Connect Plus Test Centre Administration Guide

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Connect Plus Test Centre Administration Guide This guide is aimed at staff responsible for administration of the Connect Plus test delivery system at a Test Centre. It introduces Connect Plus and outlines the tasks that you need to carry out to set up and run computer-based tests. TCAG 2014 – v2

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Contents Contents ........................................................................................................................1 1 Overview .......................................................................................................................4 About this guide ...................................................................................................................4 About Connect Plus .............................................................................................................4 Your responsibilities as a centre ..........................................................................................5 Connect Plus user roles .......................................................................................................5 Accessing Connect Plus ......................................................................................................6 Test Centre Administrator access ........................................................................................6 Test Sitting Administrator access.........................................................................................6 Candidate access.................................................................................................................6 Time requirements for downloading and uploading materials .............................................7 Preparing and running familiarisation tests ....................................................................... 12 2 Registering your centre with Connect Plus ................................................... 13 Registering with Cambridge English Language Assessment ........................................... 13 3 Connect Plus home page ...................................................................................... 15 4 Setting up users ...................................................................................................... 17 Creating a user account .................................................................................................... 17 Allocating user roles .......................................................................................................... 18 Editing a user account ...................................................................................................... 18 Deleting a user account .................................................................................................... 19 Changing your own password ........................................................................................... 19 Resetting a user’s password ............................................................................................. 20 Unlocking accounts ........................................................................................................... 20 Training users ................................................................................................................... 20 5 Test sittings .............................................................................................................. 21 Creating test sittings ......................................................................................................... 21 Allocating candidates to a test sitting ................................................................................ 23 Renaming a test sitting ..................................................................................................... 23 Removing a test sitting ...................................................................................................... 24 Preparing a test sitting ...................................................................................................... 24 Overseeing test sittings .................................................................................................................... 28

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6 Running test sittings ............................................................................................. 29 Appendix A: How to run a familiarisation test ................................................. 30 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 30 What do I need? ................................................................................................................ 30 Summary of the steps in this appendix ............................................................................. 30 Connect Plus Set-up Recommendations .......................................................................... 31 1. Logging in...................................................................................................................... 32 2. Setting up a Test Sitting Administrator computer ......................................................... 32 3. Setting up a Candidate computer ................................................................................. 34 4. Setting up a familiarisation test ..................................................................................... 35 5. Preparing for the test .................................................................................................... 36 6. Starting the test ............................................................................................................. 37 7. Sitting the test as a candidate ....................................................................................... 39 8. Closing down the test sitting ......................................................................................... 40 What to do next ................................................................................................................. 41 Connect Plus familiarisation test answers ........................................................................ 41 Appendix B: FAQS ...................................................................................................... 42 Glossary ......................................................................................................................... 45

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1 Overview About this guide This guide focuses on the administrative tasks that you need to carry out in order to run computer-based tests using Connect Plus, including: registering with Connect Plus managing centre staff users managing test sittings There are two further guides: Technical Guide This guide covers all the technical tasks that you need to carry out, including installing software and preparing computers and test rooms. Computer-Based Testing Exam Day Booklet This gives Test Sitting Administrators and invigilators step-by-step instructions on how to run computer-based exams on the day.

About Connect Plus Connect Plus enables you to deliver computer-based tests created by Cambridge English Language Assessment. The test will be automatically downloaded to you over the Internet and candidate test responses will be automatically returned to us.

How does Connect Plus work? Connect Plus contains two main applications: Test Sitting Administration (TSA), which is installed on a network server or on secure computer(s) used by test centre management Candidate Workstation (CW), which is installed on computers used by the candidates. The TSA computer automatically downloads all test materials available to an exam centre from the Connect Plus Server via the internet and CW computers automatically download all downloaded test materials from the TSA computer via the test venue’s local area network (LAN). Candidates use CW to record their answers which TSA receives over the LAN and automatically upload to Connect Plus Server via the Internet for marking. Please read the information in this guide carefully to understand download and upload processes in Connect Plus and to prepare for your sessions effectively.

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Your responsibilities as a centre You are responsible for ensuring that all staff at your centre who organise or run CB tests are trained and follow instructions given by Cambridge English Language Assessment in this guide and other related documentation. When you use Connect Plus for the first time, you will need to register and create an initial user account in Connect Plus (see Chapter 2). You will need to assign people to user roles on Connect Plus (see Chapter 4) and keep this updated if any changes occur. To run a test, you must: Submit entries on Cambridge English Online by the entry closing date. Organise a suitable venue/venues and arrange for enough suitably trained staff to be available for running the test (for venue information, see the Computer-Based Testing Exam Day Booklet). Submit the venue details and start times of your exams to us either via Cambridge English Online or the Venue details form available on our support website. Ensure that the Connect Plus system is set up according to the technical requirements and you and your staff have familiarised yourselves with the Connect Plus system and processes well in advance of the test day by running Connect Plus Familiarisation Tests (see Appendix A). Install software and set up suitably configured computers in test rooms (see Technical Guide). Check and verify that headphones are in working order and that you have enough spare sets for each exam venue. Prepare test sittings, including printing candidate login details (see Chapter 5). These logins must be clearly grouped by test sitting and test room for accurate distribution and kept securely. Run and then close down test sittings (see the Computer-Based Testing Exam Day Booklet). In addition, at your test venue you must have: One Test Sitting Administrator computer per 100 Candidate Workstation computers. One spare Test Sitting Administrator computer. At least one invigilator per 25 candidates (a Test Sitting Administrator can be an invigilator if only one room is used). A sole invigilator must be able to summon help quickly. If you are using dividers you must increase the number of invigilators so that it is possible to see each candidate at all times. One spare computer for every 20 candidates and spare headphones. A copy of the Computer-based Testing Exam Day Booklet in each room. This guide, and the Exam Day Booklet, explains all the actions required before, during and after a test. Note that there is a glossary of terms at the end of this document.

