when custom enclosures are being fabricated.

2.00 (21.52) 4.00 (43.04) no limit no limit

Notes to Table: (*) Not generally available available (


Mirrored glass doors may be used o n l y a t th e e n tr a n c e to r e a c h - i n clothes closets and must be reinforced with a film backing providing adequate impact resistance. Ensure that mirrored glass doors conform to the standards referenced in the Code.

1.00 (10.76) 4.00 (43.04) no limit no limit


The clear height over stairs is measured vertically from a line drawn through the outer edges of the nosings.

For stairs within dwelling units the clear height must be not less than 1.95 m (6' 5")

Rounded or bevelled

Tread minimum

For stairs not within dwelling units the clear  height must be not less than 2.05 m (6' 9")

leading edges of treads can not reduce the required tread depth by more than 15 mm (5/8")



Better Building Note

 As a means of egress, doors doors and doorways should be designed to provide safety and convenience. Door locations and types in dwellings along with directions of swing should be carefully considered.

 At least one stairway between between each floor level within a dwelling unit must have a width not less than 860 mm (34") Required exit stairs and public stairs must have a width not less than 900 mm (36")

Figure 5.7 Stair Dimensions

Max vertical height is 3.7 m (12' 2") between landings

(9.8.2) (9.8.3)



Means of Egress


Where a door swings towards a stair, the full arc of its swing shall be over a landing (

BUILDING CODE REFERENCES DIVISION B Stair Width 9.8 .8.2 .2.2 .2.. Height ov over St Stairs 9.8. 9. 8.3. 3.1. 1. Stra St raig ight ht an and d Cu Curv rved ed Ru Runs ns in Stairs

5 7

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9.8.4. 9.8. 4.4. 4. 9.8 9. 8.4 .4.6 .6.. 9.8 .8..6.2. 9.8 9. 8.6 .6.3 .3.. 9.8 9. 8.6 .6.4 .4.. 9.8 9. 8.9 .9.1 .1.. 9.8 9. 8.9 .9.2 .2.. 9.8 .8.9 .9.3 .3.. 9.8 .8.1 .10 0.2 .2.. 9.8.1 9.8 .10.3 0.3..

Minimu Mini mum m Num Numbe berr of of Ris Riser ers s Max Ma xim imu um Hei Heigh ghtt of of Sta Stair irs s Unif Un ifor ormi mity ty and and Tol Toler eran ance ces s for for Risers and Treads Dime Di mens nsio ions ns fo forr Ris ise ers Dimensions for Rectangular Treads Dime Di mens nsio ions ns fo forr Ang Angle led d Tre Tread ads s Winders Lead Le adin ing g Edg Edges es of Tr Trea eads ds Required La Landings Dime Di mens nsio ions ns of Lan andi ding ngs s Hei eigh ghtt ove verr La Lan ndi ding ngs s Loa Lo ads on St Stai airs rs and Ram amps ps Exte Ex terrio iorr Conc Concrrete Sta Stair irs s Exte terrior Wo Wood Ste Step ps Wooden Stair Stringers Treads Finish for Treads and Landings

For straight-run stairs, the landing width (LW) and landing length (LL)

must required. be not less than the stair width (SW)


 All other landing lengths (LL) must not exceed 1100 mm (43") for stairs in a straight-run. (



All stairs must be designed and constructed such that treads and risers have a uniform rise and run. Stairways may contain both curved and straight portions of stairs provided the riser height is uniform throughout the entire flight and the curved portion conforms to Section 9.8 of the Building Code. Where interior stairs extend through the roof of a dwelling, they must be protected from ice and snow.


Code requirements for stair dimensions are illustrated in Figure 5.7. The rise and run of stairs, the provision of nosings or backslopes, the minimum width of stairs and the minimum head room are all prescribed by the Code.




and Ramps Design Anch or orag e Prev Pr even enti tion on of Da Dama mage ge Du Due e to to Frost Front Edge of Stair Treads

Stairs are the most common means of vertical egress in dwelling units. Code requirements for stairs have been derived from evolving practices found to provide reasonable safety and convenience.


