Configuration of Integration Between S7-1200 and Simuli

December 29, 2018 | Author: bsviana | Category: Ip Address, Data Type, Subroutine, Internet Protocols, Computer Data
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1. Configuration of S7-1200 1.1. Configuration of TCP/IP protocol 1.1.1. TRCV_C function block  1. Open TIA Portal and choose Portal choose  Portal view. view. Choose tab Create new project . Write the name of  the project and choose the place to save it. 2. In the new window choose option Configure a device, device, and then Add then  Add new device. Choose device. Choose available PC controller and clic! Add  clic!  Add . ". On the left side in the Project the  Project view, view , choose Device choose Device configuration, configuration, and then Configuration view. view. Place the mo#se pointer on the pict#re of PC and clic! mo#se ri$ht b#tton. %rom the men# choose option Properties option  Properties.. Choose option PROFINET option  PROFINET interface in eneral  tab,  tab, and then  Et!ernet addresses. addresses. In part of IP of  IP protocol in field IP field IP address write PC&s IP and in the field "u#net $as% ri$ht s#bnet mas!. '. In the ne(t step, choose from the tab  P&C'() at first Progra$ first Progra$ #loc%s, #loc%s, and then *ain then *ain.. We are in the main pro$ram. ). %rom the librar* Co$$unication choose TRC+'C bloc! TRC+'C bloc! and dra$ to the main window of   pro$ram. Clic! mo#se ri$ht b#tton on the TRC+'C , choose Properties choose Properties,, and then Connection  para$eter . As a Partner  a Partner  choose  choose ,nspecified , and then write in the field Address field Address the  the IP of the comp#ter with *o# want to connect. %inall*, chec!  Esta#lis! active connection on connection on the side of   Partner  and  and write the n#mber of port on which the PC will wor! +Pict#re 1.

Picture 1. Configuration of TRCV_C block 


-. To #se TRC+'C f#nction bloc! it is necessar* to define three data bloc!s TRC+'C'Data,  RECEI+ED'Data and  P&C'('Receive'D-. In the first case of TRC+'C'Data  bloc!, from the tab Progra$ #loc%s *o# have to choose Add new #loc% , then Data #loc% . In the name of  the bloc! write TRC+'C'Data +the names of all bloc!s are optional, depend onl* on #ser, b#t it is recommended to #se s#$$ested names, choose as a t*pe lo#al data. The ne(t step is to write the names of fields of str#ct#re, accordin$ to dia$ram from pict#re 2.

Picture 2. TRCV_C_Data data block 

The last element is to match ri$ht fields from TRC+'C'Data with fields in TRC+'C f#nction  bloc! accordin$ to their names +e.$. in field DONE  *o# sho#ld choose TRC+'C'Data.Done. /. The ne(t step is to define data t*pe  Received'Data'Tpe which will be t*pe of received data. In tab P&C data tpes choose Add new data tpe. Then chan$e the name of this t*pe and write ri$ht names and t*pes of fields, accordin$ to the pict#re ".

Picture 3. Received_Data_Type data type

0. The ne(t step is a definition of  RECEI+ED'Data  bloc! that will be #sed to save the received data. %rom the tab Progra$ #loc%s choose Add new #loc% , choose Data #loc% , write its name and choose as a t*pe Received'Data'-loc% , as in the pict#re '.


Picture . !efinition of data block t"at i# a type of  Received_Data_Type

After the definition of RECEI+ED'Data, write its name in TRC+'C  f#nction bloc! in a field  DATA. . In a field CON  *o# sho#ld choose str#ct#re called P&C'('Receive'D-, as in the pict#re ).

Picture $. C"oo#e PLC_1_Receive_DB in field CON of TRCV_C 


1. The final effect of the confi$#ration of TRC+'C  f#nction bloc! sho#ld loo! li!e this from the pict#re -.

Picture %. Configured TRCV_C block 

1.1.2. TSEND_C function block  1. 3imilarl* as in the case of TRC+'C f#nction bloc!, we start a confi$#ration of T"END'C  f#nction bloc! from dra$ this bloc! from librar* Co$$unication to the main window of the  pro$ram. Clic! mo#se ri$ht b#tton on the T"END'C , choose Properties, and then Connection  para$eter . As a Partner  choose ,nspecified , and then write in the field Address the IP of the comp#ter with *o# want to connect. %inall*, chec!  Esta#lis! active connection on the side of   Partner   and write the n#mber of port on which the PC will wor!. The f#nction bloc!  T"END'C sho#ld loo! li!e in the pict#re /.


