Conjunction of Planets

April 27, 2017 | Author: Ajeeth Kumar | Category: N/A
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Conjunction of planets in vedic astrology...


CONJUNCTION OF PLANETS (In Hindu Predictive Astrology) TI,is book deals with the results of 155 CQnjunctions of two 10 seven Planets with relCI'cnt propitiatiolls met/wds /orvarious Conjllnctions and Planets.

BY Dr L. R. CHAWDHRI M.I .E.,M.A. (Astrology) Superintending Engineer.( ReId)

SAGAR PUBLICATIONS n,Janpath. Vcd Mansion, NEW DELH f 110001

PREFACE In the delineations of horoscope, one ha s to deal with many problems which have already been detailed, the author's world famous book 'SCIENTIFIC ANALYSIS OF HOROSCOPE' based on Hindu astrology, which book became a big volume, so the important aspects CONJUNCTIONS OF PLANETS could not be included in the book.


The authors's mind was in constant agitated form that withoullhis important aspect, how the correct delination of horoscope can be made. Finally, the author has the honour to present Ihis work 10 the learned readers. In this book, th e effects of conjunction of Planets of two to seven Planets in a house have been described in detail. Pilhuyasas, son of Varahamihira has said that effects of conjunction is jusl the mixture of honey and ghcc, if combined in equal quantities will turn out as poison. Each conjunction has been detailed for its benefi c and malefic resu lts. In a conjunction when a planet is found ret rogradc or combust, it becomes difficult to offer the correct predictions. In this book, all efforts have been made to expound this point in detail.Care is to be taken for the aspects and the position of house and sign for the planct. One impo rtant chapter 'AS PECTS AND TRANSIT OF PLANETS' has now been added and other chapters have been revised. Every human being desires 10 escape from the Evi ls and malefi~ effects of the planets and to mitigate, minimise and to ward off such effects, suitable, cheap and practical upayes have been suggested in a very detailed way through the articles, relations and professions of various planets and,propitations of planets have also been included through Mantras, donations, Tantric Upayes, Gems, Colou rs and Surya Namaskar (Prayer to Sun God). A few practical examples have also been included for the practice

IIf readers. The llUlhnr is thankfultoall readers in INDIA and ABROAD grantlItH mas.s.ive po pul:uily 10 my work necessitating the SECOND Edition.

Also the author is thankful to the press who have published a good, rightful and constructive reviews of author's works. DR. L.R. CHAWDHRI lYOTlSH TANTRA KENDRA 110, Pr.Jtap Chambers, Gurd' 'lara Road, Karol Bagh,

New J>elhi-llOOO5 PHOIIES OFF.5717899 RES .~1lO657

Dalt!d Jan. 1989

CONTENTS CHAPTER 1. COMBUSTION AND RETROGRATION Definition, Combustion, Orb, Valuable instructions, Retrogression, Effects, Retrograde planets, method of Judgement, Retrogression and Transit. Effect of Each planet for each Ascendant.

2. CONJUNCTIONS OF PUNETS Their effects and remedial measures for evil effects of: Two Planets Three Planets . Four Planets Five Planets Six Planets Seven Planets Conjunction of RAHU and KETU with other planets.


1 to 27

28 to 82


83 to 92


93 to 124

Aspects, Main Aspects defined, rules for aspects, check

list of aspects, Hindu Versus Westren Astrology and Table of aspects. tRANSIT of Planets in houses, and nakshatras, Transit of Planets to Mid heaven and Ascendant. Summary of Planets in transit. 5.PLANETS AND HOUSES.

Articles, relations and professions assigned to each planet, Sun; Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, Planets and Professions. Arlidcs of conjuncted planets

125 to 149

Articles, re lations and Professions assigned to all the twelve houses.

