Consolidation of The Active Material (Unit 3)

April 13, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Lrjccjr  : ]ejk ]ejk tne text text jak jak ondds onddse e tne odrreot odrreot wdrks wdrks..

Hdojh mdy td ohfcm Everest Ajtnja _ndrt fs j sfxtn-bdrc stukeat jt Yfttvfhhe Odccuafty _onddh, nere fa Onehteanjc. Mut : my Julust aext yejr, Ajtnja  wfhh  wf hh njv njve e hebt / wfhh me hejvfal sonddh bjr menfak nfc. Ne =wda‖t ? njve nual / wda‖  wda‖tt me njalfa nj alfal l dut wftn nfs brfeaks fa tdwa aext succer eftner ∝ ne  wfhh me ; ojcpfal / ojcps fa j teat 5,999 cetres up Cduat Everest! My tnea, nfs mdky  wfhh  wf hh njve nj ve ld ldtt / 5 wfhh let usek td tne breezfal tecperjtures jak nfln jhtftuke, jak nfs tejc wjfts / wfhh me wjftfal bdr tne rflnt tfce td stjrt ohfcmfal td tne tdp db tne cduatjfa. Fb everytnfal 2ldes / wfhh njve ldae wehh, Ajtnja jak bfve brfeaks cjy / wfhh njve td wjft bdr wee`s mebdre we oja ohfcm td tne tdp, dr we 6 oduhk stjrt / wfhh njve stjrtek ohfcmfal fa Guhy ∝ we gust kda‖t `adw. Mut F‖c :9kdumt / bjfrhy sure tnjt my tne eak db Julust we  ::wfhh njve rejonek / wfhh me rejonfal tne tdp db tne cduatjfa ∝ dr bjfhek.‖ Dae tnfal fs oertjfa7 everydae fa Onehteanjc :=cjy bdhhdw / wfh  wfhhh me bdhhdwf bdhhdwfal al nfs trfp ohdsehy.

Cjr`7 TTT / 2

= Odcphete tne cfaf-kfjhdlues cfaf-kfjhdlues wftn wftn tne odrreot odrreot bdrc bdrc db tne verms verms fa mrjo`ets. mrjo`ets. Use Use tne buture buture odatfaudus, odatfaudus, buture perbeot, dr tne bfrst odakftfdajh. Jaky

\e‖ve aejrhy bfafsnek ohejafal tne `ftonea ∝ we : TTTwfhh njve ohejaekTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT (oheja) every rddc fa tne nduse my eflnt d‖ohdo`.


Ves, jak jt >.?9, F = TTwfhh me hyfalTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT (hfe) fa mek ∝ F‖c exnjustek! exnjustek!



 TT\fhh ydur mrdtner TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT (ydur mrdtner mrdtner / ld) td uafversfty fb ne  TTTTTkdesTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT (kd) wehh fa nfs exjcs exjcs aext yejr4



Ves, jak fb ne 5 TTTTTTTletsTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT (let) rejhhy lddk cjr`s, cjr`s, ne 2 TToduhk stukyTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT (stuky) cekfofae jak meodce j kdotdr.




Ad, F kda‖t tnfa` sd. \ftnfa tnfrty yejrs, we > TTTwfhh njve faveatekTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT (faveat) metter teonadhdlfes tnja cdmfhe pndaes.

 T\fhh pedphe stfhh me usfalTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT (pedphe / stfhh stfhh / use) cdmfhe pndaes fa =9594

Cjr`7 TTT / >


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? \rfte tne tne seodak seodak seateaoe seateaoe.. Use tne buture buture odatfaudus odatfaudus,, buture perbeot, perbeot,

oduhk ,

dr tne bfrst odakftfdajh.

: @jtny fsa‖t tj tj`fal `fal ne nerr cekf cekfofae. ofae. N Ner er hel / let / metter bbjst jst / fb s sne ne / tj` tj`es es / ft.  TNer hel wfhh let metter bjst fb sne tj`es tj`es ft.  TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT  = Ad, k kda‖t da‖t rfal rfal ce ce jbte jbterr cfk cfkaflnt! aflnt! F / s sheep heep / tnea.  TF‖hh me sheepfal tnea.  TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT  ? Me ojr ojrebuh ebuh da tnjt mf mf`e. `e. Vdu Vdu / ej ejsfhy sfhy / bjhh / j jak ak nur nurtt ydur ydursehb. sehb.  TTVdu oduhk ejsfhy bjhh jak nurt ydursehb. ydursehb.  TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT  ; [nfs of ofty ty fs qufte qufte scjhh ad adw. w. Mut j nuak nuakrek rek yejr yejrs s brdc ad adw, w, ft / lrdw / c cuon uon mfll mfller. er.  TTFt wfhh njve lrdwa cuon mfller.  TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT  5 F‖c stu stukyfal kyfal bd bdrr cy exjc exjcs s adw. Mut ffa a j bew wee` wee`s‖ s‖ tfce, F / hfe / da / j mejo mejon n fa Cexfo Cexfod. d.  TTF wfhh me hyfal da j mejon fa Cexfod. Cexfod.  TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT  2 [ne orfc orfcfajhs fajhs es esojpek ojpek br brdc dc tnfs pr prfsda fsda tw twd d cdatn cdatns s jld. [ne [ney y / hejve / tne od oduatry uatry / my a adw. dw.  TTTT[ney wfhh njve hebt tne oduatry my adw.  TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT  Cjr`7 TTT / 2