Connect Plus user roles You can allocate one or both of the following roles to relevant staff members: Connect Plus Test Centre Administrator The Test Centre Administrator role is commonly given to Centre Exams Managers. Each Test Centre Administrator is responsible for managing centre staff users, computers and test sittings. A Test Centre Administrator can access all pages of the Test Centre Administration and Test Sitting Administration websites. Test centre administration guide - 5

One or more Test Centre Administrators must be nominated to receive email reminders and alerts, which prompt them to carry out the required preparation in advance of tests. For details, see Administrative Tasks. Connect Plus Test Sitting Administrator Each Test Sitting Administrator is responsible for starting, managing and monitoring tests in test sittings. Each Test Sitting Administrator has access to all test sittings running in the Test Centre, and any number of Test Sitting Administrators can open and monitor the same test sitting simultaneously. A Test Sitting Administrator can only access the pages of the Test Sitting Administration website (and not the Test Centre Administrator website). You should decide well in advance of a test sitting who will act as Test Sitting Administrators to ensure they are trained sufficiently and are familiar with their tasks. Once you register with Cambridge English Language Assessment, the first user at the Test Centre is automatically assigned both user roles, so that they will have access to all available tasks through a single username and password. Subsequent users can be assigned one or both roles as required.

Accessing Connect Plus Test Centre Administrator access As a Test Centre Administrator, you can gain access to Connect Plus by going directly to the Test Centre Administration website in a supported browser of your choice: From this website, you can register with Connect Plus, and manage staff users, computers and test sittings.

Test Sitting Administrator access Test Sitting Administrators manage test sittings on the exam day in the exam room and there are controls to open, start, pause, resume and end each test. The administrator will also always need to close down the test sitting when all candidates have finished their tests. As a Test Sitting Administrator you can access Connect Plus in one of two ways: If you are using a computer on which the Connect Plus Test Sitting Administrator software is installed, you can access Connect Plus either via the Start menu or via Connect Plus Test Sitting Administrator icon on your computer’s desktop:

Using a supported browser of your choice, go to the Test Sitting Administrator website: As a Test Sitting Administrator you always have the option to log on using either of these methods. Please see the Technical Guide for further details on how to set up your computers.

Candidate access Candidates access and take their tests on a computer on which the Connect Plus Candidate software is installed. You can access the test either via the Start menu or via an icon on your computer’s desktop:

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Time requirements for downloading and uploading materials Downloading materials: Order of tasks and timelines for downloading test materials




1. TSA computer downloads all test materials available to the exam centre.

Test download is an automated process. If a TSA computer is switched on and has access to the Internet, it periodically (every 10 minutes) checks whether there is a test material to download from the Connect Plus server.

Cambridge English Language Assessment releases test materials to centres five days before the earliest test start time. Therefore, TSA computers can start downloading test five days before the earliest test start time.

2. CW computers downloads test materials from the TSA computer.

CW computer periodically (every 10 minutes) checks whether there is any test material to download from the TSA computer. Download will start if the TSA computer is switched on and on the same LAN with the CW computer

CW computer will start downloading the test materials when they are available at the TSA computer.

Uploading candidate responses: Order of tasks and timelines for uploading candidate responses




1. CW computer uploads candidate responses to TSA computer.

While the test is running CW computer automatically uploads candidate’s responses to the TSA computer via the LAN.

Every 60 seconds.

2. CW computer finalises the upload process.

CW computer automatically uploads any remaining candidate responses to the TSA computer via the LAN.

As soon as the test ends.

3. TSA computer uploads candidate responses to Connect Plus server.

TSA computer automatically uploads candidate responses to Connect Plus Server via the Internet.

As soon as CW computer finales the upload process and sends the last update to the TSA computer.

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Timings Please use the table below to estimate the time you need to prepare for a successful computerbased exam session. Important note: Test material download times can be affected by various computer activities happening outside of the Connect Plus system, such as use of internet or network resources by other people at the test venue, software updates (such as Windows update, anti-virus software updates etc.). The estimates below are based on the following assumptions: Internet Bandwidth listed is the actual speed of the connection 75% of internet connection capacity is available for Connect Plus 75% of network capacity is available for Connect Plus All computers are on a 100mbps wired network Computers are not CPU, Memory or disk constrained during downloads You must complete the test download process at least two hours before the test start time therefore you are strongly recommended to leave your computers switched on overnight before the test day. Estimated time for downloading test materials to TSA computers from Connect Plus Server Internet Bandwidth (Kbit/s) Test Material file size





Elapsed time

If running a single session over two days (e.g. CB FCE morning session).