6.PROPIT/ATIONS OF PlA NETS 150 to 176 D efiniti o n, method and periods of upayes and upayes for immediate relief, Malefic Planets and upayes, Mantras and Donations, Tantric Upayes, Mantra in Ta ntrieand useofGayatri Mantra, Gems, how they affect your wave le ngths, and traits of Gems, Colo urs and their crfects, Vibratory Values of Colours, Colours for each Sign and Table of fast, Prayer, Med itatiion a nd .Surya Namaskar. 7.PRAcnCAL EXAMPLES

177 to 182

CHAYfER [ Combustion and Retrogration There are 12 Zodiacal signs and 27 constellations divided into four Quarters (Padas) each, seven planets and two shadowy planets so in all tbere are nine planets.The SUD, Venus ane Mercu'ry roughly move in each sign for 30 days, Mars moves in 40 days, Moon moves in 21/4 days, Jupiter moves in 360 days, Rahu and Ketu in 540 days and Saturn in 900 days. The various divisions of the signs, the sources of strength and weakness among the planets., the names and identifying marks of constellations aU are not provided in tbis book and may be rdered in book: SClENTlF1C ANALYSIS OF HOROSCOPE by your author. For the correct delineations ortbe horoscope, one should first check the planetary strength and position, then aspects, then the good and evil resulls which accure to planets from ownership and then association and conjunctions.

In a conjunction of planets, we observe that in addition to the abovbe points, there are two more important factors namely CUMBUSTION and RETROGRATION which needs to be chcked and analysed. These two factors are detailed here-under for the guidance of re..ders.

COMBUSTION Combustion or in Hindi called Asta has a great singnilicance or importance in tbe interpretation of horoscope. Planets become combust when they are within certain limits oftbe Sun. According to Surya Sidhanta the foUowing limits of combu.>tion are indicated from the Sun on either side in Hindu Astrology. Combustion is one of the modes of conjunction. The limits are:Moon within 12 degrees of Sun. Mars within 17 degrees of Sun. Mercury within 14 degrees of Sun and 12 degrees when retrograde. Jupiter within 11 degrees of Sun. Venus within 10 degrees of Sun and 8 when retrograde. Saturn within 15 degrees of Sun. Rahu combusts Sun and Ketu eclipses the Moon. Western Astrology allows an orb go.30' either side of the Sun for a planet beoomingcombuSi. An inherent contradiction is evident in this


theory as, a uniform orb for aU celestial bodies of various sizes and distances, can not be conceived. In Pbaldeepika Adhaya XX Solb. 30. it is laid down, 'The good in· nuence of a planet is at its maximum.. three quarter, a balf quarter or

nil as the planets are in the exaltation, Swaksbetra, fricnd1y sign, inim· ical sign or depression sign respectively. The proportions given above are with respect to benefics or lords of the benefic houses. In the case of malefics or lords of malefic houses. it will be reverse. When a planet is in combustion its effects will be similar to that in depression" i.e. debilitation or nil quantitatively. Parasara says that planets are capable of optimum self expression occupying the 7tb house from the Sun which however becomes nil when conjuncting with the Sun. Parasara has also said that when 9th lord is debilitated or combust

it makes the native resort to begging for alms. Should Saturn occupy 6th, 8th or 12th house, debilitation or combust troubles through poison, weapon. change of place or job, cause (or great fear, death of parent, ill bea1tb of wife and children, troubles through state. loss, confinement etc. are denoted. Varahamihira says the planets that are debilitiated, vanquished in car, combust by the Sun, devoid of rasmis or dwarfed become like serpents immunilized by mantra or spell. In Sarvartha Chintaman~ the author Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao has said in stanza 152 while suggesting that ~If the lord of any bhave is combust with 'the Sun (or occupies 8tb etc.) without tbe association or aspect of beneficia1 planets, the Bhave's results become defunct. In our classical works it is said that during the dasa of a planet in combustion, one will be drawn into unnecessary connicts and quarels, wife and children are afflicted and one meets with the death of serious accidents. So from the above discussion we find that a planet is said to lose its power completely when it is within a certain distance from the Sun as detailed abovbe. MERCURY BEING AN EXCEmON. This is called Ravi-Budha-Y oga. In addition the planet is called combust when posited in the same degrees and minutes of longitude as the one occupied by the Sun then it is said to be in "RAPT CONJUNCfJON" with the Sun and it is considered to be eclipsed and becomes utterly powerless.