Rdojmuhjry ; Odcphete tne seateaoes seateaoes wftn wftn tne odrreot odrreot bdrc db db tne wdrks wdrks fa mrjo`ets. mrjo`ets. Use prebfxes jak jak subbfxes. subbfxes. : Kfk ydu `adw tn tnjt jt TTTTTT TTTTTTTTTnjp TTTnjppfaes pfaessTTT sTTTTTTTTT TTTTTT (nj (njppy) ppy) fs ver very y fcpdrt fcpdrtjat jat bdr ydur nej nejhtn4 htn4 = Gjo` kfk kfka‖t a‖t revfs revfse e bdr tne test jt jhh, sd TTTT TTTTTuasu Tuasurprfs rprfsekTTTT ekTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTT TTT (surp (surprfse) rfse),, ne kfka‖t pjss ft. ? Vdu aeek j hdt db TT TTT T equfpceat equfpceat TTTT TTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTT TTTTT (eq (equfp) ufp) td ld oj ojcpfal cpfal fa tn tne e cduat cduatjfas. jfas. ; F‖c rejhh rejhhy y sdrry jmd jmdut ut wnjt F kfk. F beeh rejhh rejhhy y TTTTjsn TTTTjsnjcek jcekTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTT TTT (snjc (snjce) e) db cyseh cysehb. b. 5 F‖hh lfve ydu sd sdce ce TTjat TTjatfmfdtf fmfdtfosTT osTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTT TTT (mfdtfo (mfdtfos) s) td tj`e bdr ydu ydurr tnrdjt tnrdjt.. 2 „Jre ydu D@ D@4 4 Kfk ydu nurt ydu ydursehb rsehb4‖ 4‖ Gessfoj Gessfoj js`e js`ek k ce TTTT jaxfd jaxfdushy ushy TTTT TTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTT TTTTT . (jaxf (jaxfdus) dus) Cjr`7 TTT / 2

5 Odcphete tne seateaoes seateaoes wftn wftn tne wdrks wdrks mehdw. Use Use dae wdrk wdrk td odcphete odcphete twd s seateao eateaoes. es. jhtftuke






: [ne wjte wjterr TTThev TTThevehTTTT ehTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTT fa tn tne e rfver fs rrfsfal fsfal.. F tnfa` ft‖s l ldfal dfal td bhdd bhddk. k. = Vdu‖hh me meodce odce TT TTTTT TTT kenykrjtek kenykrjtek TT TTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTT fb y ydu du kda‖t kr krfa` fa` sdc sdce e wjter sd sdda. da. ? Cjaky usek td me TTTTTeav TTTTTeavfdusTTTTTTTTTTTTT fdusTTTTTTTTTTTTT db n ner er sfster ]joneh meojus meojuse e ]joneh w wjs js cdre suooessbuh tnja ner. ; [ne tdp db tne tjmhe fsa fsa‖t ‖t TTTTT jhtftuke jhtftuke TTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTT TT meojus meojuse e dae db tne tjmhe hels fs hdale hdalerr tnja tne dtner dtners. s. 5 [nfs ph phjae jae fs bh bhyfal yfal jt j ja a TTTTTT TTTTTTjhtftu jhtftukeTTTTT keTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTT T db jmdut 6 6,999 ,999 c cetres etres.. 2 Ft‖s v very ery ndt tdkjy. tdkjy. [ [ne ne TTTte TTTtecper cperjtureT jtureTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTT TTT fs dv dver er ;9¹O. < Gjo` behh, hj hjakek akek nej nejvfhy vfhy da nfs on onfa, fa, jak mr mrd`e d`e nfs TTTgjw TTTgjwTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTT TTTT . Cjr`7 TTT / <


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[nfrk Ekftfda Fatercekfjte [ests 


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2 Odcphete Odcphete tne text text wf wftn tn tne tne wdrk wdrks s me mehdw. hdw. jaxfdus







Nf Geaay, _drry we werea‖t jt ydur pjrty yesterkjy. Cy mrdtner @evfa behh kdwa tne stjfrs, sd we tdd` nfc td ndspftjh. \e were very : TTTTTTTTTTT jmdut nfc wnea tne kdotdr seat seat nfc td njve j(a) = ? ;  TTTTTTTTTTT , mut huo`fhy ne kfka‖t  TTTTTTTTTTT jay mdaes. Ne kfk  TTTTTTTTTTT nfs snduhker qufte mjkhy tnduln ∝ tne s`fa tnere fs purphe jak mhjo` tdkjy! [ne kdotdr ljve @evfa 5

sdce  TTTTTTTTTTT meojuse nfs snduhker nurts j hdt, mut ne‖hh me cuon metter fa j bew kjys. kjys.  Jaywjy, ndw kfk ydur ydur pjrty ld4 F‖c 2 TTTTTTTTTTT tnjt F oduhka‖t odce meojuse meojuse tne pndtds da Bjoemdd` hdd` lrejt ∝ ydu oertjfahy njk j lddk tfce! F  TTT sdce `fak. Ne‖s usfal ft td nehp nfc mjhjaoe, dr 6 TTT hf`e tnjt. [ne pndtd :9 TTT td me ja jkvert bdr j ndhfkjy ojcp ojcp meojuse everydae hdd`s hf`e j cdkeh jak tney jre jhh wejr wejrfal fal kesflaer spdrts ohdtnes. : J wftn

