ODAL^ASD_ YWMAOMYEHN_ CN HE JÍHMON ODAL^ASD CNH O^GD. Eodphe hes pehes pehes y ns nh qun `n pnr`mtn odanoter odanoter he jíhmon eh `dtdr. nh ougd sn odavmnrtn na ua treas`msdr cn nanrbàe. ] rnonptdr cn nanrbàe. Nste odastrumcd pdr cnatrd cn eonrd y pdr funre cn ehneomÿa cn ehu`mamd Nstå od`punstd cn 7 nhn`natds. OW^ONSE ] GEWWMH
Oruonte Ydr su fuaomÿa oruomeh qun ns Odanoter nh odaluatd cn he jíhmon eh nln cnh `dtdr epertmr cn he oruonte. Yertn prmaompeh cn he jíhmon. Cn eonrd y ord`d y aàqunh.
Odaluatds cn He `mae cn suphn`natd y sdpdrtn cn fmgre . Nstds vea mastehecds natrn hds grezds cn he oruonte
He`mae cn suphn`natd sda nspeomecdrns pere cer `eydr nspeomd d ua `nadr nspeomd natrn uae eodphn puncn oe`gmer su nspnsdr. sda hå`maes cn grdaon d eonrd Maspnoomÿa cn oehmcec cn ouecrecd - Maspnoomÿa cn oehmcec cn odaonatrmomcec.
sdpdrtn cn fmgre Smnan ua Ynrad geheaonecdr.- ns ua pnrad qun na su oegnze tmnan ua nspeomd veoàd y sn puncn hhnaer oda phd`d. Ads pnr`mtn Nh geheaond nståtmod y nh geheaond cmaå`mod cnh odaluatd cn he pehe Ads pnr`mtn he onatrner cn he `nldr `eanre pdsmghn he oruonte na nh gerrmh.
Odad cnheatnrd d supnrmdr y odad tresnrd d mafnrmdr _da odads cn eonrd te`gmía cn grdaon Fuaomÿa cerhn `eydr nstegmhmcec e he oruonte rnspnotd eh nln cnh `dtdr.
Eamhhd cn fmgre Nh eamhhd cn fmgre ve na he pertn mafnrmdr cn he oruonte Oda nh fma cn nvmter fmhtreomÿa.
Eamhhd omnrrn cn rnsdrtn Ns ua eamhhd cn eonrd qun sn mastehe na he pertn supnrmdr cn he oruonte. _mrvn pere he masteheomÿa y nh cns`dateln cn he oruonte rnspnotd eh nln cnh `dtdr ] cns`dater he oruonte rnspnotd e hd qun ns nh veoàd. _n masnrte na uae reaure nxtnrae na he pertn supnrmdr d pertn frdateh cn he oruonte
NH GEWWMH sn cmvmcn na 7 `mtec cnheatnre (eatnrmdr) y tresnre (pdstnrmdr) _da uamcds etrevnz cn _nhhds na tmpd d y na tmpd nspebuntm. _m funsna e`ermhhd y ezuh nsn snhhd sn utmhmze pere fhumcd jmcråuhmod. _nhhds cnh tmpd ojngrda _n oereotnrmzea pdr tnanr pnqunõds jmhds cn ehe`grn
Hds tdramhhds qun uana Na hes 7 `mtecns cnheatnre y tresnre Smnana ua drcna y ad puncna snr Ehtnrecds pdrqun na oece tdramhhd tmnan ua pnsd nspnoàfmod. hds tdramhhds na he oegnze tmnana na ua tepÿa qun pdr cnatrd ns junod ] puncn snr rnhhnaecd cn phd`d pere odasnbumr ua Geheaond nståtmod y cmaå`mod. Na he `mtec supnrmdr cnh gerrmh Smnan ? pmans
ODAL^ASD CN HE YEHE. NA HE Y^ASE He puate puncn snr cnh tmpd rn`d d cnh tmpd ebule. na he pehe nxmstna uaes hàanes e`ermhhes 5phb Uun smrvna pere pdcnr trezer nh phead cn rdteomÿa cn he jíhmon.