30 MB





If running multiple sessions on a single day over two days (e.g. CB FCE morning and afternoon session).

60 MB





If running multiple sessions over two days (e.g. CB FCE morning and afternoon first day, CB PET morning, afternoon and evening session the next day).

150 MB





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Estimated time for downloading test materials to CW computers from TSA computer The estimates below assume that the centre has minimum 100 mbps network connectivity and running the test on wired network. Important note: If you are intending to run Connect Plus on wireless networks, you must leave at least twice the elapsed time displayed in the table below as the test distribution over a wireless network will be considerably slower than wired networks. Connect Plus does not support networks with less than 100mbps network connectivity

Number of CW computers Test Material file size





Elapsed time

If running a single session over two days (e.g. CB FCE morning session).

30 MB





If running multiple sessions on a single day over two days (e.g. CB FCE morning and afternoon session).

60 MB





If running multiple sessions over two days (e.g. CB FCE morning and afternoon first day, CB PET morning, afternoon and evening session the next day).

150 MB





Estimated time for uploading candidate responses from TSA computers to Connect Plus Server Internet Bandwidth (Kbit/s)





Number of CW computers

Response file size (MB)

Elapsed time

























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Managing and running tests at a permanent test venue The flowchart below illustrates the tasks that you need to carry out to manage and run tests, and a typical timeline. The steps shown in this flowchart are described in detail in the following chapters in this guide.

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Managing and running tests at a temporary venue (for example a rented computer lab) The flowchart below illustrates the tasks that you need to carry out to manage and run tests, and a typical timeline an external venue. The steps shown in this flowchart are described in detail in the following chapters in this guide.

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Preparing and running familiarisation tests When you have registered and logged on to the Test Centre Administration website for the first time, you will find that a familiarisation test has been allocated to your schedule; this enables centre staff users (Test Centre Administrators and Test Sitting Administrators) to familiarise themselves with Connect Plus by going through the testing process using dummy candidates. See Appendix A: How to run a familiarisation test.

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2 Registering your centre with Connect Plus Before you can run tests, the person responsible for Connect Plus at your centre needs to register with Connect Plus and create the initial Test Centre Administrator user. Once you have registered with Cambridge English Language Assessment on Connect Plus, you can register with CIE and/or OCR if you need to. For further details, please see the FAQs section.

Registering with Cambridge English Language Assessment To register with Connect Plus, make sure you have to hand your centre number and the Connect Plus Registration Code, which is available from the Centre Administration > Manage Connect section on Cambridge English Online, then proceed as follows: 1. Go to the Test Centre Registration website at, type the Centre ID (your centre number) and the Registration Code, and click Continue.

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2. The Your user details window displays so you can set up the initial Test Centre Administrator user:

3. Enter the appropriate details. All fields on this page are mandatory (as shown by the asterisks).

Important! The email address that you enter will become the username that you use to log on to the Test Centre Administration website. The password is case-sensitive, so make sure that CAPS LOCK is off and that it contains both upper- and lower-case letters, at least one numeric character and should be between 8 and 50 characters long.

4. Click Create Account. A confirmation page displays.

5. The initial test centre user will shortly receive an email asking them to confirm their email address by following a link to the Test Centre Administration website and logging in, using the information created during registration. To log in, click Log in now. The login page will direct you to your email so you can follow the confirmation link. On first login, you will be asked to accept the Connect Plus licence agreement. The initial user is automatically given Test Centre Administrator rights.

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3 Connect Plus home page On successful login, the Home page displays. This page provides an overview of your test sittings and the status of your computers, with appropriate links and prompts for action. Here is an example:

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1. Click the dropdown button to change your password. 2. Click on the arrow to check computer statuses and carry out appropriate actions. 3. Click here to schedule a familiarisation test. 4. Your future test sittings will appear here. Click on a test sitting to view. 5. Your past test sittings that still need action will appear here. Click on a test sitting to view. 6. This shows the tests within each sitting and gives information about the earliest and latest start times. 7. This shows the test sittings you’re running today and if any actions are required. 8. Use the tabs to administer test sittings, tests, configure computers, and to manage users, roles and Awarding Bodies. 9. Use the breadcrumb trail to navigate to different pages.

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4 Setting up users Creating a user account You can create as many users as you like. To create a new user account: 1. Log in to the Test Centre Administrator website and click the Users & Roles tab. The Users & Roles page displays, for example:

2. Click New User. The Create New User window displays.

3. Type the appropriate user details in the fields. Note that all fields on this page are mandatory (identified by an asterisk). 4. Ensure that you type the password exactly the same in both fields, and that it meets the password rules as displayed on the screen. 5. Enter a contact telephone number for the person, for use by Cambridge English Language Assessment and your support provider.

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6. Tick the box if you want this person to receive email alerts. There must always be at least one user at each Test Centre nominated to receive alerts. Email alerts are sent if, for instance, we can see that you are not adequately prepared for a test sitting. 7. Click OK. The Users & Roles tab is refreshed with the new user’s details displayed.