3 It is also provided by our sagees that planets within a distance of 5 degrees from the Sun are in full combustion, if however they are 10 degrees apart from the Sun, the combustion is partial or ordinary. When the planet is beyond 15 degrees. there is no combustion at a1l. In other classical and various texts and also in Jatak Tatva it is stated that the dasa of a planet that is eclipsed (combust) will cause troubles and produce untoward results. In Jatak Parijat it is laid that the planet may not prove auspicious when they are eclipsed by Sun;s rays also a planet is a house cannot advance it if its lord is eclipsed. Kalidasa in Uttrakalamrita bas stated that one's longevity is reduced if a planet other than Venus or Saturn is combust. Ptolemy has said planets when they arc rising or stationary produce intensification in the events but when setting, and under the rays of Sun (combust) or advancing at evening, they bring about an abatement. Alfred 1. Pearce, William Lily, C.E.O. Cartor has also agreed on combustion and say that planets under combustion become powerless. Venus in the heart of Sun CAZIMI gives vast honours and dignities. Sun with Dragons Head (Rahu) is good. According to Hindu Astrology, Rahu combuts or eclipses Sun while Ketu eclipses the Moon.


In the foregoing verses quoted from the old treatises we find that combust planet becomes powerless but Venus, Mercury and Saturn are exempted from combustion. The combust planet is deprived of its natural characteristics. AU that it denotes or signifies as a Karka is destroyed, wholly or partially depending on how close the planet is to the Sun. Each month Sun conjoins Moon and each year Sun conjoins the other planets at sometime, at whicb time they cease to be seen in the night sky.They will be seen on the Western horizon just after Sunset and after some days or week's absence will reappear on the Eastern horizon before Sunrise. The disappearance may be days before the conjunction with the Sun and it may not reappear in the East before Sunrise till many days after the conjunction with the Sun. The disapppearance in Heliacal Setting and the reappearence the Heliacal Rising. The close conjunction of Sun Venus gives a warm hearted, cheerful and affectionate disposition, inclines one to art, but is sometimes bad for marriage and makes the native resentful and combative. The Moon

• does not become combust but when very near the Sun becomes"the New Moon when he is said to waning and weak which is actually the same as if the Moon in this position was described as comhust. Mercury though liable to combustion astronomically seem to grow

in astrological strength when very close to Sun. tn (act a special yoga. Budha Aditya Yoga or Ravi Budha Yoga is generated by Mercury's proximity to tbeSuD. This Yoga is only formed when Mercury tbough combust is in his own or Moohrikona house. The combustion of Mer· cury sharpens the intelligence. The interpretation of conjunction much depend upon the sib"ll and house wruch cancells the dosha caused due to combustion if the planet is with a planet in his own or exaltation house or in the association with Kendra (angular) il of silver. AFFLICTED When this conjunction is unfavourable, one will face troubles, Poverty and disputes. In such cases one should avoid to purchase articles of music which will result in death of parents. In such case upaye ofKetu will be beneficial, one should bury Ketu':; articles in the ground, or put in his neck. Particularly when posited in 9tb house, one should not use the mo ney earned by his daughler, should nOI accepl donations,this will act as poison and poverty from the dale of [his marriage and birth of daughter. Upaye of Ketu will be beneficial. 12. Moon. Venus. Well versed in business, respected and good advisor, good health, dress and fond of amusements. Less comforts from children when posited in 10th house, c1cver in business. good dress, wealthy and comforts of life, and if in 12th house, one will get wealth from foreign countries. In 2nd house, one may not be a doctor yet he will cure others. Well versed in \')ve affairs particularly in old age. When a native digs a well he will be troubled also if onc remarries. In 41n h Oll~ one will be like a sanyasi and away from sex. good and rel igious parents. In 7th o ne will be religious, good nalurc, he will have wealth but if U5CS the same for nefar ious aclS he wilJ be ruined. In 81h hOLlse, he will have good hCC;r, good nature, cbangeable, unsatisfied. When Moon IS in cadent house, unfortunate, low company of infamous women causing his ruin, if Mars aspects the conjunction.

