Consciousness, Kundalini Yoga & Body Development

July 4, 2018 | Author: intosamadhi | Category: Yoga, Kundalini, Meditation, Spirituality, Religious Behaviour And Experience
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In this paper I hypothesize that the so-called "practices" of sahaja ("innately-arising") Kundalini ...


Consciousness, Kundalini Yoga & Body Development by Stuart Sovatsky, PhD California nstitute of ntegral Studies, San !rancisco, C" Presented at Brain, Consciousness, Neuroscience Conference Chennai, India, March 9, 2001 (this scholar's work was sponsored ! the Infinit! "oundation, Princeton, N#$ %hat is called &oic de)elop*ental+ action of the od! in which reason takes no part and which does not oriinate as an idea sprinin in the *ind %o speak si*pl!, !ois perfor* actions with their odies, like the *o)e*ents of children #nanesh)ar, 19-., p102  "bstract In this paper I hypothesize that the so-called "practices" of sahaja ("innately-arising") Kundalini ("ultimate creatrix" originating at the spine's sacral base) Yoga (and cross-tradition similars e!g! udaic da##ening $ibetan tumo heat %hinese tai chi Islamic zi&r ua&er "ua&ing" the hirling of the *er#ish etc!) constitute auto-de#elopmental mo#ements and bodily maturations consistent ith those of intrauterine gestation infant mo#ements and teen-aged puberty! +lthough these "practices' are typically learned by rote mimicry of "standard" Yoga poses breathing exercises moral guidances or meditation techniues according to the tradition and contemporary clinical reports they can emerge endogenously-animated by prana or Kundalini as it ere--as the ,th century adept nanesh#ar notes abo#e! I assert that these Yogic &riyas or "de#elopmental actions" (and cross-tradition similars) constitute hat might credibly be termed "postgenital puberties" of the neuroendocrine system and thus the matured embodiment of citta the "light" of consciousness consciousness itself in #arious yogically-defined yogically-defined energies and secretions. ojas #irya auras amrita!-soma (the substance of primary orship in the /ig 0eda) among them!  +s such Kundalini Kundalini Yoga Yoga pro#ides pro#ides another another context context in hich to consider consider consciousness-bo consciousness-body dy interacti#ity interacti#ity through future 12/ studies of the acti#ated spine and perhaps e#en the biochemical analysis of body fluids of Kundalini yogis in &eeping ith those already underta&en by 3c%lelland 4 Kirshnit ,5678 /ein 4 3c%raty ,5598 /ein 3c%raty 4 +t&inson ,55: on sali#ary immunoglobin + as ell as "reju#enation" melatonin studies by ;ierpaoli (Klatz 4 1oldman ,55ational Institute on +ging (?2) ">un 2tudy" on reduced incidence of +lzheimer's and other degenerati#e diseases attributed to the spiritual lifestyle of this population! population! ntroduction  +ccording to the theory theory of human de#elopme de#elopment nt proposed proposed in Kundalini Kundalini Yoga Yoga Kundalini is the the name for the guiding impetus in embryological de#elopment that uic&ens its acti#ity as the neural groo#e forms the rudiments rudiments of the spinal cord as blastulization blastulization and gastrulization of the fertilized egg manifest! In contemporary terms it might be termed a "meta-*>+!" @hen the fetus is fully-formed Kundalini--hich is traditionally gi#en a "mothering" appellation--seuesters Aerself at the posterior node of the fetal spine (the muladhara cha&ra the "root center") and becomes dormant! $hereafter the more general life energy of prana is said to guide human physiology and maintenance-le#el groth! @hen groth is especially rapid prana enters a heightened condition called pranotthana ("uplifted intensified life-energy") as is #isible in the glo of infants pregnant omen the purported glo of saints and during genital puberty as pranot-thana matures the indi#idual into his or her on fertility and thus "adulthood" in the biological sense! Yet Kundalini Yoga claims that further stages of human de#elopment affecting the neuroendocrine system (and consciousness) in particular are our natural birthright but ill only manifest hen the indi#idual's life acti#ities-his or her ays of expending bodily energies-are in alignment ith "dharma!" In this so-empirical of body-inclusi#e spiritual traditions the positi#e results of one's Yogic practice implies that one has been li#ing a "dharmic" ay of life! Yet as e shall see such positi#e results li&e pregnancy or teenaged puberty engender difficult maturational challenges as part of one's progress! +s physician and yogi Bee 2annella noted in his boo& Kundalini. ;sychosis or $ranscendenceC


