Confned Spaces Risk Assessment Form Part 1 – General descripon o work
Locaton of work General descripton
Who will be carrying ou he work Dimensions of he conned space Part 2 – Hazards !eson
Wha is/was sored in he conned space? r re e h her ere e an any y cche hemi mica call rres esid idue ues? s? re here maerials or subsances likely o ener from ad!acen processes? Wha are he dimensions of he
conned space? re harmful or e"plosi#e subsances likely o be presen? re $ammable or o"ic gases or #apours likely o be presen? %an power supplies be isolaed? &s h here a danger o off e e""plosion?
Will sources of igniton be inroduced? %an work ake wihou he need for ''(/)'(? Will any combustble maerials be presen?
Will here be e"reme emperaures or humidiy? Part % – &mer'enc( arran'em arran'ements ents
re here arrangemens for safe access and e"i? &s suiable rescue e*uipmen pro#ided? %an he alarm be raised in he e#en of an emergency? re re e"tnguishers pro#ided where here is a risk of re? %an nearby plan and e*uipmen be isolaed? re here suiable rs aid
"s t#ere a risk to t#ose w#o will work in t#e area$
0uper#ision %ompeence of operat#es ,eans of communicaton estng/monioring he amosphere Gas purging @entlaton )emo#al of residues &s &sol olat aton on fr from om gases ases11 li li*u *uid ids1 s1 ec> ec> ,echanical/elecrical is iso olaton Work e*uipmen ''( 8including )'(; ccess and egress Aire pre#enton Lightng 0atc elecriciy (mergencies and rescue Work tme resrictons 'rohibitons B he following act#ites are no permiCed
0moking he use of inernal combuston engines he use of porable gas cylinders Welding
9her rele#an informaton 0ignaure of ssessor Dae of ssessmen
Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us via our website.
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