(li) If Moon is significator, and Jupiter is well dignified, the native will be highly honoured and respecteil. Fortunate and position of authority. One is noble,magnanimous, generous, kind, humane and hospitable. If Jupiter is ill dignified, all a~ve resUlts. will be enjoyed in mOderate degree, though his unaspectmg g~ nature may occassionally make him prey of the bypocnuca1 and designing, espeCially in religious matters.

2. Adverse: Conjunction or Parallel with Mars, Saturn, or Uranus.


(i) If Mars is the significator and Moon is weB dignified. tne nalive is very changeable, bold, enterprising. marries atxwe his status. One will be much addicted to women. yet seldom suffers by them, If Moon is ill dignified, the native will be wlgar, base or mean, Cbangeable. drunkard, wanderer and if women, she will be generally a prostitute. (ii) If Moon is significator and Mars is well dignified, the native will be bold, rash, enterprising and well calculative. Fond of travelling and explormg foreign countries where he will die but fo rtunate. B'JI iT Mars is ill dignified, the native will be violent, furious, malignant, cruel and may be murderer. Generally one has scar in the eye or face.


(i) If Saturn be the significator and Moon is well dignified, makes the native of sound judgement provided Mercury is fre e from affiiction, oflen unfortunate except in dealing with women 'o r common or lower order of manltind. Un5Cllled, denotes great misCortunes, losses, low company with vilest prostitutes.

(ii) U Moon be the significator and Saturn is well dig· nifiect. one will be timorous, suspicious reserved, or sound judgement, rortune through hard work. If Saturn is ill dignified, one will be cruel, malicious. brutish, suspicious., and mUCh unfortunate. 3, OoubUul:· Conjunctions or Parallel with Sun, Neptune or pluto. SUD :.

The exact conjunction or Sun and Moon is good except when it is aspected by malefic or unfavourable aspects, although it tends to weaken the health, especially in a female chart. THE MARS

1. Good No Conjunction or Parallel with Mars is considered good.

2. Adverse: Conjunction or Parallel with Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto.


(i) !f JUp'iter is significator and M, well dignified, ~hc natIVe WIll be bold, proud, lofty; danng, a gOOd chemist, surgeon or psysician and tolerably fortunate. If Mars is ill dignified, one is ill humoured, If in cadent, onc is coward, idle, unprincipled) liable to accidents., wounds and even death due to his lolly. (ii) If Mars is significato( and Jupiter is well dignified, the native will be noble, /'usl,pious, eminent in law and for · lunate. If Jupiter is II digmfied, the results are moderate

88 Saturn

(i) If Sal urn be significator and Mars is well dignified the native will be rash, untruly, quarrelsome, crucl warlike and disgraced. If Mars IS ill dignified, one wiU be trecherous, murderer and a thief. (ii) If Mars be siw:-ificator and Saturn is well dignified, onc will be coward, rash, crucl, blessed with ancestral property and gain of property by labour. If Saturn is ill dignigied, then the nalive will be malignant ; wicked, suceptible (orlanger, will betray his friend s, and will fmish

his career by a violent act or miserable death. THE MERCURY 1. GOOD-Conjunction o r Parallel with Venus., Sun, o r Jupiter. Venus

(i) If Venus be the significator and M ercury is well dignified and free from arniction, onc will be handsome, winy, ingenio us, eloquent and gains through lit erary pursuits. H Me rcury is weak or combust, indicated mean, artful and a broken spirit.