$issues are torn blood #essels se#eredDthe heart racesDthere is moaning cryingD+ se#ere injuryC >o only a relati#ely normal birth! $he description sounds pathological because the symptoms ere not understood in relation to the outcome. a ne human being! E+ man'sF body is sept by muscular spasms! Indescribable sensations and Ee#enF pain run from his feet up his legs and o#er his bac& and nec&DInside his head he hears roaring soundsD suddenly a sunburst floods his inner beingDAe laughs and is o#ercome ith bliss!  + psychotic episodeC >o this is a psycho-physiological transformation EKundaliniF a rebirth process as natural as physical birth Ethis timeF the outcome Eis hoe#erF an enlightened human being! (2annella ,57o one &nos Emy emphasisF for sure hy the first half of this journey Eegoic maturityF is completed by almost e#eryone and the second half Eego transcendence and spiritual-poer embodimentF by only a fe!!!! $he path of transcendence may be a path that is still "under construction!" It may that is represent the future of the species a future into hich only a minority of indi#iduals ha#e #entured! (@ashburn ,559 p! ,6) 2

 + uic& sampling of those commonly belie#ed to ha#e al&ed the "second half" of this path including. Huddha 3aha#ira Huddhaghosa %hrist $hirumoolar >agaarjuna 2ocrates ;ythagoras ;lato Jc&hart ohn of the %ross 2t! Grancis $heresa of +#ila Aildegard of Hingen /umi 1andhi Bao-tzu 3irabai ;atanjali /amana 3aharsi /ama&rishna +nanda-maya-ma Irina $eedie *alai Bama 2hri +urobindo and $he 3other and innumerable yogis and yoginis re#eals one commonality. they ha#e each achie#ed a transformed sexuality a "postgenital puberty" as I term it! Hut try to mo#e "full maturity" much beyond the "ground" of the fifth and final psychoanalytic stage of genital puberty as many transpersonalists do and psychoanalysis (and the #ast majority of all people) arns e al& onto thin air! Jxtend the physical ground synthetically and the psychedelic mysticisms of 3cKenna Beary and the shamanic and Yogic alchemists ta&e root perhaps e#en ;rozac! 3a&e of them hat you ill! %onsider Yoga (or for example tai chi) as merely healthy exercises lac&ing in de#elopmental import and much is lost! If seen as credibly endogenous hoe#er the #ast range of Kundalini Yoga bodily phenomena re#eals the gradually steepening physical ground of the "more spiritual" stages of de#elopment thus finishing the "construction" of @ashburn's path and adding flesh to the more meditati#e spiritualities and archetypal psychologies hich ha#e underritten the transpersonalist's ad#ances thus far! Gurthermore if these slo-de#eloping Yogic maturations are innate yet unaccounted for the conseuences could radiate throughout our current model of the de#elopmental span and its entire hermeneutic economy and not just pertain to some eccentric "transpersonal le#el!" Gor example gaining "bac&bone" a metaphor for gaining character might no be considered the literal physio-spiritual maturation of the spine part of its "puberty!"  +nd perhaps as 1opi Krishna author of numerous popular boo&s on this subject maintains Kundalini is on an e#olutionary de#elopmental scale! Gurthermore as +urobindo >ietzsche $eilhard >eumann 1ebser @ilber and others described such e#olution might be far more of a spiritual nature than mere *arinian adaptation ould permit! Yet e#en ithin *arinism e#olutionary theorist *onald 2ymons conjectured the folloing regarding the origins of ho genital puberty sexuality as first decoupled from fertility cycles for early homo sapiens. If one #ies the matter in terms of ultimate causation and assumes that permanent group-li#ing is adapti#e for some reason then all other things being eual selection E*arinian natural electionF can be expected to fa#or the most economical of the a#ailable mechanisms that results in perma-nent sociality! ne possible mechanism is for a formerly episodic reard to become permanent but in terms of time energy and ris& this seems to be a #ery expensi#e solution if the reard is sexual acti#ity! It is Eould ha#e been but still isCF much more economical Efrom a biological perspecti#eF to alter the reard mechanism of the brain itself so that the sight sound or smell of familiar conspecifics Emembers of the same speciesF come to be experienced as pleasurable! (2ymons ,575 p! ,L=)  +s e shall see the hypothalamus (hich monitors hunger thirst sexual desire aggressi#e urges and blood oxygen le#els)--the 2ymonsian "reard mechanism of the brain"--is the loci of se#eral Yogic puberties! Golloing from 2ymons these puberties could be on an e#olutionary scale and congruent ith *arinian principles hereby a "sense perception sexuality" emerges as described in many religious traditions and in great detail in $antra-Kundalini Yogas! ;erhaps e#en Kundalini Yoga itself must be rested from its on indigenous tangle of competing #ies hich ha#e come to depicting it too as a system of mere techniues more than as aesome phenomena of >ature (or "2upernature" for those ho prefer superlati#e but confusing differentiations) that they are! Gor in spiritually-preoccupied India (and #arious other mysticisms) the descent further into the body has held mixed interest ith the recent exception of 2hri +urobindo and the 3other's image of both descending and ascending de#elopmental forces and the nondualistic yogis hose esoteric interpretations I no approach! #ecovering the Saha$a%ndogenously "rising Yoga In order to #ie Yoga and meditation as just as endogenous to our de#elopment (and as aesome) as gestation once as as ta&ing one's first post-umbilical breath as adolescent puberty e must deconstruct the o#er-formalized pedagogical edifices that ha#e gron around it! Hoth indigenously o#er the ages and in their translation and importation into the @est the "innately- arising" (sahaja) panentheistic "dionysian" (in the >ietzschean sense) origins of Yoga and meditation ha#e been shaped and o#er-shaped into "apollonian" pedagogical constructs cosmeticized or le#eled for mass appeal 3