O^NWYD na nh ounrpd cn he pehe sm naounatre nste`pecd uae masmbame quí ads macmoe he prdoncnaome cn he pehe y cn he jíhmon.
Wems y nspmbe Natrn he nspmbe y he reàz sn naounatre he `eydr oeatmcec cn od`pdanatns cn he pehe He reàz y he nspmbe sn hhnbe e odanoter `ncmeatn trete`mnatd trete`mnatd tír`mod. He reàz ns cn eonrd y he nspmbe cn ehneomÿa cn ehu`mamd.
Eodphn cn tmpd rÿtuhe.- @ncmeatn ua trete`mnatd tír`mod qun eh nafrmersn sn odatren y eh oehnatersn sn cmhete. Cÿacn y he reàz sn nafrmere y he pehe sn oehmnate. Oueacd e`ges pmnzes rnoupnrea su tn`pnreture adr`eh sn fuaomdaea y sn vunhvna uae sdhe.
Ereacnhes Eatns cn odanoter odanoter he reàz e he nspmbe nspmbe sn odanote d mastehe mastehe e 7 pmnzes pmnzes `uy m`pdrteatns< m`pdrteatns< He ereacnhe ereacnhe pheae d cn n`puln cn grdaon y He ereacnhe eojefheaece d cn n`puln. Natrn nstes 7 `mtecns sn mastehea 7 `mtecns cn odlàantns Ouyds rntnancdrns sda cn grdaon y hds rdcmhhds cn eonrd. Dglntmvd.-Dglntmvd.
Eamhhd cn eatm frmoomda _n masnrte natrn he ereacnhe eojefheaece y he gesn supnrmdr cn he remz. @nldre he odanoomda cn treas`momda cn nanrbàe. Odatrdher `nldrer nh eodphn natrn hds nabreaelns cn he pehe vs cn he hnve bmretdrme (oupuhe Ns cn fmgre Smnan `ncmomÿa `ncmeatn prdoncm`mnatd jdt (nspnsdr) Dglntmvd.- Nvmte he frmoomÿa natrn he reàz eojefheaece y he ereacnhe oueacd sn oe`gme cn pesd. OD@YDANASN_ MASNWAD_
Gubn cn he pehe. Ns cn grdaon y tmnan uae hdabmtuc eprdxm`ece cn 6 puhbeces _n masnrte na he pertn matnrae cn he reàz y he nspmbe. _n mastehea `ncmeatn trete`mnatd tír`mod.
Nh gubn sn nafràe pere qun sn odatrembe y he nspmbe y he pehe sn oehmnate pere qun sn cmhetn _n nafràe pdr jmnhd snod ] sn oehmnate `ncmeatn jdrad nhíotrmod. eatns cn masteher nstn guln cn he pehe prm`nrd jey qun cntnr`maer nh tmpd cn pehe y nh tmpd cn jíhmon qun ns.. _m he jíhmon y he pehes sda pertn cn uae jíhmon treotdre d uae jíhmon prdpuhsdre Na he reàz sn naounatrea bregecds 7 `eroes na eagds nxtrn`ds Y^_JNW d SWEOSDW Na nh gubn sn naounatre uae `eroeomÿa oda uae fhnoje he hntre E quí jey qun jeonr odmaomcmr oda he `eroeomÿa Y^_JNW d SWEOSDW cnpnacmnacd cnh tmpd cn jíhmon y cn pehe. Cnpnacmnacd cn tdcd nstd he odafmbureomÿa cn hes pehes oe`gmeråa d te`gmía oe`gmere nh åabuhd cn etequn. _n hn mastehe ua per cn SNSDA_MSD_ d YMAN_ B^ME_ cn ehu`mamd pere rntnanr he He`mae cn suph`natd Hunbd 7 tdramhhds naoeran pere sulnter Nh gubn cn he pehe. Nh Gubn cn grdaon tmnan od`d `msmÿa ehdler nh tepda cn geheaond