The vertical height between any landings (LH) shall not exceed 3.7 m (12' 2") (



Except for main entrance doors, where a door at the top of a stair swings away from the stair, no landing is required (

Figure 5.8 Landing Dimensions


Landings are level, intended to footing provide occupants with secure at the top and bottom of stairs, ramps with a slope greater than 1 in 50 and at doorways which swing toward stairs. Where a door at the top of a stair swings away from the stair, no landing is required between the doorway and stair, however, provision of a landing is recognized as better building practice. A landing must be proprovided at the top of all exterior stairs. A landing is not required for an exterior stair serving a secondary entrance with 3 risers or less and with a door that swings away from the stair or that slides. If the door iis s a storm or s screen creen door it must be equipped with hardware to hold hold it open. A landing must be provided at the bottom of all exterior stairs and ramps, unless there is no obstruction such as a gate or a

door within 900 mm (36'') of the stair or ramp.

Landings must be at least as wide and as long as the width of the stairs in which they serve, except that the length of a landing serving a single dwelling unit must be not less than 900 mm (36'') for exterior stairs and not less than 860 mm (34'') for interior stairs. The length of a landing for public stairs in a straight run must not be less than 1.1 m (3' 7"). Public stairs are shared stairs that serve more than one dwelling unit. The maximum permitted vertical height between landings is 3.7 m (12' 2") in order to minimize the risk of an accidental fall and provide occupants with a resting level. The clear height over landings must not be less 1.95 m (6' 5"). Figuresfor 5.8 and 5.9 illustrate requirements landings.


5 8

Means of Egress


Dimensions for Required Landings Serving a Single Dwelling Unit

Landing Configuration

Minimum Length

Minimum Width

  n   r  s    i  o   e    V      t    f   r  a    D     –     9   0  , ,   2     0   0   o    i   r   a    t   n   O     r   o    f     r    t  e     i   r  r  n    P     s    ’   n   e   e   u   Q     © 860 mm  (34")

In straight-run interior stair or ramp, or interior landing turning through less than 30

Width of stair or ramp

900 mm   (36")

In straight-run exterior stair or ramp, or exterior landing turning through less than 30

230 mm (9") along inside edge  AND

Landing turning through an angle angle of 30 or more, but less than 90

370 mm (15") measured at a point 230 mm (9") from the inside edge

Width of stair or ramp measured at right angle to path of travel

Width of landing

Landing turning through not less than 90

Width of stair or landing

Landing turning through 30 or more

Note: Please refer to Table in the Code for stairs and ramps serving other than single dwelling units

Figure 5.9 Dimensions of Landings Serving a Single Dwelling Unit


In order to accommodate turns safely in stairs, the Code requirements in Figure 5.10 must be observed. It is important during the design of curved stairs and winders, particularly where these are manufactured off-site, to ensure compliance with the Code.


The construction of stairs must conform to the corresponding section of

the Code. Stairs and ramps serving a single dwelling unit must be designed for strength and rigidity to support 1.9 kPa. See Figure Figure 5.11. All risers and treads must have a uniform height or run and tread depth with a maximum tolerance of 6 mm (1/4''). It is also important to provide appropri appropriate ate finishes for stairs which are both safe and durable.




minimum average run 200 mm (8") measured on the centreline of the stair 

Stairs within units may contain winders that converge to a centre point provided the winders turn through an angle of not more than 90 and individual treads turn through an angle of 30

risers to conform to

minimum run 150 mm (6") (

30 - 45

30 - 45


30 45

Three winders maximum

Winders must not turn through an angle greater than 90


30 45

30 45

Two winders

minimum 1.2 m (3' 11") separation between each set of winders

30 45

One winder Figure 5.10 Curved Stairs and Winders




Means of Egress


Stair treads of plywood or OSB that are not continuously supported by the riser must have their face grain or direction of face orientation at right angles to the stringers


W = max 900 mm (35") in dwelling units W = max 1200 mm (47") in dwelling units when   risers support the front of the treads   unless stringers and treads designed for    wider spacing W = max 600 mm (23-1/2") in other than   dwelling units

5 9


  n   r  s    i  o   e    V    t     f   r  a    D     –     0  9  ,   ,   2       0  0   o    i   r   a    t   n   O     r   o    f     r    t  e     i   r  r  n    P     s    ’   n   e   e   u   Q     © Tread thickness:

