ip d%cp poo A#uest>.2>>.2>>.0 #onfiguring Guest Autentication #reating a guest account a("inistrator ro)e guest-provisioning Guest accounts Here is the procedure to test AAA communications #ith the internal authentication database$ 1 SSH to the controller and login 2 %nter the follo#ing commands$ (Aruba-master) # show aaa auth-server Auth Server Table Pri Name Type IP addr AuthPort Status Inservice Applied match-essid match-FQN trim-FQN --- ---- ---- ------- -------- ------ --------- ------ ----------- ---------- --------! Internal "ocal !$%$&&$&& n'a nabled es SecureI & *adius! *adius !$%$&&$&+% !,!& nabled es (Aruba-master) # aaa test-server Internal guest100 GoAruba Authentication successul
#eckpoint* &e no# have an operational master Aruba controller that is configured #ith$ ( ')uest VLAN ('&or"ing AAA server guests
#onfiguring te Guest ++,% *samos el #i+ard
Con e comando show vlan o'tenemos esta !n(o"mac!)n* +ans #$e e%!sten , s$s &$e"tos act!+os '2su(s%ow a! '2su(s%ow a! *+-: 1
-D&: )+-E is set to 1 #e.1.6 is set to 1 #e.1.J is set to 600 #e.1.8 is set to 1 #e.1.9 is set to 1 #e.1.10 is set to 1 #e.1.11 is set to 1 #e.1.12 is set to 600 a#.0.1 is set to 1 a#.0.2 is set to 1 a#.0.3 is set to 1 a#.0.4 is set to 1 a#.0.> is set to 1 a#.0.6 is set to 1
-ost"a" a con./$"ac!)n de os &$e"tos '2su(s%ow co!"# port E%is coa!d s%ows !o!(deaut co!"#uratio!s o!y. se Ls%ow co!"# aL to s%ow ot% deaut a!d !o!(deaut co!"#uratio!s.
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