Sepda cn geheaond _mrvna pere odasnbumr. Nh geheaond nståtmod y nh geheaond cmaå`mod cn he jíhmon. _n masnrte na he pertn matnrae cnh Gubn e prnsmÿa Odaste cn 7 pertns uae pertn cn bd`e y dtre pertn `ntåhmoe. Na he pertn `ntåhmoe qun tmnan ua nspårrebd nspårrebd d prmsmdanrd sn masnrte uae ereacnhe cn phd`d. Se`gmna hhe`ecd Ereacnhes cn geheaond. Nxmstna uaes reaures na nh gubn cn he pehe y smrvna pere masteher nh nabreaeln cn he pehe
Nabreaeln cn he pehe Jdlmhhes cn rnsdrtn d rntnaomÿa _da 7 Erods cn `ncmehuae cn eonrd Ehdle ehrncncdr ehrncncdr cn 69 hnabuntmhhes hnabuntmhhes d he`maes he`maes cn eonrd y sda n`oepsuheces n`oepsuheces pdr cds erods erods cn eonrd _mrvn pere odanoter y esnburer nh nabreaeln cn he pehe oda nh guln cn he pehe _mrvn pere e`drtmbuer he treas`momda cn nanrbàe `noåamoe nspmbe. Ydr ühtm`d he omate cn tnfhÿa. E he ehture y he nspmbe. Ads pnr`mtn prdtnbnr He pehe cn ehu`mamd
Ns ua snhhd cn bd`e cn tmpd D cn bd`e smatítmoe pere nr`ntmzer e he pertn matnrae cnh ougd Yere nvmter fube cn fhumcd jmcråuhmod d eonmtn. Cnpnacmnacd cn qun oda quí fhumcds ve e tregeler he jíhmon.
NH ODAL^ASD CN HE OÜY^HE. E nstn odaluatd sn sn hn cnad`mae cnad`mae `noeams`d cn oe`gmd cn pesd. pesd. @ncmeatn nstn odaluatd hes pehes oe`gmea cn eabuhd d oe`gmea nh pesd cn hes pehes cn he jíhmon. Nstn `noeams`d treasfdr`e hes funrzes cn eonmtn d nh fhumcd jmcråuhmod na funrzes cn tdrsmÿa cn he pehe Drmbna cn cns`dateln
Nh n`gdhd cn cdghn pernc Cn ehneomÿa cn ehu`mamd.
Nh navdhvnatn odaluate`natn he ougmnrte cn he oüpuhe sn fdr`erda 7 oå`eres (Oå`ere cnheatnre , oå`ere tresnre)
Oe`mses omhàacrmoe smrvn pere ehdler pere masteher He våhvuhe cn cmstrmguomÿ cmstrmguomÿa a Nh `dvm`mnatd hmaneh cnh n`gdhn. Ecnheatn y etrås breomes e nstn odaluatd cn hnves hnve nsteomdaerme y he hnve bmretdrme _n treasfdr`erå na `dvm`mnatds rdtesmdaeh rdtesmdaeh breds `es brecds `nads. He hnve bmretdrme na mabrnze e he pertn matnrae cn he hnve nsteomdaerme. Nh n`gdhd He hnve nsteomdaerme he hnve bmretdrme hnve nsteomdaerme nsteomdaerme ad rdte, ad bmre. @na o`egmd o`egmd he hnve bmretdrme hd jeon cnatrd cnatrd cn he nsteomdaerme nsteomdaerme Na he hnve bmretdrme sn mastehe na he pertn supnrmdr n mafnrmdr ua odlmantn cn rdcmhhds mafnrmdr oda qun fmaehmcec< qun he hnve bmretdrme bmrn hmgrn`natn cnatrd cn cnh he hnve nsteomdaerme qun ad ns am 599 brecds Hnve tmpd _SC nståacer Hnve cn tmpd rdcmhhd Hnve cn eoomÿa råpmce Hnve cn cnohmvn rnotd Hnve cn tmpd rdcmhhd
Na nh odaluatd cn he våhvuhe cn cmstrmguomÿa odaluatd cnh eatàjmnhd. Nh odaluatd cn pmnzes `msonhåanes.
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