 A = min 25 mm (1") when risers   support front of tread B = min 38 mm (1-1/2") when tread   unsupported at front and distance   between stringers is no greater    than 750 mm (30")

Secure stringers at top and bottom


Min 90 mm (3-1/2")

Min 235 mm (9-1/2")

Concrete pad



Stringer thickness:

T = 25 mm (1") if supported along the length   (i.e. secured to a wall) T = 38 mm (1-1/2") if unsupported along the length

Exterior wood steps shall not be in direct contact with the ground unless treated to prevent decay ( ( (



Concrete steps with more than 2 risers and 2 treads must be supported on unit masonry, concrete walls or piers not less than 150 x 150 mm (6" x 6") (

Concrete foundation


4 risers

4 risers

Below frost on undisturbed ground

Suitable precautions shall be taken during backfilling and grading to avoid damage due to soil freezing (

Figure 5.11 Stair Construction


Better Building Note

Landings and thresholds in stairs can be designed to provide a higher level of safety and convenience. It is difficult to open doors swinging into landings if  the occupant is required to step back and down to allow sufficient door swing clearance. Similarly, at doorways occurring at the top of stairs, it is safer to provide a threshold in place of the first step, especially when the stair light switch is located beyond the doorway.

Min 200 mm (8") (

300 mm (12") min threshold

300 mm (12") min beyond door swing


5 10

Means of Egress


RAMPS BUILDING CODE REFERENCES DIVISION B Application Ramp Width .3.. Height over Ramp s Slope

  n   r  s    i  o   e    V      t    f   a   r    D     –     9   0  ,   ,   2       0  0   o    i   r   a    t   n   O     r   o    f     r    t  e     i   r  r  n    P     s    ’   n   e   u  e   Q     © .2.. 9.8. 9. 8.6 6.3 .3..

 A landing shall shall be provided at the top and bottom of every ramp with a slope greater than 1 in 50 (

Maximum Rise Req ui uired La Landings Dime Di mens nsio ions ns of La Land ndin ings gs

Ramps represent the second most common form of vertical egress. The maximum gradient for interior and exterior ramps in dwelling units is 1 in 10. Where any means of egr egress ess opens onto the side of a ramp, the landing shall extend for a distance of not less than 300 mm (12") on either side of the doorway or stairway, except on a side abutting an end wall. F i g u r e 5 .1 2 i l l u s tr a te s th e C o d e requirements governing ramps.

300 mm (12") min

Width of ramp not less than 860 mm (2' 10")



Where a doorway or stairway opens onto the side of a ramp, there shall be a level area extending across the full width of the ramp and for a distance of at of least (12") on either side the300 wallmm opening

The maximum gradient for ramps is 1 in 10. (

Figure 5.12 Requirements for Pedestrian Ramps




5 11

Handrails are intended to provide occupants with a secure grip and means of support when ascending and descending stairs or ramps. Code requirements for handrails apply to both stairs and ramps in dwelling units, however, only requirements for stairs are depicted in Figure 5.13.


Means of Egress

Required Handrails Con onti tinu nuit ity y of of Han Handr drai ails ls Height of of Ha Handrail s Ergonomic Design

  n   r   s    i   o   e    V      t    f   r  a    D     –     9   0  ,   ,   2       0  0   o    i   r   a    t   n   O     r   o    f     r    t  e     i   r  r  n    P     s    ’   n   e   e   u   Q     © 9.8. 9. 8.7. 7.6. 6.

9.8. 9. 8.7. 7.7. 7.