sterilized for upper-class gentilities or otherise tamed and o#er-tamed to a#oid real or imagined dangers! $he moral sentiments (yama and niyama) and their mercies often became mere rules of the rigidmandatory or lip-ser#ice #arieties! $he grace of seuence and conseuence of &arma as typically mechanicalized into an arch-la in contrast to more merciful teachings regarding a "grace" that is independent of "&armic las!" $he mysterious flo of lineage stiffened into the rigidities of caste also in contrast to the dionysian rejection of caste prejudice and the "crazy isdom" traditions that ridicule it! $he re#erentially ecstatic "*ance of 2i#a Bord of Yogis" became stylized in public rituals "classical" music and dance and in the Yogic asanas themsel#es or ithered in the se#ere asceticisms of the fa&ir! Hy the second century +!*! ;atanjali's dualistic "classical" Yoga-sutra had formalized an o#erseparation beteen >ature (pra&riti) and ?ltimate 2ubjecti#ity (purusha) thus "rejecting the idea that the orld is an aspect of the *i#ine" (Geuerstein ,56= p! 9,=)! $hus the shamanic or dionysian Yoga and its bond ith mystical phenomenology maintained in the li#ing moment through oral transmission in the hoary past (and still ith all manner of attendant difficulties) arose and then fell into e#ermore secularized scriptural fundamentalisms and dilutions! $he seuence of its fall from "only-happening-no" time and in-the-moment-utterances into formalized theories and "histories of e#ents" might be as follos. (,) the spirit-in-time re#ealed as a superlati#e pri#ate bodily experience (ecstasy or enstasy) (=) emergent publically as pre-semantic ecstatic-catalytic utterances and dancing-saying mo#ements then () languaged orally as sheer descriptions of the experience then (9) memorized and scriptured into an orthodox text or externalized liturgical commemoration (Yoga and meditation as teachings8 the mo#ements classicalized as ritual forms) (:) its lessons fableized for charm (the ancient myths) then (a&ulisha") as the =6th incarnation of this immortal embodiment &non first as 2hi#a Bord of Yoga! $he upright club or staff he carries (for hich he is also named) represents urdh#a-retas the full e#olutionary maturation of  homo erectus #ia his spinal floing Kundalini!  +ccording to the ;ashupata 2utra and the 1ana&ari&a 2utra (%ollins ,566 p! ,7-6) the Ba&ulisha sect practiced an ecstatic ritual including ild laughter sacred singing "dancing consisting of Eall possibleF motions of the hands and feet. upard donard inard outard and sha&ing motion" a sacred "sound produced by the contact of the tongue-tip ith the palate!!!after the dance hen the de#otee has again sat don and is still meditating on 2i#a" an "inner orship" and prayer! $he ;ashupata sect hich spread throughout Aindu Huddhist and ain India for some
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