(in If Me rcury be the signific3tor and Venus is well dignified,this indicates elegance and beauty, sound wisdom, ~oodness of heart, love truth and innocence. If Venus is ill dignified/ o ne will be b eautiful, too much given to the company a opposite sex. which prove his rUin. He will be good in musIC. Sun

(il If Sun be the signifieato r and Mercu ry is well digmfied, the native will b e witty and learned . Me rc ury docs not suffe rs by combution. (ii) If M ercury be the significator and S un is well signified, then· the native will acquire riches, powe r, favours with great me n a nd promotio ns. S ick in youth, liable to diseases not casilyeurcd. Ifin good aspect with Jupiter, one will be morc healthy and fo rtunat e.


0) If Jupite r is significator and Mercury is wc ll digniflcd, the native will be virtuous, pio us, elqo ucnt, cxcellcnt scholar and divinc. H andsomc, very fo rtunate, has magic power which defeats opponents a nd obviates every difficu lty. If Me reuI)' is ill d ignified, the nalive is weak, conceited and supernuous. (ii) If Mercury is significato r a nd Jupitor is wc ll dignified, the nalive will be mild, gentle, amiable and friend to all mankind. His knowledge will b ring him respect, fame, riches, good fortune and protection. If Jupitc r is ill dignified, disposition is equally good, but native is mo re credulous and more easily imposed upon. M oderately fortunat c, and if not admircd, gcnerally belovcd.

89 2. Adverse-Conjunction or Parallel with Mars, Saturn or Uranus. Mars

(i) If Mars be the significator and Mercury is well dignified and DOl combust, the native will be learned, of sound judgement, good presence of mind, quick penetration, a goOd lawyer, orator, politician, ambassador and messenger. If conjunction is In an angle, a man of never failing resources, wonderfully successful and invincible. If Mercury is ill dignified, then the native will be of chattering and ill natured/ little learning and less honesty, thief, traitor, spy, and Informer.

(ii) If Mercury be the significator and Mars is well dig-nilied, the native will be great, powerful commander. If Sun or Jupiter arc angular and in good aspect, may rise to highest honour in the afmy or navy, due to his great r.resence of mind and invincible courage. If Mercury is III dignified, one is trecherous, blood thirsty, if in angle, one will do much mischi~f. Idle, dissi{,ated and drunkard. Rebellious, imposter, gambler or swmdler.


(i) If Saturn be significator and Mercury is well dignified and free from affliction, one will be subtle, crafty, of sound judgement, deep and good eduction. Success in literature connected with profession, ,most amiable, superstitious and pedantic. If Mercury is ill dignified, then one is of weak mind, conceited, talkative and i,gnorant. if in bad aspect with Sun, one will have defective speech, dishonest, swindler, unfortunate and infamous. (iQ If Mercury is the significator and Mars is will dignified, one will be fearful, suspicious, reserved, secretive, calculative, selfish, unsocial and worthless, If Mars is ill dignified, the native will be treacherous, malignant, envious, of shallow judgement, suspicious, dishonest and revengeful.

3. Doubtful-Conjunction or Parallel with Neptune or Pluto. THE VENUS 1. Good-Conjunction or Parallel with Sun, Jupiter or Neptune.


(i) Already described under Sun.


(i) This is the most happy conjunction or Parallel and promises every good to the native that can be possible, be the beller they are dignified the more amiable and happy they will be, and if Venus be the significator, the native will be superlatively beautiful. If anything can add totheir felicity, it is when the conjunction happens is Pisces and denotes virtue, honour, piety, tranquility, riches and love. If Venus howevcr be dignified, the native will be of loose desires but never infamous.

90 2 Adnrst..conunction or Parallel with Mars, Saturn or Uranus. (i) If Mars is the signiflcator and Venus is well dignified, the nalive will be of a hasty temper, good natured on the whole, much addicted 10 opposite sex. but maintaining good respect. Genera ll y forlunate, admired and respected. If Ve nus is ill di~nified, then onc will have low and dishonourablc pursUits, seldom attains success, his chief companions arc prostitutes.


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