Note: In order to maintain security, we strongly advise that new users change their password after logging into Connect Plus for the first time.

Allocating user roles Now allocate a role to the new user. There are two roles, Test Centre Administrator and Test Sitting Administrator. To add or remove roles from user accounts: 1. Log in to the Test Centre Administrator website and click the Users & Roles tab, then tick the box belonging to the relevant user. Note that Test Centre Administrators automatically get Test Sitting Administrator rights. Use the tickboxes in the Receive Alerts column to control who will receive email alerts. There must always be at least one user nominated to receive alerts.

2. Click Update Roles. 3. Click OK to confirm. 4. Click OK to close the Update User Role window.

Editing a user account To edit a user account: 1. Log on to the Test Centre Administrator website and click the Users & Roles tab. A list of existing users displays. 2. To help locate a specific user, use the filters at the top of the page. 3. When you have found the user you want to edit, tick the box to the left of their details. You can only edit one user account at a time. 4. Click Edit User. The Edit User window displays.

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5. Change the appropriate user details in the fields. All fields are mandatory (as shown by the asterisks). 6. Click OK. You return to the Users & Roles tab with the changed user details displayed.

Deleting a user account To delete a user account: 1. Log on to the Test Centre Administrator website and click the Users & Roles tab, use the filters to find the users you want to delete, then tick the box to the left of their details. You can only delete one user account at a time. 2. Click Delete User. The Delete User window displays. 3. Click OK. You return to the Users & Roles tab with the user details no longer displayed.

Changing your own password Any user can change their own password. 1. Click the drop-down menu alongside your user name in the top navigation bar.

2. Select Change Password. The Change Password window displays.

3. Enter your current password and your new password twice for confirmation. Ensure that your new password meets the rules displayed on the screen. In particular, make sure that you enter upper and lower case letters correctly. You can include special symbols such as * and & if you wish. 4. Click Submit.

Note: If you forget your password, you need to ask a Test Centre Administrator to reset it, as described in Resetting a user’s password below.

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Resetting a user’s password When a user forgets their password, a Test Centre Administrator must reset it for them. You do not need to know the user’s password to be able to reset it. To reset a user’s password: 1. Log in to the Test Centre Administrator website and click the Users & Roles tab, then tick the box to the left of the appropriate user’s details. You can only reset one user’s password at a time. 2. Click Reset Password. The Reset Password window displays. 3. Ensure that you type the password exactly the same in both fields, and that it meets the password rules as displayed on the screen. 4. Click Reset Password. You return to the Users & Roles tab. 5. Make sure you give the user their new password.

Unlocking accounts A user account becomes locked when the user tries to log on to the Test Centre or Test Sitting Administration website but does this incorrectly five times in a row. The user cannot log in until their user account is unlocked by a Test Centre Administrator.

Note: If you are the only user at the Test Centre, you will need to contact us, or wait eight hours for your account to be unlocked automatically.

To unlock a user account: 1. Log on to the Test Centre Administrator website and click the Users & Roles tab, then click the box to the left of the appropriate user’s details. If a user’s account is locked, (locked) appears after their username. You can unlock a number of user accounts at the same time. 2. Click Unlock Account. 3. Click OK to confirm. 4. Click OK to close the confirmation window.

Training users All centre staff users need to be familiar with and confident in using Connect Plus. The different types of staff users have different training needs, but as a start you need to consider the following: Test Centre Administrators Ideally, each Test Centre Administrator should be able to carry out all the tasks described in this guide, as summarised in the Overview on page 4. Typically, a Test Centre Administrator will be the Centre Exams Manager at your centre. Test Sitting Administrators Each Test Sitting Administrator should be able to carry out all the tasks described in the Computer-Based Testing Exam Day Booklet. The easiest way to familiarise a Test Sitting Administrator with opening test sittings and running tests is to set up a series of familiarisation tests they can work through. For details, see Appendix A: How to run a familiarisation test.

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5 Test sittings

Creating test sittings All candidates for an exam day will automatically go into the same test sitting. We recommend that you create extra test sittings to split your exams, (e.g. KET AM1, KET PM1 and PET PM1) and then split the candidates in more than one room into separate sittings. Please use the information below to give you guidance on the number of test sittings you may need to create at your centre. Please contact ESOL Helpdesk if you need further information or clarification.

Number of tests sessions (e.g. CB PET AM1 and PM1)

Number of computer rooms at the test venue

What do I need to do?

One test session

One room

Use the original test sitting created by the system.

