Condicional Cero

July 12, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Condicional Cero - (type 0) Zero Conditional - (type 0) Este condicional refere a una situación que es siempre verdadera (verdades universales): I you reeze ater! it turns into ice" If clause

Main clause

If + Present tense

Present tense

I you reeze ater

it turns into ice"

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If you freeze water water,, it turns t urns into ice. #i con$elas el a$ua! se convierte en %ielo" If I work too much, I get tired. #i tra&a'o demasiado! me canso" If I have time, I usually go to the movies.

#i ten$o tiempo! $eneralmente voy al cine" If she eats hamburgers, she gets an allergy allergy.. #i ella come %am&ur$uesas! le da aler$ia" If they come here, they always bring a present. #i ellos vienen aqu! siempre traen un re$alo" If she doesn't know the answer, answer, she keeps silent. #i ella no sa&e la respuesta! se mantiene en silencio" If we don't go out on aturdays, we rent a video and stay home. #i no salimos los s&ados! alquilamos un video y nos quedamos en casa"

*rimer Condicional - (type I) +irst Conditional - (type I) #e orma con i , simple present , simple uture" #e emplea cuando una situación es real o posi&le: I it rains today! Ill stay at %ome" .qu tienes al$unos e'emplos e'emplos traducidos" If clause

Main clause

If + Present tense

will ! can ! may ! must + verb

I it rains today!

Ill stay at %ome

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If it rains r ains today, today, I'll stay at home. #i llueve %oy! me quedar/ en casa" If he is busy now, I will come back tomorrow. tomorrow. #i est ocupado a%ora! re$resar/ maana"


If I have time, I'll visit my parents this afternoon. #i ten$o tiempo! visitar/ a mis padres esta tarde" If it is warm tomorrow tomorrow,, we'll go to the t he beach. #i est caluroso maana! iremos a la playa" If it is cold, you must wear warm clothes. #i est ro! de&es usar ropa a&ri$ada" If he doesn't do his homework, he can not go to the party. #i /l no %ace su tarea! no puede ir a la festa" If she doesn't call you, you can call her. #i ella no te llama! t1 puedes llamarla" If you work hard, you may become a millonaire someday. someday. #i tra&a'as duro! puede que te conviertas en un millonario al$1n da"

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If you spend more than you earn, you'll become a poor man. $astas ms de lo que $anas! te convertirs en un %om&re po&re" If they don't invite you, you must not go. ellos no te invitan! no de&es ir" If we don't hurry, we'll miss our bus. no nos apuramos! perderemos nuestro auto&us" If you pay now, you'll get a discount. pa$as a%ora! o&tendrs un descuento" If they don't want to go out, they can stay home. no quieren salir! se pueden quedar en casa" If you drink too much, you'll get drunk. &e&es demasiado! te em&orrac%ars" If you feel sick, you must stay in bed. te sientes enermo! de&es quedarte en cama" If they don't come here, we'll have to go there. ellos no vienen aqu! tendremos que ir all"

#e$undo Condicional - (type II) #econd Conditional - (type II) 2efere a una situación %ipot/tica y se orma se$1n la estructura i , simple past , simple condicional" .qu tienes al$unos e'emplos traducidos" If clause

Main clause

If + Past imple

would ! could ! might + verb

I I on t%e lottery!

I ould travel around t%e orld"

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If I won the lottery lotter y, I would travel around the world. #i $anara la lotera! via'ara por todo el mundo" If I were in "razil, I would go to #io de $aneiro. #i yo estuviese en 3rasil! ira a 2o de 4aneiro" If I were you, I would buy that car. car. #i yo uese t1! comprara ese auto"