Picture 7. Confguration of TSEND_C 

2. The ne(t step is to define a T"END'C'Data data bloc!, li!e in the case of str#ct#re TRC+'C'Data. The names of fields of this str#ct#re sho#ld be declared as in the dia$ram from pict#re 0.

Picture &. TSEND_C_Data data block 

After the definition of T"END'C'Data  data bloc!, *o# have to match ri$ht fields from T"END'C'Data with fields in T"END'C f#nction bloc! accordin$ to their names +e.$. in a field DONE  *o# sho#ld choose T"END'C'Data.Done. ". The ne(t step is to declare data t*pe "end 'Data'Tpe which will be t*pe of sent data. In tab P&C data tpes choose Add new data tpe/ write the name of a t*pe, the field names and t*pes of fields, accordin$ to the pict#re .

Picture '. Send_Data_Type data type


'. 4e(t, create "END'Data  bloc! that will be #sed to send pro$ram data. %rom the tab  Progra$ #loc%s choose Add new #loc% , choose Data #loc% , write its name and choose as a t*pe "end 'Data'-loc% , as in the pict#re 1.

Picture 10. !efinition of data block t"at i# a type of  Send_Data_Type

After the definition of "END 'Data, write its name in T"END 'C   f#nction bloc! in the field  DATA. ). In a field CON   *o# sho#ld choose str#ct#re called P&C'('Receive'D-, as in the pict#re 11.

Picture 11. C"oo#e PLC_1_Receive_DB in field CON of TSEND_C  6

-. The last sta$e is a definition of a si$nal whose positive ed$e will $ive a si$nal to send data from T"END'C  bloc! . There are a lot of wa*s to do it and it onl* depends on the  pro$rammer, b#t probabl* one of the best wa* is to #se timer, li!e in the pict#re 12. The name of the variable that activates sendin$ of data sho#ld be written in field  RE0 in  T"END'C   bloc! +in this e(ample this variable is called ti$er(.

Picture 12. Ti(er t"at acti)ate# #ending data

/. The final effect of the confi$#ration of T"END'C  f#nction bloc! sho#ld loo! li!e this from the pict#re 1".

Picture 13. Configured TSEND_C block 


1.2. Configuration of *!P protocol 1.2.1. TC+, function block  1. Open TIA Portal and choose Portal view. Choose tab Create new project . Write the name of  the project and choose the place to save it. 2. In the new window choose option Configure a device, and then Add new device. Choose available PC controller and clic! Add . ". On the left side in the Project view, choose Device configuration, and then Configuration view. Place the mo#se pointer on the pict#re of PC and clic! mo#se ri$ht b#tton. %rom the men# choose option Properties. Choose option PROFINET interface in eneral  tab, and then  Et!ernet addresses. In the part of IP protocol in field IP address write PC&s IP and in field "u#net $as% ri$ht s#bnet mas!. '. In the ne(t step, choose from the tab  P&C'( 5 at first Progra$ #loc%s, and then *ain. We are in the main pro$ram. ). %rom the librar* Co$$unication choose bloc! TCON   and dra$ to the main window of   pro$ram. Clic! mo#se ri$ht b#tton on the TCON , choose Properties, and then Connection  para$eter . As a Partner  choose ,nspecified , and then write in the field Address the IP of the comp#ter with *o# want to connect. %inall*, chec!  Esta#lis! active connection on the side of   Partner  and write the n#mber of port on which the PC will wor! +Pict#re 1'.

Picture 1. Configuration of TCON  block  8


-. In a field CONNECT  *o# sho#ld choose str#ct#re called P&C'(' Connection'D-, as in the  pict#re 1).

Picture 1$. C"oo#e PLC_1_ Connection _DB in field CONNECT of TCON 

/. 4e(t, write the ID of the connection, e.$. 1 +the val#e sho#ld be from 1 to '). In field  RE0 *o# sho#ld write TR,E . 0. The ne(t step is a definition of CON'Data bloc!, as in the pict#re 1-.

Picture 1%. CON_Data data block 

. The last element is to match ri$ht fields from CON'Data with fields in TCON   f#nction  bloc! accordin$ to their names, as in the pict#re 1/.