One test session

Two rooms

Create a test sitting for each test room. E.g. CB PET AM1 Room 1 CB PET AM1 Room 2 Move candidates from the original test sitting to the new test sittings Ensure you have two Test Sitting Administrator accounts Use separate Test Sitting Administrator account in each room

Two test sessions

One room

Create a test sitting for each test session. E.g. CB FCE AM1 Room 1 CB FCE PM1 Room 1 Move candidates from the original test sitting to the new test sittings You can administer the test with one Test Sitting Account

Two test sessions

Two rooms

Create a test sitting for each test session and each room. E.g. CB KET AM1 Room 1 CB KET AM1 Room 2 Test centre administration guide - 21

CB KET PM1 Room 1 CB KET PM2 Room 2 Move candidates from the original test sitting to the new test sittings Create two Test sitting administrator account (if you don’t have already) and use one in each room

Test Centre Administrators can prepare test sittings after candidates are confirmed on Cambridge English Online. To create a test sitting: 1. Log in to the Test Centre Administrator website and click the Test Sittings tab. The list of sittings displays. 2. Click Create New Test Sitting. The Create Test Sitting window is displayed.

3. Type the Sitting Name (e.g. the name of the room). Note that this field is mandatory (and is identified by an asterisk). 4. Select the Sitting Date by clicking the calendar icon and choosing the relevant exam date.

Note: Make sure you choose the correct date (i.e. the day of the exam) as you cannot change the date for a test sitting once it’s set up; you will need to delete the test sitting and create a new one.

5. Click OK. The Test Sittings tab is refreshed with the new Test Sitting details displayed. Having created your Test Sitting, you now need to allocate candidates to the Test Sitting.

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Allocating candidates to a test sitting You can only allocate candidates to a test sitting before they have logged on to the test. To do this: 1. Log on to the Test Centre Administrator website and click the Tests tab to open the list of tests for your centre. 2. Click on the name of the relevant test. The test details display, showing the list of candidates. 3. Click on the candidates you want to allocate. 4. Click Move Candidates. The Change Candidate Sitting window is displayed. 5. Select a sitting into which you want to move the candidates.

6. Click OK. The test details refresh with the changed sitting details displayed. 7. Repeat steps 2-6 for each component to make sure the same candidates are in the same test sitting.

Renaming a test sitting To rename a test sitting 1. Log in to the Test Centre Administrator website and click the Test Sittings tab. 2. Tick the box to the left of the test sitting you want to rename. Note you can only do this to one test sitting at a time. 3. Click Rename Sitting. The Rename Sitting window is displayed. 4. Type the new Sitting Name. Note that this field is mandatory (and is identified by an asterisk), and that you cannot change the Sitting Date. 5. Click OK. The Test Sittings tab is refreshed with the new test sitting details displayed.

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Removing a test sitting Note that you cannot remove a test sitting if there are test candidates allocated to it, or if it is the only test sitting for that day. To remove a test sitting: 1. Log on to the Test Centre Administrator website and click the Test Sittings tab. 2. Tick the box to the left of the test sitting that you want to remove. Note that you can do this to more than one test sitting at the same time. 3. Click Remove Sitting. 4. Click OK to confirm the removal.

Preparing a test sitting Before a test sitting is run, a Test Centre Administrator must confirm that the required computers are ready and print the candidate login details. 1. Log on to the Test Centre Administrator website and either click the name of the test sitting you want to check on the Home page or click the Test Sittings tab to show a list of all test sittings, as shown in this example:

To find a specific test sitting, you can use the filters. Possible statuses for test sittings are: Action Required (If the status is Action Required, you can click on the status to see a summary of the test details and any actions required.) Ready No Action Required No Tests Note: No Tests will appear if you have added a new test sitting but have not yet allocated any candidates into the sitting.

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1. Click the name of the test sitting you want to check. The test sitting details display, for example:

Set Up Computers The Ready figures tell you how many Test Sitting Administrator and Candidate computers at your centre have the latest software installed and have been in recent contact.

Note: Run the software on your computers at least a day before the exam to make sure you download the latest software and the test materials.

These figures do not tell you how many computers you need for the test sitting; as may you have split them across test sittings, or you may plan to re-use the same computers for different tests during the day.

2. Click on Manage Computers (see above) to check that the computers you are using are healthy. If they are not, please see the Technical Guide.

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You can also access this screen by clicking on the Computers tab from the home page. To find a specific computer, you can use the filters.

3. Navigate back to the Test Sitting screen below.

4. Tick the box to confirm that that the computers you are using for this sitting are healthy. 5. When you tick the confirmation box, section.

will appear in the Set Up Computers

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Print Candidate Logon Details This tells you the total number of candidates across all tests in the sitting.

Note: Each candidate will have a login for each component within this test sitting. During the period from seven days before a test up until the test date, you can click Print Logon Details (see above) to print login details for all candidates for all tests in a particular sitting. will appear until you have printed login details for all candidates, at which point appear. Repeat this process until you have printed the login details for all your candidates.


Tests in this sitting A list of all tests in the sitting displays (see below). You can click on a test name to open the test details.

Note: Once you have green ticks in both the Set Up Computers and Print Candidate Logon Details sections on this screen, you are ready to run the test sitting.

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Overseeing test sittings Test Centre Administrators can oversee test sittings from any computer with an internet connection. Click on Go to Test Sitting.

Note: Do not click on any active buttons as this will interfere with live tests.

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6 Running test sittings Both Test Centre Administrators and Test Sitting Administrators can run test sittings using the following:

If you are using a computer on which the Connect Plus Test Sitting Administrator software is installed, you can access Connect Plus either via the Start menu or via an icon on your computer’s desktop:

Using a supported browser of your choice, go to the Test Sitting Administrator website:

Please see the Computer-Based Testing Exam Day Booklet for instructions on how to run computer-based exams.