M fa

O jt

< J js

M bdr bdr

O hf` hf`e

> J wft ftn n

M ldt ldt

O njs njs

6 J wf wfhh hh

M oduh oduhk k

O wd wduh uhk k

:9 J cdre

M cdst

O cuon

:: J fa

M wf wftn tn

O we wejr jrfa fal l

:= J sjy sjy

M tehh tehh

O tnfa tnfa` `

:? J fa

M jt

O db 

:; J jaytnfal

M sdcetnfal

O adtnfal

:5 J wduhk

M jppejrs

O hdd`s Cjr`7 TTT / :9


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]ejkfal > ]ejk tne text. Cjton Cjton nejkfals nejkfals J‟L wftn pjrjlrjpns pjrjlrjpns :‟5. [ne [nere re jre tw twd d extrj nejkfals. nejkfals.

Odhdur jak ydu : TTT  Kfk ydu `adw tnjt kfbbereat pedphe see odhdurs kfbbereathy4 _dce pedphe, ojhhek tetrjonrdcjts, oja see cdre odhdurs tnja cdst pedphe. Dtners, ojhhek mfonrdcjts, see bewer odhdurs. [nfs fs fcpdrtjat meojuse odhdurs oja cj`e ydu beeh ∝ jak menjve ‟ kfbbereathy, tdd. = TTT  Fb j mdy fa ydur ohjss odces td sonddh tdcdrrdw fa pfa` gejas, ydu‖hh me surprfsek. Jak ydu prdmjmhy wda‖t me njvfal ydur aext hessda fa j rek ohjssrddc. Mut ndw we beeh jmdut odhdur kepeaks da wnd we jre jak wnere we jre mdra. Fa cjay ouhtures, pedphe trjkftfdajhhy kress hftthe lfrhs fa pfa`, jak hftthe mdys fa mhue. _d wnea we lrdw up, cea jak wdcea hf`e dr njte tnese odhdurs. Jak rek wjhhs jrea‖t pdpuhjr fa Eurdpe meojuse rek cejas „kjaler‖. Mut fa Onfaj, rek cejas „lddk huo`‖. ? TTT   Jrtfsts `adw tnjt tnjt pjfatfals wftn wjrc reks ja jak k yehhdws sehh metter tnja pfotures wftn odhk lreeas jak mhues meojuse wjrc odhdurs cj`e us beeh exoftek. [ney cjy jhsd wj`e us up, sd fb ydu put j mfl rek pfoture fa ydur mekrddc, ydu prdmjmhy wda‖t sheep wehh! Mhue cflnt me j oddh odhdur, mut ft nehps us td rehjx. Jak yehhdw dbtea cj`es pedphe beeh njppfer. Ft oduhk jhsd nehp pedphe td let metter cdre qufo`hy, sd ndspftjh wjhhs dbtea njve wjrc, yehhdw pfotures. ; TTT  \njt bddtmjhh snfrt wfhh ydu me wejrfal td tne aext cjton4 Fa j reoeat kdouceatjry, sofeatfsts sndwek tnjt phjyers fa rek bddtmjhh snfrts beht cdre odabfkeat, jak phjyek metter tnja phjyers fa mhue snfrts. Yrdbessfdajh spdrts pedphe jhsd ljve cdre pdfats td phjyers fa rek! 5 TTT  Adt jhh jafcjhs oja see odhdur, mut pedphe, cda`eys jak mfrks oja see ft wehh. [nfs cjy me meojuse pedphe ∝ jak tnese jafcjhs ∝ ejt bruft. Bruft hf`e drjales jak mjajajs jre lreea wnea tney jre scjhh. \nea tney onjale odhdur, dur eyes tehh us tney jre rejky td ejt. _d aext tfce ydu ejt j tjsty drjale, tnfa` ndw huo`y ydu jre td see tne odhdur drjale!  J Odhdur jak suooess M Odhd Odhdur ur ffa a tne tne aj ajtu turj rjhh wdrh wdrhk k O Ndw Ndw hf hfln lntt cj cj`e `es s odhd odhdur urs s K Kd ydu ydu see see wnjt wnjt F see see4 4 E Odhd Odhdur urs s ja jak ky ydu durr ne nejh jhtn tn B Odhdur Odhdurs s oj oja a onjal onjale e yd ydur ur beeh beehfal fals s L \njt \njt kf kfbbe bberea reatt od odhdu hdurs rs c ceja eja Cjr`7 TTT / 5


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