Consent Form

August 23, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Consent Form: Mysore is one of Karnataka’s most historical and interesting cities, housing some of the most beautiful old homes and buildings. Sadly, as modernisation modernisation takes over over India, many of of these stunning structures structures are being pulled down, to make way for concrete shopping malls and apartment blocks. I am a photographer from Bangalore, who who has been living in Mysore for the last three years. years. The intention of my project is to document and create a photographic record of these splendid buildings, so that people from generations can look look at and enjoy their architecture. If possible it would be great to share a little about the history of these structures and any interesting anecdotes that might have been born there. Thank you so much for your cooperation in allowing this to happen. Mahesh Nandeesh I __________________________ _______________________________residing _____residing at _____________________________________________ give Mahesh Nandeesh consent to photograph and publish said photographs of the above property, for commercial and non commercial use.

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