Pr Proj ojec ecti tion ons s in into to St Stai airs rs an and d Ramps Des esig ign n and and Att ttac achm hmen entt of of Handrails

Handrails REQUIRED on:

a) at least one side of stairs or ramps less than 1.1 m (43") wide b) two sides of stairs or ramps 1.1 m (43") wide or greater 

Handrails NOT REQUIRED for:

a) interior stairs serving one dwelling unit having not more than two risers b) exterior stairs serving one dwelling unit having not more than three risers c) ramps with a slope not less than 1 in 12 or rising more than 400 mm (16")

Only one handrail required for exterior  stairs with more than 3 risers serving one dwelling unit

Design and attachment of handrails must conform to article Line through leading edges of stair treads

Line through leading edges of stair treads



The height of handrail (H) must be no less than 800 mm (31") and not more than 965 mm (38") measured vertically from a line drawn through the leading edges of stair treads to the top of the handrail

1.1 m (43") or more require two handrails



Handrails shall be constructed with no obstruction on or above them to break a handhold except where the handrails interrupted by newels at changes in direction

50 mm (2") min

100 mm (4") max

EASY TO GRASP Recommended 50 mm (2") max


Figure 5.13 Handrails

( (

Interior stair 

Exterior stair 

( (



5 12

Means of Egress


GUARDS BUILDING CODE REFERENCES DIVISION B Required Guards Loads on on G Gu uards .3.. Height of Guards 9.8. 9. 8.8. 8.4. 4. Guar Gu ards ds fo forr Fl Floo oors rs an and d Ra Ramp mps s

Guards are intended to reduce accidental falls from differences in elevation between adjacent floor levels or the exterior ground. Generally, guards are required for stairs, ramps, landings, balconies, porches, decks, mezzanine galleries and raised walkways unless stated otherwise. otherwise. In many cases, handrails are incorporated into

zontal hand grips and toeholds. Figures 5.14 to 5.16 illustrate the major Code requirements for guards.

  n   r   s    i   o   e    V      t    f   r  a    D     –     9   0  ,   ,   2       0  0   o    i   r   a    t   n   O     r   o    f     r    t  e     i   r  r  n    P     s    ’   n   e   e   u   Q     © .5.. 9.8. 9. 8.8. 8.6. 6.

inpGarages O enings in in Gu Guards Desi De sign gn to Pr Prev even entt Cl Clim imbi bing ng Glass in in Gu Guards

guards where both are required. Guards should be designed to not facilitate climbing by minimizing hori-

Every exterior flight of steps and ramps, landing, porch, balcony, mezzanine, gallery, and raised walkway to which access is provided for other than maintenance purposes shall be protected by guards on all open sides. (



900 mm (36") min guard height ( (3))

1070 mm (42") min guard height ( (1))


Guard is required when H is more than 600 mm (24") ( (1))


Openings through a guard must prevent the passage of a 100 mm (4") diameter sphere (

When an interior stair has more than two risers, the sides of the stair and the landing or floor  level around the stair well shall be enclosed by walls or be protected by guards (

900 mm (36") min measured from top of landing to top of guard ( (2))

900 mm (36") min ( (2)) Line through leading edges of stair treads

Figure 5.14 Required Guards




Height above adjacent ground level or walking surface

Means of Egress

5 13

Handrail required when more than 3 risers ( (2))

Guard Requirement

  n   r  s    i  o   e    V      t    f   r  a    D     –     9   0  ,   ,   2       0  0   o    i   r   a    t   n   O     r   o    f     r    t  e     i   r  r  n    P     s    ’   n   e   e   u   Q     © 600 mm (24") or less

H is not more

Not Required


Required 900 mm (36") min guard height

1800 mm (71") or less (See Figure 5.14)

than 600 (24"), no mm guard is required ( (1))

Required 1070 mm (42") min guard height

more than 1800 mm (71") (See Figure 5.14)

Figure 5.15 Guards not Required

Where guards are required, openings must prevent the passage of a 100 mm (4") diameter sphere

Where guards are not required, openings must be less than 100 mm (4") or more than 200 mm (8")

max 100 mm (4")

min 200 mm (8")



Protruding elements in this zone must be more than 450 mm (17-3/4") apart vertically and horizontally

more than 450 mm (17-3/4")

900 mm   900 mm (36")

140 mm 140 mm (5-1/2")

Do not provide a toe-space more than 45 mm (1-3/4") horizontally and 20 mm (3/4") vertically

ss  s less than 450 mm (17-3/4")

Not less than a 1 in 2 slope (27 degrees)

L = max 45 mm (1-3/4") W = max 20 mm (3/4")


1 W

Figure 5.16 Design to Prevent Climbing


max 100 mm (4")

Protruding elements may be offset not more than 15 mm (1/2")

( (

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