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Appendix A How to run a familiarisation test Introduction You must follow all the steps in this appendix in order to familiarise yourself with the system and test administration tasks. To help you understand the whole system, when following the steps in this appendix, you will take the role of a Test Centre Administrator (the person responsible for preparing a computer-based test at a centre), a Test Sitting Administrator (the person responsible for starting a test, monitoring and ending it) and a candidate. Please do not use this familiarisation test on real candidates.

What do I need? To work through the steps you will need the following: Minimum of two computers running Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7 Both computers must be on the same network and have access to the Internet Admin rights to install software onto these computers; Access to a printer. These instructions assume that your centre is registered as a computer-based testing centre with Cambridge English Language Assessment on Connect Plus and that you have a username and password with Test Centre Administrator rights. Test Sitting Administrator rights are automatically given to the first person registered on Connect Plus.

Summary of the steps in this appendix 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Logging into Connect Plus Setting up a Test Sitting Administration computer Setting up a Candidate computer Setting up the familiarisation test Preparing for the familiarisation test Starting the familiarisation test Sitting the familiarisation test as a candidate Closing down the familiarisation test

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Connect Plus Set-up Recommendations Before you set up your computers and install Connect Plus, please look at the scenarios below to help you decide which set-up option best fits your testing venue. Please note that all the steps in this guide are for installing and administering a Connect Plus familiarisation test session based on Scenario 1 below. If you are planning to use multiple rooms for the live exams (Scenario 2), you should create a separate test sitting for each room, using the Test Sitting function, when scheduling the familiarisation test. For further details, please refer to the Connect Plus Test Administrator guide.

Test Venue Description

Recommended installation

Scenario 1 Test venue with a single room and fewer than 100 candidate computers

Scenario 2 Test venue with two or more rooms and fewer than 100 candidate computers in total

Important note: If your Centre has more than 100 candidate computers, the above scenarios still apply but you need to increase the number of Test Sitting Administrator computers in each room. Please see below table for guidance Number of Candidate Workstations

Number of Test Sitting Administration computers


2 (including 1 spare)


3 (including 1 spare)


4 (including 1 spare)

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1. Logging in Go to the Connect Plus Test Centre website ( on your Test Sitting Administrator computer and log in using your Connect Plus username and password, which you created when you registered your centre with Connect Plus.

You will now see the home page of the Test Centre website.

2. Setting up a Test Sitting Administrator computer The Test Sitting Administration software is used to control and monitor a test. It allows you to start a test, pause a test and monitor the candidates taking the test. The ‘Current Computer Status’ section of the home page indicates the number of computers on which Connect Plus test software has been detected. Click Current Computer Status to go to the Computers tab, which shows all the computers that have Connect Plus installed. Click Download the latest version to go to the Software download page.

On the Software download page, click on the link to download the latest version of Test Sitting Administration software for your computer. If you are unsure whether you need to download the Windows (64 bit), see the instructions at the end of this Appendix or ask the person who set up your computers and network. Save the file to a location of your choice.

Important: Do not change the name of the file.

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The download may take a while, depending on the speed of the computer you are using, your network and your internet connection.

Hint: If your internet connection is slow and not stable, you can download the Test Sitting Administrator installer from the Network Packages section. This is an msi installer and much smaller in size. However you must note that these installers can only be used if your computers already have .Net Framework 3.5 and Non-IE Flash Player installed.

Windows: When the download has finished, run the file and follow the on-screen instructions. If you receive a communication error message at any stage, we suggest you ask your network administrator for help and/or refer to Connect Plus Technical Guide.

Note: If your Centre uses a proxy server, you may need to enter your Windows username and password.

Note: It is not possible to install both the Candidate Software and Test Administration Software on the same computer.

The installation and registration process is now complete. Click Exit to quit the software at this point.

Click on the Computers tab at the top of the Connect Plus Test Administrator home page. Wait until you can see the computer(s) on which you have just installed Connect Plus listed on the screen.

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3. Setting up a Candidate computer The Candidate software is used by candidates to sit tests. When setting up a real test, you will need to set up enough computers for all your candidates. Carry out the following steps on the computers selected to be used for Connect Plus candidate software. Log into the Connect Plus Test Centre website (, as shown in step 1 above and click on the Computers tab. Click Download the latest version and download the appropriate version of the Candidate software for your computer. If you are unsure whether you need to download the Windows (64 bit), see the instructions at the end of this Appendix or ask the person who set up your computers and network.

Install the downloaded file on the computer by following the on-screen instructions. When the Candidate software has been successfully installed and registered, return to the computer’s desktop and double click on the Connect Plus Candidate Workstation icon and wait until the Candidate Login page appears. You may see a start up message displayed briefly before the candidate login page appears. Click Close to quit the software at this point.

Important note: You are required to run Familiarisation tests to simulate the real exam. For the simulation to be accurate, you should install Connect Plus on all the Candidate computers you are planning to use in a live computer-based exam.