If he were in my place, he wouldn't do this. #i /l estuviese en mi lu$ar! no %ara esto" If I had more money, I would buy a nice apartment. #i yo tuviese ms dinero! me comprara un lindo apartamento" If she had more time, she would travel more often. #i ella tuviera ms tiempo! via'ara ms a menudo" If it were not raining, we could go out. #i no estuviese lloviendo! podramos salir" If we didn't have to work today, today, we could have a picnic. pi cnic. #i no tuvi/semos que tra&a'ar %oy! podramos tener un picnic"

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If they won the lottery, they wouldn't work any more. #i ellos $anaran la lotera! no tra&a'aran ms" If I saw her, I would ask her out. #i la viera! la invitara a salir" If you went to "razil, you wouldn't want to come back. #i ueras a 3razil! no querras re$resar" If they spoke panish, we would understand them. #i ellos %a&lasen espaol! los entenderamos" If he didn't live by the river river,, he couldn't go %shing. #i el no viviera cerca del ro! no podra ir a pescar" If I didn't want to go, I would tell you. #i no quisiera ir! te lo dira" If they worked for that company, they might have better salaries. #i ellos tra&a'aran para esa compaa! podran tener me'ores sueldos" If she wrote a book, it would be a best&seller best&seller.. #i ella escri&iese un li&ro! sera un &est-seller"

 5ercer  5ercer Condicional Condicional - (type III)  5%ird Conditional Conditional - (type III) Conditional! tam&i/n  5%ird Conditional! tam&i/n -5 -5ype III- 2efere 2efere a una situación situación %ipot/tica del pasado y se orma se$1n la estructura : i , past perect , conditional perect" .qu tienes al$unos e'emplos traducidos" If clause

Main clause

If + Pas astt Pe Perf rfec ectt ten tense se

would! woul d!co coul uld! d!mi migh ghtt + ha have ve + pa past st participle

I I %a %ad on on t% t%e e lo lott tter ery! y!

I o oul uld d %a %ave tr trave velled arou ound nd t% t%e e or orld ld""

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If I had won the lottery lottery,, I would have traveled tr aveled around the world. #i yo %u&iera $anado la lotera! %a&ra via'ado por todo el mundo" If I had seen him, I would have told him about you. #i lo %u&iese visto! le %a&ra contado acerca de ti"


If I had known the answer, answer, I would have raised my hand. #i %u&iese sa&ido la respuesta! %a&ra levantado mi mano" If she had come on aturday, I would have seen her. #i ella %u&iese venido el s&ado! la %a&ra visto" If they had left earlier earlie r, they would have arrived on time. #i ellos %u&iesen salido ms temprano! %a&ran lle$ado a tiempo" If we had studied harder, harder, we might have passed the test. #i %u&i/semos estudiado ms duro! podramos %a&er apro&ado la prue&a" If you had gone to "razil, you would have had lots of fun. #i tu %u&ieses ido a 3rasil! %a&ras tenido muc%a diversión" If I hadn't been so busy, I could have helped you. #i no %u&iese estado tan ocupado! te podra %a&er ayudado"

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If you had phoned me, I would have known you were here. #i tu me %u&ieses teleoneado! %a&ra sa&ido que esta&as aqu" If they had invited us, we would have accepted at once. #i ellos nos %u&iesen invitado! %a&ramos aceptado de inmediato" If she had eplained me the problem, I would have understood it. #i ella me %u&iese e6plicado el pro&lema! lo %a&ra entendido" If I hadn't forgotten his number, number, I would have phoned him. #i no %u&iese olvidado su n1mero! lo %a&ra llamado" If it hadn't rained, we would have gone %shing. #i no %u&iese llovido! %a&ramos ido a pescar" If my sister had been here, she would have en(oyed this. #i mi %ermana %u&iese estado aqu! %a&ra disrutado esto" If they hadn't drunk so much last night, they wouldn't have felt sick today. #i no %u&iesen tomado tanto anoc%e! no se %a&ran sentido enermos %oy" If he had worked more, he could have saved more money. #i /l %u&iese tra&a'ado ms! podra %aver a%orrado ms dinero"

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