It is my imperative duty to thank the following people for the successful completion of my Contract law project, - Professor Eqbal Husain for the clarity he brings into teaching thus enabling us to have a better understanding of his subject. I also feel obliged to thank him for providing us with such wonderful topics to choose from. -
FEED UR FRIENDS NAME, My resourceful classmate, who I ran into in the library, thus un-expectedly starting and successfully completing a rough handwritten draft of this project within the next days. !hough it is possible for our language to seem similar, it has to be noted that given some of our group member"s insistence on not depending on one single book led to all of us giving in e#ual contribution to the completion of this project.
- !he very cooperative and friendly staff members in the Central and $aw $ibrary who were instrumental in our finding the necessary books without wasting much time. It has to be noted that their contribution is essential as our %niversity is yet to get a fully functional centrali&ed database for its libraries.
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Contents 1. Free Consent…………………………………………………………………… …………………………4 2. Coercion…………………………………………………………………… ……………………………….5 3. Features of Coercion…………………………………………………………………… ……………..5 4. Act forbidden by IPC…………………………………………………………………………… ……..6 5. Una!fu detention of Pro"erty………………………………………………………………….6 6. #uress and #i$erence bet!een Coercion % #uress……………………………………& '. Case a!s………………………………………………………………………… …………………………( &. Undue In)uence…………………………………………………………………… ………………….1* (. +$ects of Undue In)uence…………………………………………………………………… ….11 1*. +ssentias of Undue In)uence……………………………………………………………….....1 1 11. Fraud………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………..15 12. Fase ,tate-ents of Facts………………………………………………………………………… 16 Page | 3
13. Actie Concea-ent……………………………………………………………… ………………….16 14. /ere ,ience is no fraud………………………………………………………………………… ..1' 15. +0ce"tion…………………………………………………………… …………………………………….1& 16. +e-ents of fraud………………………………………………………………………… …………..24 1'. /isre"resentation………………………………………………… …………………………………25 1&. #i$erence bet!een Fraud and /isre"resentation……………………………………26 1(. +e-ents of /isre"resentation……………………………………………………… ………..34 2*. +0ce"tions………………………………………………………… ……………………………………..34 21. /istae……………………………………………………………… …………………………………….34
Introduction to Contract La Page | 4
!"at is La#
Law means a set of rules! which "o#erns our beha#iours and relatin" in a ci#ili$ed society. So there is no need of Law in a unci#ili$ed society. %hy Should &ne 'now Law( &ne should )now the law to which he is sub*ect because i"norance of law is no e+cuse. Meanin$, contract is an a"reement made between two /or0 more
1arties which the law will enforce.2 3efinition, ccordin" to section 4/h0 of the 5ndian contract act6 7894. n a"reement enforceable by law is a contract. ccordin" to SL:&;36 a contract is n a"reement creatin" and definin" obli"ations between the 1arties2.
5ntroduction to Consideration Page | 5
:eanin", Consideration is a quid 1ro quo i6e somethin" in return it may be – • •
some benefit ri"ht6 interest6 loss or 1rofit that may accrue to one 1arty or6 some forbearance6 detriment6 loss or res1onsibility suffered on underta)en by the other 1arty7
ccordin" to Sir Frederick Pollock 6 'consideration is the price for which the promise of the other is bought and the promise thus given for value is e nforceable.( Consideration is a technical term used in the sense of quid-1ro-quo /i.e..6 somethin" in return0. %hen a 1arty to an a"reement 1romises to do somethin"6 he must "et somethin" in return. b. does or abstains from doin"6 or =Present consideration> c. 1romises to do or abstain from doin" somethin" =?uture consideration > such act or abstinence or 1romise is called a consideration for the 1romise. E%a&'le a( P! a""ress to sell his car to @! for Rs.AB6BBB Here @!s Promise to 1ay RsAB6BBB is the
consideration for P!s 1romise and P!s 1romise to sell the car is the consideration for @!s 1romise to 1ay Rs.AB6BBB. b( ! 1romises his debtor ! not to file a suit a"ainst him for one year on !s a"reein" to 1ay him Rs.7B6 BBB more. Here the abstinence of ! is the consideration for !s Promise to 1ay. Consideration is needed for the formation and #ariation of a contract. Promise to com1ensate wholly or in 1art • %ho has already #oluntarily done somethin" for the 1romisor • Somethin" which the 1romisor was le"ally com1ellable to do. • E+am1le,- finds !s 1urse and "i#e to him. Promise to "i#e Rs.ABB.
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debt barred by limitation con not reco#ered. Hence6 a 1romise to 1ay such a debt is
without any consideration. Can be enforced only when – in writin" and si"hed by 3ebtor or his authori$ed a"ent.
E+am1le, owes Rs.7B6 BBB but the debt is barred by Limitation ct. si"ns a written 1romise to 1ay Rs.86 BBB on account of debt.
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