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4. Setting up a familiarisation test To run a familiarisation test, log in to the Connect Plus Test Centre website ( and click on the Non-Timetabled Tests link. This will take you to the Tests tab.

Click on Schedule to schedule a familiarisation test.

Select the date and the earliest and latest start times between which you want to start running the familiarisation test. In this example the test has been set to start after 12.00 and end 23.00. You can also set what information you want to be displayed to Test Sitting Administrators when they run tests and also in the Information column on the test details screen.

Click Save to proceed.

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You will be taken to the Tests tab. The familiarisation test you have just created will appear on a new line. The familiarisation test will also show the date for which it is scheduled and the status will be set to ‘Scheduled’. Click on the familiarisation test you want to run.

You will see a number of fictional candidate entries in the list of candidates. Click Add if you wish to add any additional candidates, or Edit if you wish to change the names of the candidates. Please note that you can only add or edit candidates for familiarisation tests. For live exams, the candidates’ details are linked to the entries you make on Cambridge English Online. Click on the Back to the Home page link on the top left hand side corner of the screen to return to the Test Centre Home Page.

5. Preparing for the test On the Test Centre Home Page you will now see that the familiarisation test you have scheduled appears in the Today’s Test Sittings section at the top of the page, on the relevant day.

Note: The familiarisation test should simulate a real computer-based exam. If you are planning to use multiple rooms, you should create a separate test sitting for each room, using the Test Sitting function. For further details, please see Section 5.

Click on the familiarisation test sitting to start preparing for the test. The Test Sitting preparation screen tells you what you need to do to get ready to run a Test centre administration guide - 36

test. This means: 1. confirming that you have enough computers set up 2. printing candidate logon details. You will also see how many candidates have been entered for the familiarisation test and how many computers are available to run the familiarisation test. To confirm that you have sufficient computers prepared to run the familiarisation test, click on the check box [on the left hand side of the screen] and the red exclamation mark will turn into a green tick. Click on Print Logon Details. This will print login details for all the candidates you have entered for the familiarisation test. Once printed, the red exclamation mark will also turn into a green tick.

Your familiarisation test preparation is now complete and both red exclamation marks have turned into green ticks. This means that you are now ready to run the familiarisation test. You can now log out from this website.

6. Starting the test On the Test Administrator computer, click on the Connect Plus icon to start the Test Sitting Administration software. The software will run a series of start up checks to ensure that all the necessary information required to run the The familiarisation test is available. Once prompted, enter your Connect Plus Test Centre login details (or your Test Sitting Administrator login details, if applicable).

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If you have any other Test Sittings set up, you will need to select which Test Sitting you wish to open. Click on the familiarisation test sitting name to proceed. If you don’t have any other test sittings setup, you will be taken to the Test Sitting screen which is used to monitor the progress of the test.

Click on Open Test to allow candidates to start logging in.

Once all candidates are logged in, click on Start Test.

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7. Sitting the test as a candidate If the Login screen is not already displayed on the candidate computer, click on the Connect Plus icon to start the Candidate software. The software will run a series of start up checks to ensure that all the necessary information required to run the familiarisation test is available.

CandidateTEnter the Candidate Number and Password provided in the Candidate Login Details printouts and click SUBMIT. .

You will then be taken to the candidate details confirmation screen which will display the name of the test you are sitting, the date on which you are sitting the test, as well as the candidate information. If all the information is correct, click on Continue.

The familiarisation test will now start and you will be able to sit the familiarisation test.

Important note: You should repeat step 7 on as many candidate computers as possible to simulate a live Computer-based test session and to ensure that your computer network is working correctly.

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8. Closing down the test sitting All candidates’ tests will end automatically when the set test time has run out. However, the duration of a test can vary depending on: the time set for the test; whether candidates start the test on time; whether candidates have been granted additional time; whether the Test Administrator has paused and resumed the test. As this is a familiarisation test to help you familiarise yourself with Connect Plus, you can end the test early, without answering all the exam questions or having to wait until the time runs out. On the Test Sitting Administration computer, click on End Test. You will see the test for candidates has been ended shortly afterwards.

Note: When running a live test, do not use the End Test button unless absolutely required to do so, as it will end the test for all candidates, including candidates who have not logged in yet. After the test has ended, click on the Test Sitting Close Down tab. There, you will be able to check: 1. candidate responses have been collected 2. responses have been uploaded to us 3. the candidate absence list. During a familiarisation test, both progress bars should turn to green and the counts should indicate that all the expected responses have been collected and uploaded. This may take some time depending on the number of computers used. Below the upload progress bars you will see the absentees’ screen. For a familiarisation test, there is no need to note absences. However, during a live exam, you would be able add any attendance notes to explain each absence, if you wish. Click on Close Down Test Sitting to complete the familiarisation test. You can now close both the Candidate and Test Sitting Administration software.