Picture 17. Configured TCON function block 


1.2.2. TURCV function block  1. %rom the librar* Co$$unication choose T,RC+   bloc! and dra$ to the main window of   pro$ram. 4e(t, in the fields  EN   and EN'R write names of variables that sho#ld activate this  bloc!. In the field  ID  write P&C'('Connection'D-.ID +this str#ct#re was #sed d#rin$ the confi$#ration of TCON bloc! and the n#mber ID was defined b* the #ser. 2. The ne(t step is to define a T,RC+'Data data bloc!, li!e in the case of str#ct#re TCON'Data. The names of fields of this str#ct#re sho#ld be declared as in the dia$ram from  pict#re 10.

Picture 1&. TURCV_Data data block 

6o# have to match ri$ht fields from T,RC+'Data with fields in T,RC+   f#nction bloc!  accordin$ to their names. ". 4e(t, *o# have to create a bloc! that will be #sed to save IP address and port n#mber of the comp#ter which comm#nicates with the PC. In Progra$ #loc%s choose Add new #loc% , then  Data #loc%  and its t*pe TADDR'Para$. The name of this 7loc! is  ADDRE""'Data, accordin$ to the pict#re 1.


Picture 1'. !eclaration of ADDRES_Data data block 


'. The last step is to define data t*pe  Received'Data'Tpe which will be t*pe of received data. In tab P&C data tpes choose Add new data tpe. Then chan$e the name of this t*pe and write ri$ht names and t*pes of fields, accordin$ to the pict#re 2.

Picture 20. Received_Data_Type data type

). 4e(t, create RECEI+ED'Data bloc! that will be #sed to save the received data. %rom the tab Progra$ #loc%s choose Add new #loc% , choose Data #loc% , write its name and choose as a t*pe  Received'Data'-loc% .  RECEI+ED'Data  data bloc! sho#ld be assi$ned to the field  DATA in T,RC+ f#nction bloc!. -. The final effect of the confi$#ration of T,RC+  f#nction bloc! sho#ld loo! li!e this from the pict#re 21.

Picture 21. Configured TURCV function block 


1.2.3. TUSEND function block  1. 8ra$ T,"END bloc! from librar* Co$$unication to the main window of the pro$ram. 2. We start the confi$#ration of T,"END bloc! in the same wa* as in the case of T,RC+   bloc!. In the field  ID  write P&C'('Connection'D-.ID +this str#ct#re was #sed d#rin$ the confi$#ration of TCON bloc! and the n#mber  ID was defined b* the #ser. 4e(t, in the field  ADDRE""  write ADDRE""'Data +this variable was created in the para$raph 1.2.2 in point ".  4ow, *o# have to create T,"END'Data, data bloc! accordin$ to pict#re 22.

Picture 22. TUSEND_Data data block 

9atch fields of T,"END f#nction bloc! with fields from T,"END'Data data bloc!  accordin$ to the names. ". 4e(t step consists of definition of "end'Data'Tpe data t*pe. To do this, in tab  P&C data tpes choose Add new data tpe , write the ri$ht name and create a str#ct#re li!e this from the  pict#re 2".

Picture 23. Send_Data_Type data type

'. Create "END'Data data bloc! : it means that *o# have to choose  Progra$ #loc%s tab, then  Add new #loc% tab, then Data #loc% and choose "end'Data'Tpe as a datat*pe. "END'Data data bloc! sho#ld be assi$ned to the field DATA in T,"END f#nction bloc!.


). In the T,"END f#nction bloc! in field RE0 it is necessar* to write the name of the variable that is responsible for c*clic activation of this f#nction bloc!. It seems that the best wa* is to #se a timer : li!e in the pict#re 2'. In this case, the data will be sent c*clicall* with the  positive ed$e of variable ti$er(.

Picture 2. Ti(er t"at acti)ate# #ending data

-. The final effect of the confi$#ration of T,RC+  f#nction bloc! sho#ld loo! li!e this from the pict#re 2).

Picture 2$. Configured TUSEND function block 


1.3. Progra( on t"e #ide of PC 1. When *o# have confi$#red the f#nction and data bloc!s accordin$ to the instr#ctions from  para$raph 1.1 or 1.2, the pro$rammer m#st decide which variables will be sent and received. The pro$rammer can send and receive boolean +7*te and float +;eal variables. 2. In the case of receivin$ data b* PC, the pro$rammer copies variables from  RECEI+ED'Data bloc! +this bloc! was defined in par. 1.1.1 point &  for TCP protocol and in par. 1.2.2 point $  for
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