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What to do next You have completed your Connect Plus familiarisation test. By following these instructions, you have successfully completed the process of setting up the Test Administrator computer, as well as all required candidate computers. You have learned how to schedule tests using Connect Plus and how to enable your candidates to participate in any computer-based test. Also, as all of your computers have now been correctly configured to run Connect Plus, they are ready to be used for live computer-based exams. For further information and technical support, please see the Test Centre Technical Guide and the other chapters in this Test Centre Administration Guide, which are available from the Help section on the Connect Plus Test Centre website. In the unlikely case that you are experiencing any problems that you cannot solve using the available support materials, please contact the Helpdesk: Customer support website:

Email: [email protected] Tel: +44 (0)1223 553997 (for urgent queries)

Connect Plus familiarisation test answers 1) B 2) B 3) D 4 – 7) 1-4-3-2 8) A 9) A 10) A 11) A 12) A

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Appendix B FAQs What do I do if I’ve forgotten my password? If you are a Test Centre Administrator or Test Sitting Administrator and you forget your password, another Test Centre Administrator can reset it for you (give you a new password). For details, Resetting a user’s password on page 20. Once you have regained access, you can change your own password, as described in Changing your own password on page 19.

Can my Test Centre run tests published by CIE and OCR? When you register with Connect Plus, this enables you to run tests published by Cambridge English Language Assessment. Thereafter, you can register with Connect Plus for CIE or OCR, if you are already approved as a centre for them. Registering with Connect Plus for CIE and OCR Once you have registered with Connect Plus for Cambridge English Language Assessment, a Test Administrator can log on to the Test Centre Administration website and register with Connect Plus for CIE or OCR.

1. Log in to the Test Centre Administrator website and click the Awarding Body tab. This lists all the Awarding Bodies that your centre is currently registered with.

2. To register with an additional Awarding Body, click Register with additional awarding bodies.

3. Select an Awarding Body from the drop-down list, enter your centre number and the Registration Code supplied by the Awarding Body, then click Register.

Can I set up as many administrators as I like? Yes, you can create as many Test Centre Administrators and Test Sitting Administrators as you like. All Test Centre Administrators will have the same rights, as will all Test Sitting Administrators. Test Centre Administrators have greater privileges than Test Sitting Administrators. For more details, see Setting up users on page 17.

How do I run a familiarisation test? These are tests provided by Cambridge English Language Assessment for use in staff familiarisation. Familiarisation tests are provided as Non-Timetabled tests so that you can schedule to run these tests as often and whenever desired. For details, see Appendix A: How to run a familiarisation test.

Do I have to create test sittings? A default test sitting is created automatically, and all tests for the day are automatically added to this sitting. However, if you have candidates taking the test in different rooms or locations, you will need to split these tests across a number of sittings. Please see Chapter 5 for further information on test sittings and worked examples.

What if I choose the wrong date when creating a test sitting? You will need to remove any candidates allocated to it, delete the test sitting and create a new one. For more details, see Test sittings in Chapter 5.

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How do I reprint candidate login details? 1. Log in to the Test Centre Administrator website and click the Tests tab to open the list of tests for your centre. 2. Click on the name of the test for which you want to print candidate login details. The test details display, showing the list of candidates. 3. Select the candidate(s) whose login details you want to print by clicking on their row of details to highlight them. 4. Click the candidate(s) to select them. You can select more than one candidate at a time. 5. Click Print Candidate Logon Details. The print dialog box displays and you can select the printer to use then click OK.

How can I select more than one item in any list? 1. To select several items together, click on the first item, press and hold down the SHIFT key and click on the last item 2. To select alternating items together, click on the first item, press and hold down the CTRL key and click on each item one by one

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Glossary Candidate software The part of Connect Plus that can be installed on a candidate computer. It enables candidates to take tests in the absence of an Internet connection. Familiarisation test A test that is used to ensure the Connect Plus system is working. You can also use it for training purposes to introduce centre staff to Connect Plus. Registered Test Centre A Test Centre that has successfully completed the registration with Cambridge English Language Assessment. Registration code The code issued to a Test Centre by Cambridge English Language Assessment that must be provided when the Test Centre registers with them. Scheduled test A test to be run on a date and time determined by Cambridge English Language Assessment. These appear on the home page under ‘Today’s Test Sittings’ or ‘Forthcoming Test Sittings’. Test A test is an individual component, for example Reading & Writing or Listening.

Test key Each test has a key which controls access to the test content. Cambridge English Language Assessment specifies how long before the earliest start time for the test the key will be automatically downloaded to you. When candidates log in, the key is used to check their credentials and unlock test content. Test Sitting A test sitting is a grouping of candidates taking tests on the same day. The candidates may all be taking the same test or different tests. The Test Sitting Administrator can see and monitor all these tests and candidates from a single screen. By default all tests and all candidates are added to a single sitting on each day, but you can if you wish set up and run a number of separate sittings. Test Sitting Administrator Test Sitting Administrators can start and monitor tests at a Test Centre, but they cannot carry out any other administration activities. Test Sitting Administrator software The part of Connect Plus that can be installed on a Test Sitting Administration computer. It enables Test Sitting Administrators to administer tests in the absence of an Internet connection

Test Centre Administrator Test Centre Administrators can carry out all Connect Plus activities at a Test Centre, including managing tests, candidates, users, test sittings and computers. The Test Centre Administrator role is usually given to Centre Exams Managers.

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